Ejemplo n.º 1
IGL_INLINE void igl::slice_into(
  const Mat& X,
  const Eigen::Matrix<int,Eigen::Dynamic,1> & R,
  const int dim,
  Mat& Y)
  Eigen::VectorXi C;
    case 1:
      assert(R.size() == X.rows());
      // boring base case
      if(X.cols() == 0)
      return slice_into(X,R,C,Y);
    case 2:
      assert(R.size() == X.cols());
      // boring base case
      if(X.rows() == 0)
      return slice_into(X,C,R,Y);
      assert(false && "Unsupported dimension");
    const Mat &x1, int w1, int h1,
    const Mat &x2, int w2, int h2, bool bPointToLine = true)
    : x1_(x1.rows(), x1.cols()), x2_(x2.rows(), x2.cols()),
    N1_(3,3), N2_(3,3), logalpha0_(0.0), bPointToLine_(bPointToLine)
    assert(2 == x1_.rows());
    assert(x1_.rows() == x2_.rows());
    assert(x1_.cols() == x2_.cols());

    NormalizePoints(x1, &x1_, &N1_, w1, h1);
    NormalizePoints(x2, &x2_, &N2_, w2, h2);

    // LogAlpha0 is used to make error data scale invariant
    if(bPointToLine)  {
      // Ratio of containing diagonal image rectangle over image area
      double D = sqrt(w2*(double)w2 + h2*(double)h2); // diameter
      double A = w2*(double)h2; // area
      logalpha0_ = log10(2.0*D/A /N2_(0,0));
    else  {
      // ratio of area : unit circle over image area
      logalpha0_ = log10(M_PI/(w2*(double)h2) /(N2_(0,0)*N2_(0,0)));
Ejemplo n.º 3
op_trapz::apply_noalias(Mat<eT>& out, const Mat<eT>& Y, const uword dim)
  arma_debug_check( (dim > 1), "trapz(): argument 'dim' must be 0 or 1" );
  uword N = 0;
       if(dim == 0)  { N = Y.n_rows; }
  else if(dim == 1)  { N = Y.n_cols; }
  if(N <= 1)
         if(dim == 0)  { out.zeros(1, Y.n_cols); }
    else if(dim == 1)  { out.zeros(Y.n_rows, 1); }
  if(dim == 0)
    out = sum( (0.5 * (Y.rows(0, N-2) + Y.rows(1, N-1))), 0 );
  if(dim == 1)
    out = sum( (0.5 * (Y.cols(0, N-2) + Y.cols(1, N-1))), 1 );
Ejemplo n.º 4
  static void Solve(const Mat &x1, const Mat &x2, std::vector<Mat3> *pvec_E)
    assert(3 == x1.rows());
    assert(8 <= x1.cols());
    assert(x1.rows() == x2.rows());
    assert(x1.cols() == x2.cols());

    MatX9 A(x1.cols(), 9);
    EncodeEpipolarEquation(x1, x2, &A);

    Vec9 e;
    Nullspace(&A, &e);
    Mat3 E = Map<RMat3>(e.data());

    // Find the closest essential matrix to E in frobenius norm
    // E = UD'VT
    if (x1.cols() > 8) {
      Eigen::JacobiSVD<Mat3> USV(E, Eigen::ComputeFullU | Eigen::ComputeFullV);
      Vec3 d = USV.singularValues();
      double a = d[0];
      double b = d[1];
      d << (a+b)/2., (a+b)/2., 0.0;
      E = USV.matrixU() * d.asDiagonal() * USV.matrixV().transpose();

void FourPointSolver::Solve(const Mat &x, const Mat &y, vector<Mat3> *Hs) {
  assert(2 == x.rows());
  assert(4 <= x.cols());
  assert(x.rows() == y.rows());
  assert(x.cols() == y.cols());

  Mat::Index n = x.cols();

  Vec9 h;
  if (n == 4)  {
    // In the case of minimal configuration we use fixed sized matrix to let
    //  Eigen and the compiler doing the maximum of optimization.
    typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, 16, 9> Mat16_9;
    Mat16_9 L = Mat::Zero(16, 9);
    BuildActionMatrix(L, x, y);
    Nullspace(&L, &h);
  else {
    MatX9 L = Mat::Zero(n * 2, 9);
    BuildActionMatrix(L, x, y);
    Nullspace(&L, &h);
  Mat3 H = Map<RMat3>(h.data()); // map the linear vector as the H matrix
			void FivePointSolver::Solve(const Mat &x1, const Mat &x2, vector<Mat3> *E) {
				assert(2 == x1.rows());
				assert(5 <= x1.cols());
				assert(x1.rows() == x2.rows());
				assert(x1.cols() == x2.cols());

				FivePointsRelativePose(x1, x2, E);
/** 3D rigid transformation refinement using LM
 * Refine the Scale, Rotation and translation rigid transformation
 * using a Levenberg-Marquardt opimization.
 * \param[in] x1 The first 3xN matrix of euclidean points
 * \param[in] x2 The second 3xN matrix of euclidean points
 * \param[out] S The initial scale factor
 * \param[out] t The initial 3x1 translation
 * \param[out] R The initial 3x3 rotation
 * \return none
static void Refine_RTS( const Mat &x1,
                        const Mat &x2,
                        double * S,
                        Vec3 * t,
                        Mat3 * R )
    lm_SRTRefine_functor functor( 7, 3 * x1.cols(), x1, x2, *S, *R, *t );

    Eigen::NumericalDiff<lm_SRTRefine_functor> numDiff( functor );

    Eigen::LevenbergMarquardt<Eigen::NumericalDiff<lm_SRTRefine_functor> > lm( numDiff );
    lm.parameters.maxfev = 1000;
    Vec xlm = Vec::Zero( 7 ); // The deviation vector {tx,ty,tz,rotX,rotY,rotZ,S}

    lm.minimize( xlm );

    Vec3 transAdd = xlm.block<3, 1>( 0, 0 );
    Vec3 rot = xlm.block<3, 1>( 3, 0 );
    double SAdd = xlm( 6 );

    //Build the rotation matrix
    Mat3 Rcor =
      ( Eigen::AngleAxis<double>( rot( 0 ), Vec3::UnitX() )
        * Eigen::AngleAxis<double>( rot( 1 ), Vec3::UnitY() )
        * Eigen::AngleAxis<double>( rot( 2 ), Vec3::UnitZ() ) ).toRotationMatrix();

    *R = ( *R ) * Rcor;
    *t = ( *t ) + transAdd;
    *S = ( *S ) + SAdd;

  // Refine rotation
    lm_RRefine_functor functor( 3, 3 * x1.cols(), x1, x2, *S, *R, *t );

    Eigen::NumericalDiff<lm_RRefine_functor> numDiff( functor );

    Eigen::LevenbergMarquardt<Eigen::NumericalDiff<lm_RRefine_functor> > lm( numDiff );
    lm.parameters.maxfev = 1000;
    Vec xlm = Vec::Zero( 3 ); // The deviation vector {rotX,rotY,rotZ}

    lm.minimize( xlm );

    Vec3 rot = xlm.block<3, 1>( 0, 0 );

    //Build the rotation matrix
    Mat3 Rcor =
      ( Eigen::AngleAxis<double>( rot( 0 ), Vec3::UnitX() )
        * Eigen::AngleAxis<double>( rot( 1 ), Vec3::UnitY() )
        * Eigen::AngleAxis<double>( rot( 2 ), Vec3::UnitZ() ) ).toRotationMatrix();

    *R = ( *R ) * Rcor;
Ejemplo n.º 8
  void Fit(const vector<size_t> &samples, std::vector<Model> *models) const {
    const Mat x1 = ExtractColumns(x1_, samples);
    const Mat x2 = ExtractColumns(x2_, samples);

    assert(3 == x1.rows());
    assert(MINIMUM_SAMPLES <= x1.cols());
    assert(x1.rows() == x2.rows());
    assert(x1.cols() == x2.cols());

    EightPointRelativePoseSolver::Solve(x1, x2, models);
Ejemplo n.º 9
List DataProps(const Mat<T>& dat, IntegerVector subsetIndices) {
  Mat<T> U, V;
  Col<T> S;
  uvec subsetCols = sort(as<uvec>(subsetIndices) - 1);
  // Get the summary profile for the network subset from the SVD.
  bool success = svd_econ(U, S, V, dat.cols(subsetCols), "left", "dc");
  if (!success) {
    Function warning("warning");
    warning("SVD failed to converge, does your data contain missing or"
            " infinite values?");
    return List::create(
        Named("moduleSummary") = NA_REAL,
        Named("nodeContribution") = NA_REAL,
        Named("moduleCoherence") = NA_REAL
  Mat<T> summary(U.col(0));

  // Flip the sign of the summary profile so that the eigenvector is 
  // positively correlated with the average scaled value of the underlying
  // data for the network module.
  Mat<T> ap = cor(mean(dat.cols(subsetCols), 1), summary);
  if (ap(0,0) < 0) {
    summary *= -1; 
  // We want the correlation between each variable (node) in the underlying
  // data and the summary profile for that network subset.
  Mat<T> p = cor(summary, dat.cols(subsetCols));
  Mat<T> MM(p);
  // To make sure the resulting KIM vector is in the correct order,
  // order the results to match the original ordering of subsetIndices.
  Function rank("rank"); // Rank only works on R objects like IntegerVector.
  uvec idxRank = as<uvec>(rank(subsetIndices)) - 1;

  Col<T> oMM = MM(idxRank);

  // The proportion of variance explained is the sum of the squared 
  // correlation between the network module summary profile, and each of the 
  // variables in the data that correspond to nodes in the network subset.
  Mat<T> pve(mean(square(p), 1));
  return List::create(
    Named("moduleSummary") = summary,
    Named("nodeContribution") = oMM,
    Named("moduleCoherence") = pve
// Check the properties of a fundamental matrix:
//   1. The determinant is 0 (rank deficient)
//   2. The condition x'T*F*x = 0 is satisfied to precision.
bool ExpectFundamentalProperties(const Mat3 &F,
                                 const Mat &ptsA,
                                 const Mat &ptsB,
                                 double precision) {
  bool bOk = true;
  bOk &= F.determinant() < precision;
  assert(ptsA.cols() == ptsB.cols());
  const Mat hptsA = ptsA.colwise().homogeneous();
  const Mat hptsB = ptsB.colwise().homogeneous();
  for (int i = 0; i < ptsA.cols(); ++i) {
    const double residual = hptsB.col(i).dot(F * hptsA.col(i));
    bOk &= residual < precision;
  return bOk;
TEST(Resection_Kernel, Multiview) {

  const int views_num = 3;
  const int points_num = 10;
  const NViewDataSet d = NRealisticCamerasRing(views_num, points_num,
    NViewDatasetConfigurator(1,1,0,0,5,0)); // Suppose a camera with Unit matrix as K

  const int nResectionCameraIndex = 2;

  // Solve the problem and check that fitted value are good enough
    Mat x = d.projected_points_[nResectionCameraIndex];
    Mat X = d.point_3d_;
    mvg::multiview::resection::PoseResectionKernel kernel(x, X);

    size_t samples_[6]={0,1,2,3,4,5};
	std::vector<size_t> samples(samples_, samples_ + 6);
	std::vector<Mat34> Ps;
    kernel.Fit(samples, &Ps);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < x.cols(); ++i) {
      EXPECT_NEAR(0.0, kernel.Error(i, Ps[0]), 1e-8);

	EXPECT_EQ(1, Ps.size());

    // Check that Projection matrix is near to the GT :
    Mat34 GT_ProjectionMatrix = d.P(nResectionCameraIndex).array()
                                / d.P(nResectionCameraIndex).norm();
    Mat34 COMPUTED_ProjectionMatrix = Ps[0].array() / Ps[0].norm();
    EXPECT_MATRIX_NEAR(GT_ProjectionMatrix, COMPUTED_ProjectionMatrix, 1e-8);
Ejemplo n.º 12
 * sampleGoodBasis - Creates and returns a good basis for input argument data.
 * Uses the left eigenvectors of a random subset of nSample columns from data.
static fmat sampleGoodBasis(const Mat<u16> &data, const int nSample) {
    const int L = data.n_rows;

    // random subset of columns:
    fmat sampleData = conv_to<fmat>::from( data.cols( linspace<uvec>(0, data.n_cols-1, nSample) ) );  

    // make a transformation matrix that represents taking adjacent differences
    // between each row (except the first row):
    mat P = eye(L, L);
    P.diag(-1) = -ones(L-1);

    // same as sampleData = P * sampleData (adjacent differences between rows)
    sampleData.rows(1, L-1) -= sampleData.rows(0, L-2);     

    // this is the time consuming step 
    // numerical stable with floats because values are much smaller now, 
    // convert resulting small matrix to double when done:
    mat M = conv_to<mat>::from(sampleData * sampleData.t());  

    // redo the effect of P before calculating eigenvectors 
    M = P.i() * M * P.t().i(); // M is now original sampleData * sampleData.t()

    vec eigenvalues;    
    mat eigenvectors;
    eig_sym(eigenvalues, eigenvectors, M); 

    // flip because eigenvectors are returned in ascending order:
    return conv_to<fmat>::from( fliplr(eigenvectors) ); 
Ejemplo n.º 13
void EuclideanToHomogeneous(const Mat &X, Mat *H) {
  Mat::Index d = X.rows();
  Mat::Index n = X.cols();
  H->resize(d + 1, n);
  H->block(0, 0, d, n) = X;
bool ExpectFundamentalProperties(const TMat &F,
                                 const Mat &ptsA,
                                 const Mat &ptsB,
                                 double precision) {
  bool bOk = true;
  bOk &= F.determinant() < precision;
  assert(ptsA.cols() == ptsB.cols());
  Mat hptsA, hptsB;
  EuclideanToHomogeneous(ptsA, &hptsA);
  EuclideanToHomogeneous(ptsB, &hptsB);
  for (int i = 0; i < ptsA.cols(); ++i) {
    double residual = hptsB.col(i).dot(F * hptsA.col(i));
    bOk &= residual < precision;
  return bOk;
Ejemplo n.º 15
glue_trapz::apply_noalias(Mat<eT>& out, const Mat<eT>& X, const Mat<eT>& Y, const uword dim)
  arma_debug_check( (dim > 1), "trapz(): argument 'dim' must be 0 or 1" );
  arma_debug_check( ((X.is_vec() == false) && (X.is_empty() == false)), "trapz(): argument 'X' must be a vector" );
  const uword N = X.n_elem;
  if(dim == 0)
    arma_debug_check( (N != Y.n_rows), "trapz(): length of X must equal the number of rows in Y when dim=0" );
  if(dim == 1)
    arma_debug_check( (N != Y.n_cols), "trapz(): length of X must equal the number of columns in Y when dim=1" );
  if(N <= 1)
         if(dim == 0)  { out.zeros(1, Y.n_cols); }
    else if(dim == 1)  { out.zeros(Y.n_rows, 1); }
  const Col<eT> vec_X( const_cast<eT*>(X.memptr()), X.n_elem, false, true );
  const Col<eT> diff_X = diff(vec_X);
  if(dim == 0)
    const Row<eT> diff_X_t( const_cast<eT*>(diff_X.memptr()), diff_X.n_elem, false, true );
    out = diff_X_t * (0.5 * (Y.rows(0, N-2) + Y.rows(1, N-1)));
  if(dim == 1)
    out = (0.5 * (Y.cols(0, N-2) + Y.cols(1, N-1))) * diff_X;
Ejemplo n.º 16
  void Fit
    const std::vector<size_t> &samples,
    std::vector<ModelArg> *models
    const Mat pt2d = ExtractColumns(this->x1_, samples);
    const Mat pt3d = ExtractColumns(this->x2_, samples);

    assert(2 == pt2d.rows());
    assert(3 == pt3d.rows());
    assert(SolverArg::MINIMUM_SAMPLES <= pt2d.cols());
    assert(pt2d.cols() == pt3d.cols());

    SolverArg::Solve(pt2d, pt3d, models);
Ejemplo n.º 17
         Mat<typename T1::elem_type>&     coeff_out,
         Mat<typename T1::elem_type>&     score_out,
  const Base<typename T1::elem_type, T1>& X,
  const typename arma_not_cx<typename T1::elem_type>::result* junk
  typedef typename T1::elem_type eT;
  const unwrap_check<T1> Y( X.get_ref(), score_out );
  const Mat<eT>& in    = Y.M;
  const uword n_rows = in.n_rows;
  const uword n_cols = in.n_cols;
  if(n_rows > 1) // more than one sample
    // subtract the mean - use score_out as temporary matrix
    score_out = in;  score_out.each_row() -= mean(in);
    // singular value decomposition
    Mat<eT> U;
    Col<eT> s;
    const bool svd_ok = svd(U, s, coeff_out, score_out);
    if(svd_ok == false)  { return false; }
    // normalize the eigenvalues
    s /= std::sqrt( double(n_rows - 1) );
    // project the samples to the principals
    score_out *= coeff_out;
    if(n_rows <= n_cols) // number of samples is less than their dimensionality
      Col<eT> s_tmp = zeros< Col<eT> >(n_cols);
      s_tmp.rows(0,n_rows-2) = s.rows(0,n_rows-2);
      s = s_tmp;
  else // 0 or 1 samples
    coeff_out.eye(n_cols, n_cols);
  return true;
Ejemplo n.º 18
  static void Solve(const Mat &x1, const Mat &x2, vector<ModelArg> *models) {
    assert(2 == x1.rows());
    assert(MINIMUM_SAMPLES <= x1.cols());
    assert(x1.rows() == x2.rows());
    assert(x1.cols() == x2.cols());

    // Normalize the data.
    Mat3 T1, T2;
    Mat x1_normalized, x2_normalized;
    NormalizePoints(x1, &x1_normalized, &T1);
    NormalizePoints(x2, &x2_normalized, &T2);

    SolverArg::Solve(x1_normalized, x2_normalized, models);
    // Unormalize model from the computed conditioning.
    for (int i = 0; i < models->size(); ++i) {
      UnnormalizerArg::Unnormalize(T1, T2, &(*models)[i]);
Ejemplo n.º 19
        Mat< std::complex<T> >& coeff_out,
        Mat< std::complex<T> >& score_out,
  const Mat< std::complex<T> >& in
  typedef std::complex<T> eT;
  const u32 n_rows = in.n_rows;
  const u32 n_cols = in.n_cols;
  if(n_rows > 1) // more than one sample
    // subtract the mean - use score_out as temporary matrix
    score_out = in - repmat(mean(in), n_rows, 1);
    // singular value decomposition
    Mat<eT> U;
    Col< T> s;
    const bool svd_ok = svd(U,s,coeff_out,score_out);
    if(svd_ok == false)
      return false;
    // U.reset();
    // normalize the eigenvalues
    s /= std::sqrt( double(n_rows - 1) );

    // project the samples to the principals
    score_out *= coeff_out;

    if(n_rows <= n_cols) // number of samples is less than their dimensionality

  else // 0 or 1 samples
    coeff_out.eye(n_cols, n_cols);
  return true;
/** 3D rigid transformation estimation (7 dof)
 * Compute a Scale Rotation and Translation rigid transformation.
 * This transformation provide a distortion-free transformation
 * using the following formulation Xb = S * R * Xa + t.
 * "Least-squares estimation of transformation parameters between two point patterns",
 * Shinji Umeyama, PAMI 1991, DOI: 10.1109/34.88573
 * \param[in] x1 The first 3xN matrix of euclidean points
 * \param[in] x2 The second 3xN matrix of euclidean points
 * \param[out] S The scale factor
 * \param[out] t The 3x1 translation
 * \param[out] R The 3x3 rotation
 * \return true if the transformation estimation has succeeded
 * \note Need at least 3 points
static bool FindRTS( const Mat &x1,
                     const Mat &x2,
                     double * S,
                     Vec3 * t,
                     Mat3 * R )
  if ( x1.cols() < 3 || x2.cols() < 3 )
    return false;

  assert( 3 == x1.rows() );
  assert( 3 <= x1.cols() );
  assert( x1.rows() == x2.rows() );
  assert( x1.cols() == x2.cols() );

  // Get the transformation via Umeyama's least squares algorithm. This returns
  // a matrix of the form:
  // [ s * R t]
  // [ 0 1]
  // from which we can extract the scale, rotation, and translation.
  const Eigen::Matrix4d transform = Eigen::umeyama( x1, x2, true );

  // Check critical cases
  *R = transform.topLeftCorner<3, 3>();
  if ( R->determinant() < 0 )
    return false;
  *S = pow( R->determinant(), 1.0 / 3.0 );
  // Check for degenerate case (if all points have the same value...)
  if ( *S < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon() )
    return false;

  // Extract transformation parameters
  *S = pow( R->determinant(), 1.0 / 3.0 );
  *R /= *S;
  *t = transform.topRightCorner<3, 1>();

  return true;
  ACKernelAdaptorResection(const Mat &x2d, int w, int h, const Mat &x3D)
    : x2d_(x2d.rows(), x2d.cols()), x3D_(x3D),
    N1_(3,3), logalpha0_(log10(M_PI))
    assert(2 == x2d_.rows());
    assert(3 == x3D_.rows());
    assert(x2d_.cols() == x3D_.cols());

    NormalizePoints(x2d, &x2d_, &N1_, w, h);
Ejemplo n.º 22
IGL_INLINE void igl::polar_svd3x3(const Mat& A, Mat& R)
    // should be caught at compile time, but just to be 150% sure:
    assert(A.rows() == 3 && A.cols() == 3);

    Eigen::Matrix<typename Mat::Scalar, 3, 3> U, Vt;
    Eigen::Matrix<typename Mat::Scalar, 3, 1> S;
    svd3x3(A, U, S, Vt);
    R = U * Vt.transpose();
// Check whether homography transform M actually transforms
// given vectors x1 to x2. Used to check validness of a reconstructed
// homography matrix.
// TODO(sergey): Consider using this in all tests since possible homography
// matrix is not fixed to a single value and different-looking matrices
// might actually crrespond to the same exact transform.
void CheckHomography2DTransform(const Mat3 &H,
                                const Mat &x1,
                                const Mat &x2) {
  for (int i = 0; i < x2.cols(); ++i) {
    Vec3 x2_expected = x2.col(i);
    Vec3 x2_observed = H * x1.col(i);
    x2_observed /= x2_observed(2);
    EXPECT_MATRIX_NEAR(x2_expected, x2_observed, 1e-8);
 static void Solve(const Mat &x, std::vector<Vec2> *lines)
     Mat X(x.cols(), 2);
     X.col(1) = x.row(0).transpose();
     Mat A(X.transpose() * X);
     const Vec b(X.transpose() * x.row(1).transpose());
     Eigen::JacobiSVD<Mat> svd(A, Eigen::ComputeFullU | Eigen::ComputeFullV);
Ejemplo n.º 25
static void planarToSpherical(
  const Mat & planarCoords, // Input (x,y)' coords
  size_t width,             // Width of the 2D planar surface
  size_t height,            // Height of the 2D planar surface
  Mat & sphericalCoords)     // Output spherical coordinates (on the unit sphere)
  sphericalCoords.resize(3, planarCoords.cols());
  for (size_t iCol = 0; iCol < planarCoords.cols(); ++iCol)
    const Vec2 & xy = planarCoords.col(iCol);
    double uval = xy(0) / (double)width;
    double vval = xy(1) / (double)height;

    sphericalCoords.col(iCol) =
      (Vec3 (sin(vval*M_PI)*cos(M_PI*(2.0*uval+0.5)),
Ejemplo n.º 26
  /// Solve the computation of the "tensor".
  static void Solve(
    const Mat &pt0, const Mat & pt1, const Mat & pt2,
    const std::vector<Mat3> & vec_KR, std::vector<TrifocalTensorModel> *P,
    const double ThresholdUpperBound)
    //Build the megaMatMatrix
    const int n_obs = pt0.cols();
    Mat4X megaMat(4, n_obs*3);
      size_t cpt = 0;
      for (size_t i = 0; i  < n_obs; ++i) {

        megaMat.col(cpt) << pt0.col(i)(0), pt0.col(i)(1), (double)i, 0.0;

        megaMat.col(cpt) << pt1.col(i)(0), pt1.col(i)(1), (double)i, 1.0;

        megaMat.col(cpt) << pt2.col(i)(0), pt2.col(i)(1), (double)i, 2.0;
    //-- Solve the LInfinity translation and structure from Rotation and points data.
    std::vector<double> vec_solution((3 + MINIMUM_SAMPLES)*3);

    using namespace openMVG::lInfinityCV;

    MOSEK_SolveWrapper LPsolver(static_cast<int>(vec_solution.size()));
    OSI_CLP_SolverWrapper LPsolver(static_cast<int>(vec_solution.size()));

    Translation_Structure_L1_ConstraintBuilder cstBuilder(vec_KR, megaMat);
    double gamma;
    if (BisectionLP<Translation_Structure_L1_ConstraintBuilder, LP_Constraints_Sparse>(
      0.0, 1e-8, 2, &gamma, false))
      std::vector<Vec3> vec_tis(3);
      vec_tis[0] = Vec3(vec_solution[0], vec_solution[1], vec_solution[2]);
      vec_tis[1] = Vec3(vec_solution[3], vec_solution[4], vec_solution[5]);
      vec_tis[2] = Vec3(vec_solution[6], vec_solution[7], vec_solution[8]);

      TrifocalTensorModel PTemp;
      PTemp.P1 = HStack(vec_KR[0], vec_tis[0]);
      PTemp.P2 = HStack(vec_KR[1], vec_tis[1]);
      PTemp.P3 = HStack(vec_KR[2], vec_tis[2]);

Ejemplo n.º 27
void HomogeneousToEuclidean(const Mat &H, Mat *X) {
  Mat::Index d = H.rows() - 1;
  Mat::Index n = H.cols();
  X->resize(d, n);
  for (Mat::Index i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    double h = H(d, i);
    for (int j = 0; j < d; ++j) {
      (*X)(j, i) = H(j, i) / h;
Ejemplo n.º 28
  void run(Mat& A, const int rank){
    if (A.cols() == 0 || A.rows() == 0) return;
    int r = (rank < A.cols()) ? rank : A.cols();
    r = (r < A.rows()) ? r : A.rows();
    // Gaussian Random Matrix
    Eigen::MatrixXf O(A.rows(), r);
    // Compute Sample Matrix of A
    Eigen::MatrixXf Y = A.transpose() * O;
    // Orthonormalize Y

    Eigen::MatrixXf B = Y.transpose() * A * Y;
    Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver<Eigen::MatrixXf> eigenOfB(B);
    eigenValues_ = eigenOfB.eigenvalues();
    eigenVectors_ = Y * eigenOfB.eigenvectors();
Ejemplo n.º 29
		void applyTransformationToPoints(const Mat &points, const Mat3 &T, Mat *transformed_points) 
			const Mat::Index n = points.cols();//Mat::Index 索引的类型,点的个数
			transformed_points->resize(2, n);//设置变换之后的矩阵
			for (Mat::Index i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
				Vec3 in, out;
				in << points(0, i), points(1, i), 1;
				out = T * in;
				(*transformed_points)(0, i) = out(0) / out(2);
				(*transformed_points)(1, i) = out(1) / out(2);
  ACKernelAdaptorResection_K(const Mat &x2d, const Mat &x3D, const Mat3 & K)
    : x2d_(x2d.rows(), x2d.cols()), x3D_(x3D),
    logalpha0_(log10(M_PI)), K_(K)
    assert(2 == x2d_.rows());
    assert(3 == x3D_.rows());
    assert(x2d_.cols() == x3D_.cols());

    // Normalize points by inverse(K)
    ApplyTransformationToPoints(x2d, N1_, &x2d_);