Ejemplo n.º 1
	void CreateGameScreen::LoadNewGameSettings()
		if(_newGameSettingsLoaded == false)
			_newGameSettingsLoaded = true;

			// Get new game settings config file
			RefPtr<Configuration> mainConfig = ConfigurationManager::Instance()->GetConfiguration("Main");
			string filepath = mainConfig->FindOptionValue("NewGameConfig", "Files");
			RefPtr<XmlDocument> settingsDoc = XmlUtility::XmlDocFromFile(filepath.c_str());
			XmlNode* rootNode = settingsDoc->first_node("NewGameSettings");
			// Read values
			XmlNode* gameTypesListNode = rootNode->first_node("GameTypes");
			XmlNode* gameTypeNode = gameTypesListNode->first_node();
			while(gameTypeNode != 0)
				GameTypeNames.push_back(XmlUtility::XmlGetString(gameTypeNode, "name"));
				gameTypeNode = gameTypeNode->next_sibling();

			XmlNode* colorsListNode = rootNode->first_node("AvailableColors");
			XmlNode* colorNode = colorsListNode->first_node();
			while(colorNode != 0)
				colorNode = colorNode->next_sibling();
			NoColorIndex = PlayersColorsList.size() - 1;

			XmlNode* resourceModesListNode = rootNode->first_node("ResourceModes");
			XmlNode* resourceModeNode = resourceModesListNode->first_node();
			while(resourceModeNode != 0)
				ResourceModeNames.push_back(XmlUtility::XmlGetString(resourceModeNode, "name"));
				resourceModeNode = resourceModeNode->next_sibling();

			XmlNode* visibilityModesListNode = rootNode->first_node("VisibilityModes");
			XmlNode* visibilityModeNode = visibilityModesListNode->first_node();
			while(visibilityModeNode != 0)
				VisibilityModeNames.push_back(XmlUtility::XmlGetString(visibilityModeNode, "name"));
				visibilityModeNode = visibilityModeNode->next_sibling();

			XmlNode* startModesListNode = rootNode->first_node("StartLocModes");
			XmlNode* startModeNode = startModesListNode->first_node();
			while(startModeNode != 0)
				StartLocModeNames.push_back(XmlUtility::XmlGetString(startModeNode, "name"));
				startModeNode = startModeNode->next_sibling();
Ejemplo n.º 2
	void CreateGameScreen::AddGameModes(XmlNode* mapNode)
		string defMode = XmlUtility::XmlGetString(mapNode->first_node("DefaultMode"), "name");
		_currentMode = 0;

		XmlNode* modesListNode = mapNode->first_node("Modes");
		int modeNum = 0;
		XmlNode* modeNode = modesListNode->first_node();
		while(modeNode != 0)
			Mode mode;
			mode.Name = modeNode->name();
			mode.Display = XmlUtility::XmlGetStringIfExists(modeNode, "display", mode.Name.c_str());
			mode.IsCustomisable = XmlUtility::XmlGetBoolIfExists(modeNode, "customisable", true);
			_comboGameMode->addItem(mode.Display, modeNum);

			// Additionaly find default mode index
			if(mode.Name.compare(defMode) == 0)
				_currentMode = modeNum;

			modeNode = modeNode->next_sibling();
Ejemplo n.º 3
	IAction* ForIntegerAction::Factory::Create(XmlNode* actionNode)
		ForIntegerAction* newAction = xNew0(ForIntegerAction);

		XmlNode* fromNode = actionNode->first_node("From");
		XmlNode* toNode = actionNode->first_node("To");
		XmlNode* incNode = actionNode->first_node("IncrementBy");
		XmlNode* varNode = actionNode->first_node("Variable");
		XmlNode* childActionNode = actionNode->first_node("Actions")->first_node();
		MultiAction* actions = xNew0(MultiAction);

		while(childActionNode != 0)
			childActionNode = childActionNode->next_sibling();

			XmlUtility::XmlGetString(varNode, "name"),

		return newAction;
Ejemplo n.º 4
	void UnitDefinition::ParseWeapons(XmlNode* wNode)
		// Load all weapon definitions
		XmlNode* weaponNode = wNode->first_node("Weapon",6);
		while(weaponNode != 0)
			bool isActive = XmlUtility::XmlGetBool(weaponNode, "active", 6);

			string weaponName = XmlUtility::XmlGetString(weaponNode, "definition", 10);

			// Becouse in this point they might be not loaded yet, 
			// postpone it until all defs are loaded
			auto addWeaponDef = [this, weaponName, isActive]() 
					<WeaponDefinition>(weaponName, "Weapon"), isActive));

			MainGameObjectPool::GlobalPool->OnAllDefinitionsLoaded() +=
				xNew1(DelegateEventHandler<decltype(addWeaponDef)>, addWeaponDef);

			weaponNode = weaponNode->next_sibling();
Ejemplo n.º 5
	void UnitDefinition::ParseTrainableUnits(XmlNode* trainableNode)
		XmlNode* unitNode = trainableNode->first_node("Unit");
		while(unitNode != 0)
			const char* defName = CopyChar(XmlUtility::XmlGetString(unitNode, "definition"));
			int num = XmlUtility::XmlGetInt(unitNode, "num");

			TrainableUnit* unit(xNew0(TrainableUnit));
			unit->DefinitionName = defName;
			unit->Number = num;

			XmlNode* allReqsNode = unitNode->first_node("Requirements");
			if( allReqsNode != 0 )
				XmlNode* reqNode = allReqsNode->first_node("Requirement");
				while( reqNode != 0 )
						XmlUtility::XmlGetString(reqNode, "name")));


			unitNode = unitNode->next_sibling();
Ejemplo n.º 6
void XmlParser::readModel(Transform * transform, XmlNode * modelNode) {
    // Create model
    glm::mat4 model;

    if (modelNode) {
        // Get each transformation
        XmlNode * transformNode = modelNode->first_node();

        while (transformNode) {
            std::string type(transformNode->name());

            // Translate
            if (type == "translate") {
                XmlAttr * x, * y, * z;
                xmlAttribute(x, transformNode);
                xmlAttribute(y, transformNode);
                xmlAttribute(z, transformNode);

                // Apply transformation
                transform->translate(atof(x->value()), atof(y->value()), atof(z->value()));
            // Rotate
            else if (type == "rotate") {
                // Read angle
                XmlAttr * angle;
                xmlAttribute(angle, transformNode);

                // Check normal
                glm::vec3 normal(0, 1, 0);
                XmlNode * normalNode = transformNode->first_node("normal");
                if (normalNode) {
                    XmlAttr * x, * y, * z;
                    xmlAttribute(x, normalNode);
                    xmlAttribute(y, normalNode);
                    xmlAttribute(z, normalNode);

                    // Set new normal
                    normal = glm::vec3(atof(x->value()), atof(y->value()), atof(z->value()));

                // Apply transformation
                transform->rotate(atof(angle->value()), normal);
            // Scale
            else if (type == "scale") {
                XmlAttr * x, * y, * z;
                xmlAttribute(x, transformNode);
                xmlAttribute(y, transformNode);
                xmlAttribute(z, transformNode);

                // Apply transformation
                transform->scale(atof(x->value()), atof(y->value()), atof(z->value()));

            // Get next transformation
            transformNode = transformNode->next_sibling();
Ejemplo n.º 7
void XmlParser::readScripts(Scene * scene, Transform * transform, XmlNode * scripts) {
    if (scripts) {
        // Get each script
        XmlNode * script = scripts->first_node("script");
        while (script) {
            XmlAttr * name;
            xmlAttribute(name, script);

            // Crate script and bind it to transform
            scene->addScript(Script::GetScriptByName(transform, name->value()));

            // Get next script
            script = script->next_sibling("script");
Ejemplo n.º 8
	void UnitDefinition::ParseCommands(XmlNode* commandsNode)
		// Get command list
		XmlNode* commandNode = commandsNode->first_node("Command",7);
		while(commandNode != 0)
			Command* customCommand = 0;
			// Read command type and if its default one
			int key = OrderTypes::ParseOrderType(commandNode->first_attribute("type",4,false)->value());
			if( XmlUtility::XmlGetBool(commandNode, "custom", 6) )
				// Custom command ( ability or non-default non-ability )

			// Get command button its name, position, hotkey
			XmlNode* buttonNode = commandNode->first_node("Button",6);

			string buttonName = XmlUtility::XmlGetString(buttonNode,"definition", 10);
			int hotkey = SystemSettings::GetKeyBindings().KeyCodeNamesMap[
				XmlUtility::XmlGetString(buttonNode, "key", 3)];
				int posx = XmlUtility::XmlGetInt(buttonNode, "x", 1);
				int posy = XmlUtility::XmlGetInt(buttonNode, "y", 1);

				// Lambda funtion for creating button -> button needs definition which can
				// be not loaded at this point ( as CommandSet is created in UnitDefinition ),
				// so we'll create it later, when all Definitions are loaded
				auto createButton = [this, key, buttonName, hotkey, posx, posy, customCommand]() 
					CommandButton* button = xNew1(CommandButton, 
						<CommandButtonDefinition>(buttonName, "CommandButton"));
					if( customCommand == 0 )
						_defaultCommandButtons.push_back(std::make_pair(key, button));
						_customCommands.push_back(std::make_pair(customCommand, button));
				MainGameObjectPool::GlobalPool->OnAllDefinitionsLoaded() +=

				commandNode = commandNode->next_sibling();
Ejemplo n.º 9
	void CreateGameScreen::MapSelected(RefPtr<XmlDocument>& mapDoc)
		_currentMapDoc = mapDoc;
		_currentMapDir = _mapList->GetCurrentDir();
			// Read and set preview image and start locations
			XmlNode* mapNode = mapDoc->first_node("Map");
			Vector2 mapSize = XmlUtility::XmlGetXY(mapNode->first_node("Size"));
			string previewImage = XmlUtility::XmlGetString(mapNode->first_node("PreviewImage"), "value");
			XmlNode* startLocListNode = mapNode->first_node("AvailableStartLocations");
			XmlNode* startLocNode = startLocListNode->first_node();
			while( startLocNode != 0 )
				startLocNode = startLocNode->next_sibling();

			_mapPreview->SetNewMap(mapSize, _mapList->GetCurrentDir() + previewImage, 
				previewImage, _startLocPositions.size());
			for(unsigned int i = 0; i < _startLocPositions.size(); ++i)
				_mapPreview->MoveStartingPosition(i, _startLocPositions[i]);
				_mapPreview->SetStartingPositionColor(i, PlayersColorsList[NoColorIndex]);

			int defMode = _currentMode;
			_currentMode = -1;

			// Map file is corrupted, maybe show some info on it
Ejemplo n.º 10
	void UnitDefinition::ParseUnitSounds(XmlNode* soundsNode)
		_unitSoundSet.resize( UnitSounds::DefSoundActionsCount, 0 );

		if( soundsNode != 0 )
			// Parse all sounds
			XmlNode* sndNode = soundsNode->first_node("Sound");
			while(sndNode != 0)
				const char* actionName = XmlUtility::XmlGetString(sndNode, "action");
				const char* soundName = XmlUtility::XmlGetString(sndNode, "name");
				const char* soundPack = XmlUtility::XmlGetString(sndNode, "pack");
				float gain = XmlUtility::XmlGetFloatIfExists(sndNode, "gain", 1.f);

				int actionNum = UnitSounds::ParseSoundAction(actionName);
				_ASSERT( actionNum >= 0 );
				if( actionNum < 0 )

				Media::SoundSource* ssource = Media::AudioManager::Instance()->CreateSoundSource(
					soundName, soundPack);

				_unitSoundSet[actionNum] = ssource;

				Media::AudioManager::Instance()->LoadSoundPack( soundPack );

				sndNode = sndNode->next_sibling();

		// For all non-set sounds set default ones
		for(unsigned int i = 0; i < _unitSoundSet.size(); ++i)
			if( _unitSoundSet[i] == 0 )
				Media::SoundSource* ssource = Media::AudioManager::Instance()->CreateSoundSource(
				_unitSoundSet[i] = ssource;
Ejemplo n.º 11
	void MainEventPool::ParseAllTriggers(XmlNode* rootNode)
		// trigsNode is root node in map's triggers file
		// First save all variables - find node Variables
		XmlNode* varsNode = rootNode->first_node("Variables", 9);
		// Save all variables 
		// Create triggers - find Triggers node
		XmlNode* trigsNode = rootNode->first_node("Triggers", 8);
		XmlNode* trigNode = trigsNode->first_node("Trigger");
		while(trigNode != 0)
			Trigger* trigger = CreateTrigger(trigNode);
			_triggers.insert(std::make_pair(trigger->GetName(), trigger));

			bool enabled = XmlUtility::XmlGetBoolIfExists(trigNode, "is_enabled", true);

			trigNode = trigNode->next_sibling();
Ejemplo n.º 12
	Trigger* MainEventPool::CreateTrigger(XmlNode* trigNode)
		const char* trigName = XmlUtility::XmlGetString(trigNode, "name");

		Trigger* trigger = xNew1(Trigger, trigName);

		XmlNode* evtNode = trigNode->first_node("Event");
		if(evtNode != 0) // Trigger may not have and event

		XmlNode* actsNode = trigNode->first_node("Actions", 7);
		MultiAction* actions = xNew0(MultiAction);
		XmlNode* actNode = actsNode->first_node("Action", 6);
		while (actNode != 0)
			actNode = actNode->next_sibling();
		return trigger;
Ejemplo n.º 13
void XmlParser::readLights(Scene * scene, XmlNode * lights) {
    if (lights) {
        // Read all lights from scene
        XmlNode * light = lights->first_node("light");
        while (light) {
            // Create light
            Light * l = new Light();

            // Get position from xml
            XmlNode * position;
            xmlElement(position, light);
            // Get coordinates
            XmlAttr * x, * y, * z;
            xmlAttribute(x, position);
            xmlAttribute(y, position);
            xmlAttribute(z, position);
            // Set position
            l->setPosition(atof(x->value()), atof(y->value()), atof(z->value()));

            // Get direction from xml
			XmlNode * direction;
			xmlElement(direction, light);
			// Get coordinates
			xmlAttribute(x, direction);
			xmlAttribute(y, direction);
			xmlAttribute(z, direction);
			// Set position
			l->setDirection(atof(x->value()), atof(y->value()), atof(z->value()));

			// Check angle
			XmlNode * angle = light->first_node("angle");
			if (angle) {
				XmlAttr * value;
				xmlAttribute(value, angle);

            // Try to get diffuse
            XmlNode * diffuse = light->first_node("diffuse");
            if (diffuse) {
                // Get coordinates
                XmlAttr * r, * g, * b;
                xmlAttribute(r, diffuse);
                xmlAttribute(g, diffuse);
                xmlAttribute(b, diffuse);
                // Set diffuse
                l->setDiffuse(atof(r->value()), atof(g->value()), atof(b->value()));

            // Try to get specular
            XmlNode * specular = light->first_node("specular");
            if (specular) {
                // Get coordinates
                XmlAttr * r, * g, * b;
                xmlAttribute(r, specular);
                xmlAttribute(g, specular);
                xmlAttribute(b, specular);
                // Set specular
                l->setSpecular(atof(r->value()), atof(g->value()), atof(b->value()));

            // Read scripts
            XmlNode * scripts = light->first_node("scripts");
            readScripts(scene, l, scripts);

            // Add to scene

            // Get next light
            light = light->next_sibling("light");
    } else {
        printf("No lights\n");