Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Given a frame newer than the entry frame, try to finish it. If it's at a
 * return position, pop the frame. If it's at a safe point, execute it in
 * Jaeger code. Otherwise, try to interpret until a safe point.
 * While this function is guaranteed to make progress, it may not actually
 * finish or pop the current frame. It can either:
 *   1) Finalize a finished frame, or
 *   2) Finish and finalize the frame in the Method JIT, or
 *   3) Interpret, which can:
 *     a) Propagate an error, or
 *     b) Finish the frame, but not finalize it, or
 *     c) Abruptly leave at any point in the frame, or in a newer frame
 *        pushed by a call, that has method JIT'd code.
static bool
EvaluateExcessFrame(VMFrame &f, JSStackFrame *entryFrame)
    JSContext *cx = f.cx;
    JSStackFrame *fp = cx->fp();

     * A "finished" frame is when the interpreter rested on a STOP,
     * RETURN, RETRVAL, etc. We check for finished frames BEFORE looking
     * for a safe point. If the frame was finished, we could have already
     * called ScriptEpilogue(), and entering the JIT could call it twice.
    if (!fp->hasImacropc() && FrameIsFinished(cx))
        return HandleFinishedFrame(f, entryFrame);

    if (void *ncode = AtSafePoint(cx)) {
        if (!JaegerShotAtSafePoint(cx, ncode))
            return false;
        return true;

    return PartialInterpret(f);
Ejemplo n.º 2
/* Returns whether the current PC has method JIT'd code. */
static inline void *
AtSafePoint(JSContext *cx)
    JSStackFrame *fp = cx->fp();
    if (fp->hasImacropc())
        return false;

    JSScript *script = fp->script();
    return script->maybeNativeCodeForPC(fp->isConstructing(), cx->regs->pc);
Ejemplo n.º 3
stubs::CreateThis(VMFrame &f, JSObject *proto)
    JSContext *cx = f.cx;
    JSStackFrame *fp = f.fp();
    JSObject *callee = &fp->callee();
    JSObject *obj = js_CreateThisForFunctionWithProto(cx, callee, proto);
    if (!obj)
Ejemplo n.º 4
static inline bool
UncachedInlineCall(VMFrame &f, uint32 flags, void **pret, bool *unjittable, uint32 argc)
    JSContext *cx = f.cx;
    Value *vp = f.regs.sp - (argc + 2);
    JSObject &callee = vp->toObject();
    JSFunction *newfun = callee.getFunctionPrivate();
    JSScript *newscript = newfun->script();

    /* Get pointer to new frame/slots, prepare arguments. */
    StackSpace &stack = cx->stack();
    JSStackFrame *newfp = stack.getInlineFrameWithinLimit(cx, f.regs.sp, argc,
                                                          newfun, newscript, &flags,
                                                          f.entryfp, &f.stackLimit);
    if (JS_UNLIKELY(!newfp))
        return false;

    /* Initialize frame, locals. */
    newfp->initCallFrame(cx, callee, newfun, argc, flags);
    SetValueRangeToUndefined(newfp->slots(), newscript->nfixed);

    /* Officially push the frame. */
    stack.pushInlineFrame(cx, newscript, newfp, &f.regs);
    JS_ASSERT(newfp == f.regs.fp);

    /* Scope with a call object parented by callee's parent. */
    if (newfun->isHeavyweight() && !js::CreateFunCallObject(cx, newfp))
        return false;

    /* Try to compile if not already compiled. */
    if (newscript->getJITStatus(newfp->isConstructing()) == JITScript_None) {
        CompileStatus status = CanMethodJIT(cx, newscript, newfp, CompileRequest_Interpreter);
        if (status == Compile_Error) {
            /* A runtime exception was thrown, get out. */
            return false;
        if (status == Compile_Abort)
            *unjittable = true;

    /* If newscript was successfully compiled, run it. */
    if (JITScript *jit = newscript->getJIT(newfp->isConstructing())) {
        *pret = jit->invokeEntry;
        return true;

    /* Otherwise, run newscript in the interpreter. */
    bool ok = !!Interpret(cx, cx->fp());

    *pret = NULL;
    return ok;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * Clean up a frame and return.
static void
InlineReturn(VMFrame &f)
    JSContext *cx = f.cx;
    JSStackFrame *fp = f.regs.fp;

    JS_ASSERT(f.fp() != f.entryfp);

    JS_ASSERT(!js_IsActiveWithOrBlock(cx, &fp->scopeChain(), 0));

    Value *newsp = fp->actualArgs() - 1;
    newsp[-1] = fp->returnValue();
    cx->stack().popInlineFrame(cx, fp->prev(), newsp);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * Interprets until either a safe point is reached that has method JIT'd
 * code, or the current frame tries to return.
static inline JSBool
PartialInterpret(VMFrame &f)
    JSContext *cx = f.cx;
    JSStackFrame *fp = cx->fp();

#ifdef DEBUG
    JSScript *script = fp->script();
    JS_ASSERT(fp->hasImacropc() ||
              !script->maybeNativeCodeForPC(fp->isConstructing(), cx->regs->pc));

    JSBool ok = JS_TRUE;
    ok = Interpret(cx, fp, 0, JSINTERP_SAFEPOINT);

    return ok;
Ejemplo n.º 7
stubs::CompileFunction(VMFrame &f, uint32 nactual)
     * We have a partially constructed frame. That's not really good enough to
     * compile though because we could throw, so get a full, adjusted frame.
    JSContext *cx = f.cx;
    JSStackFrame *fp = f.fp();

     * Since we can only use members set by initCallFrameCallerHalf,
     * we must carefully extract the callee from the nactual.
    JSObject &callee = fp->formalArgsEnd()[-(int(nactual) + 2)].toObject();
    JSFunction *fun = callee.getFunctionPrivate();
    JSScript *script = fun->script();

     * FixupArity/RemovePartialFrame expect to be called after the early
     * prologue.
    fp->initCallFrameEarlyPrologue(fun, nactual);

    if (nactual != fp->numFormalArgs()) {
        fp = (JSStackFrame *)FixupArity(f, nactual);
        if (!fp)
            return NULL;

    /* Finish frame initialization. */

    /* These would have been initialized by the prologue. */
    f.regs.fp = fp;
    f.regs.sp = fp->base();
    f.regs.pc = script->code;

    if (fun->isHeavyweight() && !js::CreateFunCallObject(cx, fp))

    CompileStatus status = CanMethodJIT(cx, script, fp, CompileRequest_JIT);
    if (status == Compile_Okay)
        return script->getJIT(fp->isConstructing())->invokeEntry;

    /* Function did not compile... interpret it. */
    JSBool ok = Interpret(cx, fp);

    if (!ok)

    return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 * This function must only be called after the early prologue, since it depends
 * on fp->exec.fun.
stubs::FixupArity(VMFrame &f, uint32 nactual)
    JSContext *cx = f.cx;
    JSStackFrame *oldfp = f.fp();

    JS_ASSERT(nactual != oldfp->numFormalArgs());

     * Grossssss! *move* the stack frame. If this ends up being perf-critical,
     * we can figure out how to spot-optimize it. Be careful to touch only the
     * members that have been initialized by initCallFrameCallerHalf and the
     * early prologue.
    uint32 flags         = oldfp->isConstructingFlag();
    JSFunction *fun      = oldfp->fun();
    void *ncode          = oldfp->nativeReturnAddress();

    /* Pop the inline frame. */
    f.fp() = oldfp->prev();
    f.regs.sp = (Value*) oldfp;

    /* Reserve enough space for a callee frame. */
    JSStackFrame *newfp = cx->stack().getInlineFrameWithinLimit(cx, (Value*) oldfp, nactual,
                                                                fun, fun->script(), &flags,
                                                                f.entryfp, &f.stackLimit);
    if (!newfp) {
         * The PC is not coherent with the current frame, so fix it up for
         * exception handling.
        f.regs.pc = f.jit()->nativeToPC(ncode);

    /* Reset the part of the stack frame set by the caller. */
    newfp->initCallFrameCallerHalf(cx, flags, ncode);

    /* Reset the part of the stack frame set by the prologue up to now. */
    newfp->initCallFrameEarlyPrologue(fun, nactual);

    /* The caller takes care of assigning fp to regs. */
    return newfp;
stubs::EnterScript(VMFrame &f)
    JSStackFrame *fp = f.fp();
    JSContext *cx = f.cx;

    if (fp->script()->debugMode) {
        if (fp->isExecuteFrame()) {
            JSInterpreterHook hook = cx->debugHooks->executeHook;
            if (JS_UNLIKELY(hook != NULL))
                fp->setHookData(hook(cx, fp, JS_TRUE, 0, cx->debugHooks->executeHookData));
        } else {
            JSInterpreterHook hook = cx->debugHooks->callHook;
            if (JS_UNLIKELY(hook != NULL))
                fp->setHookData(hook(cx, fp, JS_TRUE, 0, cx->debugHooks->callHookData));

    Probes::enterJSFun(cx, fp->maybeFun(), fp->script());
stubs::LeaveScript(VMFrame &f)
    JSStackFrame *fp = f.fp();
    JSContext *cx = f.cx;
    Probes::exitJSFun(cx, fp->maybeFun(), fp->maybeScript());

    if (fp->script()->debugMode) {
        void *hookData;
        JSInterpreterHook hook =
            fp->isExecuteFrame() ? cx->debugHooks->executeHook : cx->debugHooks->callHook;

        if (JS_UNLIKELY(hook != NULL) && (hookData = fp->maybeHookData())) {
            JSBool ok = JS_TRUE;
            hook(cx, fp, JS_FALSE, &ok, hookData);
            if (!ok)
Ejemplo n.º 11
void *
RunTracer(VMFrame &f)
    JSContext *cx = f.cx;
    JSStackFrame *entryFrame = f.fp();
    TracePointAction tpa;

    /* :TODO: nuke PIC? */
    if (!cx->traceJitEnabled)
        return NULL;

     * Force initialization of the entry frame's scope chain and return value,
     * if necessary.  The tracer can query the scope chain without needing to
     * check the HAS_SCOPECHAIN flag, and the frame is guaranteed to have the
     * correct return value stored if we trace/interpret through to the end
     * of the frame.

    bool blacklist;
    uintN inlineCallCount = 0;
    void **traceData;
    uintN *traceEpoch;
    uint32 *loopCounter;
    uint32 hits;
    traceData = &ic.traceData;
    traceEpoch = &ic.traceEpoch;
    loopCounter = &ic.loopCounter;
    *loopCounter = 1;
    hits = ic.loopCounterStart;
    traceData = NULL;
    traceEpoch = NULL;
    loopCounter = NULL;
    hits = 1;
    tpa = MonitorTracePoint(f.cx, inlineCallCount, &blacklist, traceData, traceEpoch,
                            loopCounter, hits);

    ic.loopCounterStart = *loopCounter;
    if (blacklist)
        DisableTraceHint(entryFrame->jit(), ic);

    // Even though ExecuteTree() bypasses the interpreter, it should propagate
    // error failures correctly.
    JS_ASSERT_IF(cx->isExceptionPending(), tpa == TPA_Error);

	f.fp() = cx->fp();
    JS_ASSERT(f.fp() == cx->fp());
    switch (tpa) {
      case TPA_Nothing:
        return NULL;

      case TPA_Error:
        if (!HandleErrorInExcessFrame(f, entryFrame, f.fp()->finishedInInterpreter()))

      case TPA_RanStuff:
      case TPA_Recorded:

     * The tracer could have dropped us off on any frame at any position.
     * Well, it could not have removed frames (recursion is disabled).
     * Frames after the entryFrame cannot be entered via JaegerShotAtSafePoint()
     * unless each is at a safe point. We can JaegerShotAtSafePoint these
     * frames individually, but we must unwind to the entryFrame.
     * Note carefully that JaegerShotAtSafePoint can resume methods at
     * arbitrary safe points whereas JaegerShot cannot.
     * If we land on entryFrame without a safe point in sight, we'll end up
     * at the RETURN op. This is an edge case with two paths:
     * 1) The entryFrame is the last inline frame. If it fell on a RETURN,
     *    move the return value down.
     * 2) The entryFrame is NOT the last inline frame. Pop the frame.
     * In both cases, we hijack the stub to return to the force-return
     * trampoline. This trampoline simulates the frame-popping portion of
     * emitReturn (except without the benefit of the FrameState) and will
     * produce the necessary register state to return to the caller.

    /* Step 1. Finish frames created after the entry frame. */
    if (!FinishExcessFrames(f, entryFrame))

    /* IMacros are guaranteed to have been removed by now. */
    JS_ASSERT(f.fp() == entryFrame);

    /* Step 2. If entryFrame is done, use a special path to return to EnterMethodJIT(). */
    if (FrameIsFinished(cx)) {
        if (!HandleFinishedFrame(f, entryFrame))

        void *retPtr = JS_FUNC_TO_DATA_PTR(void *,
        *f.returnAddressLocation() = retPtr;
        return NULL;

    /* Step 3. If entryFrame is at a safe point, just leave. */
    if (void *ncode = AtSafePoint(cx))
        return ncode;

    /* Step 4. Do a partial interp, then restart the whole process. */
    if (!PartialInterpret(f)) {
        if (!HandleErrorInExcessFrame(f, entryFrame))

    goto restart;
Ejemplo n.º 12
static jsbytecode *
FindExceptionHandler(JSContext *cx)
    JSStackFrame *fp = cx->fp();
    JSScript *script = fp->script();

    if (cx->isExceptionPending() && JSScript::isValidOffset(script->trynotesOffset)) {
        // The PC is updated before every stub call, so we can use it here.
        unsigned offset = cx->regs->pc - script->main;

        JSTryNoteArray *tnarray = script->trynotes();
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < tnarray->length; ++i) {
            JSTryNote *tn = &tnarray->vector[i];

            // The following if condition actually tests two separate conditions:
            //   (1) offset - tn->start >= tn->length
            //       means the PC is not in the range of this try note, so we
            //       should continue searching, after considering:
            //   (2) offset - tn->start == tn->length
            //       means the PC is at the first op of the exception handler
            //       for this try note. This happens when an exception is thrown
            //       during recording: the interpreter sets the PC to the handler
            //       and then exits. In this case, we are in fact at the right
            //       exception handler. 
            //       Hypothetically, the op we are at might have thrown an
            //       exception, in which case this would not be the right handler.
            //       But the first ops of exception handlers generated by our
            //       bytecode compiler cannot throw, so this is not possible.
            if (offset - tn->start > tn->length)
            if (tn->stackDepth > cx->regs->sp - fp->base())

            jsbytecode *pc = script->main + tn->start + tn->length;
            JSBool ok = js_UnwindScope(cx, tn->stackDepth, JS_TRUE);
            JS_ASSERT(cx->regs->sp == fp->base() + tn->stackDepth);

            switch (tn->kind) {
                case JSTRY_CATCH:
                  JS_ASSERT(js_GetOpcode(cx, fp->script(), pc) == JSOP_ENTERBLOCK);

                  /* Catch cannot intercept the closing of a generator. */
                  if (JS_UNLIKELY(cx->getPendingException().isMagic(JS_GENERATOR_CLOSING)))

                   * Don't clear cx->throwing to save cx->exception from GC
                   * until it is pushed to the stack via [exception] in the
                   * catch block.
                  return pc;

                case JSTRY_FINALLY:
                   * Push (true, exception) pair for finally to indicate that
                   * [retsub] should rethrow the exception.
                  cx->regs->sp[1] = cx->getPendingException();
                  cx->regs->sp += 2;
                  return pc;

                case JSTRY_ITER:
                   * This is similar to JSOP_ENDITER in the interpreter loop,
                   * except the code now uses the stack slot normally used by
                   * JSOP_NEXTITER, namely regs.sp[-1] before the regs.sp -= 2
                   * adjustment and regs.sp[1] after, to save and restore the
                   * pending exception.
                  Value v = cx->getPendingException();
                  JS_ASSERT(js_GetOpcode(cx, fp->script(), pc) == JSOP_ENDITER);
                  ok = !!js_CloseIterator(cx, &cx->regs->sp[-1].toObject());
                  cx->regs->sp -= 1;
                  if (!ok)
                      goto top;

    return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 * Called when an error is in progress and the topmost frame could not handle
 * it. This will unwind to a given frame, or find and align to an exception
 * handler in the process.
static inline bool
HandleErrorInExcessFrame(VMFrame &f, JSStackFrame *stopFp, bool searchedTopmostFrame = true)
    JSContext *cx = f.cx;

     * Callers of this called either Interpret() or JaegerShot(), which would
     * have searched for exception handlers already. If we see stopFp, just
     * return false. Otherwise, pop the frame, since it's guaranteed useless.
     * Note that this also guarantees ScriptEpilogue() has been called.
    JSStackFrame *fp = cx->fp();
    if (searchedTopmostFrame) {
         * This is a special case meaning that fp->finishedInInterpreter() is
         * true. If so, and fp == stopFp, our only choice is to propagate this
         * error up, back to the method JIT, and then to js_InternalThrow,
         * where this becomes a special case. See the comment there and bug
         * 624100.
        if (fp == stopFp)
            return false;

         * Otherwise, the protocol here (like Invoke) is to assume that the
         * execution mode finished the frame, and to just pop it.

    /* Remove the bottom frame. */
    bool returnOK = false;
    for (;;) {
        fp = cx->fp();

        /* Clear imacros. */
        if (fp->hasImacropc()) {
            cx->regs->pc = fp->imacropc();

        /* If there's an exception and a handler, set the pc and leave. */
        if (cx->isExceptionPending()) {
            jsbytecode *pc = FindExceptionHandler(cx);
            if (pc) {
                cx->regs->pc = pc;
                returnOK = true;

        /* Don't unwind if this was the entry frame. */
        if (fp == stopFp)

        /* Unwind and return. */
        returnOK &= bool(js_UnwindScope(cx, 0, returnOK || cx->isExceptionPending()));
        returnOK = ScriptEpilogue(cx, fp, returnOK);

    JS_ASSERT(&f.regs == cx->regs);
    JS_ASSERT_IF(!returnOK, cx->fp() == stopFp);

    return returnOK;
Ejemplo n.º 14
extern "C" void *
js_InternalThrow(VMFrame &f)
    JSContext *cx = f.cx;

    // It's possible that from within RunTracer(), Interpret() returned with
    // an error and finished the frame (i.e., called ScriptEpilogue), but has
    // not yet performed an inline return.
    // In this case, RunTracer() has no choice but to propagate the error
    // up to the method JIT, and thus to this function. But ScriptEpilogue()
    // has already been called. Detect this, and avoid double-finishing the
    // frame. See HandleErrorInExcessFrame() and bug 624100.
    if (f.fp()->finishedInInterpreter()) {
        // If it's the last frame, just propagate the failure up again.
        if (f.fp() == f.entryfp)
            return NULL;


    // Make sure sp is up to date.
    JS_ASSERT(cx->regs == &f.regs);

    // Call the throw hook if necessary
    JSThrowHook handler = f.cx->debugHooks->throwHook;
    if (handler) {
        Value rval;
        switch (handler(cx, cx->fp()->script(), cx->regs->pc, Jsvalify(&rval),
                        cx->debugHooks->throwHookData)) {
          case JSTRAP_ERROR:
            return NULL;

          case JSTRAP_RETURN:
            return JS_FUNC_TO_DATA_PTR(void *,

          case JSTRAP_THROW:


    jsbytecode *pc = NULL;
    for (;;) {
        pc = FindExceptionHandler(cx);
        if (pc)

        // The JIT guarantees that ScriptEpilogue() has always been run
        // upon exiting to its caller. This is important for consistency,
        // where execution modes make similar guarantees about prologues
        // and epilogues. RunTracer(), Interpret(), and Invoke() all
        // rely on this property.
        js_UnwindScope(cx, 0, cx->isExceptionPending());
        ScriptEpilogue(f.cx, f.fp(), false);

        // Don't remove the last frame, this is the responsibility of
        // JaegerShot()'s caller. We only guarantee that ScriptEpilogue()
        // has been run.
        if (f.entryfp == f.fp())

        JS_ASSERT(f.regs.sp == cx->regs->sp);

    JS_ASSERT(f.regs.sp == cx->regs->sp);

    if (!pc)
        return NULL;

    JSStackFrame *fp = cx->fp();
    JSScript *script = fp->script();
    return script->nativeCodeForPC(fp->isConstructing(), pc);
Ejemplo n.º 15
static JSBool
Exception(JSContext *cx, uintN argc, Value *vp)
    JSString *message, *filename;
    JSStackFrame *fp;

     * ECMA ed. 3, 15.11.1 requires Error, etc., to construct even when
     * called as functions, without operator new.  But as we do not give
     * each constructor a distinct JSClass, whose .name member is used by
     * NewNativeClassInstance to find the class prototype, we must get the
     * class prototype ourselves.
    JSObject &callee = vp[0].toObject();
    Value protov;
    if (!callee.getProperty(cx, ATOM_TO_JSID(cx->runtime->atomState.classPrototypeAtom), &protov))
        return JS_FALSE;

    if (!protov.isObject()) {
        JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL, JSMSG_BAD_PROTOTYPE, "Error");
        return JS_FALSE;

    JSObject *errProto = &protov.toObject();
    JSObject *obj = NewNativeClassInstance(cx, &js_ErrorClass, errProto, errProto->getParent());
    if (!obj)
        return JS_FALSE;

     * If it's a new object of class Exception, then null out the private
     * data so that the finalizer doesn't attempt to free it.
    if (obj->getClass() == &js_ErrorClass)

    /* Set the 'message' property. */
    Value *argv = vp + 2;
    if (argc != 0 && !argv[0].isUndefined()) {
        message = js_ValueToString(cx, argv[0]);
        if (!message)
            return JS_FALSE;
    } else {
        message = NULL;

    /* Set the 'fileName' property. */
    if (argc > 1) {
        filename = js_ValueToString(cx, argv[1]);
        if (!filename)
            return JS_FALSE;
        fp = NULL;
    } else {
        fp = js_GetScriptedCaller(cx, NULL);
        if (fp) {
            filename = FilenameToString(cx, fp->script()->filename);
            if (!filename)
                return JS_FALSE;
        } else {
            filename = cx->runtime->emptyString;

    /* Set the 'lineNumber' property. */
    uint32_t lineno;
    if (argc > 2) {
        if (!ValueToECMAUint32(cx, argv[2], &lineno))
            return JS_FALSE;
    } else {
        if (!fp)
            fp = js_GetScriptedCaller(cx, NULL);
        lineno = (fp && fp->pc(cx)) ? js_FramePCToLineNumber(cx, fp) : 0;

    if (obj->getClass() == &js_ErrorClass &&
            !InitExnPrivate(cx, obj, message, filename, lineno, NULL)) {
        return JS_FALSE;

    return JS_TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 16
 * The strategy for this goes as follows:
 * 1) Scan the stack, looking at all return addresses that could go into JIT
 *    code.
 * 2) If an address corresponds to a call site registered by |callSite| during
 *    the last compilation, remember it.
 * 3) Purge the old compiled state and return if there were no active frames of
 *    this script on the stack.
 * 4) Fix up the stack by replacing all saved addresses with the addresses the
 *    new compiler gives us for the call sites.

    Vector<PatchableAddress> normalPatches(cx);
    Vector<PatchableAddress> ctorPatches(cx);

    JSStackFrame *firstCtorFrame = NULL;
    JSStackFrame *firstNormalFrame = NULL;

    // Find all JIT'd stack frames to account for return addresses that will
    // need to be patched after recompilation.
    for (VMFrame *f = script->compartment->jaegerCompartment->activeFrame();
            f != NULL;
            f = f->previous) {

        // Scan all frames owned by this VMFrame.
        JSStackFrame *end = f->entryfp->prev();
        for (JSStackFrame *fp = f->fp(); fp != end; fp = fp->prev()) {
            // Remember the latest frame for each type of JIT'd code, so the
            // compiler will have a frame to re-JIT from.
            if (!firstCtorFrame && fp->script() == script && fp->isConstructing())
                firstCtorFrame = fp;
            else if (!firstNormalFrame && fp->script() == script && !fp->isConstructing())
                firstNormalFrame = fp;

            void **addr = fp->addressOfNativeReturnAddress();
            if (script->jitCtor && script->jitCtor->isValidCode(*addr)) {
                if (!ctorPatches.append(findPatch(script->jitCtor, addr)))
                    return false;
            } else if (script->jitNormal && script->jitNormal->isValidCode(*addr)) {
                if (!normalPatches.append(findPatch(script->jitNormal, addr)))
                    return false;

        void **addr = f->returnAddressLocation();
        if (script->jitCtor && script->jitCtor->isValidCode(*addr)) {
            if (!ctorPatches.append(findPatch(script->jitCtor, addr)))
                return false;
        } else if (script->jitNormal && script->jitNormal->isValidCode(*addr)) {
            if (!normalPatches.append(findPatch(script->jitNormal, addr)))
                return false;

    Vector<CallSite> normalSites(cx);
    Vector<CallSite> ctorSites(cx);

    if (script->jitNormal && !saveTraps(script->jitNormal, &normalSites))
        return false;
    if (script->jitCtor && !saveTraps(script->jitCtor, &ctorSites))
        return false;

    ReleaseScriptCode(cx, script);

    if (normalPatches.length() &&
            !recompile(firstNormalFrame, normalPatches, normalSites)) {
        return false;

    if (ctorPatches.length() &&
            !recompile(firstCtorFrame, ctorPatches, ctorSites)) {
        return false;

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 17
// If you change this code, change also nsContentUtils::CanAccessNativeAnon()!
AllowedToAct(JSContext *cx, jsid id)
  // TODO bug 508928: Refactor this with the XOW security checking code.
  nsIScriptSecurityManager *ssm = GetSecurityManager();
  if (!ssm) {
    return JS_TRUE;

  JSStackFrame *fp;
  nsIPrincipal *principal = ssm->GetCxSubjectPrincipalAndFrame(cx, &fp);
  if (!principal) {
    return ThrowException(NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED, cx);

  if (!fp) {
    if (!JS_FrameIterator(cx, &fp)) {
      // No code at all is running. So we must be arriving here as the result
      // of C++ code asking us to do something. Allow access.
      return JS_TRUE;

    // Some code is running, we can't make the assumption, as above, but we
    // can't use a native frame, so clear fp.
    fp = nsnull;
  } else if (!fp->hasScript()) {
    fp = nsnull;

  PRBool privileged;
  if (NS_SUCCEEDED(ssm->IsSystemPrincipal(principal, &privileged)) &&
      privileged) {
    // Chrome things are allowed to touch us.
    return JS_TRUE;

  // XXX HACK EWW! Allow chrome://global/ access to these things, even
  // if they've been cloned into less privileged contexts.
  const char *filename;
  if (fp &&
      (filename = fp->getScript()->filename) &&
      !strncmp(filename, prefix, NS_ARRAY_LENGTH(prefix) - 1)) {
    return JS_TRUE;

  // Before we throw, check for UniversalXPConnect.
  nsresult rv = ssm->IsCapabilityEnabled("UniversalXPConnect", &privileged);
  if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && privileged) {
    return JS_TRUE;

  if (JSID_IS_VOID(id)) {
  } else {
    // TODO Localize me?
    jsval idval;
    JSString *str;
    if (JS_IdToValue(cx, id, &idval) && (str = JS_ValueToString(cx, idval))) {
      JS_ReportError(cx, "Permission denied to access property '%hs' from a non-chrome context",

  return JS_FALSE;