Ejemplo n.º 1
void XTR_FindPrimesAndGenerator(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, Integer &p, Integer &q, GFP2Element &g, unsigned int pbits, unsigned int qbits)
	CRYPTOPP_ASSERT(qbits > 9);	// no primes exist for pbits = 10, qbits = 9
	CRYPTOPP_ASSERT(pbits > qbits);

	const Integer minQ = Integer::Power2(qbits - 1);
	const Integer maxQ = Integer::Power2(qbits) - 1;
	const Integer minP = Integer::Power2(pbits - 1);
	const Integer maxP = Integer::Power2(pbits) - 1;


	Integer r1, r2;
		(void)q.Randomize(rng, minQ, maxQ, Integer::PRIME, 7, 12);
		// Solution always exists because q === 7 mod 12.
		(void)SolveModularQuadraticEquation(r1, r2, 1, -1, 1, q);
		// I believe k_i, r1 and r2 are being used slightly different than the
		// paper's algorithm. I believe it is leading to the failed asserts.
		// Just make the assert part of the condition.
		if(!p.Randomize(rng, minP, maxP, Integer::PRIME, CRT(rng.GenerateBit() ?
			r1 : r2, q, 2, 3, EuclideanMultiplicativeInverse(p, 3)), 3 * q)) { continue; }
	} while (((p % 3U) != 2) || (((p.Squared() - p + 1) % q).NotZero()));

	// CRYPTOPP_ASSERT((p % 3U) == 2);
	// CRYPTOPP_ASSERT(((p.Squared() - p + 1) % q).IsZero());

	GFP2_ONB<ModularArithmetic> gfp2(p);
	GFP2Element three = gfp2.ConvertIn(3), t;

	while (true)
		g.c1.Randomize(rng, Integer::Zero(), p-1);
		g.c2.Randomize(rng, Integer::Zero(), p-1);
		t = XTR_Exponentiate(g, p+1, p);
		if (t.c1 == t.c2)
		g = XTR_Exponentiate(g, (p.Squared()-p+1)/q, p);
		if (g != three)

	if (XTR_Exponentiate(g, q, p) != three)
		goto top;

	// CRYPTOPP_ASSERT(XTR_Exponentiate(g, q, p) == three);
Ejemplo n.º 2
Integer ModularSquareRoot(const Integer &a, const Integer &p)
	if (p%4 == 3)
		return a_exp_b_mod_c(a, (p+1)/4, p);

	Integer q=p-1;
	unsigned int r=0;
	while (q.IsEven())
		q >>= 1;

	Integer n=2;
	while (Jacobi(n, p) != -1)

	Integer y = a_exp_b_mod_c(n, q, p);
	Integer x = a_exp_b_mod_c(a, (q-1)/2, p);
	Integer b = (x.Squared()%p)*a%p;
	x = a*x%p;
	Integer tempb, t;

	while (b != 1)
		unsigned m=0;
		tempb = b;
			b = b.Squared()%p;
			if (m==r)
				return Integer::Zero();
		while (b != 1);

		t = y;
		for (unsigned i=0; i<r-m-1; i++)
			t = t.Squared()%p;
		y = t.Squared()%p;
		r = m;
		x = x*t%p;
		b = tempb*y%p;

	assert(x.Squared()%p == a);
	return x;
Ejemplo n.º 3
bool IsStrongProbablePrime(const Integer &n, const Integer &b)
	if (n <= 3)
		return n==2 || n==3;

	assert(n>3 && b>1 && b<n-1);

	if ((n.IsEven() && n!=2) || GCD(b, n) != 1)
		return false;

	Integer nminus1 = (n-1);
	unsigned int a;

	// calculate a = largest power of 2 that divides (n-1)
	for (a=0; ; a++)
		if (nminus1.GetBit(a))
	Integer m = nminus1>>a;

	Integer z = a_exp_b_mod_c(b, m, n);
	if (z==1 || z==nminus1)
		return true;
	for (unsigned j=1; j<a; j++)
		z = z.Squared()%n;
		if (z==nminus1)
			return true;
		if (z==1)
			return false;
	return false;
Ejemplo n.º 4
Integer RabinFunction::ApplyFunction(const Integer &in) const
	Integer out = in.Squared()%n;
	if (in.IsOdd())
		out = out*r%n;
	if (Jacobi(in, n)==-1)
		out = out*s%n;
	return out;
Ejemplo n.º 5
Integer RabinFunction::ApplyFunction(const Integer &in) const

	Integer out = in.Squared()%m_n;
	if (in.IsOdd())
		out = out*m_r%m_n;
	if (Jacobi(in, m_n)==-1)
		out = out*m_s%m_n;
	return out;
Ejemplo n.º 6
void XTR_FindPrimesAndGenerator(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, Integer &p, Integer &q, GFP2Element &g, unsigned int pbits, unsigned int qbits)
	assert(qbits > 9);	// no primes exist for pbits = 10, qbits = 9
	assert(pbits > qbits);

	const Integer minQ = Integer::Power2(qbits - 1);
	const Integer maxQ = Integer::Power2(qbits) - 1;
	const Integer minP = Integer::Power2(pbits - 1);
	const Integer maxP = Integer::Power2(pbits) - 1;

	Integer r1, r2;
		bool qFound = q.Randomize(rng, minQ, maxQ, Integer::PRIME, 7, 12);
		CRYPTOPP_UNUSED(qFound); assert(qFound);
		bool solutionsExist = SolveModularQuadraticEquation(r1, r2, 1, -1, 1, q);
		CRYPTOPP_UNUSED(solutionsExist); assert(solutionsExist);
	} while (!p.Randomize(rng, minP, maxP, Integer::PRIME, CRT(rng.GenerateBit()?r1:r2, q, 2, 3, EuclideanMultiplicativeInverse(p, 3)), 3*q));
	assert(((p.Squared() - p + 1) % q).IsZero());

	GFP2_ONB<ModularArithmetic> gfp2(p);
	GFP2Element three = gfp2.ConvertIn(3), t;

	while (true)
		g.c1.Randomize(rng, Integer::Zero(), p-1);
		g.c2.Randomize(rng, Integer::Zero(), p-1);
		t = XTR_Exponentiate(g, p+1, p);
		if (t.c1 == t.c2)
		g = XTR_Exponentiate(g, (p.Squared()-p+1)/q, p);
		if (g != three)
	assert(XTR_Exponentiate(g, q, p) == three);
Ejemplo n.º 7
bool SolveModularQuadraticEquation(Integer &r1, Integer &r2, const Integer &a, const Integer &b, const Integer &c, const Integer &p)
	Integer D = (b.Squared() - 4*a*c) % p;
	switch (Jacobi(D, p))
		assert(false);	// not reached
		return false;
	case -1:
		return false;
	case 0:
		r1 = r2 = (-b*(a+a).InverseMod(p)) % p;
		assert(((r1.Squared()*a + r1*b + c) % p).IsZero());
		return true;
	case 1:
		Integer s = ModularSquareRoot(D, p);
		Integer t = (a+a).InverseMod(p);
		r1 = (s-b)*t % p;
		r2 = (-s-b)*t % p;
		assert(((r1.Squared()*a + r1*b + c) % p).IsZero());
		assert(((r2.Squared()*a + r2*b + c) % p).IsZero());
		return true;
Ejemplo n.º 8
bool IsStrongLucasProbablePrime(const Integer &n)
	if (n <= 1)
		return false;

	if (n.IsEven())
		return n==2;


	Integer b=3;
	unsigned int i=0;
	int j;

	while ((j=Jacobi(b.Squared()-4, n)) == 1)
		if (++i==64 && n.IsSquare())	// avoid infinite loop if n is a square
			return false;
		++b; ++b;

	if (j==0) 
		return false;

	Integer n1 = n+1;
	unsigned int a;

	// calculate a = largest power of 2 that divides n1
	for (a=0; ; a++)
		if (n1.GetBit(a))
	Integer m = n1>>a;

	Integer z = Lucas(m, b, n);
	if (z==2 || z==n-2)
		return true;
	for (i=1; i<a; i++)
		z = (z.Squared()-2)%n;
		if (z==n-2)
			return true;
		if (z==2)
			return false;
	return false;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 * function computeRabin	: This function compute the Rabin function on the accepted element
 * param tpPtr				: The pointer to the Rabin object 
 * param element			: The element for the computation
JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_edu_biu_scapi_primitives_trapdoorPermutation_cryptopp_CryptoPpRabinPermutation_computeRabin
  (JNIEnv *env, jobject, jlong tpPtr, jlong element) {
	  Utils utils;

	  //get the Integer value for the computation
	  Integer x = *(Integer*) element;

	  Integer mod = ((RabinFunction *) tpPtr) -> GetModulus();
	  ((RabinFunction *) tpPtr) -> DoQuickSanityCheck();

	  Integer result = x.Squared()%mod;

	  //return the result as jbyteArray
	  return (jlong) utils.getPointerToInteger(result);
Ejemplo n.º 10
Integer RWFunction::ApplyFunction(const Integer &in) const

	Integer out = in.Squared()%m_n;
	const word r = 12;
	// this code was written to handle both r = 6 and r = 12,
	// but now only r = 12 is used in P1363
	const word r2 = r/2;
	const word r3a = (16 + 5 - r) % 16;	// n%16 could be 5 or 13
	const word r3b = (16 + 13 - r) % 16;
	const word r4 = (8 + 5 - r/2) % 8;	// n%8 == 5
	switch (out % 16)
	case r:
	case r2:
	case r2+8:
		out <<= 1;
	case r3a:
	case r3b:
		out += m_n;
	case r4:
	case r4+8:
		out += m_n;
		out <<= 1;
		out = Integer::Zero();
	return out;
Ejemplo n.º 11
// DJB's "RSA signatures and Rabin-Williams signatures..." (http://cr.yp.to/sigs/rwsota-20080131.pdf).
Integer InvertibleRWFunction::CalculateInverse(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const Integer &x) const


	ModularArithmetic modn(m_n), modp(m_p), modq(m_q);
	Integer r, rInv;

		// Do this in a loop for people using small numbers for testing
		r.Randomize(rng, Integer::One(), m_n - Integer::One());
		// Fix for CVE-2015-2141. Thanks to Evgeny Sidorov for reporting.
		// Squaring to satisfy Jacobi requirements suggested by Jean-Pierre Muench.
		r = modn.Square(r);
		rInv = modn.MultiplicativeInverse(r);
	} while (rInv.IsZero());

	Integer re = modn.Square(r);
	re = modn.Multiply(re, x);    // blind

	const Integer &h = re, &p = m_p, &q = m_q;
	Integer e, f;

	const Integer U = modq.Exponentiate(h, (q+1)/8);
	if(((modq.Exponentiate(U, 4) - h) % q).IsZero())
		e = Integer::One();
		e = -1;

	const Integer eh = e*h, V = modp.Exponentiate(eh, (p-3)/8);
	if(((modp.Multiply(modp.Exponentiate(V, 4), modp.Exponentiate(eh, 2)) - eh) % p).IsZero())
		f = Integer::One();
		f = 2;

	Integer W, X;
	#pragma omp parallel sections if(CRYPTOPP_RW_USE_OMP)
		#pragma omp section
			W = (f.IsUnit() ? U : modq.Multiply(m_pre_2_3q, U));
		#pragma omp section
			const Integer t = modp.Multiply(modp.Exponentiate(V, 3), eh);
			X = (f.IsUnit() ? t : modp.Multiply(m_pre_2_9p, t));
	const Integer Y = W + q * modp.Multiply(m_pre_q_p, (X - W));

	// Signature
	Integer s = modn.Multiply(modn.Square(Y), rInv);
	CRYPTOPP_ASSERT((e * f * s.Squared()) % m_n == x);

	// IEEE P1363, Section 8.2.8 IFSP-RW, p.44
	s = STDMIN(s, m_n - s);
	if (ApplyFunction(s) != x)                      // check
		throw Exception(Exception::OTHER_ERROR, "InvertibleRWFunction: computational error during private key operation");

	return s;