Ejemplo n.º 1
static void create_arg_bundle_class(FnSymbol* fn, CallExpr* fcall, ModuleSymbol* mod, BundleArgsFnData &baData) {

// Here, 'fcall' is the first of fn's callees and so it acts as a
// representative of all the other callees, if any.
// As of this writing, this should be OK because the callees are
// obtained by duplicating the original call, which resulted in
// outlining a block into 'fn' and so is unique.
// To eliminate 'fcall' in create_arg_bundle_class(), we need
// to rely on fn's formal types instead of fcall's actual types.

  // create a new class to capture refs to locals
  AggregateType* ctype = new AggregateType(AGGREGATE_CLASS);
  TypeSymbol* new_c = new TypeSymbol(astr("_class_locals", fn->name), ctype);

  // add the function args as fields in the class
  int i = 0;    // Fields are numbered for uniqueness.
  for_actuals(arg, fcall) {
    SymExpr *s = toSymExpr(arg);
    Symbol  *var = s->var; // arg or var
    if (var->type->symbol->hasFlag(FLAG_REF) || isClass(var->type))
      // Only a variable that is passed by reference out of its current scope
      // is concurrently accessed -- which means that it has to be passed by
      // reference.
    VarSymbol* field = new VarSymbol(astr("_", istr(i), "_", var->name), var->type);
    ctype->fields.insertAtTail(new DefExpr(field));
Ejemplo n.º 2
void addFlag(BaseAST* ast, int flag) {
  Symbol* sym = symflagOK("addFlag", ast, flag);
  if (sym) sym->addFlag((Flag)flag);