Ejemplo n.º 1
void check_all_equal_lossy(const std::string& startsymbol, const std::vector<std::string>& inputs, int refinementDepth) {
  int num_grammars = inputs.size();
  Parser p;
  auto eq_tmp = MapEquations(p.free_parser(inputs[0]), [](const FreeSemiring &c) -> LossyFiniteAutomaton {
    auto srconv = SRConverter<LossyFiniteAutomaton>();
    return c.Eval(srconv);

  auto equations_fst = NCEquationsBase<LossyFiniteAutomaton>(eq_tmp.begin(), eq_tmp.end());

  VarId S_1;
  if(startsymbol.compare("") == 0) {
    S_1 = equations_fst[0].first;
  } else {
    S_1 = Var::GetVarId(startsymbol);

  Timer timer;

  bool all_equal = true;
  for(int i=1; i<num_grammars; i++) {

    auto eq_tmp2 = MapEquations(p.free_parser(inputs[i]), [](const FreeSemiring &c) -> LossyFiniteAutomaton {
      auto srconv = SRConverter<LossyFiniteAutomaton>();
      return c.Eval(srconv);
    auto equations = NCEquationsBase<LossyFiniteAutomaton>(eq_tmp2.begin(), eq_tmp2.end());

    VarId S_2;
    if(startsymbol.compare("") == 0) {
      S_2 = equations[0].first;
    } else {
      S_2 = Var::GetVarId(startsymbol);

    auto witness = NonCommutativePolynomial<LossyFiniteAutomaton>::refineCourcelle(equations_fst, S_1, equations, S_1, refinementDepth);

    if(witness != LossyFiniteAutomaton::null()) {
      if(startsymbol.compare("") == 0) {
        std::cout << "[DIFF] Difference found for startsymbols (" << equations_fst[0].first << "," << equations[0].first << ")" << std::endl;
      else {
        std::cout << "[DIFF] Difference found for startsymbols (" << S_1 << "," << S_2 << ")" << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Witness: " << witness.string() << std::endl;
        all_equal = false;

  if(all_equal) {
    std::cout << "[EQUIV] All grammars equivalent modulo subword-closure" << std::endl;

  << "Total checking time:\t" << timer.GetMilliseconds().count()
  << " ms" << " ("
  << timer.GetMicroseconds().count()
  << "us)" << std::endl;

Ejemplo n.º 2
void check_all_equal_commutative(const std::string& startsymbol, const std::vector<std::string>& inputs) {

  Parser p;
  int num_grammars = inputs.size();

  auto nc_equations = p.free_parser(inputs[0]);

  std::cout << "Eq (non-comm) : " << std::endl;

  // Use appropriate semiring (has to be commutative!)
  auto equations_fst = MakeCommEquationsAndMap(nc_equations, [](const FreeSemiring &c) -> SR {
    auto srconv = SRConverter<SR>();
    return c.Eval(srconv);

  std::cout << "Eq (comm) : "  << std::endl;

  Timer timer;

  ValuationMap<SR> sol_fst = apply_solver<NewtonCL, CommutativePolynomial>(equations_fst, true, false, 0, false);

  bool all_equal = true;
  for(int i=1; i<num_grammars; i++) {
    auto equations = MakeCommEquationsAndMap(p.free_parser(inputs[i]), [](const FreeSemiring &c) -> SR {
      auto srconv = SRConverter<SR>();
      return c.Eval(srconv);

    ValuationMap<SR> sol = apply_solver<NewtonCL, CommutativePolynomial>(equations, true, false, 0, false);

    if(startsymbol.compare("") == 0) {
      if(sol[equations[0].first] != sol_fst[equations_fst[0].first]) {
        std::cout << "[DIFF] Difference found for startsymbols (" << equations_fst[0].first << "," << equations[0].first << ")" << std::endl;
        std::cout << "0:" << result_string(sol_fst) << std::endl << i << ":" << result_string(sol) << std::endl;
        all_equal = false;
    else {

      if(sol.find(Var::GetVarId(startsymbol)) == sol.end() || sol_fst.find(Var::GetVarId(startsymbol)) == sol_fst.end()) {
        std::cout << "[ERROR] startsymbol (" << startsymbol << ") does not occur!"<< std::endl;
      else if(sol[Var::GetVarId(startsymbol)] != sol_fst[Var::GetVarId(startsymbol)]) {
        std::cout << "[DIFF] Difference found for startsymbol (" << startsymbol << ")" << std::endl << "0:" << result_string(sol_fst)
                                               << std::endl << i << ":" << result_string(sol) << std::endl;
        all_equal = false;


  if(all_equal) {
    std::cout << "[EQUIV] All grammars equivalent modulo commutativity" << std::endl;

  << "Total checking time:\t" << timer.GetMilliseconds().count()
  << " ms" << " ("
  << timer.GetMicroseconds().count()
  << "us)" << std::endl;

Ejemplo n.º 3
// CCD via the local separating axis method. This seeks progression
// by computing the largest time at which separation is maintained.
void TimeOfImpact(TOIOutput* output, const TOIInput* input)
	Timer timer;


	output->state = TOIOutput::e_unknown;
	output->t = input->tMax;

	const DistanceProxy* proxyA = &input->proxyA;
	const DistanceProxy* proxyB = &input->proxyB;

	Sweep sweepA = input->sweepA;
	Sweep sweepB = input->sweepB;

	// Large rotations can make the root finder fail, so we normalize the
	// sweep angles.

	float32 tMax = input->tMax;

	float32 totalRadius = proxyA->m_radius + proxyB->m_radius;
	float32 target = Max(linearSlop, totalRadius - 3.0f * linearSlop);
	float32 tolerance = 0.25f * linearSlop;
	assert(target > tolerance);

	float32 t1 = 0.0f;
	const int32 k_maxIterations = 20;	// TODO_ERIN b2::Settings
	int32 iter = 0;

	// Prepare input for distance query.
	SimplexCache cache;
	cache.count = 0;
	DistanceInput distanceInput;
	distanceInput.proxyA = input->proxyA;
	distanceInput.proxyB = input->proxyB;
	distanceInput.useRadii = false;

	// The outer loop progressively attempts to compute new separating axes.
	// This loop terminates when an axis is repeated (no progress is made).
		Transform xfA, xfB;
		sweepA.GetTransform(&xfA, t1);
		sweepB.GetTransform(&xfB, t1);

		// Get the distance between shapes. We can also use the results
		// to get a separating axis.
		distanceInput.transformA = xfA;
		distanceInput.transformB = xfB;
		DistanceOutput distanceOutput;
		Distance(&distanceOutput, &cache, &distanceInput);

		// If the shapes are overlapped, we give up on continuous collision.
		if (distanceOutput.distance <= 0.0f)
			// Failure!
			output->state = TOIOutput::e_overlapped;
			output->t = 0.0f;

		if (distanceOutput.distance < target + tolerance)
			// Victory!
			output->state = TOIOutput::e_touching;
			output->t = t1;

		// Initialize the separating axis.
		SeparationFunction fcn;
		fcn.Initialize(&cache, proxyA, sweepA, proxyB, sweepB, t1);
#if 0
		// Dump the curve seen by the root finder
			const int32 N = 100;
			float32 dx = 1.0f / N;
			float32 xs[N+1];
			float32 fs[N+1];

			float32 x = 0.0f;

			for (int32 i = 0; i <= N; ++i)
				sweepA.GetTransform(&xfA, x);
				sweepB.GetTransform(&xfB, x);
				float32 f = fcn.Evaluate(xfA, xfB) - target;

				std::printf("%g %g\n", x, f);

				xs[i] = x;
				fs[i] = f;

				x += dx;

		// Compute the TOI on the separating axis. We do this by successively
		// resolving the deepest point. This loop is bounded by the number of vertices.
		bool done = false;
		float32 t2 = tMax;
		int32 pushBackIter = 0;
		for (;;)
			// Find the deepest point at t2. Store the witness point indices.
			int32 indexA, indexB;
			float32 s2 = fcn.FindMinSeparation(&indexA, &indexB, t2);

			// Is the final configuration separated?
			if (s2 > target + tolerance)
				// Victory!
				output->state = TOIOutput::e_separated;
				output->t = tMax;
				done = true;

			// Has the separation reached tolerance?
			if (s2 > target - tolerance)
				// Advance the sweeps
				t1 = t2;

			// Compute the initial separation of the witness points.
			float32 s1 = fcn.Evaluate(indexA, indexB, t1);

			// Check for initial overlap. This might happen if the root finder
			// runs out of iterations.
			if (s1 < target - tolerance)
				output->state = TOIOutput::e_failed;
				output->t = t1;
				done = true;

			// Check for touching
			if (s1 <= target + tolerance)
				// Victory! t1 should hold the TOI (could be 0.0).
				output->state = TOIOutput::e_touching;
				output->t = t1;
				done = true;

			// Compute 1D root of: f(x) - target = 0
			int32 rootIterCount = 0;
			float32 a1 = t1, a2 = t2;
			for (;;)
				// Use a mix of the secant rule and bisection.
				float32 t;
				if (rootIterCount & 1)
					// Secant rule to improve convergence.
					t = a1 + (target - s1) * (a2 - a1) / (s2 - s1);
					// Bisection to guarantee progress.
					t = 0.5f * (a1 + a2);


				float32 s = fcn.Evaluate(indexA, indexB, t);

				if (Abs(s - target) < tolerance)
					// t2 holds a tentative value for t1
					t2 = t;

				// Ensure we continue to bracket the root.
				if (s > target)
					a1 = t;
					s1 = s;
					a2 = t;
					s2 = s;
				if (rootIterCount == 50)

			b2_toiMaxRootIters = Max(b2_toiMaxRootIters, rootIterCount);


			if (pushBackIter == maxPolygonVertices)


		if (done)

		if (iter == k_maxIterations)
			// Root finder got stuck. Semi-victory.
			output->state = TOIOutput::e_failed;
			output->t = t1;

	b2_toiMaxIters = Max(b2_toiMaxIters, iter);

	float32 time = timer.GetMilliseconds();
	b2_toiMaxTime = Max(b2_toiMaxTime, time);
	b2_toiTime += time;