Ejemplo n.º 1
 * @return The point which is closest to 'coord' 
 * (one of the vertexes)
RS_Vector RS_EntityContainer::getNearestEndpoint(const RS_Vector& coord,
        double* dist) {

    double minDist = RS_MAXDOUBLE;  // minimum measured distance
    double curDist;                 // currently measured distance
    RS_Vector closestPoint(false);  // closest found endpoint
    RS_Vector point;                // endpoint found

    //RS_PtrListIterator<RS_Entity> it = createIterator();
    //RS_Entity* en;
    //while ( (en = it.current()) != NULL ) {
    //    ++it;
    for (RS_Entity* en = firstEntity();
            en != NULL;
            en = nextEntity()) {

        if (en->isVisible()) {
            point = en->getNearestEndpoint(coord, &curDist);
            if (point.valid && curDist<minDist) {
                closestPoint = point;
                minDist = curDist;
                if (dist!=NULL) {
                    *dist = curDist;

    return closestPoint;