Ejemplo n.º 1
JNIEXPORT jintArray JNICALL Java_com_example_uemcar_Camera_FindFeatures(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls,
                                                                   jlong frame, jint mode) {
     * Leer los datos de entrenamiento una sola vez
     * Configurar el modelo KNN
    if (trained == 0) {
        trainingData = TrainData::create(sample, SampleTypes::ROW_SAMPLE, response);
        knn->train(trainingData); // Train with sample and responses
        trained = 1;

     * Preparación para devolver un array de 5 ints
     * https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1610045/how-to-return-an-array-from-jni-to-java
    jintArray result;
    result = (env)->NewIntArray(5);
    if (result == NULL)
        return NULL; /* out of memory error thrown */
    jint fill[256];
    int numSe = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
        fill[i] = 1;

    // Frame de la camara pasada desde el JNI
    Mat &src = *(Mat *) frame;  // Formato RGB!! (por defecto OpenCV usa BGR)
    Mat originalSrc;

    // CLAHE demasiado lento - ajuste dinamico??

    // Erode & Dilate quita muchos puntos innecesarios
    erode(src, src, Mat());
    dilate(src, src, Mat());

    // Pasar a HSV
    Mat mHSV, mHSV2;
    cvtColor(src, mHSV, COLOR_RGB2HSV);

    // Regiones rojas
    cv::Mat mRedHue;
    cv::Mat lower_red_hue_range;
    cv::Mat upper_red_hue_range;
    cv::inRange(mHSV, cv::Scalar(0, 100, 100), cv::Scalar(10, 255, 255), lower_red_hue_range);
    cv::inRange(mHSV, cv::Scalar(160, 100, 100), cv::Scalar(179, 255, 255), upper_red_hue_range);

    // Gaussian blur
    cv::addWeighted(lower_red_hue_range, 1.0, upper_red_hue_range, 1.0, 0.0, mRedHue);
    cv::GaussianBlur(mRedHue, mRedHue, cv::Size(9, 9), 2, 2);
    Mat mRedHue2;

    // Extraer contornos (blobs) usando Canny y findContours
    std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point> > contours;
    vector< Vec4i > hierarchy;
    Canny(mRedHue, mRedHue, 10, 25, 3);
    cv::findContours(mRedHue, contours, hierarchy,
                     CV_RETR_EXTERNAL, CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE, Point(0, 0));

    // Recorrer todos los contornos con nivel jerárquico 0
    for (int i = 0; i < contours.size(); i = hierarchy[i][0]) {
        //approxPolyDP para el STOP?

        Rect r = boundingRect(contours[i]);
        Mat ROI = src(r);

        // Comprobar tamaño y ratio - si es demasiado pequeño salir de iteración
        if ((ROI.cols > 2* ROI.rows) || (ROI.rows > ROI.cols*2 ) || ROI.cols < 20 || ROI.rows < 20)

        // Dibujar circulos en Mat
        drawContours(src, contours, -1, Scalar(0, 255, 0));

        std::vector<cv::Vec3f> circles;
        Mat ROIg;

        // Detectar circulos
        cvtColor(ROI, ROIg, CV_RGB2GRAY); // HoughCircles acepta solo imagenes en escala de grises
        // Param2 deberia ser relativo al tamaño del ROI (2*3.14*ROI.rows*porcentajePtos)
        cv::HoughCircles(ROIg, circles, CV_HOUGH_GRADIENT, 1, ROIg.rows, 200, 60, 25, 360);

        // Dibujar circulos en Mat
        for (Vec3f c : circles)
            circle(ROI, Point(c[0], c[1]), c[2], Scalar(0, 255, 0));

        // Analizar blob si hemos encontrado por lo menos un circulo
        if (circles.size() != 0) {
            Mat tmp;
            resize(ROIg, tmp, Size(50, 50), 0, 0, INTER_LINEAR);  // Normalizar a 50x50
            tmp.convertTo(tmp, CV_32FC1);  // Convertir a coma flotante

            // Comprarar usando KNN
            int found = knn->findNearest(tmp.reshape(1, 1), knn->getDefaultK(), tmp);

            putText(src, to_string(found), Point(r.x, r.y + r.height), 0, 1,
                    Scalar(0, 255, 0), 2, 8);  // Poner texto en imagen
            rectangle(src, r, Scalar(0, 0, 255));  // Dibujar rectangulo del ROI

            fill[numSe] = found;  // Añadir resultado al array de señales encontradas

    // Modo de visión seleccionado
    switch(mode) {
        default:  // Result
        case(1):  // RGB
            src = originalSrc;
        case(2):  // Gray
            cvtColor(originalSrc, src, CV_RGB2GRAY);
        case(3):  // HSV
            src = mHSV2;
        case(4):  // Red Hue
            src = mRedHue2;
        case(5):  // Contours
            src = mRedHue;

    // Devolver array con señales encontradas
    (env)->SetIntArrayRegion(result, 0, 5, fill);
    return result;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  	measurement = Mat_<float>(2,1); 
  	KFrightEye = KalmanFilter(4, 2, 0);
  	KFleftEye = KalmanFilter(4, 2, 0);
  	state = Mat_<float>(4, 1); 
  	processNoise = Mat(4, 1, CV_32F);
  	// Reconhecimento continuo
  	float P_Safe_Ultimo = 1.0, P_notSafe_Ultimo = 0.0;
  	float P_Atual_Safe, P_Atual_notSafe;
  	float P_Safe_Atual, P_notSafe_Atual;
  	float P_Safe;
  	float timeLastObs = 0, timeAtualObs = 0, tempo = 0;
    // These vectors hold the images and corresponding labels:
    vector<Mat> images;
    vector<Mat> video;
    vector<int> labels;
    // Create a FaceRecognizer and train it on the given images:
    Ptr<FaceRecognizer> model = createLBPHFaceRecognizer();
    //leitura dos frames
    STREAM *ir = createStream("../build/ir.log");
    bool flag_ir;
    flag_ir = streamNext(ir);
    struct timeval now;
    gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
    CascadeClassifier haar_cascade;
    bool sucess = false;
    int login = 0;
    Point ultimaFace = Point(-1, -1);
    while(flag_ir) {
    	  Mat frame = ir->infrared;
        frame.convertTo(frame, CV_8UC3, 255, 0);
        vector< Rect_<int> > faces;
        // Find the faces in the frame:
        haar_cascade.detectMultiScale(frame, faces);
        tempo = getTickCount();
        for(int j = 0; j < faces.size(); j++) {
         	    Mat face = frame(faces[j]);
		    Rect faceRect = faces[j];
		    Point center = Point(faceRect.x + faceRect.width/2, faceRect.y + faceRect.width/2);
		    if(ultimaFace.x < 0) {
		    		ultimaFace.x = center.x;
		    		ultimaFace.y = center.y;
		    else {
		    		double res = cv::norm(ultimaFace-center);
		    		if(res < 50.0) {
		    			ultimaFace.x = center.x;
			    		ultimaFace.y = center.y;
			    		Mat faceNormalized = faceNormalize(face, FACE_SIZE, sucess);
			          if(sucess) {
			                if(login < FRAMES_LOGIN) {
			                  if(login == FRAMES_LOGIN) 
			                    model->train(images, labels);
			                else {
			                    timeLastObs= timeAtualObs;
			                    timeAtualObs = tempo;
			                    double confidence;
			                    int prediction;
			                    model->predict(faceNormalized, prediction, confidence);
			                    //reconhecimento continuo
			                    if(timeLastObs == 0) {
			                    	P_Atual_Safe = 1 - ((1 + erf((confidence-Usafe) / (Rsafe*sqrt(2))))/2);
			                    	P_Atual_notSafe = ((1 + erf((confidence-UnotSafe) / (RnotSafe*sqrt(2))))/2);
			                        float deltaT = (timeLastObs - timeAtualObs)/getTickFrequency();
			                        float elevado = (deltaT * LN2)/K_DROP;
			                    	P_Safe_Atual = P_Atual_Safe + pow(E,elevado) * P_Safe_Ultimo;
			              		    P_notSafe_Atual = P_Atual_notSafe + pow(E,elevado) * P_notSafe_Ultimo;
			                    else {
			                    	P_Atual_Safe = 1 - ((1 + erf((confidence-Usafe) / (Rsafe*sqrt(2))))/2);
			                    	P_Atual_notSafe = ((1 + erf((confidence-UnotSafe) / (RnotSafe*sqrt(2))))/2);
			                    	P_Safe_Ultimo = P_Safe_Atual;
			                    	P_notSafe_Ultimo = P_notSafe_Atual;
			                    	float deltaT = (timeLastObs - timeAtualObs)/getTickFrequency();
			                      float elevado = (deltaT * LN2)/K_DROP;
			                      P_Safe_Atual = P_Atual_Safe + pow(E,elevado) * P_Safe_Ultimo;
			                      P_notSafe_Atual = P_Atual_notSafe + pow(E,elevado) * P_notSafe_Ultimo;
        if(P_Safe_Atual != 0) {
          float deltaT = -(tempo - timeAtualObs)/getTickFrequency();
          float elevado = (deltaT * LN2)/K_DROP;
          P_Safe = (pow(E,elevado) * P_Safe_Atual)/(P_Safe_Atual+P_notSafe_Atual);
          if(P_Safe > 0)
            cout << P_Safe << endl;
        flag_ir = streamNext(ir);
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
Mat GMRsaliency::GetSal(Mat &img)

	int wcut[6];
	Mat suplabel(img.size(),CV_16U);

	Mat adj(Size(spcounta,spcounta),CV_16U);

	Mat tImg;
	cvtColor(tImg, tImg, CV_BGR2Lab);

	Mat W(adj.size(),CV_32F);

	Mat optAff(W.size(),CV_32F);

	Mat salt,sald,sall,salr;
	Mat bdy;

	normalize(salt, salt, 0, 1, NORM_MINMAX);

	normalize(sald, sald, 0, 1, NORM_MINMAX);

	normalize(sall, sall, 0, 1, NORM_MINMAX);

	normalize(salr, salr, 0, 1, NORM_MINMAX);

	Mat salb;

	double thr=mean(salb)[0];
	Mat fgy;

  Mat salf;

	Mat salMap(img.size(),CV_32F);
	for(int i=0;i<salMap.rows;i++)
		for(int j=0;j<salMap.cols;j++)

	normalize(salMap, salMap, 0, 1, NORM_MINMAX);

	Mat outMap(Size(wcut[1],wcut[0]),CV_32F,Scalar(0));
	Mat subMap=outMap(Range(wcut[2],wcut[3]),Range(wcut[4],wcut[5]));
	return outMap;

static void findConstrainedCorrespondences(const Mat& _F,
                const vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints1,
                const vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints2,
                const Mat& descriptors1,
                const Mat& descriptors2,
                vector<Vec2i>& matches,
                double eps, double ratio)
    float F[9]={0};
    int dsize = descriptors1.cols;

    Mat Fhdr = Mat(3, 3, CV_32F, F);
    _F.convertTo(Fhdr, CV_32F);

    for( int i = 0; i < (int)keypoints1.size(); i++ )
        Point2f p1 = keypoints1[i].pt;
        double bestDist1 = DBL_MAX, bestDist2 = DBL_MAX;
        int bestIdx1 = -1;//, bestIdx2 = -1;
        const float* d1 = descriptors1.ptr<float>(i);

        for( int j = 0; j < (int)keypoints2.size(); j++ )
            Point2f p2 = keypoints2[j].pt;
            double e = p2.x*(F[0]*p1.x + F[1]*p1.y + F[2]) +
                       p2.y*(F[3]*p1.x + F[4]*p1.y + F[5]) +
                       F[6]*p1.x + F[7]*p1.y + F[8];
            if( fabs(e) > eps )
            const float* d2 = descriptors2.ptr<float>(j);
            double dist = 0;
            int k = 0;

            for( ; k <= dsize - 8; k += 8 )
                float t0 = d1[k] - d2[k], t1 = d1[k+1] - d2[k+1];
                float t2 = d1[k+2] - d2[k+2], t3 = d1[k+3] - d2[k+3];
                float t4 = d1[k+4] - d2[k+4], t5 = d1[k+5] - d2[k+5];
                float t6 = d1[k+6] - d2[k+6], t7 = d1[k+7] - d2[k+7];
                dist += t0*t0 + t1*t1 + t2*t2 + t3*t3 +
                        t4*t4 + t5*t5 + t6*t6 + t7*t7;

                if( dist >= bestDist2 )

            if( dist < bestDist2 )
                for( ; k < dsize; k++ )
                    float t = d1[k] - d2[k];
                    dist += t*t;

                if( dist < bestDist1 )
                    bestDist2 = bestDist1;
                    //bestIdx2 = bestIdx1;
                    bestDist1 = dist;
                    bestIdx1 = (int)j;
                else if( dist < bestDist2 )
                    bestDist2 = dist;
                    //bestIdx2 = (int)j;

        if( bestIdx1 >= 0 && bestDist1 < bestDist2*ratio )
            Point2f p2 = keypoints1[bestIdx1].pt;
            double e = p2.x*(F[0]*p1.x + F[1]*p1.y + F[2]) +
                        p2.y*(F[3]*p1.x + F[4]*p1.y + F[5]) +
                        F[6]*p1.x + F[7]*p1.y + F[8];
            if( e > eps*0.25 )
            double threshold = bestDist1/ratio;
            const float* d22 = descriptors2.ptr<float>(bestIdx1);
            int i1 = 0;
            for( ; i1 < (int)keypoints1.size(); i1++ )
                if( i1 == i )
                Point2f pt1 = keypoints1[i1].pt;
                const float* d11 = descriptors1.ptr<float>(i1);
                double dist = 0;

                e = p2.x*(F[0]*pt1.x + F[1]*pt1.y + F[2]) +
                    p2.y*(F[3]*pt1.x + F[4]*pt1.y + F[5]) +
                    F[6]*pt1.x + F[7]*pt1.y + F[8];
                if( fabs(e) > eps )

                for( int k = 0; k < dsize; k++ )
                    float t = d11[k] - d22[k];
                    dist += t*t;
                    if( dist >= threshold )

                if( dist < threshold )
            if( i1 == (int)keypoints1.size() )
Ejemplo n.º 5
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	//Read a single-channel image
	const char* filename = "imageText.jpg";
	Mat srcImg = imread(filename, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
		return -1;
	imshow("source", srcImg);

	Point center(srcImg.cols/2, srcImg.rows/2);

#ifdef DEGREE
	//Rotate source image
	Mat rotMatS = getRotationMatrix2D(center, DEGREE, 1.0);
	warpAffine(srcImg, srcImg, rotMatS, srcImg.size(), 1, 0, Scalar(255,255,255));
	imshow("RotatedSrc", srcImg);

	//Expand image to an optimal size, for faster processing speed
	//Set widths of borders in four directions
	//If borderType==BORDER_CONSTANT, fill the borders with (0,0,0)
	Mat padded;
	int opWidth = getOptimalDFTSize(srcImg.rows);
	int opHeight = getOptimalDFTSize(srcImg.cols);
	copyMakeBorder(srcImg, padded, 0, opWidth-srcImg.rows, 0, opHeight-srcImg.cols, BORDER_CONSTANT, Scalar::all(0));

	Mat planes[] = {Mat_<float>(padded), Mat::zeros(padded.size(), CV_32F)};
	Mat comImg;
	//Merge into a double-channel image

	//Use the same image as input and output,
	//so that the results can fit in Mat well
	dft(comImg, comImg);

	//Compute the magnitude
	//planes[0]=Re(DFT(I)), planes[1]=Im(DFT(I))
	split(comImg, planes);
	magnitude(planes[0], planes[1], planes[0]);

	//Switch to logarithmic scale, for better visual results
	Mat magMat = planes[0];
	magMat += Scalar::all(1);
	log(magMat, magMat);

	//Crop the spectrum
	//Width and height of magMat should be even, so that they can be divided by 2
	//-2 is 11111110 in binary system, operator & make sure width and height are always even
	magMat = magMat(Rect(0, 0, magMat.cols & -2, magMat.rows & -2));

	//Rearrange the quadrants of Fourier image,
	//so that the origin is at the center of image,
	//and move the high frequency to the corners
	int cx = magMat.cols/2;
	int cy = magMat.rows/2;

	Mat q0(magMat, Rect(0, 0, cx, cy));
	Mat q1(magMat, Rect(0, cy, cx, cy));
	Mat q2(magMat, Rect(cx, cy, cx, cy));
	Mat q3(magMat, Rect(cx, 0, cx, cy));

	Mat tmp;


	//Normalize the magnitude to [0,1], then to[0,255]
	normalize(magMat, magMat, 0, 1, CV_MINMAX);
	Mat magImg(magMat.size(), CV_8UC1);
	imshow("magnitude", magImg);

	//Turn into binary image
	imshow("mag_binary", magImg);

	//Find lines with Hough Transformation
	vector<Vec2f> lines;
	float pi180 = (float)CV_PI/180;
	Mat linImg(magImg.size(),CV_8UC3);
	int numLines = lines.size();
	for(int l=0; l<numLines; l++)
		float rho = lines[l][0], theta = lines[l][1];
		Point pt1, pt2;
		double a = cos(theta), b = sin(theta);
		double x0 = a*rho, y0 = b*rho;
		pt1.x = cvRound(x0 + 1000*(-b));
		pt1.y = cvRound(y0 + 1000*(a));
		pt2.x = cvRound(x0 - 1000*(-b));
		pt2.y = cvRound(y0 - 1000*(a));
	if(lines.size() == 3){
		cout << "found three angels:" << endl;
		cout << lines[0][1]*180/CV_PI << endl << lines[1][1]*180/CV_PI << endl << lines[2][1]*180/CV_PI << endl << endl;

	//Find the proper angel from the three found angels
	float angel=0;
	float piThresh = (float)CV_PI/90;
	float pi2 = CV_PI/2;
	for(int l=0; l<numLines; l++)
		float theta = lines[l][1];
		if(abs(theta) < piThresh || abs(theta-pi2) < piThresh)
			angel = theta;

	//Calculate the rotation angel
	//The image has to be square,
	//so that the rotation angel can be calculate right
	angel = angel<pi2 ? angel : angel-CV_PI;
	if(angel != pi2){
		float angelT = srcImg.rows*tan(angel)/srcImg.cols;
		angel = atan(angelT);
	float angelD = angel*180/(float)CV_PI;
	cout << "the rotation angel to be applied:" << endl << angelD << endl << endl;

	//Rotate the image to recover
	Mat rotMat = getRotationMatrix2D(center,angelD,1.0);
	Mat dstImg = Mat::ones(srcImg.size(),CV_8UC3);

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 void colorSpaceAnalysis( Mat frameBGR, CvSize size )
	IplImage *t1 = cvCreateImage( size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3 );
	IplImage *t2 = cvCreateImage( size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 );
	IplImage *t3 = cvCreateImage( size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 );
	IplImage *t4 = cvCreateImage( size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 );
	IplImage *t5 = cvCreateImage( size, IPL_DEPTH_16S, 1 );
	IplImage *t6 = cvCreateImage( size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 );
	IplImage *t7 = cvCreateImage( size, IPL_DEPTH_16S, 1 );
	IplImage *t8 = cvCreateImage( size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 );
	IplImage *t9 = cvCreateImage( size, IPL_DEPTH_16S, 1 );
	IplImage *t0 = cvCreateImage( size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 );
	IplImage *tA = cvCreateImage( size, IPL_DEPTH_16S, 1 );
	IplImage *tB = cvCreateImage( size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 );
	IplImage *tC = cvCreateImage( size, IPL_DEPTH_16S, 1 );
	IplImage *tD = cvCreateImage( size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 );
	IplImage *tE = cvCreateImage( size, IPL_DEPTH_16S, 1 );
	IplImage *tF = cvCreateImage( size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 );

	unsigned char new_pixel[8][3] = {
		{ 0, 0, 0 },
		{ 0, 255, 255 },
		{ 255, 255, 0 },
		{ 255, 0, 255 },
		{ 255, 0, 0 },
		{ 0, 255, 0 },
		{ 0, 0, 255 },
		{ 255, 255, 255 } };

	Mat frame2 = frameBGR;
	Mat frameXYZ;
	Mat frameYBR;
	Mat frameHSV;
	Mat frameHLS;
	Mat frameLAB;
	Mat frameLUV;
	IplImage* result = cvCreateImage( size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3 );
	IplImage* resultXYZ = cvCreateImage( size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3 );
	IplImage* resultYBR = cvCreateImage( size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3 );
	IplImage* resultHSV = cvCreateImage( size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3 );
	IplImage* resultHLS = cvCreateImage( size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3 );
	IplImage* resultLAB = cvCreateImage( size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3 );
	IplImage* resultLUV = cvCreateImage( size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3 );

	int cluster_count = 4;
	cvtColor( frameBGR, frameXYZ, CV_BGR2XYZ, 0 );
	cvtColor( frameBGR, frameYBR, CV_BGR2YCrCb, 0 );
	cvtColor( frameBGR, frameHSV, CV_BGR2HSV, 0 );
	cvtColor( frameBGR, frameHLS, CV_BGR2HLS, 0 );
	cvtColor( frameBGR, frameLAB, CV_BGR2Lab, 0 );
	cvtColor( frameBGR, frameLUV, CV_BGR2Luv, 0 );

	Mat points = frameBGR.reshape( 1, frameBGR.cols*frameBGR.rows );
	//Mat points = frame2.reshape( 1, frame2.cols*frame2.rows );
	Mat clusters, centers;
	points.convertTo(points, CV_32FC3, 1.0/255.0);
	Mat pointsXYZ = frameXYZ.reshape( 1, size.height*size.width );
	//pointsXYZ = pointsXYZ.colRange(0, 1);
	Mat clustersXYZ, centersXYZ;
	pointsXYZ.convertTo(pointsXYZ, CV_32FC3, 1.0/255.0);
	Mat pointsYBR = frameYBR.reshape( 1, size.height*size.width );
	//pointsYBR = pointsYBR.col(0);
	Mat clustersYBR, centersYBR;
	pointsYBR.convertTo(pointsYBR, CV_32FC3, 1.0/255.0);
	Mat pointsHSV = frameHSV.reshape( 1, size.height*size.width );
	//pointsHSV = pointsHSV.colRange( 0, 1 );
	Mat clustersHSV, centersHSV;
	pointsHSV.convertTo(pointsHSV, CV_32FC3, 1.0/255.0);
	Mat pointsHLS = frameHLS.reshape( 1, size.height*size.width );
	//pointsHLS = pointsHLS.colRange( 0, 1 );
	Mat clustersHLS, centersHLS;
	pointsHLS.convertTo(pointsHLS, CV_32FC3, 1.0/255.0);
	Mat pointsLAB = frameLAB.reshape( 1, size.height*size.width );
	//pointsLAB = pointsLAB.col(0);
	Mat clustersLAB, centersLAB;
	pointsLAB.convertTo(pointsLAB, CV_32FC3, 1.0/255.0);
	Mat pointsLUV = frameLUV.reshape( 1, size.height*size.width );
	//pointsLUV = pointsLUV.col(0);
	Mat clustersLUV, centersLUV;
	pointsLUV.convertTo(pointsLUV, CV_32FC3, 1.0/255.0);

	kmeans( points, cluster_count, clusters,
		TermCriteria( CV_TERMCRIT_ITER, 1, 10.0 ),
		1, KMEANS_RANDOM_CENTERS, centers );
	kmeans( pointsXYZ, cluster_count, clustersXYZ,
		TermCriteria( CV_TERMCRIT_ITER, 1, 10.0 ),
		1, KMEANS_RANDOM_CENTERS, centers );
	kmeans( pointsYBR, cluster_count, clustersYBR,
		TermCriteria( CV_TERMCRIT_ITER, 1, 10.0 ),
		1, KMEANS_RANDOM_CENTERS, centers );
	kmeans( pointsHSV, cluster_count, clustersHSV,
		TermCriteria( CV_TERMCRIT_ITER, 1, 10.0 ),
		1, KMEANS_RANDOM_CENTERS, centers );
	kmeans( pointsHLS, cluster_count, clustersHLS,
		TermCriteria( CV_TERMCRIT_ITER, 1, 10.0 ),
		1, KMEANS_RANDOM_CENTERS, centers );
	kmeans( pointsLAB, cluster_count, clustersLAB,
		TermCriteria( CV_TERMCRIT_ITER, 1, 10.0 ),
		1, KMEANS_RANDOM_CENTERS, centers );
	kmeans( pointsLUV, cluster_count, clustersLUV,
		TermCriteria( CV_TERMCRIT_ITER, 1, 10.0 ),
		1, KMEANS_RANDOM_CENTERS, centers );

	int r2 = 0;
	for(int row=0; row<frameBGR.rows; row++) 
		for(int col=0; col<frameBGR.cols; col++) 
			int a = clusters.at<int>(r2, 0);
			PUTPIXELMACRO( result, col, row, new_pixel[a], result->widthStep, (result->widthStep/result->width), 3 );
			a = clustersXYZ.at<int>(r2, 0);
			PUTPIXELMACRO( resultXYZ, col, row, new_pixel[a], result->widthStep, (result->widthStep/result->width), 3 );
			a = clustersYBR.at<int>(r2, 0);
			PUTPIXELMACRO( resultYBR, col, row, new_pixel[a], result->widthStep, (result->widthStep/result->width), 3 );
			a = clustersHSV.at<int>(r2, 0);
			PUTPIXELMACRO( resultHSV, col, row, new_pixel[a], result->widthStep, (result->widthStep/result->width), 3 );
			a = clustersHLS.at<int>(r2, 0);
			PUTPIXELMACRO( resultHLS, col, row, new_pixel[a], result->widthStep, (result->widthStep/result->width), 3 );
			a = clustersLAB.at<int>(r2, 0);
			PUTPIXELMACRO( resultLAB, col, row, new_pixel[a], result->widthStep, (result->widthStep/result->width), 3 );
			a = clustersLUV.at<int>(r2, 0);
			PUTPIXELMACRO( resultLUV, col, row, new_pixel[a], result->widthStep, (result->widthStep/result->width), 3 );

	namedWindow( "INPUT" );
	namedWindow( "OUTPUT" );
	namedWindow( "TEMP" );
	namedWindow( "OUTPUTXYZ" );
	namedWindow( "OUTPUTYBR" );
	namedWindow( "OUTPUTHSV" );
	namedWindow( "OUTPUTHLS" );
	namedWindow( "OUTPUTLAB" );
	namedWindow( "OUTPUTLUV" );

	imshow( "INPUT", frameBGR );
	cvShowImage( "OUTPUT", result );
	imshow( "TEMP", clusters );
	cvShowImage( "OUTPUTXYZ", resultXYZ );
	cvShowImage( "OUTPUTYBR", resultYBR );
	cvShowImage( "OUTPUTHSV", resultHSV );
	cvShowImage( "OUTPUTHLS", resultHLS );
	cvShowImage( "OUTPUTLAB", resultLAB );
	cvShowImage( "OUTPUTLUV", resultLUV );

	*t1 = frame;
	cvCvtColor( t1, t2, CV_RGB2GRAY );
	cvCvtColor( result, t3, CV_RGB2GRAY );
	cvSobel( t2, t7, 1, 0, 9 );
	cvThreshold( t7, t8, 250, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY );
	cvSobel( t3, t9, 1, 0, 9 );
	cvThreshold( t9, t0, 250, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY );
	cvSobel( t2, tE, 1, 0, 7 );
	cvThreshold( tE, tF, 250, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY );
	cvSobel( t3, tC, 1, 0, 7 );
	cvThreshold( tC, tD, 250, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY );
	cvSobel( t2, tA, 1, 0, 5 );
	cvThreshold( tA, tB, 250, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY );
	cvSobel( t3, t5, 1, 0, 5 );
	cvThreshold( t5, t6, 250, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY );

	cvShowImage( "T7", t7 );
	cvShowImage( "T8", t8 );
	cvShowImage( "T9", t9 );
	cvShowImage( "T0", t0 );
	cvShowImage( "T5", t5 );
	cvShowImage( "T6", t6 );
	cvShowImage( "TA", tA );
	cvShowImage( "TB", tB );
	cvShowImage( "TC", tC );
	cvShowImage( "TD", tD );
	cvShowImage( "TE", tE );
	cvShowImage( "TF", tF );

Ejemplo n.º 7
int main( int argc, char** argv )
    printf( "Scale Space Cost Aggregation\n" );
    if( argc != 11 ) {
        printf( "Usage: [CC_METHOD] [CA_METHOD] [PP_METHOD] [C_ALPHA] [lImg] [rImg] [lDis] [rDis] [maxDis] [disSc]\n" );
        printf( "\nPress any key to continue...\n" );
        return -1;
    string ccName = argv[ 1 ];
    string caName = argv[ 2 ];
    string ppName = argv[ 3 ];
    double costAlpha = atof( argv[ 4 ] );
    string lFn = argv[ 5 ];
    string rFn = argv[ 6 ];
    string lDisFn = argv[ 7 ];
    string rDisFn = argv[ 8 ];
    int maxDis = atoi( argv[ 9 ] );
    int disSc  = atoi( argv[ 10 ] );
    // Load left right image
    printf( "\n--------------------------------------------------------\n" );
    printf( "Load Image: (%s) (%s)\n", argv[ 5 ], argv[ 6 ] );
    printf( "--------------------------------------------------------\n" );
    Mat lImg = imread( lFn, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR );
    Mat rImg = imread( rFn, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR );
    if( !lImg.data || !rImg.data ) {
        printf( "Error: can not open image\n" );
        printf( "\nPress any key to continue...\n" );
        return -1;
    // set image format
    cvtColor( lImg, lImg, CV_BGR2RGB );
    cvtColor( rImg, rImg, CV_BGR2RGB );
    lImg.convertTo( lImg, CV_64F, 1 / 255.0f );
    rImg.convertTo( rImg, CV_64F,  1 / 255.0f );

    // time
    double duration;
    duration = static_cast<double>(getTickCount());

    // Stereo Match at each pyramid
    int PY_LVL = 5;
    // build pyramid and cost volume
    Mat lP = lImg.clone();
    Mat rP = rImg.clone();
    SSCA** smPyr = new SSCA*[ PY_LVL ];
    CCMethod* ccMtd = getCCType( ccName );
    CAMethod* caMtd = getCAType( caName );
    PPMethod* ppMtd = getPPType( ppName );
    for( int p = 0; p < PY_LVL; p ++ ) {
        if( maxDis < 5 ) {
            PY_LVL = p;
        printf( "\n\tPyramid: %d:", p );
        smPyr[ p ] = new SSCA( lP, rP, maxDis, disSc );

        smPyr[ p ]->CostCompute( ccMtd );

        smPyr[ p ]->CostAggre( caMtd  );
        // pyramid downsample
        maxDis = maxDis / 2 + 1;
        disSc  *= 2;
        pyrDown( lP, lP );
        pyrDown( rP, rP );
    printf( "\n--------------------------------------------------------\n" );
    printf( "\n Cost Aggregation in Scale Space\n" );
    printf( "\n--------------------------------------------------------\n" );
    // new method
    SolveAll( smPyr, PY_LVL, costAlpha );

    // old method
    //for( int p = PY_LVL - 2 ; p >= 0; p -- ) {
    //	smPyr[ p ]->AddPyrCostVol( smPyr[ p + 1 ], costAlpha );

    // Match + Postprocess
    smPyr[ 0 ]->Match();
    smPyr[ 0 ]->PostProcess( ppMtd );
    Mat lDis = smPyr[ 0 ]->getLDis();
    Mat rDis = smPyr[ 0 ]->getRDis();
#ifdef _DEBUG
    for( int s = 0; s < PY_LVL; s ++ ) {
        smPyr[ s ]->Match();
        Mat sDis = smPyr[ s ]->getLDis();
        ostringstream sStr;
        sStr << s;
        string sFn = sStr.str( ) + "_ld.png";
        imwrite( sFn, sDis );
    saveOnePixCost( smPyr, PY_LVL );
    // Median Filter Output
    MeanFilter( lDis, lDis, 3 );
    duration = static_cast<double>(getTickCount())-duration;
    duration /= cv::getTickFrequency(); // the elapsed time in sec
    printf( "\n--------------------------------------------------------\n" );
    printf( "Total Time: %.2lf s\n", duration );
    printf( "--------------------------------------------------------\n" );

    // Save Output
    imwrite( lDisFn, lDis );
    imwrite( rDisFn, rDis );

    delete [] smPyr;
    delete ccMtd;
    delete caMtd;
    delete ppMtd;
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 8
void ShowImage(Mat image,int type,string WindowName)
    namedWindow( WindowName, WINDOW_AUTOSIZE );// Create a window for display.
    imshow( WindowName, image);
Ejemplo n.º 9
  void HandPixel(Mat depth, Mat RGB,Mat Mask, float dis,float dis2, int it,String name){
    const float bad_point = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();
 	pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::Ptr nube(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>);
	pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::Ptr nubef(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>);
	pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::Ptr nubef2(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>);
	pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::Ptr nubef3(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>);
 	pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::Ptr nube2(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>);
	pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr nubep(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);
	Mat Ultima = RGB.clone();
    Mat Depth2 = depth.clone();
	Mat inpaintMask = Mat::zeros(RGB.size(), CV_8U);
    uint16_t b = depth.at<uint16_t>(0,0);
    for(int i = 0; i < Ultima.rows; i++)
      for(int j = 0; j < Ultima.cols; j++)
        	uint16_t x = depth.at<uint16_t>(i,j);
			if (x == b){
				inpaintMask.at<uint8_t>(i,j) = 1;
    int Hist[640]={};
    Mat d = depth;
    d.convertTo(d, CV_8U,1.0/256, 0);
	int min = 1000000;
	int max = 0;
    //inpaint(d, inpaintMask, Depth2, 1, INPAINT_TELEA);
    uint8_t black = depth.at<uint8_t>(0,0);
    nubef->width = Ultima.cols;
    nubef->height = Ultima.rows;
    for(int i = 0; i < Ultima.rows; i++)
      for(int j = 0; j < Ultima.cols; j++)
       cv::Vec3b& bgr = RGB.at<cv::Vec3b>(i,j);
	   cv::Vec3b& na = Mask.at<cv::Vec3b>(i,j);
       pcl::PointXYZRGB p;
       p.r = bgr[2];
       p.g = bgr[1];
       p.b = bgr[0];
       int dep = Depth2.at<uint16_t>(i,j);
       p.z= dep/100;
       if((dep/100) > 44 && (dep/100) < 462 && p.y >290){
	   //Hist[dep/100] +=1;
		//float distancia = ((0.00170869*p.x+0.435266*p.y-236.199)/0.9003)-dep;
		//cout << distancia << endl;
       if(min > p.z) min = p.z;
	   if(max < p.z) max =p.z;
       nubef->at(j,i) = p;
	   /*else if (p.y > 320){
        float M = -0.0528487*p.x-0.282845*p.x- 193.149;
		M = M/-0.957709 ;
		p.z =M;
		nube -> push_back(p);
       /*int distancia = 0.15228*p.z+0.0539963*p.x-0.986861*p.y;
       cv::Vec3b blck = (distancia,distancia,distancia);
       Ultima.at<cv::Vec3b>(i,j) = blck;*/
  if (nube->isOrganized()){
  cout << nube->height << " " << nube->width << endl;
  cout << "Bucle Acabado1 " << nube->size() << endl;
  cout << " Min: "<< min << " Max: " << max <<endl;}
  /*pcl::PassThrough<pcl::PointXYZRGB> pass;
  pass.setInputCloud (nube);
  pass.setFilterFieldName ("z");
  pass.setFilterLimits (30.0, 150.0);
  //pass.setFilterLimitsNegative (true);
  pass.filter (*nubef);
  pass.setInputCloud (nubef);
  pass.setFilterFieldName ("y");
  pass.setFilterLimits ( 200.0, 600.0);
  //pass.setFilterLimitsNegative (true);
  pass.filter (*nubef2);*/
  nube2 = Region(nube,dis,dis2,7);
  cout << "Bucle Acabado2 " << nube2->size() << endl;
  /*pcl::SampleConsensusModelPlane<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::Ptr dit (new pcl::SampleConsensusModelPlane<pcl::PointXYZRGB> (nube));
  Eigen::Vector4f coefficients = Eigen::Vector4f(0.00170869,0.435266,0.9003,-236.199);
  std::vector<int> inliers;
  dit -> selectWithinDistance (coefficients, dis, inliers);
  pcl::copyPointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>(*nube, inliers, *nube2); */
  cout << "Bucle Acabado3 " << nube2->size() << endl;
  //for (int i =0;i < 640 ; i++) cout <<i << " : " << Hist[i] << ";"<<endl;
	cv::Vec3b blck = (0,0,0);
	if (nube2->size() > 0){
	  for (int pit = 0; pit != nube2->size(); ++pit){
        nubef->at(nube2->at(pit).x,nube2->at(pit).y).x =  bad_point;
        nubef->at(nube2->at(pit).x,nube2->at(pit).y).y =  bad_point;
        nubef->at(nube2->at(pit).x,nube2->at(pit).y).z =  bad_point;
		Ultima.at<cv::Vec3b>(nube2->at(pit).y,nube2->at(pit).x) = blck;
    pcl::io::savePCDFile (name+".pcd", *nubef,false);
	for (size_t i = 0; i < nube2->points.size(); i++) {
    nubep->points[i].x = nube2->points[i].x;
    nubep->points[i].y = nube2->points[i].y;
    nubep->points[i].z = nube2->points[i].z;
	//pcl::io::savePCDFile ("test_pcd.pcd", *nubep,false);
  /*pcl::visualization::CloudViewer viewer ("Cluster viewer");
  while (!viewer.wasStopped ())
  pcl::visualization::CloudViewer viewer2 ("Cluster2 viewer");
  while (!viewer2.wasStopped ())
Ejemplo n.º 10
bool ObjPatchMatcher::Match(const Mat& cimg, const Mat& dmap_raw, Mat& mask_map) {

	 * precompute feature maps
	// gradient
	Mat gray_img, gray_img_float, edge_map;
	cvtColor(cimg, gray_img, CV_BGR2GRAY);
	gray_img.convertTo(gray_img_float, CV_32F, 1.f/255);
	Canny(gray_img, edge_map, 10, 50);
	cv::imshow("edge", edge_map);
	cv::imshow("color", cimg);

	Mat grad_x, grad_y, grad_mag;
	Sobel(gray_img_float, grad_x, CV_32F, 1, 0);
	Sobel(gray_img_float, grad_y, CV_32F, 0, 1);
	magnitude(grad_x, grad_y, grad_mag);

	// depth
	Mat dmap_float, pts3d, normal_map;
	if( use_depth ) {
		Feature3D feat3d;
		dmap_raw.convertTo(dmap_float, CV_32F);
		Mat cmp_mask;
		compare(dmap_float, 800, cmp_mask, CMP_LT);
		dmap_float.setTo(800, cmp_mask);
		compare(dmap_float, 7000, cmp_mask, CMP_GT);
		dmap_float.setTo(7000, cmp_mask);
		dmap_float = (dmap_float-800)/(7000-800);

		feat3d.ComputeKinect3DMap(dmap_float, pts3d, false);
		feat3d.ComputeNormalMap(pts3d, normal_map);

	 *	start searching
	// init searcher
	//searcher.Build(patch_data, BruteForce_L2);	// opencv bfmatcher has size limit: maximum 2^31
	LSHCoder lsh_coder;
	if(use_code) {
	Mat score_map = Mat::zeros(edge_map.rows, edge_map.cols, CV_32F);
	Mat mask_vote_map = Mat::zeros(cimg.rows, cimg.cols, CV_32F);
	mask_map = Mat::zeros(cimg.rows, cimg.cols, CV_32F);
	Mat mask_count = Mat::zeros(cimg.rows, cimg.cols, CV_32S);	// number of mask overlapped on each pixel
	Mat feat;
	int topK = 40;
	int total_cnt = countNonZero(edge_map);
	vector<VisualObject> query_patches;

	cout<<"Start match..."<<endl;
	float max_dist = 0;
	int cnt = 0;
	char str[30];
	double start_t = getTickCount();
//#pragma omp parallel for
	for(int r=patch_size.height/2; r<gray_img.rows-patch_size.height/2; r+=3) {
		for(int c=patch_size.width/2; c<gray_img.cols-patch_size.width/2; c+=3) {

			/*int rand_r = rand()%gray_img.rows;
			int rand_c = rand()%gray_img.cols;
			if(rand_r < patch_size.height/2 || rand_r > gray_img.rows-patch_size.height/2 ||
				rand_c < patch_size.width/2 || rand_c > gray_img.cols-patch_size.width/2) continue;*/
			int rand_r = r, rand_c = c;

			if(edge_map.at<uchar>(rand_r, rand_c) > 0) 

				Rect box(rand_c-patch_size.width/2, rand_r-patch_size.height/2, patch_size.width, patch_size.height);
				MatFeatureSet featset;
				ComputePatchFeat(featset, feat);
				vector<DMatch> matches;
					BinaryCodes codes;
					HashKey key_val;
					lsh_coder.ComputeCodes(feat, codes);
					HashingTools<HashKeyType>::CodesToKey(codes, key_val);
					MatchCode(key_val, topK, matches);
					MatchPatch(feat, topK, matches);
				if(matches[0].distance < 0 || matches[0].distance > 1000) {
					cout<<"match dist: "<<matches[0].distance<<endl;
					double minv, maxv;
					cout<<norm(feat, patch_data.row(matches[0].trainIdx), NORM_L2)<<endl;
					minMaxLoc(feat, &minv, &maxv);
					cout<<minv<<" "<<maxv<<endl;
					minMaxLoc(patch_data.row(matches[0].trainIdx), &minv, &maxv);
					cout<<minv<<" "<<maxv<<endl;
					imshow("cimg", cimg);
				vector<vector<Mat>> pixel_mask_vals(patch_size.height, vector<Mat>(patch_size.width, Mat::zeros(1, topK, CV_32F)));
				VisualObject cur_query;
				cur_query.visual_data.bbox = box;
				cur_query.visual_data.mask = Mat::zeros(patch_size.height, patch_size.width, CV_32F);
				for(size_t i=0; i<topK; i++) { 
					score_map.at<float>(rand_r,rand_c) += matches[i].distance;
					cur_query.visual_data.mask += patch_meta.objects[matches[i].trainIdx].visual_data.mask;
					for(int mr=0; mr<patch_size.height; mr++) for(int mc=0; mc<patch_size.width; mc++) {
						pixel_mask_vals[mr][mc].at<float>(i) = 
							patch_meta.objects[matches[i].trainIdx].visual_data.mask.at<float>(mr, mc);
				score_map.at<float>(rand_r,rand_c) /= topK;
				cur_query.visual_data.mask /= topK;			// average returned mask
				// compute mask quality
				Scalar mean_, std_;
				/*ofstream out("pixel_mask_std_100.txt", ios::app);
				for(int mr=0; mr<patch_size.height; mr++) for(int mc=0; mc<patch_size.width; mc++) {
				meanStdDev(pixel_mask_vals[mr][mc], mean_, std_);
				out<<std_.val[0]<<" ";
				meanStdDev(cur_query.visual_data.mask, mean_, std_);

				Mat align_mask = Mat::zeros(cimg.rows, cimg.cols, CV_8U);
				int gt_mask_id = patch_meta.objects[matches[0].trainIdx].meta_data.category_id;
				if(gt_mask_id != -1) {
					Mat nn_mask = gt_obj_masks[gt_mask_id];
					//imshow("gt mask", nn_mask*255);
					Rect gt_box = patch_meta.objects[matches[0].trainIdx].visual_data.bbox;
					Rect align_box = AlignBox(box, gt_box, cimg.cols, cimg.rows);
					vector<ImgWin> boxes; boxes.push_back(align_box);
					//ImgVisualizer::DrawWinsOnImg("alignbox", cimg, boxes);
					Rect target_box = Rect(box.x-(gt_box.x-align_box.x), box.y-(gt_box.y-align_box.y), align_box.width, align_box.height);
				align_mask.convertTo(align_mask, CV_32F);
				mask_map += align_mask * matches[0].distance;	//*score_map.at<float>(r,c);
				//mask_count(box) = mask_count(box) + 1;

				max_dist = MAX(max_dist, matches[0].distance);

				// vote object regions
				/*Point3f line_ori;
				int obj_pt_sign;
				ComputeDominantLine(cur_query.visual_desc.mask, box.tl(), line_ori, obj_pt_sign);
				for(int rr=0; rr<cimg.rows; rr++) for(int cc=0; cc<cimg.cols; cc++) {
				float line_val = line_ori.x*cc+line_ori.y*rr+line_ori.z;
				if((line_val>0?1:-1)==obj_pt_sign) mask_vote_map.at<float>(rr, cc)++;

#ifdef VERBOSE

				// current patch
				Mat disp, patch_gray, patch_grad, patch_normal, patch_depth;
				disp = cimg.clone();
				rectangle(disp, box, CV_RGB(255,0,0), 2);
				resize(gray_img(box), patch_gray, Size(50,50));
				resize(grad_mag(box), patch_grad, Size(50,50));
				Mat cur_mask;
				resize(cur_query.visual_desc.mask, cur_mask, Size(50,50));
					resize(normal_map(box), patch_normal, Size(50,50));

					normalize(dmap_float(box), patch_depth, 1, 0, NORM_MINMAX);
					patch_depth.convertTo(patch_depth, CV_8U, 255);
					//dmap_float(box).convertTo(patch_depth, CV_8U, 255);
					resize(patch_depth, patch_depth, Size(50,50));

				Mat onormal;
				sprintf_s(str, "query_gray_%d.jpg", cnt);
				imshow(str, patch_gray);
				imwrite(str, patch_gray);

				/*sprintf_s(str, "query_grad_%d.jpg", cnt);
				ImgVisualizer::DrawFloatImg(str, patch_grad, onormal, true);
				imwrite(str, onormal);*/
				sprintf_s(str, "query_depth_%d.jpg", cnt);
				imshow(str, patch_depth);
				imwrite(str, patch_depth);
				sprintf_s(str, "query_normal_%d.jpg", cnt);
				ImgVisualizer::DrawNormals(str, patch_normal, onormal, true);
				imwrite(str, onormal);

				sprintf_s(str, "query_box_%d.jpg", cnt);
				imshow(str, disp);
				imwrite(str, disp);

				//imshow("align mask", align_mask*255);

				cur_mask.convertTo(cur_mask, CV_8U, 255);
				sprintf_s(str, "query_tmask_%d.jpg", cnt);
				imshow(str, cur_mask);
				imwrite(str, cur_mask);

				// show match results
				vector<Mat> res_imgs(topK);
				vector<Mat> res_gradients(topK);
				vector<Mat> res_normals(topK);
				vector<Mat> res_depth(topK);
				vector<Mat> db_boxes(topK);
				vector<Mat> res_masks(topK);
				for(size_t i=0; i<topK; i++) {
					VisualObject& cur_obj = patch_meta.objects[matches[i].trainIdx];
					// mask
					cur_obj.visual_desc.mask.convertTo(res_masks[i], CV_8U, 255);
					// gray
					cur_obj.visual_desc.extra_features["gray"].convertTo(res_imgs[i], CV_8U, 255);
					// gradient
					//ImgVisualizer::DrawFloatImg("", cur_obj.visual_desc.extra_features["gradient"], res_gradients[i], false);
					// 3D
						// normal
						tools::ImgVisualizer::DrawNormals("", cur_obj.visual_desc.extra_features["normal"], res_normals[i]);
						// depth
						normalize(cur_obj.visual_desc.extra_features["depth"], res_depth[i], 1, 0, NORM_MINMAX);
						res_depth[i].convertTo(res_depth[i], CV_8U, 255);
						//cur_obj.visual_desc.extra_features["depth"].convertTo(res_depth[i], CV_8U, 255);
					// box on image
					db_boxes[i] = imread(patch_meta.objects[matches[i].trainIdx].imgpath);
					resize(db_boxes[i], db_boxes[i], Size(cimg.cols, cimg.rows));
					rectangle(db_boxes[i], patch_meta.objects[matches[i].trainIdx].visual_desc.box, CV_RGB(255,0,0), 2);
				Mat out_img;
				sprintf_s(str, "res_gray_%d.jpg", cnt);
				ImgVisualizer::DrawImgCollection(str, res_imgs, topK, Size(50,50), out_img);
				imwrite(str, out_img);
				sprintf_s(str, "res_normal_%d.jpg", cnt);
				ImgVisualizer::DrawImgCollection(str, res_normals, topK, Size(50,50), out_img);
				imwrite(str, out_img);

				sprintf_s(str, "res_depth_%d.jpg", cnt);
				ImgVisualizer::DrawImgCollection(str, res_depth, topK, Size(50,50), out_img);
				imwrite(str, out_img);

				/*sprintf_s(str, "res_gradient_%d.jpg", cnt);
				tools::ImgVisualizer::DrawImgCollection(str, res_gradients, topK, Size(50,50), out_img);
				imwrite(str, out_img);*/

				sprintf_s(str, "res_mask_%d.jpg", cnt);
				tools::ImgVisualizer::DrawImgCollection(str, res_masks, topK, Size(50,50), out_img);
				imwrite(str, out_img);

				sprintf_s(str, "res_box_%d.jpg", cnt);
				tools::ImgVisualizer::DrawImgCollection(str, db_boxes, topK/2, Size(200, 200), out_img);
				imwrite(str, out_img);


	cout<<"match done. Time cost: "<<(getTickCount()-start_t)/getTickFrequency()<<"s."<<endl;

	//score_map(Rect(patch_size.width/2, patch_size.height/2, score_map.cols-patch_size.width/2, score_map.rows-patch_size.height/2)).copyTo(score_map);
	//score_map.setTo(max_dist, 255-edge_map);
	normalize(score_map, score_map, 1, 0, NORM_MINMAX);
	score_map = 1-score_map;
	//tools::ImgVisualizer::DrawFloatImg("bmap", score_map);

	mask_map /= max_dist;
	normalize(mask_map, mask_map, 1, 0, NORM_MINMAX);
	//tools::ImgVisualizer::DrawFloatImg("maskmap", mask_map);

	//normalize(mask_vote_map, mask_vote_map, 1, 0, NORM_MINMAX);
	//ImgVisualizer::DrawFloatImg("vote map", mask_vote_map);

	return true;

	// pick top weighted points to see if they are inside objects
	// try graph-cut for region proposal
	// among all retrieved mask patch, select most discriminative one and do graph-cut
	sort(query_patches.begin(), query_patches.end(), [](const VisualObject& a, const VisualObject& b) { 
		return a.visual_data.scores[1] > b.visual_data.scores[1]; });
	for(size_t i=0; i<query_patches.size(); i++) {
		Mat disp_img = cimg.clone();
		rectangle(disp_img, query_patches[i].visual_data.bbox, CV_RGB(255,0,0));
		imshow("max std box", disp_img);
		Mat big_mask;
		resize(query_patches[i].visual_data.mask, big_mask, Size(50,50));
		ImgVisualizer::DrawFloatImg("max std mask", big_mask);
		// use mask to do graph-cut
		Mat fg_mask(cimg.rows, cimg.cols, CV_8U);
		Mat th_mask;
		threshold(query_patches[i].visual_data.mask, th_mask, query_patches[i].visual_data.scores[0], 1, CV_THRESH_BINARY);
		th_mask.convertTo(th_mask, CV_8U);
		fg_mask(query_patches[i].visual_data.bbox).setTo(cv::GC_FGD, th_mask);
		th_mask = 1-th_mask;
		fg_mask(query_patches[i].visual_data.bbox).setTo(cv::GC_BGD, th_mask);
		cv::grabCut(cimg, fg_mask, Rect(0,0,1,1), Mat(), Mat(), 3, cv::GC_INIT_WITH_MASK);
		fg_mask = fg_mask & 1;
		cimg.copyTo(disp_img, fg_mask);
		cv::imshow("cut", disp_img);

	float ths[] = {0.9f, 0.8f, 0.7f, 0.6f, 0.5f, 0.4f, 0.3f, 0.2f};
	for(size_t i=0; i<8; i++) {
		Mat th_mask;
		threshold(mask_map, th_mask, ths[i], 1, CV_THRESH_BINARY);
		char str[30];
		sprintf_s(str, "%f", ths[i]);
		ImgVisualizer::DrawFloatImg(str, th_mask);

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 Mat process()
     watershed(image, watershed_markers);
     return watershed_markers;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  initSurround360(argc, argv);
  requireArg(FLAGS_data_path, "data_path");

  if (FLAGS_test_image_path != "" && FLAGS_test_isp_path == "") {
    throw VrCamException("Need ISP file for test image");

  string dataDir = FLAGS_data_path.substr(0, FLAGS_data_path.find_last_of('/'));
  const string outputDir =
    FLAGS_output_dir.empty() ? dataDir + "/output" : FLAGS_output_dir;
  system(string("mkdir -p \"" + outputDir + "\"").c_str());

  LOG(INFO) << "Loading data...";

  // Assuming JSON file with format
  // [
  //   {
  //     "location" : [x1, y1],
  //     "rgbmedian" : [r1, g1, b1]
  //   },
  //   ...
  //   {
  //     "location" : [xN, yN],
  //     "rgbmedian" : [rN, gN, bN]
  //   }
  //  ]

  string json;
  folly::readFile(FLAGS_data_path.c_str(), json);
  if (json.empty()) {
    throw VrCamException("Failed to load JSON file: " + FLAGS_data_path);

  vector<Point2f> vignetteMapLocs;
  vector<Vec3f> vignetteMapRGBValues;
  folly::dynamic data = folly::parseJson(json);
  static const int kNumChannels = 3;
  vector<float> minRGB(kNumChannels, INT_MAX);
  vector<float> maxRGB(kNumChannels, 0);
  for (const auto& sample : data) {
    const folly::dynamic loc = sample["location"];
    const folly::dynamic median = sample["rgbmedian"];
    vignetteMapLocs.push_back(Point2f(loc[0].asDouble(), loc[1].asDouble()));
    const Vec3f v = Vec3f(

    // Find min and max of each channel as we load data
    for (int ch = 0; ch < kNumChannels; ++ch) {
      minRGB[ch] = std::min(minRGB[ch], v[ch]);
      maxRGB[ch] = std::max(maxRGB[ch], v[ch]);

  if (FLAGS_save_debug_images) {
    vector<Mat> vignetteMapPlotRGB;
    for (int i = 0; i < kNumChannels; ++i) {
      Mat ch = Mat::zeros(FLAGS_image_height, FLAGS_image_width, CV_8UC1);

    // Stretch data for display purposes
    for (int i = 0; i < vignetteMapLocs.size(); ++i) {
      for (int ch = 0; ch < kNumChannels; ++ch) {
        const float v = vignetteMapRGBValues[i][ch];
        const float valNorm =
          255.0f * (v - minRGB[ch]) / (maxRGB[ch] - minRGB[ch]);
        vignetteMapPlotRGB[ch].at<uchar>(vignetteMapLocs[i]) = valNorm;
        static const int kRadius = 5;
        static const int kThicknessFill = -1;

    for (int ch = 0; ch < kNumChannels; ++ch) {
      Mat vignetteMapPlotJet;
      applyColorMap(vignetteMapPlotRGB[ch], vignetteMapPlotJet, COLORMAP_JET);
      const char chName = "rgb"[ch];
      const string vignetteMapPlotFilename =
        outputDir + "/sample_map_" + chName + "_stretched.png";
      imwriteExceptionOnFail(vignetteMapPlotFilename, vignetteMapPlotJet);

  // Approximating falloff using Nth order Bezier surface
  // p(u, v) = (sum_i=0^N b_i * B_i^N(u)) * (sum_j=0^N b_j * B_j^N(v))
  static const int kBezierX = 4;
  static const int kBezierY = 4;

  vector<Point3f> vignetteRollOffH(kBezierX + 1);
  vector<Point3f> vignetteRollOffV(kBezierY + 1);
  const int maxDimension = std::max(FLAGS_image_width, FLAGS_image_height);
  for (int ch = 0; ch < kNumChannels; ++ch) {
    ceres::Problem problem;

    // Initialize estimates
    vector<double> paramsX(kBezierX + 1, 0.5);
    vector<double> paramsY(kBezierY + 1, 0.5);

    LOG(INFO) << "Creating residuals...";

    for (int i = 0; i < vignetteMapLocs.size(); ++i) {
      const double x = double(vignetteMapLocs[i].x) / double(maxDimension);
      const double y = double(vignetteMapLocs[i].y) / double(maxDimension);
      const float v = vignetteMapRGBValues[i][ch] / maxRGB[ch];

      // Use inverse to directly get vignetting correction surface
      BezierFunctor<kBezierX, kBezierX>::addResidual(
        problem, paramsX, paramsY, x, y, 1.0f / v);

    LOG(INFO) << "Solving...";

    ceres::Solver::Options options;
    options.max_num_iterations = 1000;
    options.minimizer_progress_to_stdout = FLAGS_save_debug_images;
    ceres::Solver::Summary summary;
    Solve(options, &problem, &summary);
    LOG(INFO) << summary.FullReport();

    LOG(INFO) << "curveFit parameters...";

    std::ostringstream paramsStreamX;
    for (int i = 0; i <= kBezierX; ++i) {
      if (ch == 0) {
        vignetteRollOffH[i].x = paramsX[i];
      } else if (ch == 1) {
        vignetteRollOffH[i].y = paramsX[i];
      } else {
        vignetteRollOffH[i].z = paramsX[i];
      paramsStreamX << "X" << i << ":" << paramsX[i] << " ";
    std::ostringstream paramsStreamY;
    for (int i = 0; i <= kBezierY; ++i) {
      if (ch == 0) {
        vignetteRollOffV[i].x = paramsY[i];
      } else if (ch == 1) {
        vignetteRollOffV[i].y = paramsY[i];
      } else {
        vignetteRollOffV[i].z = paramsY[i];
      paramsStreamY << "Y" << i << ":" << paramsY[i] << " ";
    LOG(INFO) << paramsStreamX.str();
    LOG(INFO) << paramsStreamY.str();

    // Save report to file
    const char chName = "rgb"[ch];
    const string ceresFilename = outputDir + "/ceres_report_" + chName + ".txt";
    ofstream ceresStream(ceresFilename, ios::out);
    if (!ceresStream) {
      throw VrCamException("file open failed: " + ceresFilename);
    ceresStream << summary.FullReport();
    ceresStream << paramsStreamX.str() << "\n" << paramsStreamY.str();

    if (FLAGS_save_debug_images) {
      LOG(INFO) << "Creating surface fit for channel " << ch << "...";

      BezierCurve<float, double> bezierX(paramsX);
      BezierCurve<float, double> bezierY(paramsY);

      Mat surfaceFit = Mat::zeros(FLAGS_image_height, FLAGS_image_width, CV_32FC1);
      for (int x = 0; x < FLAGS_image_width; ++x) {
        const float vx = bezierX(float(x) / float(maxDimension));
        for (int y = 0; y < FLAGS_image_height; ++y) {
          const float vy = bezierY(float(y) / float(maxDimension));
          surfaceFit.at<float>(Point(x, y)) = vx * vy;

      double minVal;
      double maxVal;
      Point maxLoc;
      Point minLoc;
      minMaxLoc(surfaceFit, &minVal, &maxVal, &minLoc, &maxLoc);
      LOG(INFO) << "surfaceFit min: " << minVal << ", at " << minLoc;
      LOG(INFO) << "surfaceFit max: " << maxVal << ", at " << maxLoc;

      Mat surfacePlot = 255.0f * surfaceFit / maxVal;
      surfacePlot.convertTo(surfacePlot, CV_8UC1);

      // Plot parameters
      static const Point kTextLoc = Point(0, 50);
      static const Scalar kColor = 0;
      putTextShift(surfacePlot, paramsStreamX.str(), kTextLoc, kColor);
      putTextShift(surfacePlot, paramsStreamY.str(), kTextLoc * 2, kColor);

      // Plot image center and surface minima location
      putCircleAndText(surfacePlot, minLoc, kColor);
      Point imageCenter = Point(FLAGS_image_width / 2, FLAGS_image_height / 2);
      putCircleAndText(surfacePlot, imageCenter, kColor);

      Mat surfacePlotJet;
      applyColorMap(surfacePlot, surfacePlotJet, COLORMAP_JET);
      const string surfaceFitPlotFilename =
        outputDir + "/curveFit_fit_" + chName + "_stretched.png";
      imwriteExceptionOnFail(surfaceFitPlotFilename, surfacePlotJet);

  if (FLAGS_test_image_path == "") {
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

  Mat rawTest = imreadExceptionOnFail(
  const uint8_t rawDepth = rawTest.type() & CV_MAT_DEPTH_MASK;
  if (rawDepth == CV_8U) {
    rawTest = convert8bitTo16bit(rawTest);
  } else if (rawDepth != CV_16U) {
    throw VrCamException("Test image is not 8-bit or 16-bit");

  LOG(INFO) << "Updating ISP config file...";

  string ispOutFilename = outputDir + "/isp_out.json";
  CameraIsp cameraIsp(getJson(FLAGS_test_isp_path), getBitsPerPixel(rawTest));

  if (FLAGS_save_debug_images) {
    LOG(INFO) << "Testing vignetting...";

    const string rawTestFilename = outputDir + "/test_in.png";
    imwriteExceptionOnFail(rawTestFilename, 255.0f * cameraIsp.getRawImage());

    static const int kOutputBpp = 16;
    Mat rawTestIspOut(rawTest.size(), CV_16UC3);

  #ifdef USE_HALIDE
    static const bool kFast = false;
    CameraIspPipe cameraIspTest(getJson(ispOutFilename), kFast, kOutputBpp);
    CameraIsp cameraIspTest(getJson(ispOutFilename), kOutputBpp);

    const string rawTestIspOutFilename = outputDir + "/test_out_rgb.png";
    imwriteExceptionOnFail(rawTestIspOutFilename, rawTestIspOut);

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 13
double cv::findTransformECC(InputArray templateImage,
                            InputArray inputImage,
                            InputOutputArray warpMatrix,
                            int motionType,
                            TermCriteria criteria)

    Mat src = templateImage.getMat();//template iamge
    Mat dst = inputImage.getMat(); //input image (to be warped)
    Mat map = warpMatrix.getMat(); //warp (transformation)


    if( ! (src.type()==dst.type()))
        CV_Error( CV_StsUnmatchedFormats, "Both input images must have the same data type" );

    //accept only 1-channel images
    if( src.type() != CV_8UC1 && src.type()!= CV_32FC1)
        CV_Error( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "Images must have 8uC1 or 32fC1 type");

    if( map.type() != CV_32FC1)
        CV_Error( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "warpMatrix must be single-channel floating-point matrix");

    CV_Assert (map.cols == 3);
    CV_Assert (map.rows == 2 || map.rows ==3);

    CV_Assert (motionType == MOTION_AFFINE || motionType == MOTION_HOMOGRAPHY ||
        motionType == MOTION_EUCLIDEAN || motionType == MOTION_TRANSLATION);

    if (motionType == MOTION_HOMOGRAPHY){
        CV_Assert (map.rows ==3);

    CV_Assert (criteria.type & TermCriteria::COUNT || criteria.type & TermCriteria::EPS);
    const int    numberOfIterations = (criteria.type & TermCriteria::COUNT) ? criteria.maxCount : 200;
    const double termination_eps    = (criteria.type & TermCriteria::EPS)   ? criteria.epsilon  :  -1;

    int paramTemp = 6;//default: affine
    switch (motionType){
          paramTemp = 2;
          paramTemp = 3;
          paramTemp = 8;

    const int numberOfParameters = paramTemp;

    const int ws = src.cols;
    const int hs = src.rows;
    const int wd = dst.cols;
    const int hd = dst.rows;

    Mat Xcoord = Mat(1, ws, CV_32F);
    Mat Ycoord = Mat(hs, 1, CV_32F);
    Mat Xgrid = Mat(hs, ws, CV_32F);
    Mat Ygrid = Mat(hs, ws, CV_32F);

    float* XcoPtr = Xcoord.ptr<float>(0);
    float* YcoPtr = Ycoord.ptr<float>(0);
    int j;
    for (j=0; j<ws; j++)
        XcoPtr[j] = (float) j;
    for (j=0; j<hs; j++)
        YcoPtr[j] = (float) j;

    repeat(Xcoord, hs, 1, Xgrid);
    repeat(Ycoord, 1, ws, Ygrid);


    Mat templateZM    = Mat(hs, ws, CV_32F);// to store the (smoothed)zero-mean version of template
    Mat templateFloat = Mat(hs, ws, CV_32F);// to store the (smoothed) template
    Mat imageFloat    = Mat(hd, wd, CV_32F);// to store the (smoothed) input image
    Mat imageWarped   = Mat(hs, ws, CV_32F);// to store the warped zero-mean input image
    Mat allOnes		= Mat::ones(hd, wd, CV_8U); //to use it for mask warping
    Mat imageMask		= Mat(hs, ws, CV_8U); //to store the final mask

    //gaussian filtering is optional
    src.convertTo(templateFloat, templateFloat.type());
    GaussianBlur(templateFloat, templateFloat, Size(5, 5), 0, 0);//is in-place filtering slower?

    dst.convertTo(imageFloat, imageFloat.type());
    GaussianBlur(imageFloat, imageFloat, Size(5, 5), 0, 0);

    // needed matrices for gradients and warped gradients
    Mat gradientX = Mat::zeros(hd, wd, CV_32FC1);
    Mat gradientY = Mat::zeros(hd, wd, CV_32FC1);
    Mat gradientXWarped = Mat(hs, ws, CV_32FC1);
    Mat gradientYWarped = Mat(hs, ws, CV_32FC1);

    // calculate first order image derivatives
    Matx13f dx(-0.5f, 0.0f, 0.5f);

    filter2D(imageFloat, gradientX, -1, dx);
    filter2D(imageFloat, gradientY, -1, dx.t());

    // matrices needed for solving linear equation system for maximizing ECC
    Mat jacobian                = Mat(hs, ws*numberOfParameters, CV_32F);
    Mat hessian                 = Mat(numberOfParameters, numberOfParameters, CV_32F);
    Mat hessianInv              = Mat(numberOfParameters, numberOfParameters, CV_32F);
    Mat imageProjection         = Mat(numberOfParameters, 1, CV_32F);
    Mat templateProjection      = Mat(numberOfParameters, 1, CV_32F);
    Mat imageProjectionHessian  = Mat(numberOfParameters, 1, CV_32F);
    Mat errorProjection         = Mat(numberOfParameters, 1, CV_32F);

    Mat deltaP = Mat(numberOfParameters, 1, CV_32F);//transformation parameter correction
    Mat error = Mat(hs, ws, CV_32F);//error as 2D matrix


    // iteratively update map_matrix
    double rho      = -1;
    double last_rho = - termination_eps;
    for (int i = 1; (i <= numberOfIterations) && (fabs(rho-last_rho)>= termination_eps); i++)

        // warp-back portion of the inputImage and gradients to the coordinate space of the templateImage
        if (motionType != MOTION_HOMOGRAPHY)
            warpAffine(imageFloat, imageWarped,     map, imageWarped.size(),     imageFlags);
            warpAffine(gradientX,  gradientXWarped, map, gradientXWarped.size(), imageFlags);
            warpAffine(gradientY,  gradientYWarped, map, gradientYWarped.size(), imageFlags);
            warpAffine(allOnes,    imageMask,       map, imageMask.size(),       maskFlags);
            warpPerspective(imageFloat, imageWarped,     map, imageWarped.size(),     imageFlags);
            warpPerspective(gradientX,  gradientXWarped, map, gradientXWarped.size(), imageFlags);
            warpPerspective(gradientY,  gradientYWarped, map, gradientYWarped.size(), imageFlags);
            warpPerspective(allOnes,    imageMask,       map, imageMask.size(),       maskFlags);

        Scalar imgMean, imgStd, tmpMean, tmpStd;
        meanStdDev(imageWarped,   imgMean, imgStd, imageMask);
        meanStdDev(templateFloat, tmpMean, tmpStd, imageMask);

        subtract(imageWarped,   imgMean, imageWarped, imageMask);//zero-mean input
        subtract(templateFloat, tmpMean, templateZM,  imageMask);//zero-mean template

        const double tmpNorm = std::sqrt(countNonZero(imageMask)*(tmpStd.val[0])*(tmpStd.val[0]));
        const double imgNorm = std::sqrt(countNonZero(imageMask)*(imgStd.val[0])*(imgStd.val[0]));

        // calculate jacobian of image wrt parameters
        switch (motionType){
            case MOTION_AFFINE:
                image_jacobian_affine_ECC(gradientXWarped, gradientYWarped, Xgrid, Ygrid, jacobian);
            case MOTION_HOMOGRAPHY:
                image_jacobian_homo_ECC(gradientXWarped, gradientYWarped, Xgrid, Ygrid, map, jacobian);
            case MOTION_TRANSLATION:
                image_jacobian_translation_ECC(gradientXWarped, gradientYWarped, jacobian);
            case MOTION_EUCLIDEAN:
                image_jacobian_euclidean_ECC(gradientXWarped, gradientYWarped, Xgrid, Ygrid, map, jacobian);

        // calculate Hessian and its inverse
        project_onto_jacobian_ECC(jacobian, jacobian, hessian);

        hessianInv = hessian.inv();

        const double correlation = templateZM.dot(imageWarped);

        // calculate enhanced correlation coefficiont (ECC)->rho
        last_rho = rho;
        rho = correlation/(imgNorm*tmpNorm);

        // project images into jacobian
        project_onto_jacobian_ECC( jacobian, imageWarped, imageProjection);
        project_onto_jacobian_ECC(jacobian, templateZM, templateProjection);

        // calculate the parameter lambda to account for illumination variation
        imageProjectionHessian = hessianInv*imageProjection;
        const double lambda_n = (imgNorm*imgNorm) - imageProjection.dot(imageProjectionHessian);
        const double lambda_d = correlation - templateProjection.dot(imageProjectionHessian);
        if (lambda_d <= 0.0)
            rho = -1;
            CV_Error(CV_StsNoConv, "The algorithm stopped before its convergence. The correlation is going to be minimized. Images may be uncorrelated or non-overlapped");

        const double lambda = (lambda_n/lambda_d);

        // estimate the update step delta_p
        error = lambda*templateZM - imageWarped;
        project_onto_jacobian_ECC(jacobian, error, errorProjection);
        deltaP = hessianInv * errorProjection;

        // update warping matrix
        update_warping_matrix_ECC( map, deltaP, motionType);


    // return final correlation coefficient
    return rho;
Ejemplo n.º 14
bool allFilled(const Mat &mat){
	Mat tmp = (mat != 0);
	tmp.convertTo(tmp, CV_64FC1, 1.0 / 255.0);
	return sum(tmp)[0] == (tmp.cols * tmp.rows);
Ejemplo n.º 15
Mat PreGraph::GeneWeight(const vector<float> &feaSpL, const vector<float> &feaSpA, const vector<float> &feaSpB, const Mat &superpixels, const vector<int> &bd, const Mat &adj)
	Mat weightMat(Size(spNum, spNum), CV_32F, Scalar(-1));
	int dist = 0;
	float minv = (float)numeric_limits<float>::max();
	float maxv = (float)numeric_limits<float>::min();
	for (int i = 0; i < spNum; ++i)
		for (int j = 0; j < spNum; ++j)
			if (adj.at<ushort>(i, j) == 1)
				dist = sqrt(pow(feaSpL[i] - feaSpL[j], 2)) + sqrt(pow(feaSpA[i] - feaSpA[j], 2)) + sqrt(pow(feaSpB[i] - feaSpB[j], 2));
				weightMat.at<float>(i, j) = dist;
				if (dist < minv)
					minv = dist;
				if (dist > maxv)
					maxv = dist;

				for (int k = 0; k < spNum; ++k)
					if (adj.at<ushort>(j, k) == 1)
						dist = sqrt(pow(feaSpL[k] - feaSpL[i], 2)) + sqrt(pow(feaSpA[k] - feaSpA[i], 2)) + sqrt(pow(feaSpB[k] - feaSpB[i], 2));
						weightMat.at<float>(i, k) = dist;
						if (dist < minv)
							minv = dist;
						if (dist > maxv)
							maxv = dist;



	for (int i = 0; i < bd.size(); ++i)
		for (int j = 0; j < bd.size(); ++j)
			dist = sqrt(pow(feaSpL[bd[i]] - feaSpL[bd[j]], 2)) + sqrt(pow(feaSpA[bd[i]] - feaSpA[bd[j]], 2)) + sqrt(pow(feaSpB[bd[i]] - feaSpB[bd[j]], 2));
			weightMat.at<float>(bd[i], bd[j]) = dist;
			if (dist < minv)
				minv = dist;
			if (dist > maxv)
				maxv = dist;

	for (int i = 0; i < spNum; ++i)
		for (int j = 0; j < spNum; ++j)
			if (weightMat.at<float>(i, j)>-1)
				weightMat.at<float>(i, j) = (weightMat.at<float>(i, j) - minv) / (maxv - minv);
				weightMat.at<float>(i, j) = exp(-weightMat.at<float>(i, j) / theta);
				weightMat.at<float>(i, j) = 0;

	Mat tmpsuperpixels;
	normalize(weightMat, tmpsuperpixels, 255.0, 0.0, NORM_MINMAX);
	tmpsuperpixels.convertTo(tmpsuperpixels, CV_8UC3, 1.0);
	imshow("sp", tmpsuperpixels);
	return weightMat;
void CV_StereoMatchingTest::run(int)
    string dataPath = ts->get_data_path();
    string algorithmName = name;
    assert( !algorithmName.empty() );
    if( dataPath.empty() )
        ts->printf( cvtest::TS::LOG, "dataPath is empty" );
        ts->set_failed_test_info( cvtest::TS::FAIL_BAD_ARG_CHECK );

    FileStorage datasetsFS( dataPath + DATASETS_DIR + DATASETS_FILE, FileStorage::READ );
    int code = readDatasetsParams( datasetsFS );
    if( code != cvtest::TS::OK )
        ts->set_failed_test_info( code );
    FileStorage runParamsFS( dataPath + ALGORITHMS_DIR + algorithmName + RUN_PARAMS_FILE, FileStorage::READ );
    code = readRunParams( runParamsFS );
    if( code != cvtest::TS::OK )
        ts->set_failed_test_info( code );
    string fullResultFilename = dataPath + ALGORITHMS_DIR + algorithmName + RESULT_FILE;
    FileStorage resFS( fullResultFilename, FileStorage::READ );
    bool isWrite = true; // write or compare results
    if( resFS.isOpened() )
        isWrite = false;
        resFS.open( fullResultFilename, FileStorage::WRITE );
        if( !resFS.isOpened() )
            ts->printf( cvtest::TS::LOG, "file %s can not be read or written\n", fullResultFilename.c_str() );
            ts->set_failed_test_info( cvtest::TS::FAIL_BAD_ARG_CHECK );
        resFS << "stereo_matching" << "{";

    int progress = 0, caseCount = (int)caseNames.size();
    for( int ci = 0; ci < caseCount; ci++)
        progress = update_progress( progress, ci, caseCount, 0 );
        printf("progress: %d%%\n", progress);
        string datasetName = caseDatasets[ci];
        string datasetFullDirName = dataPath + DATASETS_DIR + datasetName + "/";
        Mat leftImg = imread(datasetFullDirName + LEFT_IMG_NAME);
        Mat rightImg = imread(datasetFullDirName + RIGHT_IMG_NAME);
        Mat trueLeftDisp = imread(datasetFullDirName + TRUE_LEFT_DISP_NAME, 0);
        Mat trueRightDisp = imread(datasetFullDirName + TRUE_RIGHT_DISP_NAME, 0);

        if( leftImg.empty() || rightImg.empty() || trueLeftDisp.empty() )
            ts->printf( cvtest::TS::LOG, "images or left ground-truth disparities of dataset %s can not be read", datasetName.c_str() );
            code = cvtest::TS::FAIL_INVALID_TEST_DATA;
        int dispScaleFactor = datasetsParams[datasetName].dispScaleFactor;
        Mat tmp; trueLeftDisp.convertTo( tmp, CV_32FC1, 1.f/dispScaleFactor ); trueLeftDisp = tmp; tmp.release();
        if( !trueRightDisp.empty() )
            trueRightDisp.convertTo( tmp, CV_32FC1, 1.f/dispScaleFactor ); trueRightDisp = tmp; tmp.release();

        Mat leftDisp, rightDisp;
        int ignBorder = max(runStereoMatchingAlgorithm(leftImg, rightImg, leftDisp, rightDisp, ci), EVAL_IGNORE_BORDER);
        leftDisp.convertTo( tmp, CV_32FC1 ); leftDisp = tmp; tmp.release();
        rightDisp.convertTo( tmp, CV_32FC1 ); rightDisp = tmp; tmp.release();

        int tempCode = processStereoMatchingResults( resFS, ci, isWrite,
                   leftImg, rightImg, trueLeftDisp, trueRightDisp, leftDisp, rightDisp, QualityEvalParams(ignBorder));
        code = tempCode==cvtest::TS::OK ? code : tempCode;

    if( isWrite )
        resFS << "}"; // "stereo_matching"

    ts->set_failed_test_info( code );
Ejemplo n.º 17
int main(const int argc, const char *argv[])
  cliini_args *args = cliini_parsopts(argc, argv, &group);

  cliini_arg *input = cliargs_get(args, "input");
  cliini_arg *output = cliargs_get(args, "output");
  if (!args || cliargs_get(args, "help\n") || !input || !output) {
    printf("TODO: print help!");
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  string in_name(cliarg_nth_str(input,0));
  string out_name(cliarg_nth_str(output,0));
  ClifFile f_in(in_name, H5F_ACC_RDONLY);
  Dataset *in_set = f_in.openDataset(0);
  Subset3d *slice;
  slice = new Subset3d(in_set);
  int size[2];
  size[0] = in_set->extent()[0]*scale;
  size[1] = in_set->extent()[1]*scale;;
  double focal_length[2];
  in_set->get("calibration/intrinsics/checkers/projection", focal_length, 2);
  focal_length[0] *= scale;
  focal_length[1] *= scale;
  Mat img;
  readCvMat(in_set, in_set->Datastore::imgCount()/2, img, UNDISTORT, scale);
  Mat epi;
  Mat depth = Mat::zeros(Size(size[0], size[1]), CV_64F);
  Mat score = Mat::zeros(Size(size[0], size[1]), CV_64F);
  for(int l=500/y_step*y_step;l<550/*size[1]*/;l+=y_step) {
    printf("line %d\n", l);
    for(double d=6.5*scale;d>=5.0*scale;d-=0.5) {
    //double d = 6.0;
      slice->readEPI(epi, l, d, ClifUnit::PIXELS, UNDISTORT, Interpolation::LINEAR, scale);
      structure_tensor_depth(epi, score, depth, d, l, (focal_length[0]+focal_length[1])/2, slice);
  Mat d16;
  depth.convertTo(d16, CV_16U);
  imwrite(out_name, d16);
  imwrite("out8bit.tif", depth*0.25);
  int l = size[1];
  write_ply_depth("points.ply", depth, focal_length, size[0], size[1], img, 0, l);
  write_obj_depth("points.obj", depth, focal_length, size[0], size[1], img, 0, l);
  Mat med, fmat;
  depth.convertTo(fmat, CV_32F);
  medianBlur(fmat, med, 5);
  write_ply_depth("points_m5.ply", med, focal_length, size[0], size[1], img, 0, l);
  write_obj_depth("points_m5.obj", med, focal_length, size[0], size[1], img, 0, l);
  GaussianBlur(med, med, Size(3,3), 0);
  write_ply_depth("points_m5_g3.ply", med, focal_length, size[0], size[1], img, 0, l);
  write_obj_depth("points_m5_g3.obj", med, focal_length, size[0], size[1], img, 0, l);

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 18
void cv::decolor(InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, OutputArray _color_boost)
    Mat I = _src.getMat();
    _dst.create(I.size(), CV_8UC1);
    Mat dst = _dst.getMat();

    _color_boost.create(I.size(), CV_8UC3);
    Mat color_boost = _color_boost.getMat();

    if(!I.data )
        cout <<  "Could not open or find the image" << endl ;
    if(I.channels() !=3)
        cout << "Input Color Image" << endl;

    // Parameter Setting
    int maxIter = 15;
    int iterCount = 0;
    double tol = .0001;
    double E = 0;
    double pre_E = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();

    Decolor obj;

    Mat img;

    img = Mat(I.size(),CV_32FC3);

    // Initialization

    vector <double> Cg;
    vector < vector <double> > polyGrad;
    vector < vector < int > > comb;

    vector <double> alf;


    // Solver
    Mat Mt = Mat(polyGrad.size(),polyGrad[0].size(), CV_32FC1);

    vector <double> wei;

    //////////////////////////////// main loop starting ////////////////////////////////////////

    while(sqrt(pow(E-pre_E,2)) > tol)
        iterCount +=1;
        pre_E = E;

        vector <double> G_pos;
        vector <double> G_neg;

        vector <double> temp;
        vector <double> temp1;

        double val = 0.0;
        for(unsigned int i=0;i< polyGrad[0].size();i++)
            val = 0.0;
            for(unsigned int j =0;j<polyGrad.size();j++)
                val = val + (polyGrad[j][i] * wei[j]);
            temp.push_back(val - Cg[i]);
            temp1.push_back(val + Cg[i]);

        double pos = 0.0;
        double neg = 0.0;
        for(unsigned int i =0;i<alf.size();i++)
            pos = ((1 + alf[i])/2) * exp((-1.0 * 0.5 * pow(temp[i],2))/pow(obj.sigma,2));
            neg = ((1 - alf[i])/2) * exp((-1.0 * 0.5 * pow(temp1[i],2))/pow(obj.sigma,2));

        vector <double> EXPsum;
        vector <double> EXPterm;

        for(unsigned int i = 0;i<G_pos.size();i++)

        vector <double> temp2;

        for(unsigned int i=0;i<EXPsum.size();i++)
            if(EXPsum[i] == 0)

        for(unsigned int i =0; i < G_pos.size();i++)
            EXPterm.push_back((G_pos[i] - G_neg[i])/(EXPsum[i] + temp2[i]));

        double val1 = 0.0;
        vector <double> wei1;

        for(unsigned int i=0;i< polyGrad.size();i++)
            val1 = 0.0;
            for(unsigned int j =0;j<polyGrad[0].size();j++)
                val1 = val1 + (Mt.at<float>(i,j) * EXPterm[j]);

        for(unsigned int i =0;i<wei.size();i++)
            wei[i] = wei1[i];

        E = obj.energyCalcu(Cg,polyGrad,wei);

        if(iterCount > maxIter)


    Mat Gray = Mat::zeros(img.size(),CV_32FC1);
    obj.grayImContruct(wei, img, Gray);


    ///////////////////////////////////       Contrast Boosting   /////////////////////////////////

    Mat lab = Mat(img.size(),CV_8UC3);
    Mat color = Mat(img.size(),CV_8UC3);


    vector <Mat> lab_channel;



Ejemplo n.º 19
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	vector<string> teFaceFiles;
	vector<int> teImageIDToSubjectIDMap;
	vector<string> trFaceFiles;
	vector<int> trImageIDToSubjectIDMap;

	string trainingList = "./train_all_1-9.txt";
	string testList = "./test_all_1-9.txt";

    //doShow is originally set to false
	bool isVerbose=false, doShow=true, doWrite=true;
	char c;
	while ( (c = getopt(argc, argv, ":ast:r:v")) != -1) {
		switch (c) {
			case 's':
				doShow = true;
			case 'v':
				isVerbose = true;
			case 'r':
				testList = optarg;
			case 't':
				trainingList = optarg;
			case 'h':
			case '?':
				cout << "Invalid option: '-" << (char)optopt << "'" << endl;
			case ':':
				cout << "Missing argument value for: '-" << (char)optopt << "'" << endl;
				cerr << "getopt returned character code 0%o" << c << endl;

	readFile(testList, teFaceFiles, teImageIDToSubjectIDMap);
	readFile(trainingList, trFaceFiles, trImageIDToSubjectIDMap);

	Mat teImg = imread(trFaceFiles[0], 0);
	Mat trImg = imread(trFaceFiles[0], 0);

	if(teImg.empty() || trImg.empty())

	// Eigenfaces operates on a vector representation of the image so we calculate the
	// size of this vector.  Now we read the face images and reshape them into vectors 
	// for the face recognizer to operate on.
	int imgVectorSize = teImg.cols * teImg.rows; 

	// Create a matrix that has 'imgVectorSize' rows and as many columns as there are images.
	Mat trImgVectors(imgVectorSize, trFaceFiles.size(), CV_32FC1);

	// Load the vector.
	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < trFaceFiles.size(); i++)
		Mat tmpTrImgVector = trImgVectors.col(i);
		Mat tmp_img;
		imread(trFaceFiles[i], 0).convertTo(tmp_img, CV_32FC1);
		tmp_img.reshape(1, imgVectorSize).copyTo(tmpTrImgVector);

	// On instantiating the FaceRecognizer object automatically processes
	// the training images and projects them.
	FaceRecognizer fr(trImgVectors, trImageIDToSubjectIDMap, 20);


	// This vector keeps track of how many times each face is correctly recognized
	// The index numbers stand for the ID number of a subject in the test set.
	vector<int> corrPerId;
	for(int i=0; i<40; i++)

	int correct=0, incorrect=0;
	for(unsigned int i=0; i<teFaceFiles.size(); i++)
		Mat rmat = imread(teFaceFiles[i],0);
		rmat.convertTo(teImg, CV_32FC1);
		// Look up the true subject ID of the current test subject.
		int currentTestSubjectID = teImageIDToSubjectIDMap[i];

		// Compare a face from the list of test faces with the set of training faces stored in
		// the recognizer and try to find the closest match.
		int recAs = fr.recognize(rmat.reshape(1, imgVectorSize));

		// The recognizer returns the subject ID of the subject he thinks this is. If a subject is correctly 
		// recognized the subject ID returned by the recognizer should be the same as the subject ID from the 
		// test file so we must look up the ID from the test file.
		bool isCorrectlyRec;
		if(recAs == currentTestSubjectID)
			isCorrectlyRec = true;
			correct++; // Track total correct recognitions for all subjects.
			corrPerId[recAs-1]++; // Track total correct recognitions for this subject
			isCorrectlyRec = false;
			incorrect++; // Total false recognitions for all subjects.

		if(isVerbose) {
			msgTestResult(teFaceFiles[i], recAs, currentTestSubjectID, isCorrectlyRec);


	msgSummary(correct, incorrect, teFaceFiles.size());

	// Just for fun let's show the average face and some of the test faces on screen.
		Mat oAvgImage = toGrayscale(fr.getAverage()).reshape(1, teImg.rows);
		Mat sAvgImage;
		resize(oAvgImage, sAvgImage, Size(teImg.cols*2, teImg.rows*2), 0, 0, INTER_LINEAR);

		imshow("The average face", sAvgImage);

        if (doWrite) {
            imwrite("Average Eigenface.bmp", sAvgImage);
		int eigenCount=6;
		if(fr.getEigenvectors().rows < eigenCount){
			eigenCount = fr.getEigenvectors().rows;

		for(int i = 0; i < eigenCount; i++) {
			stringstream windowTitle;
			windowTitle << "Eigenface No. " << i;

			Mat oEigenImage = toGrayscale(fr.getEigenvectors().row(i)).reshape(1, teImg.rows);
			Mat sEigenImage;
			resize(oEigenImage, sEigenImage, Size(teImg.cols*2, teImg.rows*2), 0, 0, INTER_LINEAR);

            imshow(windowTitle.str(), sEigenImage);
            if (doWrite) {
                char filename[250];
                strcpy( filename, (const char*)( windowTitle.str().c_str()));
                windowTitle << ".bmp";
                imwrite(windowTitle.str(), sEigenImage);

Ejemplo n.º 20
// Compute the color_contrast_score value for an object
void SVMDetectionEvaluator::computeColorContrastScore(const Mat& frame, const cvb::CvBlob& blob, float& result)
	// Initialize result
	result = -1;
	// Initialize blobs
	cvb::CvBlobs blobs_in, blobs_out;
		// Copy parameters to local variables
		int theta = parameters.get<int>("cc_theta");
		int color_space = parameters.get<int>("cc_color_space");
		int channel = parameters.get<int>("cc_channel");
		float bin_step = parameters.get<float>("cc_bin_step");
		// Convert image
		Mat conv;
		cvtColor(frame, conv, color_space);
		//double m, M;
		//minMaxLoc(conv, &m, &M);
		//cout << "--- " << m << " --- " << M << endl;
		conv.convertTo(conv, CV_32FC3, 1.0/180.0);
		//minMaxLoc(conv, &m, &M);
		//cout << "--- " << m << " --- " << M << endl;
		// Convert blob to binary mask
		Mat mask = blobToMat(blob, CV_POSITION_ORIGINAL, true, frame.cols, frame.rows);
		// Dilate and erode mask by theta pixels
		Mat mask_in, mask_out;
		dilate(mask, mask_out, Mat(), Point(-1,-1), theta);
		erode(mask, mask_in, Mat(), Point(-1,-1), theta);
		// Compute new blobs
		blobs_in = computeBlobs(mask_in);
		blobs_out = computeBlobs(mask_out);
		// Check number of blobs
		if(blobs_in.size() == 0 || blobs_out.size() == 0)
			throw MyException("Error computing inner and/or outer blobs");
		// Get blobs references
		cvb::CvBlob& blob_in = *(blobs_in.begin()->second);
		cvb::CvBlob& blob_out = *(blobs_out.begin()->second);
		// Initialize value vectors
		vector<float> values_in, values_out;
		// Initialize min and max values
		float min_value=INT_MAX, max_value=INT_MIN;
		// Select inner pixels
		Point current_in = blob_in.contour.startingPoint;
		Vec3f pixel_in = conv.at<Vec3f>(current_in.y, current_in.x);
		if(pixel_in[channel] < min_value)	min_value = pixel_in[channel];
		if(pixel_in[channel] > max_value)	max_value = pixel_in[channel];
		const cvb::CvChainCodes& chain_code_in = blob_in.contour.chainCode;
		for(cvb::CvChainCodes::const_iterator it=chain_code_in.begin(); it != chain_code_in.end(); it++)
			current_in.x += cvb::cvChainCodeMoves[*it][0];
			current_in.y += cvb::cvChainCodeMoves[*it][1];
			pixel_in = conv.at<Vec3f>(current_in.y, current_in.x);
			if(pixel_in[channel] < min_value)	min_value = pixel_in[channel];
			if(pixel_in[channel] > max_value)	max_value = pixel_in[channel];
		// Select outer pixels
		Point current_out = blob_out.contour.startingPoint;
		Vec3f pixel_out = conv.at<Vec3f>(current_out.y, current_out.x);
		if(pixel_out[channel] < min_value)	min_value = pixel_out[channel];
		if(pixel_out[channel] > max_value)	max_value = pixel_out[channel];
		const cvb::CvChainCodes& chain_code_out = blob_out.contour.chainCode;
		for(cvb::CvChainCodes::const_iterator it=chain_code_out.begin(); it != chain_code_out.end(); it++)
			current_out.x += cvb::cvChainCodeMoves[*it][0];
			current_out.y += cvb::cvChainCodeMoves[*it][1];
			pixel_out = conv.at<Vec3f>(current_out.y, current_out.x);
			if(pixel_out[channel] < min_value)	min_value = pixel_out[channel];
			if(pixel_out[channel] > max_value)	max_value = pixel_out[channel];
		// Check list sizes
		if(values_in.size() == 0 || values_out.size() == 0)
			throw MyException("Empty histograms for color boundary.");
		// Compute histograms
		XHistogram hist_in;
		hist_in.computeHistogram(values_in, bin_step, min_value, max_value);
		//cout << hist_in << endl << endl;
		XHistogram hist_out;
		hist_out.computeHistogram(values_out, bin_step, min_value, max_value);
		//cout << hist_out << endl << endl;
		// Compute features
		float dist = XHistogram::ChiSquaredDistance(hist_in, hist_out);
		// Compute result
		result = dist;
		// Free blobs
	catch(MyException& e)
		Log::warning() << ShellUtils::RED << "Error computing color contrast score: " << e.what() << ShellUtils::NORMAL << endl;
		// Free blobs
		Log::warning() << ShellUtils::RED << "Error computing color contrast score." << ShellUtils::NORMAL << endl;
		// Free blobs
Ejemplo n.º 21
void cv::gpu::LUT(const GpuMat& src, const Mat& lut, GpuMat& dst, Stream& s)
    const int cn = src.channels();

    CV_Assert( src.type() == CV_8UC1 || src.type() == CV_8UC3 );
    CV_Assert( lut.depth() == CV_8U );
    CV_Assert( lut.channels() == 1 || lut.channels() == cn );
    CV_Assert( lut.rows * lut.cols == 256 && lut.isContinuous() );

    dst.create(src.size(), CV_MAKE_TYPE(lut.depth(), cn));

    NppiSize sz;
    sz.height = src.rows;
    sz.width = src.cols;

    Mat nppLut;
    lut.convertTo(nppLut, CV_32S);

    int nValues3[] = {256, 256, 256};

    Npp32s pLevels[256];
    for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
        pLevels[i] = i;

    const Npp32s* pLevels3[3];

#if (CUDA_VERSION <= 4020)
    pLevels3[0] = pLevels3[1] = pLevels3[2] = pLevels;
    GpuMat d_pLevels;
    d_pLevels.upload(Mat(1, 256, CV_32S, pLevels));
    pLevels3[0] = pLevels3[1] = pLevels3[2] = d_pLevels.ptr<Npp32s>();

    cudaStream_t stream = StreamAccessor::getStream(s);
    NppStreamHandler h(stream);

    if (src.type() == CV_8UC1)
#if (CUDA_VERSION <= 4020)
        nppSafeCall( nppiLUT_Linear_8u_C1R(src.ptr<Npp8u>(), static_cast<int>(src.step),
            dst.ptr<Npp8u>(), static_cast<int>(dst.step), sz, nppLut.ptr<Npp32s>(), pLevels, 256) );
        GpuMat d_nppLut(Mat(1, 256, CV_32S, nppLut.data));
        nppSafeCall( nppiLUT_Linear_8u_C1R(src.ptr<Npp8u>(), static_cast<int>(src.step),
            dst.ptr<Npp8u>(), static_cast<int>(dst.step), sz, d_nppLut.ptr<Npp32s>(), d_pLevels.ptr<Npp32s>(), 256) );
        const Npp32s* pValues3[3];

        Mat nppLut3[3];
        if (nppLut.channels() == 1)
#if (CUDA_VERSION <= 4020)
            pValues3[0] = pValues3[1] = pValues3[2] = nppLut.ptr<Npp32s>();
            GpuMat d_nppLut(Mat(1, 256, CV_32S, nppLut.data));
            pValues3[0] = pValues3[1] = pValues3[2] = d_nppLut.ptr<Npp32s>();
            cv::split(nppLut, nppLut3);

#if (CUDA_VERSION <= 4020)
            pValues3[0] = nppLut3[0].ptr<Npp32s>();
            pValues3[1] = nppLut3[1].ptr<Npp32s>();
            pValues3[2] = nppLut3[2].ptr<Npp32s>();
            GpuMat d_nppLut0(Mat(1, 256, CV_32S, nppLut3[0].data));
            GpuMat d_nppLut1(Mat(1, 256, CV_32S, nppLut3[1].data));
            GpuMat d_nppLut2(Mat(1, 256, CV_32S, nppLut3[2].data));

            pValues3[0] = d_nppLut0.ptr<Npp32s>();
            pValues3[1] = d_nppLut1.ptr<Npp32s>();
            pValues3[2] = d_nppLut2.ptr<Npp32s>();

        nppSafeCall( nppiLUT_Linear_8u_C3R(src.ptr<Npp8u>(), static_cast<int>(src.step),
            dst.ptr<Npp8u>(), static_cast<int>(dst.step), sz, pValues3, pLevels3, nValues3) );

    if (stream == 0)
        cudaSafeCall( cudaDeviceSynchronize() );
Ejemplo n.º 22
Mat Watershed(Mat imagem, int winSize){
    new_label = 0.0;
    scan_step2 = 1;
    scan_step3 = 1;
    windowSize = winSize;
    img = imagem;
    img.convertTo(img, CV_32FC3);
    VMAX = 100000000000;
    //inicializar o tamanho da matriz
    lab = img.clone();
    val = img.clone();
    //inicializar os valores
    for(int x = 0; x < img.rows; x++){
        for(int y = 0; y < img.cols; y++){
            lab.at<float>(x,y) = INIT;
            val.at<float>(x,y) = INIT;
    //encontra menor pixel de cada vizinhanca
    for(int x = 0; x < img.rows; x++){
        for(int y = 0; y < img.cols; y++){
            step1(x, y);

    cout<<"Step 2"<<endl;

    //encontrar os plateaus mesmo pixel greyscale a partir dos minimos
    while(scan_step2 == 1){
        changed = 0;
        //scan top left >> bottom right
        for(int x = 0; x < img.rows; x++){
            for(int y = 0; y < img.cols; y++){
                step2(x, y);
        if(changed == 0){
            scan_step2 = 0;
            changed = 0;
            //scan bottom right >> top left
            for(int x = img.rows -1; x >= 0; x--){
                for(int y = img.cols -1; y >= 0; y--){
                    step2(x, y);
            if(changed == 0){
                scan_step2 = 0;

    int limite = 0;
    cout<<"Step 3"<<endl;

    while(scan_step3 == 1){
        if(limite == 10) break;
        changed = 0;
        //scan top left >> bottom right
        for(int x = 0; x < img.rows; x++){
            for(int y = 0; y < img.cols; y++){
                step3(x, y);

        if(changed == 0){
            scan_step3 = 0;
            changed = 0;
            //scan bottom right >> top left
            for(int x = img.rows -1; x >= 0; x--){
                for(int y = img.cols -1; y >= 0; y--){
                    step3(x, y);
            if(changed == 0){
                scan_step3 = 0;


    for(int x = 0; x < lab.rows; x++){
        for(int y = 0; y < lab.cols; y++){
            if(max_pixel < lab.at<float>(x,y)) max_pixel = lab.at<float>(x,y);

    lab.convertTo(lab, CV_8U,255.0/(max_pixel));

    return lab;
static void build3dmodel( const Ptr<FeatureDetector>& detector,
                          const Ptr<DescriptorExtractor>& descriptorExtractor,
                          const vector<Point3f>& /*modelBox*/,
                          const vector<string>& imageList,
                          const vector<Rect>& roiList,
                          const vector<Vec6f>& poseList,
                          const Mat& cameraMatrix,
                          PointModel& model )
    int progressBarSize = 10;

    const double Feps = 5;
    const double DescriptorRatio = 0.7;

    vector<vector<KeyPoint> > allkeypoints;
    vector<int> dstart;
    vector<float> alldescriptorsVec;
    vector<Vec2i> pairwiseMatches;
    vector<Mat> Rs, ts;
    int descriptorSize = 0;
    Mat descriptorbuf;
    Set2i pairs, keypointsIdxMap;



    size_t nimages = imageList.size();
    size_t nimagePairs = (nimages - 1)*nimages/2 - nimages;

    printf("\nComputing descriptors ");

    // 1. find all the keypoints and all the descriptors
    for( size_t i = 0; i < nimages; i++ )
        Mat img = imread(imageList[i], 1), gray;
        cvtColor(img, gray, COLOR_BGR2GRAY);

        vector<KeyPoint> keypoints;
        detector->detect(gray, keypoints);
        descriptorExtractor->compute(gray, keypoints, descriptorbuf);
        Point2f roiofs = roiList[i].tl();
        for( size_t k = 0; k < keypoints.size(); k++ )
            keypoints[k].pt += roiofs;

        Mat buf = descriptorbuf;
        if( !buf.isContinuous() || buf.type() != CV_32F )
            descriptorbuf.convertTo(buf, CV_32F);
        descriptorSize = buf.cols;

        size_t prev = alldescriptorsVec.size();
        size_t delta = buf.rows*buf.cols;
        alldescriptorsVec.resize(prev + delta);
        std::copy(buf.ptr<float>(), buf.ptr<float>() + delta,
                  alldescriptorsVec.begin() + prev);
        dstart.push_back(dstart.back() + (int)keypoints.size());

        Mat R, t;
        unpackPose(poseList[i], R, t);

        if( (i+1)*progressBarSize/nimages > i*progressBarSize/nimages )

    Mat alldescriptors((int)alldescriptorsVec.size()/descriptorSize, descriptorSize, CV_32F,

    printf("\nOk. total images = %d. total keypoints = %d\n",
           (int)nimages, alldescriptors.rows);

    printf("\nFinding correspondences ");

    int pairsFound = 0;

    vector<Point2f> pts_k(2);
    vector<Mat> Rs_k(2), ts_k(2);
    //namedWindow("img1", 1);
    //namedWindow("img2", 1);

    // 2. find pairwise correspondences
    for( size_t i = 0; i < nimages; i++ )
        for( size_t j = i+1; j < nimages; j++ )
            const vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints1 = allkeypoints[i];
            const vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints2 = allkeypoints[j];
            Mat descriptors1 = alldescriptors.rowRange(dstart[i], dstart[i+1]);
            Mat descriptors2 = alldescriptors.rowRange(dstart[j], dstart[j+1]);

            Mat F = getFundamentalMat(Rs[i], ts[i], Rs[j], ts[j], cameraMatrix);

            findConstrainedCorrespondences( F, keypoints1, keypoints2,
                                            descriptors1, descriptors2,
                                            pairwiseMatches, Feps, DescriptorRatio );

            //pairsFound += (int)pairwiseMatches.size();

            //Mat img1 = imread(format("%s/frame%04d.jpg", model.name.c_str(), (int)i), 1);
            //Mat img2 = imread(format("%s/frame%04d.jpg", model.name.c_str(), (int)j), 1);

            //double avg_err = 0;
            for( size_t k = 0; k < pairwiseMatches.size(); k++ )
                int i1 = pairwiseMatches[k][0], i2 = pairwiseMatches[k][1];

                pts_k[0] = keypoints1[i1].pt;
                pts_k[1] = keypoints2[i2].pt;
                Rs_k[0] = Rs[i]; Rs_k[1] = Rs[j];
                ts_k[0] = ts[i]; ts_k[1] = ts[j];
                Point3f objpt = triangulatePoint(pts_k, Rs_k, ts_k, cameraMatrix);

                vector<Point3f> objpts;
                vector<Point2f> imgpts1, imgpts2;
                projectPoints(Mat(objpts), Rs_k[0], ts_k[0], cameraMatrix, Mat(), imgpts1);
                projectPoints(Mat(objpts), Rs_k[1], ts_k[1], cameraMatrix, Mat(), imgpts2);

                double e1 = norm(imgpts1[0] - keypoints1[i1].pt);
                double e2 = norm(imgpts2[0] - keypoints2[i2].pt);
                if( e1 + e2 > 5 )


                pairs[Pair2i(i1+dstart[i], i2+dstart[j])] = 1;
                pairs[Pair2i(i2+dstart[j], i1+dstart[i])] = 1;
                keypointsIdxMap[Pair2i((int)i,i1)] = 1;
                keypointsIdxMap[Pair2i((int)j,i2)] = 1;
                //CV_Assert(e1 < 5 && e2 < 5);
                //Scalar color(rand()%256,rand()%256, rand()%256);
                //circle(img1, keypoints1[i1].pt, 2, color, -1, CV_AA);
                //circle(img2, keypoints2[i2].pt, 2, color, -1, CV_AA);
            //printf("avg err = %g\n", pairwiseMatches.size() ? avg_err/(2*pairwiseMatches.size()) : 0.);
            //imshow("img1", img1);
            //imshow("img2", img2);

            if( (i+1)*progressBarSize/nimagePairs > i*progressBarSize/nimagePairs )

    printf("\nOk. Total pairs = %d\n", pairsFound );

    // 3. build the keypoint clusters
    vector<Pair2i> keypointsIdx;
    Set2i::iterator kpidx_it = keypointsIdxMap.begin(), kpidx_end = keypointsIdxMap.end();

    for( ; kpidx_it != kpidx_end; ++kpidx_it )

    printf("\nClustering correspondences ");

    vector<int> labels;
    int nclasses = partition( keypointsIdx, labels, EqKeypoints(&dstart, &pairs) );

    printf("\nOk. Total classes (i.e. 3d points) = %d\n", nclasses );

    model.descriptors.create((int)keypointsIdx.size(), descriptorSize, CV_32F);

    vector<vector<Pair2i> > clusters(nclasses);
    for( size_t i = 0; i < keypointsIdx.size(); i++ )

    // 4. now compute 3D points corresponding to each cluster and fill in the model data
    printf("\nComputing 3D coordinates ");

    int globalDIdx = 0;
    for( int k = 0; k < nclasses; k++ )
        int i, n = (int)clusters[k].size();
        for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
            int imgidx = clusters[k][i].first, ptidx = clusters[k][i].second;
            Mat dstrow = model.descriptors.row(globalDIdx);
            alldescriptors.row(dstart[imgidx] + ptidx).copyTo(dstrow);

            model.didx[k][i] = globalDIdx++;
            pts_k[i] = allkeypoints[imgidx][ptidx].pt;
            Rs_k[i] = Rs[imgidx];
            ts_k[i] = ts[imgidx];
        Point3f objpt = triangulatePoint(pts_k, Rs_k, ts_k, cameraMatrix);
        model.points[k] = objpt;

        if( (i+1)*progressBarSize/nclasses > i*progressBarSize/nclasses )

    Mat img(768, 1024, CV_8UC3);
    vector<Point2f> imagePoints;
    namedWindow("Test", 1);

    // visualize the cloud
    for( size_t i = 0; i < nimages; i++ )
        img = imread(format("%s/frame%04d.jpg", model.name.c_str(), (int)i), 1);
        projectPoints(Mat(model.points), Rs[i], ts[i], cameraMatrix, Mat(), imagePoints);

        for( int k = 0; k < (int)imagePoints.size(); k++ )
            circle(img, imagePoints[k], 2, Scalar(0,255,0), -1, CV_AA, 0);

        imshow("Test", img);
        int c = waitKey();
        if( c == 'q' || c == 'Q' )
  MetaData_YML_Backed* load_ICL(string base_path,string annotation,bool training)
    // parse the annotation
    vector<double> labels;
    istringstream iss(annotation);
    string filename; iss >> filename; // discard.
    cout << "annotation " << annotation << endl;
    cout << "filename " << filename << endl;
      double v; iss >> v;

    // calc the name for this metadata    
    string metadata_filename = base_path + filename;

    // load the raw data
    float active_min = training?0:params::MIN_Z();
    string frame_file = base_path + filename;
    Mat depth = imread(frame_file,-1);
    CustomCamera pxc_camera(params::H_RGB_FOV,params::V_RGB_FOV, depth.cols,depth.rows);
    depth /= 10;
    for(int rIter = 0; rIter < depth.rows; ++rIter)
      for(int cIter = 0; cIter < depth.cols; ++cIter)
	float & d = depth.at<float>(rIter,cIter);
	if(d <= active_min)
	  d = inf;
    //depth = pointCloudToDepth(depth,pxc_camera);
      log_once(printfpp("ICL_Video cannot load %s",metadata_filename.c_str()));
      log_once(printfpp("Couldn't open %s",frame_file.c_str()));
      return nullptr;
    //Mat RGB (depth.rows,depth.cols,DataType<Vec3b>::type,Scalar(122,150,233));
    Mat RGB = imageeq("",depth,false,false);
    for(int rIter = 0; rIter < RGB.rows; rIter++)
      for(int cIter = 0; cIter < RGB.cols; cIter++)
	RGB.at<Vec3b>(rIter,cIter)[2] = 255;

    // create an image    
    shared_ptr<ImRGBZ> im =
      make_shared<ImRGBZ>(RGB,depth,metadata_filename + "image",pxc_camera);

    // create the metadata object
    Metadata_Simple* metadata = new Metadata_Simple(metadata_filename+".yml",true,true,false);

    Point2d hand_root(labels[0 + 0*3],labels[1 + 0*3]);
    Rect handBB = set_annotations(metadata,labels,im);
			return image_datum(*metadata);

    return metadata;
Ejemplo n.º 25
void myPCA(Mat data, Mat &mean, Mat &eigenvectors, Mat &eigenvalues, int maxComponents)
	int covar_flags = CV_COVAR_SCALE;
	int i, len, in_count;
	Size mean_sz;

	CV_Assert( data.channels() == 1 );
	len = data.cols;
	in_count = data.rows;
	covar_flags |= CV_COVAR_ROWS;
	mean_sz = Size(len, 1);

	int count = std::min(len, in_count), out_count = count;
	if( maxComponents > 0 )
		out_count = std::min(count, maxComponents);

	if( len <= in_count )
		covar_flags |= CV_COVAR_NORMAL;

	int ctype = std::max(CV_32F, data.depth());
	mean.create( mean_sz, ctype );

	Mat covar( count, count, ctype );
	calcCovarMatrix( data, covar, mean, covar_flags, ctype );
	eigen( covar, eigenvalues, eigenvectors );

	if( !(covar_flags & CV_COVAR_NORMAL) )
		Mat tmp_data, tmp_mean = repeat(mean, data.rows/mean.rows, data.cols/mean.cols);
		if( data.type() != ctype || tmp_mean.data == mean.data )
			data.convertTo( tmp_data, ctype );
			subtract( tmp_data, tmp_mean, tmp_data );
			subtract( data, tmp_mean, tmp_mean );
			tmp_data = tmp_mean;

		Mat evects1(count, len, ctype);
		gemm( eigenvectors, tmp_data, 1, Mat(), 0, evects1, 0);
		eigenvectors = evects1;

		// normalize eigenvectors
		for( i = 0; i < out_count; i++ )
			Mat vec = eigenvectors.row(i);
			normalize(vec, vec);

	if( count > out_count )
		// use clone() to physically copy the data and thus deallocate the original matrices
		eigenvalues = eigenvalues.rowRange(0,out_count).clone();
		eigenvectors = eigenvectors.rowRange(0,out_count).clone();
Ejemplo n.º 26
void createAnisotropyTensor(
		Mat_<Tensor>& tensors,
		Mat& in,
		double sigma,
		double rho,
		double gamma,
		cv::Mat& blur,
		cv::Mat& edge,
		cv::Mat& structure,
		cv::Mat& color
		) {

	Mat grad;

	/* Apply blur by sigma. */
	GaussianBlur(in, blur, Size(0,0), sigma, 0, BORDER_REFLECT);

	Mat grad_x, grad_y;
	Mat kernel;

	Point anchor = Point(-1, -1);

       	kernel = Mat::zeros(1, 3, CV_16S);

	kernel.at<short>(0, 0) = -1;
	kernel.at<short>(0, 1) = 0;
	kernel.at<short>(0, 2) = 1;

	/* Calculate gradient in x and y. */
	filter2D(blur, grad_x, CV_64F, kernel, anchor, 0, BORDER_REFLECT);
	transpose(kernel, kernel);
	filter2D(blur, grad_y, CV_64F, kernel, anchor, 0, BORDER_REFLECT);

	Mat x_sq, y_sq, xy;
	Mat x_sqr, y_sqr, xyr;

	/* Element of outer product. */
	x_sq = grad_x.mul(grad_x);
	y_sq = grad_y.mul(grad_y);
	xy   = grad_x.mul(grad_y);

	/* Integration scale (rho) smoothing. */
	GaussianBlur(x_sq, x_sqr, Size(0,0), rho, 0, BORDER_REFLECT);
	GaussianBlur(y_sq, y_sqr, Size(0,0), rho, 0, BORDER_REFLECT);
	GaussianBlur(xy  , xyr  , Size(0,0), rho, 0, BORDER_REFLECT);

	Mat evec, eval;

	Mat h = Mat::zeros(in.size(), CV_64F);
	Mat s = Mat::zeros(in.size(), CV_64F);
	Mat v = Mat::zeros(in.size(), CV_64F);
	Mat hsv;
	vector<Mat> channels;

	edge.create(in.size(), CV_64F);

	for (int i = 0; i < in.rows; ++i) {
		for (int j = 0; j < in.cols; ++j) {
			/* Structure tensor. */
			Tensor b = Tensor(

			/* Structure tensor without rho smoothing, for the edge detector. */
			Tensor c = Tensor(

			/* Returns the eigenvectors as row vectors! */
			eigen(b, eval, evec);

			double s1 = eval.at<double>(0);
			double s2 = eval.at<double>(1);

			if (s2 > s1)
				fprintf(stderr, "OOPS: Wrong ordering of eigenvalues\n");

			double l1 = 1.0;
			double l2 = 1.0 / (1.0 + (s1 - s2) * (s1 - s2) / (gamma*gamma));

			Mat eval2 = eval.clone();
			eval2.at<double>(0) = l1;
			eval2.at<double>(1) = l2;
			tensors(i, j) = Tensor(Mat(evec.t() * Mat::diag(eval2) * evec));

			h.at<double>(i, j) = fmod(atan2(evec.at<double>(1), evec.at<double>(0))
					* 180.0 / M_PI + 180.0, 180.0);
			s.at<double>(i, j) = 0;
			v.at<double>(i, j) = 1.0/(1.0 + l2);

			/* Returns the eigenvectors as row vectors! */
			eigen(c, eval, evec);

			s1 = eval.at<double>(0);
			s2 = eval.at<double>(1);

			edge.at<double>(i, j) = s1;
	normalize(edge, edge, 0, 255, NORM_MINMAX, CV_8U);

	/* Create tensor visualization, double the size. */
	structure.create(in.size(), CV_64F);
	GaussianBlur(in, structure, Size(0,0), sigma, 0, BORDER_REFLECT);
	cvtColor(structure, structure, CV_GRAY2BGR);
	resize(structure, structure, Size(0, 0), 2, 2);
	for (int i = 0; i < in.rows; i += 15) {
		for (int j = 0; j < in.cols; j += 15) {
			Tensor b = tensors(i, j);

			eigen(b, eval, evec);

			double s1 = eval.at<double>(0);
			double s2 = eval.at<double>(1);

			Point2f p1(evec.row(0));
			Point2f p2(evec.row(1));
			line(structure, 2*Point(j, i), 2*Point2f(j, i) + 20 * s2 * p1,
					CV_RGB(255,0,0), 1.2, CV_AA);
			line(structure, 2*Point(j, i), 2*Point2f(j, i) + 20 * s1 * p2,
					CV_RGB(0,0,0), 1.2, CV_AA);

	Mat ho, so, vo;
	h.convertTo(ho, CV_8U);
	normalize(s, so, 255, 255, NORM_MINMAX, CV_8U);
	normalize(v, vo, 0, 255, NORM_MINMAX, CV_8U);

	merge(channels, hsv);

	cvtColor(hsv, color, CV_HSV2BGR);
void CV_PlaneTest::run( int )
  string folder = cvtest::TS::ptr()->get_data_path() + "/" + STRUCTURED_LIGHT_DIR + "/" + FOLDER_DATA + "/";
  structured_light::GrayCodePattern::Params params;
  params.width = 1280;
  params.height = 800;
  // Set up GraycodePattern with params
  Ptr<structured_light::GrayCodePattern> graycode = structured_light::GrayCodePattern::create( params );
  size_t numberOfPatternImages = graycode->getNumberOfPatternImages();

  FileStorage fs( folder + "calibrationParameters.yml", FileStorage::READ );
  if( !fs.isOpened() )
    ts->set_failed_test_info( cvtest::TS::FAIL_INVALID_TEST_DATA );

  FileStorage fs2( folder + "gt_plane.yml", FileStorage::READ );
  if( !fs.isOpened() )
    ts->set_failed_test_info( cvtest::TS::FAIL_INVALID_TEST_DATA );

  // Loading ground truth plane parameters
  Vec4f plane_coefficients;
  Vec3f m;
  fs2["plane_coefficients"] >> plane_coefficients;
  fs2["m"] >> m;

  // Loading calibration parameters
  Mat cam1intrinsics, cam1distCoeffs, cam2intrinsics, cam2distCoeffs, R, T;

  fs["cam1_intrinsics"] >> cam1intrinsics;
  fs["cam2_intrinsics"] >> cam2intrinsics;
  fs["cam1_distorsion"] >> cam1distCoeffs;
  fs["cam2_distorsion"] >> cam2distCoeffs;
  fs["R"] >> R;
  fs["T"] >> T;

  // Loading white and black images
  vector<Mat> blackImages;
  vector<Mat> whiteImages;

  blackImages.resize( 2 );
  whiteImages.resize( 2 );

  whiteImages[0] = imread( folder + "pattern_cam1_im43.jpg", 0 );
  whiteImages[1] = imread( folder + "pattern_cam2_im43.jpg", 0 );
  blackImages[0] = imread( folder + "pattern_cam1_im44.jpg", 0 );
  blackImages[1] = imread( folder + "pattern_cam2_im44.jpg", 0 );

  Size imagesSize = whiteImages[0].size();

  if( ( !cam1intrinsics.data ) || ( !cam2intrinsics.data ) || ( !cam1distCoeffs.data ) || ( !cam2distCoeffs.data ) || ( !R.data )
      || ( !T.data ) || ( !whiteImages[0].data ) || ( !whiteImages[1].data ) || ( !blackImages[0].data )
      || ( !blackImages[1].data ) )
    ts->set_failed_test_info( cvtest::TS::FAIL_INVALID_TEST_DATA );

  // Computing stereo rectify parameters
  Mat R1, R2, P1, P2, Q;
  Rect validRoi[2];
  stereoRectify( cam1intrinsics, cam1distCoeffs, cam2intrinsics, cam2distCoeffs, imagesSize, R, T, R1, R2, P1, P2, Q, 0,
                 -1, imagesSize, &validRoi[0], &validRoi[1] );

  Mat map1x, map1y, map2x, map2y;
  initUndistortRectifyMap( cam1intrinsics, cam1distCoeffs, R1, P1, imagesSize, CV_32FC1, map1x, map1y );
  initUndistortRectifyMap( cam2intrinsics, cam2distCoeffs, R2, P2, imagesSize, CV_32FC1, map2x, map2y );

  vector<vector<Mat> > captured_pattern;
  captured_pattern.resize( 2 );
  captured_pattern[0].resize( numberOfPatternImages );
  captured_pattern[1].resize( numberOfPatternImages );

  // Loading and rectifying pattern images
  for( size_t i = 0; i < numberOfPatternImages; i++ )
    ostringstream name1;
    name1 << "pattern_cam1_im" << i + 1 << ".jpg";
    captured_pattern[0][i] = imread( folder + name1.str(), 0 );
    ostringstream name2;
    name2 << "pattern_cam2_im" << i + 1 << ".jpg";
    captured_pattern[1][i] = imread( folder + name2.str(), 0 );

    if( (!captured_pattern[0][i].data) || (!captured_pattern[1][i].data) )
      ts->set_failed_test_info( cvtest::TS::FAIL_INVALID_TEST_DATA );

    remap( captured_pattern[0][i], captured_pattern[0][i], map2x, map2y, INTER_NEAREST, BORDER_CONSTANT, Scalar() );
    remap( captured_pattern[1][i], captured_pattern[1][i], map1x, map1y, INTER_NEAREST, BORDER_CONSTANT, Scalar() );

  // Rectifying white and black images
  remap( whiteImages[0], whiteImages[0], map2x, map2y, INTER_NEAREST, BORDER_CONSTANT, Scalar() );
  remap( whiteImages[1], whiteImages[1], map1x, map1y, INTER_NEAREST, BORDER_CONSTANT, Scalar() );

  remap( blackImages[0], blackImages[0], map2x, map2y, INTER_NEAREST, BORDER_CONSTANT, Scalar() );
  remap( blackImages[1], blackImages[1], map1x, map1y, INTER_NEAREST, BORDER_CONSTANT, Scalar() );

  // Setting up threshold parameters to reconstruct only the plane in foreground
  graycode->setBlackThreshold( 55 );
  graycode->setWhiteThreshold( 10 );

  // Computing the disparity map
  Mat disparityMap;
  bool decoded = graycode->decode( captured_pattern, disparityMap, blackImages, whiteImages,
                                   structured_light::DECODE_3D_UNDERWORLD );
  EXPECT_TRUE( decoded );

  // Computing the point cloud
  Mat pointcloud;
  disparityMap.convertTo( disparityMap, CV_32FC1 );
  reprojectImageTo3D( disparityMap, pointcloud, Q, true, -1 );
  // from mm (unit of calibration) to m
  pointcloud = pointcloud / 1000;

  // Setting up plane with ground truth plane values
  Vec3f normal( plane_coefficients.val[0], plane_coefficients.val[1], plane_coefficients.val[2] );
  Ptr<PlaneBase> plane = Ptr<PlaneBase>( new Plane( m, normal, 0 ) );

  // Computing the distance of every point of the pointcloud from ground truth plane
  float sum_d = 0;
  int cont = 0;
  for( int i = 0; i < disparityMap.rows; i++ )
    for( int j = 0; j < disparityMap.cols; j++ )
      float value = disparityMap.at<float>( i, j );
      if( value != 0 )
        Vec3f point = pointcloud.at<Vec3f>( i, j );
        sum_d += plane->distance( point );

  sum_d /= cont;

  // test pass if the mean of points distance from ground truth plane is lower than 3 mm
  EXPECT_LE( sum_d, 0.003 );
Ejemplo n.º 28
void MultiBandBlender::feed(const Mat &img, const Mat &mask, Point tl)
    CV_Assert(img.type() == CV_16SC3 || img.type() == CV_8UC3);
    CV_Assert(mask.type() == CV_8U);

    // Keep source image in memory with small border
    int gap = 3 * (1 << num_bands_);
    Point tl_new(max(dst_roi_.x, tl.x - gap), 
                 max(dst_roi_.y, tl.y - gap));
    Point br_new(min(dst_roi_.br().x, tl.x + img.cols + gap), 
                 min(dst_roi_.br().y, tl.y + img.rows + gap));

    // Ensure coordinates of top-left, bottom-right corners are divided by (1 << num_bands_). 
    // After that scale between layers is exactly 2.
    // We do it to avoid interpolation problems when keeping sub-images only. There is no such problem when 
    // image is bordered to have size equal to the final image size, but this is too memory hungry approach.
    tl_new.x = dst_roi_.x + (((tl_new.x - dst_roi_.x) >> num_bands_) << num_bands_);
    tl_new.y = dst_roi_.y + (((tl_new.y - dst_roi_.y) >> num_bands_) << num_bands_);
    int width = br_new.x - tl_new.x;
    int height = br_new.y - tl_new.y;
    width += ((1 << num_bands_) - width % (1 << num_bands_)) % (1 << num_bands_);
    height += ((1 << num_bands_) - height % (1 << num_bands_)) % (1 << num_bands_);
    br_new.x = tl_new.x + width;
    br_new.y = tl_new.y + height;
    int dy = max(br_new.y - dst_roi_.br().y, 0);
    int dx = max(br_new.x - dst_roi_.br().x, 0);
    tl_new.x -= dx; br_new.x -= dx;
    tl_new.y -= dy; br_new.y -= dy;

    int top = tl.y - tl_new.y;
    int left = tl.x - tl_new.x;
    int bottom = br_new.y - tl.y - img.rows;
    int right = br_new.x - tl.x - img.cols;

    // Create the source image Laplacian pyramid
    Mat img_with_border;
    copyMakeBorder(img, img_with_border, top, bottom, left, right,
    vector<Mat> src_pyr_laplace;
    if (can_use_gpu_ && img_with_border.depth() == CV_16S)
        createLaplacePyrGpu(img_with_border, num_bands_, src_pyr_laplace);
        createLaplacePyr(img_with_border, num_bands_, src_pyr_laplace);

    // Create the weight map Gaussian pyramid
    Mat weight_map;
    vector<Mat> weight_pyr_gauss(num_bands_ + 1);

    if(weight_type_ == CV_32F)
        mask.convertTo(weight_map, CV_32F, 1./255.);
    else// weight_type_ == CV_16S
        mask.convertTo(weight_map, CV_16S);
        add(weight_map, 1, weight_map, mask != 0);

    copyMakeBorder(weight_map, weight_pyr_gauss[0], top, bottom, left, right, BORDER_CONSTANT);

    for (int i = 0; i < num_bands_; ++i)
        pyrDown(weight_pyr_gauss[i], weight_pyr_gauss[i + 1]);

    int y_tl = tl_new.y - dst_roi_.y;
    int y_br = br_new.y - dst_roi_.y;
    int x_tl = tl_new.x - dst_roi_.x;
    int x_br = br_new.x - dst_roi_.x;

    // Add weighted layer of the source image to the final Laplacian pyramid layer
    if(weight_type_ == CV_32F)
        for (int i = 0; i <= num_bands_; ++i)
            for (int y = y_tl; y < y_br; ++y)
                int y_ = y - y_tl;
                const Point3_<short>* src_row = src_pyr_laplace[i].ptr<Point3_<short> >(y_);
                Point3_<short>* dst_row = dst_pyr_laplace_[i].ptr<Point3_<short> >(y);
                const float* weight_row = weight_pyr_gauss[i].ptr<float>(y_);
                float* dst_weight_row = dst_band_weights_[i].ptr<float>(y);

                for (int x = x_tl; x < x_br; ++x)
                    int x_ = x - x_tl;
                    dst_row[x].x += static_cast<short>(src_row[x_].x * weight_row[x_]);
                    dst_row[x].y += static_cast<short>(src_row[x_].y * weight_row[x_]);
                    dst_row[x].z += static_cast<short>(src_row[x_].z * weight_row[x_]);
                    dst_weight_row[x] += weight_row[x_];
            x_tl /= 2; y_tl /= 2;
            x_br /= 2; y_br /= 2;
    else// weight_type_ == CV_16S
        for (int i = 0; i <= num_bands_; ++i)
            for (int y = y_tl; y < y_br; ++y)
                int y_ = y - y_tl;
                const Point3_<short>* src_row = src_pyr_laplace[i].ptr<Point3_<short> >(y_);
                Point3_<short>* dst_row = dst_pyr_laplace_[i].ptr<Point3_<short> >(y);
                const short* weight_row = weight_pyr_gauss[i].ptr<short>(y_);
                short* dst_weight_row = dst_band_weights_[i].ptr<short>(y);

                for (int x = x_tl; x < x_br; ++x)
                    int x_ = x - x_tl;
                    dst_row[x].x += short((src_row[x_].x * weight_row[x_]) >> 8);
                    dst_row[x].y += short((src_row[x_].y * weight_row[x_]) >> 8);
                    dst_row[x].z += short((src_row[x_].z * weight_row[x_]) >> 8);
                    dst_weight_row[x] += weight_row[x_];
            x_tl /= 2; y_tl /= 2;
            x_br /= 2; y_br /= 2;
Ejemplo n.º 29
Mat TableObjectDetector::clusterObjects(Mat P, int K, bool removeOutliers) {
    Mat L;
    int attempts = 5;
    P.convertTo(P, CV_32F);
    kmeans(P, K, L, TermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER|CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 10000, 0.0001), attempts, KMEANS_PP_CENTERS);

    // We remove outliers that are outside a number of standard deviations away
    // from the object centroid. We do this by just setting their cluster label
    // to -1
    if (removeOutliers) {
        float numStdDevs = 3;
        float maxDist = 0.1;

        // Caluclate centroids
        vector<Mat> clusterData;
        Mat clusterCentroids(K, 3, CV_32F);
        for (int k=0; k<K; k++) {
            Mat D = Mat(0, 3, CV_64F);
            for (int i=0; i<L.rows; i++) {
                if (L.at<int>(i)==k) {
            reduce(D, clusterCentroids.row(k), 0, CV_REDUCE_AVG);

        // Now calculate distances of each point, and the std. devs. of each
        // cluster
        Mat Dist = Mat::zeros(P.rows, 1, CV_32F);
        vector<Mat> centroidDistances;
        for (int k=0; k<K; k++) {
            centroidDistances.push_back(Mat(0, 1, CV_32F));
        for (int i=0; i<L.rows; i++) {
            Mat centroid = clusterCentroids.row(L.at<int>(i));
            Mat pt = P.row(i);
            int k = L.at<int>(i);
            float d = std::sqrt(
                    std::pow(pt.at<float>(0) - centroid.at<float>(0), 2) + 
                    std::pow(pt.at<float>(1) - centroid.at<float>(1), 2) + 
                    std::pow(pt.at<float>(2) - centroid.at<float>(2), 2) );

            Dist.at<float>(i) = d;
        for (int k=0; k<K; k++) {
            Mat ignore;
            Mat std_dev;
            meanStdDev(centroidDistances.at(k), ignore, std_dev);
            float k_std = std_dev.at<Scalar>(0)(0);

            for (int i=0; i<P.rows; i++) {
                if (L.at<int>(i) == k) {
                    //if (Dist.at<float>(i) > numStdDevs*k_std) {
                    if (Dist.at<float>(i) > maxDist) {
                        L.at<int>(i) = -1;

        // Now compute standard deviations for all clusters
        //Mat centroidStdDevs = Mat::zeros(K, 1);
        //for (int k=0; k<K; k++) {

    return L;
Ejemplo n.º 30
static inline Mat convertTo(const Mat& m, double a=1, double b=0 ){ Mat t; m.convertTo( t, CV_MAKETYPE(DataDepth<T>::value,m.channels()), a, b ); return t; }