Ejemplo n.º 1
UObject* FObjectInstancingGraph::GetInstancedSubobject( UObject* SourceSubobject, UObject* CurrentValue, UObject* CurrentObject, bool bDoNotCreateNewInstance, bool bAllowSelfReference )

    UObject* InstancedSubobject = INVALID_OBJECT;

    if ( SourceSubobject != NULL && CurrentValue != NULL )
        bool bAllowedSelfReference = bAllowSelfReference && SourceSubobject == SourceRoot;

        bool bShouldInstance = bAllowedSelfReference || SourceSubobject->IsIn(SourceRoot);
        if ( !bShouldInstance && CurrentValue->GetOuter() == CurrentObject->GetArchetype() )
            // this code is intended to catch cases where SourceRoot contains subobjects assigned to instanced object properties, where the subobject's class
            // contains components, and the class of the subobject is outside of the inheritance hierarchy of the SourceRoot, for example, a weapon
            // class which contains UIObject subobject definitions in its defaultproperties, where the property referencing the UIObjects is marked instanced.
            bShouldInstance = true;

            // if this case is triggered, ensure that the CurrentValue of the component property is still pointing to the template component.
            check(SourceSubobject == CurrentValue);

        if ( bShouldInstance )
            // search for the unique component instance that corresponds to this component template
            InstancedSubobject = GetDestinationObject(SourceSubobject);
            if ( InstancedSubobject == NULL )
                if (bDoNotCreateNewInstance)
                    InstancedSubobject = INVALID_OBJECT; // leave it unchanged
                    // if the Outer for the component currently assigned to this property is the same as the object that we're instancing components for,
                    // the component does not need to be instanced; otherwise, there are two possiblities:
                    // 1. CurrentValue is a template and needs to be instanced
                    // 2. CurrentValue is an instanced component, in which case it should already be in InstanceGraph, UNLESS the component was created
                    //		at runtime (editinline export properties, for example).  If that is the case, CurrentValue will be an instance that is not linked
                    //		to the component template referenced by CurrentObject's archetype, and in this case, we also don't want to re-instance the component template

                    bool bIsRuntimeInstance = CurrentValue != SourceSubobject && CurrentValue->GetOuter() == CurrentObject;
                    if ( bDoNotCreateNewInstance || bIsRuntimeInstance )
                        InstancedSubobject = CurrentValue;
                        // If the component template is relevant in this context(client vs server vs editor), instance it.
                        const bool bShouldLoadForClient = SourceSubobject->NeedsLoadForClient();
                        const bool bShouldLoadForServer = SourceSubobject->NeedsLoadForServer();
                        const bool bShouldLoadForEditor = ( GIsEditor && ( bShouldLoadForClient || !CurrentObject->RootPackageHasAnyFlags(PKG_PlayInEditor) ) );

                        if ( ((GIsClient && bShouldLoadForClient) || (GIsServer && bShouldLoadForServer) || bShouldLoadForEditor) )
                            // this is the first time the instance corresponding to SourceSubobject has been requested

                            // get the object instance corresponding to the source component's Outer - this is the object that
                            // will be used as the Outer for the destination component
                            UObject* SubobjectOuter = GetDestinationObject(SourceSubobject->GetOuter());

                            checkf(SubobjectOuter, TEXT("No corresponding destination object found for '%s' while attempting to instance component '%s'"), *SourceSubobject->GetOuter()->GetFullName(), *SourceSubobject->GetFullName());

                            FName SubobjectName = SourceSubobject->GetFName();

                            // final archetype archetype will be the archetype of the template
                            UObject* FinalSubobjectArchetype = CurrentValue->GetArchetype();

                            // Don't seach for the existing subobjects on Blueprint-generated classes. What we'll find is a subobject
                            // created by the constructor which may not have all of its fields initialized to the correct value (which
                            // should be coming from a blueprint).
                            // NOTE: Since this function is called ONLY for Blueprint-generated classes, we may as well delete this 'if'.
                            if (!SubobjectOuter->GetClass()->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_CompiledFromBlueprint))
                                InstancedSubobject = StaticFindObjectFast(NULL, SubobjectOuter, SubobjectName);

                            if (InstancedSubobject && IsCreatingArchetype())
                                // since we are updating an archetype, this needs to reconstruct as that is the mechanism used to copy properties
                                // it will destroy the existing object and overwrite it
                                InstancedSubobject = NULL;

                            if (!InstancedSubobject)
                                // finally, create the component instance
                                InstancedSubobject = ConstructObject<UObject>(SourceSubobject->GetClass(), SubobjectOuter,
                                                     SubobjectName, SubobjectOuter->GetMaskedFlags(RF_PropagateToSubObjects), SourceSubobject,
                                                     true, this);
            else if ( IsLoadingObject() && InstancedSubobject->GetClass()->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_HasInstancedReference) )
                /* When loading an object from disk, in some cases we have a component which has a reference to another component in DestinationObject which
                	wasn't serialized and hasn't yet been instanced.  For example, the PointLight class declared two component templates:

                		Begin DrawLightRadiusComponent0

                		Begin MyPointLightComponent

                	The components array will be processed by UClass::InstanceSubobjectTemplates after the LightComponent property is processed.  If the instance
                	of DrawLightRadiusComponent0 that was created during the last session (i.e. when this object was saved) was identical to the component template
                	from the PointLight class's defaultproperties, and the instance of MyPointLightComponent was serialized, then the MyPointLightComponent instance will
                	exist in the InstanceGraph, but the instance of DrawLightRadiusComponent0 will not.  To handle this case and make sure that the SomeProperty variable of
                	the MyPointLightComponent instance is correctly set to the value of the DrawLightRadiusComponent0 instance that will be created as a result of calling
                	InstanceSubobjectTemplates on the PointLight actor from ConditionalPostLoad, we must call ConditionalPostLoad on each existing component instance that we
                	encounter, while we still have access to all of the component instances owned by the PointLight.

    return InstancedSubobject;