Ejemplo n.º 1
/// Are two symbols equivalent (from the point of view of merging
/// shader instances)?  Note that this is not a true ==, it ignores
/// the m_data, m_node, and m_alias pointers!
static bool
equivalent (const Symbol &a, const Symbol &b)
    // If they aren't used, don't consider them a mismatch
    if (! a.everused() && ! b.everused())
        return true;

    // Different symbol types or data types are a mismatch
    if (a.symtype() != b.symtype() || a.typespec() != b.typespec())
        return false;

    // Don't consider different names to be a mismatch if the symbol
    // is a temp or constant.
    if (a.symtype() != SymTypeTemp && a.symtype() != SymTypeConst &&
        a.name() != b.name())
        return false;
    // But constants had better match their values!
    if (a.symtype() == SymTypeConst &&
        memcmp (a.data(), b.data(), a.typespec().simpletype().size()))
        return false;

    return a.has_derivs() == b.has_derivs() &&
        a.lockgeom() == b.lockgeom() &&
        a.valuesource() == b.valuesource() &&
        a.fieldid() == b.fieldid() &&
        a.initbegin() == b.initbegin() &&
        a.initend() == b.initend()
Ejemplo n.º 2
inline std::string
print_vals (const Symbol &s)
    std::stringstream out;
    TypeDesc t = s.typespec().simpletype();
    int n = t.aggregate * t.numelements();
    if (t.basetype == TypeDesc::FLOAT) {
        for (int j = 0;  j < n;  ++j)
            out << (j ? " " : "") << ((float *)s.data())[j];
    } else if (t.basetype == TypeDesc::INT) {
        for (int j = 0;  j < n;  ++j)
            out << (j ? " " : "") << ((int *)s.data())[j];
    } else if (t.basetype == TypeDesc::STRING) {
        for (int j = 0;  j < n;  ++j)
            out << (j ? " " : "") << "\"" << ((ustring *)s.data())[j] << "\"";
    return out.str();
Ejemplo n.º 3
 virtual Value* eval(Environment& env) {
     Symbol *symbol = dynamic_cast<Symbol*>(sym);
     if (symbol) {
         Value* be = bond->eval(env);
         env.bind(symbol->data(), be);
         return be->clone();
     } else {
         return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 4
ShaderInstance::copy_code_from_master (ShaderGroup &group)
    ASSERT (m_instops.empty() && m_instargs.empty());
    // reserve with enough room for a few insertions
    m_instops.reserve (master()->m_ops.size()+10);
    m_instargs.reserve (master()->m_args.size()+10);
    m_instops = master()->m_ops;
    m_instargs = master()->m_args;

    // Copy the symbols from the master
    ASSERT (m_instsymbols.size() == 0 &&
            "should not have copied m_instsymbols yet");
    m_instsymbols = m_master->m_symbols;

    // Copy the instance override data
    // Also set the renderer_output flags where needed.
    ASSERT (m_instoverrides.size() == (size_t)std::max(0,lastparam()));
    ASSERT (m_instsymbols.size() >= (size_t)std::max(0,lastparam()));
    if (m_instoverrides.size()) {
        for (size_t i = 0, e = lastparam();  i < e;  ++i) {
            Symbol *si = &m_instsymbols[i];
            if (m_instoverrides[i].valuesource() == Symbol::DefaultVal) {
                // Fix the length of any default-value variable length array
                // parameters.
                if (si->typespec().is_unsized_array())
                    si->arraylen (si->initializers());
            } else {
                if (m_instoverrides[i].arraylen())
                    si->arraylen (m_instoverrides[i].arraylen());
                si->valuesource (m_instoverrides[i].valuesource());
                si->connected_down (m_instoverrides[i].connected_down());
                si->lockgeom (m_instoverrides[i].lockgeom());
                si->dataoffset (m_instoverrides[i].dataoffset());
                si->data (param_storage(i));
            if (shadingsys().is_renderer_output (layername(), si->name(), &group)) {
                si->renderer_output (true);
                renderer_outputs (true);
    evaluate_writes_globals_and_userdata_params ();
    off_t symmem = vectorbytes(m_instsymbols) - vectorbytes(m_instoverrides);
    SymOverrideInfoVec().swap (m_instoverrides);  // free it

    // adjust stats
        spin_lock lock (shadingsys().m_stat_mutex);
        shadingsys().m_stat_mem_inst_syms += symmem;
        shadingsys().m_stat_mem_inst += symmem;
        shadingsys().m_stat_memory += symmem;
Ejemplo n.º 5
ShaderInstance::copy_code_from_master ()
    ASSERT (m_instops.empty() && m_instargs.empty());
    // reserve with enough room for a few insertions
    m_instops.reserve (master()->m_ops.size()+10);
    m_instargs.reserve (master()->m_args.size()+10);
    m_instops = master()->m_ops;
    m_instargs = master()->m_args;

    // Copy the symbols from the master
    ASSERT (m_instsymbols.size() == 0 &&
            "should not have copied m_instsymbols yet");
    m_instsymbols = m_master->m_symbols;

    // Copy the instance override data
    ASSERT (m_instoverrides.size() == (size_t)std::max(0,lastparam()));
    ASSERT (m_instsymbols.size() >= (size_t)std::max(0,lastparam()));
    if (m_instoverrides.size()) {
        for (size_t i = 0, e = lastparam();  i < e;  ++i) {
            if (m_instoverrides[i].valuesource() != Symbol::DefaultVal) {
                Symbol *si = &m_instsymbols[i];
                si->data (param_storage(i));
                si->valuesource (m_instoverrides[i].valuesource());
                si->connected_down (m_instoverrides[i].connected_down());
                si->lockgeom (m_instoverrides[i].lockgeom());
    off_t symmem = vectorbytes(m_instsymbols) - vectorbytes(m_instoverrides);
    SymOverrideInfoVec().swap (m_instoverrides);  // free it

    // adjust stats
        spin_lock lock (shadingsys().m_stat_mutex);
        shadingsys().m_stat_mem_inst_syms += symmem;
        shadingsys().m_stat_mem_inst += symmem;
        shadingsys().m_stat_memory += symmem;
BackendLLVM::llvm_assign_initial_value (const Symbol& sym)
    // Don't write over connections!  Connection values are written into
    // our layer when the earlier layer is run, as part of its code.  So
    // we just don't need to initialize it here at all.
    if (sym.valuesource() == Symbol::ConnectedVal &&
    if (sym.typespec().is_closure_based() && sym.symtype() == SymTypeGlobal)

    int arraylen = std::max (1, sym.typespec().arraylength());

    // Closures need to get their storage before anything can be
    // assigned to them.  Unless they are params, in which case we took
    // care of it in the group entry point.
    if (sym.typespec().is_closure_based() &&
        sym.symtype() != SymTypeParam && sym.symtype() != SymTypeOutputParam) {
        llvm_assign_zero (sym);

    if ((sym.symtype() == SymTypeLocal || sym.symtype() == SymTypeTemp)
          && shadingsys().debug_uninit()) {
        // Handle the "debug uninitialized values" case
        bool isarray = sym.typespec().is_array();
        int alen = isarray ? sym.typespec().arraylength() : 1;
        llvm::Value *u = NULL;
        if (sym.typespec().is_closure_based()) {
            // skip closures
        else if (sym.typespec().is_floatbased())
            u = ll.constant (std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN());
        else if (sym.typespec().is_int_based())
            u = ll.constant (std::numeric_limits<int>::min());
        else if (sym.typespec().is_string_based())
            u = ll.constant (Strings::uninitialized_string);
        if (u) {
            for (int a = 0;  a < alen;  ++a) {
                llvm::Value *aval = isarray ? ll.constant(a) : NULL;
                for (int c = 0;  c < (int)sym.typespec().aggregate(); ++c)
                    llvm_store_value (u, sym, 0, aval, c);

    if ((sym.symtype() == SymTypeLocal || sym.symtype() == SymTypeTemp) &&
        sym.typespec().is_string_based()) {
        // Strings are pointers.  Can't take any chance on leaving
        // local/tmp syms uninitialized.
        llvm_assign_zero (sym);
        return;  // we're done, the parts below are just for params
    ASSERT_MSG (sym.symtype() == SymTypeParam || sym.symtype() == SymTypeOutputParam,
                "symtype was %d, data type was %s", (int)sym.symtype(), sym.typespec().c_str());

    if (sym.has_init_ops() && sym.valuesource() == Symbol::DefaultVal) {
        // Handle init ops.
        build_llvm_code (sym.initbegin(), sym.initend());
    } else if (! sym.lockgeom() && ! sym.typespec().is_closure()) {
        // geometrically-varying param; memcpy its default value
        TypeDesc t = sym.typespec().simpletype();
        ll.op_memcpy (llvm_void_ptr (sym), ll.constant_ptr (sym.data()),
                      t.size(), t.basesize() /*align*/);
        if (sym.has_derivs())
            llvm_zero_derivs (sym);
    } else {
        // Use default value
        int num_components = sym.typespec().simpletype().aggregate;
        TypeSpec elemtype = sym.typespec().elementtype();
        for (int a = 0, c = 0; a < arraylen;  ++a) {
            llvm::Value *arrind = sym.typespec().is_array() ? ll.constant(a) : NULL;
            if (sym.typespec().is_closure_based())
            for (int i = 0; i < num_components; ++i, ++c) {
                // Fill in the constant val
                llvm::Value* init_val = 0;
                if (elemtype.is_floatbased())
                    init_val = ll.constant (((float*)sym.data())[c]);
                else if (elemtype.is_string())
                    init_val = ll.constant (((ustring*)sym.data())[c]);
                else if (elemtype.is_int())
                    init_val = ll.constant (((int*)sym.data())[c]);
                ASSERT (init_val);
                llvm_store_value (init_val, sym, 0, arrind, i);
        if (sym.has_derivs())
            llvm_zero_derivs (sym);

    // Handle interpolated params.
    // FIXME -- really, we shouldn't assign defaults or run init ops if
    // the values are interpolated.  The perf hit is probably small, since
    // there are so few interpolated params, but we should come back and
    // fix this later.
    if ((sym.symtype() == SymTypeParam || sym.symtype() == SymTypeOutputParam)
        && ! sym.lockgeom()) {
        std::vector<llvm::Value*> args;
        args.push_back (sg_void_ptr());
        args.push_back (ll.constant (sym.name()));
        args.push_back (ll.constant (sym.typespec().simpletype()));
        args.push_back (ll.constant ((int) sym.has_derivs()));
        args.push_back (llvm_void_ptr (sym));
        ll.call_function ("osl_bind_interpolated_param",
                          &args[0], args.size());                            
Ejemplo n.º 7
RuntimeOptimizer::llvm_assign_initial_value (const Symbol& sym)
    // Don't write over connections!  Connection values are written into
    // our layer when the earlier layer is run, as part of its code.  So
    // we just don't need to initialize it here at all.
    if (sym.valuesource() == Symbol::ConnectedVal &&
    if (sym.typespec().is_closure_based() && sym.symtype() == SymTypeGlobal)

    int arraylen = std::max (1, sym.typespec().arraylength());

    // Closures need to get their storage before anything can be
    // assigned to them.  Unless they are params, in which case we took
    // care of it in the group entry point.
    if (sym.typespec().is_closure_based() &&
        sym.symtype() != SymTypeParam && sym.symtype() != SymTypeOutputParam) {
        llvm_assign_zero (sym);

    if (sym.symtype() != SymTypeParam && sym.symtype() != SymTypeOutputParam &&
        sym.symtype() != SymTypeConst && sym.typespec().is_string_based()) {
        // Strings are pointers.  Can't take any chance on leaving local/tmp
        // syms uninitialized.
        DASSERT (sym.symtype() == SymTypeLocal || sym.symtype() == SymTypeTemp);
        llvm_assign_zero (sym);
        return;  // we're done, the parts below are just for params

    if (sym.has_init_ops() && sym.valuesource() == Symbol::DefaultVal) {
        // Handle init ops.
        build_llvm_code (sym.initbegin(), sym.initend());
    } else {
        // Use default value
        int num_components = sym.typespec().simpletype().aggregate;
        for (int a = 0, c = 0; a < arraylen;  ++a) {
            llvm::Value *arrind = sym.typespec().is_array() ? llvm_constant(a) : NULL;
            if (sym.typespec().is_closure_based())
            for (int i = 0; i < num_components; ++i, ++c) {
                // Fill in the constant val
                llvm::Value* init_val = 0;
                TypeSpec elemtype = sym.typespec().elementtype();
                if (elemtype.is_floatbased())
                    init_val = llvm_constant (((float*)sym.data())[c]);
                else if (elemtype.is_string())
                    init_val = llvm_constant (((ustring*)sym.data())[c]);
                else if (elemtype.is_int())
                    init_val = llvm_constant (((int*)sym.data())[c]);
                ASSERT (init_val);
                llvm_store_value (init_val, sym, 0, arrind, i);
        if (sym.has_derivs())
            llvm_zero_derivs (sym);

    // Handle interpolated params.
    // FIXME -- really, we shouldn't assign defaults or run init ops if
    // the values are interpolated.  The perf hit is probably small, since
    // there are so few interpolated params, but we should come back and
    // fix this later.
    if ((sym.symtype() == SymTypeParam || sym.symtype() == SymTypeOutputParam)
        && ! sym.lockgeom()) {
        std::vector<llvm::Value*> args;
        args.push_back (sg_void_ptr());
        args.push_back (llvm_constant (sym.name()));
        args.push_back (llvm_constant (sym.typespec().simpletype()));
        args.push_back (llvm_constant ((int) sym.has_derivs()));
        args.push_back (llvm_void_ptr (sym));
        llvm_call_function ("osl_bind_interpolated_param",
                            &args[0], args.size());                            