Ejemplo n.º 1
Dart_Handle Paragraph::getWordBoundary(unsigned offset) {
  String text;
  int start = 0, end = 0;

  for (RenderObject* object = m_renderView.get(); object;
       object = object->nextInPreOrder()) {
    if (!object->isText())
    RenderText* renderText = toRenderText(object);

  TextBreakIterator* it = wordBreakIterator(text, 0, text.length());
  if (it) {
    end = it->following(offset);
    if (end < 0)
      end = it->last();
    start = it->previous();

  Dart_Handle result = Dart_NewList(2);
  Dart_ListSetAt(result, 0, ToDart(start));
  Dart_ListSetAt(result, 1, ToDart(end));
  return result;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static void writeTextRun(TextStream& ts, const RenderText& o, const InlineTextBox& run)
    ts << "text run at (" << run.m_x << "," << run.m_y << ") width " << run.m_width;
    if (run.direction() == RTL || run.m_dirOverride) {
        ts << (run.direction() == RTL ? " RTL" : " LTR");
        if (run.m_dirOverride)
            ts << " override";
    ts << ": "
        << quoteAndEscapeNonPrintables(String(o.text()).substring(run.m_start, run.m_len))
        << "\n";
Ejemplo n.º 3
void createTextRuns(Layout::RunVector& runs, unsigned& lineCount, RenderBlockFlow& flow, RenderText& textRenderer)
    const Style style(flow.style());

    const CharacterType* text = textRenderer.text()->characters<CharacterType>();
    const unsigned textLength = textRenderer.textLength();

    LayoutUnit borderAndPaddingBefore = flow.borderAndPaddingBefore();
    LayoutUnit lineHeight = lineHeightFromFlow(flow);

    LazyLineBreakIterator lineBreakIterator(textRenderer.text(), flow.style().locale());

    unsigned lineEnd = 0;
    while (lineEnd < textLength) {
        if (style.collapseWhitespace)
            lineEnd = skipWhitespaces(text, lineEnd, textLength, style.preserveNewline);

        unsigned lineStart = lineEnd;

        // LineWidth reads the current y position from the flow so keep it updated.
        flow.setLogicalHeight(lineHeight * lineCount + borderAndPaddingBefore);
        LineWidth lineWidth(flow, false, DoNotIndentText);

        auto lineRuns = createLineRuns(lineStart, lineWidth, lineBreakIterator, style, text, textLength, textRenderer);

        lineEnd = lineRuns.last().end;
        if (lineStart == lineEnd)

        lineRuns.last().isEndOfLine = true;

        float lineLeft = computeLineLeft(style.textAlign, lineWidth);
        adjustRunOffsets(lineRuns, lineLeft);

        for (unsigned i = 0; i < lineRuns.size(); ++i)

Ejemplo n.º 4
static void writeTextRun(TextStream& ts, const RenderText& o, const InlineTextBox& run)
    // FIXME: Table cell adjustment is temporary until results can be updated.
    int y = run.m_y;
    if (o.containingBlock()->isTableCell())
        y -= toRenderTableCell(o.containingBlock())->intrinsicPaddingTop();
    ts << "text run at (" << run.m_x << "," << y << ") width " << run.m_width;
    if (run.direction() == RTL || run.m_dirOverride) {
        ts << (run.direction() == RTL ? " RTL" : " LTR");
        if (run.m_dirOverride)
            ts << " override";
    ts << ": "
        << quoteAndEscapeNonPrintables(String(o.text()).substring(run.start(), run.len()))
        << "\n";
Ejemplo n.º 5
int InlineTextBox::positionForOffset(int offset) const
    ASSERT(offset >= m_start);
    ASSERT(offset <= m_start + m_len);

    if (isLineBreak())
        return m_x;

    RenderText* text = static_cast<RenderText*>(m_object);
    const Font& f = text->style(m_firstLine)->font();
    int from = direction() == RTL ? offset - m_start : 0;
    int to = direction() == RTL ? m_len : offset - m_start;
    // FIXME: Do we need to add rightBearing here?
    return enclosingIntRect(f.selectionRectForText(TextRun(text->text()->characters() + m_start, m_len, textObject()->allowTabs(), textPos(), m_toAdd, direction() == RTL, m_dirOverride),
                                                   IntPoint(m_x, 0), 0, from, to)).right();
Ejemplo n.º 6
void TextIterator::emitText(Node *textNode, int textStartOffset, int textEndOffset)
    RenderText* renderer = static_cast<RenderText*>(m_node->renderer());
    String str = renderer->text();

    m_positionNode = textNode;
    m_positionOffsetBaseNode = 0;
    m_positionStartOffset = textStartOffset;
    m_positionEndOffset = textEndOffset;
    m_textCharacters = str.characters() + textStartOffset;
    m_textLength = textEndOffset - textStartOffset;
    m_lastCharacter = str[textEndOffset - 1];

    m_lastTextNodeEndedWithCollapsedSpace = false;
    m_haveEmitted = true;
Ejemplo n.º 7
bool TextIterator::handleTextNode()
    RenderText* renderer = static_cast<RenderText*>(m_node->renderer());
    if (renderer->style()->visibility() != VISIBLE)
        return false;
    m_lastTextNode = m_node;
    String str = renderer->text();

    // handle pre-formatted text
    if (!renderer->style()->collapseWhiteSpace()) {
        int runStart = m_offset;
        if (m_lastTextNodeEndedWithCollapsedSpace) {
            emitCharacter(' ', m_node, 0, runStart, runStart);
            return false;
        int strLength = str.length();
        int end = (m_node == m_endContainer) ? m_endOffset : INT_MAX;
        int runEnd = min(strLength, end);

        if (runStart >= runEnd)
            return true;

        emitText(m_node, runStart, runEnd);
        return true;

    if (!renderer->firstTextBox() && str.length() > 0) {
        m_lastTextNodeEndedWithCollapsedSpace = true; // entire block is collapsed space
        return true;

    // Used when text boxes are out of order (Hebrew/Arabic w/ embeded LTR text)
    if (renderer->containsReversedText()) {
        for (InlineTextBox * textBox = renderer->firstTextBox(); textBox; textBox = textBox->nextTextBox()) {
        std::sort(m_sortedTextBoxes.begin(), m_sortedTextBoxes.end(), compareBoxStart); 
        m_sortedTextBoxesPosition = 0;
    m_textBox = renderer->containsReversedText() ? m_sortedTextBoxes[0] : renderer->firstTextBox();
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 8
static void writeTextRun(TextStream& ts, const RenderText& o, const InlineTextBox& run)
    // FIXME: For now use an "enclosingIntRect" model for x, y and logicalWidth, although this makes it harder
    // to detect any changes caused by the conversion to floating point. :(
    int x = run.x();
    int y = run.y();
    int logicalWidth = ceilf(run.left() + run.logicalWidth()) - x;

    ts << "text run at (" << x << "," << y << ") width " << logicalWidth;
    if (!run.isLeftToRightDirection() || run.dirOverride()) {
        ts << (!run.isLeftToRightDirection() ? " RTL" : " LTR");
        if (run.dirOverride())
            ts << " override";
    ts << ": "
        << quoteAndEscapeNonPrintables(String(o.text()).substring(run.start(), run.len()));
    if (run.hasHyphen())
        ts << " + hyphen string " << quoteAndEscapeNonPrintables(o.style()->hyphenString());
    ts << "\n";
Ejemplo n.º 9
IntRect InlineTextBox::selectionRect(int tx, int ty, int startPos, int endPos)
    int sPos = max(startPos - m_start, 0);
    int ePos = min(endPos - m_start, (int)m_len);
    if (sPos >= ePos)
        return IntRect();

    RenderText* textObj = textObject();
    int selTop = selectionTop();
    int selHeight = selectionHeight();
    const Font& f = textObj->style(m_firstLine)->font();

    IntRect r = enclosingIntRect(f.selectionRectForText(TextRun(textObj->text()->characters() + m_start, m_len, textObj->allowTabs(), textPos(), m_toAdd, direction() == RTL, m_dirOverride),
                                                        IntPoint(tx + m_x, ty + selTop), selHeight, sPos, ePos));
    if (r.x() > tx + m_x + m_width)
    else if (r.right() - 1 > tx + m_x + m_width)
        r.setWidth(tx + m_x + m_width - r.x());
    return r;
Ejemplo n.º 10
bool SimplifiedBackwardsTextIterator::handleTextNode()
    m_lastTextNode = m_node;

    RenderText *renderer = static_cast<RenderText *>(m_node->renderer());
    String str = renderer->text();

    if (!renderer->firstTextBox() && str.length() > 0)
        return true;

    m_positionEndOffset = m_offset;

    m_offset = (m_node == m_startNode) ? m_startOffset : 0;
    m_positionNode = m_node;
    m_positionStartOffset = m_offset;
    m_textLength = m_positionEndOffset - m_positionStartOffset;
    m_textCharacters = str.characters() + m_positionStartOffset;

    m_lastCharacter = str[m_positionEndOffset - 1];

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 11
static void writeTextRun(TextStream& ts, const RenderText& o, const InlineTextBox& run)
    // FIXME: For now use an "enclosingIntRect" model for x, y and logicalWidth, although this makes it harder
    // to detect any changes caused by the conversion to floating point. :(
    int x = run.m_x;
    int y = run.m_y;
    int logicalWidth = ceilf(run.m_x + run.m_logicalWidth) - x;

    // FIXME: Table cell adjustment is temporary until results can be updated.
    if (o.containingBlock()->isTableCell())
        y -= toRenderTableCell(o.containingBlock())->intrinsicPaddingBefore();
    ts << "text run at (" << x << "," << y << ") width " << logicalWidth;
    if (!run.isLeftToRightDirection() || run.m_dirOverride) {
        ts << (!run.isLeftToRightDirection() ? " RTL" : " LTR");
        if (run.m_dirOverride)
            ts << " override";
    ts << ": "
        << quoteAndEscapeNonPrintables(String(o.text()).substring(run.start(), run.len()));
    if (run.hasHyphen())
        ts << " + hyphen string " << quoteAndEscapeNonPrintables(o.style()->hyphenString());
    ts << "\n";
Ejemplo n.º 12
void TextIterator::handleTextBox()
    RenderText *renderer = static_cast<RenderText *>(m_node->renderer());
    String str = renderer->text();
    int start = m_offset;
    int end = (m_node == m_endContainer) ? m_endOffset : INT_MAX;
    while (m_textBox) {
        int textBoxStart = m_textBox->m_start;
        int runStart = max(textBoxStart, start);

        // Check for collapsed space at the start of this run.
        InlineTextBox *firstTextBox = renderer->containsReversedText() ? m_sortedTextBoxes[0] : renderer->firstTextBox();
        bool needSpace = m_lastTextNodeEndedWithCollapsedSpace
            || (m_textBox == firstTextBox && textBoxStart == runStart && runStart > 0);
        if (needSpace && !isCollapsibleWhitespace(m_lastCharacter) && m_lastCharacter) {
            emitCharacter(' ', m_node, 0, runStart, runStart);
        int textBoxEnd = textBoxStart + m_textBox->m_len;
        int runEnd = min(textBoxEnd, end);
        // Determine what the next text box will be, but don't advance yet
        InlineTextBox *nextTextBox = 0;
        if (renderer->containsReversedText()) {
            if (m_sortedTextBoxesPosition + 1 < m_sortedTextBoxes.size())
                nextTextBox = m_sortedTextBoxes[m_sortedTextBoxesPosition + 1];
        } else 
            nextTextBox = m_textBox->nextTextBox();

        if (runStart < runEnd) {
            // Handle either a single newline character (which becomes a space),
            // or a run of characters that does not include a newline.
            // This effectively translates newlines to spaces without copying the text.
            if (str[runStart] == '\n') {
                emitCharacter(' ', m_node, 0, runStart, runStart + 1);
                m_offset = runStart + 1;
            } else {
                int subrunEnd = str.find('\n', runStart);
                if (subrunEnd == -1 || subrunEnd > runEnd)
                    subrunEnd = runEnd;
                m_offset = subrunEnd;
                emitText(m_node, runStart, subrunEnd);

            // If we are doing a subrun that doesn't go to the end of the text box,
            // come back again to finish handling this text box; don't advance to the next one.
            if (m_positionEndOffset < textBoxEnd)

            // Advance and return
            int nextRunStart = nextTextBox ? nextTextBox->m_start : str.length();
            if (nextRunStart > runEnd)
                m_lastTextNodeEndedWithCollapsedSpace = true; // collapsed space between runs or at the end
            m_textBox = nextTextBox;
            if (renderer->containsReversedText())
        // Advance and continue
        m_textBox = nextTextBox;
        if (renderer->containsReversedText())