Example #1
void SpriteBatch::draw(const Vector3& dst, float width, float height, float u1, float v1, float u2, float v2, const Vector4& color,
                       const Vector2& rotationPoint, float rotationAngle)
    // Expand dst by scale into 4 points.
    float x2 = dst.x + width;
    float y2 = dst.y + height;
    Vector2 upLeft(dst.x, dst.y);
    Vector2 upRight(x2, dst.y);
    Vector2 downLeft(dst.x, y2);
    Vector2 downRight(x2, y2);

    // Rotate points around rotationAxis by rotationAngle.
    Vector2 pivotPoint(rotationPoint);
    pivotPoint.x *= width;
    pivotPoint.y *= height;
    pivotPoint.x += dst.x;
    pivotPoint.y += dst.y;
    upLeft.rotate(pivotPoint, rotationAngle);
    upRight.rotate(pivotPoint, rotationAngle);
    downLeft.rotate(pivotPoint, rotationAngle);
    downRight.rotate(pivotPoint, rotationAngle);
    // Write sprite vertex data.
    static SpriteVertex v[4];
    ADD_SPRITE_VERTEX(v[0], upLeft.x, upLeft.y, dst.z, u1, v1, color.x, color.y, color.z, color.w);
    ADD_SPRITE_VERTEX(v[1], upRight.x, upRight.y, dst.z, u1, v2, color.x, color.y, color.z, color.w);
    ADD_SPRITE_VERTEX(v[2], downLeft.x, downLeft.y, dst.z, u2, v1, color.x, color.y, color.z, color.w);
    ADD_SPRITE_VERTEX(v[3], downRight.x, downRight.y, dst.z, u2, v2, color.x, color.y, color.z, color.w);
    static unsigned short indices[4] = { 0, 1, 2, 3 };

    _batch->add(v, 4, indices, 4);
void tag_recognition::cutWords(cv::Mat wordsMask, cv::Mat rawDst, cv::Mat &word1, cv::Mat &word2)
    std::vector < std::vector<cv::Point2f> > rotatedBlobs;
    rotatedBlobs = this->removeImpossibleBlobs(rotatedBlobs);
    //    qDebug() << rotatedBlobs.size();
    if(rotatedBlobs.size() < 2)
//        cv::imshow("WTF",wordsMask);
        word1 = cv::Mat::zeros(1,1,CV_8UC1);
        word2 = cv::Mat::zeros(1,1,CV_8UC1);

    std::vector<cv::Point2f> topLeft(rotatedBlobs.size());
    std::vector<cv::Point2f> downRight(rotatedBlobs.size());

    for(int i = 0; i < rotatedBlobs.size(); i++)
        topLeft[i] = cv::Point2f(tagSize,tagSize);
        downRight[i] = cv::Point2f(0,0);
        for(int j=0; j < rotatedBlobs[i].size(); j++)
            if(topLeft[i].x > rotatedBlobs[i][j].x)
                topLeft[i].x = rotatedBlobs[i][j].x;
            if(topLeft[i].y > rotatedBlobs[i][j].y)
                topLeft[i].y = rotatedBlobs[i][j].y;
            if(downRight[i].x < rotatedBlobs[i][j].x)
                downRight[i].x = rotatedBlobs[i][j].x;
            if(downRight[i].y < rotatedBlobs[i][j].y)
                downRight[i].y = rotatedBlobs[i][j].y;
        //        qDebug() << topLeft.x << topLeft.y << downRight.x << downRight.y;
        //        cv::imshow(std::to_string(i),dst);

    if(topLeft[0].x < topLeft[1].x)

Example #3
void SpriteBatch::draw(float x, float y, float z, float width, float height, float u1, float v1, float u2, float v2, const Vector4& color,
          const Vector2& rotationPoint, float rotationAngle, bool positionIsCenter)
    // Treat the given position as the center if the user specified it as such.
    if (positionIsCenter)
        x -= 0.5f * width;
        y -= 0.5f * height;

    // Expand the destination position by scale into 4 points.
    float x2 = x + width;
    float y2 = y + height;
    Vector2 upLeft(x, y);
    Vector2 upRight(x2, y);
    Vector2 downLeft(x, y2);
    Vector2 downRight(x2, y2);

    // Rotate points around rotationAxis by rotationAngle.
    if (rotationAngle != 0)
        Vector2 pivotPoint(rotationPoint);
        pivotPoint.x *= width;
        pivotPoint.y *= height;
        pivotPoint.x += x;
        pivotPoint.y += y;
        upLeft.rotate(pivotPoint, rotationAngle);
        upRight.rotate(pivotPoint, rotationAngle);
        downLeft.rotate(pivotPoint, rotationAngle);
        downRight.rotate(pivotPoint, rotationAngle);

    // Write sprite vertex data.
    static SpriteVertex v[4];
    SPRITE_ADD_VERTEX(v[0], downLeft.x, downLeft.y, z, u1, v1, color.x, color.y, color.z, color.w);
    SPRITE_ADD_VERTEX(v[1], upLeft.x, upLeft.y, z, u1, v2, color.x, color.y, color.z, color.w);
    SPRITE_ADD_VERTEX(v[2], downRight.x, downRight.y, z, u2, v1, color.x, color.y, color.z, color.w);
    SPRITE_ADD_VERTEX(v[3], upRight.x, upRight.y, z, u2, v2, color.x, color.y, color.z, color.w);
    static unsigned short indices[4] = { 0, 1, 2, 3 };

    _batch->add(v, 4, indices, 4);