static void test_base64_encode(void) { const char base64_map[65] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/="; const char instr[] = "This is a message that is multiple of 3 chars"; const char *expectstrs[] = { "VGhpcyBpcyBhIG1lc3NhZ2UgdGhhdCBpcyBtdWx0aXBsZSBvZiAzIGNoYXJz", "VGhpcyBpcyBhIG1lc3NhZ2UgdGhhdCBpcyBtdWx0aXBsZSBvZiAzIGNoYXI=", "VGhpcyBpcyBhIG1lc3NhZ2UgdGhhdCBpcyBtdWx0aXBsZSBvZiAzIGNoYQ==", "VGhpcyBpcyBhIG1lc3NhZ2UgdGhhdCBpcyBtdWx0aXBsZSBvZiAzIGNo" }; struct sol_str_slice slice; char outstr[(sizeof(instr) / 3 + 1) * 4 + 1]; size_t r, i; slice = sol_str_slice_from_str(instr); for (i = 0; i < SOL_UTIL_ARRAY_SIZE(expectstrs); i++) { struct sol_str_slice exp = sol_str_slice_from_str(expectstrs[i]); memset(outstr, 0xff, sizeof(outstr)); r = sol_util_base64_encode(outstr, sizeof(outstr), slice, base64_map); ASSERT_INT_EQ(r, exp.len); ASSERT_INT_EQ(outstr[r], (char)0xff); outstr[r] = '\0'; ASSERT_STR_EQ(outstr,; slice.len--; } }
SOL_API void sol_log_level_to_str(uint8_t level, char *buf, size_t buflen) { static const char *level_names[] = { [SOL_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL] = "CRI", [SOL_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR] = "ERR", [SOL_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING] = "WRN", [SOL_LOG_LEVEL_INFO] = "INF", [SOL_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG] = "DBG" }; SOL_LOG_INIT_CHECK("level=%hhu, buf=%p, buflen=%zd", level, buf, buflen); if (buflen < 1) return; if (level < SOL_UTIL_ARRAY_SIZE(level_names)) { if (level_names[level]) { strncpy(buf, level_names[level], buflen - 1); buf[buflen - 1] = '\0'; return; } } snprintf(buf, buflen, "%03d", level); }
static void sol_mavlink_armed_transition(struct sol_mavlink *mavlink, uint8_t base_mode) { uint8_t i, mask = 0; if (mavlink->custom_mode_enabled) mask = MAV_MODE_FLAG_CUSTOM_MODE_ENABLED; for (i = 0; i < SOL_UTIL_ARRAY_SIZE(armed_transitions); i++) { uint8_t from, to; const struct sol_mavlink_armed_trans *curr = &armed_transitions[i]; from = curr->from | mask; to = curr->to | mask; if (from != mavlink->base_mode || to != base_mode) continue; if (curr->armed) { if (CHECK_HANDLER(mavlink, armed)) HANDLERS(mavlink)->armed((void *)mavlink->data, mavlink); } else { if (CHECK_HANDLER(mavlink, disarmed)) HANDLERS(mavlink)->disarmed((void *)mavlink->data, mavlink); } break; } mavlink->base_mode = base_mode; }
static void test_align_power2(void) { unsigned int i; static const struct { unsigned int input; unsigned int output; } table[] = { { 0, 0 }, { 1, 1 }, { 2, 2 }, { 3, 4 }, { 4, 4 }, { 5, 8 }, { 6, 8 }, { 7, 8 }, { 8, 8 }, { 15, 16 }, { 16, 16 }, { 17, 32 }, }; for (i = 0; i < SOL_UTIL_ARRAY_SIZE(table); i++) { unsigned int actual; actual = align_power2(table[i].input); if (actual != table[i].output) { fprintf(stderr, "Error calling align_power2(%u), got %u but expected %u\n", table[i].input, actual, table[i].output); ASSERT(false); } } }
static void on_fork(void *data) { unsigned i; static const char *daemon_possible_paths[] = { "/usr/libexec/bluetooth/bluetoothd", // fedora/yocto-style "/usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd", // arch-style "/usr/sbin/bluetoothd" // debian-style }; const char *argv[] = { NULL, // waiting to be set "--nodetach", NULL }; static const char *envp[] = { "BLUETOOTH_SYSTEM_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:path=/run/dbus/system_bus_socket", NULL }; for (i = 0; i < SOL_UTIL_ARRAY_SIZE(daemon_possible_paths); i++) { argv[0] = daemon_possible_paths[i]; SOL_INF("attempting to exec %s", daemon_possible_paths[i]); execvpe(argv[0], (char *const *)argv, (char *const *)envp); } SOL_INF("bluetooth daemon executable not found, aborting"); sol_platform_linux_fork_run_exit(EXIT_FAILURE); }
static int _set_gpio(const uint32_t pin, const enum sol_gpio_direction dir) { if (ardu_breakout) return mux_set_gpio(pin, dir, gpio_dev_0, (uint32_t)SOL_UTIL_ARRAY_SIZE(gpio_dev_0)); return 0; }
static int _set_i2c(const uint8_t bus) { if (ardu_breakout) return mux_set_i2c(bus, i2c_dev_0, SOL_UTIL_ARRAY_SIZE(i2c_dev_0)); return 0; }
static int _set_pwm(const int device, const int channel) { if (ardu_breakout) return mux_set_pwm(device, channel, pwm_controller_list, (int)SOL_UTIL_ARRAY_SIZE(pwm_controller_list)); return 0; }
static int _set_aio(const int device, const int pin) { if (ardu_breakout) return mux_set_aio(device, pin, aio_controller_list, (int)SOL_UTIL_ARRAY_SIZE(aio_controller_list)); return 0; }
SOL_API const char * sol_uart_stop_bits_to_str(enum sol_uart_stop_bits stop_bits) { static const char *stop_bits_names[] = { [SOL_UART_STOP_BITS_ONE] = "stopbits-1", [SOL_UART_STOP_BITS_TWO] = "stopbits-2" }; if (stop_bits < SOL_UTIL_ARRAY_SIZE(stop_bits_names)) return stop_bits_names[stop_bits]; return NULL; }
SOL_API const char * sol_uart_parity_to_str(enum sol_uart_parity parity) { static const char *parity_names[] = { [SOL_UART_PARITY_NONE] = "none", [SOL_UART_PARITY_EVEN] = "even", [SOL_UART_PARITY_ODD] = "odd" }; if (parity < SOL_UTIL_ARRAY_SIZE(parity_names)) return parity_names[parity]; return NULL; }
SOL_API const char * sol_bt_transport_to_str(enum sol_bt_transport transport) { static const char *transports[] = { [SOL_BT_TRANSPORT_ALL] = "all", [SOL_BT_TRANSPORT_LE] = "le", [SOL_BT_TRANSPORT_BREDR] = "bredr", }; if (transport < SOL_UTIL_ARRAY_SIZE(transports)) return transports[transport]; return NULL; }
// 37 = 2 * 16 (chars) + 4 (hyphens) + 1 (\0) SOL_API int sol_util_uuid_gen(bool upcase, bool with_hyphens, char id[SOL_STATIC_ARRAY_SIZE(37)]) { static struct sol_str_slice hyphen = SOL_STR_SLICE_LITERAL("-"); /* hyphens on positions 8, 13, 18, 23 (from 0) */ static const int hyphens_pos[] = { 8, 13, 18, 23 }; struct sol_uuid uuid = { { 0 } }; unsigned i; int r; struct sol_buffer buf = { 0 }; sol_buffer_init_flags(&buf, id, 37, SOL_BUFFER_FLAGS_MEMORY_NOT_OWNED); r = uuid_gen(&uuid); SOL_INT_CHECK(r, < 0, r); for (i = 0; i < SOL_UTIL_ARRAY_SIZE(uuid.bytes); i++) { r = sol_buffer_append_printf(&buf, upcase ? "%02hhX" : "%02hhx", uuid.bytes[i]); SOL_INT_CHECK_GOTO(r, < 0, err); } if (with_hyphens) { for (i = 0; i < SOL_UTIL_ARRAY_SIZE(hyphens_pos); i++) { r = sol_buffer_insert_slice(&buf, hyphens_pos[i], hyphen); SOL_INT_CHECK_GOTO(r, < 0, err); } } err: sol_buffer_fini(&buf); return r; }
SOL_API const char * sol_uart_data_bits_to_str(enum sol_uart_data_bits data_bits) { static const char *data_bits_names[] = { [SOL_UART_DATA_BITS_8] = "databits-8", [SOL_UART_DATA_BITS_7] = "databits-7", [SOL_UART_DATA_BITS_6] = "databits-6", [SOL_UART_DATA_BITS_5] = "databits-5" }; if (data_bits < SOL_UTIL_ARRAY_SIZE(data_bits_names)) return data_bits_names[data_bits]; return NULL; }
SOL_API const char * sol_uart_baud_rate_to_str(enum sol_uart_baud_rate baud_rate) { static const char *baud_rate_names[] = { [SOL_UART_BAUD_RATE_9600] = "baud-9600", [SOL_UART_BAUD_RATE_19200] = "baud-19200", [SOL_UART_BAUD_RATE_38400] = "baud-38400", [SOL_UART_BAUD_RATE_57600] = "baud-57600", [SOL_UART_BAUD_RATE_115200] = "baud-115200" }; if (baud_rate < SOL_UTIL_ARRAY_SIZE(baud_rate_names)) return baud_rate_names[baud_rate]; return NULL; }
int sol_mainloop_impl_platform_init(void) { int i; sol_mainloop_zephyr_common_init(); nano_fifo_init(&_sol_mainloop_pending_events); nano_fifo_init(&_sol_mainloop_free_events); for (i = 0; i < SOL_UTIL_ARRAY_SIZE(_events); i++) { struct me_fifo_entry *mfe; mfe = &_events[i]; nano_fifo_put(&_sol_mainloop_free_events, mfe); } return 0; }
static void test_base64_decode(void) { const char base64_map[65] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/="; char expstr[] = "This is a message that is multiple of 3 chars"; const char *instrs[] = { "VGhpcyBpcyBhIG1lc3NhZ2UgdGhhdCBpcyBtdWx0aXBsZSBvZiAzIGNoYXJz", "VGhpcyBpcyBhIG1lc3NhZ2UgdGhhdCBpcyBtdWx0aXBsZSBvZiAzIGNoYXI=", "VGhpcyBpcyBhIG1lc3NhZ2UgdGhhdCBpcyBtdWx0aXBsZSBvZiAzIGNoYQ==", "VGhpcyBpcyBhIG1lc3NhZ2UgdGhhdCBpcyBtdWx0aXBsZSBvZiAzIGNo" }; struct sol_str_slice exp, slice; char outstr[sizeof(expstr)]; size_t r, i; exp = sol_str_slice_from_str(expstr); for (i = 0; i < SOL_UTIL_ARRAY_SIZE(instrs); i++) { slice = sol_str_slice_from_str(instrs[i]); memset(outstr, 0xff, sizeof(outstr)); r = sol_util_base64_decode(outstr, sizeof(outstr), slice, base64_map); ASSERT_INT_EQ(r, exp.len); ASSERT_INT_EQ(outstr[r], (char)0xff); outstr[r] = '\0'; ASSERT_STR_EQ(outstr,; exp.len--; expstr[exp.len] = '\0'; } /* negative test (invalid char) */ slice = sol_str_slice_from_str("****"); memset(outstr, 0xff, sizeof(outstr)); r = sol_util_base64_decode(outstr, sizeof(outstr), slice, base64_map); ASSERT_INT_EQ(r, -EINVAL); /* short sequence (not multiple of 4) */ slice = sol_str_slice_from_str("123"); memset(outstr, 0xff, sizeof(outstr)); r = sol_util_base64_decode(outstr, sizeof(outstr), slice, base64_map); ASSERT_INT_EQ(r, -EINVAL); }
SOL_API int sol_flow_node_named_options_parse_member( struct sol_flow_node_named_options_member *m, const char *value, const struct sol_flow_node_options_member_description *mdesc) { int r; if (!m) { SOL_DBG("Options member must be a valid pointer."); return -EINVAL; } if (!mdesc) { SOL_DBG("Options member description must be a valid pointer."); return -EINVAL; } if (m->type == 0) { r = -EINVAL; SOL_DBG("Unitialized member type for name=\"%s\": \"%s\"", m->name, value); } else if (m->type < SOL_UTIL_ARRAY_SIZE(options_parse_functions)) { if (mdesc->required) init_member_suboptions(m); else set_default_option(m, mdesc); r = options_parse_functions[m->type](value, m); if (r < 0) { SOL_DBG("Invalid value '%s' for option name='%s' of type='%s'", value, m->name, sol_flow_node_options_member_type_to_string(m->type)); } } else { r = -ENOTSUP; SOL_DBG("Invalid option member type for name=\"%s\": \"%s\"", m->name, value); } return r; }
static void _kcmdline_parse_var(const char *start, size_t len) { static const struct spec { const char *prefix; size_t prefixlen; void *data; void (*parse)(const char *str, size_t size, void *data); } specs[] = { #define SPEC(str, storage, parse) \ { str, sizeof(str) - 1, storage, parse \ } SPEC("LEVELS", NULL, _levels_parse_wrapper), SPEC("LEVEL", &_global_domain.level, _level_parse_wrapper), SPEC("ABORT", &_abort_level, _level_parse_wrapper), SPEC("SHOW_COLORS", &_show_colors, _bool_parse_wrapper), SPEC("SHOW_FILE", &_show_file, _bool_parse_wrapper), SPEC("SHOW_FUNCTION", &_show_function, _bool_parse_wrapper), SPEC("SHOW_LINE", &_show_line, _bool_parse_wrapper), #undef SPEC }; const struct spec *itr, *itr_end; itr = specs; itr_end = itr + SOL_UTIL_ARRAY_SIZE(specs); for (; itr < itr_end; itr++) { if (itr->prefixlen + 1 < len && memcmp(itr->prefix, start, itr->prefixlen) == 0 && start[itr->prefixlen] == '=') { itr->parse(start + (itr->prefixlen + 1), len - (itr->prefixlen + 1), itr->data); break; } } }
static void test_split_urls(void) { #define SET_PARAMS(_url, _scheme, _user, _pass, _host, _path, _query, _fragment, _port, _result, _check_url) \ { SOL_STR_SLICE_LITERAL(_url), { SOL_STR_SLICE_LITERAL(_scheme), SOL_STR_SLICE_LITERAL(_user), SOL_STR_SLICE_LITERAL(_pass), \ SOL_STR_SLICE_LITERAL(_host), SOL_STR_SLICE_LITERAL(_path), \ SOL_STR_SLICE_LITERAL(_query), SOL_STR_SLICE_LITERAL(_fragment), _port }, _result, _check_url } size_t i; int r; static const struct { struct sol_str_slice url; struct sol_http_url splitted_url; int result; bool check_url; } test_split[] = { SET_PARAMS("http://[2001:db8::1]", "http", "", "", "2001:db8::1", "", "", "", 0, 0, true), SET_PARAMS("http://*****:*****@[::1]:123/a/b?p=1&c=2#/a/b", "foo", "user", "pass", "::1", "/a/b", "p=1&c=2", "/a/b", 123, 0, true), SET_PARAMS("foo://user@[::1]:123/a/b?p=1&c=2#/a/b", "foo", "user", "", "::1", "/a/b", "p=1&c=2", "/a/b", 123, 0, true), SET_PARAMS("foo://user:@[::1]:123/a/b?p=1&c=2#/a/b", "foo", "user", "", "::1", "/a/b", "p=1&c=2", "/a/b", 123, 0, false), SET_PARAMS("foo://[::1]:123/a/b?p=1&c=2#/a/b", "foo", "", "", "::1", "/a/b", "p=1&c=2", "/a/b", 123, 0, true), SET_PARAMS("foo://[::1]/a/b?p=1&c=2#/a/b", "foo", "", "", "::1", "/a/b", "p=1&c=2", "/a/b", 0, 0, true), SET_PARAMS("foo://[::1]/?p=1&c=2#/a/b", "foo", "", "", "::1", "/", "p=1&c=2", "/a/b", 0, 0, true), SET_PARAMS("foo://[::1]/?p=1&c=2", "foo", "", "", "::1", "/", "p=1&c=2", "", 0, 0, true), SET_PARAMS("foo://[::1]/#/a/b", "foo", "", "", "::1", "/", "", "/a/b", 0, 0, true), SET_PARAMS("foo://[::1]?p=1&c=2", "foo", "", "", "::1", "", "p=1&c=2", "", 0, 0, true), SET_PARAMS("foo://[::1]#/a/b", "foo", "", "", "::1", "", "", "/a/b", 0, 0, true), SET_PARAMS("foo://[::1]:123/#/a/b", "foo", "", "", "::1", "/", "", "/a/b", 123, 0, true), SET_PARAMS("file://[::1]/usr/home/user/hi.txt", "file", "", "", "::1", "/usr/home/user/hi.txt", "", "", 0, 0, true), SET_PARAMS("foo://[::1]/?go", "foo", "", "", "::1", "/", "go", "", 0, 0, true), SET_PARAMS("foo://:password@[::1]", "foo", "", "password", "::1", "", "", "", 0, 0, true), SET_PARAMS("foo://:@[::1]", "foo", "", "", "::1", "", "", "", 0, 0, false), SET_PARAMS("foo://@[::1]", "foo", "", "", "::1", "", "", "", 0, 0, false), SET_PARAMS("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 0, -EINVAL, false), SET_PARAMS("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 0, -EINVAL, false), SET_PARAMS("//", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 0, -EINVAL, false), SET_PARAMS("://", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 0, -EINVAL, false), SET_PARAMS("/a/b", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 0, -EINVAL, false), SET_PARAMS("//a/b", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 0, -EINVAL, false), SET_PARAMS("http://", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 0, -EINVAL, false), SET_PARAMS("", "http", "", "", "", "/", "", "", 0, 0, false), SET_PARAMS("", "http", "", "", "", "/", "go=2", "", 0, 0, true), SET_PARAMS("", "http", "", "", "", "", "", "", 8080, 0, true), SET_PARAMS("", "http", "", "", "", "/", "", "", 1234, 0, true), SET_PARAMS("", "http", "", "", "", "/a/b/d", "go=2", "fragment", 0, 0, true), SET_PARAMS("foo://*****:*****", "foo", "user", "pass", "", "/a/b", "p=1&c=2", "/a/b", 123, 0, true), SET_PARAMS("foo://[email protected]:123/a/b?p=1&c=2#/a/b", "foo", "user", "", "", "/a/b", "p=1&c=2", "/a/b", 123, 0, true), /* Do not check the created url for this one, Altought the created one will be correct it will not match, as the create url will be foo:// This behaviour is acceptable, since ':' can be ommited if the password is not provided. */ SET_PARAMS("foo://", "foo", "user", "", "", "/a/b", "p=1&c=2", "/a/b", 123, 0, false), SET_PARAMS("foo://", "foo", "", "", "", "/a/b", "p=1&c=2", "/a/b", 123, 0, true), SET_PARAMS("foo://", "foo", "", "", "", "/a/b", "p=1&c=2", "/a/b", 0, 0, true), SET_PARAMS("foo://", "foo", "", "", "", "/", "p=1&c=2", "/a/b", 0, 0, true), SET_PARAMS("foo://", "foo", "", "", "", "/", "p=1&c=2", "", 0, 0, true), SET_PARAMS("foo://", "foo", "", "", "", "/", "", "/a/b", 0, 0, true), SET_PARAMS("foo://", "foo", "", "", "", "", "p=1&c=2", "", 0, 0, true), SET_PARAMS("foo://", "foo", "", "", "", "", "", "/a/b", 0, 0, true), SET_PARAMS("foo://", "foo", "", "", "", "/", "", "/a/b", 123, 0, true), SET_PARAMS("mailto:[email protected]", "mailto", "", "", "", "*****@*****.**", "", "", 0, 0, true), SET_PARAMS("file://localhost/usr/home/user/hi.txt", "file", "", "", "localhost", "/usr/home/user/hi.txt", "", "", 0, 0, true), SET_PARAMS("foo://localhost/?go", "foo", "", "", "localhost", "/", "go", "", 0, 0, true), SET_PARAMS("foo://:password@localhost", "foo", "", "password", "localhost", "", "", "", 0, 0, true), SET_PARAMS("foo://:@localhost", "foo", "", "", "localhost", "", "", "", 0, 0, false), SET_PARAMS("foo://@localhost", "foo", "", "", "localhost", "", "", "", 0, 0, false), }; for (i = 0; i < SOL_UTIL_ARRAY_SIZE(test_split); i++) { struct sol_http_url splitted; struct sol_http_params params; struct sol_buffer out_uri = SOL_BUFFER_INIT_EMPTY; r = sol_http_split_uri(test_split[i].url, &splitted); ASSERT_INT_EQ(r, test_split[i].result); if (test_split[i].result < 0) continue; ASSERT(sol_str_slice_eq(splitted.scheme, test_split[i].splitted_url.scheme)); ASSERT(sol_str_slice_eq(, test_split[i]; ASSERT(sol_str_slice_eq(splitted.path, test_split[i].splitted_url.path)); ASSERT(sol_str_slice_eq(splitted.fragment, test_split[i].splitted_url.fragment)); ASSERT(sol_str_slice_eq(splitted.query, test_split[i].splitted_url.query)); ASSERT(sol_str_slice_eq(splitted.user, test_split[i].splitted_url.user)); ASSERT(sol_str_slice_eq(splitted.password, test_split[i].splitted_url.password)); ASSERT_INT_EQ(splitted.port, test_split[i].splitted_url.port); if (!test_split[i].check_url) continue; sol_http_params_init(¶ms); r = sol_http_decode_params(splitted.query, SOL_HTTP_PARAM_QUERY_PARAM, ¶ms); ASSERT_INT_EQ(r, 0); r = sol_http_create_uri(&out_uri, splitted, ¶ms); ASSERT_INT_EQ(r, 0); ASSERT(sol_str_slice_eq(test_split[i].url, sol_buffer_get_slice(&out_uri))); sol_http_params_clear(¶ms); sol_buffer_fini(&out_uri); } #undef SET_PARAMS }
static void test_unicode_utf_conversion(void) { const char utf8_string[] = "Unicode ÀÊ�öúĎǧɵܢވ࡞शཌ�♎☀⚑€♫��鿿�"; const uint8_t invalid_utf8[][4] = { { 0xA0, 0x01, 0x0, 0x0 }, { 0xA0, 0xFF, 0x0, 0x0 }, { 0xE5, 0x01, 0x80, 0x0 }, { 0xE5, 0xFF, 0x80, 0x0 }, { 0xE5, 0x80, 0x01, 0x0 }, { 0xE5, 0x80, 0xFF, 0x0 }, { 0xF2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 }, { 0xF0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 }, { 0xF0, 0x90, 0x0, 0x0 }, { 0xF0, 0x90, 0x80, 0x0 }, }; uint8_t utf8_buf[4]; const int32_t unicode_codes[] = { 0x0055, 0x006E, 0x0069, 0x0063, 0x006f, 0x0064, 0x0065, 0x0020, 0x00c0, 0x00CA, 0x00CD, 0x00f6, 0x00FA, 0x010e, 0x01e7, 0x0275, 0x0722, 0x0788, 0x085E, 0x0936, 0x0f4c, 0x2764, 0x264e, 0x2600, 0x2691, 0x20ac, 0x266b, 0x10123, 0x10fff, 0x9fff, 0x10000, 0x0 }; size_t i, str_len, r; const uint8_t *p = (const uint8_t *)utf8_string; int32_t code; uint8_t read, written; str_len = sizeof(utf8_string); for (i = 0; i < SOL_UTIL_ARRAY_SIZE(unicode_codes); i++) { code = sol_util_unicode_code_from_utf8(p, str_len, &read); ASSERT_INT_EQ(code, unicode_codes[i]); written = sol_util_utf8_from_unicode_code(utf8_buf, 4, unicode_codes[i]); ASSERT_INT_EQ(read, written); ASSERT_INT_EQ(memcmp(utf8_buf, p, written), 0); p += read; str_len += read; } //Invalid values r = sol_util_utf8_from_unicode_code(utf8_buf, 4, 0x110000); ASSERT_INT_EQ(r, -EINVAL); r = sol_util_utf8_from_unicode_code(utf8_buf, 3, 0x10000); ASSERT_INT_EQ(r, -EINVAL); r = sol_util_utf8_from_unicode_code(utf8_buf, 2, 0x0800); ASSERT_INT_EQ(r, -EINVAL); r = sol_util_utf8_from_unicode_code(utf8_buf, 1, 0x080); ASSERT_INT_EQ(r, -EINVAL); r = sol_util_utf8_from_unicode_code(utf8_buf, 0, 0x0); ASSERT_INT_EQ(r, -EINVAL); for (i = 0; i < SOL_UTIL_ARRAY_SIZE(invalid_utf8); i++) { code = sol_util_unicode_code_from_utf8(invalid_utf8[i], sizeof(invalid_utf8[i]), NULL); ASSERT_INT_EQ(code, -EINVAL); } }
static int _set_aio(const int device, const int pin) { return mux_set_aio(device, pin, aio_controller_list, (int)SOL_UTIL_ARRAY_SIZE(aio_controller_list)); }
static int _set_i2c(const uint8_t bus) { return mux_set_i2c(bus, i2c_dev_0, SOL_UTIL_ARRAY_SIZE(i2c_dev_0)); }
static int _set_pwm(const int device, const int channel) { return mux_set_pwm(device, channel, pwm_controller_list, (int)SOL_UTIL_ARRAY_SIZE(pwm_controller_list)); }
}; // ============================================================================= // Edison Multiplexers // ============================================================================= //AIO // Recipe List for AIO device 1 static const struct mux_description *const aio_dev_1[] = { desc_14, desc_15, desc_16, desc_17, desc_18, desc_19 }; static const struct mux_controller aio_controller_list[] = { { 0, NULL }, { SOL_UTIL_ARRAY_SIZE(aio_dev_1), aio_dev_1 }, }; //GPIO static const struct mux_description *const gpio_dev_0[184] = { [12] = desc_3, [13] = desc_5, [14] = desc_18, [40] = desc_13, [41] = desc_10, [42] = desc_12, [43] = desc_11, [44] = desc_14, [45] = desc_15, [46] = desc_16, [47] = desc_17,