Ejemplo n.º 1
ShapeMoveStrategy::ShapeMoveStrategy( KoTool *tool, KoCanvasBase *canvas, const QPointF &clicked)
: KoInteractionStrategy(tool, canvas)
, m_start(clicked)
    QList<KoShape*> selectedShapes = canvas->shapeManager()->selection()->selectedShapes(KoFlake::TopLevelSelection);
    QRectF boundingRect;
    foreach(KoShape *shape, selectedShapes) {
        if( ! shape->isEditable() )
        m_selectedShapes << shape;
        m_previousPositions << shape->position();
        m_newPositions << shape->position();
        boundingRect = boundingRect.unite( shape->boundingRect() );
    KoSelection * selection = m_canvas->shapeManager()->selection();
    m_initialOffset = selection->absolutePosition( SelectionDecorator::hotPosition() ) - m_start;
    m_initialSelectionPosition = selection->position();
    m_canvas->snapGuide()->setIgnoredShapes( selection->selectedShapes( KoFlake::FullSelection ) );

    tool->setStatusText( i18n("Press ALT to hold x- or y-position.") );
Ejemplo n.º 2
ShapeShearStrategy::ShapeShearStrategy( KoToolBase *tool, const QPointF &clicked, KoFlake::SelectionHandle direction )
: KoInteractionStrategy(tool)
, m_start(clicked)
    KoSelection *sel = tool->canvas()->shapeManager()->selection();
    QList<KoShape*> selectedShapes = sel->selectedShapes(KoFlake::StrippedSelection);
    foreach(KoShape *shape, selectedShapes) {
        if( ! shape->isEditable() )
        m_selectedShapes << shape;
        m_oldTransforms << shape->transformation();

    m_initialSelectionMatrix = sel->transformation();

    // Eventhoug we aren't currently activated by the corner handles we might as well code like it
    switch(direction) {
        case KoFlake::TopMiddleHandle:
            m_top = true; m_bottom = false; m_left = false; m_right = false; break;
        case KoFlake::TopRightHandle:
            m_top = true; m_bottom = false; m_left = false; m_right = true; break;
        case KoFlake::RightMiddleHandle:
            m_top = false; m_bottom = false; m_left = false; m_right = true; break;
        case KoFlake::BottomRightHandle:
            m_top = false; m_bottom = true; m_left = false; m_right = true; break;
        case KoFlake::BottomMiddleHandle:
            m_top = false; m_bottom = true; m_left = false; m_right = false; break;
        case KoFlake::BottomLeftHandle:
            m_top = false; m_bottom = true; m_left = true; m_right = false; break;
        case KoFlake::LeftMiddleHandle:
            m_top = false; m_bottom = false; m_left = true; m_right = false; break;
        case KoFlake::TopLeftHandle:
            m_top = true; m_bottom = false; m_left = true; m_right = false; break;
            ;// throw exception ?  TODO
    m_initialSize = sel->size();
    m_solidPoint = QPointF( m_initialSize.width() / 2, m_initialSize.height() / 2);

        m_solidPoint += QPointF(0, m_initialSize.height() / 2);
    else if(m_bottom)
        m_solidPoint -= QPointF(0, m_initialSize.height() / 2);
        m_solidPoint += QPointF(m_initialSize.width() / 2, 0);
    else if(m_right)
        m_solidPoint -= QPointF(m_initialSize.width() / 2, 0);

    QPointF edge;
    qreal angle = 0.0;
    if( m_top )
        edge = sel->absolutePosition( KoFlake::BottomLeftCorner ) - sel->absolutePosition( KoFlake::BottomRightCorner );
        angle = 180.0;
    else if( m_bottom )
        edge = sel->absolutePosition( KoFlake::TopRightCorner ) - sel->absolutePosition( KoFlake::TopLeftCorner );
        angle = 0.0;
    else if( m_left )
        edge = sel->absolutePosition( KoFlake::BottomLeftCorner ) - sel->absolutePosition( KoFlake::TopLeftCorner );
        angle = 90.0;
    else if( m_right )
        edge = sel->absolutePosition( KoFlake::TopRightCorner ) - sel->absolutePosition( KoFlake::BottomRightCorner );
        angle = 270.0;
    qreal currentAngle = atan2( edge.y(), edge.x() ) / M_PI * 180;
    m_initialSelectionAngle = currentAngle - angle;

    kDebug(30006) <<" PREsol.x=" << m_solidPoint.x() <<" sol.y=" << m_solidPoint.y();
    m_solidPoint = tool->canvas()->shapeManager()->selection()->absoluteTransformation(0).map( m_solidPoint );

    // use crossproduct of top edge and left edge of selection bounding rect
    // to determine if the selection is mirrored
    QPointF top = sel->absolutePosition( KoFlake::TopRightCorner ) - sel->absolutePosition( KoFlake::TopLeftCorner );
    QPointF left = sel->absolutePosition( KoFlake::BottomLeftCorner ) - sel->absolutePosition( KoFlake::TopLeftCorner );
    m_isMirrored = (top.x()*left.y() - top.y()*left.x() ) < 0.0;