// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- void adcInit(const UINT8 ui8_reference, const UINT8 ui8_prescaler) { ADC_InitTypeDef adc; // suppress compiler complaints (void)ui8_reference; // configure ADC clock (must not exceed 14MHz) RCC_ADCCLKConfig(prescaler_reg[ui8_prescaler]); RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(ADC_RCC, ENABLE); // reset current settings ADC_DeInit(ADC_PERIPH); ADC_StructInit(&adc); adc.ADC_Mode = ADC_Mode_Independent; adc.ADC_ScanConvMode = DISABLE; adc.ADC_ContinuousConvMode = DISABLE; adc.ADC_ExternalTrigConv = ADC_ExternalTrigConv_None; adc.ADC_DataAlign = ADC_DataAlign_Right; adc.ADC_NbrOfChannel = 1; ADC_Init(ADC_PERIPH, &adc); ADC_Cmd(ADC_PERIPH, ENABLE); // perform calibration, not needed but it don't hurt ADC_ResetCalibration(ADC_PERIPH); WAIT_FOR(ADC_GetResetCalibrationStatus(ADC_PERIPH)); ADC_StartCalibration(ADC_PERIPH); WAIT_FOR(ADC_GetCalibrationStatus(ADC_PERIPH)); }
void S12Iic_Start(S12Iic_ConfigType const * const Cfg) { if (!S12_IIC_ENABLED()) { return; } WAIT_FOR((S12_REG8(Cfg, IBSR) & IBB) != IBB); S12_REG8(Cfg, IBCR) |= (IBEN | MS_SL | TX_RX); WAIT_FOR((S12_REG8(Cfg, IBSR) & IBB) == IBB); }
static int cuda_init_via() { int x; via[DIRB] = (via[DIRB] | TACK | TIP) & ~TREQ; /* TACK & TIP out */ via[B] |= TACK | TIP; /* negate them */ via[ACR] = (via[ACR] & ~SR_CTRL) | SR_EXT; /* SR data in */ eieio(); x = via[SR]; eieio(); /* clear any left-over data */ #ifndef CONFIG_MAC via[IER] = 0x7f; eieio(); /* disable interrupts from VIA */ #endif eieio(); /* delay 4ms and then clear any pending interrupt */ mdelay(4); x = via[SR]; eieio(); /* sync with the CUDA - assert TACK without TIP */ via[B] &= ~TACK; eieio(); /* wait for the CUDA to assert TREQ in response */ WAIT_FOR((via[B] & TREQ) == 0, "CUDA response to sync"); /* wait for the interrupt and then clear it */ WAIT_FOR(via[IFR] & SR_INT, "CUDA response to sync (2)"); x = via[SR]; eieio(); /* finish the sync by negating TACK */ via[B] |= TACK; eieio(); /* wait for the CUDA to negate TREQ and the corresponding interrupt */ WAIT_FOR(via[B] & TREQ, "CUDA response to sync (3)"); WAIT_FOR(via[IFR] & SR_INT, "CUDA response to sync (4)"); x = via[SR]; eieio(); via[B] |= TIP; eieio(); /* should be unnecessary */ return 0; }
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- void rs4xxSendByte(usart_cfg_st *usart, const BYTE c_byte) { RS4XX_TX_ENA(); usartSendByte(usart, c_byte); WAIT_FOR(USART_GetFlagStatus((USART_TypeDef*)usart->usart_if, USART_FLAG_TC) == RESET); RS4XX_TX_DIS(); }
void S12Sci_Put(uint8 Controller, uint8 ch) { VAR(uint16, AUTOMATIC) Base = S12Sci_ControllerMapping[Controller]; WAIT_FOR(((S12SCI_REG8(Base, SCISR1)) & TDRE) == TDRE); S12SCI_REG8(Base, SCIDRL) = ch; }
void S12Sci_Get(uint8 Controller, uint8 * ch) { VAR(uint16, AUTOMATIC) Base = S12Sci_ControllerMapping[Controller]; uint8 error; WAIT_FOR(((S12SCI_REG8(Base, SCISR1)) & RDRF) == RDRF); error = S12SCI_REG8(Base, SCISR1) & (OR | NF | FE | PF); *ch = S12SCI_REG8(Base, SCIDRL); }
static int cuda_init_via(void) { out_8(&via[DIRB], (in_8(&via[DIRB]) | TACK | TIP) & ~TREQ); /* TACK & TIP out */ out_8(&via[B], in_8(&via[B]) | TACK | TIP); /* negate them */ out_8(&via[ACR] ,(in_8(&via[ACR]) & ~SR_CTRL) | SR_EXT); /* SR data in */ (void)in_8(&via[SR]); /* clear any left-over data */ #ifdef CONFIG_PPC out_8(&via[IER], 0x7f); /* disable interrupts from VIA */ (void)in_8(&via[IER]); #else out_8(&via[IER], SR_INT); /* disable SR interrupt from VIA */ #endif /* delay 4ms and then clear any pending interrupt */ mdelay(4); (void)in_8(&via[SR]); out_8(&via[IFR], SR_INT); /* sync with the CUDA - assert TACK without TIP */ out_8(&via[B], in_8(&via[B]) & ~TACK); /* wait for the CUDA to assert TREQ in response */ WAIT_FOR((in_8(&via[B]) & TREQ) == 0, "CUDA response to sync"); /* wait for the interrupt and then clear it */ WAIT_FOR(in_8(&via[IFR]) & SR_INT, "CUDA response to sync (2)"); (void)in_8(&via[SR]); out_8(&via[IFR], SR_INT); /* finish the sync by negating TACK */ out_8(&via[B], in_8(&via[B]) | TACK); /* wait for the CUDA to negate TREQ and the corresponding interrupt */ WAIT_FOR(in_8(&via[B]) & TREQ, "CUDA response to sync (3)"); WAIT_FOR(in_8(&via[IFR]) & SR_INT, "CUDA response to sync (4)"); (void)in_8(&via[SR]); out_8(&via[IFR], SR_INT); out_8(&via[B], in_8(&via[B]) | TIP); /* should be unnecessary */ return 0; }
static int cuda_init_via(void) { out_8(&via[DIRB], (in_8(&via[DIRB]) | TACK | TIP) & ~TREQ); out_8(&via[B], in_8(&via[B]) | TACK | TIP); out_8(&via[ACR] ,(in_8(&via[ACR]) & ~SR_CTRL) | SR_EXT); (void)in_8(&via[SR]); #ifdef CONFIG_PPC out_8(&via[IER], 0x7f); (void)in_8(&via[IER]); #else out_8(&via[IER], SR_INT); #endif mdelay(4); (void)in_8(&via[SR]); out_8(&via[IFR], SR_INT); out_8(&via[B], in_8(&via[B]) & ~TACK); WAIT_FOR((in_8(&via[B]) & TREQ) == 0, "CUDA response to sync"); WAIT_FOR(in_8(&via[IFR]) & SR_INT, "CUDA response to sync (2)"); (void)in_8(&via[SR]); out_8(&via[IFR], SR_INT); out_8(&via[B], in_8(&via[B]) | TACK); WAIT_FOR(in_8(&via[B]) & TREQ, "CUDA response to sync (3)"); WAIT_FOR(in_8(&via[IFR]) & SR_INT, "CUDA response to sync (4)"); (void)in_8(&via[SR]); out_8(&via[IFR], SR_INT); out_8(&via[B], in_8(&via[B]) | TIP); return 0; }
void flash_init(Qspi &qspi) { uint8_t status[QSPI_STATUS_REG_SIZE]; qspi_status_t ret; qspi.cmd.build(QSPI_CMD_RDSR); ret = qspi_command_transfer(&qspi.handle, qspi.cmd.get(), NULL, 0, status, QSPI_STATUS_REG_SIZE); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(QSPI_STATUS_OK, ret); qspi.cmd.build(QSPI_CMD_RSTEN); ret = qspi_command_transfer(&qspi.handle, qspi.cmd.get(), NULL, 0, NULL, 0); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(QSPI_STATUS_OK, ret); WAIT_FOR(WRSR_MAX_TIME, qspi); qspi.cmd.build(QSPI_CMD_RST); ret = qspi_command_transfer(&qspi.handle, qspi.cmd.get(), NULL, 0, NULL, 0); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(QSPI_STATUS_OK, ret); WAIT_FOR(WAIT_MAX_TIME, qspi); }
/** May read only once every 2 seconds or so. This is not enforced. */ uint8_t DHT::read(void) { uint8_t data[5] = {0}; // read buffer uint8_t data_i = 0, data_b = 0; digitalWrite(_pin, LOW); // externally pulled up: don't use internal pullup // now pull it low for ~20 milliseconds pinMode(_pin, OUTPUT); delay(20); pinMode(_pin, INPUT); delayMicroseconds(40); // sensor will respond by pulling low for 80us and high for 80us WAIT_FOR(HIGH, 90, 1); WAIT_FOR(LOW, 90, 2); for(int i = 0; i < 40; ++i){ uint8_t* byte = &data[i/8]; *byte <<= 1; // then each bit is 50us of low, and then either 25 or 70 us of high (0/1) WAIT_FOR(HIGH, 60, 3); uint8_t elapsed = WAIT_FOR(LOW, 90, 4); if(elapsed > 40){ *byte |= 0x1; } } // check we read 40 bits and that the checksum matches if (data[4] == ((data[0] + data[1] + data[2] + data[3]) & 0xFF)) { humidity = (data[0] << 8) | data[1]; temperature = (data[2] << 8) | data[3]; return 0; } else{ return 5; } }
boolean S12Iic_Write(S12Iic_ConfigType const * const Cfg, uint8 b) { boolean ack; if (!S12_IIC_ENABLED()) { return FALSE; } S12_REG8(Cfg, IBCR) |= TX_RX; S12_REG8(Cfg, IBDR) = b; WAIT_FOR((S12_REG8(Cfg, IBSR) & IBIF) == IBIF); ack = ((S12_REG8(Cfg, IBSR) & RXAK) != RXAK); S12_REG8(Cfg, IBSR) = IBIF; return ack; }
qspi_status_t write_disable(Qspi &qspi) { uint8_t reg[QSPI_STATUS_REG_SIZE]; qspi.cmd.build(QSPI_CMD_WRDI); if (qspi_command_transfer(&qspi.handle, qspi.cmd.get(), NULL, 0, NULL, 0) != QSPI_STATUS_OK) { return QSPI_STATUS_ERROR; } WAIT_FOR(WRSR_MAX_TIME, qspi); memset(reg, 0, QSPI_STATUS_REG_SIZE); if (read_register(STATUS_REG, reg, QSPI_STATUS_REG_SIZE, qspi) != QSPI_STATUS_OK) { return QSPI_STATUS_ERROR; } return ((reg[0] & STATUS_BIT_WEL) == 0 ? QSPI_STATUS_OK : QSPI_STATUS_ERROR); }
void S12Iic_Read(S12Iic_ConfigType const * const Cfg, uint8 * b, boolean ack) { if (!S12_IIC_ENABLED()) { return; } if (ack) { S12_REG8(Cfg, IBCR) &= ~TXAK; } else { S12_REG8(Cfg, IBCR) |= TXAK; } S12_REG8(Cfg, IBCR) &= ~TX_RX; *b = S12_REG8(Cfg, IBDR); /* Dummy Read. */ WAIT_FOR((S12_REG8(Cfg, IBSR) & TCF) == TCF); /* WAIT_FOR((S12_REG8(Cfg,IBSR) & IBIF)==IBIF); */ S12_REG8(Cfg, IBSR) = IBIF; *b = S12_REG8(Cfg, IBDR); }
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(subscribe, NotifFixture) { struct stat buffer; WAIT_FOR(stat(SOCK_NAME.c_str(), &buffer) == 0, 500); LOG(INFO) << "Connecting"; stream_protocol::socket s(io); s.connect(stream_protocol::endpoint(SOCK_NAME)); StringBuffer r; Writer<StringBuffer> writer(r); writer.StartObject(); writer.Key("method"); writer.String("subscribe"); writer.Key("params"); writer.StartObject(); writer.Key("type"); writer.StartArray(); writer.String("virtual-ip"); writer.EndArray(); writer.EndObject(); writer.Key("id"); writer.String("1"); writer.EndObject(); std::string t("test"); uint32_t size = htonl(r.GetSize()); ba::write(s, ba::buffer(&size, 4)); ba::write(s, ba::buffer(r.GetString(), r.GetSize())); Document rdoc; readMessage(s, rdoc); //StringBuffer output; //{ // PrettyWriter<StringBuffer> owriter(output); // rdoc.Accept(owriter); // LOG(INFO) << std::endl << output.GetString(); //} { boost::unordered_set<std::string> uuids; uuids.insert("4412dcd2-0cd0-4741-99d1-d8b3946e1fa9"); uuids.insert("1cc9483a-8d7a-48d5-9c23-862401691e01"); notif.dispatchVirtualIp(uuids, opflex::modb::MAC("11:22:33:44:55:66"), ""); } Document notif; readMessage(s, notif); BOOST_REQUIRE(notif.HasMember("method")); BOOST_REQUIRE(notif["method"].IsString()); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL("virtual-ip", std::string(notif["method"].GetString())); BOOST_REQUIRE(notif.HasMember("params")); BOOST_REQUIRE(notif["params"].IsObject()); const rapidjson::Value& p = notif["params"]; BOOST_REQUIRE(p.HasMember("mac")); BOOST_REQUIRE(p["mac"].IsString()); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL("11:22:33:44:55:66", std::string(p["mac"].GetString())); BOOST_REQUIRE(p.HasMember("ip")); BOOST_REQUIRE(p["ip"].IsString()); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL("", std::string(p["ip"].GetString())); BOOST_REQUIRE(p.HasMember("uuid")); BOOST_REQUIRE(p["uuid"].IsArray()); std::set<std::string> us; const rapidjson::Value& uuids = p["uuid"]; rapidjson::Value::ConstValueIterator it; for (it = uuids.Begin(); it != uuids.End(); ++it) { BOOST_REQUIRE(it->IsString()); us.insert(it->GetString()); } BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(2, us.size()); BOOST_CHECK(us.find("4412dcd2-0cd0-4741-99d1-d8b3946e1fa9") != us.end()); BOOST_CHECK(us.find("1cc9483a-8d7a-48d5-9c23-862401691e01") != us.end()); //output.Clear(); //{ // PrettyWriter<StringBuffer> owriter(output); // notif.Accept(owriter); // LOG(INFO) << std::endl << output.GetString(); //} }
/* * Get device state. Called with statlock and PHY lock held. */ static int pmcs_get_dev_state(pmcs_hw_t *pwp, pmcs_phy_t *phyp, pmcs_xscsi_t *xp, uint8_t *ds) { uint32_t htag, *ptr, msg[PMCS_MSG_SIZE]; int result; struct pmcwork *pwrk; pmcs_prt(pwp, PMCS_PRT_DEBUG3, phyp, xp, "%s: tgt(0x%p)", __func__, (void *)xp); if (xp != NULL) { ASSERT(mutex_owned(&xp->statlock)); } if (phyp == NULL) { pmcs_prt(pwp, PMCS_PRT_DEBUG_DEV_STATE, NULL, xp, "%s: PHY is NULL", __func__); return (-1); } ASSERT(mutex_owned(&phyp->phy_lock)); pwrk = pmcs_gwork(pwp, PMCS_TAG_TYPE_WAIT, phyp); if (pwrk == NULL) { pmcs_prt(pwp, PMCS_PRT_ERR, phyp, xp, pmcs_nowrk, __func__); return (-1); } pwrk->arg = msg; pwrk->dtype = phyp->dtype; if (phyp->valid_device_id == 0) { pmcs_pwork(pwp, pwrk); pmcs_prt(pwp, PMCS_PRT_DEBUG, phyp, xp, "%s: Invalid DeviceID", __func__); return (-1); } htag = pwrk->htag; msg[0] = LE_32(PMCS_HIPRI(pwp, PMCS_OQ_GENERAL, PMCIN_GET_DEVICE_STATE)); msg[1] = LE_32(pwrk->htag); msg[2] = LE_32(phyp->device_id); CLEAN_MESSAGE(msg, 3); mutex_enter(&pwp->iqp_lock[PMCS_IQ_OTHER]); ptr = GET_IQ_ENTRY(pwp, PMCS_IQ_OTHER); if (ptr == NULL) { mutex_exit(&pwp->iqp_lock[PMCS_IQ_OTHER]); pmcs_pwork(pwp, pwrk); pmcs_prt(pwp, PMCS_PRT_ERR, phyp, xp, pmcs_nomsg, __func__); return (-1); } COPY_MESSAGE(ptr, msg, PMCS_MSG_SIZE); pwrk->state = PMCS_WORK_STATE_ONCHIP; INC_IQ_ENTRY(pwp, PMCS_IQ_OTHER); if (xp != NULL) { mutex_exit(&xp->statlock); } pmcs_unlock_phy(phyp); WAIT_FOR(pwrk, 1000, result); pmcs_pwork(pwp, pwrk); pmcs_lock_phy(phyp); if (xp != NULL) { mutex_enter(&xp->statlock); } if (result) { pmcs_timed_out(pwp, htag, __func__); pmcs_prt(pwp, PMCS_PRT_DEBUG, phyp, xp, "%s: cmd timed out, returning", __func__); return (-1); } if (LE_32(msg[2]) == 0) { *ds = (uint8_t)(LE_32(msg[4])); if (xp == NULL) { pmcs_prt(pwp, PMCS_PRT_DEBUG_DEV_STATE, phyp, xp, "%s: retrieved_ds=0x%x", __func__, *ds); } else if (*ds != xp->dev_state) { pmcs_prt(pwp, PMCS_PRT_DEBUG_DEV_STATE, phyp, xp, "%s: retrieved_ds=0x%x, target_ds=0x%x", __func__, *ds, xp->dev_state); } return (0); } else { pmcs_prt(pwp, PMCS_PRT_DEBUG_DEV_STATE, phyp, xp, "%s: cmd failed Status(0x%x), returning ", __func__, LE_32(msg[2])); return (-1); } }
/* * Set device state. Called with target's statlock and PHY lock held. */ static int pmcs_set_dev_state(pmcs_hw_t *pwp, pmcs_phy_t *phyp, pmcs_xscsi_t *xp, uint8_t ds) { uint32_t htag, *ptr, msg[PMCS_MSG_SIZE]; int result; uint8_t pds, nds; struct pmcwork *pwrk; pmcs_prt(pwp, PMCS_PRT_DEBUG_DEV_STATE, phyp, xp, "%s: ds: 0x%x tgt: 0x%p phy: 0x%p", __func__, ds, (void *)xp, (void *)phyp); if (phyp == NULL) { pmcs_prt(pwp, PMCS_PRT_DEBUG_DEV_STATE, NULL, xp, "%s: PHY is NULL", __func__); return (-1); } pwrk = pmcs_gwork(pwp, PMCS_TAG_TYPE_WAIT, phyp); if (pwrk == NULL) { pmcs_prt(pwp, PMCS_PRT_ERR, phyp, xp, pmcs_nowrk, __func__); return (-1); } if (phyp->valid_device_id == 0) { pmcs_pwork(pwp, pwrk); pmcs_prt(pwp, PMCS_PRT_DEBUG_DEV_STATE, phyp, xp, "%s: Invalid DeviceID", __func__); return (-1); } pwrk->arg = msg; pwrk->dtype = phyp->dtype; htag = pwrk->htag; msg[0] = LE_32(PMCS_HIPRI(pwp, PMCS_OQ_GENERAL, PMCIN_SET_DEVICE_STATE)); msg[1] = LE_32(pwrk->htag); msg[2] = LE_32(phyp->device_id); msg[3] = LE_32(ds); CLEAN_MESSAGE(msg, 4); mutex_enter(&pwp->iqp_lock[PMCS_IQ_OTHER]); ptr = GET_IQ_ENTRY(pwp, PMCS_IQ_OTHER); if (ptr == NULL) { mutex_exit(&pwp->iqp_lock[PMCS_IQ_OTHER]); pmcs_pwork(pwp, pwrk); pmcs_prt(pwp, PMCS_PRT_ERR, phyp, xp, pmcs_nomsg, __func__); return (-1); } COPY_MESSAGE(ptr, msg, PMCS_MSG_SIZE); pwrk->state = PMCS_WORK_STATE_ONCHIP; INC_IQ_ENTRY(pwp, PMCS_IQ_OTHER); if (xp != NULL) { mutex_exit(&xp->statlock); } pmcs_unlock_phy(phyp); WAIT_FOR(pwrk, 1000, result); pmcs_pwork(pwp, pwrk); pmcs_lock_phy(phyp); if (xp != NULL) { mutex_enter(&xp->statlock); } if (result) { pmcs_timed_out(pwp, htag, __func__); pmcs_prt(pwp, PMCS_PRT_DEBUG_DEV_STATE, phyp, xp, "%s: cmd timed out, returning", __func__); return (-1); } if (LE_32(msg[2]) == 0) { pds = (uint8_t)(LE_32(msg[4]) >> 4); nds = (uint8_t)(LE_32(msg[4]) & 0x0000000f); pmcs_prt(pwp, PMCS_PRT_DEBUG_DEV_STATE, phyp, xp, "%s: previous_ds=0x%x, new_ds=0x%x", __func__, pds, nds); if (xp != NULL) { xp->dev_state = nds; } return (0); } else {