Example #1
void menuGeneralDiagAna(uint8_t event)
  SIMPLE_MENU(STR_MENUANA, menuTabGeneral, e_Ana, 1);


  for (int i=0; i<NUM_STICKS+NUM_POTS; i++) {
    coord_t y = MENU_HEADER_HEIGHT + 1 + (i/3)*FH;
    const uint8_t x_coord[] = {0, 70, 154};
    uint8_t x = x_coord[i%3];
    lcd_outdezNAtt(x, y, i+1, LEADING0|LEFT, 2);
    lcd_putc(x+2*FW-2, y, ':');
    coord_t y = MENU_HEADER_HEIGHT + 1 + (i/2)*FH;
    uint8_t x = i&1 ? 64+5 : 0;
    putsStrIdx(x, y, PSTR("A"), i+1);
    lcd_putc(lcdNextPos, y, ':');
    lcd_outhex4(x+3*FW-1, y, anaIn(i));
    lcd_outdez8(x+10*FW-1, y, (int16_t)calibratedStick[CONVERT_MODE(i)]*25/256);

  static int32_t adcBatt;
  adcBatt = ((adcBatt * 7) + anaIn(TX_VOLTAGE)) / 8;
  uint32_t batCalV = (adcBatt + (adcBatt*g_eeGeneral.txVoltageCalibration)/128) * BATT_SCALE;
  batCalV >>= 11;
  batCalV += 2; // because of the diode
  putsVolts(LEN_CALIB_FIELDS*FW+4*FW, MENU_HEADER_HEIGHT+1+5*FH, batCalV, s_editMode > 0 ? BLINK|INVERS : INVERS);
  if (s_editMode > 0) CHECK_INCDEC_GENVAR(event, g_eeGeneral.txVoltageCalibration, -127, 127);
void menuGeneralDiagAna(uint8_t event)
  #define ANAS_ITEMS_COUNT 4
  #define ANAS_ITEMS_COUNT 2



  for (uint8_t i=0; i<NUM_STICKS+NUM_POTS; i++) {
    coord_t y = MENU_HEADER_HEIGHT + 1 + (i/3)*FH;
    const uint8_t x_coord[] = {0, 70, 154};
    uint8_t x = x_coord[i%3];
    lcdDrawNumberNAtt(x, y, i+1, LEADING0|LEFT, 2);
    lcdDrawChar(x+2*FW-2, y, ':');
    coord_t y = MENU_HEADER_HEIGHT + 1 + (i/2)*FH;
    uint8_t x = i&1 ? 64+5 : 0;
    lcdDrawStringWithIndex(x, y, PSTR("A"), i+1);
    lcdDrawChar(lcdNextPos, y, ':');
    lcd_outhex4(x+3*FW-1, y, anaIn(i));
    lcd_outdez8(x+10*FW-1, y, (int16_t)calibratedStick[CONVERT_MODE(i)]*25/256);

  // Display raw BandGap result (debug)
  lcdDrawText(64+5, MENU_HEADER_HEIGHT+1+3*FH, STR_BG);
  lcdDrawNumberAttUnit(64+5+6*FW-3, 1+4*FH, BandGap, 0);

#if   defined(PCBGRUVIN9X)
  lcdDrawTextLeft(6*FH-2, STR_BATT_CALIB);
  // Gruvin wants 2 decimal places and instant update of volts calib field when button pressed
  static uint16_t adcBatt;
  adcBatt = ((adcBatt * 7) + anaIn(TX_VOLTAGE)) / 8; // running average, sourced directly (to avoid unending debate :P)
  uint32_t batCalV = ((uint32_t)adcBatt*1390 + (10*(int32_t)adcBatt*g_eeGeneral.txVoltageCalibration)/8) / BandGap;
  lcdDrawNumberNAtt(LEN_CALIB_FIELDS*FW+4*FW, 6*FH-2, batCalV, PREC2|(menuVerticalPosition==1 ? INVERS : 0));
  lcdDrawTextLeft(6*FH-2, STR_BATT_CALIB);
  lcdPutsVolts(LEN_CALIB_FIELDS*FW+4*FW, 6*FH-2, g_vbat100mV, (menuVerticalPosition==1 ? INVERS : 0));
  if (menuVerticalPosition==1) CHECK_INCDEC_GENVAR(event, g_eeGeneral.txVoltageCalibration, -127, 127);

  lcdDrawTextLeft(6*FH+1, STR_CURRENT_CALIB);
  lcdPutsValueWithUnit(LEN_CALIB_FIELDS*FW+4*FW, 6*FH+1, getCurrent(), UNIT_MILLIAMPS, (menuVerticalPosition==2 ? INVERS : 0)) ;
  if (menuVerticalPosition==2) CHECK_INCDEC_GENVAR(event, g_eeGeneral.txCurrentCalibration, -49, 49);

Example #3
void doMainScreenGraphics()
  int16_t calibStickVert = calibratedStick[CONVERT_MODE(1)];
  if (g_model.throttleReversed && CONVERT_MODE(1) == THR_STICK)
    calibStickVert = -calibStickVert;
  drawStick(LBOX_CENTERX, calibratedStick[CONVERT_MODE(0)], calibStickVert);

  calibStickVert = calibratedStick[CONVERT_MODE(2)];
  if (g_model.throttleReversed && CONVERT_MODE(2) == THR_STICK)
    calibStickVert = -calibStickVert;
  drawStick(RBOX_CENTERX, calibratedStick[CONVERT_MODE(3)], calibStickVert);

Example #4
void displayTrims(uint8_t phase)
  for (uint8_t i=0; i<4; i++) {
    static coord_t x[4] = {TRIM_LH_X, TRIM_LV_X, TRIM_RV_X, TRIM_RH_X};
    static uint8_t vert[4] = {0,1,1,0};
    coord_t xm, ym;
    uint8_t stickIndex = CONVERT_MODE(i);
    xm = x[stickIndex];
    uint8_t att = ROUND;
    int16_t val = getTrimValue(phase, i);

#if !defined(CPUM64) || !defined(FRSKY)
    int16_t dir = val;
    bool exttrim = false;
    if (val < TRIM_MIN || val > TRIM_MAX) {
      exttrim = true;
    if (val < -(TRIM_LEN+1)*4) {
      val = -(TRIM_LEN+1);
    else if (val > (TRIM_LEN+1)*4) {
      val = TRIM_LEN+1;
    else {
      val /= 4;

    if (vert[i]) {
      ym = 31;
      lcd_vline(xm, ym-TRIM_LEN, TRIM_LEN*2);
      if (i!=2 || !g_model.thrTrim) {
        lcd_vline(xm-1, ym-1,  3);
        lcd_vline(xm+1, ym-1,  3);
      ym -= val;
#if !defined(CPUM64) || !defined(FRSKY)
      drawFilledRect(xm-3, ym-3, 7, 7, SOLID, att|ERASE);
      if (dir >= 0) {
        lcd_hline(xm-1, ym-1,  3);
      if (dir <= 0) {
        lcd_hline(xm-1, ym+1,  3);
      if (exttrim) {
        lcd_hline(xm-1, ym,  3);
#if defined(CPUARM)
      if (g_model.displayTrims != DISPLAY_TRIMS_NEVER && dir != 0) {
        if (g_model.displayTrims == DISPLAY_TRIMS_ALWAYS || (trimsDisplayTimer > 0 && (trimsDisplayMask & (1<<i)))) {
          lcd_outdezAtt(dir>0 ? 22 : 54, xm-2, -abs(dir/5), TINSIZE|VERTICAL);
    else {
      ym = 60;
      lcd_hline(xm-TRIM_LEN, ym, TRIM_LEN*2);
      lcd_hline(xm-1, ym-1,  3);
      lcd_hline(xm-1, ym+1,  3);
      xm += val;
#if !defined(CPUM64) || !defined(FRSKY)
      drawFilledRect(xm-3, ym-3, 7, 7, SOLID, att|ERASE);
      if (dir >= 0) {
        lcd_vline(xm+1, ym-1,  3);
      if (dir <= 0) {
        lcd_vline(xm-1, ym-1,  3);
      if (exttrim) {
        lcd_vline(xm, ym-1,  3);
#if defined(CPUARM)
      if (g_model.displayTrims != DISPLAY_TRIMS_NEVER && dir != 0) {
        if (g_model.displayTrims == DISPLAY_TRIMS_ALWAYS || (trimsDisplayTimer > 0 && (trimsDisplayMask & (1<<i)))) {
          lcd_outdezAtt((stickIndex==0 ? TRIM_LH_X : TRIM_RH_X)+(dir>0 ? -11 : 20), ym-2, -abs(dir/5), TINSIZE);
    lcd_square(xm-3, ym-3, 7, att);
Example #5
uint8_t getSticksNavigationEvent()
  uint8_t evt = 0;
  if (StickScrollAllowed) {
    if ( StickScrollTimer ) {
      static uint8_t repeater;
      uint8_t direction;
      uint8_t value;

      if ( repeater < 128 )
        repeater += 1;
      value = calcStickScroll(CONVERT_MODE(THR_STICK));
      direction = value & 0x80;
      value &= 0x7F;
      if ( value )
        if ( repeater > value )
          repeater = 0;
          if ( evt == 0 )
            if ( direction )
              evt = KEY_UP;
              evt = KEY_DOWN;
        value = calcStickScroll(CONVERT_MODE(AIL_STICK));
        direction = value & 0x80;
        value &= 0x7F;
        if ( value )
          if ( repeater > value )
            repeater = 0;
            if ( evt == 0 )
              if ( direction )
                evt = KEY_RIGHT;
                evt = KEY_LEFT;
  else {
    StickScrollTimer = 0;          // Seconds
  StickScrollAllowed = 1 ;
  return evt;
Example #6
void menuGeneralDiagAna(uint8_t event)
#if defined(PCBSKY9X) && !defined(REVA)
#elif defined(PCBSKY9X)



  for (uint8_t i=0; i<NUM_STICKS+NUM_POTS; i++) {
    uint8_t y = 1+FH+(i/2)*FH;
    uint8_t x = i&1 ? 64+5 : 0;
    putsStrIdx(x, y, PSTR("A"), i+1);
    lcd_putc(x+2*FWNUM, y, ':');
    lcd_outhex4(x+3*FW-1, y, anaIn(i));
    lcd_outdez8(x+10*FW-1, y, (int16_t)calibratedStick[CONVERT_MODE(i+1)-1]*25/256);

#if !defined(CPUARM)
  // Display raw BandGap result (debug)
  lcd_puts(64+5, 1+4*FH, STR_BG);
  lcd_outdezAtt(64+5+6*FW-3, 1+4*FH, BandGap, 0);

#if defined(PCBTARANIS)
  lcd_putsLeft(6*FH+1, STR_BATT_CALIB);
  static int32_t adcBatt;
  adcBatt = ((adcBatt * 7) + anaIn(8)) / 8;
  uint32_t batCalV = (adcBatt + (adcBatt*g_eeGeneral.vBatCalib)/128) * BATT_SCALE;
  batCalV >>= 11;
  batCalV += 2; // because of the diode
  putsVolts(LEN_CALIB_FIELDS*FW+4*FW, 6*FH+1, batCalV, (m_posVert==1 ? INVERS : 0));
#elif defined(PCBSKY9X)
  lcd_putsLeft(5*FH+1, STR_BATT_CALIB);
  static int32_t adcBatt;
  adcBatt = ((adcBatt * 7) + anaIn(7)) / 8;
  uint32_t batCalV = (adcBatt + adcBatt*(g_eeGeneral.vBatCalib)/128) * 4191;
  batCalV /= 55296;
  putsVolts(LEN_CALIB_FIELDS*FW+4*FW, 5*FH+1, batCalV, (m_posVert==1 ? INVERS : 0));
#elif defined(PCBGRUVIN9X)
  lcd_putsLeft(6*FH-2, STR_BATT_CALIB);
  // Gruvin wants 2 decimal places and instant update of volts calib field when button pressed
  static uint16_t adcBatt;
  adcBatt = ((adcBatt * 7) + anaIn(7)) / 8; // running average, sourced directly (to avoid unending debate :P)
  uint32_t batCalV = ((uint32_t)adcBatt*1390 + (10*(int32_t)adcBatt*g_eeGeneral.vBatCalib)/8) / BandGap;
  lcd_outdezNAtt(LEN_CALIB_FIELDS*FW+4*FW, 6*FH-2, batCalV, PREC2|(m_posVert==1 ? INVERS : 0));
  lcd_putsLeft(6*FH-2, STR_BATT_CALIB);
  putsVolts(LEN_CALIB_FIELDS*FW+4*FW, 6*FH-2, g_vbat100mV, (m_posVert==1 ? INVERS : 0));
  if (m_posVert==1) CHECK_INCDEC_GENVAR(event, g_eeGeneral.vBatCalib, -127, 127);

#if defined(PCBSKY9X) && !defined(REVA)
  lcd_putsLeft(6*FH+1, STR_CURRENT_CALIB);
  putsTelemetryValue(LEN_CALIB_FIELDS*FW+4*FW, 6*FH+1, getCurrent(), UNIT_MILLIAMPS, (m_posVert==2 ? INVERS : 0)) ;
  if (m_posVert==2) CHECK_INCDEC_GENVAR(event, g_eeGeneral.currentCalib, -49, 49);

#if defined(PCBSKY9X)
  lcd_putsLeft(7*FH+1, STR_TEMP_CALIB);
  putsTelemetryValue(LEN_CALIB_FIELDS*FW+4*FW, 7*FH+1, getTemperature(), UNIT_DEGREES, (m_posVert==3 ? INVERS : 0)) ;
  if (m_posVert==3) CHECK_INCDEC_GENVAR(event, g_eeGeneral.temperatureCalib, -100, 100);