void UsageTrackerPlugin::onAutopilotConnect()
    Core::Internal::GeneralSettings *settings = getGeneralSettings();

    if (settings->collectUsageData()) {
        if (settings->showUsageDataDisclaimer()) {
            QMessageBox message;
            message.setWindowTitle(tr("Usage feedback"));
            message.addButton(tr("Yes, count me in"), QMessageBox::AcceptRole);
            message.addButton(tr("No, I will not help"), QMessageBox::RejectRole);
            message.setText(tr("The NinjaPilot version of Openpilot GCS has a function to collect limited anonymous information about "
                               "the usage of the application itself and the OpenPilot hardware connected to it.<p>"
                               "The intention is to not include anything that can be considered sensitive "
                               "or a threat to the users integrity. The collected information will be sent "
                               "using a secure protocol to an OpenPilot web service and stored in a database "
                               "for later analysis and statistical purposes.<br>"
                               "No information will be sold or given to any third party. The sole purpose is "
                               "to collect statistics about the usage of our software and hardware to enable us "
                               "to make things better for you.<p>"
                               "The following things are collected:<ul>"
                               "<li>Bootloader version</li>"
                               "<li>Firmware version, tag and git hash</li>"
                               "<li>OP Hardware type, revision and mcu serial number</li>"
                               "<li>Selected configuration parameters</li>"
                               "<li>GCS version</li>"
                               "<li>Operating system version and architecture</li>"
                               "<li>Current local time</li></ul>"
                               "The information is collected only at the time when a board is connecting to GCS.<p>"
                               "It is possible to enable or disable this functionality in the general "
                               "settings part of the options for the GCS application at any time.<p>"
                               "We need your help, with your feedback we know where to improve things and what "
                               "platforms are in use. This is a community project that depends on people being involved.<br>"
                               "Thank You for helping us making things better and for supporting OpenPilot!"));
            QCheckBox *disclaimerCb = new QCheckBox(tr("&Don't show this message again."));
            if (message.exec() != QMessageBox::AcceptRole) {
            } else {
        QTimer::singleShot(1000, this, SLOT(trackUsage()));