Ejemplo n.º 1
bool XmlSchema::generateCodeForNode(const XmlNode* node, String& headerCode, String& sourceCode) const
	assert(node != NULL);

	if (node->getType() == ELEMENT)
		String structDefinition;
		structDefinition += T("///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n");
		structDefinition += T("struct ");
		structDefinition += node->getName();
		structDefinition += T("\r\n{\r\n");
		int index = 0;
		NodeIterator iter;
		for (XmlNode* child = node->getFirstChild(iter);
			  child != NULL;
			  child = node->getNextChild(iter))
			if (child->isEmpty() && child->getType() == ELEMENT)
				//simple type
				addConstructorItem(child, structDefinition, index);
		if (index > 0)
			structDefinition += T("	{\r\n	}\r\n");
		for (XmlNode* child = node->getFirstChild(iter);
			child != NULL;
			child = node->getNextChild(iter))
			if (child->findAttribute(ATTR_RECURSIVE) != NULL
				&& child->findAttribute(ATTR_MULTIPLE) == NULL)
				//recursive pointer, need to delete
				structDefinition += T("	~");
				structDefinition += node->getName();
				structDefinition += T("()\r\n	{\r\n		if (Child != NULL)\r\n		{\r\n			delete Child;\r\n");
				structDefinition += T("			Child = NULL;\r\n		}\r\n	}\r\n");
				break;	//can't have more than one

		structDefinition += T("	void read(const slim::XmlNode* node);\r\n	void write(slim::XmlNode* node) const;\r\n\r\n");

		String readingCode;
		readingCode += T("///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n");
		readingCode += T("void ");
		readingCode += node->getName();
		readingCode += T("::read(const XmlNode* node)\r\n{\r\n	assert(node != NULL);\r\n");
		readingCode += T("\r\n	NodeIterator iter;\r\n	const XmlNode* childNode = NULL;\r\n	const XmlAttribute* attribute = NULL;\r\n");

		String writingCode;
		writingCode += T("///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n");
		writingCode += T("void ");
		writingCode += node->getName();
		writingCode += T("::write(XmlNode* node) const\r\n{\r\n	assert(node != NULL);\r\n\r\n	node->clearChild();\r\n	node->clearAttribute();");
		writingCode += T("\r\n\r\n	XmlNode* childNode = NULL;\r\n	XmlAttribute* attribute = NULL;\r\n");

		size_t typeWidth = getNodeMemberTypeWidth(node);

		for (const XmlNode* child = node->getFirstChild(iter);
			  child != NULL;
			  child = node->getNextChild(iter))
			if (child->getType() != ELEMENT)
			XmlAttribute* multiple = child->findAttribute(ATTR_MULTIPLE);
			bool recursive = (child->findAttribute(ATTR_RECURSIVE) != NULL);
			if (child->isEmpty() && !recursive)
				//simple type
				if (multiple != NULL && multiple->getBool())
					addSimpleVector(child, structDefinition, typeWidth, readingCode, writingCode);
					addSimpleMember(child, structDefinition, typeWidth, readingCode, writingCode);
				//struct type
				if (multiple != NULL && multiple->getBool())
					addStructVector(child, structDefinition, typeWidth, readingCode, writingCode);
					addStructMember(child, structDefinition, typeWidth, readingCode, writingCode);
		structDefinition += T("};\r\n\r\n");

		readingCode += T("}\r\n\r\n");
		writingCode += T("}\r\n\r\n");

		sourceCode += readingCode;
		sourceCode += writingCode;

		//add to front
		headerCode = structDefinition + headerCode;

	NodeIterator iter;
	for (const XmlNode* child = node->getFirstChild(iter);
		  child != NULL;
		  child = node->getNextChild(iter))
		if (child->hasChild())
			if (!generateCodeForNode(child, headerCode, sourceCode))
				return false;
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
//parse data schema from node
//src		data node
//dst		schema node
bool XmlSchema::parseNodeStruct(XmlNode* dst, XmlNode* src)
	assert(dst != NULL);
	assert(src != NULL);

	NodeIterator nodeIterator;
	AttributeIterator attriIterator;

	for (XmlAttribute* attribute = src->getFirstAttribute(attriIterator);
		attribute != NULL;
		attribute = src->getNextAttribute(attriIterator))
		XmlNode* structure = dst->findChild(attribute->getName());
		if (structure == NULL)
			//first time show up
			structure = dst->addChild(attribute->getName());
			structure->addAttribute(ATTR_TYPE, guessType(attribute->getString()));
			structure->addAttribute(ATTR_ATTRIBUTE, T("true"));

	for (XmlNode* child = src->getFirstChild(nodeIterator);
		  child != NULL;
		  child = src->getNextChild(nodeIterator))
		if (child->getType() != ELEMENT)
		XmlNode* structure = dst->findChild(child->getName());
		if (structure == NULL)
			//first time show up
			bool recursive = false;
			const XmlNode* parent = dst;
			while (parent != NULL)
				if (Strcmp(parent->getName(), child->getName()) == 0)
					recursive = true;
				parent = parent->getParent();
			structure = dst->addChild(child->getName());
			if (recursive)
				structure->addAttribute(ATTR_RECURSIVE, T("true"));
			else if (!child->hasChild() && !child->hasAttribute())
				//simple type, must have a type attribute
				structure->addAttribute(ATTR_TYPE, guessType(child->getString()));
		else if (structure->findAttribute(ATTR_ATTRIBUTE) != NULL)
			//child and attribute can't have same name
			return false;

		XmlAttribute* multiple = structure->findAttribute(ATTR_MULTIPLE);
		if (multiple == NULL || !multiple->getBool())
			NodeIterator iter;
			if (src->findFirstChild(child->getName(), iter) != NULL
				&& src->findNextChild(child->getName(), iter) != NULL)
				if (multiple == NULL)
					multiple = structure->addAttribute(ATTR_MULTIPLE);

		if (!structure->findAttribute(ATTR_RECURSIVE) && (child->hasChild() || child->hasAttribute()))
			parseNodeStruct(structure, child);

	return true;