Ejemplo n.º 1
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void polyModifierCmd::collectNodeState()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	MStatus status;

	// Collect node state information on the given polyMeshShape
	// - HasHistory (Construction History exists)
	// - HasTweaks
	// - HasRecordHistory (Construction History is turned on)
	MObject meshNodeShape = fDagPath.node();

	MFnDependencyNode depNodeFn;
	depNodeFn.setObject( meshNodeShape );

	MPlug inMeshPlug = depNodeFn.findPlug( "inMesh" );
	fHasHistory = inMeshPlug.isConnected();

	// Tweaks exist only if the multi "pnts" attribute contains plugs
	// which contain non-zero tweak values. Use false, until proven true
	// search algorithm.
	fHasTweaks = false;
	MPlug tweakPlug = depNodeFn.findPlug( "pnts" );
	if( !tweakPlug.isNull() )
		// ASSERT: tweakPlug should be an array plug!
		MAssert( (tweakPlug.isArray()),
				 "tweakPlug.isArray() -- tweakPlug is not an array plug" );

		MPlug tweak;
		MFloatVector tweakData;
		int i;
		int numElements = tweakPlug.numElements();

		for( i = 0; i < numElements; i++ )
			tweak = tweakPlug.elementByPhysicalIndex( i, &status );
			if( status == MS::kSuccess && !tweak.isNull() )
				getFloat3PlugValue( tweak, tweakData );
				if( 0 != tweakData.x ||
					0 != tweakData.y ||
					0 != tweakData.z )
					fHasTweaks = true;

	int result;
	MGlobal::executeCommand( "constructionHistory -q -tgl", result );
	fHasRecordHistory = (0 != result);
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool atomImport::replaceNameAndFindPlug(const MString& origName,
										atomNodeNameReplacer& replacer,
										MPlug& replacedPlug)
	bool rtn = false;
	// get the node name
	MStringArray nameParts;
	origName.split('.', nameParts);

	// Perform any necessary replacement
	MString tmpName(nameParts[0]);
	// TODO: type & hierarchy info -- does the replacer store enough info
	// to help us find that out since in the case of export edits we don't
	// have that info for sources
	if (replacer.findNode(atomNodeNameReplacer::eDag,tmpName,0,0)) {
		MString newName(tmpName);
		newName += (".");

		// add the attribute name(s) back on again
		unsigned int ii;
		MString attrName;
		for (ii = 1; ii < nameParts.length(); ++ii) {
			if (ii > 1) {
				attrName += (".");
			attrName += nameParts[ii];
		newName += attrName;

		MSelectionList tmpList;
		if (MS::kSuccess == tmpList.add(newName)) {
			rtn = !replacedPlug.isNull();
			if (!rtn) {
				// test for the special case of the pivot component
				MDagPath path;
				MObject component;
				if (MS::kSuccess == tmpList.getDagPath(0,path,component) &&
					component.apiType() == MFn::kPivotComponent)
					MObject node;
					MFnDependencyNode fnNode(node);
					replacedPlug = fnNode.findPlug(attrName,false);
					rtn = !replacedPlug.isNull();
	return rtn;
MStatus liqLightNodeBehavior::connectNodeToNode( MObject &sourceNode, MObject &destinationNode, bool force )
    //CM_TRACE_FUNC("liqLightNodeBehavior::connectNodeToNode("<<sourceNode.apiTypeStr()<<","<< destinationNode.apiTypeStr()<<","<<force<<")");

    MStatus result = MS::kFailure;
    MFnDependencyNode src(sourceNode);

    if (src.typeName() == "liquidLight")
        // if we are dragging from a liquidLight
        // than we want to see what we are dragging onto
        if( true )//destinationNode.hasFn(MFn::kLight))
            /* if the user is dragging onto a light
            then make the connection from the worldMesh
            to the dirtyShader plug on the slopeShader */

            MFnDependencyNode dest(destinationNode);
            MPlug srcPlug = src.findPlug("assignedObjects");
            MPlug destPlug = dest.findPlug("liquidLightShaderNode");

            if ( destPlug.isNull() )
                /* the attribute does not exist yet : create it ! */
                //cout <<"need to create liquidLightShaderNode attribute on "<<dest.name()<<"..."<<endl;
                MString mel = "addAttr -at message -ln liquidLightShaderNode " + dest.name() +";";
                result = MGlobal::executeCommand(mel);
                if ( result == MS::kSuccess )
                    //cout <<"attribute liquidLightShaderNode successfully created"<<endl;
                    result = MS::kFailure;
                    destPlug = dest.findPlug("liquidLightShaderNode");

            if(!srcPlug.isNull() && !destPlug.isNull())
                MString boolean = (force)? "true":"false";
                MString cmd = "connectAttr ";
                //cmd += "-force " + boolean + " ";
                cmd += srcPlug.name() + " ";
                cmd += destPlug.name();
                result = MGlobal::executeCommand(cmd);
    //if ( result == MS::kSuccess ) cout <<"connection successfull"<<endl;
    //else cout <<"connection failed !"<<endl;
    return result;
 void GetDisplacement(MObject& obj,
                                           float& dispPadding,
                                           bool& enableAutoBump)
    MFnDependencyNode dNode(obj);
    MPlug plug = dNode.findPlug("aiDisplacementPadding");
    if (!plug.isNull())
       dispPadding = MAX(dispPadding, plug.asFloat());
    if (!enableAutoBump)
       plug = dNode.findPlug("aiDisplacementAutoBump");
       if (!plug.isNull())
          enableAutoBump = enableAutoBump || plug.asBool();
    void AttributeParser::parseMatrixAttribute(MFnDependencyNode & node, MObject & attribute)
        MStatus status;

        MFnMatrixAttribute fnMatrixAttribute(attribute, &status);
        if (!status) return;

        MPlug plug = node.findPlug(attribute, &status);
        if (!status) return;

        MPlugArray plugArray;
        bool hasConnection = plug.connectedTo(plugArray, true, false, &status);
        if (!status) return;
        if (hasConnection)
            MPlug externalPlug = plugArray[0];
            bool externalPlugNull = externalPlug.isNull(&status);
            if (!status) return;
            if (!externalPlugNull)
                MFnAttribute fnAttribute(attribute, &status);
                if (!status) return;

                MString name = fnAttribute.name(&status);
                if (!status) return;

                //MObject pluggedObject = externalPlug.node(&status);
                //if (!status) return;

                // TODO pass matrix to callback? onMatrix(...) instead of onConnection(...)?
                onConnection(plug, name, externalPlug);
HRESULT FxAttributeFiller::EnumParameter(LPD3DXEFFECT pEffect, DXCCEffectPath& parameter, BOOL& GoDeeper, BOOL& DoPost)
	MStatus stat= MS::kSuccess;

	MFnDependencyNode depNode(Shader->GetSite());
	MPlug Plug;


	Plug= Shader->DecodePlug( Shader->TranscodeHandleToPlug( CStringA(parameter.End->LongPathName) ) );
		return E_FAIL;

	FillPlug(parameter, Plug);
	FillScript(parameter, Plug);



	return hr;

Ejemplo n.º 7
MStatus ParameterisedHolder<B>::setParameterisedValue( ParameterPtr pa )
	MPlug p = parameterPlug( pa );
	if( p.isNull() )
		return MStatus::kFailure;

	MStatus s = MS::kSuccess;

		s = IECoreMaya::ParameterHandler::setValue( p, pa );
		if( s )
			m_dirtyParameters.erase( pa );
	catch ( std::exception &e )
		msg( Msg::Error, "ParameterisedHolder::setParameterisedValues", boost::format( "Caught exception while setting parameter value from %s : %s" ) % p.name().asChar() % e.what());
		s = MS::kFailure;
	catch (...)
		msg( Msg::Error, "ParameterisedHolder::setParameterisedValues", boost::format( "Caught exception while setting parameter value from %s" ) % p.name().asChar());
		s = MS::kFailure;

	return s;
Ejemplo n.º 8
static bool
    const MFnDependencyNode& node,
    const TfToken& key,
    VtValue* value)
    VtValue fallback = SdfSchema::GetInstance().GetFallback(key);
    if (fallback.IsEmpty()) {
        return false;

    std::string mayaAttrName = _GetMayaAttrNameForMetadataKey(key);
    MPlug plug = node.findPlug(mayaAttrName.c_str());
    if (plug.isNull()) {
        return false;

    TfType ty = fallback.GetType();
    VtValue result = UsdMayaWriteUtil::GetVtValue(plug, ty, TfToken());
    if (result.IsEmpty()) {
                "Cannot convert plug '%s' into metadata '%s' (%s)",
        return false;

    *value = result;
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 9
//############################################### tima:
bool polyModifierCmd::setZeroTweaks()
	MFnNumericData numDataFn;
	MObject nullVector;
	MFnDependencyNode depNodeFn;

	numDataFn.create( MFnNumericData::k3Float );
	numDataFn.setData( 0, 0, 0 );
	nullVector = numDataFn.object();

	MObject object = fDagPath.node();
	depNodeFn.setObject( object);
	MPlug meshTweakPlug = depNodeFn.findPlug( "pnts" );
	MPlug tweak;

	unsigned numTweaks = fTweakIndexArray.length();

	if( !meshTweakPlug.isNull() )
		for( unsigned i = 0; i < numTweaks; i++ )
			tweak = meshTweakPlug.elementByLogicalIndex( fTweakIndexArray[i] );
			tweak.setValue( nullVector );
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 10
TheaSDK::Normal3D TheaRenderer::getSunDirection()
	MFnDependencyNode depFn(getRenderGlobalsNode());
	std::shared_ptr<RenderGlobals> renderGlobals = MayaTo::getWorldPtr()->worldRenderGlobalsPtr;
	std::shared_ptr<TheaRenderer> renderer = std::static_pointer_cast<TheaRenderer>(MayaTo::getWorldPtr()->worldRendererPtr);

	TheaSDK::Normal3D sunDir;

	MObjectArray nodeList;
	getConnectedInNodes(MString("sunLightConnection"), getRenderGlobalsNode(), nodeList);
	if( nodeList.length() > 0)	
		MVector lightDir(0,0,1);
		MFnDagNode sunDagNode(nodeList[0]);
		//lightDir *= this->mtth_renderGlobals->globalConversionMatrix.inverse();
		lightDir *= sunDagNode.transformationMatrix();
		lightDir *= renderGlobals->globalConversionMatrix;
		return TheaSDK::Normal3D(lightDir.x,lightDir.y,lightDir.z);
	float sunDirX = 0.0f, sunDirY = 0.0f, sunDirZ = 1.0f;
	MPlug sunDirPlug = depFn.findPlug("sunDirection");
	if (!sunDirPlug.isNull())
		sunDirX = sunDirPlug.child(0).asFloat();
		sunDirY = sunDirPlug.child(1).asFloat();
		sunDirZ = sunDirPlug.child(2).asFloat();
	return TheaSDK::Normal3D(sunDirX, sunDirY, sunDirZ);
Ejemplo n.º 11
MObject getOtherSideSourceNode(MString& plugName, MObject& thisObject, bool checkChildren, MString& outPlugName)
	MStatus stat;
	MObject result = MObject::kNullObj;
	MFnDependencyNode depFn(thisObject, &stat);	if (stat != MStatus::kSuccess) return result;
	MPlugArray pa;
	MPlug connectedPlug;
	for (uint pId = 0; pId < pa.length(); pId++)
		MPlug plug = pa[pId];
		if (!plug.isDestination())
		while (plug.isChild())
			plug = plug.parent();
		if (getAttributeNameFromPlug(plug) == plugName)
			connectedPlug = pa[pId];
	if (connectedPlug.isNull())
		return result;
	connectedPlug.connectedTo(pa, true, false, &stat); if (stat != MStatus::kSuccess) return result;
	if (pa.length() == 0)
		return result;
	MPlug otherSidePlug = pa[0];
	result = otherSidePlug.node();
	outPlugName = getAttributeNameFromPlug(otherSidePlug);
	if (otherSidePlug.isChild())
		outPlugName = getAttributeNameFromPlug(otherSidePlug.parent());
	return result;
Ejemplo n.º 12
// alembic by default sets meshes to be poly unless it's explicitly set to be
// subdivision.  UsdExport makes meshes catmullClark by default.  Here, we
// implement logic to get set the subdivision scheme so that it matches.
        UsdStagePtr stage,
        const UsdMayaChaserRegistry::FactoryContext::DagToUsdMap& dagToUsd)

    for (const auto& p: dagToUsd) {
        const MDagPath& dag = p.first;
        const SdfPath& usdPrimPath = p.second;
        if (!dag.isValid()) {

        MStatus status;
        MFnMesh meshFn(dag, &status);
        if (!status) {

        if (UsdGeomMesh usdMesh = UsdGeomMesh::Get(stage, usdPrimPath)) {
            MPlug plug = meshFn.findPlug("SubDivisionMesh");
            bool isSubDivisionMesh = (!plug.isNull() && plug.asBool());

            if (!isSubDivisionMesh) {
Ejemplo n.º 13
MObject findShader(MObject& setNode, SXRShaderData& d)
//  Description:
//      Find the shading node for the given shading group set node.
	MFnDependencyNode fnNode(setNode);
	d.name	= fnNode.name();
	// cout << "looking for shader in node " << fnNode.name().asChar() << "\n";
	MPlug shaderPlug = fnNode.findPlug("surfaceShader");

	if (!shaderPlug.isNull()) {			
		MPlugArray connectedPlugs;
		bool asSrc = false;
		bool asDst = true;
		shaderPlug.connectedTo( connectedPlugs, asDst, asSrc );

		if (connectedPlugs.length() != 1)
			Msg("!Error getting shader");
			return connectedPlugs[0].node();

	Msg("!Error finding surface shader for node '%s'",fnNode.name().asChar());
	return MObject::kNullObj;
Ejemplo n.º 14
MStatus liqLightNodeBehavior::connectNodeToAttr( MObject &sourceNode, MPlug &destinationPlug, bool force )
    //CM_TRACE_FUNC("liqLightNodeBehavior::connectNodeToAttr("<<sourceNode.apiTypeStr()<<","<< destinationPlug.name()<<","<<force<<")");

    MStatus result = MS::kFailure;
    MFnDependencyNode src(sourceNode);

    if we are dragging from a liquidLight
    to a light then connect the assignedObjects
    plug to the plug being passed in

        if(src.typeName() == "liquidLight")
            MPlug srcPlug = src.findPlug("assignedObjects");

            MObject dstNode = destinationPlug.node();
            MFnDependencyNode dst( dstNode );
            MPlug dstPlug = dst.findPlug("liquidLightShaderNode");

            if(!srcPlug.isNull() && !destinationPlug.isNull() && destinationPlug == dstPlug )
                //MString boolean = (force)? "true":"false";
                MString cmd = "connectAttr ";
                //cmd += "-force " + boolean + " ";
                cmd += srcPlug.name() + " ";
                cmd += destinationPlug.name();
                result = MGlobal::executeCommand(cmd);
        /* in all of the other cases we do not need the plug just the node
        that it is on                                                    */
        MObject destinationNode = destinationPlug.node();
        result = connectNodeToNode(sourceNode, destinationNode, force);

    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 15
MStatus unShowAvailableSystems::findAvailableSystems(std::string& str,MDagPath& dagPath)
	MStatus stat = MS::kSuccess;

		MFnIkJoint jointFn(dagPath);
		std::string name = dagPath.partialPathName().asChar();
		MPlug plug = jointFn.findPlug("unRibbonEnabled");
			bool enabled;
			char s[256];
			sprintf(s,"%s RibbonSystem %s\n",name.c_str(),enabled ? "True" : "False");
			str += s;
		plug = jointFn.findPlug("unParticleEnabled");
			bool enabled;
			char s[256];
			sprintf(s,"%s ParticleSystem %s\n",name.c_str(),enabled ? "True" : "False");
			str += s;

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dagPath.childCount(); i++)
		MObject child = dagPath.child(i);
		MDagPath childPath;
		stat = MDagPath::getAPathTo(child,childPath);
		if (MS::kSuccess != stat)
			return MS::kFailure;
		stat = findAvailableSystems(str,childPath);
		if (MS::kSuccess != stat)
			return MS::kFailure;
	return MS::kSuccess;
Ejemplo n.º 16
IECore::ParameterPtr ParameterisedHolder<B>::plugParameter( const MPlug &plug )
	assert( ! plug.isNull() );

	// to update the parameter->name map if necessary
	AttributeNameToParameterMap::const_iterator it = m_attributeNamesToParameters.find( plug.partialName() );
	if( it==m_attributeNamesToParameters.end() )
		return 0;
	return it->second;
MayaTransformWriter::MayaTransformWriter(double iFrame,
    MayaTransformWriter & iParent, MDagPath & iDag,
    uint32_t iTimeIndex,
    bool iWriteVisibility)
    if (iDag.hasFn(MFn::kJoint))
        MFnIkJoint joint(iDag);

        Alembic::AbcGeom::OXform obj(iParent.getObject(), joint.name().asChar(),
        mSchema = obj.getSchema();

        Alembic::Abc::OCompoundProperty cp = obj.getProperties();
        mAttrs = AttributesWriterPtr(new AttributesWriter(iFrame, cp, joint,
            iTimeIndex, iWriteVisibility));

        pushTransformStack(iFrame, joint);
        MFnTransform trans(iDag);
        Alembic::AbcGeom::OXform obj(iParent.getObject(), trans.name().asChar(),
        mSchema = obj.getSchema();

        Alembic::Abc::OCompoundProperty cp = obj.getProperties();
        mAttrs = AttributesWriterPtr(new AttributesWriter(iFrame, cp, trans,
            iTimeIndex, iWriteVisibility));

        pushTransformStack(iFrame, trans);

    // need to look at inheritsTransform
    MFnDagNode dagNode(iDag);
    MPlug inheritPlug = dagNode.findPlug("inheritsTransform");
    if (!inheritPlug.isNull())
        if (util::getSampledType(inheritPlug) != 0)
            mInheritsPlug = inheritPlug;


    // everything is default, don't write anything
    if (mSample.getNumOps() == 0 && mSample.getInheritsXforms())

Ejemplo n.º 18
// Returns the node MObject that is connected as an input to the specified attribute on the specified node
MObject ValveMaya::FindInputNode( const MObject &dstNodeObj, const MString &dstPlugName )
	const MFnDependencyNode dstNodeFn( dstNodeObj );
	const MPlug dstPlug( dstNodeFn.findPlug( dstPlugName ) );

	if ( dstPlug.isNull() )
		return MObject::kNullObj;

	MPlugArray mPlugArray;
	if ( !( dstPlug.connectedTo( mPlugArray, true, false ) && mPlugArray.length() ) )
		return  MObject::kNullObj;

	return mPlugArray[ 0 ].node();
Ejemplo n.º 19
MStatus slopeShaderBehavior::connectNodeToAttr( MObject &sourceNode, MPlug &destinationPlug, bool force )
//	Description:
//		Overloaded function from MPxDragAndDropBehavior
//	this method will assign the correct output from the slope shader 
//	onto the given attribute.
	MStatus result = MS::kFailure;
	MFnDependencyNode src(sourceNode);

	//if we are dragging from a slopeShader
	//to a shader than connect the outColor
	//plug to the plug being passed in
	if(destinationPlug.node().hasFn(MFn::kLambert)) {
		if(src.typeName() == "slopeShader")
			MPlug srcPlug = src.findPlug("outColor");
			if(!srcPlug.isNull() && !destinationPlug.isNull())
				MString cmd = "connectAttr ";
				cmd += srcPlug.name() + " ";
				cmd += destinationPlug.name();
				result = MGlobal::executeCommand(cmd);
	} else {
		//in all of the other cases we do not need the plug just the node
		//that it is on
        MObject destinationNode = destinationPlug.node();
		result = connectNodeToNode(sourceNode, destinationNode, force);
	return result;
    void AttributeParser::parseMeshData(MFnDependencyNode & node, MObject & attr)
        MStatus status;

        MPlug plug = node.findPlug(attr, &status);
        if (!status) return;

        MObject meshNode;
        MPlugArray plugArray;
        bool success = plug.connectedTo(plugArray, true, false, &status);
        if (!status) return;
        if (success)
            MPlug extPlug = plugArray[0];
            bool hasConnection = !extPlug.isNull(&status);
            if (!status) return;
            if (hasConnection)
                meshNode = extPlug.node(&status);
                if (!status) return;

        MDataHandle dataHandle;
        status = plug.getValue(dataHandle);
        if (!status) return;

        MObject meshData;
        status = plug.getValue(meshData);
        if (!status) return;

        MFnMesh fnMesh(meshData, &status);
        if (!status) return;

        MDagPath dagPath = fnMesh.dagPath(&status);
        if (!status) return;

        MObject meshNode = dagPath.node(&status);

        MFnAttribute fnAttr(attr, &status);
        if (!status) return;

        MString name = fnAttr.name(&status);
        if (!status) return;

        onMesh(plug, name, meshNode);
std::vector<MObject> lrutils::buildSkeletonFromGuide(std::vector<MVectorArray> locations, MString prefix, MPlug metaDataPlug, MObject metaParentJoint, MString layerName) {
    MDGModifier dgMod;
    MStatus status;
    std::vector<MObject> joints;
    MFnMessageAttribute mAttr;

    MObject parentJoint;
    unsigned int jointNum = 0;

    for (std::vector<MVectorArray>::iterator it = locations.begin(); it != locations.end(); ++it) {
        MVectorArray location = *it;
        MObject joint = createJointFromLocation(location, prefix, jointNum, parentJoint);

        MFnTransform jointFn( joint );
        //add metaParent attributes to joint
        if(!metaDataPlug.isNull()) {
            MObject jointAttr = mAttr.create("metaParent", "metaParent");
            //connect the metaparent attribute to the MDSpine node
            status = dgMod.connect( metaDataPlug, jointFn.findPlug("metaParent") );
            MyCheckStatus(status, "connect failed");

        //if layer name is provided, add the joint to that display layer
        if(layerName != "") {
            MGlobal::executeCommand("editDisplayLayerMembers -noRecurse "+ layerName+" "+ jointFn.name()+";");

        parentJoint = joint;
    //orient the joint chain
    MFnTransform topJointFn(joints.at(0));
    MGlobal::executeCommand("joint -e -zso -oj \"xyz\" -sao \"yup\" -ch " + topJointFn.fullPathName() + ";");

    //if meta parent joint is not null, parent first joint to it
    if(!metaParentJoint.isNull()) {
        MFnTransform firstJointFn(joints.at(0));

        MFnTransform metaParentJointFn(metaParentJoint);
        MGlobal::executeCommand("parent " + firstJointFn.fullPathName() + " " + metaParentJointFn.fullPathName() + ";");
        //orient the parent joint
        MGlobal::executeCommand("joint -e -zso -oj \"xyz\" -sao \"yup\" -ch " + metaParentJointFn.fullPathName() + ";");

    return joints;
Ejemplo n.º 22
int tm_polygon::removeTweaks_Func( MSelectionList &selectionList)
   MStatus status;
   MObject object;
   status = selectionList.getDependNode( 0, object);
      MGlobal::displayError("***### tm_polygon: Can't find object.");
      return 0;
   MFnMesh mesh( object, &status);
      MGlobal::displayError("***### tm_polygon: Can't find mesh.");
      return 0;

   int pntsCount = 0;
   MPlug pntsPlug = mesh.findPlug( "pnts" );
   if( !pntsPlug.isNull() )
      MPlug tweakPlug;
      MObject nullVector_object;
      MFnNumericData numDataFn( nullVector_object );
//      numDataFn.setData3Double( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
      numDataFn.setData( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
      pntsCount = pntsPlug.numElements();
      for( int i = 0; i < pntsCount; i++ )
         tweakPlug = pntsPlug.elementByPhysicalIndex( (unsigned int)i, &status );
         if( status == MS::kSuccess && !tweakPlug.isNull() )
            tweakPlug.setValue( nullVector_object );
   return pntsCount;
Ejemplo n.º 23
MStatus ParameterisedHolder<B>::setDependentsDirty( const MPlug &plug, MPlugArray &plugArray )
	if( plug==aParameterisedClassName || plug==aParameterisedVersion || plug==aParameterisedSearchPathEnvVar )
		// if the held class changes in any way then we ditch it so we're forced to reload
		// in getParameterised().
		m_parameterised = 0;
		m_failedToLoad = false;
		// if the plug represents a parameter then we add that parameter to a list
		// of dirty parameters. this lets us optimise setParameterisedValues so we only
		// set the values of parameters whose plugs have changed since last time.
		// we only bother doing this if we've loaded the class already, as calling plugParameter()
		// would otherwise cause a premature loading of the class. when we load the class all parameters
		// are marked as dirty anyway so there's no point worrying about it here.
		if( m_parameterised )
			MPlug p = plug;
			ParameterPtr parameter = 0;
				parameter = plugParameter( p );
				if( p.isChild() )
					p = p.parent();
				else if( p.isElement() )
					p = p.array();
					p = MPlug();
			} while( !parameter && !p.isNull() );
			if( parameter )
				m_dirtyParameters.insert( parameter );
	return B::setDependentsDirty( plug, plugArray );
void NifKFAnimationImporter::ImportAnimation( NiInterpolatorRef interpolator,MString& targetObject ) {
	MObject object = this->GetObjectByName(targetObject);

	if(object.isNull()) {

	vector<Key<Vector3>> translationKeys;
	vector<Key<float>> scaleKeys;
	vector<Key<Quaternion>> rotationQuaternionKeys;

	vector<Key<float>> rotationXKeys;
	vector<Key<float>> rotationYKeys;
	vector<Key<float>> rotationZKeys;
	MFnTransform transformNode(object);
	MPlug plug = transformNode.findPlug("interpolatorType");
	MString node_name = transformNode.name();
	MString mel_command = "addAttr -dataType \"string\" -shortName \"interpolatorType\" ";

	if(plug.isNull()) {	
		MGlobal::executeCommand(mel_command + node_name);

	if(interpolator->GetType().IsSameType(NiTransformInterpolator::TYPE)) {
		NiTransformInterpolatorRef transformInterpolator = DynamicCast<NiTransformInterpolator>(interpolator);

		NiTransformDataRef transformData = transformInterpolator->GetData();

		if(transformData != NULL) {
			if(transformData->GetRotateType() == KeyType::XYZ_ROTATION_KEY) {
				rotationXKeys = transformData->GetXRotateKeys();
				rotationYKeys = transformData->GetYRotateKeys();
				rotationZKeys = transformData->GetZRotateKeys();
			} else {
				rotationQuaternionKeys = transformData->GetQuatRotateKeys();

			translationKeys = transformData->GetTranslateKeys();
			scaleKeys = transformData->GetScaleKeys();

		mel_command = "setAttr -type \"string\" ";
		MGlobal::executeCommand(mel_command + node_name + "\.interpolatorType \"NiTransformInterpolator\"");
Ejemplo n.º 25
MObject Material::findShader(MObject &setNode) {
    MFnDependencyNode fnNode(setNode);
    MPlug shaderPlug = fnNode.findPlug("surfaceShader");

    if (!shaderPlug.isNull()) {
        MPlugArray connectedPlugs;
        bool asSrc = false;
        bool asDst = true;
        shaderPlug.connectedTo( connectedPlugs, asDst, asSrc );

        if (connectedPlugs.length() != 1)
            cerr << "Error getting shader\n";
            return connectedPlugs[0].node();

    return MObject::kNullObj;
Ejemplo n.º 26
MStatus OpHolder<B>::setDependentsDirty( const MPlug &plug, MPlugArray &plugArray )
	/// This isn't the best way of doing it, but at this point we can't even be sure that the Op has been loaded,
	/// so calling plugParameter() may not work. We can't call getOp() or getParameterised() here, as it seems
	/// we can't do things such as adding/removing attributes within this function
	if( std::string( plug.partialName().substring( 0, 4 ).asChar() ) == ParameterisedHolder<B>::g_attributeNamePrefix || plug==aResultDependency )
		MFnDependencyNode fnDN( B::thisMObject() );
		MStatus s;
		MPlug resultPlug = fnDN.findPlug( "result" , &s);
		if ( s && !resultPlug.isNull() )
			plugArray.append( resultPlug );

	return ParameterisedHolder<B>::setDependentsDirty( plug, plugArray );
Ejemplo n.º 27
		/// Returns the arnold shader to assign to the procedural.
		AtNode *arnoldShader()
			bool overrideShaders = false;
			MPlug plug = FindMayaObjectPlug( "overrideProceduralShaders" );
			if( !plug.isNull() )
				// if we've been told explicitly not to override the shaders
				// in the procedurals, then early out.
				overrideShaders = plug.asBool();
				if( !overrideShaders )
					return 0;
			unsigned instNumber = m_dagPath.isInstanced() ? m_dagPath.instanceNumber() : 0;
			MPlug shadingGroupPlug = GetNodeShadingGroup(m_dagPath.node(), instNumber);
			if( !overrideShaders )
				// if we weren't explicitly told to override the shaders, then
				// decide whether to or not based on whether a non-default
				// shader has been applied to the shape by the user.
				MObject shadingGroupNode = shadingGroupPlug.node();
				MFnDependencyNode fnShadingGroupNode( shadingGroupNode );
				if( fnShadingGroupNode.name() != "initialShadingGroup" )
					overrideShaders = true;
			if( overrideShaders )
				return ExportNode( shadingGroupPlug );
				return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 28
// Utility method to retrieve from a node its color space attribute.
const MString colorTransformDataTranslator::getInputColorSpace(const MObject& object)
    MString inputColorSpace;

    if(!object.isNull() && 
       ( (object.apiType()==MFn::kFileTexture) || (object.apiType()==MFn::kImagePlane) ) )
        MStatus	status;
        MFnDependencyNode texNode(object, &status);
            static const char* const colorSpaceStr = "colorSpace";

            MPlug plug = texNode.findPlug(colorSpaceStr, &status);
            if (status && !plug.isNull())
    return inputColorSpace;
/* static */
        const UsdGeomPrimvar& primvar,
        MFnMesh& meshFn)
    const TfToken& interpolation = primvar.GetInterpolation();
    if (interpolation != UsdGeomTokens->constant) {
        return false;

    const TfToken& name = primvar.GetBaseName();
    const SdfValueTypeName& typeName = primvar.GetTypeName();
    const SdfVariability& variability = SdfVariabilityUniform;

    MObject attrObj =
    if (attrObj.isNull()) {
        return false;

    VtValue primvarData;

    MStatus status;
    MPlug plug = meshFn.findPlug(
        /* wantNetworkedPlug = */ true,
    if (status != MS::kSuccess || plug.isNull()) {
        return false;

    return UsdMayaReadUtil::SetMayaAttr(plug, primvarData);
Ejemplo n.º 30
MObject findShader( MObject& setNode )
//  Description:
//      Find the shading node for the given shading group set node.
	MFnDependencyNode fnNode(setNode);
	MPlug shaderPlug = fnNode.findPlug("surfaceShader");
	if (!shaderPlug.isNull()) {			
		MPlugArray connectedPlugs;
		bool asSrc = false;
		bool asDst = true;
		shaderPlug.connectedTo( connectedPlugs, asDst, asSrc );

		if (connectedPlugs.length() != 1)
			MGlobal::displayError("Error getting shader");
			return connectedPlugs[0].node();
	return MObject::kNullObj;