StandardDeviation::myProcess(realvec& in, realvec& out)
  mrs_natural t,o;
  for (o=0; o < inObservations_; o++)
    for (t = 0; t < inSamples_; t++)
      // Calculate mean
      obsrow_(t) = in(o,t);
    out(o,0) = obsrow_.std();

  // out = in.stdObs();
Ejemplo n.º 2
PeakSynthOsc::myProcess(realvec& in, realvec& out)
  silence_ = true;

  pkGrp2Synth_ = ctrl_peakGroup2Synth_->to<mrs_natural>();
  Nb_ = in.getSize()/peakView::nbPkParameters ; //number of peaks in the current frame
  nbH_ = ctrl_harmonize_->to<mrs_realvec>().getSize();

    for(mrs_natural j=0 ; j<(nbH_-1)/2 ; j++)
      mulF_ = ctrl_harmonize_->to<mrs_realvec>()(1+j*2);
      mulA_ = ctrl_harmonize_->to<mrs_realvec>()(2+j*2);
      //cout << "mulF_" << mulF_ << "mulA_" << mulA_ << endl;
      for (mrs_natural i=0; i < Nb_; ++i)
        // either synthesize peaks with a corresponding GroupID or all with a group ID >= 0
        mrs_bool synthMe = (pkGrp2Synth_ < 0)? (in(i+peakView::pkGroup*Nb_) >= 0) : (in(i+peakView::pkGroup*Nb_) == pkGrp2Synth_);
        if( synthMe )
          sine(out, in(i)*mulF_, in(i+Nb_)*mulA_, in(i+2*Nb_));
          silence_ = false;
    for (mrs_natural i=0; i < Nb_; ++i)
      // either synthesize peaks with a corresponding GroupID or all with a group ID >= 0
      mrs_bool synthMe = (pkGrp2Synth_ < 0)? (in(i+peakView::pkGroup*Nb_) >= 0) : (in(i+peakView::pkGroup*Nb_) == pkGrp2Synth_);
      if( synthMe )
        sine(out, in(i), in(i+Nb_), in(i+2*Nb_));
        silence_ = false;

  //signal if at least one peak was synthesized or not
Ejemplo n.º 3
SCF::myProcess(realvec& in, realvec& out)
  mrs_natural i, k, bandwidth;
  double c, maxc;
  double aritMean ;

  //default SCF value = 1.0; (defines SCF=1.0 for silence)

  //MPEG7 defines a grouping mechanism for the frequency bands above 1KHz
  //in order to reduce computational effort of the following calculation.
  //For now such grouping mechanism is not implemented...
  for(i = 0; i < nrValidBands_; ++i)
    aritMean = 0.0;
    maxc = 0.0;
    bandwidth = ih_[i] - il_[i] + 1;
    for(k = il_[i]; k <= ih_[i]; k++)
      c = in(k); //power spectrum coeff
      aritMean += c / bandwidth;
      if(c > maxc)
        maxc = c;
    if (aritMean != 0.0)
      out(i) = (float)(maxc/aritMean);
    //else //mean power = 0 => silence...
    //  out(i) = 1.0; //as used for the SFM (MPEG-7)...

  //for freq bands above the nyquist freq
  //return SFM value defined in MPEG7 for silence
  //for(i = nrValidBands_; i < nrBands_; ++i)
  //	out(i) = 1.0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
Krumhansl_key_finder::myProcess(realvec& in, realvec& out)
	mrs_natural o,k;
	// Correlate with each key profile 
	for (k = 0; k < 12; k++) 
			for (o = 0; o < inObservations_; o++)
				scores_(k) += in(o,0) * major_profile_((o+k)%12);
	mrs_real max_score = 0.0;
	mrs_natural max_index = 0;
	for (int k=0; k < 12; k++) 
		if (scores_(k) >= max_score) 
			max_score = scores_(k);
			max_index = k;
	ctrl_key_->setValue(max_index, NOUPDATE);
	ctrl_key_name_->setValue(key_names_[max_index], NOUPDATE);
	out(max_index,0) = 1.0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
AutoCorrelation::myProcess(realvec& in, realvec& out)

  mrs_natural t,o;
  k_ = ctrl_magcompress_->to<mrs_real>();

  // Copy to output to perform inplace fft and zeropad to double size

  scratch_.create(fftSize_); //scratch_ needs to be reset every time
  for (o=0; o < inObservations_; o++)
    for (t=lowSamples_; t < (lowSamples_+numSamples_); t++)
      scratch_(t-(lowSamples_)) = in(o,t);

    for(t=(lowSamples_+numSamples_); t < fftSize_; t++)
      scratch_(t) = 0.0;

    //get pointer to data (THIS BREAKS ENCAPSULATION! FIXME [!])
    mrs_real *tmp = scratch_.getData();

    //compute forward FFT (of size fftSize_)
    myfft_->rfft(tmp, fftSize_/2, FFT_FORWARD); //rfft() takes as second argument half of the desired FFT size (see fft.cpp)

    // Special case for zero and Nyquist/2,
    // which only have real part
    if (k_ == 2.0)
      re_ = tmp[0];
      tmp[0] = re_ * re_;
      re_ = tmp[1];
      tmp[1] = re_ * re_;
      re_ = tmp[0];
      re_ = sqrt(re_ * re_);
      tmp[0] = pow(re_, k_);
      re_ = tmp[1];
      re_ = sqrt(re_ * re_);
      tmp[1] = pow(re_, k_);

    // Compress the magnitude spectrum and zero
    // the imaginary part.
    for (t=1; t < fftSize_/2; t++)
      re_ = tmp[2*t];
      im_ = tmp[2*t+1];
      if (k_ == 2.0)
        am_ = re_ * re_ + im_ * im_;
        am_ = sqrt(re_ * re_ + im_ * im_);
        am_ = pow(am_, k_);
      tmp[2*t] = am_;
      tmp[2*t+1] = 0;

    // Take the inverse Fourier Transform (of size fftSize_)
    myfft_->rfft(tmp, fftSize_/2, FFT_INVERSE);

    // Copy result to output
      for (t=0; t < onSamples_; t++)
        out(o,t) = scratch_(t)*norm_(t);
      for (t=0; t < onSamples_; t++)
        // out(o,t) = 0.1 * scratch_(t) + 0.99 * out(o,t);
        out(o,t) = 1.0 * scratch_(t) + 0.0 * out(o,t);
        // out(o,t) = 0.5 * scratch_(t) + 0.5 * out(o,t);
        // out(o,t) +=  scratch_(t);



  if (ctrl_makePositive_->to<mrs_bool>())
    out -= out.minval();

  if(octaveCost_) //is there a reference for this octaveCost computation [?]
    for (o=0; o < inObservations_; o++)
      mrs_real maxOut = 0;
      for (t=1 ; t<onSamples_/2 ; t++)
        if (out(o, t)> out(o, t+1) && out(o, t) > out(o, t-1) && out(o, t)>maxOut)
          maxOut = out(o, t) ;
      cout << maxOut/out(o, 0)<< " " << 1+voicing_ << endl;

      if(maxOut && maxOut/out(o, 0) > 1-voicing_)
        for (t=1; t < onSamples_; t++)
          out(o, t) += octaveMax_-octaveCost_*log(36.0*t);

  if (ctrl_setr0to1_->to<mrs_bool>())
    // out -= out.minval();

    /* for (o=0; o < onObservations_; o++)
      for (t=0; t< onSamples_-1; t++)
    out(o,t) = out(o,t) / (onSamples_ - 1 - t);
    if (t > onSamples_-1-100)
      out(o,t) = 0.0;
    // mrs_real myNorm = out(0,0);
    // if (myNorm > 0)
    // out	/= myNorm;

  if (ctrl_setr0to0_->to<mrs_bool>())
    for (o=0; o < onObservations_; o++)
      for (t=0; t < onSamples_; t++)
        out(o,t) = out(o,t);
EnhADRess::myProcess(realvec& in, realvec& out)

	for(mrs_natural t=0; t < inSamples_; ++t)
		for (mrs_natural k=0; k < N4_; k++)
			//get left channel spectrum bin
			if (k==0) //DC bin (i.e. 0)
				rel_ = in(0,t);
				iml_ = 0.0;
			else if (k == N4_-1) //Nyquist bin (i.e. N/2)
				rel_ = in(1, t);
				iml_ = 0.0;
			else //all other bins
				rel_ = in(2*k, t);
				iml_ = in(2*k+1, t);

			//get right channel spectrum bin
			if (k==0) //DC bin (i.e. 0)
				rer_ = in(N2_,t);
				imr_ = 0.0;
			else if (k == N4_-1) //Nyquist bin (i.e. N/2)
				rer_ = in(N2_+1, t);
				imr_ = 0.0;
			else //all other bins
				rer_ = in(N2_ + 2*k, t);
				imr_ = in(N2_ + 2*k+1, t);

			phaseL_ = atan2(iml_, rel_);		//left channel phases
			phaseR_ = atan2(imr_, rer_); //right channel phases
			deltaPhase_ = abs(phaseL_ - phaseR_);
			//wrap phase into the 0~2*PI range
			deltaPhase_ = (mrs_real)fmod((double)deltaPhase_, (double)2*PI);

			//left amplitude value
			Lk_ = sqrt(rel_*rel_ + iml_*iml_);

			//right amplitude value
			Rk_ = sqrt(rer_*rer_ + imr_*imr_);

			if(deltaPhase_ < PI/2)
				minLk_ = Lk_ * sin(deltaPhase_);
				minRk_ = Rk_ * sin(deltaPhase_);

				if(Lk_ < Rk_) // i.e. minLk < minRk --> sound panned right
					//store magnitude to output
					mrs_real mag = Rk_ - minLk_;
					// bins with amplitude inferior to -100dB are discarded
					if(20.0*log10(mag*mag+0.000000001) > -100.0)
						out(k,t) = mag;

						//store phase to output
						out(k+N4_,t) = phaseR_;

						//store azimuth to output
						out(k+N4_*2,t) = 1.0 - Lk_ * cos(deltaPhase_) / Rk_ ; //-1.0-> L; 0.0-> C;
				else if(Lk_ > Rk_) // i.e. minLk > minRk --> sound panned left
					//store magnitude to output
					mrs_real mag = Lk_ - minRk_;
					// bins with amplitude inferior to -100dB are discarded
					if(20.0*log10(mag*mag+0.000000001) > -100.0)
						out(k,t) = mag;

						//store phase to output
						out(k+N4_,t) = phaseL_;

						//store azimuth to output
						out(k+N4_*2,t) = Rk_ * cos(deltaPhase_) / Lk_ -1.0; //0.0 -> C; 1.0-> R;
				else if(Lk_ == Rk_) //sound panned at the CENTER
					//store magnitude to output
					mrs_real mag = Lk_ - minRk_;
					// bins with amplitude inferior to -100dB are discarded
					if(20.0*log10(mag*mag+0.000000001) > -100.0)
						out(k,t) = mag;

						//store phase to output
						out(k+N4_,t) = phaseL_; //could have been phaseR_...

						//store azimuth to output
						out(k+N4_*2,t) = 0.0; //0.0 -> C;
				if(20.0*log10(Lk_*Lk_+0.000000001) < -100.0)
					Lk_ = 0.0;
				if(20.0*log10(Rk_*Rk_+0.000000001) < -100.0)
					Rk_ = 0.0;

				if(Lk_ > Rk_)
					out(k,t) = Lk_;
					out(k+N4_,t) = phaseL_;
					out(k+N4_*2,t) = 0.0; //-1.0;
				else if(Rk_ > Lk_)
					out(k,t) = Rk_;
					out(k+N4_,t) = phaseR_;
					out(k+N4_*2,t) = 0.0; //1.0;
				else if(Lk_ == Rk_ && Lk_ != 0.0)
					out(k,t) = Lk_;
					out(k+N4_,t) = phaseL_;
					out(k+N4_*2,t) = 0.0;
	//MATLAB_PUT(out, "out");
Ejemplo n.º 7
PeakerAdaptive::myProcess(realvec& in, realvec& out)
	mrs_natural t,o;
	mrs_real peakSpacing;
	mrs_real peakStrength;
	mrs_real peakGain;

	mrs_natural peakStart;
	mrs_natural peakEnd;
	mrs_natural peakStrengthReset;
	mrs_real    peakDecay;

	peakSpacing = getctrl("mrs_real/peakSpacing")->to<mrs_real>();
	peakStrength = getctrl("mrs_real/peakStrength")->to<mrs_real>();
	peakStart = getctrl("mrs_natural/peakStart")->to<mrs_natural>();
	peakEnd = getctrl("mrs_natural/peakEnd")->to<mrs_natural>();
	peakGain = getctrl("mrs_real/peakGain")->to<mrs_real>();
	peakStrengthReset = getctrl("mrs_natural/peakStrengthReset")->to<mrs_natural>();
	peakDecay = getctrl("mrs_real/peakDecay")->to<mrs_real>();

	MRSMSG("peakEnd = " << peakEnd);

	for (o = 0; o < inObservations_; o++)
		peakSpacing = (mrs_real)(peakSpacing * inSamples_);
		mrs_real max;
		mrs_natural maxIndex = 0;

		bool peakFound = false;

		for (t=peakStart+1; t < peakEnd-1; t++)
			if (fabs(in(o,t)) > rms_) 
				rms_ = fabs(in(o,t));

		for (t=peakStart+1; t < peakEnd-1; t++)
			// peak has to be larger than neighbors 
			if ((in(o,t -1) < in(o,t)) 
				&& (in(o,t+1) < in(o,t))
				&& (fabs(in(o,t)) > peakStrength * rms_)
				max = in(o,t);
				maxIndex = t;

				for (int j=0; j < (mrs_natural)peakSpacing; j++)
					if (t+j < peakEnd-1)
						if (in(o,t+j) > max)
							max = in(o,t+j);
							maxIndex = t+j;

				t += (mrs_natural)peakSpacing;
				if ((peakHysterisis_ > peakStrengthReset) ||
					(peakHysterisis_ == 0)
					out(o,maxIndex) = fabs(in(o,maxIndex));	      
					peakHysterisis_ = 1;

				rms_ = fabs(in(o,maxIndex));
				peakFound = true;
		if (!peakFound) 
			rms_ *= peakDecay;
			setctrl("mrs_bool/peakFound", false);
			setctrl("mrs_bool/peakFound", true);
		peakHysterisis_ ++;
Ejemplo n.º 8
PeakConvert::myProcess(realvec& in, realvec& out)
	mrs_natural o;
	mrs_real a, c;
	mrs_real b, d;
	mrs_real phasediff;

	peakView pkViewOut(out);

	for(mrs_natural f=0 ; f < inSamples_; ++f)
		//we should avoid the first empty frames, 
		//that will contain silence and consequently create 
		//discontinuities in the signal, ruining the peak calculation!
		//only process if we have a full data vector (i.e. no zeros)
		if(frame_ >= skip_) 
			// handle amplitudes from shifted spectrums at input
			for (o=0; o < size_; o++)
				if (o==0) //DC bins
					a = in(0,f); 
					b = 0.0; 
					c = in(N_, f);
					d = 0.0;
				else if (o == size_-1) //Nyquist bins
					a = in(1, f);
					b = 0.0;
					c = in(N_+1, f);
					d = 0.0;
				else //all other bins
					a = in(2*o, f);
					b = in(2*o+1, f);
					c = in(N_+2*o, f);
					d = in(N_+2*o+1, f);

				// computer magnitude value 
				//mrs_real par = lobe_value_compute (0, 1, 2048); //[?]

				// compute phase
				phase_(o) = atan2(b,a);

				// compute precise frequency using the phase difference
				lastphase_(o)= atan2(d,c);
				if(phase_(o) >= lastphase_(o))
					phasediff = phase_(o)-lastphase_(o);
					phasediff = phase_(o)-lastphase_(o)+TWOPI;
					frequency_(o) = phasediff * factor_ ;
					frequency_(o) = o*fundamental_;

				// compute precise amplitude
				mag_(o) = sqrt((a*a + b*b))*2; //*4/0.884624;//*50/3); // [!]
				mrs_real mag = lobe_value_compute((o * fundamental_-frequency_(o))/factor_, 1, N_);
				magCorr_(o) = mag_(o)/mag;

				// computing precise frequency using the derivative method // use at your own risk	[?]
				/*	mrs_real lastmag = sqrt(c*c + d*d);
				mrs_real rap = (mag_(o)-lastmag)/(lastmag*2);
				f *= (getctrl("mrs_real/israte")->to<mrs_real>()*inObservations/2.0)/PI;
				// rough frequency and amplitude
				//frequency_(o) = o * fundamental_;
				//magCorr_(o) = mag_(o);

				if(lastfrequency_(o) != 0.0)
					deltafrequency_(o) = (frequency_(o)-lastfrequency_(o))/(frequency_(o)+lastfrequency_(o));

				deltamag_(o) = (mag_(o)-lastmag_(o))/(mag_(o)+lastmag_(o));

				// remove potential peak if frequency too irrelevant
				if(abs(frequency_(o)-o*fundamental_) > 0.5*fundamental_)

				lastfrequency_(o) = frequency_(o);
				lastmag_(o) = mag_(o);

			// select bins with local maxima in magnitude (--> peaks)
			realvec peaks_ = mag_;
			realvec tmp_;
			peaker_->updControl("mrs_real/peakStrength", 0.2);// to be set as a control [!]
			peaker_->updControl("mrs_natural/peakStart", downFrequency_);   // 0
			peaker_->updControl("mrs_natural/peakEnd", upFrequency_);  // size_
			peaker_->updControl("mrs_natural/inSamples", mag_.getCols());
			peaker_->updControl("mrs_natural/inObservations", mag_.getRows());
			peaker_->updControl("mrs_natural/onSamples", peaks_.getCols());
			peaker_->updControl("mrs_natural/onObservations", peaks_.getRows());
				peaker_->process(mag_, peaks_);
				//peaks_ = mag_;
				for (o = 0 ; o < downFrequency_ ; o++)
				for (o = upFrequency_ ; o < (mrs_natural)peaks_.getSize() ; ++o)

			//discard bins whose frequency was set as irrelevant...
			for(o=0 ; o < size_ ; o++)
				if(frequency_(o) == 0)
					peaks_(o) = 0.0;

			// keep only the frameMaxNumPeaks_ highest amplitude local maxima
			if(ctrl_frameMaxNumPeaks_->to<mrs_natural>() != 0) //?????????????????? is this check needed?!? See myUpdate
				max_->updControl("mrs_natural/nMaximums", frameMaxNumPeaks_);
			else //?????????????????? is this check needed?!? See myUpdate
				max_->updControl("mrs_natural/nMaximums", upFrequency_-downFrequency_);
			max_->setctrl("mrs_natural/inSamples", size_);
			max_->setctrl("mrs_natural/inObservations", 1);
			max_->process(peaks_, tmp_);

			realvec index_(nbPeaks_); //[!] make member to avoid reallocation at each tick!
			for (mrs_natural i=0 ; i<nbPeaks_ ; ++i)
				index_(i) = tmp_(2*i+1);
			realvec index2_ = index_;

			// search for bins interval
			realvec interval_(nbPeaks_*2); //[!] make member to avoid reallocation at each tick!
				getShortBinInterval(interval_, index2_, mag_);

			// fill output with peaks data
			MATLAB_PUT(mag_, "peaks");
			MATLAB_PUT(peaks_, "k");
			MATLAB_PUT(tmp_, "tmp");
			MATLAB_PUT(interval_, "int");	
			MATLAB_EVAL("figure(1);clf;hold on ;plot(peaks);stem(k);stem(tmp(2:2:end)+1, peaks(tmp(2:2:end)+1), 'r')");
			MATLAB_EVAL("stem(int+1, peaks(int+1), 'k')");

			interval_ /= N_*2;

			for (mrs_natural i = 0; i < nbPeaks_; ++i)
				pkViewOut(i, peakView::pkFrequency, f) = frequency_((mrs_natural) index_(i));
				pkViewOut(i, peakView::pkAmplitude, f) = magCorr_((mrs_natural) index_(i));
				pkViewOut(i, peakView::pkPhase, f) = -phase_((mrs_natural) index_(i));
				pkViewOut(i, peakView::pkDeltaFrequency, f) = deltafrequency_((mrs_natural) index_(i));
				pkViewOut(i, peakView::pkDeltaAmplitude, f) = deltamag_((mrs_natural) index_(i));
				pkViewOut(i, peakView::pkFrame, f) = frame_; 
				pkViewOut(i, peakView::pkGroup, f) = 0.0; //This should be -1!!!! [TODO]
				pkViewOut(i, peakView::pkVolume, f) = 1.0;
				pkViewOut(i, peakView::pkBinLow, f) = interval_(2*i);
				pkViewOut(i, peakView::pkBin, f) = index_(i);
				pkViewOut(i, peakView::pkBinHigh, f) = interval_(2*i+1);
				pkViewOut(i, peakView::pkTrack, f) = -1.0; //null-track ID

					pkViewOut(i, peakView::pkPan, f) = in((mrs_natural)index_(i)+2*N_, f);
					pkViewOut(i, peakView::pkPan, f) = 0.0;
		else //if not yet reached "skip" number of frames...
			for(mrs_natural i=0; i< frameMaxNumPeaks_; ++i)
				//pkViewOut(i, peakView::pkFrequency, f) = 0;
				//pkViewOut(i, peakView::pkAmplitude, f) = 0;
				//pkViewOut(i, peakView::pkPhase, f) = 0;
				//pkViewOut(i, peakView::pkDeltaFrequency, f) = 0;
				//pkViewOut(i, peakView::pkDeltaAmplitude, f) = 0;
				pkViewOut(i, peakView::pkFrame, f) = frame_; 
				//pkViewOut(i, peakView::pkGroup, f) = -1;
				//pkViewOut(i, peakView::pkVolume, f) = 0;
				//pkViewOut(i, peakView::pkPan, f) = 0;
				//pkViewOut(i, peakView::pkBinLow, f) = 0;
				//pkViewOut(i, peakView::pkBin, f) = 0;
				//pkViewOut(i, peakView::pkBinHigh, f) = 0;

	//count the total number of existing peaks (i.e. peak freq != 0)

	// MATLAB_PUT(out, "peaks");
	// MATLAB_PUT(frameMaxNumPeaks_, "k");
	// MATLAB_EVAL("figure(1);clf;plot(peaks(6*k+1:7*k));");

Ejemplo n.º 9
ADRessSpectrum::myProcess(realvec& in, realvec& out)
	mrs_natural t;

	//output spectrum of the "selected" source, given d and H
	mrs_natural H = (mrs_natural)(beta_* ctrl_H_->to<mrs_natural>());
	if(H < 0)
		H = 0;
	if(H > beta_)
		H = beta_;

	mrs_natural H2 = H/2;
	mrs_natural d = (mrs_natural)(beta_*ctrl_d_->to<mrs_real>());
	if(d < 0)
		d = 0;
	if(d > beta_)
		d = beta_;

	mrs_real mag = 0;
	mrs_real phase = 0;
	mrs_real azim = 0;
	for(mrs_natural k=0; k < N2_; ++k)
		//get magnitude, phase and azimuth of bin k from input
		mag = 0.0;
		for(t=0; t <= beta_; ++t)
			//search for non-zero values in azimuth plane
			azim = -1;
			if(in(k,t+1) > 0.0)
				azim = t;
				mag = in(k,t+1);
				phase = in(k, 0);
			if(in(k+N2_,t+1) > 0.0)
				azim = beta_*2-t;
				mag = in(k+N2_,t+1);
				phase = in(k+N2_, 0);

		if(azim < 0)
			//no sound at this bin,
			//so do not send anything to output
		//check if bin is inside specified range,
		//otherwise, send nothing to output
		if(abs(d-azim) <= H2)
			//convert back to rectangular form
			re_ = mag*cos(phase);
			im_ = mag*sin(phase);

			//write bin to output
			if (k==0)
				out(0,0) = re_; //DC
			else if (k == N2_-1) 
				out(1, 0) = re_; //Nyquist
				out(2*k, 0) = re_;  //all other bins
				out(2*k+1, 0) = im_;
Ejemplo n.º 10
Peaker::myProcess(realvec& in, realvec& out)
  mrs_natural t,o;

  const mrs_natural peakSpacing  = (mrs_natural)(inSamples_ *getctrl("mrs_real/peakSpacing")->to<mrs_real>() + .5);
  mrs_real peakStrengthRelRms,
  //mrs_real peakGain;
  mrs_bool peakHarmonics;
  mrs_bool rmsNormalize;

  mrs_natural peakStart;
  mrs_natural peakEnd;
  mrs_natural interpolationMode;
  mrs_natural peakNeighbors;

  peakStrengthRelRms = getctrl("mrs_real/peakStrength")->to<mrs_real>();
  peakStrengthRelMax = getctrl("mrs_real/peakStrengthRelMax")->to<mrs_real>();
  peakStrengthRelThresh = getctrl("mrs_real/peakStrengthRelThresh")->to<mrs_real>();
  lpCoeff_ = getctrl("mrs_real/peakStrengthThreshLpParam")->to<mrs_real>();
  peakStrengthAbs = getctrl("mrs_real/peakStrengthAbs")->to<mrs_real>();
  peakStart = getctrl("mrs_natural/peakStart")->to<mrs_natural>();
  peakEnd = getctrl("mrs_natural/peakEnd")->to<mrs_natural>();
  interpolationMode = getctrl("mrs_natural/interpolation")->to<mrs_natural>();
  //peakGain = getctrl("mrs_real/peakGain")->to<mrs_real>();
  peakHarmonics = getctrl("mrs_bool/peakHarmonics")->to<mrs_bool>();
  rmsNormalize = getctrl("mrs_bool/rmsNormalize")->to<mrs_bool>();
  peakNeighbors = getctrl("mrs_natural/peakNeighbors")->to<mrs_natural>();

  if (peakEnd == 0)
    peakEnd = inSamples_;
  // FIXME This line defines an unused variable
  // mrs_real srate = getctrl("mrs_real/israte")->to<mrs_real>();


  //peakStrengthRelRms = 0.0;

  for (o = 0; o < inObservations_; o++)
    rms_	= 0.0;
    max_	= -1e37;

    for (t=peakStart; t < peakEnd; t++)
      rms_ += in(o,t) * in(o,t);
      if (max_ < in(o,t))
        max_	= in(o,t);
    if (rms_ != 0.0)
      rms_ /= (peakEnd - peakStart);
    rms_ = sqrt(rms_);

    mrs_real max;
    mrs_natural maxIndex;

    bool peakFound = false;

    if (peakStrengthRelThresh > .0)
      in.getRow (o,lpThresh_);
      compLpThresh (lpThresh_, lpThresh_);	// do it inplace to avoid another copy...

    for (t=peakStart; t < peakEnd; t++)
      peakFound = true;

      // peak has to be larger than neighbors
      for (int j = 1; j < peakNeighbors; j++)
        mrs_natural index=t-j;
        if (index<0) index=0;
        if (in(o,index) >= in(o,t))
          peakFound = false;
        if (index>=inSamples_) index=inSamples_-1;
        if (in(o,index) >= in(o,t))
          peakFound = false;

      if (peakFound)
        currThresh_	= lpThresh_(t);
        peakFound	= doThresholding (in(o,t), peakStrengthRelRms, peakStrengthRelMax, peakStrengthRelThresh, peakStrengthAbs);

      if (peakFound)
        // check for another peak in the peakSpacing area
        max = in(o,t);
        maxIndex = t;

        for (int j=0; j < peakSpacing; j++)
          if (t+j < peakEnd-1)
            if (in(o,t+j) > max)
              max = in(o,t+j);
              maxIndex = t+j;

        t += peakSpacing;

        if (rmsNormalize)
          out(o,maxIndex) = in(o,maxIndex) / rms_;
          if(interpolationMode && maxIndex > 0 && maxIndex < inSamples_)
            out(o,maxIndex-1) = in(o,maxIndex-1) /rms_;
            out(o,maxIndex+1) = in(o,maxIndex+1) / rms_;
          out(o,maxIndex) = in(o,maxIndex);
          if(interpolationMode && maxIndex > 0 && maxIndex < inSamples_)
            out(o,maxIndex-1) = in(o,maxIndex-1);
            out(o,maxIndex+1) = in(o,maxIndex+1);

        // peakNeighbors = 0;
        // rms_ = 1.0;

        if (peakHarmonics)
          twice_ = 2 * maxIndex;
          half_ = (mrs_natural) (0.5 * maxIndex + 0.5);
          triple_ = 3 * maxIndex;
          third_ = (mrs_natural) (0.33 * maxIndex + 0.5);

          if (twice_ < (peakEnd - peakStart))
            peakFound = true;

            // peak has to be larger than neighbors
            for (int j = 1; j < peakNeighbors; j++)
              if (in(o,twice_-j) >= in(o,twice_))
                peakFound = false;
              if (in(o,twice_+j) >= in(o,twice_))
                peakFound = false;

            if (peakFound)
              out(o, maxIndex) += (in(o, twice_)/rms_);
              out(o, twice_) = in(o,twice_)/rms_ + 0.5 * out(o, maxIndex);


          if (half_ < (peakEnd - peakStart))
            peakFound = true;

            // peak has to be larger than neighbors
            for (int j = 1; j < peakNeighbors; j++)
              if (in(o,half_-j) >= in(o,half_))
                peakFound = false;
              if (in(o,half_+j) >= in(o,half_))
                peakFound = false;

            if (peakFound)
              out(o, maxIndex) += (in(o, half_)/rms_);
              out(o, half_) = in(o,half_)/rms_ + 0.5 * out(o, maxIndex);


          if (triple_ < (peakEnd - peakStart))
            peakFound = true;

            // peak has to be larger than neighbors
            for (int j = 1; j < peakNeighbors; j++)
              if (in(o,triple_-j) >= in(o,triple_))
                peakFound = false;
              if (in(o,triple_+j) >= in(o,triple_))
                peakFound = false;

            if (peakFound)
              out(o, maxIndex) += (in(o, triple_)/rms_);
              out(o, triple_) = in(o,triple_)/rms_ + 0.5 * out(o, maxIndex);


          if (third_ < (peakEnd - peakStart))
            peakFound = true;

            // peak has to be larger than neighbors

            for (int j = 1; j < peakNeighbors; j++)
              if (in(o,third_-j) >= in(o,third_))
                peakFound = false;
              if (in(o,third_+j) >= in(o,triple_))
                peakFound = false;

            if (peakFound)
              out(o, maxIndex) += (in(o, third_)/rms_);
              out(o, third_) = in(o,third_)/rms_ + 0.5 * out(o, maxIndex);


        peakFound = true;

Ejemplo n.º 11
void PeakInObservation::myProcess(realvec& inVec, realvec& outVec)
	// (!!) Should be simplified

	//int nmin = 0;
	mrs_real vmin = inVec(0);
	int nmax = 0;
	mrs_real vmax = inVec(0);

	int nthresh = 0;
	bool theValid = true;
	bool theMaxFlag = true;
	for (mrs_natural n = 1; n < inVec.getSize(); n++){
		if (theMaxFlag)
			if (inVec(n) > vmax){
				// Zone 1: [min hysteresis, max]
				vmax = inVec(n);
				nmax = n;
				nthresh = n;
				theValid = true;

				vmin = vmax;
				//nmin = nmax;
				if (inVec(n)<vmax/HystFactor_ && nmax!=0){
					// Zone 3: [max hysteresis, min]
					if ((mrs_natural)n > nthresh + HystLength_){
						// Maximum was WIDE ENOUGH
						if (theValid){
							outVec(nmax) = vmax;
							theMaxFlag = false;
							//Search for new maximum
							vmax = inVec(n);
							nmax = n;
							nthresh = n;
							theValid = true;

							vmin = vmax;
							//nmin = nmax;

						// Maximum was TOO SMALL
						if (inVec(n) < vmin){ 
							vmin = inVec(n);
							//nmin = n;
					// Zone 2: [max, max hysteresis]
					if (nthresh != (mrs_natural)n-1){
						theValid = false;
						if ((mrs_natural)n > nthresh + HystLength_){
							// Search for new maximum
							vmax = inVec(n);
							nmax = n;
							nthresh = n;
							theValid = true;

							vmin = vmax;
							//nmin = nmax;
						nthresh = n;
			if (inVec(n) < vmin){ 
				vmin = inVec(n);
				//nmin = n; 
				if (inVec(n) > vmin*HystFactor_){
					vmax = inVec(n); 
					nmax = n;
					nthresh = 0;

					vmin = vmax;
					//nmin = nmax;
					theValid = true;
					theMaxFlag = true; 
PeakerOnset::myProcess(realvec& in, realvec& out)
	mrs_natural o,t;
	(void) o;

	mrs_natural w = ctrl_lookAheadSamples_->to<mrs_natural>();

	if(w == 0)

	//point to check for an onset
	mrs_natural checkPoint = inSamples_-1-w;
	mrs_real checkPointValue = in(checkPoint);
	mrs_bool isOnset = true;

	//check first condition
	mrs_natural interval = mrs_natural(2.0/3.0*w);
	//for (t = inSamples_-1; t >= inSamples_-1-2*w ; t--)
	for(t=checkPoint-interval; t <= checkPoint+interval; t++)
		if(checkPointValue < in(t))
			isOnset = false;
			MRSDIAG("PeakerOnset::myProcess() - Failed 1st condition!");

// 	//new check proposed by Fabien Gouyon
// 	mrs_real ww = w/2;
// 	mrs_real maxVal = MINREAL;
// 	for(t = inSamples_-1-ww; t > checkPoint; t--)
// 	{
// 		if(in(t) > maxVal)
// 		{
// 			maxVal = in(t);
// 		}
// 		else
// 		{
// 			isOnset = false;
// 			//cout << "failed 1st condition!" << endl;
// 			break;
// 		}
// 	}
// 	maxVal = MINREAL;
// 	for(t = inSamples_-1-2*ww; t < checkPoint; t++)
// 	{
// 		if(in(t) > maxVal)
// 		{
// 			maxVal = in(t);
// 		}
// 		else
// 		{
// 			isOnset = false;
// 			//cout << "failed 1st condition!" << endl;
// 			break;
// 		}
// 	}

/* Last version (by lgmartins) -> corrected (below) for not being strict to the window size defined by the precede ShiftInput
	//check second condition
	mrs_real m = 0.0;
	for(t=0; t < inSamples_; t++)
		m += in(t);
	m /= inSamples_;
	mrs_natural mul = 3; //multiplier proposed in Dixon2006
	mrs_real m = 0.0;
	for(t=checkPoint-(mul*w); t < inSamples_; t++)
		m += in(t);
	m /= (w*4+1);
	//checkPoint value should be higher than the window mean and mean should
	//be a significant value (otherwise we most probably are in a silence segment,
	//and we do not want to detect onsets on segments!)
	if(checkPointValue <= (m * ctrl_threshold_->to<mrs_real>()) || m < 10e-20)
		isOnset = false;
		MRSDIAG("PeakerOnset::myProcess() - Failed 2nd condition!");

	//third condition from Dixon2006 (DAFx paper) is not implemented
	//since it was found on that paper that its impact is minimal...

		//ctrl_confidence_->setValue(1.0); //[!] must still find a way to output a confidence...
		ctrl_confidence_->setValue(checkPointValue/100.0); // ad-hoc value which should still have more meaning than a pure 1.0 vs. 0.0.
		MRSDIAG("PeakerOnset::myProcess() - Onset Detected!");

	//used for toy_with_onsets.m (DO NOT DELETE! - COMMENT INSTEAD)


	//if(t_ == 0)
	//	MATLAB_PUT(in, "PeakerOnset_inWIN");
	//MATLAB_PUT(in, "PeakerOnset_in");
	//if(t_ <= 431)
	//	MATLAB_EVAL("PK_TS2 = [PK_TS2 PeakerOnset_in]");
	//MATLAB_EVAL("plot(PK_TS, 'r');");
	//MATLAB_EVAL("plot(FluxTS); hold on; plot(PK_TS, 'r');");
	//MATLAB_EVAL("plot(PeakerOnset_in,'r');hold on; plot(ShiftInput_out); hold off");
	//MATLAB_EVAL("onsetTS = [onsetTS, PeakerOnset_out];");
TimeFreqPeakConnectivity::myProcess(realvec& in, realvec& out)
	// get pitch resolution
	const mrs_real	reso		= ctrl_reso_->to<mrs_real>();
	const mrs_bool	isInBark	= getctrl("mrs_bool/inBark")->to<mrs_bool>();

	// a matrix indicating where peaks are in the time frequency plane
	MRSASSERT(textWinSize_ >= in(1,inSamples_-1)-in(1,0));
	peakMatrix_.stretch(numBands_, textWinSize_);

	// init
	peakMatrix_.setval (1);
	for (t = 0; t < textWinSize_; t++)
		for (o=0; o < numBands_; o++)
			peakIndices_[o][t]	= -1;

	// initialized pseudo spectrogram representation
	for (t = 0; t < inSamples_; t++)
		mrs_natural	row = (isInBark)? Freq2RowIdx (in(0,t),reso) : Freq2RowIdx (bark2hertz(in(0,t)),reso),	// input is in bark frequency, so we might have to convert it back
					col = (mrs_natural)(in(1,t)-in(1,0)+.1);
		MRSASSERT(col >= 0 && col < textWinSize_);
		MRSASSERT(row >= 0 && row < numBands_);
		// check whether more than one peak are at that matrix pos, i.e. we already have set the entry
		if (peakIndices_[row][col] != -1)
			multipleIndices->AddIndex (row,col,peakIndices_[row][col]);
			multipleIndices->AddIndex (row,col,t);
			peakIndices_[row][col]	= -2;
			peakIndices_[row][col]	= t; // a matrix indicating which matrix bin corresponds to which input index
		peakMatrix_(row, col)	= 0;

	// initialize output
	out.setval (costInit);

	MATLAB_PUT(peakMatrix_, "peakMatrix");
	MATLAB_EVAL ("figure(1),imagesc(peakMatrix),colorbar");

	// iteration over all pairs
	for (t = 0; t < inSamples_; t++)
		for (o=inSamples_-1; o >= t;o--)
			// don't compute distance if we already have it
			if (out(t,o) != costInit)

			// get peak matrix indices
			mrs_natural rowt = (isInBark)? Freq2RowIdx (in(0,t),reso) : Freq2RowIdx (bark2hertz(in(0,t)),reso),	// input is in bark frequency, so we might have to convert it back
						rowo = (isInBark)? Freq2RowIdx (in(0,o),reso) : Freq2RowIdx (bark2hertz(in(0,o)),reso),	// input is in bark frequency, so we might have to convert it back
						colt = (mrs_natural)(in(1,t)-in(1,0)+.1),
						colo = (mrs_natural)(in(1,o)-in(1,0)+.1),

			MRSASSERT(colt >= 0 && colt < textWinSize_);
			MRSASSERT(colo >= 0 && colo < textWinSize_);
			MRSASSERT(rowt >= 0 && rowt < numBands_);
			MRSASSERT(rowo >= 0 && rowo < numBands_);

			// self similarity and similarity with overlapping peaks
			if ((t == o) || (rowt == rowo && colt == colo))
				SetOutput(out, 0, rowt, colt, rowo, colo);

			// check if path calculation makes sense with the current dp step size
			if (abs(rowt - rowo) > abs(colt-colo))
				SetOutput(out, 1, rowt, colt, rowo, colo);

			// let's calculate only from left to right
			if (colo < colt)

			// dynamic programming
			CalcDp (peakMatrix_, rowt, colt, rowo, colo);
			pathLength	= colo-colt+1;

			MATLAB_PUT(costMatrix_, "cost");
			MATLAB_EVAL ("figure(2),imagesc(cost,[0 10]),colorbar");

			// set cost for this path and all subpaths
			for (mrs_natural i = 0; i < pathLength; i++)
				if (peakMatrix_(path_[i],colt + i) > 0)
				for (mrs_natural j = i; j < pathLength; j++)
					if (peakMatrix_(path_[j],colt + j) > 0)	
						continue; // this path entry is not a peak

					mrs_real cost = (costMatrix_(path_[j],colt + j) - costMatrix_(path_[i],colt + i)) /  (j-i+1);
					MRSASSERT (cost >= 0 && cost <=1);

					// assign this (and related) output
					SetOutput(out, cost, path_[i], colt + i, path_[j], colt + j);
	multipleIndices->Reset ();

	// scale output because of RBF without std??
	//out	*= 10.;

	// convert distance to similarity
	//out	*= -1;
	//out += 1;
	for (t=0; t < inSamples_;t++)
		for (o=0; o < inSamples_;o++)
			MRSASSERT (out(t,o) >= 0 && out(t,o) <=1);
	MATLAB_PUT(out, "out");
	MATLAB_EVAL ("figure(3),imagesc(out),colorbar");

Ejemplo n.º 14
PeakConvert2::myProcess(realvec& in, realvec& out)
  mrs_natural o,i;
  peakView pkViewOut(out);

  const mrs_bool useMasking	= getctrl("mrs_bool/useMasking")->to<mrs_bool>();
  const mrs_real probThresh	= getctrl("mrs_real/probabilityTresh")->to<mrs_real>();

  max_->updControl("mrs_natural/nMaximums", frameMaxNumPeaks_);

  max_->setctrl("mrs_natural/inSamples", size_);
  max_->setctrl("mrs_natural/inObservations", 1);

  for(mrs_natural f=0 ; f < inSamples_; ++f)
    //we should avoid the first empty frames,
    //that will contain silence and consequently create
    //discontinuities in the signal, ruining the peak calculation!
    //only process if we have a full data vector (i.e. no zeros)
    if(frame_ >= skip_)
      // get pair of ffts
      in.getCol (f, tmpBuff_);

      // compute magnitude, phase, and instantaneous frequency
      this->ComputeMagnitudeAndPhase (tmpBuff_);

      // compute masking threshold
      if (useMasking && pick_)
        ComputeMasking (tmpBuff_);

      // select bins with local maxima in magnitude (--> peaks)
      peaks_ = mag_;
        this->ComputePeaker (mag_, peaks_);
        for (o = 0 ; o < downFrequency_ ; o++)
        for (o = upFrequency_ ; o < (mrs_natural)peaks_.getSize() ; o++)

      if (lpCoeff_ > 0)
        FreqSmear (lpPeakerRes_);

      //compute the probability of a peak being a peak
      for(o=0 ; o < size_ ; o++)
        if (peaks_(o) <= 0)
          frequency_(o)		= .0;
          //lastmag_(o)		= .0;
          lastfrequency_(o)	= .0;
          // time smearing if no new peak
          lpPeakerRes_(o)	*=lpCoeff_;
        // probability of peak being a masker
        peakProb_(0)	= 0;
        // probability of peak being stationary
        peakProb_(1)	= 0;
        // probability of peak being tonal
        peakProb_(2)	= (abs(frequency_(o)/fundamental_-o) > .5)? 0 : 1;
        // probability of peak being a masker
        peakProb_(0)	= max((mrs_real).1, (mrs_real).5 * (mrs_real)(log10(masked_(o)) +1.));
        // probability of peak being stationary
        peakProb_(1)	= max((mrs_real).1, (mrs_real)lpPeakerRes_(o));
        // probability or peak being tonal
        peakProb_(2)	= GaussianPdf (frequency_(o)/fundamental_-o, gaussianStd);

        // reset lpPeakerRes with peaker results
        lpPeakerRes_(o)	= 1;

        peakProb_ *= peakProbWeight_;
        if ((peakProb_.sum() < probThresh) && pick_)
          peaks_(o)		= .0;
          frequency_(o)	= .0;
          //lastmag_(o)		= .0;
          lastfrequency_(o)	= .0;

      // keep only the frameMaxNumPeaks_ highest amplitude local maxima
      max_->process(peaks_, tmp_);

      realvec index_(nbPeaks_); //[!] make member to avoid reallocation at each tick!
      for (i=0 ; i<nbPeaks_ ; i++)
        index_(i) = tmp_(2*i+1);

      // search for bins interval
      realvec interval_(nbPeaks_*2); //[!] make member to avoid reallocation at each tick!
        getShortBinInterval(interval_, index_, mag_);
        for (i=0 ; i<nbPeaks_ ; i++)
          interval_(2*i+1) = index_(i);

#ifdef LOG2FILE
      for (i=0 ; i<nbPeaks_ ; i++)
        mrs_real value = frequency_((mrs_natural) (index_(i)+.1));
        pFDbgFile << std::scientific << std::setprecision(4) << value << "\t";
      pFDbgFile << std::endl;
      MATLAB_PUT(mag_, "peaks");
      MATLAB_PUT(peaks_, "k");
      MATLAB_PUT(tmp_, "tmp");
      MATLAB_PUT(interval_, "int");
      MATLAB_PUT(frequency_, "freq");
//			MATLAB_EVAL("figure(1);clf;hold on ;plot(peaks);stem(k);stem(tmp(2:2:end)+1, peaks(tmp(2:2:end)+1), 'r')");
//			MATLAB_EVAL("stem(int+1, peaks(int+1), 'k')");
      MATLAB_EVAL("figure(1);hold on ;stem(freq(tmp(2:2:end)+1), peaks(tmp(2:2:end)+1), 'r');hold off");

      // fill output with peaks data
      interval_ /= N_;

      for (i = 0; i < nbPeaks_; i++)
        mrs_natural index = (mrs_natural) (index_(i)+.1);
        pkViewOut(i, peakView::pkFrequency, f) = frequency_(index);
        pkViewOut(i, peakView::pkAmplitude, f) = magCorr_(index);
        pkViewOut(i, peakView::pkPhase, f) = -phase_(index);
        pkViewOut(i, peakView::pkDeltaFrequency, f) = deltafrequency_(index);
        pkViewOut(i, peakView::pkDeltaAmplitude, f) = /*abs*/(deltamag_(index));
        pkViewOut(i, peakView::pkFrame, f) = frame_;
        pkViewOut(i, peakView::pkGroup, f) = 0.;//(pick_)?-1.:0.; //This should be -1!!!! [TODO]
        pkViewOut(i, peakView::pkVolume, f) = 1.0;
        pkViewOut(i, peakView::pkBinLow, f) = interval_(2*i);
        pkViewOut(i, peakView::pkBin, f) = index_(i);
        pkViewOut(i, peakView::pkBinHigh, f) = interval_(2*i+1);
        pkViewOut(i, peakView::pkTrack, f) = -1.0; //null-track ID

        MRSASSERT((index_(i) <= interval_(2*i)) || (interval_(2*i+1) <= index_(i)));

          pkViewOut(i, peakView::pkPan, f) = in((mrs_natural)index_(i)+2*N_, f);
          pkViewOut(i, peakView::pkPan, f) = 0.0;
    else //if not yet reached "skip" number of frames...
      for(mrs_natural i=0; i< frameMaxNumPeaks_; ++i)
        //pkViewOut(i, peakView::pkFrequency, f) = 0;
        //pkViewOut(i, peakView::pkAmplitude, f) = 0;
        //pkViewOut(i, peakView::pkPhase, f) = 0;
        //pkViewOut(i, peakView::pkDeltaFrequency, f) = 0;
        //pkViewOut(i, peakView::pkDeltaAmplitude, f) = 0;
        pkViewOut(i, peakView::pkFrame, f) = frame_;
        //pkViewOut(i, peakView::pkGroup, f) = -1;
        //pkViewOut(i, peakView::pkVolume, f) = 0;
        //pkViewOut(i, peakView::pkPan, f) = 0;
        //pkViewOut(i, peakView::pkBinLow, f) = 0;
        //pkViewOut(i, peakView::pkBin, f) = 0;
        //pkViewOut(i, peakView::pkBinHigh, f) = 0;

  //count the total number of existing peaks (i.e. peak freq != 0)
Ejemplo n.º 15
PeakSynthOscBank::myProcess(realvec& in, realvec& out)
  mrs_natural t,c;

  if (P_ > 1.0)
    NP_ = (mrs_natural)(N_/P_);
    NP_ = N_;

  Iinv_ = (mrs_real)(1.0 / I_);
  Pinc_ = P_ * L_ / R_;


  // FIXME This line defines a (possibly) unused variable
  // bool flag = false;

    for(mrs_natural j=0 ; j<nbH_ ; j++)
      mrs_real mulF = ctrl_harmonize_->to<mrs_realvec>()(1+j*2);
      mrs_real mulA = ctrl_harmonize_->to<mrs_realvec>()(2+j*2);

      for (t=0; t < NP_; t++)
        mrs_natural index = (mrs_natural) ceil(in(t)/R_*2048*2+0.5);
        if (in(t) == 0.0 || index >= 2048)

        /* save current values for next iteration */

          cout << "PROBLEM"<<endl;
        nextamp_(index) = in(t+NP_)*mulA;
        nextfreq_(index) = in(t)*Pinc_*mulF;

  for (mrs_natural t=0; t < nextamp_.getSize(); t++)
    // cout << endl << index << endl;
    if(lastfreq_(t) && nextfreq_(t))
      f_ = lastfreq_(t);
      finc_ = (nextfreq_(t) - f_)*Iinv_;
    else if(nextfreq_(t))
      f_ = nextfreq_(t);
      f_ = lastfreq_(t);

    a_ = lastamp_(t);
    ainc_ = (nextamp_(t) - a_)*Iinv_;

    address_ = index_(t);

    /* avoid extra computing */
    if ((a_ != 0.0 || ainc_!=0.0))
      // accumulate I samples from each oscillator
      // into output slice
      for (c=0; c < I_; ++c)
        naddress_ = (mrs_natural)address_ % L_;
        out(0, c) += a_ * table_(naddress_);
        address_ += f_;

        while (address_ >= L_)
          address_ -= L_;
        while (address_ < 0)
          address_ += L_;

        a_ += ainc_;
        f_ += finc_;
      // move down one parenthesis
    nextindex_(t) = address_;

  lastamp_ = nextamp_;
  lastfreq_ = nextfreq_;
  index_ = nextindex_;
Ejemplo n.º 16
PeakDistanceHorizontality::myProcess(realvec& in, realvec& out)
    mrs_natural i;
    const mrs_natural	numInputs	= getctrl ("mrs_natural/numInputs")->to<mrs_natural>();
    const mrs_realvec	isHoriz		= ctrl_horizvert_->to<mrs_realvec>();
    const mrs_real		range[2]	= {ctrl_rangeX_->to<mrs_real>(), ctrl_rangeY_->to<mrs_real>()};

    out = in;

    MRSASSERT(range[0] > 0 && range[1] > 0);
    if (isHoriz.getSize () != numInputs)
        MRSWARN("PeakDistanceHorizontality: dimension mismatch");

    if (getctrl("mrs_bool/bypass")->to<mrs_bool>())
        setctrl ("mrs_realvec/weights", weights_);

    for (i = 0; i < inSamples_; i++)
        for (mrs_natural j = i; j < inSamples_; j++)
            mrs_natural k;
            mrs_real	horizontality	= ComputeHorizontality (	std::abs(in(1,i)-in(1,j))/range[0],
                                          norm			= 0;

            for (k = 0; k < numInputs; k++)
                mrs_real weight = horizontality;

                if (abs(isHoriz(k) - 2) < kIdentityThresh)
                    weight	= .5;			// input is both horizontal and vertical
                else if (abs(isHoriz(k)) < kIdentityThresh)
                    weight	= 1.-weight;	// input is vertical

                norm							+= weight;
                weights_(k*inSamples_ + i, j)	= weight;
                weights_(k*inSamples_ + j, i)	= weight;	// symmetry
            if (norm != 0)
                norm	= 1./norm;
            for (k = 0; k < numInputs; k++)
                weights_(k*inSamples_ + i, j)	*= norm;
                if (i != j)
                    weights_(k*inSamples_ + j, i)	*= norm;	// symmetry
    setctrl ("mrs_realvec/weights", weights_);
    MATLAB_PUT(weights_, "weights");
Ejemplo n.º 17
SelfSimilarityMatrix::myProcess(realvec& in, realvec& out)
    if(this->getctrl("mrs_natural/mode")->to<mrs_natural>() ==  SelfSimilarityMatrix::outputDistanceMatrix)
        //check if there are any elements to process at the input
        //(in some cases, they may not exist!) - otherwise, do nothing
        //(i.e. output will be zeroed out)
        if(inSamples_ > 0)
            unsigned int child_count = marsystems_.size();
            if(child_count == 1)
                mrs_natural nfeats = in.getRows();

                //normalize input features if necessary
                if(ctrl_normalize_->to<mrs_string>() == "MinMax")
                    in.normObsMinMax(); // (x - min)/(max - min)
                else if(ctrl_normalize_->to<mrs_string>() == "MeanStd")
                    in.normObs(); // (x - mean)/std

                //calculate the Covariance Matrix from the input, if defined
                if(ctrl_calcCovMatrix_->to<mrs_natural>() & SelfSimilarityMatrix::fixedStdDev)
                    //fill covMatrix diagonal with fixed value (remaining values are zero)
                    MarControlAccessor acc(ctrl_covMatrix_);
                    realvec& covMatrix = acc.to<mrs_realvec>();
                    covMatrix.create(inObservations_, inObservations_);
                    mrs_real var = ctrl_stdDev_->to<mrs_real>();
                    var *= var;
                    for(mrs_natural i=0; i< inObservations_; ++i)
                        covMatrix(i,i) = var;
                else if(ctrl_calcCovMatrix_->to<mrs_natural>() & SelfSimilarityMatrix::diagCovMatrix)
                    in.varObs(vars_); //FASTER -> only get the vars for each feature
                    mrs_natural dim = vars_.getSize();
                    //fill covMatrix diagonal with var values (remaining values are zero)
                    MarControlAccessor acc(ctrl_covMatrix_);
                    realvec& covMatrix = acc.to<mrs_realvec>();
                    covMatrix.create(dim, dim);
                    for(mrs_natural i=0; i< dim; ++i)
                        covMatrix(i,i) = vars_(i);
                else if(ctrl_calcCovMatrix_->to<mrs_natural>() & SelfSimilarityMatrix::fullCovMatrix)
                    MarControlAccessor acc(ctrl_covMatrix_);
                    realvec& covMatrix = acc.to<mrs_realvec>();
                    in.covariance(covMatrix); //SLOWER -> estimate the full cov matrix
                else if(ctrl_calcCovMatrix_->to<mrs_natural>() == SelfSimilarityMatrix::noCovMatrix)

                for(mrs_natural i=0; i < in.getCols(); ++i)
                    in.getCol(i, i_featVec_);
                    for(mrs_natural j=0; j <= i; ++j)
                        in.getCol(j, j_featVec_);

                        //stack i and j feat vecs
                        for(mrs_natural r=0; r < nfeats; ++r)
                            stackedFeatVecs_(r, 0) = i_featVec_(r);
                            stackedFeatVecs_(r+nfeats, 0) = j_featVec_(r);
                        //do the metric calculation for these two feat vectors
                        //and store it in the similarity matrix (which is symmetric)
                        marsystems_[0]->process(stackedFeatVecs_, metricResult_);
                        out(i,j) = metricResult_(0,0);
                        //metric should be symmetric!
                        out(j, i) = out(i, j);
                if(child_count == 0)
                    MRSWARN("SelfSimilarityMatrix::myProcess - no Child Metric MarSystem added - outputting zero similarity matrix!");
                    MRSWARN("SelfSimilarityMatrix::myProcess - more than one Child MarSystem exists (i.e. invalid metric) - outputting zero similarity matrix!");

        //MATLAB_PUT(out, "simMatrix");

        //MATLAB_PUT(out, "simMat");
    else if(this->getctrl("mrs_natural/mode")->to<mrs_natural>() ==  SelfSimilarityMatrix::outputPairDistance)
        if(inSamples_ == 2) //we always need two column vector instances at input
            unsigned int child_count = marsystems_.size();
            if(child_count == 1)
                MarControlAccessor acc(ctrl_instanceIndexes_);
                realvec& instIdxs = acc.to<mrs_realvec>();
                mrs_natural i = mrs_natural(instIdxs(0));
                mrs_natural j = mrs_natural(instIdxs(1));

                //check for out of bound indexes (which could have been set
                //by someone outside changing the value of the ctrl_instanceIndexes control)
                mrs_natural nInstances = ctrl_nInstances_->to<mrs_natural>();
                if(i >= nInstances || j >= nInstances)

                    mrs_natural nfeats = in.getRows();

                    //COMPUTE DISTANCE between the two column vector at input
                    in.getCol(0, i_featVec_);
                    in.getCol(1, j_featVec_);

                    //stack i and j feat vecs
                    for(mrs_natural r=0; r < nfeats; ++r)
                        stackedFeatVecs_(r, 0) = i_featVec_(r);
                        stackedFeatVecs_(r+nfeats, 0) = j_featVec_(r);

                    //do the metric calculation for these two feat vectors
                    //and send it to the output
                    marsystems_[0]->process(stackedFeatVecs_, out);
                    //out(0) = metricResult_(0,0);
                    //Self Similarity has completed all pair-wise similarity computations
                    //so, it will just send zero valued values and a warning
                    out(0) = 0.0;
                    MRSWARN("SelfSimilarityMatrix::myProcess - no more pairwise similarity computations to be performed - outputting zero similarity value!")

                //Select indexes for next pair of instances for distance computation
                //Similarity matrix is tringular simetric, so we should just compute
                //half of it (including diagonal). These indexes are to be used by some
                //source MarSystem that has a control linked to ctrl_instanceIndexes (e.g. WekaSource)
                if (i < j)
                    i = 0;
                if (j >= nInstances)
                    j = -1; //used to signal that there are no more instance pairs to compute
                    i = -1; //used to signal that there are no more instance pairs to compute

                //set indexes into the ctrl_instanceIndexes_ control
                instIdxs(0) = i;
                instIdxs(1) = j;
Ejemplo n.º 18
NormCut::myProcess(realvec& in, realvec& out)
	mrs_natural t,o;

	MATLAB_PUT(in, "in");
	MATLAB_EVAL("figure(71),imagesc(in',[0 1]),colorbar");
	//check if there is any data at the input, otherwise do nothing
	if(in.getSize() == 0 || numClusters_ == 0)
		//MRSWARN("NormCut::myProcess - empty input!");
	if(in.getSize() == 1 || numClusters_ == 0)
		//MRSWARN("NormCut::myProcess - empty input!");

	out.setval(0); //should it be -1.0 instead? [!] FIXME

	//ncut( n, W, nbcluster, NcutEigenvectors, NcutEigenvalues, params );      
	//discretisation( n, nbcluster, NcutEigenvectors, NcutDiscrete, params );

	ncut(inObservations_, in, numClusters_, nCutEigVectors_, nCutDiscrete_ );
	discretisation(inObservations_, numClusters_, nCutEigVectors_, nCutDiscrete_ );

	for( o=0 ; o<inObservations_ ; o++ )
		for( t=0 ; t<numClusters_ ; t++ )
			// Initialize NcutDiscrete as we go
			if( nCutDiscrete_(o*(numClusters_)+t) == 1.0 )
				out(0,o) = t;
			//cout << "Peak " << o << " -> cluster = " << out(0,o) << endl;

	//cout << out << endl;

	//   //get a local copy of the current gain control value
	//   //(it will be used for this entire processing, even if it's
	//   //changed by someone else, e.g. by a different thread)
	//   mrs_real gainValue = ctrl_gain_->to<mrs_real>();
	//   // It is important to loop over both observations 
	//   // and channels so that for example a gain can be 
	//   // applied to multi-channel signals 
	//   for (o=0; o < inObservations_; o++)
	//   {
	//      for (t = 0; t < inSamples_; t++)
	//      {
	//         //apply gain to all channels
	//         out(o,t) = gainValue * in(o,t);
	//      }
	//   }
BeatHistogram::myProcess(realvec& in, realvec& out)
  if (reset_)
    reset_ = false;
    setctrl("mrs_bool/reset", false);

  mrs_natural bin=0;
  mrs_real amp;
  mrs_real srate = getctrl("mrs_real/israte")->to<mrs_real>();
  mrs_natural count = 1;
  mrs_natural prev_bin =endBin_-1;
  mrs_natural pprev_bin =endBin_-1;
  mrs_real sumamp = 0.0;
  mrs_real tempo_weight = 0.0;

	MATLAB_PUT(in, "acr");
	MATLAB_EVAL("figure(1);plot(acr),grid on");

	for (mrs_natural o=0; o < inObservations_; o++)
	  for (mrs_natural t = 1; t < inSamples_; t++)
		bin = (mrs_natural)(( (2*srate) * 60.0 * factor_ / (t+1)) + 0.5);
		amp = in(o,t);

		// optional tempo weight 
		if (getctrl("mrs_bool/tempoWeighting")->to<mrs_bool>())
		     tempo_weight = 5.0 * 
		       log10((t+1) * 400.0 / (srate * 60.0 * factor_)) * 
		       log10((t+1) * 400.0 / (srate * 60.0 * factor_));
		     tempo_weight = exp(0.5 * tempo_weight * tempo_weight);
		    tempo_weight = 1.0;
		amp = tempo_weight * amp;
		if (amp < 0.0) 
		  amp = 0.0;

		if ((bin > 40)&&(bin < endBin_))
		  if (prev_bin == bin) 
			sumamp += amp;
			sumamp += amp;
			out(o,prev_bin) += ((sumamp / count));
			count = 1;
			sumamp = 0.0;

		  // linear interpolation of the "not-set" bins...
		  if (pprev_bin-prev_bin > 1)
            // prev is x0, pprev is x1
            mrs_real x0 = prev_bin;
            mrs_real x1 = pprev_bin;
            mrs_real y0 = out(o, prev_bin);
            mrs_real y1 = out(o, pprev_bin);
			for (mrs_natural k = prev_bin+1; k < pprev_bin; k++)
			  out (o,k)	= y0 + (y1-y0)*(k-x0)/(x1-x0);

		  pprev_bin = prev_bin;
		  prev_bin = bin;


		MATLAB_PUT(out, "bh");
		MATLAB_EVAL("figure(2);plot(bh),grid on");

PeakViewMerge::myProcess(realvec& in, realvec& out)
	peakView	*In[kNumMatrices],
				Out (out);
	mrs_natural i, rowIdx = 0,
				outputIdx	= 0;
	const mrs_bool discNegGroups	= ctrl_noNegativeGroups_->to<mrs_bool>();

	for (i = 0; i < kNumMatrices; i++)
		mrs_natural	numRows		= (i==kMat1)? ctrl_frameMaxNumPeaks1_->to<mrs_natural>() :  ctrl_frameMaxNumPeaks2_->to<mrs_natural>();
		numRows					*= peakView::nbPkParameters;
		if (numRows == 0) // if the controls have not been set assume both matrixes to be of equal size	
			numRows	= in.getRows ()/kNumMatrices;
		peakViewIn_[i].stretch (numRows, in.getCols ());
		in.getSubMatrix (rowIdx, 0, peakViewIn_[i]);
		rowIdx		+= numRows;
		In[i]		= new peakView(peakViewIn_[i]);
		numPeaks[i]	= In[i]->getTotalNumPeaks ();

	if (ctrl_mode_->to<mrs_string>() == "OR")
		// write all entries of the second peakView to output
		for (i = 0; i < numPeaks[1]; i++)
			if (discNegGroups && (*In[1])(i,peakView::pkGroup) < 0)
			WriteOutput (Out, In[1], i, outputIdx);

		// write all entries of the first peakView to output except duplicates
		for (i = 0; i < numPeaks[0]; i++)
			mrs_natural Idx;
			if (discNegGroups && (*In[0])(i,peakView::pkGroup) < 0)
			for (mrs_natural k = 1; k < kNumMatrices; k++)
				Idx	= FindDuplicate (In[k], (*In[0])(i, peakView::pkFrequency), numPeaks[k]);

			if (Idx < 0)
				WriteOutput (Out, In[0], i, outputIdx);
	else if (ctrl_mode_->to<mrs_string>() == "AND")
		// find duplicates and write only them to output
		for (i = 0; i < numPeaks[0]; i++)
			mrs_natural Idx;
			if (discNegGroups && (*In[0])(i,peakView::pkGroup) < 0)
			for (mrs_natural k = 1; k < kNumMatrices; k++)
				Idx	= FindDuplicate (In[k], (*In[0])(i, peakView::pkFrequency), numPeaks[k]);

			if (Idx >= 0)
				if (discNegGroups && (*In[1])(Idx,peakView::pkGroup) < 0)
				WriteOutput (Out, In[0], i, outputIdx);
	else if (ctrl_mode_->to<mrs_string>() == "ANDOR")
		// keep the input[0] peaks that are not in input[1]
		for (i = 0; i < numPeaks[0]; i++)
			mrs_natural Idx;
			if (discNegGroups && (*In[0])(i,peakView::pkGroup) < 0)
			for (mrs_natural k = 1; k < kNumMatrices; k++)
				Idx	= FindDuplicate (In[k], (*In[0])(i, peakView::pkFrequency), numPeaks[k]);

			if (Idx < 0)
				WriteOutput (Out, In[0], i, outputIdx);
	else if (ctrl_mode_->to<mrs_string>() == "XOR")
		// find duplicates and write only residual to output
		for (i = 0; i < numPeaks[0]; i++)
			if (discNegGroups && (*In[0])(i,peakView::pkGroup) < 0)
			mrs_natural Idx	= FindDuplicate (In[1], (*In[0])(i, peakView::pkFrequency), numPeaks[1]);

			if (Idx < 0)
				WriteOutput (Out, In[0], i, outputIdx);
		// find duplicates and write only residual to output
		for (i = 0; i < numPeaks[1]; i++)
			if (discNegGroups && (*In[1])(i,peakView::pkGroup) < 0)
			mrs_natural Idx= FindDuplicate (In[0], (*In[1])(i, peakView::pkFrequency), numPeaks[0]);

			if (Idx < 0)
				WriteOutput (Out, In[1], i, outputIdx);
		MRSERR("PeakViewMerfe::myProcess() : illegal mode string: " << ctrl_mode_->to<mrs_string>());

	for (i = 0; i < kNumMatrices; i++)
		delete In[i];

Ejemplo n.º 21
SimilarityMatrix::myProcess(realvec& in, realvec& out)
  //check if there are any elements to process at the input
  //(in some cases, they may not exist!) - otherwise, do nothing
  //(i.e. output is also an empty vector)
  mrs_natural i, j, k, l;

  if(inSamples_ > 0)
    child_count_t child_count = marsystems_.size();
    if(child_count == 1)
      mrs_natural nfeats = in.getRows()/sizes_.getSize();

      // calculate hte Covariance Matrix from the input, if defined
      mrs_natural obs = 0;
      for(i=0; i<sizes_.getSize(); ++i)
        for(j=0; j<sizes_(i); j++)
          for(k=0; (mrs_natural)k<invecs_[i].getRows(); k++)
            invecs_[i](k, j) = in(k+obs, j);
        obs += invecs_[i].getRows();

      // normalize input features if necessary
      if(ctrl_normalize_->to<mrs_string>() == "MinMax")
        for(i=0; i<sizes_.getSize(); ++i)
          invecs_[i].normObsMinMax(); // (x - min)/(max - min)
      else if(ctrl_normalize_->to<mrs_string>() == "MeanStd")
        for(i=0; i<sizes_.getSize(); ++i)
          invecs_[i].normObs();  // (x - mean)/std

      if(ctrl_calcCovMatrix_->to<mrs_natural>() & SimilarityMatrix::fixedStdDev)
        MarControlAccessor acc(ctrl_covMatrix_);
        realvec& covMatrix = acc.to<mrs_realvec>();
        covMatrix.create(inObservations_/sizes_.getSize(), inObservations_/sizes_.getSize());
        mrs_real var = ctrl_stdDev_->to<mrs_real>();
        var *= var;
        for(i=0; i< inObservations_/sizes_.getSize(); ++i)
          covMatrix(i,i) = var;
      else if(ctrl_calcCovMatrix_->to<mrs_natural>() & SimilarityMatrix::diagCovMatrix)
        invecs_[0].varObs(vars_); // Faster
        mrs_natural dim = vars_.getSize();
        // fill covMatrix diagonal with var values (remaining values are zero)
        MarControlAccessor acc(ctrl_covMatrix_);
        realvec& covMatrix = acc.to<mrs_realvec>();
        covMatrix.create(dim, dim);
        for(i=0; i<(mrs_natural)dim; ++i)
          covMatrix(i,i) = vars_(i);
      else if(ctrl_calcCovMatrix_->to<mrs_natural>() & SimilarityMatrix::fullCovMatrix)
        MarControlAccessor acc(ctrl_covMatrix_);
        realvec& covMatrix = acc.to<mrs_realvec>();
        invecs_[0].covariance(covMatrix); // Slower
      else if(ctrl_calcCovMatrix_->to<mrs_natural>() & SimilarityMatrix::noCovMatrix)

      for(i=0; i<sizes_(0); ++i)
        obs = 0;
        invecs_[0].getCol(i, i_featVec_);
        for(l=0; l<(mrs_natural)nfeats; l++)
          stackedFeatVecs_(l,0) = i_featVec_(l);
        for(j=1; j<sizes_.getSize(); j++)
          for(k=0; k<sizes_(j); k++)
            invecs_[j].getCol(k, j_featVec_);
            // stack i and j feat vectors
            for(l=0; l<(mrs_natural)nfeats; l++)
              stackedFeatVecs_(l+nfeats,0) = j_featVec_(l);
            marsystems_[0]->process(stackedFeatVecs_, metricResult_);
            out(k+obs,i) = metricResult_(0,0);
          obs += (mrs_natural)sizes_(j);
      if(child_count == 0)
        MRSWARN("SimilarityMatrix::myProcess - no Child Metric MarSystem added - outputting zero similarity matrix!");
        MRSWARN("SimilarityMatrix::myProcess - more than one Child MarSystem exists (i.e. invalid metric) - outputting zero similarity matrix!");
  //MATLAB_PUT(out, "simMat");