Ejemplo n.º 1
*  Only to be used if the KeepUnGrouped property is true, moves the spectra that were not selected
*  to be in a group to the end of the output spectrum
*  @param unGroupedSet :: list of WORKSPACE indexes that were included in a group
*  @param inputWS :: user selected input workspace for the algorithm
*  @param outputWS :: user selected output workspace for the algorithm
*  @param outIndex :: the next spectra index available after the grouped spectra
void GroupDetectors2::moveOthersEvent(const std::set<int64_t> &unGroupedSet, DataObjects::EventWorkspace_const_sptr inputWS,
                                      DataObjects::EventWorkspace_sptr outputWS,size_t outIndex)
  g_log.debug() << "Starting to copy the ungrouped spectra" << std::endl;
  double prog4Copy = (1. - 1.*static_cast<double>(m_FracCompl))/static_cast<double>(unGroupedSet.size());

  std::set<int64_t>::const_iterator copyFrIt = unGroupedSet.begin();
  // go thorugh all the spectra in the input workspace
  for ( ; copyFrIt != unGroupedSet.end(); ++copyFrIt )
    if( *copyFrIt == USED ) continue; //Marked as not to be used
    size_t sourceIndex = static_cast<size_t>(*copyFrIt);

    // The input spectrum we'll copy
    const EventList & inputSpec = inputWS->getEventList(sourceIndex);

    // Destination of the copying
    EventList & outputSpec=outputWS->getEventList(outIndex);

    // Copy the data

    // Spectrum numbers etc.
    outputSpec.addDetectorIDs( inputSpec.getDetectorIDs() );

    // go to the next free index in the output workspace
    outIndex ++;
    // make regular progress reports and check for cancelling the algorithm
    if ( outIndex % INTERVAL == 0 )
      m_FracCompl += INTERVAL*prog4Copy;
      if ( m_FracCompl > 1.0 )
        m_FracCompl = 1.0;
  // Refresh the spectraDetectorMap

  g_log.debug() << name() << " copied " << unGroupedSet.size()-1 << " ungrouped spectra\n";
Ejemplo n.º 2
  /** Write out all of the event lists in the given workspace
   * @param ws :: an EventWorkspace */
  int NexusFileIO::writeNexusProcessedDataEvent( const DataObjects::EventWorkspace_const_sptr& ws)
    //write data entry
    NXstatus status=NXmakegroup(fileID,"event_workspace","NXdata");
    if(status==NX_ERROR) return(2);

    for (size_t wi=0; wi < ws->getNumberHistograms(); wi++)
      std::ostringstream group_name;
      group_name << "event_list_" << wi;
      this->writeEventList( ws->getEventList(wi), group_name.str());

    // Close up the overall group
Ejemplo n.º 3
*  Move the user selected spectra in the input workspace into groups in the output workspace
*  @param inputWS :: user selected input workspace for the algorithm
*  @param outputWS :: user selected output workspace for the algorithm
*  @param prog4Copy :: the amount of algorithm progress to attribute to moving a single spectra
*  @return number of new grouped spectra
size_t GroupDetectors2::formGroupsEvent( DataObjects::EventWorkspace_const_sptr inputWS, DataObjects::EventWorkspace_sptr  outputWS,
            const double prog4Copy)
  // get "Behaviour" string
  const std::string behaviour = getProperty("Behaviour");
  int bhv = 0;
  if ( behaviour == "Average" ) bhv = 1;

  API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr beh = API::WorkspaceFactory::Instance().create(
    "Workspace2D", static_cast<int>(m_GroupSpecInds.size()), 1, 1);

  g_log.debug() << name() << ": Preparing to group spectra into " << m_GroupSpecInds.size() << " groups\n";

  // where we are copying spectra to, we start copying to the start of the output workspace
  size_t outIndex = 0;
  // Only used for averaging behaviour. We may have a 1:1 map where a Divide would be waste as it would be just dividing by 1
  bool requireDivide(false);
  for ( storage_map::const_iterator it = m_GroupSpecInds.begin(); it != m_GroupSpecInds.end() ; ++it )
    // This is the grouped spectrum
    EventList & outEL = outputWS->getEventList(outIndex);

    // The spectrum number of the group is the key
    // Start fresh with no detector IDs

    // the Y values and errors from spectra being grouped are combined in the output spectrum
    // Keep track of number of detectors required for masking
    size_t nonMaskedSpectra(0);
    beh->dataX(outIndex)[0] = 0.0;
    beh->dataE(outIndex)[0] = 0.0;
    for( std::vector<size_t>::const_iterator wsIter = it->second.begin(); wsIter != it->second.end(); ++wsIter)
      const size_t originalWI = *wsIter;

      const EventList & fromEL=inputWS->getEventList(originalWI);
      //Add the event lists with the operator
      outEL += fromEL;

      // detectors to add to the output spectrum
      outEL.addDetectorIDs(fromEL.getDetectorIDs() );
        Geometry::IDetector_const_sptr det = inputWS->getDetector(originalWI);
        if( !det->isMasked() ) ++nonMaskedSpectra;
        // If a detector cannot be found, it cannot be masked
    if( nonMaskedSpectra == 0 ) ++nonMaskedSpectra; // Avoid possible divide by zero
    if(!requireDivide) requireDivide = (nonMaskedSpectra > 1);
    beh->dataY(outIndex)[0] = static_cast<double>(nonMaskedSpectra);

    // make regular progress reports and check for cancelling the algorithm
    if ( outIndex % INTERVAL == 0 )
      m_FracCompl += INTERVAL*prog4Copy;
      if ( m_FracCompl > 1.0 )
        m_FracCompl = 1.0;
    outIndex ++;

  // Refresh the spectraDetectorMap

  if ( bhv == 1 && requireDivide )
    g_log.debug() << "Running Divide algorithm to perform averaging.\n";
    Mantid::API::IAlgorithm_sptr divide = createChildAlgorithm("Divide");
    divide->setProperty<API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr>("LHSWorkspace", outputWS);
    divide->setProperty<API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr>("RHSWorkspace", beh);
    divide->setProperty<API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr>("OutputWorkspace", outputWS);

  g_log.debug() << name() << " created " << outIndex << " new grouped spectra\n";
  return outIndex;
Ejemplo n.º 4
/** Check whether 2 event lists are identical
bool CompareWorkspaces::compareEventWorkspaces(
    DataObjects::EventWorkspace_const_sptr ews1,
    DataObjects::EventWorkspace_const_sptr ews2) {
  bool checkallspectra = getProperty("CheckAllData");
  int numspec2print = getProperty("NumberMismatchedSpectraToPrint");
  int wsindex2print = getProperty("DetailedPrintIndex");

  // Compare number of spectra
  if (ews1->getNumberHistograms() != ews2->getNumberHistograms()) {
    recordMismatch("Mismatched number of histograms.");
    return false;

  if (ews1->getEventType() != ews2->getEventType()) {
    recordMismatch("Mismatched type of events in the EventWorkspaces.");
    return false;

  // Both will end up sorted anyway
  ews1->sortAll(PULSETIMETOF_SORT, m_Prog);
  ews2->sortAll(PULSETIMETOF_SORT, m_Prog);

  // Determine the tolerance for "tof" attribute and "weight" of events
  double toleranceWeight = Tolerance; // Standard tolerance
  int64_t tolerancePulse = 1;
  double toleranceTOF = 0.05;
  if ((ews1->getAxis(0)->unit()->label().ascii() != "microsecond") ||
      (ews2->getAxis(0)->unit()->label().ascii() != "microsecond")) {
    g_log.warning() << "Event workspace has unit as "
                    << ews1->getAxis(0)->unit()->label().ascii() << " and "
                    << ews2->getAxis(0)->unit()->label().ascii()
                    << ".  Tolerance of TOF is set to 0.05 still. "
                    << "\n";
    toleranceTOF = 0.05;
  g_log.notice() << "TOF Tolerance = " << toleranceTOF << "\n";

  bool mismatchedEvent = false;
  int mismatchedEventWI = 0;

  size_t numUnequalNumEventsSpectra = 0;
  size_t numUnequalEvents = 0;
  size_t numUnequalTOFEvents = 0;
  size_t numUnequalPulseEvents = 0;
  size_t numUnequalBothEvents = 0;

  std::vector<int> vec_mismatchedwsindex;
  PARALLEL_FOR_IF(m_ParallelComparison && ews1->threadSafe() &&
  for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(ews1->getNumberHistograms()); ++i) {
    if (!mismatchedEvent ||
        checkallspectra) // This guard will avoid checking unnecessarily
      const EventList &el1 = ews1->getEventList(i);
      const EventList &el2 = ews2->getEventList(i);
      bool printdetail = (i == wsindex2print);
      if (printdetail) {
        g_log.information() << "Spectrum " << i
                            << " is set to print out in details. "
                            << "\n";

      if (!el1.equals(el2, toleranceTOF, toleranceWeight, tolerancePulse)) {
        size_t tempNumTof = 0;
        size_t tempNumPulses = 0;
        size_t tempNumBoth = 0;

        int tempNumUnequal = 0;

        if (el1.getNumberEvents() != el2.getNumberEvents()) {
          // Number of events are different
          tempNumUnequal = -1;
        } else {
          tempNumUnequal = compareEventsListInDetails(
              el1, el2, toleranceTOF, toleranceWeight, tolerancePulse,
              printdetail, tempNumPulses, tempNumTof, tempNumBoth);

        mismatchedEvent = true;
        mismatchedEventWI = i;
        PARALLEL_CRITICAL(CompareWorkspaces) {
          if (tempNumUnequal == -1) {
            // 2 spectra have different number of events
          } else {
            // 2 spectra have some events different to each other
            numUnequalEvents += static_cast<size_t>(tempNumUnequal);
            numUnequalTOFEvents += tempNumTof;
            numUnequalPulseEvents += tempNumPulses;
            numUnequalBothEvents += tempNumBoth;

        } // Parallel critical region

      } // If elist 1 is not equal to elist 2