Ejemplo n.º 1
std::pair<Vect3,double> VectFuns::intersectionAvgZ(const Vect3& so1, const Vect3& so2, double dto, const Vect3& si1, const Vect3& si2) {
	Velocity vo3 = Velocity::genVel(so1, so2, dto);
	Velocity vi3 = Velocity::genVel(si1, si2, dto);      // its ok to use any time here,  all times are relative to so
	std::pair<Vect3,double> iP = intersection(so1,vo3,si1,vi3);
	Vect3 interSec = iP.first;
			double do1 = distanceH(so1,interSec);
			double do2 = distanceH(so2,interSec);
			double alt_o = so1.z;
			if (do2 < do1) alt_o = so2.z;
			double di1 = distanceH(si1,interSec);
			double di2 = distanceH(si2,interSec);
			double alt_i = si1.z;
			if (di2 < di1) alt_i = si2.z;
			double nZ = (alt_o + alt_i)/2.0;
	        return std::pair<Vect3,double>(interSec.mkZ(nZ),iP.second);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Computes 2D intersection point of two lines, but also finds z component (projected by time from line 1)
 * @param s0 starting point of line 1
 * @param v0 direction vector for line 1
 * @param s1 starting point of line 2
 * @param v1 direction vector of line 2
 * @return Pair (2-dimensional point of intersection with 3D projection, relative time of intersection, relative to the so3)
 * If the lines are parallel, this returns the pair (0,NaN).
std::pair<Vect3,double> VectFuns::intersection(const Vect3& so3, const Velocity& vo3, const Vect3& si3, const Velocity& vi3) {
	Vect2 so = so3.vect2();
	Vect2 vo = vo3.vect2();
	Vect2 si = si3.vect2();
	Vect2 vi = vi3.vect2();
	Vect2 ds = si.Sub(so);
	if (vo.det(vi) == 0) {
		//f.pln(" $$$ intersection: lines are parallel");
		return std::pair<Vect3,double>(Vect3::ZERO(),  NaN);
	double tt = ds.det(vi)/vo.det(vi);
	//f.pln(" $$$ intersection: tt = "+tt);
	Vect3 intersec = so3.Add(vo3.Scal(tt));
	double nZ = intersec.z;
	double maxZ = Util::max(so3.z,si3.z);
	double minZ = Util::min(so3.z,si3.z);
	if (nZ > maxZ) nZ = maxZ;
	if (nZ < minZ) nZ = minZ;
	return std::pair<Vect3,double>(intersec.mkZ(nZ),tt);