Example #1
void main(void)
    WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD;                // Stop the watchdog
    __enable_interrupt();                    // Enable general interrupts
    Board_init();                            // Configure's the F5529 EXP board's I/Os
    // Initialize power/clocks for use with USB
    SetVCore(3);                             // The USB module requires that VCore be set to highest setting, independent of MCLK freq
    disk_initialize(0);                      // SD-cards must go through a setup sequence after powerup.  This FatFs call does this.  
    USB_init();                              // Initializes the USB API, and prepares the USB module to detect USB insertion/removal events
    USB_setEnabledEvents(kUSB_allUsbEvents); // Enable all USB events
    // The data interchange buffer (used when handling SCSI READ/WRITE) is declared by the application, and 
    // registered with the API using this function.  This allows it to be assigned dynamically, giving 
    // the application more control over memory management.  
    USBMSC_registerBufInfo(&RW_dataBuf[0], NULL, sizeof(RW_dataBuf));
    // The API maintains an instance of the USBMSC_RWbuf_Info structure.  If double-buffering were used, it would
    // maintain one for both the X and Y side.  (This version of the API only supports single-buffering,
    // so only one structure is maintained.)  This is a shared resource between the API and application; the 
    // application must request the pointers.    
    RWbuf_info = USBMSC_fetchInfoStruct();
    // USBMSC_updateMediaInfo() must be called prior to USB connection.  We check if the card is present, and if so, pull its size
    // and bytes per block.  
    // LUN0
    mediaInfo.mediaPresent = 0x01;        // The medium is present, because internal flash is non-removable.  
    mediaInfo.mediaChanged = 0x00;        // It can't change, because it's in internal memory, which is always present.  
    mediaInfo.writeProtected = 0x00;      // It's not write-protected
    mediaInfo.lastBlockLba = 774;         // 774 blocks in the volume. (This number is also found twice in the volume itself; see mscFseData.c. They should match.)
    mediaInfo.bytesPerBlock = BYTES_PER_BLOCK; // 512 bytes per block. (This number is also found in the volume itself; see mscFseData.c. They should match.)
    USBMSC_updateMediaInfo(0, &mediaInfo); 
    // LUN1
      mediaInfo.mediaPresent = kUSBMSC_MEDIA_PRESENT;
    else mediaInfo.mediaPresent = kUSBMSC_MEDIA_NOT_PRESENT;
    mediaInfo.mediaChanged = 0x00;
    mediaInfo.writeProtected = 0x00;
    disk_ioctl(0,GET_SECTOR_COUNT,&mediaInfo.lastBlockLba);   // Returns the number of blocks (sectors) in the media. 
    mediaInfo.bytesPerBlock = BYTES_PER_BLOCK;                // Block size will always be 512
    USBMSC_updateMediaInfo(1, &mediaInfo); 
    // At compile-time for this demo, there will be one file on the volume.  The root directory and data cluster
    // for this file need to be initialized.  
    //flashWrite_LBA(Root_Dir, (BYTE*)Root_Dir_init); 
    //flashWrite_LBA(Data559, (BYTE*)Data559_init); 
    // Configure Timer_A0 to prompt detection of the SD card every second
    TA0CCTL0 = CCIE;                          // Enable interrupt
    TA0CCR0 = 32768;                          // Clock will be 32kHz, so we set the int to occur when it counts to 32768
    TA0CTL = TASSEL_1 + MC_1 + TACLR;         // ACLK = 32kHz, up mode, clear TAR... go!

    // If USB is already connected when the program starts up, then there won't be a USB_handleVbusOnEvent(). 
    // So we need to check for it, and manually connect if the host is already present.   
    if (USB_connectionInfo() & kUSB_vbusPresent)
      if (USB_enable() == kUSB_succeed)
      BYTE ReceiveError=0, SendError=0;
      WORD count;
                 __bis_SR_register(LPM3_bits + GIE); 	       // Enter LPM3 until VBUS-on event
                 // Check if the reason we woke was a button press; and if so, log a new piece of data.  
                   // Build string
                   char str[14] = "Data entry #0\n";
                   str[12] = logCnt++;                             // Number the entries 0 through....?
                   memcpy(RW_dataBuf, Data559, BYTES_PER_BLOCK);  // Copy data block 559 from flash to RAM buffer
                   memcpy(&RW_dataBuf[DataCnt], str, sizeof(str)); // Write the new entry to the RAM buffer
                   flashWrite_LBA((PBYTE)Data559, RW_dataBuf);    // Copy it back to flash
                   DataCnt += sizeof(str);                         // Increment the index past the new entry
                   if((DataCnt + sizeof(str)>= BYTES_PER_BLOCK))   // Roll index back to 0, if no more room in the block
                     DataCnt = 0;
                   fS1ButtonEvent = 0;
        case ST_ENUM_ACTIVE:             

                // Call USBMSC_poll() to initiate handling of any received SCSI commands.  Disable interrupts 
                // during this function, to avoid conflicts arising from SCSI commands being received from the host
                // AFTER decision to enter LPM is made, but BEFORE it's actually entered (in other words, avoid
                // sleeping accidentally).  
                if((USBMSC_poll() == kUSBMSC_okToSleep) && (!bDetectCard))
                    __bis_SR_register(LPM0_bits + GIE);  // Enable interrupts atomically with LPM0 entry
                // If the API needs the application to process a buffer, it will keep the CPU awake by returning kUSBMSC_processBuffer
                // from USBMSC_poll().  The application should then check the 'operation' field of all defined USBMSC_RWbuf_Info
                // structure instances.  If any of them is non-null, then an operation needs to be processed.  A value of 
                // kUSBMSC_READ indicates the API is waiting for the application to fetch data from the storage volume, in response 
                // to a SCSI READ command from the USB host.  After the application does this, it must indicate whether the 
                // operation succeeded, and then close the buffer operation by calling USBMSC_bufferProcessed().  
                while(RWbuf_info->operation == kUSBMSC_READ)
                    case 0:
                      RWbuf_info->returnCode = Read_LBA(RWbuf_info->lba, RWbuf_info->bufferAddr, RWbuf_info->lbCount); // Fetch a block from the medium, using file system emulation
                      USBMSC_bufferProcessed();                           // Close the buffer operation
                    case 1:
                // Everything in this section is analogous to READs.  Reference the comments above.   
                while(RWbuf_info->operation == kUSBMSC_WRITE)
                    case 0:
                      RWbuf_info->returnCode = Write_LBA(RWbuf_info->lba, RWbuf_info->bufferAddr, RWbuf_info->lbCount); // Write the block to the medium, using file system emulation
                      USBMSC_bufferProcessed();                            // Close the buffer operation
                    case 1:
                // Every second, the Timer_A ISR sets this flag.  The checking can't be done from within the timer ISR, because the
                // checking enables interrupts, and this is not a recommended practice due to the risk of nested interrupts.  
                  bDetectCard = 0x00;                          // Clear the flag, until the next timer ISR
                if(bHID_DataReceived_event) //Message is received from HID application
                	bHID_DataReceived_event = FALSE;          // Clear flag early -- just in case execution breaks below because of an error
                	count = hidReceiveDataInBuffer((BYTE*)dataBuffer,BUFFER_SIZE,HID0_INTFNUM);
                	strncat(wholeString," \r\nRx->",7);
                  	strncat(wholeString," \r\n ",4);
                	if(cdcSendDataInBackground((BYTE*)wholeString,strlen(wholeString),CDC0_INTFNUM,1)) // Send message to other CDC App
                		SendError = 0x01;
                	memset(wholeString,0,MAX_STR_LENGTH);           // Clear wholeString
                if(bCDC_DataReceived_event)  //Message is received from CDC application 
                  bCDC_DataReceived_event = FALSE;                  // Clear flag early -- just in case execution breaks below because of an error
                  if(hidSendDataInBackground((BYTE*)wholeString,strlen(wholeString),HID0_INTFNUM,1))  // Send message to HID App
                    SendError = 0x01;                          // Something went wrong -- exit
                  memset(wholeString,0,MAX_STR_LENGTH);  // Clear wholeString
            case ST_ENUM_SUSPENDED:
                __bis_SR_register(LPM3_bits + GIE);            // Enter LPM3, until a resume or VBUS-off event
          case ST_ENUM_IN_PROGRESS:
          case ST_ERROR:
      if(ReceiveError || SendError)
          //TO DO: User can place code here to handle error
Example #2
void MassStorage(void)
    buttonsPressed = 0;

    SFRIE1 &= ~OFIE;
    disk_initialize(0);                   // Initialize Disk Drive #0

    SFRIE1 |= OFIE;

    DEBUG("Init clock\r\n");

    DEBUG("Init USB\r\n");
    USB_init();                           // Initialize the USB module
    P1OUT |= BIT1;

    // Enable all USB events

    // Clal Initialization Function
    DEBUG("Init MSC\r\n");
    P1OUT |= BIT2;

    // If USB is already connected when the program starts up, then there won't be a
    // USB_handleVbusOnEvent().
    // So we need to check for it, and manually connect if the host is already present.
    if (USB_connectionInfo() & kUSB_vbusPresent)
        if (USB_enable() == kUSB_succeed)
            P1OUT |= BIT3;

    while (1)
        switch (USB_connectionState())
            DEBUG("Connection state: %u\r\n", USB_connectionState());
            case ST_USB_DISCONNECTED:
                //__bis_SR_register(LPM3_bits + GIE);    // Enter LPM3 until VBUS-on event

            case ST_USB_CONNECTED_NO_ENUM:

            case ST_ENUM_ACTIVE:


            case ST_ENUM_SUSPENDED:
                //__bis_SR_register(LPM3_bits + GIE);    // Enter LPM3, until a resume or VBUS-off
                                                       // event

            case ST_ENUM_IN_PROGRESS:

            case ST_ERROR:

    DEBUG("Done with MassStorage\r\n");
    buttonsPressed = 0;
    SFRIE1 &= ~OFIE;
    Init_FLL_Settle(25000, 762);          // Return to normal clock settings
    SFRIE1 |= OFIE;