Ejemplo n.º 1
static float textWidth(const RenderText& text, unsigned from, unsigned length, float xPosition, const RenderStyle& style)
    if (style.font().isFixedPitch() || (!from && length == text.textLength()))
        return text.width(from, length, style.font(), xPosition, nullptr, nullptr);
    // FIXME: Add templated UChar/LChar paths.
    TextRun run = text.is8Bit() ? TextRun(text.characters8() + from, length) : TextRun(text.characters16() + from, length);
    run.setCharactersLength(text.textLength() - from);
    ASSERT(run.charactersLength() >= run.length());

    return style.font().width(run);
Ejemplo n.º 2
static float textWidth(const RenderText& renderText, const CharacterType* text, unsigned textLength, unsigned from, unsigned to, float xPosition, const Style& style)
    if (style.font.isFixedPitch() || (!from && to == textLength))
        return renderText.width(from, to - from, style.font, xPosition, nullptr, nullptr);

    TextRun run(text + from, to - from);
    run.setCharactersLength(textLength - from);
    run.setTabSize(!!style.tabWidth, style.tabWidth);

    ASSERT(run.charactersLength() >= run.length());

    return style.font.width(run);