Ejemplo n.º 1
bool Model::computeFullTreeTraversal(Traversal & traversal, const LinkIndex traversalBase) const
    if( traversalBase < 0 || traversalBase >= (LinkIndex)this->getNrOfLinks() )
        reportError("Model","computeFullTreeTraversal","requested traversalBase is out of bounds");
        return false;

    // Resetting the traversal for populating it

    // A link is considered visit when all its child (given the traversalBase)
    // have been added to the traversal
    std::deque<stackEl> linkToVisit;

    // We add as first link the requested traversalBase

    // while there is some link still to visit
    while( linkToVisit.size() > 0 )
        assert(linkToVisit.size() <= this->getNrOfLinks());

        // DPS : we use linkToVisit as a stack
        LinkConstPtr visitedLink = linkToVisit.back().link;
        LinkConstPtr visitedLinkParent = linkToVisit.back().parent;
        LinkIndex visitedLinkIndex = visitedLink->getIndex();

        for(unsigned int neigh_i=0; neigh_i < this->getNrOfNeighbors(visitedLinkIndex); neigh_i++ )
            // add to the stack all the neighbors, except for parent link
            // (if the visited link is the base one, add all the neighbors)
            // the visited link is already in the Traversal, so we can use it
            // to check for its parent
            Neighbor neighb = this->getNeighbor(visitedLinkIndex,neigh_i);
            if( visitedLinkParent == 0 || neighb.neighborLink != visitedLinkParent->getIndex() )

    // At this point the traversal should contain all the links
    // of the model
    assert(traversal.getNrOfVisitedLinks() == this->getNrOfLinks());

    return true;