Ejemplo n.º 1
/*Generate Group Parameters*/
void GetGroupParameters(Integer &g, Integer &p, Integer &q)
	AutoSeededRandomPool rnd;
	unsigned int bits = 1024;

	DH dh;
	dh.AccessGroupParameters().GenerateRandomWithKeySize(rnd, bits);

	if(!dh.GetGroupParameters().ValidateGroup(rnd, 3))
		cout << "Failed to validate prime and generator" << endl;

	size_t count = 0;

	p = dh.GetGroupParameters().GetModulus();
	count = p.BitCount();

	q = dh.GetGroupParameters().GetSubgroupOrder();
	count = q.BitCount();

	g = dh.GetGroupParameters().GetGenerator();
	count = g.BitCount();

	#ifdef DEBUG
	cout << "P (" << std::dec << count << "): " << std::hex << p << endl;
	cout << "Q (" << std::dec << count << "): " << std::hex << q << endl;
	cout << "G (" << std::dec << count << "): " << std::dec << g << endl;

	Integer v = ModularExponentiation(g, q, p);
	if(v != Integer::One())
		cout << "Failed to verify order of the subgroup" << endl;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static bool CheckMOVCondition(const Integer &q, const Integer &r)
	Integer t=1;
	unsigned int n=q.BitCount(), m=r.BitCount();

	for (unsigned int i=n; DiscreteLogWorkFactor(i)<m/2; i+=n)
		t = (t*q)%r;
		if (t == 1)
			return false;
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
PublicBlumBlumShub::PublicBlumBlumShub(const Integer &n, const Integer &seed)
	: modn(n),
	current = modn.Square(modn.Square(seed));
	bitsLeft = maxBits;
Ejemplo n.º 4
Integer Lucas(const Integer &e, const Integer &pIn, const Integer &n)
	unsigned i = e.BitCount();
	if (i==0)
		return 2;

	MontgomeryRepresentation m(n);
	Integer p=m.ConvertIn(pIn%n), two=m.ConvertIn(2);
	Integer v=p, v1=m.Subtract(m.Square(p), two);

	while (i--)
		if (e.GetBit(i))
			// v = (v*v1 - p) % m;
			v = m.Subtract(m.Multiply(v,v1), p);
			// v1 = (v1*v1 - 2) % m;
			v1 = m.Subtract(m.Square(v1), two);
			// v1 = (v*v1 - p) % m;
			v1 = m.Subtract(m.Multiply(v,v1), p);
			// v = (v*v - 2) % m;
			v = m.Subtract(m.Square(v), two);
	return m.ConvertOut(v);
Ejemplo n.º 5
	bool FindFirstWindow(const AbstractGroup<Element> &group, const Integer &expIn)
		exp = &expIn;
		expLen = expIn.BitCount();
		windowSize = expLen <= 17 ? 1 : (expLen <= 24 ? 2 : (expLen <= 70 ? 3 : (expLen <= 197 ? 4 : (expLen <= 539 ? 5 : (expLen <= 1434 ? 6 : 7)))));
		buckets.resize(1<<(windowSize-1), group.Zero());
		windowEnd = 0;
		return FindNextWindow();
Ejemplo n.º 6
ECP::Point ECP::ScalarMultiply(const Point &P, const Integer &k) const
	Element result;
	if (k.BitCount() <= 5)
		AbstractGroup<ECPPoint>::SimultaneousMultiply(&result, P, &k, 1);
		ECP::SimultaneousMultiply(&result, P, &k, 1);
	return result;
Ejemplo n.º 7
void TF_VerifierBase::InputSignature(PK_MessageAccumulator &messageAccumulator, const byte *signature, unsigned int signatureLength) const
	PK_MessageAccumulatorBase &ma = static_cast<PK_MessageAccumulatorBase &>(messageAccumulator);
	Integer x = GetTrapdoorFunctionInterface().ApplyFunction(Integer(signature, signatureLength));
	if (x.BitCount() > MessageRepresentativeBitLength())
		x = Integer::Zero();	// don't return false here to prevent timing attack
	x.Encode(ma.m_representative, ma.m_representative.size());
Ejemplo n.º 8
GFP2Element XTR_Exponentiate(const GFP2Element &b, const Integer &e, const Integer &p)
	unsigned int bitCount = e.BitCount();
	if (bitCount == 0)
		return GFP2Element(-3, -3);

	// find the lowest bit of e that is 1
	unsigned int lowest1bit;
	for (lowest1bit=0; e.GetBit(lowest1bit) == 0; lowest1bit++) {}

	GFP2_ONB<MontgomeryRepresentation> gfp2(p);
	GFP2Element c = gfp2.ConvertIn(b);
	GFP2Element cp = gfp2.PthPower(c);
	GFP2Element S[5] = {gfp2.ConvertIn(3), c, gfp2.SpecialOperation1(c)};

	// do all exponents bits except the lowest zeros starting from the top
	unsigned int i;
	for (i = e.BitCount() - 1; i>lowest1bit; i--)
		if (e.GetBit(i))
			gfp2.Accumulate(S[0], gfp2.SpecialOperation2(S[2], c, S[1]));
			S[1] = gfp2.SpecialOperation1(S[1]);
			S[2] = gfp2.SpecialOperation1(S[2]);
			gfp2.Accumulate(S[2], gfp2.SpecialOperation2(S[0], cp, S[1]));
			S[1] = gfp2.SpecialOperation1(S[1]);
			S[0] = gfp2.SpecialOperation1(S[0]);

	// now do the lowest zeros
	while (i--)
		S[1] = gfp2.SpecialOperation1(S[1]);

	return gfp2.ConvertOut(S[1]);
Ejemplo n.º 9
void TF_VerifierBase::InputSignature(PK_MessageAccumulator &messageAccumulator, const byte *signature, size_t signatureLength) const
	PK_MessageAccumulatorBase &ma = static_cast<PK_MessageAccumulatorBase &>(messageAccumulator);
	HashIdentifier id = GetHashIdentifier();
	const MessageEncodingInterface &encoding = GetMessageEncodingInterface();

	if (MessageRepresentativeBitLength() < encoding.MinRepresentativeBitLength(id.second, ma.AccessHash().DigestSize()))
		throw PK_SignatureScheme::KeyTooShort();

	Integer x = GetTrapdoorFunctionInterface().ApplyFunction(Integer(signature, signatureLength));
	if (x.BitCount() > MessageRepresentativeBitLength())
		x = Integer::Zero();	// don't return false here to prevent timing attack
	x.Encode(ma.m_representative, ma.m_representative.size());
Ejemplo n.º 10
template <class T> T AbstractGroup<T>::CascadeScalarMultiply(const Element &x, const Integer &e1, const Element &y, const Integer &e2) const
	const unsigned expLen = STDMAX(e1.BitCount(), e2.BitCount());
	if (expLen==0)
		return this->Identity();

	const unsigned w = (expLen <= 46 ? 1 : (expLen <= 260 ? 2 : 3));
	const unsigned tableSize = 1<<w;
	std::vector<Element> powerTable(tableSize << w);

	powerTable[1] = x;
	powerTable[tableSize] = y;
	if (w==1)
		powerTable[3] = this->Add(x,y);
		powerTable[2] = this->Double(x);
		powerTable[2*tableSize] = this->Double(y);

		unsigned i, j;

		for (i=3; i<tableSize; i+=2)
			powerTable[i] = Add(powerTable[i-2], powerTable[2]);
		for (i=1; i<tableSize; i+=2)
			for (j=i+tableSize; j<(tableSize<<w); j+=tableSize)
				powerTable[j] = Add(powerTable[j-tableSize], y);

		for (i=3*tableSize; i<(tableSize<<w); i+=2*tableSize)
			powerTable[i] = Add(powerTable[i-2*tableSize], powerTable[2*tableSize]);
		for (i=tableSize; i<(tableSize<<w); i+=2*tableSize)
			for (j=i+2; j<i+tableSize; j+=2)
				powerTable[j] = Add(powerTable[j-1], x);

	Element result;
	unsigned power1 = 0, power2 = 0, prevPosition = expLen-1;
	bool firstTime = true;

	for (int i = expLen-1; i>=0; i--)
		power1 = 2*power1 + e1.GetBit(i);
		power2 = 2*power2 + e2.GetBit(i);

		if (i==0 || 2*power1 >= tableSize || 2*power2 >= tableSize)
			unsigned squaresBefore = prevPosition-i;
			unsigned squaresAfter = 0;
			prevPosition = i;
			while ((power1 || power2) && power1%2 == 0 && power2%2==0)
				power1 /= 2;
				power2 /= 2;
			if (firstTime)
				result = powerTable[(power2<<w) + power1];
				firstTime = false;
				while (squaresBefore--)
					result = this->Double(result);
				if (power1 || power2)
					Accumulate(result, powerTable[(power2<<w) + power1]);
			while (squaresAfter--)
				result = this->Double(result);
			power1 = power2 = 0;
	return result;
Ejemplo n.º 11
unsigned int PrimeSearchInterval(const Integer &max)
	return max.BitCount();
Ejemplo n.º 12
static PyObject *
SigningKey__dump(SigningKey *self, PyObject *dummy) {
    const DL_GroupParameters_EC<ECP>& gp = self->k->GetKey().GetGroupParameters();
    std::cout << "whee " << gp.GetEncodedElementSize(true) << "\a";
    std::cout << "booo " << gp.GetEncodedElementSize(false) << "\n";

    ECPPoint p = gp.GetSubgroupGenerator();
    std::cout << "generator " << p.x << ", " << p.y << "\n";

    std::cout << "GroupOrder: ";
    std::cout << gp.GetGroupOrder();
    std::cout << "\n";

    std::string s;
    StringSink* ss = new StringSink(s);
    HexEncoder he(ss);
    std::cout << "AlgorithmID: ";
    std::cout << s << "\n";

    const ECP& ec = gp.GetCurve();
    Integer fieldsize = ec.FieldSize();
    std::cout << "field size " << fieldsize.BitCount() << " " << fieldsize.ByteCount() << " " << ec.FieldSize() << "\n";
    std::cout << "Curve: ";
    std::cout << "curve field max element bit length: " << ec.GetField().MaxElementBitLength() << "\n";
    std::cout << "curve field modulus: " << ec.GetField().GetModulus() << "\n";
    std::cout << "curve A: " << ec.GetA() << ", curve B: " << ec.GetB();

    const ECP::Field& f = ec.GetField();
    std::cout << "curve field modulus: " << f.GetModulus() << "\n";
    std::cout << "curve field identity: " << f.Identity() << "\n";

    std::string cfs;
    StringSink* cfss = new StringSink(cfs);
    HexEncoder cfhe(cfss);
    std::cout << "curve field derencoding: " << cfs << "\n";

    const CryptoMaterial& cm = self->k->GetMaterial();
    Integer i;
    cm.GetValue("SubgroupOrder", i);
    std::cout << "\n";
    std::cout << "SubgroupOrder: ";
    std::cout << i;
    std::cout << "\n";
    ECP::Element e;
    cm.GetValue("SubgroupGenerator", e);
    std::cout << "SubgroupGenerator: ";
    std::cout << e.x << ", " << e.y;
    std::cout << "\n";

    std::cout << "private key: ";

    const PrivateKey& privkey = self->k->GetPrivateKey();

    std::cout << privkey.GetValueNames() << "\n";

    Integer privi;
    privkey.GetValue("PrivateExponent", privi);
    std::cout << privi << "\n";
    std::cout << "numbits: " << privi.BitCount() << "\n";
    std::cout << "numbytes: " << privi.ByteCount() << "\n";
