/** Missions() will draw the future missions among other things
 * \param plr Player
 * \param X screen coord for mission name string
 * \param Y screen coord for mission name string
 * \param val mission number
 * \param bub if set to 0 or 3 the function will not draw stuff
void Missions(char plr,int X,int Y,int val,char bub)
  TRACE5("->Missions(plr, X %d, Y %d, val %d, bub %c)", X, Y, val, bub);
  if (bub==1 || bub==3) {
    Bub_Count=0;   // set the initial bub_count
    PrintAt(55,30,"TYPE: ");DispNum(0,0,val);
    if (V[val].E>0) {
      if (F5 > V[val].E && Mis.Dur==1) DurPri(F5);
	     else DurPri(V[val].E);}
	      else DurPri(F5);
  } else grSetColor(1);
  if (bub==3) GetMinus(plr);
  if (bub==0 || bub==3) {return;}
	if (fgets(missStep, 1024, MSteps) == NULL)
		memset (missStep, 0, sizeof missStep);

	while (!feof(MSteps)&&((missStep[0]-0x30)*10+(missStep[1]-0x30))!=val) {
		if (fgets(missStep, 1024, MSteps) == NULL)

  int n;
	for (n=2;missStep[n]!='Z';n++)
		switch (missStep[n]) {
			case 'A': Draw_IJ	(B_Mis(++n));	break;
			case 'B': Draw_IJV	(B_Mis(++n));	break;
			case 'C': OrbOut	(B_Mis(n+1),B_Mis(n+2),B_Mis(n+3));	n+=3;	break;
			case 'D': LefEarth	(B_Mis(n+1),B_Mis(n+2));	n+=2; 	break;
			case 'E': OrbIn		(B_Mis(n+1),B_Mis(n+2),B_Mis(n+3));	n+=3; 	break;
			case 'F': OrbMid	(B_Mis(n+1),B_Mis(n+2),B_Mis(n+3),B_Mis(n+4));	n+=4;	break;
			case 'G': LefOrb	(B_Mis(n+1),B_Mis(n+2),B_Mis(n+3),B_Mis(n+4));	n+=4;	break;
			case 'H': Draw_LowS	(B_Mis(n+1),B_Mis(n+2),B_Mis(n+3),B_Mis(n+4),B_Mis(n+5),B_Mis(n+6));	n+=6;	break;
			case 'I': Fly_By	();		break;
			case 'J': VenMarMerc	(B_Mis(++n));	break;
			case 'K': Draw_PQR	();		break;
			case 'L': Draw_PST	();		break;
			case 'M': Draw_GH	(B_Mis(n+1),B_Mis(n+2));	n+=2;	break;
			case 'N': Q_Patch	();		break;
			case 'O': RghtMoon	(B_Mis(n+1),B_Mis(n+2));	n+=2; 	break;
			case 'P': DrawLunPas	(B_Mis(n+1),B_Mis(n+2),B_Mis(n+3),B_Mis(n+4));	n+=4;	break;
			case 'Q': DrawLefMoon	(B_Mis(n+1),B_Mis(n+2)); 	n+=2;	break;
			case 'R': DrawSTUV	(B_Mis(n+1),B_Mis(n+2),B_Mis(n+3),B_Mis(n+4));	n+=4;	break;
			case 'S': Draw_HighS	(B_Mis(n+1),B_Mis(n+2),B_Mis(n+3));	n+=3;	break;
			case 'T': DrawMoon	(B_Mis(n+1),B_Mis(n+2),B_Mis(n+3),B_Mis(n+4),B_Mis(n+5),B_Mis(n+6),B_Mis(n+7));	n+=7;	break;
			case 'U': LefGap	(B_Mis(++n));	break;
			case 'V': S_Patch	(B_Mis(++n));	break;
			case 'W': DrawZ		();		break;
			default : break;
  gr_sync ();
}  // end function missions
Example #2
void PadDraw(char plr, char pad)
    int i, j, k, l;
    int missions;     // Variable for how many missions each 'naut has flown

    FadeOut(2, 10, 0, 0);
    ShBox(0, 0, 319, 22);
    ShBox(0, 24, 319, 198);
    InBox(3, 3, 30, 19);
    IOBox(243, 3, 316, 19);
    InBox(167, 27, 316, 176);
    fill_rectangle(168, 28, 315, 175, 0);
    IOBox(167, 179, 316, 195);
    ShBox(4, 28, 162, 43);
    InBox(6, 30, 160, 41);
    ShBox(4, 46, 162, 61);
    InBox(6, 48, 160, 59);
    ShBox(4, 68, 162, 97);
    InBox(6, 70, 160, 95);
    ShBox(56, 64, 110, 74);
    InBox(57, 65, 109, 73);
    ShBox(4, 180, 162, 195);
    InBox(6, 182, 160, 193); //sched. duration
    InBox(6, 99, 160, 178);
    draw_string(18, 190, "SCHEDULED DURATION: ");
    int MisCod;
    MisCod = Data->P[plr].Mission[pad].MissionCode;

    if ((MisCod > 24 && MisCod < 37) || MisCod == 40 || MisCod == 41 || MisCod == 43 || MisCod == 44 || MisCod > 45)
        // Show Duration level for manned missions with Duration steps (this keeps the Mission[pad].Duration
        // variable from continuing to show Duration level if mission is scrubbed or downgraded) - Leon
        switch (Data->P[plr].Mission[pad].Duration) {
        case 1:
            draw_string(0, 0, "A");

        case 2:
            draw_string(0, 0, "B");

        case 3:
            draw_string(0, 0, "C");

        case 4:
            draw_string(0, 0, "D");

        case 5:
            draw_string(0, 0, "E");

        case 6:
            draw_string(0, 0, "F");

            draw_string(0, 0, "NONE");
    } else {
        if (Data->P[plr].Mission[pad].PCrew - 1 >= 0 || Data->P[plr].Mission[pad].BCrew - 1 >= 0) {
            draw_string(0, 0, "A");
        } else {
            draw_string(0, 0, "NONE");

    draw_string(65, 71, "MISSION");
    draw_small_flag(plr, 4, 4);

    if (Data->P[plr].LaunchFacility[pad] == 1 && Data->P[plr].Mission[pad].MissionCode) {
        PadPict(2 + plr);
    } else if (Data->P[plr].LaunchFacility[pad] == 1 && Data->P[plr].Mission[pad].MissionCode == Mission_None) {
        PadPict(4 + plr);
    } else if (Data->P[plr].LaunchFacility[pad] > 1) {
        PadPict(0 + plr);

    draw_string(15, 37, "STATUS: ");

    if (Data->P[plr].LaunchFacility[pad] == 1) {
        draw_string(0, 0, "OPERATIONAL");
    } else {
        draw_string(0, 0, "DESTROYED");


    if (Data->P[plr].LaunchFacility[pad] > 1) {
        draw_string(15, 56, "REPAIR COST: ");
        draw_number(0, 0, Data->P[plr].LaunchFacility[pad]);
        draw_string(0, 0, "MB");

        if (Data->P[plr].Cash < Data->P[plr].LaunchFacility[pad]) {
            InBox(169, 181, 314, 193);
    } else {

        if (Data->P[plr].Mission[pad].MissionCode == Mission_None) {
            draw_string(15, 56, "NO LAUNCH SCHEDULED");
            InBox(169, 181, 314, 193);
        } else {
            draw_string(15, 56, "PRE-MISSION CHECK");

    draw_string(258, 13, "CONTINUE");

    if (Data->P[plr].LaunchFacility[pad] == 1) {
        draw_string(210, 189, "S");
        draw_string(0, 0, "CRUB MISSION");
    } else {
        draw_string(205, 189, "F");
        draw_string(0, 0, "IX LAUNCH PAD");

    draw_heading(37, 5, "LAUNCH FACILITY", 0, -1);

    switch (pad) {
    case 0:
        draw_heading(201, 5, "A", 0, -1);

    case 1:
        draw_heading(201, 5, "B", 0, -1);

    case 2:
        draw_heading(201, 5, "C", 0, -1);

    MissionName(Data->P[plr].Mission[pad].MissionCode, 11, 81, 20);

    // joint mission part
    if (Data->P[plr].Mission[pad].Joint == 1) {
        ShBox(38, 91, 131, 101);
        InBox(39, 92, 130, 100);

        if (Data->P[plr].Mission[pad].part == 0) {
            draw_string(53, 98, "PRIMARY PART");
        } else {
            draw_string(44, 98, "SECONDARY PART");

    // Hardware to Use

    i = Data->P[plr].Mission[pad].Prog;
    j = Data->P[plr].Mission[pad].PCrew - 1;
    l = Data->P[plr].Mission[pad].BCrew - 1;

    // Crews
    draw_string(13, 107, "PRIMARY CREW  ");

    if (j >= 0) {
        display::graphics.setForegroundColor(11); // Now display the crew number, for player's easy reference - Leon

        if (j == 0) {
            draw_string(0, 0, "(CREW I)");

        if (j == 1) {
            draw_string(0, 0, "(CREW II)");

        if (j == 2) {
            draw_string(0, 0, "(CREW III)");

        if (j == 3) {
            draw_string(0, 0, "(CREW IV)");

        if (j == 4) {
            draw_string(0, 0, "(CREW V)");

        if (j == 5) {
            draw_string(0, 0, "(CREW VI)");

        if (j == 6) {
            draw_string(0, 0, "(CREW VII)");

        if (j == 7) {
            draw_string(0, 0, "(CREW VIII)");

        for (k = 0; k < Data->P[plr].CrewCount[i][j]; k++) {
            // Draw a morale box for each crew member - Leon
            fill_rectangle(13, 110 + 7 * k, 20, 110 + 7 * k, 2); // Top
            fill_rectangle(13, 110 + 7 * k, 13, 116 + 7 * k, 2); // Left
            fill_rectangle(13, 116 + 7 * k, 20, 116 + 7 * k, 4); // Bottom
            fill_rectangle(21, 110 + 7 * k, 21, 116 + 7 * k, 4); // Right

            if (Data->P[plr].Pool[Data->P[plr].Crew[i][j][k] - 1].Mood >= 65) {
                fill_rectangle(14, 111 + 7 * k, 20, 115 + 7 * k, 16);

            if (Data->P[plr].Pool[Data->P[plr].Crew[i][j][k] - 1].Mood < 65 && Data->P[plr].Pool[Data->P[plr].Crew[i][j][k] - 1].Mood >= 40) {
                fill_rectangle(14, 111 + 7 * k, 20, 115 + 7 * k, 11);

            if (Data->P[plr].Pool[Data->P[plr].Crew[i][j][k] - 1].Mood < 40 && Data->P[plr].Pool[Data->P[plr].Crew[i][j][k] - 1].Mood >= 20) {
                fill_rectangle(14, 111 + 7 * k, 20, 115 + 7 * k, 8);

            if (Data->P[plr].Pool[Data->P[plr].Crew[i][j][k] - 1].Mood < 20) {
                fill_rectangle(14, 111 + 7 * k, 20, 115 + 7 * k, 0);

            if (Data->P[plr].Pool[Data->P[plr].Crew[i][j][k] - 1].Mood == 0) {
                fill_rectangle(14, 111 + 7 * k, 20, 115 + 7 * k, 3);


            if (Data->P[plr].Pool[Data->P[plr].Crew[i][j][k] - 1].Sex == 1) {
                display::graphics.setForegroundColor(5);    // Show female 'nauts in blue

            if (Data->P[plr].Pool[Data->P[plr].Crew[i][j][k] - 1].RetirementDelay > 0) {
                display::graphics.setForegroundColor(0);    // Show anyone who's announced retirement in black

            if (Data->P[plr].Pool[Data->P[plr].Crew[i][j][k] - 1].Sex == 1 && Data->P[plr].Pool[Data->P[plr].Crew[i][j][k] - 1].RetirementDelay > 0) {

            // Show name in purple if 'naut is female AND has announced retirement
            draw_string(25, 115 + 7 * k, &Data->P[plr].Pool[Data->P[plr].Crew[i][j][k] - 1].Name[0]);
            missions = Data->P[plr].Pool[Data->P[plr].Crew[i][j][k] - 1].Missions;

            if (missions > 0) {
                draw_string(0, 0, " (");
                draw_number(0, 0, missions);
                draw_string(0, 0, ")");

        if (l == -1) {
            draw_string(25, 174, "UNAVAILABLE");

    draw_string(13, 145, "BACKUP CREW  ");

    if (l >= 0) {
        display::graphics.setForegroundColor(11); // Now display the crew number, for player's easy reference - Leon

        if (l == 0) {
            draw_string(0, 0, "(CREW I)");

        if (l == 1) {
            draw_string(0, 0, "(CREW II)");

        if (l == 2) {
            draw_string(0, 0, "(CREW III)");

        if (l == 3) {
            draw_string(0, 0, "(CREW IV)");

        if (l == 4) {
            draw_string(0, 0, "(CREW V)");

        if (l == 5) {
            draw_string(0, 0, "(CREW VI)");

        if (l == 6) {
            draw_string(0, 0, "(CREW VII)");

        if (l == 7) {
            draw_string(0, 0, "(CREW VIII)");

        for (k = 0; k < Data->P[plr].CrewCount[i][l]; k++) {
            // Draw a morale box for each crew member - Leon
            fill_rectangle(13, 148 + 7 * k, 20, 148 + 7 * k, 2); // Top
            fill_rectangle(13, 148 + 7 * k, 13, 154 + 7 * k, 2); // Left
            fill_rectangle(13, 154 + 7 * k, 20, 154 + 7 * k, 4); // Bottom
            fill_rectangle(21, 148 + 7 * k, 21, 154 + 7 * k, 4); // Right

            if (Data->P[plr].Pool[Data->P[plr].Crew[i][l][k] - 1].Mood >= 65) {
                fill_rectangle(14, 149 + 7 * k, 20, 153 + 7 * k, 16);

            if (Data->P[plr].Pool[Data->P[plr].Crew[i][l][k] - 1].Mood < 65 && Data->P[plr].Pool[Data->P[plr].Crew[i][l][k] - 1].Mood >= 40) {
                fill_rectangle(14, 149 + 7 * k, 20, 153 + 7 * k, 11);

            if (Data->P[plr].Pool[Data->P[plr].Crew[i][l][k] - 1].Mood < 40 && Data->P[plr].Pool[Data->P[plr].Crew[i][l][k] - 1].Mood >= 20) {
                fill_rectangle(14, 149 + 7 * k, 20, 153 + 7 * k, 8);

            if (Data->P[plr].Pool[Data->P[plr].Crew[i][l][k] - 1].Mood < 20) {
                fill_rectangle(14, 149 + 7 * k, 20, 153 + 7 * k, 0);

            if (Data->P[plr].Pool[Data->P[plr].Crew[i][l][k] - 1].Mood == 0) {
                fill_rectangle(14, 149 + 7 * k, 20, 153 + 7 * k, 3);


            if (Data->P[plr].Pool[Data->P[plr].Crew[i][l][k] - 1].Sex == 1) {
                display::graphics.setForegroundColor(5);    // Show female 'nauts in blue

            if (Data->P[plr].Pool[Data->P[plr].Crew[i][l][k] - 1].RetirementDelay > 0) {
                display::graphics.setForegroundColor(0);    // But show anyone who's announced retirement in black

            if (Data->P[plr].Pool[Data->P[plr].Crew[i][l][k] - 1].Sex == 1 && Data->P[plr].Pool[Data->P[plr].Crew[i][l][k] - 1].RetirementDelay > 0) {

            // Show name in purple if 'naut is female AND has announced retirement
            draw_string(25, 153 + 7 * k, &Data->P[plr].Pool[Data->P[plr].Crew[i][l][k] - 1].Name[0]);

        if (j == -1) {
            draw_string(25, 136, "UNAVAILABLE");

    if (Data->P[plr].Mission[pad].Prog > 0)
        PatchMe(plr, 126, 40, Data->P[plr].Mission[pad].Prog - 1,
                Data->P[plr].Mission[pad].Patch, 32);

    FadeIn(2, 10, 0, 0);
