int main(void) { /* USER CODE BEGIN 1 */ /* USER CODE END 1 */ /* MCU Configuration----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Reset of all peripherals, Initializes the Flash interface and the Systick. */ HAL_Init(); /* Configure the system clock */ SystemClock_Config(); /* Initialize all configured peripherals */ MX_GPIO_Init(); MX_USART1_UART_Init(); /* USER CODE BEGIN 2 */ LCD_Init(2, 20); LCD_PrintString(0, 0, "Damogran Labs"); Encoder_Init(&encoder1, ENC1_A_GPIO_Port, ENC1_A_Pin, ENC1_B_GPIO_Port, ENC1_B_Pin); Encoder_Init(&encoder2, ENC2_A_GPIO_Port, ENC2_A_Pin, ENC2_B_GPIO_Port, ENC2_B_Pin); /* USER CODE END 2 */ /* Infinite loop */ /* USER CODE BEGIN WHILE */ LCD_PrintNumber(1, 0, encoder1.abs_rot); LCD_PrintNumber(1, 6, encoder2.abs_rot); while (1) { if(Encoder_GetState(&encoder1)){ LCD_PrintString(1, 0, " "); LCD_PrintNumber(1, 0, encoder1.abs_rot); } if(Encoder_GetState(&encoder2)){ LCD_PrintString(1, 6, " "); LCD_PrintNumber(1, 6, encoder2.abs_rot); } if(HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(GPIOA, GPIO_PIN_0) == GPIO_PIN_SET){ Encoder_SetAbsToZero(&encoder1); Encoder_SetAbsToZero(&encoder2); } HAL_Delay(100); /* USER CODE END WHILE */ /* USER CODE BEGIN 3 */ } /* USER CODE END 3 */ }
int main(void) { /* USER CODE BEGIN 1 */ uint8_t damogranlabs_logo[]={ 0x0F, 0x13, 0x11, 0x11, 0x0e, 0x00, 0x00 }; /* USER CODE END 1 */ /* MCU Configuration----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Reset of all peripherals, Initializes the Flash interface and the Systick. */ HAL_Init(); /* Configure the system clock */ SystemClock_Config(); /* Initialize all configured peripherals */ MX_GPIO_Init(); MX_USART1_UART_Init(); /* USER CODE BEGIN 2 */ LCD_Init(2, 20); LCD_CreateChar(0, damogranlabs_logo); /* USER CODE END 2 */ /* Infinite loop */ /* USER CODE BEGIN WHILE */ LCD_PrintString(2, 1, "n: "); LCD_PrintNumber(2, 4, -10); LCD_PrintString(2, 10, "f: "); LCD_PrintFloat(2, 13, -326.5635, 5); while (1) { LCD_PrintStringWindow(1, 3, 14, 350, "Find us on github and"); LCD_Clear(); LCD_PrintString(1, 1, ""); LCD_PutCustom(2, 10, 0); LCD_ClearArea(1, 5, 12); HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(LD3_GPIO_Port, LD3_Pin); HAL_Delay(2000); /* USER CODE END WHILE */ /* USER CODE BEGIN 3 */ } /* USER CODE END 3 */ }
void main_play_ttc(){ LCD_Start(); // initialize lcd LCD_ClearDisplay(); UART_Start(); // initialize UART UART_PutChar(0x81); // init connection; set to 16x12 image struct disp_grid_81 disp; disp_grid_init(&disp,0x3F); // init our display grid matrix to white disp_grid_transmit(&disp); struct tic_tac_toe lolz; ttc_init(&lolz,4,3); disp_grid_init_ttc(&disp,lolz.grid); // init the board disp_grid_draw_xia(&disp,26,16,0x30); // draw xia disp_grid_transmit(&disp); int x,y,z; int Values; while (lolz.game_not_won == 0){ //Values = read_from_8255(Values); Values = Pin3_Read(); if (Values >= 0 && Values <= 63){ //integer value z = Values / 16; x = Values % 4; //get row value y = Values / 4 - z*4; // LCD_ClearDisplay(); LCD_PrintNumber(Values); LCD_PrintString(" x"); LCD_PrintNumber(x); LCD_PrintString(" y"); LCD_PrintNumber(y); LCD_PrintString(" z"); LCD_PrintNumber(z); } if (ttc_get_grid(&lolz,x,y,z) == 0){ // has not been accessed ttc_step(&disp,&lolz,x,y,z); // step & print disp_grid_transmit(&disp); } } LCD_ClearDisplay(); LCD_Position(0,0); //move to bot row LCD_PrintString("GAME OVER!"); }
void main_test_disp(){ LCD_Start(); // initialize lcd uint8 current; for (;;){ LCD_ClearDisplay(); LCD_Position(0,0); //move back to top row current = Pin0_Read(); //next, read a new value LCD_PrintString("P0: "); LCD_PrintNumber(current); //print value I am getting LCD_Position(1,0); //move to bot row current = Pin3_Read(); //next, read a new value LCD_PrintString("P3: "); LCD_PutChar(current); //print ascii value LCD_PrintString(" HEX: "); LCD_PrintNumber(current); //print value I am getting waiter(4); } }
void main_flashing_tta(){ // this is the function compatible with the cap sensor input. does not use 8051; connect directly LCD_Start(); // initialize lcd LCD_ClearDisplay(); UART_Start(); // initialize UART UART_PutChar(0x81); // init connection; set to 16x12 image struct disp_grid_81 disp; disp_grid_init(&disp,0x3F); // init our display grid matrix to white disp_grid_transmit(&disp); struct tic_tac_ai tta; tta_init(&tta,4,3,false,true); //first bool for player 1, second bool for player 2. true means is AI disp_grid_init_ttc(&disp,; disp_grid_draw_xia(&disp,26,16,0x30); // draw xia disp_grid_transmit(&disp); int x,y,z, count; uint8 Values; uint8 Values_prev; Values_prev = Pin0_Read(); x = 0; y = 0; z = 0; //test value count = 0; uint8 red_flash; //the temporary location flasher uint8 other_val; other_val = disp_grid_ttc_getval(&disp,z*16 + y*4 + x); // get the nonred val red_flash = 0x30; //map to color red tta_step(&disp,&tta,x,y,z); //AI Increment also while ( == 0){ // Values = read_from_8255(Values); //read and print LCD_ClearDisplay(); LCD_Position(0,0); //move back to top row Values = Pin0_Read(); //next, read a new value LCD_PrintString("P0: "); LCD_PrintNumber(Values); //print value I am getting if (Values != Values_prev){ Values_prev = Values; //we don't want nonconsect if (Values != 0){ if (Values == 32){ tta_step(&disp,&tta,x,y,z); //increment a turn tta_step(&disp,&tta,x,y,z); //AI Increment also other_val = disp_grid_ttc_getval(&disp,z*16 + y*4 + x); // get the nonred val } else{ disp_grid_ttc_place_value(&disp,z*16 + y*4 + x,other_val); if (Values == 16 && y != 0){ // up y--; } else if (Values == 8 && y != 3){ // down y++; } else if (Values == 4 && x != 0){ // left x--; } else if (Values == 2 && x != 3){ // right x++; } else if (Values == 1){ // level shift z++; z = z % 4; } other_val = disp_grid_ttc_getval(&disp,z*16 + y*4 + x); // get the nonred val } } } if (count == 0){ //decide print count = 1; disp_grid_ttc_place_value(&disp,z*16 + y*4 + x,red_flash); } else{ count = 0; disp_grid_ttc_place_value(&disp,z*16 + y*4 + x,other_val); } disp_grid_transmit(&disp); } LCD_ClearDisplay(); LCD_PrintString("GAME OVER!"); }
void main_flashing_tta_psoc(){ // this is the function compatible with the cap sensor input. with 8051 interrupts LCD_Start(); // initialize lcd LCD_ClearDisplay(); UART_Start(); // initialize UART UART_PutChar(0x81); // init connection; set to 16x12 image struct disp_grid_81 disp; disp_grid_init(&disp,0x3F); // init our display grid matrix to white disp_grid_transmit(&disp); struct tic_tac_ai tta; tta_init(&tta,4,3,false,true); //first bool for player 1, second bool for player 2. true means is AI disp_grid_init_ttc(&disp,; disp_grid_draw_tic(&disp,24,1,0x27); // draw tic disp_grid_draw_xia(&disp,26,16,0x30); // draw xia disp_grid_transmit(&disp); int x,y,z, count; uint8 Values; uint8 Values_prev; uint8 current; Values_prev = 0; x = 0; y = 0; z = 0; //test value count = 0; uint8 red_flash; //the temporary location flasher uint8 other_val; other_val = disp_grid_ttc_getval(&disp,z*16 + y*4 + x); // get the nonred val red_flash = 0x30; //map to color red while ( == 0){ LCD_ClearDisplay(); LCD_Position(1,0); //move to bot row LCD_PrintString("LAST:"); //first, we print last value LCD_PutChar(Values_prev); //print ascii value LCD_PrintString(" HEX: "); LCD_PrintNumber(Values_prev); //print value I am getting current = Pin3_Read(); //next, read a new value LCD_Position(0,0); //move back to top row LCD_PrintString("CURR:"); LCD_PutChar(current); //print ascii value LCD_PrintString(" HEX: "); LCD_PrintNumber(current); //print value I am getting waiter(3); if (current != 255) { Values = current; // update values as last non Values_prev = Values; } if (Values != 0){ if (Values == 54){ if ([z*16 + y*4 + x] == 0){ // make sure we can place there tta_step(&disp,&tta,x,y,z); //increment a turn disp_grid_transmit(&disp); tta_step(&disp,&tta,x,y,z); //AI Increment also other_val = disp_grid_ttc_getval(&disp,z*16 + y*4 + x); // get the nonred val } } else{ disp_grid_ttc_place_value(&disp,z*16 + y*4 + x,other_val); if (Values == 53 && y != 0){ // up y--; } else if (Values == 52 && y != 3){ // down y++; } else if (Values == 51 && x != 0){ // left x--; } else if (Values == 50 && x != 3){ // right x++; } else if (Values == 49){ // level shift z++; z = z % 4; } other_val = disp_grid_ttc_getval(&disp,z*16 + y*4 + x); // get the nonred val } Values = 0; // reset values; count = 0; } if (count == 0){ //decide print count = 1; disp_grid_ttc_place_value(&disp,z*16 + y*4 + x,red_flash); disp_grid_transmit(&disp); } // else{ // count = 0; // disp_grid_ttc_place_value(&disp,z*16 + y*4 + x,other_val); // disp_grid_transmit(&disp); // } } LCD_ClearDisplay(); LCD_PrintString("GAME OVER!"); disp_grid_draw_win(&disp,27,9,; // draw tic disp_grid_transmit(&disp); }