Ejemplo n.º 1

// Validate
void TestTimer::Validate() const
    Timer t;
    const uint64_t before = t.GetNow();
    Thread::Sleep( 100 ); // sleep for 100ms
    const float elapsed = t.GetElapsed();
    const float elapsedMS = t.GetElapsedMS();
    const uint64_t after = t.GetNow();

    // some time must have elapsed
    TEST_ASSERT( after > before );

    // sanity check
    TEST_ASSERT( elapsed >= 0.001f ); // at least 1ms
    TEST_ASSERT( elapsed <  1.000f ); // some sensible value

    // sanity check
    TEST_ASSERT( elapsedMS >=    1.0f ); // at least 1ms
    TEST_ASSERT( elapsedMS <  1000.0f ); // some sensible value
Ejemplo n.º 2
// DoBuild
/*static*/ Node::BuildResult JobQueue::DoBuild( Job * job )
	Timer timer; // track how long the item takes

	Node * node = job->GetNode();

	// make sure the output path exists for files
	// (but don't bother for input files)
	if ( node->IsAFile() && ( node->GetType() != Node::FILE_NODE ) && ( node->GetType() != Node::COMPILER_NODE ) )
		if ( Node::EnsurePathExistsForFile( node->GetName() ) == false )
			// error already output by EnsurePathExistsForFile
			return Node::NODE_RESULT_FAILED;

	Node::BuildResult result = node->DoBuild( job );

	uint32_t timeTakenMS = uint32_t( timer.GetElapsedMS() );

	if ( result == Node::NODE_RESULT_OK )
		// record new build time only if built (i.e. if cached or failed, the time
		// does not represent how long it takes to create this resource)
		node->SetLastBuildTime( timeTakenMS );
		node->SetStatFlag( Node::STATS_BUILT );
		FLOG_INFO( "-Build: %u ms\t%s", timeTakenMS, node->GetName().Get() );

		// nothing to check
	else if ( node->IsAFile() )
		if ( result == Node::NODE_RESULT_FAILED )
			if ( node->GetControlFlags() & Node::FLAG_NO_DELETE_ON_FAIL )
				// node failed, but builder wants result left on disc
				// build of file failed - if there is a file....
				if ( FileIO::FileExists( node->GetName().Get() ) )
					// ... it is invalid, so try to delete it
					if ( FileIO::FileDelete( node->GetName().Get() ) == false )
						// failed to delete it - this might cause future build problems!
						FLOG_ERROR( "Post failure deletion failed for '%s'", node->GetName().Get() );
			// build completed ok, or retrieved from cache...
			ASSERT( ( result == Node::NODE_RESULT_OK ) || ( result == Node::NODE_RESULT_OK_CACHE ) );

			// (don't check existence of input files)
			if ( node->GetType() != Node::FILE_NODE )
				// ... ensure file exists (to detect builder logic problems)
				if ( !FileIO::FileExists( node->GetName().Get() ) )
					FLOG_ERROR( "File missing despite success for '%s'", node->GetName().Get() );
					result = Node::NODE_RESULT_FAILED;

	// log processing time
	node->AddProcessingTime( timeTakenMS );

	return result;
Ejemplo n.º 3
// DoBuild
/*static*/ Node::BuildResult JobQueueRemote::DoBuild( Job * job, bool racingRemoteJob )
	Timer timer; // track how long the item takes

	ObjectNode * node = job->GetNode()->CastTo< ObjectNode >();

	// remote tasks must output to a tmp file
	if ( job->IsLocal() == false )
		// file name should be the same as on host
		const char * fileName = ( job->GetRemoteName().FindLast( NATIVE_SLASH ) + 1 );

		AStackString<> tmpFileName;
		WorkerThread::CreateTempFilePath( fileName, tmpFileName );
		node->ReplaceDummyName( tmpFileName );

		#ifdef DEBUG
			DEBUGSPAM( "REMOTE: %s (%s)\n", fileName, job->GetRemoteName().Get() );

	ASSERT( node->IsAFile() );

	// make sure the output path exists
	if ( Node::EnsurePathExistsForFile( node->GetName() ) == false )
		// error already output by EnsurePathExistsForFile
		return Node::NODE_RESULT_FAILED;

	// Delete any left over PDB from a previous run (to be sure we have a clean pdb)
	if ( node->IsUsingPDB() && ( job->IsLocal() == false ) )
		AStackString<> pdbName;
		node->GetPDBName( pdbName );
		FileIO::FileDelete( pdbName.Get() );

    Node::BuildResult result;
        PROFILE_SECTION( racingRemoteJob ? "RACE" : "LOCAL" );
    	result = ((Node *)node )->DoBuild2( job, racingRemoteJob );

	uint32_t timeTakenMS = uint32_t( timer.GetElapsedMS() );

	if ( result == Node::NODE_RESULT_OK )
		// record new build time only if built (i.e. if failed, the time
		// does not represent how long it takes to create this resource)
		node->SetLastBuildTime( timeTakenMS );
		node->SetStatFlag( Node::STATS_BUILT );
		//FLOG_INFO( "-Build: %u ms\t%s", timeTakenMS, node->GetName().Get() );

		#ifdef DEBUG
			if ( job->IsLocal() )
				// record new file time for remote job we built locally
				ASSERT( node->m_Stamp == FileIO::GetFileLastWriteTime(node->GetName()) );

	if ( result == Node::NODE_RESULT_FAILED )
		// build of file failed - if there is a file....
		if ( FileIO::FileExists( node->GetName().Get() ) )
			// ... it is invalid, so try to delete it
			if ( FileIO::FileDelete( node->GetName().Get() ) == false )
				// failed to delete it - this might cause future build problems!
				FLOG_ERROR( "Post failure deletion failed for '%s'", node->GetName().Get() );
		// build completed ok, or retrieved from cache...
		ASSERT( result == Node::NODE_RESULT_OK );

		// TODO:A Also read into job if cache is being used
		if ( job->IsLocal() == false )
			// read results into memory to send back to client	
			if ( ReadResults( job ) == false )
				result = Node::NODE_RESULT_FAILED;

	// if compiling to a tmp file, do cleanup	
	if ( job->IsLocal() == false )
		// Cleanup obj file
		FileIO::FileDelete( node->GetName().Get() );

		// Cleanup PDB file
		if ( node->IsUsingPDB() )
			AStackString<> pdbName;
			node->GetPDBName( pdbName );
			FileIO::FileDelete( pdbName.Get() );

	// log processing time
	node->AddProcessingTime( timeTakenMS );
	return result;