Ejemplo n.º 1
///////////////////////////////////k - means /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
double cv::ocl::kmeans(const oclMat &_src, int K, oclMat &_bestLabels,
                       TermCriteria criteria, int attempts, int flags, oclMat &_centers)
    const int SPP_TRIALS = 3;
    bool isrow = _src.rows == 1 && _src.oclchannels() > 1;
    int N = !isrow ? _src.rows : _src.cols;
    int dims = (!isrow ? _src.cols : 1) * _src.oclchannels();
    int type = _src.depth();

    attempts = std::max(attempts, 1);
    CV_Assert(type == CV_32F && K > 0 );
    CV_Assert( N >= K );

    Mat _labels;
        CV_Assert( (_bestLabels.cols == 1 || _bestLabels.rows == 1) &&
                   _bestLabels.cols * _bestLabels.rows == N &&
                   _bestLabels.type() == CV_32S );
        if( !((_bestLabels.cols == 1 || _bestLabels.rows == 1) &&
                _bestLabels.cols * _bestLabels.rows == N &&
                _bestLabels.type() == CV_32S &&
            _bestLabels.create(N, 1, CV_32S);
        _labels.create(_bestLabels.size(), _bestLabels.type());
    int* labels = _labels.ptr<int>();

    Mat data;
    Mat centers(K, dims, type), old_centers(K, dims, type), temp(1, dims, type);
    std::vector<int> counters(K);
    std::vector<Vec2f> _box(dims);
    Vec2f* box = &_box[0];
    double best_compactness = DBL_MAX, compactness = 0;
    RNG& rng = theRNG();
    int a, iter, i, j, k;

    if( criteria.type & TermCriteria::EPS )
        criteria.epsilon = std::max(criteria.epsilon, 0.);
        criteria.epsilon = FLT_EPSILON;
    criteria.epsilon *= criteria.epsilon;

    if( criteria.type & TermCriteria::COUNT )
        criteria.maxCount = std::min(std::max(criteria.maxCount, 2), 100);
        criteria.maxCount = 100;

    if( K == 1 )
        attempts = 1;
        criteria.maxCount = 2;

    const float* sample = data.ptr<float>();
    for( j = 0; j < dims; j++ )
        box[j] = Vec2f(sample[j], sample[j]);

    for( i = 1; i < N; i++ )
        sample = data.ptr<float>(i);
        for( j = 0; j < dims; j++ )
            float v = sample[j];
            box[j][0] = std::min(box[j][0], v);
            box[j][1] = std::max(box[j][1], v);

    for( a = 0; a < attempts; a++ )
        double max_center_shift = DBL_MAX;
        for( iter = 0;; )
            swap(centers, old_centers);

            if( iter == 0 && (a > 0 || !(flags & KMEANS_USE_INITIAL_LABELS)) )
                if( flags & KMEANS_PP_CENTERS )
                    generateCentersPP(data, centers, K, rng, SPP_TRIALS);
                    for( k = 0; k < K; k++ )
                        generateRandomCenter(_box, centers.ptr<float>(k), rng);
                if( iter == 0 && a == 0 && (flags & KMEANS_USE_INITIAL_LABELS) )
                    for( i = 0; i < N; i++ )
                        CV_Assert( (unsigned)labels[i] < (unsigned)K );

                // compute centers
                centers = Scalar(0);
                for( k = 0; k < K; k++ )
                    counters[k] = 0;

                for( i = 0; i < N; i++ )
                    sample = data.ptr<float>(i);
                    k = labels[i];
                    float* center = centers.ptr<float>(k);
                    for(; j <= dims - 4; j += 4 )
                        float t0 = center[j] + sample[j];
                        float t1 = center[j+1] + sample[j+1];

                        center[j] = t0;
                        center[j+1] = t1;

                        t0 = center[j+2] + sample[j+2];
                        t1 = center[j+3] + sample[j+3];

                        center[j+2] = t0;
                        center[j+3] = t1;
                    for( ; j < dims; j++ )
                        center[j] += sample[j];

                if( iter > 0 )
                    max_center_shift = 0;

                for( k = 0; k < K; k++ )
                    if( counters[k] != 0 )

                    // if some cluster appeared to be empty then:
                    //   1. find the biggest cluster
                    //   2. find the farthest from the center point in the biggest cluster
                    //   3. exclude the farthest point from the biggest cluster and form a new 1-point cluster.
                    int max_k = 0;
                    for( int k1 = 1; k1 < K; k1++ )
                        if( counters[max_k] < counters[k1] )
                            max_k = k1;

                    double max_dist = 0;
                    int farthest_i = -1;
                    float* new_center =  centers.ptr<float>(k);
                    float* old_center =  centers.ptr<float>(max_k);
                    float* _old_center = temp.ptr<float>(); // normalized
                    float scale = 1.f/counters[max_k];
                    for( j = 0; j < dims; j++ )
                        _old_center[j] = old_center[j]*scale;

                    for( i = 0; i < N; i++ )
                        if( labels[i] != max_k )
                        sample = data.ptr<float>(i);
                        double dist = normL2Sqr_(sample, _old_center, dims);

                        if( max_dist <= dist )
                            max_dist = dist;
                            farthest_i = i;

                    labels[farthest_i] = k;
                    sample = data.ptr<float>(farthest_i);

                    for( j = 0; j < dims; j++ )
                        old_center[j] -= sample[j];
                        new_center[j] += sample[j];

                for( k = 0; k < K; k++ )
                    float* center = centers.ptr<float>(k);
                    CV_Assert( counters[k] != 0 );

                    float scale = 1.f/counters[k];
                    for( j = 0; j < dims; j++ )
                        center[j] *= scale;

                    if( iter > 0 )
                        double dist = 0;
                        const float* old_center = old_centers.ptr<float>(k);
                        for( j = 0; j < dims; j++ )
                            double t = center[j] - old_center[j];
                            dist += t*t;
                        max_center_shift = std::max(max_center_shift, dist);

            if( ++iter == MAX(criteria.maxCount, 2) || max_center_shift <= criteria.epsilon )

            // assign labels
            oclMat _dists(1, N, CV_64F);

            distanceToCenters(_dists, _bestLabels, _src, _centers);

            Mat dists;

            double* dist = dists.ptr<double>(0);
            compactness = 0;
            for( i = 0; i < N; i++ )
                compactness += dist[i];

        if( compactness < best_compactness )
            best_compactness = compactness;

    return best_compactness;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static void download(const oclMat& ocl_mat, vector<unsigned char>& vec)
  Mat mat(1, ocl_mat.cols, CV_8UC1, (void*)&vec[0]);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void imageDataHandler(const sensor_msgs::Image::ConstPtr& imageData) 
  timeLast = timeCur;
  timeCur = imageData->header.stamp.toSec() - 0.1163;

  cv_bridge::CvImageConstPtr imageDataCv = cv_bridge::toCvShare(imageData, "mono8");

  if (!systemInited) {
    remap(imageDataCv->image, image0, mapx, mapy, CV_INTER_LINEAR);
    oclImage0 = oclMat(image0);
    systemInited = true;


  Mat imageLast, imageCur;
  oclMat oclImageLast, oclImageCur;
  if (isOddFrame) {
    remap(imageDataCv->image, image1, mapx, mapy, CV_INTER_LINEAR);
    oclImage1 = oclMat(image1);

    imageLast = image0;
    imageCur = image1;

    oclImageLast = oclImage0;
    oclImageCur = oclImage1;
  } else {
    remap(imageDataCv->image, image0, mapx, mapy, CV_INTER_LINEAR);
    oclImage0 = oclMat(image0);

    imageLast = image1;
    imageCur = image0;

    oclImageLast = oclImage1;
    oclImageCur = oclImage0;
  isOddFrame = !isOddFrame;

  resize(oclImageLast, oclImageShow, showSize);
  cornerHarris(oclImageShow, oclHarrisLast, 2, 3, 0.04);

  vector<Point2f> *featuresTemp = featuresLast;
  featuresLast = featuresCur;
  featuresCur = featuresTemp;

  pcl::PointCloud<ImagePoint>::Ptr imagePointsTemp = imagePointsLast;
  imagePointsLast = imagePointsCur;
  imagePointsCur = imagePointsTemp;

  int recordFeatureNum = totalFeatureNum;
  detectionCount = (detectionCount + 1) % (detectionSkipNum + 1);
  if (detectionCount == detectionSkipNum) {
    oclMat oclFeaturesSub;
    for (int i = 0; i < ySubregionNum; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < xSubregionNum; j++) {
        int ind = xSubregionNum * i + j;
        int numToFind = maxFeatureNumPerSubregion - subregionFeatureNum[ind];

        if (numToFind > maxFeatureNumPerSubregion / 5.0) {
          int subregionLeft = xBoundary + (int)(subregionWidth * j);
          int subregionTop = yBoundary + (int)(subregionHeight * i);
          Rect subregion = Rect(subregionLeft, subregionTop, (int)subregionWidth, (int)subregionHeight);

          oclFeatureDetector.maxCorners = numToFind;
          oclFeatureDetector(oclImageLast(subregion), oclFeaturesSub);
          if (oclFeaturesSub.cols > 0) {
            oclFeatureDetector.downloadPoints(oclFeaturesSub, featuresSub);
            numToFind = featuresSub.size();
          } else {
            numToFind = 0;

          int numFound = 0;
          for(int k = 0; k < numToFind; k++) {
            featuresSub[k].x += subregionLeft;
            featuresSub[k].y += subregionTop;

            int xInd = (featuresSub[k].x + 0.5) / showDSRate;
            int yInd = (featuresSub[k].y + 0.5) / showDSRate;

            if (harrisLast.at<float>(yInd, xInd) > 1e-7) {

          totalFeatureNum += numFound;
          subregionFeatureNum[ind] += numFound;

  if (totalFeatureNum > 0) {
    Mat featuresLastMat(1, totalFeatureNum, CV_32FC2, (void*)&(*featuresLast)[0]);
    oclMat oclFeaturesLast(featuresLastMat);
    oclMat oclFeaturesCur, oclFeaturesStatus;

    oclOpticalFlow.sparse(oclImageLast, oclImageCur, oclFeaturesLast, oclFeaturesCur, oclFeaturesStatus);
    if (oclFeaturesCur.cols > 0 && oclFeaturesCur.cols == oclFeaturesStatus.cols) {
      download(oclFeaturesCur, *featuresCur);
      download(oclFeaturesStatus, featuresStatus);
      totalFeatureNum = featuresCur->size();
    } else {
      totalFeatureNum = 0;

  for (int i = 0; i < totalSubregionNum; i++) {
    subregionFeatureNum[i] = 0;

  ImagePoint point;
  int featureCount = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < totalFeatureNum; i++) {
    double trackDis = sqrt(((*featuresLast)[i].x - (*featuresCur)[i].x) 
                    * ((*featuresLast)[i].x - (*featuresCur)[i].x)
                    + ((*featuresLast)[i].y - (*featuresCur)[i].y) 
                    * ((*featuresLast)[i].y - (*featuresCur)[i].y));

    if (!(trackDis > maxTrackDis || (*featuresCur)[i].x < xBoundary || 
      (*featuresCur)[i].x > imageWidth - xBoundary || (*featuresCur)[i].y < yBoundary || 
      (*featuresCur)[i].y > imageHeight - yBoundary) && featuresStatus[i]) {

      int xInd = (int)(((*featuresLast)[i].x - xBoundary) / subregionWidth);
      int yInd = (int)(((*featuresLast)[i].y - yBoundary) / subregionHeight);
      int ind = xSubregionNum * yInd + xInd;

      if (subregionFeatureNum[ind] < maxFeatureNumPerSubregion) {
        (*featuresCur)[featureCount] = (*featuresCur)[i];
        (*featuresLast)[featureCount] = (*featuresLast)[i];
        featuresInd[featureCount] = featuresInd[i];

        point.u = -((*featuresCur)[featureCount].x - kImage[2]) / kImage[0];
        point.v = -((*featuresCur)[featureCount].y - kImage[5]) / kImage[4];
        point.ind = featuresInd[featureCount];

        if (i >= recordFeatureNum) {
          point.u = -((*featuresLast)[featureCount].x - kImage[2]) / kImage[0];
          point.v = -((*featuresLast)[featureCount].y - kImage[5]) / kImage[4];

  totalFeatureNum = featureCount;

  sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 imagePointsLast2;
  pcl::toROSMsg(*imagePointsLast, imagePointsLast2);
  imagePointsLast2.header.stamp = ros::Time().fromSec(timeLast);

  showCount = (showCount + 1) % (showSkipNum + 1);
  if (showCount == showSkipNum) {
    bridge.image = imageShow;
    bridge.encoding = "mono8";
    sensor_msgs::Image::Ptr imageShowPointer = bridge.toImageMsg();
Ejemplo n.º 4
static void download(const oclMat& ocl_mat, vector<Point2f>& vec)
  Mat mat(1, ocl_mat.cols, CV_32FC2, (void*)&vec[0]);