Ejemplo n.º 1
void item_comp::load( JsonArray &ja )
    JsonArray comp = ja.next_array();
    type = comp.get_string( 0 );
    count = comp.get_int( 1 );
    size_t handled = 2;
    while( comp.size() > handled ) {
        const std::string &flag = comp.get_string( handled++ );
        if( flag == "NO_RECOVER" ) {
            recoverable = false;
        } else if( flag == "LIST" ) {
            requirement = true;
    if( count <= 0 ) {
        ja.throw_error( "item count must be a positive number" );
void mtype::add_special_attacks( JsonObject &jo, const std::string &member,
                                 const std::string &src )

    if( !jo.has_array( member ) ) {

    JsonArray outer = jo.get_array( member );
    while( outer.has_more() ) {
        if( outer.test_array() ) {
            add_special_attack( outer.next_array(), src );
        } else if( outer.test_object() ) {
            add_special_attack( outer.next_object(), src );
        } else {
            outer.throw_error( "array element is neither array nor object." );
Ejemplo n.º 3
void npc_class::load( JsonObject &jo, const std::string & )
    mandatory( jo, was_loaded, "name", name, translated_string_reader );
    mandatory( jo, was_loaded, "job_description", job_description, translated_string_reader );

    optional( jo, was_loaded, "common", common, true );
    bonus_str = load_distribution( jo, "bonus_str" );
    bonus_dex = load_distribution( jo, "bonus_dex" );
    bonus_int = load_distribution( jo, "bonus_int" );
    bonus_per = load_distribution( jo, "bonus_per" );

    optional( jo, was_loaded, "shopkeeper_item_group", shopkeeper_item_group, "EMPTY_GROUP" );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "worn_override", worn_override );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "carry_override", carry_override );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "weapon_override", weapon_override );

    if( jo.has_array( "traits" ) ) {
        JsonArray jarr = jo.get_array( "traits" );
        while( jarr.has_more() ) {
            JsonArray jarr_in = jarr.next_array();
            traits[ trait_id( jarr_in.get_string( 0 ) ) ] = jarr_in.get_int( 1 );

    if( jo.has_array( "skills" ) ) {
        JsonArray jarr = jo.get_array( "skills" );
        while( jarr.has_more() ) {
            JsonObject skill_obj = jarr.next_object();
            auto skill_ids = skill_obj.get_tags( "skill" );
            if( skill_obj.has_object( "level" ) ) {
                distribution dis = load_distribution( skill_obj, "level" );
                for( const auto &sid : skill_ids ) {
                    skills[ skill_id( sid ) ] = dis;
            } else {
                distribution dis = load_distribution( skill_obj, "bonus" );
                for( const auto &sid : skill_ids ) {
                    bonus_skills[ skill_id( sid ) ] = dis;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void requirements::load_obj_list(JsonArray &jsarr, std::vector< std::vector<T> > &objs) {
    while (jsarr.has_more()) {
        if(jsarr.test_array()) {
            std::vector<T> choices;
            JsonArray ja = jsarr.next_array();
            while (ja.has_more()) {
            if( !choices.empty() ) {
                objs.push_back( choices );
        } else {
            // tool qualities don't normally use a list of alternatives
            // each quality is mandatory.
Ejemplo n.º 5
void mutation_branch::load_trait_group( JsonArray &entries, const trait_group::Trait_group_tag &gid,
                                        const bool is_collection )
    Trait_group &tg = make_group_or_throw( gid, is_collection );

    while( entries.has_more() ) {
        // Backwards-compatibility with old format ["TRAIT", 100]
        if( entries.test_array() ) {
            JsonArray subarr = entries.next_array();

            trait_id id( subarr.get_string( 0 ) );
            std::unique_ptr<Trait_creation_data> ptr(
                new Single_trait_creator( id, subarr.get_int( 1 ) ) );
            tg.add_entry( ptr );
            // Otherwise load new format {"trait": ... } or {"group": ...}
        } else {
            JsonObject subobj = entries.next_object();
            add_entry( tg, subobj );
Ejemplo n.º 6
void MonsterGenerator::load_special_attacks(mtype *m, JsonObject &jo, std::string member) {
    m->sp_attack.clear(); // make sure we're running with
    m->sp_freq.clear();   // everything cleared

    if (jo.has_array(member)) {
        JsonArray outer = jo.get_array(member);
        while (outer.has_more()) {
            JsonArray inner = outer.next_array();
            if ( attack_map.find(inner.get_string(0)) != attack_map.end() ) {
            } else {
                inner.throw_error("Invalid special_attacks");

    if (m->sp_attack.empty()) {
Ejemplo n.º 7
void game::load_monitem(JsonObject &jo) {
    std::vector<std::string> tmp_keys;
    std::vector<items_location_and_chance> tmp_items;
    std::string mkey="";

    if ( jo.has_string("id") ) {
        tmp_keys.push_back( jo.get_string("id") );
    } else if ( jo.has_array("id") ) {
        jo.read("id", tmp_keys);
    } else {
        jo.throw_error("monitems: requires \"id\": \"monster_id\" or \"id\": [ \"multiple\", \"monster_ids\" ]");

    if ( ! jo.has_array("item_groups") ) {
        jo.throw_error("monitems: requires \"item_groups\": [ [ \"group_one\", (chance) ], ... ]");

    JsonArray ja = jo.get_array("item_groups");
    JsonArray ga;
    while ( ja.has_more() ) {
        ga = ja.next_array();
        if ( ! ga.has_string(0) || ! ga.has_number(1) ) {
             jo.throw_error("monitems: item_groups must contain arrays of [ \"string\", number ]");
        tmp_items.push_back( items_location_and_chance( ga.get_string(0), ga.get_int(1) ) );

    for( size_t i = 0; i < tmp_keys.size(); ++i ) {
        std::map<std::string, std::vector <items_location_and_chance> >::iterator it = monitems.find( tmp_keys[i] );
        if ( it == monitems.end() ) {
            monitems[ tmp_keys[i] ] = tmp_items;
        } else {
            it->second.insert( it->second.end(), tmp_items.begin(), tmp_items.end() );
Ejemplo n.º 8
void load_construction(JsonObject &jo)
    construction *con = new construction;
    JsonArray temp;

    con->description = _(jo.get_string("description").c_str());
    con->difficulty = jo.get_int("difficulty");
    con->time = jo.get_int("time");

    temp = jo.get_array("tools");
    while (temp.has_more()) {
        std::vector<component> tool_choices;
        JsonArray ja = temp.next_array();
        while (ja.has_more()) {
            std::string name = ja.next_string();
            tool_choices.push_back(component(name, 1));

    temp = jo.get_array("components");
    while (temp.has_more()) {
        std::vector<component> comp_choices;
        JsonArray ja = temp.next_array();
        while (ja.has_more()) {
            JsonArray comp = ja.next_array();
            std::string name = comp.get_string(0);
            int quant = comp.get_int(1);
            comp_choices.push_back(component(name, quant));

    con->pre_terrain = jo.get_string("pre_terrain", "");
    if (con->pre_terrain.size() > 1
            && con->pre_terrain[0] == 'f'
            && con->pre_terrain[1] == '_') {
        con->pre_is_furniture = true;
    } else {
        con->pre_is_furniture = false;

    con->post_terrain = jo.get_string("post_terrain", "");
    if (con->post_terrain.size() > 1
            && con->post_terrain[0] == 'f'
            && con->post_terrain[1] == '_') {
        con->post_is_furniture = true;
    } else {
        con->post_is_furniture = false;

    con->pre_flags = jo.get_tags("pre_flags");

    std::string prefunc = jo.get_string("pre_special", "");
    if (prefunc == "check_empty") {
        con->pre_special = &construct::check_empty;
    } else if (prefunc == "check_support") {
        con->pre_special = &construct::check_support;
    } else {
        // should probably print warning if not ""
        con->pre_special = &construct::check_nothing;

    std::string postfunc = jo.get_string("post_special", "");
    if (postfunc == "done_tree") {
        con->post_special = &construct::done_tree;
    } else if (postfunc == "done_trunk_log") {
        con->post_special = &construct::done_trunk_log;
    } else if (postfunc == "done_trunk_plank") {
        con->post_special = &construct::done_trunk_plank;
    } else if (postfunc == "done_vehicle") {
        con->post_special = &construct::done_vehicle;
    } else if (postfunc == "done_deconstruct") {
        con->post_special = &construct::done_deconstruct;
    } else {
        // ditto, should probably warn here
        con->post_special = &construct::done_nothing;

    con->id = constructions.size();
Ejemplo n.º 9
void mutation_branch::load( JsonObject &jsobj )
    const std::string id = jsobj.get_string( "id" );
    mutation_branch &new_mut = mutation_data[id];

    JsonArray jsarr;
    new_mut.name = _(jsobj.get_string("name").c_str());
    new_mut.description = _(jsobj.get_string("description").c_str());
    new_mut.points = jsobj.get_int("points");
    new_mut.visibility = jsobj.get_int("visibility", 0);
    new_mut.ugliness = jsobj.get_int("ugliness", 0);
    new_mut.startingtrait = jsobj.get_bool("starting_trait", false);
    new_mut.mixed_effect = jsobj.get_bool("mixed_effect", false);
    new_mut.activated = jsobj.get_bool("active", false);
    new_mut.starts_active = jsobj.get_bool("starts_active", false);
    new_mut.destroys_gear = jsobj.get_bool("destroys_gear", false);
    new_mut.allow_soft_gear = jsobj.get_bool("allow_soft_gear", false);
    new_mut.cost = jsobj.get_int("cost", 0);
    new_mut.cooldown = jsobj.get_int("time",0);
    new_mut.hunger = jsobj.get_bool("hunger",false);
    new_mut.thirst = jsobj.get_bool("thirst",false);
    new_mut.fatigue = jsobj.get_bool("fatigue",false);
    new_mut.valid = jsobj.get_bool("valid", true);
    new_mut.purifiable = jsobj.get_bool("purifiable", true);
    for( auto & s : jsobj.get_string_array( "initial_ma_styles" ) ) {
        new_mut.initial_ma_styles.push_back( matype_id( s ) );

    JsonArray bodytemp_array = jsobj.get_array( "bodytemp_modifiers" );
    if( bodytemp_array.has_more() ) {
        new_mut.bodytemp_min = bodytemp_array.get_int( 0 );
        new_mut.bodytemp_max = bodytemp_array.get_int( 1 );
    new_mut.bodytemp_sleep = jsobj.get_int( "bodytemp_sleep", 0 );
    new_mut.threshold = jsobj.get_bool("threshold", false);
    new_mut.profession = jsobj.get_bool("profession", false);

    auto vr = jsobj.get_array( "vitamin_rates" );
    while( vr.has_more() ) {
        auto pair = vr.next_array();
        new_mut.vitamin_rates[ vitamin_id( pair.get_string( 0 ) ) ] = pair.get_int( 1 );

    load_mutation_mods(jsobj, "passive_mods", new_mut.mods);
    /* Not currently supported due to inability to save active mutation state
    load_mutation_mods(jsobj, "active_mods", new_mut.mods); */

    new_mut.prereqs = jsobj.get_string_array( "prereqs" );
    // Helps to be able to have a trait require more than one other trait
    // (Individual prereq-lists are "OR", not "AND".)
    // Traits shoud NOT appear in both lists for a given mutation, unless
    // you want that trait to satisfy both requirements.
    // These are additional to the first list.
    new_mut.prereqs2 = jsobj.get_string_array( "prereqs2" );
    // Dedicated-purpose prereq slot for Threshold mutations
    // Stuff like Huge might fit in more than one mutcat post-threshold, so yeah
    new_mut.threshreq = jsobj.get_string_array( "threshreq" );
    new_mut.cancels = jsobj.get_string_array( "cancels" );
    new_mut.replacements = jsobj.get_string_array( "changes_to" );
    new_mut.additions = jsobj.get_string_array( "leads_to" );
    new_mut.flags = jsobj.get_tags( "flags" );
    jsarr = jsobj.get_array("category");
    while (jsarr.has_more()) {
        std::string s = jsarr.next_string();
    jsarr = jsobj.get_array("wet_protection");
    while (jsarr.has_more()) {
        JsonObject jo = jsarr.next_object();
        std::string part_id = jo.get_string("part");
        int ignored = jo.get_int("ignored", 0);
        int neutral = jo.get_int("neutral", 0);
        int good = jo.get_int("good", 0);
        tripoint protect = tripoint(ignored, neutral, good);
        new_mut.protection[get_body_part_token( part_id )] = protect;

    jsarr = jsobj.get_array("encumbrance_always");
    while (jsarr.has_more()) {
        JsonArray jo = jsarr.next_array();
        std::string part_id = jo.next_string();
        int enc = jo.next_int();
        new_mut.encumbrance_always[get_body_part_token( part_id )] = enc;

    jsarr = jsobj.get_array("encumbrance_covered");
    while (jsarr.has_more()) {
        JsonArray jo = jsarr.next_array();
        std::string part_id = jo.next_string();
        int enc = jo.next_int();
        new_mut.encumbrance_covered[get_body_part_token( part_id )] = enc;

    jsarr = jsobj.get_array("restricts_gear");
    while( jsarr.has_more() ) {
        new_mut.restricts_gear.insert( get_body_part_token( jsarr.next_string() ) );

    jsarr = jsobj.get_array( "armor" );
    while( jsarr.has_more() ) {
        JsonObject jo = jsarr.next_object();
        auto parts = jo.get_tags( "parts" );
        std::set<body_part> bps;
        for( const std::string &part_string : parts ) {
            if( part_string == "ALL" ) {
                // Shorthand, since many muts protect whole body
                for( size_t i = 0; i < num_bp; i++ ) {
                    bps.insert( static_cast<body_part>( i ) );
            } else {
                bps.insert( get_body_part_token( part_string ) );

        resistances res = load_resistances_instance( jo );

        for( body_part bp : bps ) {
            new_mut.armor[ bp ] = res;
Ejemplo n.º 10
void mutation_branch::load( JsonObject &jo, const std::string & )
    mandatory( jo, was_loaded, "id", id );
    mandatory( jo, was_loaded, "name", raw_name, translated_string_reader );
    mandatory( jo, was_loaded, "description", raw_desc, translated_string_reader );
    mandatory( jo, was_loaded, "points", points );

    optional( jo, was_loaded, "visibility", visibility, 0 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "ugliness", ugliness, 0 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "starting_trait", startingtrait, false );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "mixed_effect", mixed_effect, false );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "active", activated, false );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "starts_active", starts_active, false );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "destroys_gear", destroys_gear, false );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "allow_soft_gear", allow_soft_gear, false );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "cost", cost, 0 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "time", cooldown, 0 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "hunger", hunger, false );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "thirst", thirst, false );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "fatigue", fatigue, false );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "valid", valid, true );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "purifiable", purifiable, true );

    if( jo.has_object( "spawn_item" ) ) {
        auto si = jo.get_object( "spawn_item" );
        optional( si, was_loaded, "type", spawn_item );
        optional( si, was_loaded, "message", raw_spawn_item_message );
    if( jo.has_object( "ranged_mutation" ) ) {
        auto si = jo.get_object( "ranged_mutation" );
        optional( si, was_loaded, "type", ranged_mutation );
        optional( si, was_loaded, "message", raw_ranged_mutation_message );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "initial_ma_styles", initial_ma_styles );

    if( jo.has_array( "bodytemp_modifiers" ) ) {
        auto bodytemp_array = jo.get_array( "bodytemp_modifiers" );
        bodytemp_min = bodytemp_array.get_int( 0 );
        bodytemp_max = bodytemp_array.get_int( 1 );

    optional( jo, was_loaded, "bodytemp_sleep", bodytemp_sleep, 0 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "threshold", threshold, false );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "profession", profession, false );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "debug", debug, false );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "player_display", player_display, true );

    JsonArray vr = jo.get_array( "vitamin_rates" );

    while( vr.has_more() ) {
        auto pair = vr.next_array();
        vitamin_rates.emplace( vitamin_id( pair.get_string( 0 ) ),
                               time_duration::from_turns( pair.get_int( 1 ) ) );

    auto vam = jo.get_array( "vitamins_absorb_multi" );
    while( vam.has_more() ) {
        auto pair = vam.next_array();
        std::map<vitamin_id, double> vit;
        auto vit_array = pair.get_array( 1 );
        // fill the inner map with vitamins
        while( vit_array.has_more() ) {
            auto vitamins = vit_array.next_array();
            vit.emplace( vitamin_id( vitamins.get_string( 0 ) ), vitamins.get_float( 1 ) );
        // assign the inner vitamin map to the material_id key
        vitamin_absorb_multi.emplace( material_id( pair.get_string( 0 ) ), vit );

    optional( jo, was_loaded, "healing_awake", healing_awake, 0.0f );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "healing_resting", healing_resting, 0.0f );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "hp_modifier", hp_modifier, 0.0f );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "hp_modifier_secondary", hp_modifier_secondary, 0.0f );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "hp_adjustment", hp_adjustment, 0.0f );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "stealth_modifier", stealth_modifier, 0.0f );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "str_modifier", str_modifier, 0.0f );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "dodge_modifier", dodge_modifier, 0.0f );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "speed_modifier", speed_modifier, 1.0f );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "movecost_modifier", movecost_modifier, 1.0f );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "movecost_flatground_modifier", movecost_flatground_modifier, 1.0f );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "movecost_obstacle_modifier", movecost_obstacle_modifier, 1.0f );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "attackcost_modifier", attackcost_modifier, 1.0f );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "max_stamina_modifier", max_stamina_modifier, 1.0f );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "weight_capacity_modifier", weight_capacity_modifier, 1.0f );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "hearing_modifier", hearing_modifier, 1.0f );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "noise_modifier", noise_modifier, 1.0f );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "metabolism_modifier", metabolism_modifier, 0.0f );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "thirst_modifier", thirst_modifier, 0.0f );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "fatigue_modifier", fatigue_modifier, 0.0f );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "fatigue_regen_modifier", fatigue_regen_modifier, 0.0f );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "stamina_regen_modifier", stamina_regen_modifier, 0.0f );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "overmap_sight", overmap_sight, 0.0f );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "overmap_multiplier", overmap_multiplier, 1.0f );

    if( jo.has_object( "social_modifiers" ) ) {
        JsonObject sm = jo.get_object( "social_modifiers" );
        social_mods = load_mutation_social_mods( sm );

    load_mutation_mods( jo, "passive_mods", mods );
    /* Not currently supported due to inability to save active mutation state
    load_mutation_mods(jsobj, "active_mods", new_mut.mods); */

    optional( jo, was_loaded, "prereqs", prereqs );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "prereqs2", prereqs2 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "threshreq", threshreq );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "cancels", cancels );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "changes_to", replacements );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "leads_to", additions );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "flags", flags );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "types", types );

    auto jsarr = jo.get_array( "category" );
    while( jsarr.has_more() ) {
        std::string s = jsarr.next_string();
        category.push_back( s );
        mutations_category[s].push_back( trait_id( id ) );

    jsarr = jo.get_array( "wet_protection" );
    while( jsarr.has_more() ) {
        JsonObject jo = jsarr.next_object();
        std::string part_id = jo.get_string( "part" );
        int ignored = jo.get_int( "ignored", 0 );
        int neutral = jo.get_int( "neutral", 0 );
        int good = jo.get_int( "good", 0 );
        tripoint protect = tripoint( ignored, neutral, good );
        protection[get_body_part_token( part_id )] = protect;

    jsarr = jo.get_array( "encumbrance_always" );
    while( jsarr.has_more() ) {
        JsonArray jo = jsarr.next_array();
        std::string part_id = jo.next_string();
        int enc = jo.next_int();
        encumbrance_always[get_body_part_token( part_id )] = enc;

    jsarr = jo.get_array( "encumbrance_covered" );
    while( jsarr.has_more() ) {
        JsonArray jo = jsarr.next_array();
        std::string part_id = jo.next_string();
        int enc = jo.next_int();
        encumbrance_covered[get_body_part_token( part_id )] = enc;

    jsarr = jo.get_array( "restricts_gear" );
    while( jsarr.has_more() ) {
        restricts_gear.insert( get_body_part_token( jsarr.next_string() ) );

    jsarr = jo.get_array( "armor" );
    while( jsarr.has_more() ) {
        JsonObject jo = jsarr.next_object();
        auto parts = jo.get_tags( "parts" );
        std::set<body_part> bps;
        for( const std::string &part_string : parts ) {
            if( part_string == "ALL" ) {
                // Shorthand, since many mutations protect whole body
                bps.insert( all_body_parts.begin(), all_body_parts.end() );
            } else {
                bps.insert( get_body_part_token( part_string ) );

        resistances res = load_resistances_instance( jo );

        for( body_part bp : bps ) {
            armor[ bp ] = res;

    if( jo.has_array( "attacks" ) ) {
        jsarr = jo.get_array( "attacks" );
        while( jsarr.has_more() ) {
            JsonObject jo = jsarr.next_object();
            attacks_granted.emplace_back( load_mutation_attack( jo ) );
    } else if( jo.has_object( "attacks" ) ) {
        JsonObject attack = jo.get_object( "attacks" );
        attacks_granted.emplace_back( load_mutation_attack( attack ) );
Ejemplo n.º 11
void gun_actor::load_internal( JsonObject &obj, const std::string & )
    gun_type = obj.get_string( "gun_type" );

    obj.read( "ammo_type", ammo_type );

    if( obj.has_array( "fake_skills" ) ) {
        JsonArray jarr = obj.get_array( "fake_skills" );
        while( jarr.has_more() ) {
            JsonArray cur = jarr.next_array();
            fake_skills[skill_id( cur.get_string( 0 ) )] = cur.get_int( 1 );

    obj.read( "fake_str", fake_str );
    obj.read( "fake_dex", fake_dex );
    obj.read( "fake_int", fake_int );
    obj.read( "fake_per", fake_per );

    auto arr = obj.get_array( "ranges" );
    while( arr.has_more() ) {
        auto mode = arr.next_array();
        if( mode.size() < 2 || mode.get_int( 0 ) > mode.get_int( 1 ) ) {
            obj.throw_error( "incomplete or invalid range specified", "ranges" );
        ranges.emplace( std::make_pair<int, int>( mode.get_int( 0 ), mode.get_int( 1 ) ),
                        gun_mode_id( mode.size() > 2 ? mode.get_string( 2 ) : "" ) );

    obj.read( "max_ammo", max_ammo );

    obj.read( "move_cost", move_cost );

    if( obj.read( "description", description ) ) {
        description = _( description );
    if( obj.read( "failure_msg", failure_msg ) ) {
        failure_msg = _( failure_msg );
    if( obj.read( "no_ammo_sound", no_ammo_sound ) ) {
        no_ammo_sound = _( no_ammo_sound );
    } else {
        no_ammo_sound = _( "Click." );

    obj.read( "targeting_cost", targeting_cost );

    obj.read( "require_targeting_player", require_targeting_player );
    obj.read( "require_targeting_npc", require_targeting_npc );
    obj.read( "require_targeting_monster", require_targeting_monster );

    obj.read( "targeting_timeout", targeting_timeout );
    obj.read( "targeting_timeout_extend", targeting_timeout_extend );

    if( obj.read( "targeting_sound", targeting_sound ) ) {
        targeting_sound = _( targeting_sound );
    } else {
        targeting_sound = _( "Beep." );

    obj.read( "targeting_volume", targeting_volume );

    obj.get_bool( "laser_lock", laser_lock );

    obj.read( "require_sunlight", require_sunlight );
Ejemplo n.º 12
void item_comp::load( JsonArray &ja )
    JsonArray comp = ja.next_array();
    type = comp.get_string( 0 );
    count = comp.get_int( 1 );