Ejemplo n.º 1
void cv::ocl::MOG2::operator()(const oclMat& frame, oclMat& fgmask, float learningRate)
    using namespace cv::ocl::device::mog;

    int ch = frame.oclchannels();
    int work_ch = ch;

    if (nframes_ == 0 || learningRate >= 1.0f || frame.size() != frameSize_ || work_ch != mean_.oclchannels())
        initialize(frame.size(), frame.type());

    fgmask.create(frameSize_, CV_8UC1);

    learningRate = learningRate >= 0.0f && nframes_ > 1 ? learningRate : 1.0f / std::min(2 * nframes_, history);
    CV_Assert(learningRate >= 0.0f);

    mog2_ocl(frame, frame.oclchannels(), fgmask, bgmodelUsedModes_, weight_, variance_, mean_, learningRate, -learningRate * fCT, bShadowDetection, nmixtures_);
Ejemplo n.º 2
void cv::ocl::Canny(const oclMat &dx, const oclMat &dy, CannyBuf &buf, oclMat &dst, double low_thresh, double high_thresh, bool L2gradient)
    using namespace ::cv::ocl::canny;

    CV_Assert(dx.type() == CV_32SC1 && dy.type() == CV_32SC1 && dx.size() == dy.size());

    if( low_thresh > high_thresh )
        std::swap( low_thresh, high_thresh);

    dst.create(dx.size(), CV_8U);

    buf.dx = dx;
    buf.dy = dy;
    buf.create(dx.size(), -1);
    calcMagnitude_gpu(buf.dx, buf.dy, buf.edgeBuf, dx.rows, dx.cols, L2gradient);

    CannyCaller(buf, dst, static_cast<float>(low_thresh), static_cast<float>(high_thresh));
Ejemplo n.º 3
void cv::ocl::dft(const oclMat &src, oclMat &dst, Size dft_size, int flags)
    if(dft_size == Size(0, 0))
        dft_size = src.size();
    // check if the given dft size is of optimal dft size
    CV_Assert(dft_size.area() == getOptimalDFTSize(dft_size.area()));

    // the two flags are not compatible
    CV_Assert( !((flags & DFT_SCALE) && (flags & DFT_ROWS)) );

    // similar assertions with cuda module
    CV_Assert(src.type() == CV_32F || src.type() == CV_32FC2);

    //bool is_1d_input    = (src.rows == 1);
    //int is_row_dft        = flags & DFT_ROWS;
    //int is_scaled_dft        = flags & DFT_SCALE;
    int is_inverse = flags & DFT_INVERSE;
    bool is_complex_input = src.channels() == 2;
    bool is_complex_output = !(flags & DFT_REAL_OUTPUT);

    // We don't support real-to-real transform
    CV_Assert(is_complex_input || is_complex_output);
    FftType type = (FftType)(is_complex_input << 0 | is_complex_output << 1);

    case C2C:
        dst.create(src.rows, src.cols, CV_32FC2);
    case R2C:
        dst.create(src.rows, src.cols / 2 + 1, CV_32FC2);
    case C2R:
        CV_Assert(dft_size.width / 2 + 1 == src.cols && dft_size.height == src.rows);
        dst.create(src.rows, dft_size.width, CV_32FC1);
        //std::runtime_error("does not support this convertion!");
        std::cout << "Does not support this convertion!" << std::endl;
        throw std::exception();
    clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle = PlanCache::getPlan(dft_size, src.step, dst.step, flags, type)->getPlanHandle();

    //get the buffersize
    size_t buffersize = 0;
    openCLSafeCall( clAmdFftGetTmpBufSize(plHandle, &buffersize ) );

    //allocate the intermediate buffer
    // TODO, bind this with the current FftPlan
    cl_mem clMedBuffer = NULL;
    if (buffersize)
        cl_int medstatus;
        clMedBuffer = clCreateBuffer ( *(cl_context*)(src.clCxt->getOpenCLContextPtr()), CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, buffersize, 0, &medstatus);
        openCLSafeCall( medstatus );
    cl_command_queue clq = *(cl_command_queue*)(src.clCxt->getOpenCLCommandQueuePtr());
    openCLSafeCall( clAmdFftEnqueueTransform( plHandle,
        is_inverse ? CLFFT_BACKWARD : CLFFT_FORWARD,
        0, NULL, NULL,
        (cl_mem *)&src.data, (cl_mem *)&dst.data, clMedBuffer ) );
    openCLSafeCall( clFinish(clq) );
Ejemplo n.º 4
void cv::ocl::OpticalFlowDual_TVL1_OCL::operator()(const oclMat& I0, const oclMat& I1, oclMat& flowx, oclMat& flowy)
    CV_Assert( I0.type() == CV_8UC1 || I0.type() == CV_32FC1 );
    CV_Assert( I0.size() == I1.size() );
    CV_Assert( I0.type() == I1.type() );
    CV_Assert( !useInitialFlow || (flowx.size() == I0.size() && flowx.type() == CV_32FC1 && flowy.size() == flowx.size() && flowy.type() == flowx.type()) );
    CV_Assert( nscales > 0 );

    // allocate memory for the pyramid structure
    //I0s_step == I1s_step
    I0.convertTo(I0s[0], CV_32F, I0.depth() == CV_8U ? 1.0 : 255.0);
    I1.convertTo(I1s[0], CV_32F, I1.depth() == CV_8U ? 1.0 : 255.0);

    if (!useInitialFlow)
        flowx.create(I0.size(), CV_32FC1);
        flowy.create(I0.size(), CV_32FC1);
    //u1s_step != u2s_step
    u1s[0] = flowx;
    u2s[0] = flowy;

    I1x_buf.create(I0.size(), CV_32FC1);
    I1y_buf.create(I0.size(), CV_32FC1);

    I1w_buf.create(I0.size(), CV_32FC1);
    I1wx_buf.create(I0.size(), CV_32FC1);
    I1wy_buf.create(I0.size(), CV_32FC1);

    grad_buf.create(I0.size(), CV_32FC1);
    rho_c_buf.create(I0.size(), CV_32FC1);

    p11_buf.create(I0.size(), CV_32FC1);
    p12_buf.create(I0.size(), CV_32FC1);
    p21_buf.create(I0.size(), CV_32FC1);
    p22_buf.create(I0.size(), CV_32FC1);

    diff_buf.create(I0.size(), CV_32FC1);

    // create the scales
    for (int s = 1; s < nscales; ++s)
        ocl::pyrDown(I0s[s - 1], I0s[s]);
        ocl::pyrDown(I1s[s - 1], I1s[s]);

        if (I0s[s].cols < 16 || I0s[s].rows < 16)
            nscales = s;

        if (useInitialFlow)
            ocl::pyrDown(u1s[s - 1], u1s[s]);
            ocl::pyrDown(u2s[s - 1], u2s[s]);

            //ocl::multiply(u1s[s], Scalar::all(0.5), u1s[s]);
            multiply(0.5, u1s[s], u1s[s]);
            //ocl::multiply(u2s[s], Scalar::all(0.5), u2s[s]);
            multiply(0.5, u1s[s], u2s[s]);

    // pyramidal structure for computing the optical flow
    for (int s = nscales - 1; s >= 0; --s)
        // compute the optical flow at the current scale
        procOneScale(I0s[s], I1s[s], u1s[s], u2s[s]);

        // if this was the last scale, finish now
        if (s == 0)

        // otherwise, upsample the optical flow

        // zoom the optical flow for the next finer scale
        ocl::resize(u1s[s], u1s[s - 1], I0s[s - 1].size());
        ocl::resize(u2s[s], u2s[s - 1], I0s[s - 1].size());

        // scale the optical flow with the appropriate zoom factor
        multiply(2, u1s[s - 1], u1s[s - 1]);
        multiply(2, u2s[s - 1], u2s[s - 1]);


Ejemplo n.º 5
void cv::ocl::OpticalFlowDual_TVL1_OCL::procOneScale(const oclMat &I0, const oclMat &I1, oclMat &u1, oclMat &u2)
    using namespace ocl_tvl1flow;

    const double scaledEpsilon = epsilon * epsilon * I0.size().area();

    CV_DbgAssert( I1.size() == I0.size() );
    CV_DbgAssert( I1.type() == I0.type() );
    CV_DbgAssert( u1.empty() || u1.size() == I0.size() );
    CV_DbgAssert( u2.size() == u1.size() );

    if (u1.empty())
        u1.create(I0.size(), CV_32FC1);

        u2.create(I0.size(), CV_32FC1);

    oclMat I1x = I1x_buf(Rect(0, 0, I0.cols, I0.rows));
    oclMat I1y = I1y_buf(Rect(0, 0, I0.cols, I0.rows));

    centeredGradient(I1, I1x, I1y);

    oclMat I1w = I1w_buf(Rect(0, 0, I0.cols, I0.rows));
    oclMat I1wx = I1wx_buf(Rect(0, 0, I0.cols, I0.rows));
    oclMat I1wy = I1wy_buf(Rect(0, 0, I0.cols, I0.rows));

    oclMat grad = grad_buf(Rect(0, 0, I0.cols, I0.rows));
    oclMat rho_c = rho_c_buf(Rect(0, 0, I0.cols, I0.rows));

    oclMat p11 = p11_buf(Rect(0, 0, I0.cols, I0.rows));
    oclMat p12 = p12_buf(Rect(0, 0, I0.cols, I0.rows));
    oclMat p21 = p21_buf(Rect(0, 0, I0.cols, I0.rows));
    oclMat p22 = p22_buf(Rect(0, 0, I0.cols, I0.rows));

    oclMat diff = diff_buf(Rect(0, 0, I0.cols, I0.rows));

    const float l_t = static_cast<float>(lambda * theta);
    const float taut = static_cast<float>(tau / theta);

    for (int warpings = 0; warpings < warps; ++warpings)
        warpBackward(I0, I1, I1x, I1y, u1, u2, I1w, I1wx, I1wy, grad, rho_c);

        double error = numeric_limits<double>::max();
        double prev_error = 0;
        for (int n = 0; error > scaledEpsilon && n < iterations; ++n)
            // some tweaks to make sum operation less frequently
            char calc_error = (n & 0x1) && (prev_error < scaledEpsilon);
            estimateU(I1wx, I1wy, grad, rho_c, p11, p12, p21, p22,
                      u1, u2, diff, l_t, static_cast<float>(theta), calc_error);
                error = ocl::sum(diff)[0];
                prev_error = error;
                error = numeric_limits<double>::max();
                prev_error -= scaledEpsilon;
            estimateDualVariables(u1, u2, p11, p12, p21, p22, taut);


Ejemplo n.º 6
static void cvtColor_caller(const oclMat &src, oclMat &dst, int code, int dcn)
    Size sz = src.size();
    int scn = src.channels(), depth = src.depth(), bidx;

    CV_Assert(depth == CV_8U || depth == CV_16U || depth == CV_32F);

    switch (code)
    case CV_BGR2BGRA: case CV_RGB2BGRA: case CV_BGRA2BGR:
    case CV_RGBA2BGR: case CV_RGB2BGR: case CV_BGRA2RGBA:
        CV_Assert(scn == 3 || scn == 4);
        dcn = code == CV_BGR2BGRA || code == CV_RGB2BGRA || code == CV_BGRA2RGBA ? 4 : 3;
        bool reverse = !(code == CV_BGR2BGRA || code == CV_BGRA2BGR);
        dst.create(sz, CV_MAKE_TYPE(depth, dcn));
        RGB_caller(src, dst, reverse);
    case CV_BGR2BGR565: case CV_BGR2BGR555: case CV_RGB2BGR565: case CV_RGB2BGR555:
    case CV_BGRA2BGR565: case CV_BGRA2BGR555: case CV_RGBA2BGR565: case CV_RGBA2BGR555:
        CV_Assert((scn == 3 || scn == 4) && depth == CV_8U );
        bidx = code == CV_BGR2BGR565 || code == CV_BGR2BGR555 ||
            code == CV_BGRA2BGR565 || code == CV_BGRA2BGR555 ? 0 : 2;
        int greenbits = code == CV_BGR2BGR565 || code == CV_RGB2BGR565 ||
            code == CV_BGRA2BGR565 || code == CV_RGBA2BGR565 ? 6 : 5;
        dst.create(sz, CV_8UC2);
        toRGB5x5_caller(src, dst, bidx, greenbits, "RGB2RGB5x5");
    case CV_BGR5652BGR: case CV_BGR5552BGR: case CV_BGR5652RGB: case CV_BGR5552RGB:
    case CV_BGR5652BGRA: case CV_BGR5552BGRA: case CV_BGR5652RGBA: case CV_BGR5552RGBA:
        dcn = code == CV_BGR5652BGRA || code == CV_BGR5552BGRA || code == CV_BGR5652RGBA || code == CV_BGR5552RGBA ? 4 : 3;
        CV_Assert((dcn == 3 || dcn == 4) && scn == 2 && depth == CV_8U);
        bidx = code == CV_BGR5652BGR || code == CV_BGR5552BGR ||
            code == CV_BGR5652BGRA || code == CV_BGR5552BGRA ? 0 : 2;
        int greenbits = code == CV_BGR5652BGR || code == CV_BGR5652RGB ||
            code == CV_BGR5652BGRA || code == CV_BGR5652RGBA ? 6 : 5;
        dst.create(sz, CV_MAKETYPE(depth, dcn));
        fromRGB5x5_caller(src, dst, bidx, greenbits, "RGB5x52RGB");
    case CV_BGR5652GRAY: case CV_BGR5552GRAY:
        CV_Assert(scn == 2 && depth == CV_8U);
        dst.create(sz, CV_8UC1);
        int greenbits = code == CV_BGR5652GRAY ? 6 : 5;
        fromRGB5x5_caller(src, dst, -1, greenbits, "BGR5x52Gray");
    case CV_GRAY2BGR565: case CV_GRAY2BGR555:
        CV_Assert(scn == 1 && depth == CV_8U);
        dst.create(sz, CV_8UC2);
        int greenbits = code == CV_GRAY2BGR565 ? 6 : 5;
        toRGB5x5_caller(src, dst, -1, greenbits, "Gray2BGR5x5");
    case CV_RGB2GRAY: case CV_BGR2GRAY: case CV_RGBA2GRAY: case CV_BGRA2GRAY:
        CV_Assert(scn == 3 || scn == 4);
        bidx = code == CV_BGR2GRAY || code == CV_BGRA2GRAY ? 0 : 2;
        dst.create(sz, CV_MAKETYPE(depth, 1));
        fromRGB_caller(src, dst, bidx, "RGB2Gray");
    case CV_GRAY2BGR: case CV_GRAY2BGRA:
        CV_Assert(scn == 1);
        dcn  = code == CV_GRAY2BGRA ? 4 : 3;
        dst.create(sz, CV_MAKETYPE(depth, dcn));
        fromGray_caller(src, dst, 0, "Gray2RGB");
    case CV_BGR2YUV: case CV_RGB2YUV:
        CV_Assert(scn == 3 || scn == 4);
        bidx = code == CV_BGR2YUV ? 0 : 2;
        dst.create(sz, CV_MAKETYPE(depth, 3));
        fromRGB_caller(src, dst, bidx, "RGB2YUV");
    case CV_YUV2BGR: case CV_YUV2RGB:
        if( dcn <= 0 )
            dcn = 3;
        CV_Assert(scn == 3 && (dcn == 3 || dcn == 4));
        bidx = code == CV_YUV2BGR ? 0 : 2;
        dst.create(sz, CV_MAKETYPE(depth, dcn));
        toRGB_caller(src, dst, bidx, "YUV2RGB");
    case CV_YUV2RGB_NV12: case CV_YUV2BGR_NV12:
    case CV_YUV2RGBA_NV12: case CV_YUV2BGRA_NV12:
        CV_Assert(scn == 1);
        CV_Assert( sz.width % 2 == 0 && sz.height % 3 == 0 && depth == CV_8U );
        dcn = code == CV_YUV2BGRA_NV12 || code == CV_YUV2RGBA_NV12 ? 4 : 3;
        bidx = code == CV_YUV2BGRA_NV12 || code == CV_YUV2BGR_NV12 ? 0 : 2;

        Size dstSz(sz.width, sz.height * 2 / 3);
        dst.create(dstSz, CV_MAKETYPE(depth, dcn));
        toRGB_NV12_caller(src, dst, bidx, "YUV2RGBA_NV12");
    case CV_BGR2YCrCb: case CV_RGB2YCrCb:
        CV_Assert(scn == 3 || scn == 4);
        bidx = code == CV_BGR2YCrCb ? 0 : 2;
        dst.create(sz, CV_MAKETYPE(depth, 3));
        fromRGB_caller(src, dst, bidx, "RGB2YCrCb");
    case CV_YCrCb2BGR: case CV_YCrCb2RGB:
        if( dcn <= 0 )
            dcn = 3;
        CV_Assert(scn == 3 && (dcn == 3 || dcn == 4));
        bidx = code == CV_YCrCb2BGR ? 0 : 2;
        dst.create(sz, CV_MAKETYPE(depth, dcn));
        toRGB_caller(src, dst, bidx, "YCrCb2RGB");
    case CV_BGR2XYZ: case CV_RGB2XYZ:
        CV_Assert(scn == 3 || scn == 4);
        bidx = code == CV_BGR2XYZ ? 0 : 2;
        dst.create(sz, CV_MAKE_TYPE(depth, 3));

        Mat c;
        if (depth == CV_32F)
            float coeffs[] =
                0.412453f, 0.357580f, 0.180423f,
                0.212671f, 0.715160f, 0.072169f,
                0.019334f, 0.119193f, 0.950227f
            if (bidx == 0)
                std::swap(coeffs[0], coeffs[2]);
                std::swap(coeffs[3], coeffs[5]);
                std::swap(coeffs[6], coeffs[8]);
            Mat(1, 9, CV_32FC1, &coeffs[0]).copyTo(c);
            int coeffs[] =
                1689,    1465,    739,
                871,     2929,    296,
                79,      488,     3892
            if (bidx == 0)
                std::swap(coeffs[0], coeffs[2]);
                std::swap(coeffs[3], coeffs[5]);
                std::swap(coeffs[6], coeffs[8]);
            Mat(1, 9, CV_32SC1, &coeffs[0]).copyTo(c);
        oclMat oclCoeffs(c);

        fromRGB_caller(src, dst, bidx, "RGB2XYZ", "", oclCoeffs);
    case CV_XYZ2BGR: case CV_XYZ2RGB:
        if (dcn <= 0)
            dcn = 3;
        CV_Assert(scn == 3 && (dcn == 3 || dcn == 4));
        bidx = code == CV_XYZ2BGR ? 0 : 2;
        dst.create(sz, CV_MAKE_TYPE(depth, dcn));

        Mat c;
        if (depth == CV_32F)
            float coeffs[] =
                3.240479f, -1.53715f, -0.498535f,
                -0.969256f, 1.875991f, 0.041556f,
                0.055648f, -0.204043f, 1.057311f
            if (bidx == 0)
                std::swap(coeffs[0], coeffs[6]);
                std::swap(coeffs[1], coeffs[7]);
                std::swap(coeffs[2], coeffs[8]);
            Mat(1, 9, CV_32FC1, &coeffs[0]).copyTo(c);
            int coeffs[] =
                13273,  -6296,  -2042,
                -3970,   7684,    170,
                  228,   -836,   4331
            if (bidx == 0)
                std::swap(coeffs[0], coeffs[6]);
                std::swap(coeffs[1], coeffs[7]);
                std::swap(coeffs[2], coeffs[8]);
            Mat(1, 9, CV_32SC1, &coeffs[0]).copyTo(c);
        oclMat oclCoeffs(c);

        toRGB_caller(src, dst, bidx, "XYZ2RGB", "", oclCoeffs);
    case CV_BGR2HSV: case CV_RGB2HSV: case CV_BGR2HSV_FULL: case CV_RGB2HSV_FULL:
    case CV_BGR2HLS: case CV_RGB2HLS: case CV_BGR2HLS_FULL: case CV_RGB2HLS_FULL:
        CV_Assert((scn == 3 || scn == 4) && (depth == CV_8U || depth == CV_32F));
        bidx = code == CV_BGR2HSV || code == CV_BGR2HLS ||
            code == CV_BGR2HSV_FULL || code == CV_BGR2HLS_FULL ? 0 : 2;
        int hrange = depth == CV_32F ? 360 : code == CV_BGR2HSV || code == CV_RGB2HSV ||
            code == CV_BGR2HLS || code == CV_RGB2HLS ? 180 : 256;
        bool is_hsv = code == CV_BGR2HSV || code == CV_RGB2HSV || code == CV_BGR2HSV_FULL || code == CV_RGB2HSV_FULL;
        dst.create(sz, CV_MAKETYPE(depth, 3));
        std::string kernelName = std::string("RGB2") + (is_hsv ? "HSV" : "HLS");

        if (is_hsv && depth == CV_8U)
            static oclMat sdiv_data;
            static oclMat hdiv_data180;
            static oclMat hdiv_data256;
            static int sdiv_table[256];
            static int hdiv_table180[256];
            static int hdiv_table256[256];
            static volatile bool initialized180 = false, initialized256 = false;
            volatile bool & initialized = hrange == 180 ? initialized180 : initialized256;

            if (!initialized)
                int * const hdiv_table = hrange == 180 ? hdiv_table180 : hdiv_table256, hsv_shift = 12;
                oclMat & hdiv_data = hrange == 180 ? hdiv_data180 : hdiv_data256;

                sdiv_table[0] = hdiv_table180[0] = hdiv_table256[0] = 0;

                int v = 255 << hsv_shift;
                if (!initialized180 && !initialized256)
                    for(int i = 1; i < 256; i++ )
                        sdiv_table[i] = saturate_cast<int>(v/(1.*i));
                    sdiv_data.upload(Mat(1, 256, CV_32SC1, sdiv_table));

                v = hrange << hsv_shift;
                for (int i = 1; i < 256; i++ )
                    hdiv_table[i] = saturate_cast<int>(v/(6.*i));

                hdiv_data.upload(Mat(1, 256, CV_32SC1, hdiv_table));
                initialized = true;

            toHSV_caller(src, dst, bidx, kernelName, format(" -D hrange=%d", hrange), sdiv_data, hrange == 256 ? hdiv_data256 : hdiv_data180);

        toHSV_caller(src, dst, bidx, kernelName, format(" -D hscale=%f", hrange*(1.f/360.f)));
    case CV_HSV2BGR: case CV_HSV2RGB: case CV_HSV2BGR_FULL: case CV_HSV2RGB_FULL:
    case CV_HLS2BGR: case CV_HLS2RGB: case CV_HLS2BGR_FULL: case CV_HLS2RGB_FULL:
        if (dcn <= 0)
            dcn = 3;
        CV_Assert(scn == 3 && (dcn == 3 || dcn == 4) && (depth == CV_8U || depth == CV_32F));
        bidx = code == CV_HSV2BGR || code == CV_HLS2BGR ||
            code == CV_HSV2BGR_FULL || code == CV_HLS2BGR_FULL ? 0 : 2;
        int hrange = depth == CV_32F ? 360 : code == CV_HSV2BGR || code == CV_HSV2RGB ||
            code == CV_HLS2BGR || code == CV_HLS2RGB ? 180 : 255;
        bool is_hsv = code == CV_HSV2BGR || code == CV_HSV2RGB ||
                code == CV_HSV2BGR_FULL || code == CV_HSV2RGB_FULL;

        dst.create(sz, CV_MAKETYPE(depth, dcn));

        std::string kernelName = std::string(is_hsv ? "HSV" : "HLS") + "2RGB";
        fromHSV_caller(src, dst, bidx, kernelName, format(" -D hrange=%d -D hscale=%f", hrange, 6.f/hrange));
    case CV_RGBA2mRGBA: case CV_mRGBA2RGBA:
            CV_Assert(scn == 4 && depth == CV_8U);
            dst.create(sz, CV_MAKETYPE(depth, 4));
            std::string kernelName = code == CV_RGBA2mRGBA ? "RGBA2mRGBA" : "mRGBA2RGBA";

            fromRGB_caller(src, dst, 0, kernelName);
        CV_Error( CV_StsBadFlag, "Unknown/unsupported color conversion code" );
Ejemplo n.º 7
void cv::ocl::gemm(const oclMat &src1, const oclMat &src2, double alpha,
                   const oclMat &src3, double beta, oclMat &dst, int flags)
    CV_Assert(src1.cols == src2.rows &&
              (src3.empty() || (src1.rows == src3.rows && src2.cols == src3.cols)));
    CV_Assert(!(cv::GEMM_3_T & flags)); // cv::GEMM_3_T is not supported
        dst.create(src1.rows, src2.cols, src1.type());


    const clAmdBlasTranspose transA = (cv::GEMM_1_T & flags) ? clAmdBlasTrans : clAmdBlasNoTrans;
    const clAmdBlasTranspose transB = (cv::GEMM_2_T & flags) ? clAmdBlasTrans : clAmdBlasNoTrans;
    const clAmdBlasOrder     order  = clAmdBlasRowMajor;

    const int M = src1.rows;
    const int N = src2.cols;
    const int K = src1.cols;
    int lda     = src1.step;
    int ldb     = src2.step;
    int ldc     = dst.step;
    int offa    = src1.offset;
    int offb    = src2.offset;
    int offc    = dst.offset;

    cl_command_queue clq = *(cl_command_queue*)src1.clCxt->getOpenCLCommandQueuePtr();
    case CV_32FC1:
        lda  /= sizeof(float);
        ldb  /= sizeof(float);
        ldc  /= sizeof(float);
        offa /= sizeof(float);
        offb /= sizeof(float);
        offc /= sizeof(float);

            clAmdBlasSgemmEx(order, transA, transB, M, N, K,
                             alpha, (const cl_mem)src1.data, offa, lda, (const cl_mem)src2.data, offb, ldb,
                             beta, (cl_mem)dst.data, offc, ldc, 1, &clq, 0, NULL, NULL)
    case CV_64FC1:
        lda  /= sizeof(double);
        ldb  /= sizeof(double);
        ldc  /= sizeof(double);
        offa /= sizeof(double);
        offb /= sizeof(double);
        offc /= sizeof(double);
            clAmdBlasDgemmEx(order, transA, transB, M, N, K,
                             alpha, (const cl_mem)src1.data, offa, lda, (const cl_mem)src2.data, offb, ldb,
                             beta, (cl_mem)dst.data, offc, ldc, 1, &clq, 0, NULL, NULL)
    case CV_32FC2:
        lda  /= (2*sizeof(float));
        ldb  /= (2*sizeof(float));
        ldc  /= (2*sizeof(float));
        offa /= (2*sizeof(float));
        offb /= (2*sizeof(float));
        offc /= (2*sizeof(float));
        cl_float2 alpha_2 = {{alpha, 0}};
        cl_float2 beta_2  = {{beta, 0}};
            clAmdBlasCgemmEx(order, transA, transB, M, N, K,
                             alpha_2, (const cl_mem)src1.data, offa, lda, (const cl_mem)src2.data, offb, ldb,
                             beta_2, (cl_mem)dst.data, offc, ldc, 1, &clq, 0, NULL, NULL)
    case CV_64FC2:
        lda  /= (2*sizeof(double));
        ldb  /= (2*sizeof(double));
        ldc  /= (2*sizeof(double));
        offa /= (2*sizeof(double));
        offb /= (2*sizeof(double));
        offc /= (2*sizeof(double));
        cl_double2 alpha_2 = {{alpha, 0}};
        cl_double2 beta_2  = {{beta, 0}};
            clAmdBlasZgemmEx(order, transA, transB, M, N, K,
                             alpha_2, (const cl_mem)src1.data, offa, lda, (const cl_mem)src2.data, offb, ldb,
                             beta_2, (cl_mem)dst.data, offc, ldc, 1, &clq, 0, NULL, NULL)
Ejemplo n.º 8
///////////////////////////////////k - means /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
double cv::ocl::kmeans(const oclMat &_src, int K, oclMat &_bestLabels,
                       TermCriteria criteria, int attempts, int flags, oclMat &_centers)
    const int SPP_TRIALS = 3;
    bool isrow = _src.rows == 1 && _src.oclchannels() > 1;
    int N = !isrow ? _src.rows : _src.cols;
    int dims = (!isrow ? _src.cols : 1) * _src.oclchannels();
    int type = _src.depth();

    attempts = std::max(attempts, 1);
    CV_Assert(type == CV_32F && K > 0 );
    CV_Assert( N >= K );

    Mat _labels;
        CV_Assert( (_bestLabels.cols == 1 || _bestLabels.rows == 1) &&
                   _bestLabels.cols * _bestLabels.rows == N &&
                   _bestLabels.type() == CV_32S );
        if( !((_bestLabels.cols == 1 || _bestLabels.rows == 1) &&
                _bestLabels.cols * _bestLabels.rows == N &&
                _bestLabels.type() == CV_32S &&
            _bestLabels.create(N, 1, CV_32S);
        _labels.create(_bestLabels.size(), _bestLabels.type());
    int* labels = _labels.ptr<int>();

    Mat data;
    Mat centers(K, dims, type), old_centers(K, dims, type), temp(1, dims, type);
    std::vector<int> counters(K);
    std::vector<Vec2f> _box(dims);
    Vec2f* box = &_box[0];
    double best_compactness = DBL_MAX, compactness = 0;
    RNG& rng = theRNG();
    int a, iter, i, j, k;

    if( criteria.type & TermCriteria::EPS )
        criteria.epsilon = std::max(criteria.epsilon, 0.);
        criteria.epsilon = FLT_EPSILON;
    criteria.epsilon *= criteria.epsilon;

    if( criteria.type & TermCriteria::COUNT )
        criteria.maxCount = std::min(std::max(criteria.maxCount, 2), 100);
        criteria.maxCount = 100;

    if( K == 1 )
        attempts = 1;
        criteria.maxCount = 2;

    const float* sample = data.ptr<float>();
    for( j = 0; j < dims; j++ )
        box[j] = Vec2f(sample[j], sample[j]);

    for( i = 1; i < N; i++ )
        sample = data.ptr<float>(i);
        for( j = 0; j < dims; j++ )
            float v = sample[j];
            box[j][0] = std::min(box[j][0], v);
            box[j][1] = std::max(box[j][1], v);

    for( a = 0; a < attempts; a++ )
        double max_center_shift = DBL_MAX;
        for( iter = 0;; )
            swap(centers, old_centers);

            if( iter == 0 && (a > 0 || !(flags & KMEANS_USE_INITIAL_LABELS)) )
                if( flags & KMEANS_PP_CENTERS )
                    generateCentersPP(data, centers, K, rng, SPP_TRIALS);
                    for( k = 0; k < K; k++ )
                        generateRandomCenter(_box, centers.ptr<float>(k), rng);
                if( iter == 0 && a == 0 && (flags & KMEANS_USE_INITIAL_LABELS) )
                    for( i = 0; i < N; i++ )
                        CV_Assert( (unsigned)labels[i] < (unsigned)K );

                // compute centers
                centers = Scalar(0);
                for( k = 0; k < K; k++ )
                    counters[k] = 0;

                for( i = 0; i < N; i++ )
                    sample = data.ptr<float>(i);
                    k = labels[i];
                    float* center = centers.ptr<float>(k);
                    for(; j <= dims - 4; j += 4 )
                        float t0 = center[j] + sample[j];
                        float t1 = center[j+1] + sample[j+1];

                        center[j] = t0;
                        center[j+1] = t1;

                        t0 = center[j+2] + sample[j+2];
                        t1 = center[j+3] + sample[j+3];

                        center[j+2] = t0;
                        center[j+3] = t1;
                    for( ; j < dims; j++ )
                        center[j] += sample[j];

                if( iter > 0 )
                    max_center_shift = 0;

                for( k = 0; k < K; k++ )
                    if( counters[k] != 0 )

                    // if some cluster appeared to be empty then:
                    //   1. find the biggest cluster
                    //   2. find the farthest from the center point in the biggest cluster
                    //   3. exclude the farthest point from the biggest cluster and form a new 1-point cluster.
                    int max_k = 0;
                    for( int k1 = 1; k1 < K; k1++ )
                        if( counters[max_k] < counters[k1] )
                            max_k = k1;

                    double max_dist = 0;
                    int farthest_i = -1;
                    float* new_center =  centers.ptr<float>(k);
                    float* old_center =  centers.ptr<float>(max_k);
                    float* _old_center = temp.ptr<float>(); // normalized
                    float scale = 1.f/counters[max_k];
                    for( j = 0; j < dims; j++ )
                        _old_center[j] = old_center[j]*scale;

                    for( i = 0; i < N; i++ )
                        if( labels[i] != max_k )
                        sample = data.ptr<float>(i);
                        double dist = normL2Sqr_(sample, _old_center, dims);

                        if( max_dist <= dist )
                            max_dist = dist;
                            farthest_i = i;

                    labels[farthest_i] = k;
                    sample = data.ptr<float>(farthest_i);

                    for( j = 0; j < dims; j++ )
                        old_center[j] -= sample[j];
                        new_center[j] += sample[j];

                for( k = 0; k < K; k++ )
                    float* center = centers.ptr<float>(k);
                    CV_Assert( counters[k] != 0 );

                    float scale = 1.f/counters[k];
                    for( j = 0; j < dims; j++ )
                        center[j] *= scale;

                    if( iter > 0 )
                        double dist = 0;
                        const float* old_center = old_centers.ptr<float>(k);
                        for( j = 0; j < dims; j++ )
                            double t = center[j] - old_center[j];
                            dist += t*t;
                        max_center_shift = std::max(max_center_shift, dist);

            if( ++iter == MAX(criteria.maxCount, 2) || max_center_shift <= criteria.epsilon )

            // assign labels
            oclMat _dists(1, N, CV_64F);

            distanceToCenters(_dists, _bestLabels, _src, _centers);

            Mat dists;

            double* dist = dists.ptr<double>(0);
            compactness = 0;
            for( i = 0; i < N; i++ )
                compactness += dist[i];

        if( compactness < best_compactness )
            best_compactness = compactness;

    return best_compactness;