Ejemplo n.º 1
void TIME_STEPPER::time_loop() {

    if (first_step) {
        REAL OmRMax = 0.0, MaxRadius = 0.0;
        if (globalSystem->useBodies) {
            for (int i = 0; i < BODY::AllBodyFaces.size(); ++i) {
                Vect3 Pos = BODY::AllBodyFaces[i]->CollocationPoint - BODY::AllBodyFaces[i]->Owner->CG;
                // 	Get point kinematic velocity - rotational part first
                Vect3 Vrot = BODY::AllBodyFaces[i]->Owner->BodyRates.Cross(Pos);
                // 	Add to translational velocity....
                Vect3 Vkin = BODY::AllBodyFaces[i]->Owner->Velocity + Vrot;
                OmRMax = max(Vkin.Mag(), OmRMax);
                MaxRadius = max(MaxRadius, Pos.Mag());

        dt =  globalSystem->dtInit;// = cfl_lim/OmRMax;
        dt_prev = cfl_lim/OmRMax;
        if (globalSystem->useBodies) {
            BODY::BodySubStep(globalSystem->dtInit, globalSystem->NumSubSteps);
//        if (globalSystem->useFMM) {
//#pragma omp parallel for
//            for (int i = 0; i < FVMCell::AllCells.size(); ++i)
//                for (int j = 0; j < FVMCell::AllCells.size(); ++j)
//                    FVMCell::AllCells[i]->Velocity += UTIL::globalDirectVel(FVMCell::AllCells[j]->Position - FVMCell::AllCells[i]->Position, FVMCell::AllCells[j]->Omega);
//        }
        first_step = false;
    } else {
        long unsigned int t1 = ticks();

        //      Produce Output
        if (globalTimeStepper->dump_next) {

        long unsigned int t13 = ticks();
        stringstream tmp;
        tmp << "Total....................: " << double(t13 - t1) / 1000.0 << endl;
        globalIO->step_data += tmp.str();
        //      Display Status
Ejemplo n.º 2
void TIME_STEPPER::time_step() {
    long unsigned int t7 = ticks();
    //  Need a sensible way to figure out how long to make the global Eulerian time step
    //  and then the number and length of the Lagrangian time steps

    //  First off calculate the Eulerian time-step length
    srad = 0.0;


    REAL dt_euler = cfl_lim / srad.Mag(); //(srad.x + srad.y + srad.z);
    if (srad.Mag() == 0.0) dt_euler = globalSystem->dtInit;

    dt = dt_euler;

    //  Calculate timestep length such that no body travels further than a single cell
    REAL OmRMax = 0.0, MaxRadius = 0.0;
    if (globalSystem->useBodies) {
        for (int i = 0; i < BODY::AllBodyFaces.size(); ++i) {
            Vect3 Pos = BODY::AllBodyFaces[i]->CollocationPoint - BODY::AllBodyFaces[i]->Owner->CG;
            // 	Get point kinematic velocity - rotational part first
            Vect3 Vrot = BODY::AllBodyFaces[i]->Owner->BodyRates.Cross(Pos);
            // 	Add to translational velocity....
            Vect3 Vkin = BODY::AllBodyFaces[i]->Owner->Velocity + Vrot;

            OmRMax = max(Vkin.Mag(), OmRMax);

            MaxRadius = max(MaxRadius, Pos.Mag());


    if (fabs((dt - dt_prev)/dt_prev) > 0.05)
        if ((dt - dt_prev) > 0.)
            dt = 1.05 * dt_prev;
    dt_euler = dt; 
//    dt = min(dt_euler,4.*cfl_lim/OmRMax);       // the maximum distance allowable by any body part is 4 cells...
//  dt = min(dt_euler,cfl_lim/OmRMax);      

    //  Check to see if this takes us over a time when we should be writing some output
    dump_next = false;

    if ((TIME_STEPPER::SimTime + dt >= t_out) || (TIME_STEPPER::SimTime + dt >= TIME_STEPPER::MaxTime)) {
        if (TIME_STEPPER::SimTime + dt >= TIME_STEPPER::MaxTime)
            last_step = true;
        dump_next = true;
        //dt = dt_euler = min(t_out - TIME_STEPPER::SimTime, TIME_STEPPER::MaxTime - TIME_STEPPER::SimTime);
        t_out += TIME_STEPPER::dt_out;

    if (globalSystem->useBodies) {
        //  If Lagrangian time-step is infinite (ie body is not moving) use a sensible number of sub-steps
        REAL dt_lagrange = min(dt_euler / globalSystem->NumSubSteps, cfl_lim / (OmRMax)); //

        int nss = (int) ceil(dt_euler / dt_lagrange);
        //cout << dt_lagrange << " " << nss << " " << dt_euler << " " << cfl_lim << " " << OmRMax <<  endl;

        globalSystem->NumSubSteps = nss;
    CFL = srad * dt;

    //    if (n == 0) dump_next = true;

    if (n > 0) {
        dt_prev = dt;
        t += dt;

    //    if ((ChangeOver == false) && (t >= 1))
    //    {
    //        for (int i = 0; i < globalSystem->NumBodies; ++i)
    //            globalSystem->Bodies[i]->CG.vV = - globalSystem->Vinf;
    //        globalSystem->Vinf.x = 0;
    //        globalSystem->Vinf.y = 0;
    //        globalSystem->Vinf.z = 0;
    //        globalSystem->Vinf = 0;
    //        ChangeOver = true;
    //    }

    long unsigned int t8 = ticks();
    stringstream tmp;
    tmp << "time_step()              : " << double(t8 - t7) / 1000.0 << endl;
    globalIO->step_data += tmp.str();