Ejemplo n.º 1
void ConvertToPoly::Convert (TriObject *obj, TimeValue t, MNMesh & mm, Interval & ivalid) {
	int keepConvex;
	int limitSize;
	int maxdeg=0;
	int keepPlanar;
	float planarThresh = 0.0f;
	int elimCollin;

	pblock->GetValue (turn_keep_convex, t, keepConvex, ivalid);
	pblock->GetValue (turn_limit_size, t, limitSize, ivalid);
	if (limitSize) pblock->GetValue (turn_max_size, t, maxdeg, ivalid);
	pblock->GetValue (turn_planar, t, keepPlanar, ivalid);
	if (keepPlanar) {
		pblock->GetValue (turn_thresh, t, planarThresh, ivalid);
		planarThresh = cosf (planarThresh);
	pblock->GetValue (turn_eliminate_collinear, t, elimCollin, ivalid);

	mm.AddTri (obj->mesh);
	mm.FillInMesh ();
	mm.EliminateBadVerts ();
	if (maxdeg != 3) {
		if (keepPlanar) mm.FenceNonPlanarEdges (planarThresh, TRUE);
		mm.MakePolyMesh (maxdeg, elimCollin);
		if (keepConvex) mm.MakeConvex ();
	mm.ClearEFlags (MN_EDGE_INVIS);
	switch (obj->mesh.selLevel) {
	case MESH_VERTEX: mm.selLevel = MNM_SL_VERTEX; break;
	case MESH_EDGE: mm.selLevel = MNM_SL_EDGE; break;
	case MESH_FACE: mm.selLevel = MNM_SL_FACE; break;
	default: mm.selLevel = MNM_SL_OBJECT; break;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void ConvertToPoly::Convert (PolyObject *obj, TimeValue t, MNMesh & mm, Interval & ivalid) {
	int keepConvex;
	int limitSize;
	int maxdeg=0;
	int keepPlanar, elimCollin;
	float planarThresh = 0.0f;

	pblock->GetValue (turn_keep_convex, t, keepConvex, ivalid);
	pblock->GetValue (turn_limit_size, t, limitSize, ivalid);
	if (limitSize) pblock->GetValue (turn_max_size, t, maxdeg, ivalid);
	pblock->GetValue (turn_planar, t, keepPlanar, ivalid);
	if (keepPlanar) {
		pblock->GetValue (turn_thresh, t, planarThresh, ivalid);
		planarThresh = cosf (planarThresh);
	pblock->GetValue (turn_eliminate_collinear, t, elimCollin, ivalid);

	mm = obj->mm;

	// Luna task 747
	// We cannot support specified normals in Convert to Poly at this time.

	if (!mm.GetFlag (MN_MESH_FILLED_IN)) mm.FillInMesh ();
	if (!mm.GetFlag (MN_MESH_NO_BAD_VERTS)) mm.EliminateBadVerts ();

	if (maxdeg) mm.RestrictPolySize (maxdeg);
	if (keepConvex) mm.MakeConvex ();
	if (maxdeg || keepConvex) mm.ClearEFlags (MN_EDGE_INVIS);
	if (keepPlanar) mm.MakePlanar (planarThresh);
	if (elimCollin) mm.EliminateCollinearVerts ();
	mm.selLevel = obj->mm.selLevel;
Ejemplo n.º 3
bool PolyOpWeldVertex::WeldShortPolyEdges (MNMesh & mesh, DWORD vertFlag) {
	// In order to collapse vertices, we turn them into edge selections,
	// where the edges are shorter than the weld threshold.
	bool canWeld = false;
	mesh.ClearEFlags (MN_USER);
	float threshSq = mThreshold*mThreshold;
	for (int i=0; i<mesh.nume; i++) {
		if (mesh.e[i].GetFlag (MN_DEAD)) continue;
		if (!mesh.v[mesh.e[i].v1].GetFlag (vertFlag)) continue;
		if (!mesh.v[mesh.e[i].v2].GetFlag (vertFlag)) continue;
		if (LengthSquared (mesh.P(mesh.e[i].v1) - mesh.P(mesh.e[i].v2)) > threshSq) continue;
		mesh.e[i].SetFlag (MN_USER);
		canWeld = true;
	if (!canWeld) return false;

	return MNMeshCollapseEdges (mesh, MN_USER);
Ejemplo n.º 4
// (This code was copied from EditPolyObj::EpfnCollapse.)
bool VWeldMod::WeldShortPolyEdges (MNMesh & mesh, float thresh, DWORD flag) {
	// In order to collapse vertices, we turn them into edge selections,
	// where the edges are shorter than the weld threshold.
	bool canWeld = false;
	mesh.ClearEFlags (flag);
	float threshSq = thresh*thresh;
	for (int i=0; i<mesh.nume; i++) {
		if (mesh.e[i].GetFlag (MN_DEAD)) continue;
		if (!mesh.v[mesh.e[i].v1].GetFlag (flag)) continue;
		if (!mesh.v[mesh.e[i].v2].GetFlag (flag)) continue;
		if (LengthSquared (mesh.P(mesh.e[i].v1) - mesh.P(mesh.e[i].v2)) > threshSq) continue;
		mesh.e[i].SetFlag (flag);
		canWeld = true;
	if (!canWeld) return false;

	MNMeshUtilities mmu(&mesh);
	return mmu.CollapseEdges (MN_USER);