static SPUFunctions *arraySPUInit( int id, SPU *child, SPU *self, unsigned int context_id, unsigned int num_contexts ) { (void) context_id; (void) num_contexts; = id; array_spu.has_child = 0; if (child) { crSPUInitDispatchTable( &(array_spu.child) ); crSPUCopyDispatchTable( &(array_spu.child), &(child->dispatch_table) ); array_spu.has_child = 1; } crSPUInitDispatchTable( &(array_spu.super) ); crSPUCopyDispatchTable( &(array_spu.super), &(self->superSPU->dispatch_table) ); arrayspuGatherConfiguration(); crStateInit(); array_spu.ctx = crStateCreateContext( NULL, 0, NULL ); #ifdef CR_ARB_vertex_buffer_object array_spu.ctx->bufferobject.retainBufferData = GL_TRUE; #endif /* we call SetCurrent instead of MakeCurrent as the differencer * isn't setup yet anyway */ crStateSetCurrent( array_spu.ctx ); return &array_functions; }
static SPUFunctions *feedbackSPUInit( int id, SPU *child, SPU *self, unsigned int context_id, unsigned int num_contexts ) { (void) context_id; (void) num_contexts; #ifdef CHROMIUM_THREADSAFE crInitMutex(&feedback_spu.mutex); #endif = id; feedback_spu.has_child = 0; if (child) { crSPUInitDispatchTable( &(feedback_spu.child) ); crSPUCopyDispatchTable( &(feedback_spu.child), &(child->dispatch_table) ); feedback_spu.has_child = 1; } crSPUInitDispatchTable( &(feedback_spu.super) ); crSPUCopyDispatchTable( &(feedback_spu.super), &(self->superSPU->dispatch_table) ); feedbackspuGatherConfiguration(); /* create/init default state tracker */ crStateInit(); feedback_spu.defaultctx = crStateCreateContext(NULL, 0, NULL); crStateSetCurrent(feedback_spu.defaultctx); feedback_spu.numContexts = 0; crMemZero(feedback_spu.context, CR_MAX_CONTEXTS * sizeof(ContextInfo)); return &feedback_functions; }
static void crServerTearDown( void ) { GLint i; /* avoid a race condition */ if (tearingdown) return; tearingdown = 1; crStateSetCurrent( NULL ); cr_server.curClient = NULL; cr_server.run_queue = NULL; crFree( cr_server.overlap_intens ); cr_server.overlap_intens = NULL; /* Deallocate all semaphores */ crFreeHashtable(cr_server.semaphores, crFree); cr_server.semaphores = NULL; /* Deallocate all barriers */ crFreeHashtable(cr_server.barriers, DeleteBarrierCallback); cr_server.barriers = NULL; /* Free all context info */ crFreeHashtable(cr_server.contextTable, deleteContextCallback); /* Free vertex programs */ crFreeHashtable(cr_server.programTable, crFree); for (i = 0; i < cr_server.numClients; i++) { if (cr_server.clients[i]) { CRConnection *conn = cr_server.clients[i]->conn; crNetFreeConnection(conn); crFree(cr_server.clients[i]); } } cr_server.numClients = 0; #if 1 /* disable these two lines if trying to get stack traces with valgrind */ crSPUUnloadChain(cr_server.head_spu); cr_server.head_spu = NULL; #endif crUnloadOpenGL(); }
static SPUFunctions *nopSPUInit( int id, SPU *child, SPU *self, unsigned int context_id, unsigned int num_contexts ) { (void) id; (void) context_id; (void) num_contexts; (void) child; (void) self; nopspuGatherConfiguration(); crStateInit(); nop_spu.ctx = crStateCreateContext( NULL, CR_RGB_BIT, NULL ); crStateSetCurrent( nop_spu.ctx ); return &nop_functions; }
static SPUFunctions *arraySPUInit( int id, SPU *child, SPU *self, unsigned int context_id, unsigned int num_contexts ) { (void) context_id; (void) num_contexts; #ifdef CHROMIUM_THREADSAFE crInitMutex(&_ArrayMutex); #endif = id; array_spu.has_child = 0; if (child) { crSPUInitDispatchTable( &(array_spu.child) ); crSPUCopyDispatchTable( &(array_spu.child), &(child->dispatch_table) ); array_spu.has_child = 1; } crSPUInitDispatchTable( &(array_spu.super) ); crSPUCopyDispatchTable( &(array_spu.super), &(self->superSPU->dispatch_table) ); arrayspuSetVBoxConfiguration(); crStateInit(); /*@todo seems default context ain't needed at all*/ array_spu.defaultctx = crStateCreateContext( NULL, 0, NULL ); #ifdef CR_ARB_vertex_buffer_object array_spu.defaultctx->bufferobject.retainBufferData = GL_TRUE; #endif /* we call SetCurrent instead of MakeCurrent as the differencer * isn't setup yet anyway */ crStateSetCurrent( array_spu.defaultctx ); array_spu.numContexts = 0; crMemZero(array_spu.context, CR_MAX_CONTEXTS * sizeof(ContextInfo)); return &array_functions; }
static void crServerTearDown( void ) { GLint i; CRClientNode *pNode, *pNext; /* avoid a race condition */ if (tearingdown) return; tearingdown = 1; crStateSetCurrent( NULL ); cr_server.curClient = NULL; cr_server.run_queue = NULL; crFree( cr_server.overlap_intens ); cr_server.overlap_intens = NULL; /* Deallocate all semaphores */ crFreeHashtable(cr_server.semaphores, crFree); cr_server.semaphores = NULL; /* Deallocate all barriers */ crFreeHashtable(cr_server.barriers, DeleteBarrierCallback); cr_server.barriers = NULL; /* Free all context info */ crFreeHashtable(cr_server.contextTable, deleteContextCallback); /* Free context/window creation info */ crFreeHashtable(cr_server.pContextCreateInfoTable, crServerCreateInfoDeleteCB); crFreeHashtable(cr_server.pWindowCreateInfoTable, crServerCreateInfoDeleteCB); /* Free vertex programs */ crFreeHashtable(cr_server.programTable, crFree); for (i = 0; i < cr_server.numClients; i++) { if (cr_server.clients[i]) { CRConnection *conn = cr_server.clients[i]->conn; crNetFreeConnection(conn); crFree(cr_server.clients[i]); } } cr_server.numClients = 0; pNode = cr_server.pCleanupClient; while (pNode) { pNext=pNode->next; crFree(pNode->pClient); crFree(pNode); pNode=pNext; } cr_server.pCleanupClient = NULL; #if 1 /* disable these two lines if trying to get stack traces with valgrind */ crSPUUnloadChain(cr_server.head_spu); cr_server.head_spu = NULL; #endif crStateDestroy(); crNetTearDown(); }