int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // Local Main Declarations float startCountDown = 5.0; double data[4]; FILE *enc_zero; // printf("The present position will be the home position.\n"); enc_init(); // printf("The present position will be the home position2.\n"); while(startCountDown > 0.0){ printf("%0.0f seconds to end\n",startCountDown); startCountDown -= 1.0; sleep(1); } printf("The present position will be the home position.\n"); data[0]= read_angle_rad(1); data[1]= read_angle_rad(2); data[2]= read_angle_rad(3); data[3]=-read_angle_rad(4); enc_zero=fopen("enc_home.dat","w+"); fprintf(enc_zero,"%f %f %f %f\n",data[0],data[1],data[2],data[3]); fclose(enc_zero); return( 0 ); }
void init_ethernet(void) { enc28j60_comm_init(); UARTprintf("Welcome\n"); enc_init(mac_addr); systick_init(); lwip_init(); #if !LWIP_DHCP IP4_ADDR(&gw_g, 10,0,0,1); IP4_ADDR(&ipaddr_g, 10,0,0,100); IP4_ADDR(&netmask_g, 255, 255, 255, 0) #else IP4_ADDR(&gw_g, 0,0,0,0); IP4_ADDR(&ipaddr_g, 0,0,0,0); IP4_ADDR(&netmask_g, 0, 0, 0, 0); #endif netif_add(&netif_g, &ipaddr_g, &netmask_g, &gw_g, NULL, enc28j60_init, ethernet_input); netif_set_default(&netif_g); #if !LWIP_DHCP netif_set_up(&netif_g); #else dhcp_start(&netif_g); #endif }
static int ss_instance_init(struct redudp_instance_t *instance) { ss_instance * ss = (ss_instance *)(instance+1); const redudp_config *config = &instance->config; char buf1[RED_INET_ADDRSTRLEN]; int valid_cred = ss_is_valid_cred(config->login, config->password); if (!valid_cred || (ss->method = enc_init(&ss->info, config->password, config->login), ss->method == -1)) { log_error(LOG_ERR, "Invalided encrytion method or password."); return -1; } else { log_error(LOG_INFO, "%s @ %s: encryption method: %s", instance->relay_ss->name, red_inet_ntop(&instance->config.bindaddr, buf1, sizeof(buf1)), config->login); } // An additional buffer is allocated for each instance for encryption/decrption. ss->buff = malloc(MAX_UDP_PACKET_SIZE); if (!ss->buff) { log_error(LOG_ERR, "Out of memory."); return -1; } return 0; }
int main(void) { lb_init(&lb); event_init(); motor_init(); uart_init(); // init USART enc_init(); i2c_init(); adc_init(); kalman_init(); sei(); // enable interrupts // Wait a second at startup _delay_ms(1000); // send initial string printf_P(PSTR("Hello world!\n")); imu_init(); for (;/*ever*/;) { // ADCSRA |= (1<<ADSC); // Set start conversion bit and wait for conversion to finish // while(ADCSRA&(1<<ADSC)); // OCR1AL = ADCH; // Set ADC reading to timer 0 compare if(event_pending()) { event_action(); } else // No pending operation, do low priority tasks { // dequeue receive buffer if any bytes waiting while (uart_avail()) { char c = uart_getc(); if (lb_append(&lb, c) == LB_BUFFER_FULL) { lb_init(&lb); // Clear line printf_P(PSTR("\nMax line length exceeded\n")); } // Process command if line buffer is ready ... if (lb_line_ready(&lb)) { strcpy(cmd_string,lb_gets(&lb)); do_cmd(cmd_string); lb_init(&lb); } } } // Process command if line buffer is terminated by a line feed or carriage return } return 0; }
int precompute_response(FILE* fp, Chal * c,char * key) { unsigned char message[v*BLOCK_SIZE]; unsigned char codeword[w*BLOCK_SIZE]; char uth[BLOCK_SIZE]; char ct[BLOCK_SIZE]; int i,j,p; enc_init(key); // for each of the challenge for (j=0;j<q;j++) { int index = 0; for (i=0;i<v;i++) { // read in the random indexed blocks fseek(fp,c[j].s[i]*BLOCK_SIZE,SEEK_SET); unsigned char buffer[BLOCK_SIZE]; readStartTime = getCPUTime(); clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start); fread(buffer, BLOCK_SIZE, 1, fp); clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &finish); double addTime = finish.tv_sec - start.tv_sec; addTime += (finish.tv_nsec - start.tv_nsec)/1000000000.0; readTime += getCPUTime() - readStartTime+addTime; for(p=0;p<BLOCK_SIZE;p++) { message[index] = buffer[p]; index++; } fflush(stdout); } // perform a concatenated encoding concat_encode(message,codeword); for (i=0;i<BLOCK_SIZE;i++) { // get the u-th symbol uth[i] = codeword[BLOCK_SIZE*c[j].u+i]; } clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start); encStartTime = getCPUTime(); // encrypt the response and append at the end encrypt(ct,uth,sizeof(uth)); clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &finish); double addTime = finish.tv_sec - start.tv_sec; addTime += (finish.tv_nsec - start.tv_nsec)/1000000000.0; encTime += getCPUTime()-encStartTime+addTime; write2StartTime = getCPUTime(); clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start); fwrite(ct,BLOCK_SIZE,1,fp); clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &finish); addTime = finish.tv_sec - start.tv_sec; addTime += (finish.tv_nsec - start.tv_nsec)/1000000000.0; write2Time+=getCPUTime()-write2StartTime+addTime; } }
int init_systems() { var_load(CONFIG_FILE); // Nacti vsechny promenne led_init(); input_event_init(); // Klavesnice enc_init(); // Nastav encodery // motor_init(); // PID -> zapinat az po encoderech i2c_init(); // Priprav i2c komunikaci pthread_attr_t *thAttr = NULL; pthread_create(&bumpers_loop_tid, thAttr, bumpers_loop, NULL); return 0; }
int main(void) { char packet[1500]; struct cfg_s cfg; /*wait 500 for ethernet*/ _delay_ms(500); enc_init(); twi_init(); spi_init(); ip_init(); pwm_init(); sei(); /* * EEPROM: * Mac Address:6 * IP:4 * Subnet Mask:4 * Port:2 * ID:4 */ eeprom_read_block(&eecfg, &cfg, sizeof(struct cfg_s)); ip_setipmac((char*)cfg.ip, (char*)cfg.subnet, (char*)cfg.mac); while(1) { /* * Provide encoder deltas * Provide Integrated/Corrected Gyro * Accelerometer? * Pipe PWMS * Pipe Spike * IP? - TCP/UDP * * Do reliability on cpu side. * Send immediate acks only. * * Timeout of 250 ms? */ /* TODO: * ANALOG: * GYRO * TEMP * ACCELEROMETER * CONTROL STATION * PID? */ /*LOOP*/ } }
/*配置XVID CODEC视频编解码算法*/ void CMainFrame::Config_XVIECODEC() { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ENC_PARAM m_Param; m_Param.width = lpbiIn->bmiHeader.biWidth; //视频图像宽度 m_Param.height= lpbiIn->bmiHeader.biHeight; //视频图像高度 m_Param.bitrate = 800000; //码流大小,使用码流控制 m_Param.max_key_interval = 100; //关键帧间隔 m_Param.framerate = 25; //帧率 m_Param.quant = 0; //量化步长,0表示使用码流控制 enc_init(&m_Param); //创建xvid codec编码器 dec_init(m_Param.width,m_Param.height); //创建xvid codec解码器 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// }
//以wavstream和wavstreamlen,计算amr编码后需要的长度并分配空间,返回amrstream和amrstream的长度 int amr_encode_init(unsigned char *wavstream, int wavstreamlen, AmrEncState **s, unsigned char **amrstream) { if(NULL==wavstream || wavstreamlen<=0) return -1; *s = enc_init(); if(*s == NULL) return -1; // "enc_init fail!"; if(enc_set_file(*s, wavstream, wavstreamlen) == -1) { enc_uninit(*s); *s = NULL; return -1; // mes; } *armstream = (*s)->amrstream; return (*s)->amrstreamlen; }
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_me_smartproxy_crypto_CryptoUtils_initEncryptor(JNIEnv *env, jclass thiz, jstring jpassword, jstring jmethod, jlong id) { enc_connection *connection = enc_ctx_map[id]; if(connection == NULL) { const char *password = env->GetStringUTFChars(jpassword, 0); const char *method = env->GetStringUTFChars(jmethod, 0); connection = (enc_connection *)ss_malloc(sizeof(struct enc_connection)); connection->text_e_ctx = (enc_ctx *)ss_malloc(sizeof(struct enc_ctx)); connection->text_d_ctx = (enc_ctx *)ss_malloc(sizeof(struct enc_ctx)); int enc_method = enc_init(password, method); enc_ctx_init(enc_method, connection->text_e_ctx, 1); enc_ctx_init(enc_method, connection->text_d_ctx, 0); enc_ctx_map[id] = connection; env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jpassword, password); env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jmethod, method); } }
static int ss_instance_init(struct redsocks_instance_t *instance) { ss_instance * ss = (ss_instance *)(instance+1); const redsocks_config *config = &instance->config; int valid_cred = ss_is_valid_cred(config->login, config->password); if (!valid_cred || (ss->method = enc_init(&ss->info, config->password, config->login), ss->method == -1)) { log_error(LOG_ERR, "Invalided encrytion method or password."); return -1; } else { log_error(LOG_INFO, "using encryption method: %s", config->login); } return 0; }
int main(void) { enc_init(); motor_init(); encoder_debug_init(); right_turns = 0; left_turns = 0; right_direction = REVERSE; left_direction = REVERSE; encoder_debug_init(); //Enable all interrupts sei(); DDRC &= ~(_BV(DDC5)); while (!(has_wall(RIGHT) && has_wall(RIGHT))) { move_forward(1); } turn_right(1); move_forward(1); while (1) { if (has_wall(RIGHT)) { PORTC |= _BV(PORTC3); } else { PORTC &= ~(_BV(PORTC3)); } if (has_wall(LEFT)) { PORTC |= _BV(PORTC2); } else { PORTC &= ~(_BV(PORTC2)); } /* while ((PINC & _BV(PINC5))); move_forward(1); move_forward(1); turn_right(1); move_forward(1); */ } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i, c; int pid_flags = 0; char *user = NULL; char *local_port = NULL; char *local_addr = NULL; char *password = NULL; char *timeout = NULL; char *method = NULL; char *pid_path = NULL; char *conf_path = NULL; char *iface = NULL; srand(time(NULL)); int remote_num = 0; ss_addr_t remote_addr[MAX_REMOTE_NUM]; char *remote_port = NULL; int option_index = 0; static struct option long_options[] = { { "fast-open", no_argument, 0, 0 }, { "acl", required_argument, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; opterr = 0; USE_TTY(); #ifdef ANDROID while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "f:s:p:l:k:t:m:i:c:b:a:uvVA", long_options, &option_index)) != -1) { #else while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "f:s:p:l:k:t:m:i:c:b:a:uvA", long_options, &option_index)) != -1) { #endif switch (c) { case 0: if (option_index == 0) { fast_open = 1; } else if (option_index == 1) { LOGI("initialize acl..."); acl = !init_acl(optarg); } break; case 's': if (remote_num < MAX_REMOTE_NUM) { remote_addr[remote_num].host = optarg; remote_addr[remote_num++].port = NULL; } break; case 'p': remote_port = optarg; break; case 'l': local_port = optarg; break; case 'k': password = optarg; break; case 'f': pid_flags = 1; pid_path = optarg; break; case 't': timeout = optarg; break; case 'm': method = optarg; break; case 'c': conf_path = optarg; break; case 'i': iface = optarg; break; case 'b': local_addr = optarg; break; case 'a': user = optarg; break; case 'u': mode = TCP_AND_UDP; break; case 'v': verbose = 1; break; case 'A': auth = 1; break; #ifdef ANDROID case 'V': vpn = 1; break; #endif } } if (opterr) { usage(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (argc == 1) { if (conf_path == NULL) { conf_path = DEFAULT_CONF_PATH; } } if (conf_path != NULL) { jconf_t *conf = read_jconf(conf_path); if (remote_num == 0) { remote_num = conf->remote_num; for (i = 0; i < remote_num; i++) { remote_addr[i] = conf->remote_addr[i]; } } if (remote_port == NULL) { remote_port = conf->remote_port; } if (local_addr == NULL) { local_addr = conf->local_addr; } if (local_port == NULL) { local_port = conf->local_port; } if (password == NULL) { password = conf->password; } if (method == NULL) { method = conf->method; } if (timeout == NULL) { timeout = conf->timeout; } if (fast_open == 0) { fast_open = conf->fast_open; } #ifdef HAVE_SETRLIMIT if (nofile == 0) { nofile = conf->nofile; } /* * no need to check the return value here since we will show * the user an error message if setrlimit(2) fails */ if (nofile) { if (verbose) { LOGI("setting NOFILE to %d", nofile); } set_nofile(nofile); } #endif } if (remote_num == 0 || remote_port == NULL || local_port == NULL || password == NULL) { usage(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (timeout == NULL) { timeout = "60"; } if (local_addr == NULL) { local_addr = ""; } if (pid_flags) { USE_SYSLOG(argv[0]); daemonize(pid_path); } if (fast_open == 1) { #ifdef TCP_FASTOPEN LOGI("using tcp fast open"); #else LOGE("tcp fast open is not supported by this environment"); #endif } if (auth) { LOGI("onetime authentication enabled"); } #ifdef __MINGW32__ winsock_init(); #else // ignore SIGPIPE signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGABRT, SIG_IGN); #endif struct ev_signal sigint_watcher; struct ev_signal sigterm_watcher; ev_signal_init(&sigint_watcher, signal_cb, SIGINT); ev_signal_init(&sigterm_watcher, signal_cb, SIGTERM); ev_signal_start(EV_DEFAULT, &sigint_watcher); ev_signal_start(EV_DEFAULT, &sigterm_watcher); // Setup keys LOGI("initialize ciphers... %s", method); int m = enc_init(password, method); // Setup proxy context struct listen_ctx listen_ctx; listen_ctx.remote_num = remote_num; listen_ctx.remote_addr = malloc(sizeof(struct sockaddr *) * remote_num); for (i = 0; i < remote_num; i++) { char *host = remote_addr[i].host; char *port = remote_addr[i].port == NULL ? remote_port : remote_addr[i].port; struct sockaddr_storage *storage = malloc(sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage)); memset(storage, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage)); if (get_sockaddr(host, port, storage, 1) == -1) { FATAL("failed to resolve the provided hostname"); } listen_ctx.remote_addr[i] = (struct sockaddr *)storage; } listen_ctx.timeout = atoi(timeout); listen_ctx.iface = iface; listen_ctx.method = m; struct ev_loop *loop = EV_DEFAULT; // Setup socket int listenfd; listenfd = create_and_bind(local_addr, local_port); if (listenfd < 0) { FATAL("bind() error"); } if (listen(listenfd, SOMAXCONN) == -1) { FATAL("listen() error"); } setnonblocking(listenfd); listen_ctx.fd = listenfd; ev_io_init(&, accept_cb, listenfd, EV_READ); ev_io_start(loop, &; // Setup UDP if (mode != TCP_ONLY) { LOGI("udprelay enabled"); init_udprelay(local_addr, local_port, listen_ctx.remote_addr[0], get_sockaddr_len(listen_ctx.remote_addr[0]), m, listen_ctx.timeout, iface); } LOGI("listening at %s:%s", local_addr, local_port); // setuid if (user != NULL) { run_as(user); } // Init connections cork_dllist_init(&connections); // Enter the loop ev_run(loop, 0); if (verbose) { LOGI("closed gracefully"); } // Clean up ev_io_stop(loop, &; free_connections(loop); if (mode != TCP_ONLY) { free_udprelay(); } for (i = 0; i < remote_num; i++) { free(listen_ctx.remote_addr[i]); } free(listen_ctx.remote_addr); #ifdef __MINGW32__ winsock_cleanup(); #endif ev_signal_stop(EV_DEFAULT, &sigint_watcher); ev_signal_stop(EV_DEFAULT, &sigterm_watcher); return 0; } #else int start_ss_local_server(profile_t profile) { srand(time(NULL)); char *remote_host = profile.remote_host; char *local_addr = profile.local_addr; char *method = profile.method; char *password = profile.password; char *log = profile.log; int remote_port = profile.remote_port; int local_port = profile.local_port; int timeout = profile.timeout; mode = profile.mode; fast_open = profile.fast_open; verbose = profile.verbose; char local_port_str[16]; char remote_port_str[16]; sprintf(local_port_str, "%d", local_port); sprintf(remote_port_str, "%d", remote_port); USE_LOGFILE(log); if (profile.acl != NULL) { acl = !init_acl(profile.acl); } if (local_addr == NULL) { local_addr = ""; } #ifdef __MINGW32__ winsock_init(); #else // ignore SIGPIPE signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGABRT, SIG_IGN); #endif struct ev_signal sigint_watcher; struct ev_signal sigterm_watcher; ev_signal_init(&sigint_watcher, signal_cb, SIGINT); ev_signal_init(&sigterm_watcher, signal_cb, SIGTERM); ev_signal_start(EV_DEFAULT, &sigint_watcher); ev_signal_start(EV_DEFAULT, &sigterm_watcher); // Setup keys LOGI("initialize ciphers... %s", method); int m = enc_init(password, method); struct sockaddr_storage *storage = malloc(sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage)); memset(storage, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage)); if (get_sockaddr(remote_host, remote_port_str, storage, 1) == -1) { return -1; } // Setup proxy context struct ev_loop *loop = EV_DEFAULT; struct listen_ctx listen_ctx; listen_ctx.remote_num = 1; listen_ctx.remote_addr = malloc(sizeof(struct sockaddr *)); listen_ctx.remote_addr[0] = (struct sockaddr *)storage; listen_ctx.timeout = timeout; listen_ctx.method = m; listen_ctx.iface = NULL; // Setup socket int listenfd; listenfd = create_and_bind(local_addr, local_port_str); if (listenfd < 0) { ERROR("bind()"); return -1; } if (listen(listenfd, SOMAXCONN) == -1) { ERROR("listen()"); return -1; } setnonblocking(listenfd); listen_ctx.fd = listenfd; ev_io_init(&, accept_cb, listenfd, EV_READ); ev_io_start(loop, &; // Setup UDP if (mode != TCP_ONLY) { LOGI("udprelay enabled"); struct sockaddr *addr = (struct sockaddr *)storage; init_udprelay(local_addr, local_port_str, addr, get_sockaddr_len(addr), m, timeout, NULL); } LOGI("listening at %s:%s", local_addr, local_port_str); // Init connections cork_dllist_init(&connections); // Enter the loop ev_run(loop, 0); if (verbose) { LOGI("closed gracefully"); } // Clean up if (mode != TCP_ONLY) { free_udprelay(); } ev_io_stop(loop, &; free_connections(loop); close(listen_ctx.fd); free(listen_ctx.remote_addr); #ifdef __MINGW32__ winsock_cleanup(); #endif ev_signal_stop(EV_DEFAULT, &sigint_watcher); ev_signal_stop(EV_DEFAULT, &sigterm_watcher); // cannot reach here return 0; }
ERL_NIF_TERM encode(ErlNifEnv* env, int argc, const ERL_NIF_TERM argv[]) { Encoder enc; Encoder* e = &enc; ErlNifBinary bin; ERL_NIF_TERM ret; ERL_NIF_TERM stack; ERL_NIF_TERM curr; ERL_NIF_TERM item; const ERL_NIF_TERM* tuple; int arity; ErlNifSInt64 lval; double dval; if(argc != 2) { return enif_make_badarg(env); } if(!enc_init(e, env, argv[1], &bin)) { return enif_make_badarg(env); } stack = enif_make_list(env, 1, argv[0]); while(!enif_is_empty_list(env, stack)) { if(!enif_get_list_cell(env, stack, &curr, &stack)) { ret = enc_error(e, "internal_error"); goto done; } if(enif_is_identical(curr, e->atoms->ref_object)) { if(!enif_get_list_cell(env, stack, &curr, &stack)) { ret = enc_error(e, "internal_error"); goto done; } if(enif_is_empty_list(env, curr)) { if(!enc_end_object(e)) { ret = enc_error(e, "internal_error"); goto done; } continue; } if(!enif_get_list_cell(env, curr, &item, &curr)) { ret = enc_error(e, "internal_error"); goto done; } if(!enif_get_tuple(env, item, &arity, &tuple)) { ret = enc_error(e, "invalid_object_pair"); goto done; } if(arity != 2) { ret = enc_error(e, "invalid_object_pair"); goto done; } if(!enc_comma(e)) { ret = enc_error(e, "internal_error"); goto done; } if(!enc_string(e, tuple[0])) { ret = enc_error(e, "invalid_object_key"); goto done; } if(!enc_colon(e)) { ret = enc_error(e, "internal_error"); goto done; } stack = enif_make_list_cell(env, curr, stack); stack = enif_make_list_cell(env, e->atoms->ref_object, stack); stack = enif_make_list_cell(env, tuple[1], stack); } else if(enif_is_identical(curr, e->atoms->ref_array)) { if(!enif_get_list_cell(env, stack, &curr, &stack)) { ret = enc_error(e, "internal_error"); goto done; } if(enif_is_empty_list(env, curr)) { if(!enc_end_array(e)) { ret = enc_error(e, "internal_error"); goto done; } continue; } if(!enc_comma(e)) { ret = enc_error(e, "internal_error"); goto done; } if(!enif_get_list_cell(env, curr, &item, &curr)) { ret = enc_error(e, "internal_error"); goto done; } stack = enif_make_list_cell(env, curr, stack); stack = enif_make_list_cell(env, e->atoms->ref_array, stack); stack = enif_make_list_cell(env, item, stack); } else if(enif_compare(curr, e->atoms->atom_null) == 0) { if(!enc_literal(e, "null", 4)) { ret = enc_error(e, "null"); goto done; } } else if(enif_compare(curr, e->atoms->atom_true) == 0) { if(!enc_literal(e, "true", 4)) { ret = enc_error(e, "true"); goto done; } } else if(enif_compare(curr, e->atoms->atom_false) == 0) { if(!enc_literal(e, "false", 5)) { ret = enc_error(e, "false"); goto done; } } else if(enif_is_binary(env, curr)) { if(!enc_string(e, curr)) { ret = enc_error(e, "invalid_string"); goto done; } } else if(enif_is_atom(env, curr)) { if(!enc_string(e, curr)) { ret = enc_error(e, "invalid_string"); goto done; } } else if(enif_get_int64(env, curr, &lval)) { if(!enc_long(e, lval)) { ret = enc_error(e, "internal_error"); goto done; } } else if(enif_get_double(env, curr, &dval)) { if(!enc_double(e, dval)) { ret = enc_error(e, "internal_error"); goto done; } } else if(enif_get_tuple(env, curr, &arity, &tuple)) { if(arity != 1) { ret = enc_error(e, "invalid_ejson"); goto done; } if(!enif_is_list(env, tuple[0])) { ret = enc_error(e, "invalid_object"); goto done; } if(!enc_start_object(e)) { ret = enc_error(e, "internal_error"); goto done; } if(enif_is_empty_list(env, tuple[0])) { if(!enc_end_object(e)) { ret = enc_error(e, "internal_error"); goto done; } continue; } if(!enif_get_list_cell(env, tuple[0], &item, &curr)) { ret = enc_error(e, "internal_error"); goto done; } if(!enif_get_tuple(env, item, &arity, &tuple)) { ret = enc_error(e, "invalid_object_member"); goto done; } if(arity != 2) { ret = enc_error(e, "invalid_object_member_arity"); goto done; } if(!enc_string(e, tuple[0])) { ret = enc_error(e, "invalid_object_member_key"); goto done; } if(!enc_colon(e)) { ret = enc_error(e, "internal_error"); goto done; } stack = enif_make_list_cell(env, curr, stack); stack = enif_make_list_cell(env, e->atoms->ref_object, stack); stack = enif_make_list_cell(env, tuple[1], stack); } else if(enif_is_list(env, curr)) { if(!enc_start_array(e)) { ret = enc_error(e, "internal_error"); goto done; } if(enif_is_empty_list(env, curr)) { if(!enc_end_array(e)) { ret = enc_error(e, "internal_error"); goto done; } continue; } if(!enif_get_list_cell(env, curr, &item, &curr)) { ret = enc_error(e, "internal_error"); goto done; } stack = enif_make_list_cell(env, curr, stack); stack = enif_make_list_cell(env, e->atoms->ref_array, stack); stack = enif_make_list_cell(env, item, stack); } else { if(!enc_unknown(e, curr)) { ret = enc_error(e, "internal_error"); goto done; } } } if(!enc_done(e, &item)) { ret = enc_error(e, "internal_error"); goto done; } if(e->iolen == 0) { ret = item; } else { ret = enif_make_tuple2(env, e->atoms->atom_partial, item); } done: enc_destroy(e); return ret; }
XVIDVideoCodec::XVIDVideoCodec() { m_width = 160; m_height = 120; /* encoder init */ in_buffer = (unsigned char *) malloc(m_width * m_height * 3); mp4_buffer = (unsigned char *) malloc(m_width * m_height * 3); ARG_FRAMERATE = 2.0f; /*25.00f;*/ ARG_QUALITY = ME_ELEMENTS - 1; static void *enc_handle = NULL; int result = enc_init(); if (result) { wxMessageBox("Could not initialize XVid CODEC", _T("Error"), wxICON_ERROR | wxOK); exit(0); } /* decoder init */ xvid_gbl_init_t xvid_gbl_init; xvid_dec_create_t xvid_dec_create; /* Reset the structure with zeros */ memset(&xvid_gbl_init, 0, sizeof(xvid_gbl_init_t)); memset(&xvid_dec_create, 0, sizeof(xvid_dec_create_t)); /* Version */ xvid_gbl_init.version = XVID_VERSION; /* Assembly setting */ #ifdef ARCH_IS_IA64 xvid_gbl_init.cpu_flags = XVID_CPU_FORCE | XVID_CPU_IA64; #else xvid_gbl_init.cpu_flags = 0; #endif xvid_gbl_init.debug = 0/*debug_level*/; xvid_global(NULL, 0, &xvid_gbl_init, NULL); xvid_dec_create.version = XVID_VERSION; xvid_dec_create.width = m_width; xvid_dec_create.height = m_height; int ret = xvid_decore(NULL, XVID_DEC_CREATE, &xvid_dec_create, NULL); if (ret) { wxMessageBox("Could not initialize XVid CODEC", _T("Error"), wxICON_ERROR | wxOK); exit(0); } dec_handle = xvid_dec_create.handle; out_buffer = (unsigned char*)malloc(m_width*m_height*4); memset(out_buffer, 0x00, m_width*m_height*4); }
void main(void) { static struct uip_eth_addr eth_addr; uip_ipaddr_t ipaddr; cpu_init(); uart_init(); printf("Welcome\n"); spi_init(); enc28j60_comm_init(); printf("Welcome\n"); enc_init(mac_addr); // // Configure SysTick for a periodic interrupt. // MAP_SysTickPeriodSet(MAP_SysCtlClockGet() / SYSTICKHZ); MAP_SysTickEnable(); MAP_SysTickIntEnable(); //MAP_IntEnable(INT_GPIOA); MAP_IntEnable(INT_GPIOE); MAP_IntMasterEnable(); MAP_SysCtlPeripheralClockGating(false); printf("int enabled\n"); MAP_GPIOIntTypeSet(GPIO_PORTE_BASE, ENC_INT, GPIO_FALLING_EDGE); MAP_GPIOPinIntClear(GPIO_PORTE_BASE, ENC_INT); MAP_GPIOPinIntEnable(GPIO_PORTE_BASE, ENC_INT); uip_init(); eth_addr.addr[0] = mac_addr[0]; eth_addr.addr[1] = mac_addr[1]; eth_addr.addr[2] = mac_addr[2]; eth_addr.addr[3] = mac_addr[3]; eth_addr.addr[4] = mac_addr[4]; eth_addr.addr[5] = mac_addr[5]; uip_setethaddr(eth_addr); #define DEFAULT_IPADDR0 10 #define DEFAULT_IPADDR1 0 #define DEFAULT_IPADDR2 0 #define DEFAULT_IPADDR3 201 #define DEFAULT_NETMASK0 255 #define DEFAULT_NETMASK1 255 #define DEFAULT_NETMASK2 255 #define DEFAULT_NETMASK3 0 #undef STATIC_IP #ifdef STATIC_IP uip_ipaddr(ipaddr, DEFAULT_IPADDR0, DEFAULT_IPADDR1, DEFAULT_IPADDR2, DEFAULT_IPADDR3); uip_sethostaddr(ipaddr); printf("IP: %d.%d.%d.%d\n", DEFAULT_IPADDR0, DEFAULT_IPADDR1, DEFAULT_IPADDR2, DEFAULT_IPADDR3); uip_ipaddr(ipaddr, DEFAULT_NETMASK0, DEFAULT_NETMASK1, DEFAULT_NETMASK2, DEFAULT_NETMASK3); uip_setnetmask(ipaddr); #else uip_ipaddr(ipaddr, 0, 0, 0, 0); uip_sethostaddr(ipaddr); printf("Waiting for IP address...\n"); uip_ipaddr(ipaddr, 0, 0, 0, 0); uip_setnetmask(ipaddr); #endif httpd_init(); #ifndef STATIC_IP dhcpc_init(mac_addr, 6); dhcpc_request(); #endif long lPeriodicTimer, lARPTimer; lPeriodicTimer = lARPTimer = 0; int i; // = MAP_GPIOPinRead(GPIO_PORTA_BASE, ENC_INT) & ENC_INT; while(true) { //MAP_IntDisable(INT_UART0); MAP_SysCtlSleep(); //MAP_IntEnable(INT_UART0); //i = MAP_GPIOPinRead(GPIO_PORTA_BASE, ENC_INT) & ENC_INT; /*while(i != 0 && g_ulFlags == 0) { i = MAP_GPIOPinRead(GPIO_PORTA_BASE, ENC_INT) & ENC_INT; }*/ if( HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_ENC_INT) == 1 ) { HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_ENC_INT) = 0; enc_action(); } if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_SYSTICK) == 1) { HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_SYSTICK) = 0; lPeriodicTimer += SYSTICKMS; lARPTimer += SYSTICKMS; //printf("%d %d\n", lPeriodicTimer, lARPTimer); } if( lPeriodicTimer > UIP_PERIODIC_TIMER_MS ) { lPeriodicTimer = 0; int l; for(l = 0; l < UIP_CONNS; l++) { uip_periodic(l); // // If the above function invocation resulted in data that // should be sent out on the network, the global variable // uip_len is set to a value > 0. // if(uip_len > 0) { uip_arp_out(); enc_send_packet(uip_buf, uip_len); uip_len = 0; } } for(l = 0; l < UIP_UDP_CONNS; l++) { uip_udp_periodic(l); if( uip_len > 0) { uip_arp_out(); enc_send_packet(uip_buf, uip_len); uip_len = 0; } } } if( lARPTimer > UIP_ARP_TIMER_MS) { lARPTimer = 0; uip_arp_timer(); } } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i, c; int pid_flags = 0; char *user = NULL; char *password = NULL; char *timeout = NULL; char *method = NULL; char *pid_path = NULL; char *conf_path = NULL; char *iface = NULL; int server_num = 0; const char *server_host[MAX_REMOTE_NUM]; char * nameservers[MAX_DNS_NUM + 1]; int nameserver_num = 0; int option_index = 0; static struct option long_options[] = { { "fast-open", no_argument, 0, 0 }, { "acl", required_argument, 0, 0 }, { "manager-address", required_argument, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; opterr = 0; USE_TTY(); while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "f:s:p:l:k:t:m:c:i:d:a:uUv", long_options, &option_index)) != -1) { switch (c) { case 0: if (option_index == 0) { fast_open = 1; } else if (option_index == 1) { LOGI("initialize acl..."); acl = !init_acl(optarg); } else if (option_index == 2) { manager_address = optarg; } break; case 's': if (server_num < MAX_REMOTE_NUM) { server_host[server_num++] = optarg; } break; case 'p': server_port = optarg; break; case 'k': password = optarg; break; case 'f': pid_flags = 1; pid_path = optarg; break; case 't': timeout = optarg; break; case 'm': method = optarg; break; case 'c': conf_path = optarg; break; case 'i': iface = optarg; break; case 'd': if (nameserver_num < MAX_DNS_NUM) { nameservers[nameserver_num++] = optarg; } break; case 'a': user = optarg; break; case 'u': mode = TCP_AND_UDP; break; case 'U': mode = UDP_ONLY; break; case 'v': verbose = 1; break; } } if (opterr) { usage(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (argc == 1) { if (conf_path == NULL) { conf_path = DEFAULT_CONF_PATH; } } if (conf_path != NULL) { jconf_t *conf = read_jconf(conf_path); if (server_num == 0) { server_num = conf->remote_num; for (i = 0; i < server_num; i++) { server_host[i] = conf->remote_addr[i].host; } } if (server_port == NULL) { server_port = conf->remote_port; } if (password == NULL) { password = conf->password; } if (method == NULL) { method = conf->method; } if (timeout == NULL) { timeout = conf->timeout; } #ifdef TCP_FASTOPEN if (fast_open == 0) { fast_open = conf->fast_open; } #endif #ifdef HAVE_SETRLIMIT if (nofile == 0) { nofile = conf->nofile; } /* * no need to check the return value here since we will show * the user an error message if setrlimit(2) fails */ if (nofile) { if (verbose) { LOGI("setting NOFILE to %d", nofile); } set_nofile(nofile); } #endif if (conf->nameserver != NULL) { nameservers[nameserver_num++] = conf->nameserver; } } if (server_num == 0) { server_host[server_num++] = NULL; } if (server_num == 0 || server_port == NULL || password == NULL) { usage(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (method == NULL) { method = "table"; } if (timeout == NULL) { timeout = "60"; } if (pid_flags) { USE_SYSLOG(argv[0]); daemonize(pid_path); } if (fast_open == 1) { #ifdef TCP_FASTOPEN LOGI("using tcp fast open"); #else LOGE("tcp fast open is not supported by this environment"); #endif } #ifdef __MINGW32__ winsock_init(); #else // ignore SIGPIPE signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGABRT, SIG_IGN); #endif struct ev_signal sigint_watcher; struct ev_signal sigterm_watcher; ev_signal_init(&sigint_watcher, signal_cb, SIGINT); ev_signal_init(&sigterm_watcher, signal_cb, SIGTERM); ev_signal_start(EV_DEFAULT, &sigint_watcher); ev_signal_start(EV_DEFAULT, &sigterm_watcher); // setup keys LOGI("initialize ciphers... %s", method); int m = enc_init(password, method); // inilitialize ev loop struct ev_loop *loop = EV_DEFAULT; // setup udns if (nameserver_num == 0) { #ifdef __MINGW32__ nameservers[nameserver_num++] = ""; resolv_init(loop, nameservers, nameserver_num); #else resolv_init(loop, NULL, 0); #endif } else { resolv_init(loop, nameservers, nameserver_num); } for (int i = 0; i < nameserver_num; i++) { LOGI("using nameserver: %s", nameservers[i]); } // inilitialize listen context struct listen_ctx listen_ctx_list[server_num]; // bind to each interface while (server_num > 0) { int index = --server_num; const char * host = server_host[index]; if (mode != UDP_ONLY) { // Bind to port int listenfd; listenfd = create_and_bind(host, server_port); if (listenfd < 0) { FATAL("bind() error"); } if (listen(listenfd, SSMAXCONN) == -1) { FATAL("listen() error"); } setnonblocking(listenfd); struct listen_ctx *listen_ctx = &listen_ctx_list[index]; // Setup proxy context listen_ctx->timeout = atoi(timeout); listen_ctx->fd = listenfd; listen_ctx->method = m; listen_ctx->iface = iface; listen_ctx->loop = loop; ev_io_init(&listen_ctx->io, accept_cb, listenfd, EV_READ); ev_io_start(loop, &listen_ctx->io); } // Setup UDP if (mode != TCP_ONLY) { init_udprelay(server_host[index], server_port, m, atoi(timeout), iface); } LOGI("listening at %s:%s", host ? host : "*", server_port); } if (manager_address != NULL) { ev_timer_init(&stat_update_watcher, stat_update_cb, UPDATE_INTERVAL, UPDATE_INTERVAL); ev_timer_start(EV_DEFAULT, &stat_update_watcher); } if (mode != TCP_ONLY) { LOGI("UDP relay enabled"); } if (mode == UDP_ONLY) { LOGI("TCP relay disabled"); } // setuid if (user != NULL) { run_as(user); } // Init connections cork_dllist_init(&connections); // start ev loop ev_run(loop, 0); if (verbose) { LOGI("closed gracefully"); } if (manager_address != NULL) { ev_timer_stop(EV_DEFAULT, &stat_update_watcher); } // Clean up for (int i = 0; i <= server_num; i++) { struct listen_ctx *listen_ctx = &listen_ctx_list[i]; if (mode != UDP_ONLY) { ev_io_stop(loop, &listen_ctx->io); close(listen_ctx->fd); } } if (mode != UDP_ONLY) { free_connections(loop); } if (mode != TCP_ONLY) { free_udprelay(); } resolv_shutdown(loop); #ifdef __MINGW32__ winsock_cleanup(); #endif ev_signal_stop(EV_DEFAULT, &sigint_watcher); ev_signal_stop(EV_DEFAULT, &sigterm_watcher); return 0; }
int main() { led_init(); led_on(); console_init(); printf("===== APP ENTRY =====\r\n"); systime_init(); enc_init(); usb_init(); halls_init(); therm_init(); //enc_print_regs(); printf("entering blink loop...\r\n"); __enable_irq(); usb_tx(1, g_tx_buf, sizeof(g_tx_buf)); uint16_t raw_angle = 0, prev_raw_angle = 0; float raw_vel = 0; float filt_vel[3] = {0}; float filt_angle[3] = {0}; //float raw_vel = 0, filt_vel = 0, filt_angle = 0; bool filter_init = false; float unwrapped_raw = 0, prev_unwrapped_raw = 0; uint32_t t = 0, t_last_led_blink = 0; const float pos_gain[3] = { 0.9f, 0.99f, 0.999f }; const float vel_gain[3] = { 0.99f, 0.999f, 0.9999f }; int wraps = 0; uint32_t t_last_therm_reading = 0; g_therm_celsius = therm_celsius(); while (1) { if (SYSTIME - t_last_therm_reading > 1000) { g_therm_celsius = therm_celsius(); t_last_therm_reading = SYSTIME; } if (SYSTIME - t_last_led_blink > 100000) { t_last_led_blink = SYSTIME; led_toggle(); /* printf("\n\n"); printf("gintsts = 0x%08x\r\n", (unsigned)USB_OTG_FS->GINTSTS); printf("dctl = 0x%08x\r\n", (unsigned)g_usbd_dbg->DCTL); printf("dsts = 0x%08x\r\n", (unsigned)g_usbd_dbg->DSTS); printf("dtxfsts1 = 0x%08x\r\n", (unsigned)USB_INEP(1)->DTXFSTS); printf("diepctl1 = 0x%08x\r\n", (unsigned)USB_INEP(1)->DIEPCTL); printf("diepint1 = 0x%08x\r\n", (unsigned)USB_INEP(1)->DIEPINT); printf("dieptsiz1= 0x%08x\r\n", (unsigned)USB_INEP(1)->DIEPTSIZ); */ } raw_angle = enc_poll_angle(); t = SYSTIME; if (filter_init) { int diff = raw_angle - prev_raw_angle; if (diff > 8000) wraps--; else if (diff < -8000) wraps++; unwrapped_raw = (float)raw_angle + wraps * 16384; // calculate raw_vel in ticks/usec for numerical stability // TODO: use a better timebase, since we're polling @ 100 khz so there // is extreme quantization on the microsecond clock float dt_usecs = (float)(t - g_t_angle) * 1000000.0f; if (dt_usecs < 1.0f) dt_usecs = 1.0f; // todo: this leads to bad numerical stability after lots of wraps // need to re-work this crap raw_vel = (unwrapped_raw - prev_unwrapped_raw) / dt_usecs; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { filt_angle[i] = pos_gain[i] * filt_angle[i] + (1.0f - pos_gain[i]) * unwrapped_raw; filt_vel[i] = vel_gain[i] * filt_vel[i] + (1.0f - vel_gain[i]) * raw_vel * 1000000.0f; } } else { filter_init = true; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { filt_angle[i] = raw_angle; filt_vel[i] = 0; } } prev_raw_angle = raw_angle; prev_unwrapped_raw = unwrapped_raw; __disable_irq(); g_t_angle = t; g_raw_angle = raw_angle; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { g_angle[i] = filt_angle[i]; g_vel[i] = filt_vel[i]; // * 0.000001f; // convert to ticks / sec } g_num_samp++; __enable_irq(); } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i, c; int pid_flags = 0; char *user = NULL; char *local_port = NULL; char *local_addr = NULL; char *password = NULL; char *timeout = NULL; char *method = NULL; char *pid_path = NULL; char *conf_path = NULL; int remote_num = 0; ss_addr_t remote_addr[MAX_REMOTE_NUM]; char *remote_port = NULL; opterr = 0; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "f:s:p:l:k:t:m:c:b:a:n:uUvA")) != -1) switch (c) { case 's': if (remote_num < MAX_REMOTE_NUM) { remote_addr[remote_num].host = optarg; remote_addr[remote_num++].port = NULL; } break; case 'p': remote_port = optarg; break; case 'l': local_port = optarg; break; case 'k': password = optarg; break; case 'f': pid_flags = 1; pid_path = optarg; break; case 't': timeout = optarg; break; case 'm': method = optarg; break; case 'c': conf_path = optarg; break; case 'b': local_addr = optarg; break; case 'a': user = optarg; break; #ifdef HAVE_SETRLIMIT case 'n': nofile = atoi(optarg); break; #endif case 'u': mode = TCP_AND_UDP; break; case 'U': mode = UDP_ONLY; break; case 'v': verbose = 1; break; case 'A': auth = 1; break; } if (opterr) { usage(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (argc == 1) { if (conf_path == NULL) { conf_path = DEFAULT_CONF_PATH; } } if (conf_path != NULL) { jconf_t *conf = read_jconf(conf_path); if (remote_num == 0) { remote_num = conf->remote_num; for (i = 0; i < remote_num; i++) remote_addr[i] = conf->remote_addr[i]; } if (remote_port == NULL) { remote_port = conf->remote_port; } if (local_addr == NULL) { local_addr = conf->local_addr; } if (local_port == NULL) { local_port = conf->local_port; } if (password == NULL) { password = conf->password; } if (method == NULL) { method = conf->method; } if (timeout == NULL) { timeout = conf->timeout; } if (auth == 0) { auth = conf->auth; } #ifdef HAVE_SETRLIMIT if (nofile == 0) { nofile = conf->nofile; } /* * no need to check the return value here since we will show * the user an error message if setrlimit(2) fails */ if (nofile > 1024) { if (verbose) { LOGI("setting NOFILE to %d", nofile); } set_nofile(nofile); } #endif } if (remote_num == 0 || remote_port == NULL || local_port == NULL || password == NULL) { usage(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (timeout == NULL) { timeout = "60"; } if (local_addr == NULL) { local_addr = ""; } if (pid_flags) { USE_SYSLOG(argv[0]); daemonize(pid_path); } if (auth) { LOGI("onetime authentication enabled"); } // ignore SIGPIPE signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGABRT, SIG_IGN); // Setup keys LOGI("initialize ciphers... %s", method); int m = enc_init(password, method); // Setup proxy context listen_ctx_t listen_ctx; listen_ctx.remote_num = remote_num; listen_ctx.remote_addr = malloc(sizeof(struct sockaddr *) * remote_num); for (int i = 0; i < remote_num; i++) { char *host = remote_addr[i].host; char *port = remote_addr[i].port == NULL ? remote_port : remote_addr[i].port; struct sockaddr_storage *storage = malloc(sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage)); memset(storage, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage)); if (get_sockaddr(host, port, storage, 1) == -1) { FATAL("failed to resolve the provided hostname"); } listen_ctx.remote_addr[i] = (struct sockaddr *)storage; } listen_ctx.timeout = atoi(timeout); listen_ctx.method = m; struct ev_loop *loop = EV_DEFAULT; if (mode != UDP_ONLY) { // Setup socket int listenfd; listenfd = create_and_bind(local_addr, local_port); if (listenfd < 0) { FATAL("bind() error"); } if (listen(listenfd, SOMAXCONN) == -1) { FATAL("listen() error"); } setnonblocking(listenfd); listen_ctx.fd = listenfd; ev_io_init(&, accept_cb, listenfd, EV_READ); ev_io_start(loop, &; } // Setup UDP if (mode != TCP_ONLY) { LOGI("UDP relay enabled"); init_udprelay(local_addr, local_port, listen_ctx.remote_addr[0], get_sockaddr_len(listen_ctx.remote_addr[0]), m, auth, listen_ctx.timeout, NULL); } if (mode == UDP_ONLY) { LOGI("TCP relay disabled"); } LOGI("listening at %s:%s", local_addr, local_port); // setuid if (user != NULL) { run_as(user); } ev_run(loop, 0); return 0; }
int start_ss_local_server(profile_t profile) { srand(time(NULL)); char *remote_host = profile.remote_host; char *local_addr = profile.local_addr; char *method = profile.method; char *password = profile.password; char *log = profile.log; int remote_port = profile.remote_port; int local_port = profile.local_port; int timeout = profile.timeout; mode = profile.mode; fast_open = profile.fast_open; verbose = profile.verbose; char local_port_str[16]; char remote_port_str[16]; sprintf(local_port_str, "%d", local_port); sprintf(remote_port_str, "%d", remote_port); USE_LOGFILE(log); if (profile.acl != NULL) { acl = !init_acl(profile.acl); } if (local_addr == NULL) { local_addr = ""; } #ifdef __MINGW32__ winsock_init(); #else // ignore SIGPIPE signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGABRT, SIG_IGN); #endif struct ev_signal sigint_watcher; struct ev_signal sigterm_watcher; ev_signal_init(&sigint_watcher, signal_cb, SIGINT); ev_signal_init(&sigterm_watcher, signal_cb, SIGTERM); ev_signal_start(EV_DEFAULT, &sigint_watcher); ev_signal_start(EV_DEFAULT, &sigterm_watcher); // Setup keys LOGI("initialize ciphers... %s", method); int m = enc_init(password, method); struct sockaddr_storage *storage = malloc(sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage)); memset(storage, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage)); if (get_sockaddr(remote_host, remote_port_str, storage, 1) == -1) { return -1; } // Setup proxy context struct ev_loop *loop = EV_DEFAULT; struct listen_ctx listen_ctx; listen_ctx.remote_num = 1; listen_ctx.remote_addr = malloc(sizeof(struct sockaddr *)); listen_ctx.remote_addr[0] = (struct sockaddr *)storage; listen_ctx.timeout = timeout; listen_ctx.method = m; listen_ctx.iface = NULL; // Setup socket int listenfd; listenfd = create_and_bind(local_addr, local_port_str); if (listenfd < 0) { ERROR("bind()"); return -1; } if (listen(listenfd, SOMAXCONN) == -1) { ERROR("listen()"); return -1; } setnonblocking(listenfd); listen_ctx.fd = listenfd; ev_io_init(&, accept_cb, listenfd, EV_READ); ev_io_start(loop, &; // Setup UDP if (mode != TCP_ONLY) { LOGI("udprelay enabled"); struct sockaddr *addr = (struct sockaddr *)storage; init_udprelay(local_addr, local_port_str, addr, get_sockaddr_len(addr), m, timeout, NULL); } LOGI("listening at %s:%s", local_addr, local_port_str); // Init connections cork_dllist_init(&connections); // Enter the loop ev_run(loop, 0); if (verbose) { LOGI("closed gracefully"); } // Clean up if (mode != TCP_ONLY) { free_udprelay(); } ev_io_stop(loop, &; free_connections(loop); close(listen_ctx.fd); free(listen_ctx.remote_addr); #ifdef __MINGW32__ winsock_cleanup(); #endif ev_signal_stop(EV_DEFAULT, &sigint_watcher); ev_signal_stop(EV_DEFAULT, &sigterm_watcher); // cannot reach here return 0; }
void cmd_lcd_test(uint_least16_t fgcolor, uint_least16_t bgcolor) { uint_least8_t c=1, f_save=features; char tmp[32]; #ifdef TP_SUPPORT uint_least16_t x, y, z, last_x=0, last_y=0; uint_least32_t ms=0; tp_init(); ldr_init(); features = FEATURE_TP | FEATURE_LDR; //FEATURE_TP | FEATURE_LDR #else uint_least8_t sw; int_least8_t pos=0, hpos=0, vpos=0; enc_init(); features = FEATURE_ENC; #endif lcd_fillrect(0, 0, (LCD_WIDTH-1)/3, LCD_HEIGHT-1, RGB(255,0,0)); lcd_fillrect((LCD_WIDTH-1)/3, 0, ((LCD_WIDTH-1)/3)*2, LCD_HEIGHT-1, RGB(0,255,0)); lcd_fillrect(((LCD_WIDTH-1)/3)*2, 0, LCD_WIDTH-1, LCD_HEIGHT-1, RGB(0,0,255)); /* delay_ms(1500); lcd_clear(bgcolor); lcd_setorientation( 0); lcd_drawrect(10, 20, 40, 40, RGB(200, 0, 0)); lcd_drawtext(15, 25, "0 ", 0, RGB(200, 0, 0), 0, 0); lcd_setorientation( 90); lcd_drawrect(10, 20, 40, 40, RGB( 0,200, 0)); lcd_drawtext(15, 25, "90 ", 0, RGB( 0,200, 0), 0, 0); lcd_setorientation(180); lcd_drawrect(10, 20, 40, 40, RGB( 0, 0,200)); lcd_drawtext(15, 25, "180", 0, RGB( 0, 0,200), 0, 0); lcd_setorientation(270); lcd_drawrect(10, 20, 40, 40, RGB(200, 0,200)); lcd_drawtext(15, 25, "270", 0, RGB(200, 0,200), 0, 0); lcd_setorientation(0); lcd_drawline(0, LCD_WIDTH/4*1, LCD_WIDTH-1, LCD_WIDTH/4*1, RGB(120,120,120)); lcd_drawline(0, LCD_WIDTH/4*2, LCD_WIDTH-1, LCD_WIDTH/4*2, RGB(120,120,120)); lcd_drawline(0, LCD_WIDTH/4*3, LCD_WIDTH-1, LCD_WIDTH/4*3, RGB(120,120,120)); lcd_drawline(LCD_WIDTH/4*1, 0, LCD_WIDTH/4*1, LCD_HEIGHT-1, RGB(120,120,120)); lcd_drawline(LCD_WIDTH/4*2, 0, LCD_WIDTH/4*2, LCD_HEIGHT-1, RGB(120,120,120)); lcd_drawline(LCD_WIDTH/4*3, 0, LCD_WIDTH/4*3, LCD_HEIGHT-1, RGB(120,120,120)); lcd_drawcircle(LCD_WIDTH/2, LCD_HEIGHT/2, 40, RGB(120,120,120)); */ lcd_drawtext(LCD_CENTER, LCD_HEIGHT/2-5, "v"VERSION, 0, 0, 0, 0); lcd_drawtext(LCD_CENTER, LCD_HEIGHT/2+5, "("__DATE__")", 0, 0, 0, 0); lcd_drawtext(LCD_CENTER, LCD_HEIGHT-10, "", 1, 0, 0, 0); do { #ifdef TP_SUPPORT tp_read(); z = tp_getz(); if(z) { x = tp_getx(); y = tp_gety(); if((x!=last_x) || (y!=last_y)) { last_x = x; last_y = y; lcd_fillcircle(x, y, 4, fgcolor); //lcd_drawpixel(x, y); sprintf(tmp, "X%03i Y%03i Z%03i", x, x, z); lcd_drawtext(5, 5, tmp, 0, fgcolor, bgcolor, 1); } GPIO_SETPIN(LED_PORT, LED_PIN); //LED on } else { GPIO_CLRPIN(LED_PORT, LED_PIN); //LED off } if(features & FEATURE_LDR) { if((get_ms() - ms) >= 100) { ms = get_ms(); x = ldr_service(100); sprintf(tmp, "LDR %03i", x); lcd_drawtext(5, 15, tmp, 0, fgcolor, bgcolor, 1); } } #else //TP_SUPPORT pos += enc_getdelta(); hpos += nav_gethdelta(); vpos += nav_getvdelta(); sprintf(tmp, "P%03i H%03i V%03i", pos, hpos, vpos); lcd_drawtext(5, 5, tmp, 0, fgcolor, bgcolor, 1); sw = enc_getsw(); sw |= nav_getsw(); if(sw) { GPIO_SETPIN(LED_PORT, LED_PIN); //LED on if(sw & 0x02) { if(features == FEATURE_ENC) { sprintf(tmp, "NAV"); nav_init(); features = FEATURE_NAV; } else //if(features == FEATURE_NAV) { sprintf(tmp, "ENC"); enc_init(); features = FEATURE_ENC; } lcd_drawtext(5, 25, tmp, 0, fgcolor, bgcolor, 1); delay_ms(500); while(enc_getsw() || nav_getsw()); } else if(sw & 0x01) { lcd_drawtext(5, 15, "press", 0, fgcolor, bgcolor, 1); } } else { GPIO_CLRPIN(LED_PORT, LED_PIN); //LED off } #endif if(if_available()) { c = if_read8(); } }while(c != 0); GPIO_CLRPIN(LED_PORT, LED_PIN); //LED off lcd_clear(bgcolor); features = f_save; return; }
/**************************************************************************//** * @brief Main function *****************************************************************************/ int main(void) { /* Chip errata */ CHIP_Init(); /* If first word of user data page is non-zero, enable eA Profiler trace */ BSP_TraceProfilerSetup(); /* Initial BSP led driver . **/ BSP_LedsInit(); BSP_LedSet(0); BSP_LedClear(0); /* timer1 intial to generate wave. */ enc_init(); /* Initialize LCD controller without boost */ SegmentLCD_Init(false); /* Disable all segments */ SegmentLCD_AllOff(); /* Copy contents of the userpage (flash) into the userData struct */ //memcpy((void *) &userData, (void *) USERPAGE, sizeof(UserData_TypeDef)); /* Special case for uninitialized data */ if (userData.number > 10000) userData.number = 0; if (userData.numWrites == 0xFFFFFFFF) userData.numWrites = 0; /* Display the number */ SegmentLCD_Number(userData.number); /* Setup GPIO interrupts. PB0 to increase number, PB1 to save to flash */ gpioSetup(); /* No save has occured yet */ recentlySaved = false; /* Main loop - just scroll informative text describing the current state of * the system */ while (1) { EM2Sleep(125); #if 0 switch (currentError) { case mscReturnInvalidAddr: ScrollText(" ERROR: INVALID ADDRESS "); break; case mscReturnLocked: ScrollText(" ERROR: USER PAGE IS LOCKED "); break; case mscReturnTimeOut: ScrollText(" ERROR: TIMEOUT OCCURED "); break; case mscReturnUnaligned: ScrollText(" ERROR: UNALIGNED ACCESS "); default: if (recentlySaved) { recentlySaved = false; SegmentLCD_Number(userData.numWrites); ScrollText(" SAVE NUMBER "); } else { SegmentLCD_Number(userData.number); ScrollText(" PRESS PB0 TO INCREASE NUMBER. PB1 TO SAVE TO INTERNAL FLASH "); } break; } #endif } }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { int i, c; int pid_flags = 0; char *user = NULL; char *password = NULL; char *timeout = NULL; char *method = NULL; char *pid_path = NULL; char *conf_path = NULL; char *iface = NULL; int server_num = 0; const char *server_host[MAX_REMOTE_NUM]; const char *server_port = NULL; int dns_thread_num = DNS_THREAD_NUM; int option_index = 0; static struct option long_options[] = { {"fast-open", no_argument, 0, 0 }, {"port-start", required_argument, 0, 0 }, {"port-end", required_argument, 0, 0 }, {0, 0, 0, 0 } }; opterr = 0; while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "f:s:p:l:k:t:m:c:i:d:a:uv", long_options, &option_index)) != -1) { printf("option_index %d\n", option_index); switch (c) { case 0: if (option_index == 0) { #ifdef TCP_FASTOPEN fast_open = 1; LOGD("using tcp fast open"); #else LOGE("tcp fast open is not supported by this environment"); #endif } else if (option_index == 1) { start_port = atoi(optarg); } else if (option_index == 2) { end_port = atoi(optarg); } break; case 's': server_host[server_num++] = optarg; break; case 'p': server_port = optarg; break; case 'k': password = optarg; break; case 'f': pid_flags = 1; pid_path = optarg; break; case 't': timeout = optarg; break; case 'm': method = optarg; break; case 'c': conf_path = optarg; break; case 'i': iface = optarg; break; case 'd': dns_thread_num = atoi(optarg); if (!dns_thread_num) FATAL("Invalid DNS thread number"); break; case 'a': user = optarg; break; case 'u': udprelay = 1; break; case 'v': verbose = 1; break; } } printf("start %d end %d\n", start_port, end_port); if (opterr) { usage(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (conf_path != NULL) { jconf_t *conf = read_jconf(conf_path); if (server_num == 0) { server_num = conf->remote_num; for (i = 0; i < server_num; i++) { server_host[i] = conf->remote_addr[i].host; } } if (server_port == NULL) server_port = conf->remote_port; if (password == NULL) password = conf->password; if (method == NULL) method = conf->method; if (timeout == NULL) timeout = conf->timeout; #ifdef TCP_FASTOPEN if (fast_open == 0) fast_open = conf->fast_open; #endif #ifdef HAVE_SETRLIMIT if (nofile == 0) nofile = conf->nofile; /* * no need to check the return value here since we will show * the user an error message if setrlimit(2) fails */ if (nofile) { if (verbose) { LOGD("setting NOFILE to %d", nofile); } set_nofile(nofile); } #endif } if ((start_port > 0 && end_port <= 0) || (start_port <= 0 && end_port > 0)) { printf("Both start_prot and end_port needs to be specified\n"); usage(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (server_port != NULL && start_port > 0) { printf("server port can't be set if you want to use a port range\n"); usage(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (server_num == 0 || (server_port == NULL && start_port <= 0) || password == NULL) { usage(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (timeout == NULL) timeout = "60"; if (pid_flags) { USE_SYSLOG(argv[0]); daemonize(pid_path); } // ignore SIGPIPE signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGABRT, SIG_IGN); // setup asyncns asyncns_t *asyncns; if (!(asyncns = asyncns_new(dns_thread_num))) { FATAL("asyncns failed"); } // setup keys LOGD("initialize ciphers... %s", method); int m = enc_init(password, method); // inilitialize ev loop struct ev_loop *loop = EV_DEFAULT; // inilitialize listen context struct listen_ctx listen_ctx_list[server_num + 1]; // bind to each interface while (server_num > 0) { int index = --server_num; const char* host = server_host[index]; int success = 1; int listenfd; if (start_port > 0) { server_port = itoa(start_port); } do { // Bind to port listenfd = create_and_bind(host, server_port); success = 1; if (listenfd < 0) { success = 0; } if (listen(listenfd, SOMAXCONN) == -1) { success = 0; } if (!success) { if (start_port < end_port) { start_port++; server_port = itoa(start_port); } else { FATAL("Out of listen ports!"); exit(1); } } } while (!success); setnonblocking(listenfd); LOGD("server listening at port %s.", server_port); struct listen_ctx *listen_ctx = &listen_ctx_list[index + 1]; // Setup proxy context listen_ctx->timeout = atoi(timeout); listen_ctx->asyncns = asyncns; listen_ctx->fd = listenfd; listen_ctx->method = m; listen_ctx->iface = iface; ev_io_init (&listen_ctx->io, accept_cb, listenfd, EV_READ); ev_io_start (loop, &listen_ctx->io); } // initialize the DNS struct listen_ctx *listen_ctx = &listen_ctx_list[0]; int asyncnsfd = asyncns_fd(asyncns); listen_ctx->timeout = atoi(timeout); listen_ctx->asyncns = asyncns; listen_ctx->fd = asyncnsfd; listen_ctx->method = m; listen_ctx->iface = iface; ev_io_init (&listen_ctx->io, server_resolve_cb, asyncnsfd, EV_READ); ev_io_start (loop, &listen_ctx->io); // Setup UDP if (udprelay) { LOGD("udprelay enabled."); udprelay_init(server_host[0], server_port, dns_thread_num, m, listen_ctx->timeout, iface); } // setuid if (user != NULL) run_as(user); // start ev loop ev_run (loop, 0); return 0; }
// outer layer ECC using incremental encoding int inc_encoding (FILE* fp,int* prptable) { printf("\nIncremental encoding starts...\n"); int i,j,enc_blocks,d=n-k; // get file length fseek(fp,0,SEEK_END); fileLen = ftell(fp); // divide by message length k, get number of encoding blocks if(fileLen % k==0) enc_blocks = fileLen/k; else enc_blocks = fileLen/k+1; printf("There are %d encoding blocks\n",enc_blocks); unsigned char message[k]; unsigned char codeword[n]; unsigned char ** code; // used to store parity part long filecounter = 0; int blockcounter = 0; int round = 0; // code is enc_blocks * d code = (unsigned char **) malloc(enc_blocks*sizeof(unsigned char *)); for (i = 0; i < enc_blocks; i++) { code[i] = (unsigned char *) malloc(d*sizeof(unsigned char)); int ii; for (ii=0;ii<d;ii++) code[i][ii]=0; } rewind(fp); while (!feof(fp)) { unsigned char * buf; if ((buf = malloc(sizeof(unsigned char)*readLen))==NULL) { printf("malloc error: inc_encoding\n"); exit(1); } // incremental encoding, read reaLen each time readStartTime = getCPUTime(); clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start); printf("max read in %d bytes\n",readLen); size_t br = fread(buf, 1, readLen, fp); printf("Read in %lu bytes\n",br); fflush(stdout); clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &finish); double addTime = finish.tv_sec - start.tv_sec; addTime += (finish.tv_nsec - start.tv_nsec)/1000000000.0; readTime += getCPUTime() - readStartTime+addTime; // keep a counter to know where the file pointer up to filecounter = filecounter + br; if (br!=0) { printf("round %d\n",round); printf("filecounter = %lu\n",filecounter); for(i=0;i<enc_blocks;i++) { for(j=0;j<k;j++) { // for each byte in each message, compute index int index = i*k+j; // get block and byte index int block_index = index/BLOCK_SIZE; int byte_index = index%BLOCK_SIZE; // if reach the end, padding 0s if (index>=fileLen) { int a; for(a=j;a<k;a++) message[a]=0; break; } // compute the PRPed index in the file unsigned long file_index = prptable[block_index]*BLOCK_SIZE+byte_index; // check if this byte is read in the memory or not, copy if yes, put 0 otherwise if(file_index<filecounter && file_index>=(filecounter-br)) { unsigned long newind = file_index-filecounter+br; message[j] = buf[newind]; } else message[j] = 0; } //printf("msg for block %d: ",i); //displayCharArray(message,k); // do a partial encoding on the message encode_data(message,k,codeword); // concatenate with previous code to get a whole /*printf("code for block %d: ",i); displayCharArray(codeword,n); printf("parity (before) for block %d: ",i); displayCharArray(code[i],n-k);*/ for(j=0;j<d;j++) code[i][j] = code[i][j] ^ codeword[k+j]; //printf("parity for block %d: ",i); //displayCharArray(code[i],n-k); //printf("\n"); } round = round + 1; } free(buf); } /*// ------------- for debugging unsigned char a[fileLen],r[fileLen]; unsigned char newc[n],newm[k]; rewind(fp); fread(a, 1, fileLen, fp); printf("original:\n"); for (i=0;i<fileLen;i++) { printf("%02x",a[i]); } printf("\n"); for (i=0;i<fileLen/32;i++) { for (j=0;j<32;j++) { r[i*32+j] = a[prptable[i]*32+j]; } } printf("prped:\n"); for (i=0;i<fileLen;i++) { printf("%02x",r[i]); } printf("\n"); for (i=0;i<enc_blocks;i++) { printf("parity part %d: ",i); displayCharArray(code[i],d); unsigned char newcode[n]; int iii; int ii; for(ii=0;ii<k;ii++) { if (i*k+ii>=fileLen) break; newcode[ii] = r[i*k+ii]; newm[ii] = r[i*k+ii]; } if (i==enc_blocks-1) { for(ii=0;ii<k-fileLen%k;ii++){ newm[fileLen%k+ii]=0; newcode[fileLen%k+ii] = 0; } } encode_data(newm,k,newc); printf("actual code %d: ",i); displayCharArray(newc,n); for(iii=0;iii<d;iii++) { newcode[k+iii] = code[i][iii]; } newcode[0] = 99; printf("whole code %d: ",i); displayCharArray(newcode,n); decode_data(newcode, n); int erasure[1]; int syn = check_syndrome (); printf("syndrome: %d\n",syn); if (syn != 0) { correct_errors_erasures(newcode,n,0,erasure); } printf("decode %d: ",i); displayCharArray(newcode,n); } //--------------- for debugging */ free(prptable); prptable = NULL; // perform another PRP for parity part prptable = malloc(sizeof(int)*(enc_blocks)); printf("\nSRF PRP for the outer layer ECC...\n"); prpStartTime = getCPUTime(); prptable = prp(enc_blocks, k_ecc_perm); prpTime += getCPUTime() - prpStartTime; // encrypt parity part and append to the file with PRPed order enc_init(k_ecc_enc); for (i=0;i<enc_blocks;i++) { unsigned char ct[d]; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start); encStartTime = getCPUTime(); encrypt(ct,code[prptable[i]],sizeof(ct)); clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &finish); double addTime = finish.tv_sec - start.tv_sec; addTime += (finish.tv_nsec - start.tv_nsec)/1000000000.0; encTime += getCPUTime()-encStartTime+addTime; //printf("encrypted for %d: ",i); //displayCharArray(ct,sizeof(ct)); //unsigned char pt[d]; //decrypt(ct,pt,sizeof(ct)); //printf("decrypted for %d: ",i); //displayCharArray(pt,sizeof(ct)); clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start); write1StartTime = getCPUTime(); fwrite(ct,d,1,fp); clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &finish); addTime = finish.tv_sec - start.tv_sec; addTime += (finish.tv_nsec - start.tv_nsec)/1000000000.0; write1Time += getCPUTime()-write1StartTime; } // update t for later challenge computation t = t+enc_blocks; printf("\nIncremental encoding finishes...\n"); free(prptable); for (i = 0; i < enc_blocks; i++){ free(code[i]); } free(code); return 0; }
int start_ss_local_server(profile_t profile) { srand(time(NULL)); char *remote_host = profile.remote_host; char *local_addr = profile.local_addr; char *method = profile.method; char *password = profile.password; char *log = profile.log; int remote_port = profile.remote_port; int local_port = profile.local_port; int timeout = profile.timeout; udprelay = profile.udp_relay; fast_open = profile.fast_open; verbose = profile.verbose; char local_port_str[16]; char remote_port_str[16]; sprintf(local_port_str, "%d", local_port); sprintf(remote_port_str, "%d", remote_port); USE_LOGFILE(log); if (profile.acl != NULL) { acl = !init_acl(profile.acl); } if (local_addr == NULL) { local_addr = ""; } #ifdef __MINGW32__ winsock_init(); #else // ignore SIGPIPE signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGABRT, SIG_IGN); #endif struct ev_signal sigint_watcher; struct ev_signal sigterm_watcher; ev_signal_init(&sigint_watcher, signal_cb, SIGINT); ev_signal_init(&sigterm_watcher, signal_cb, SIGTERM); ev_signal_start(EV_DEFAULT, &sigint_watcher); ev_signal_start(EV_DEFAULT, &sigterm_watcher); // Setup keys LOGD("initialize ciphers... %s", method); int m = enc_init(password, method); // Setup socket int listenfd; listenfd = create_and_bind(local_addr, local_port_str); if (listenfd < 0) { FATAL("bind()"); } if (listen(listenfd, SOMAXCONN) == -1) { FATAL("listen()"); } setnonblocking(listenfd); LOGD("server listening at port %s.", local_port_str); // Setup proxy context struct listen_ctx listen_ctx; listen_ctx.remote_num = 1; listen_ctx.remote_addr = malloc(sizeof(ss_addr_t)); listen_ctx.remote_addr[0].host = remote_host; listen_ctx.remote_addr[0].port = remote_port_str; listen_ctx.timeout = timeout; listen_ctx.fd = listenfd; listen_ctx.method = m; listen_ctx.iface = NULL; struct ev_loop *loop = EV_DEFAULT; if (!loop) { FATAL("ev_loop error."); } ev_io_init(&, accept_cb, listenfd, EV_READ); ev_io_start(loop, &; // Setup UDP if (udprelay) { LOGD("udprelay enabled."); init_udprelay(local_addr, local_port_str, remote_host, remote_port_str, m, listen_ctx.timeout, NULL); } // Init connections cork_dllist_init(&connections); // Enter the loop ev_run(loop, 0); if (verbose) { LOGD("closed nicely."); } // Clean up free_connections(loop); if (udprelay) { free_udprelay(); } ev_io_stop(loop, &; free(listen_ctx.remote_addr); close(listen_ctx.fd); #ifdef __MINGW32__ winsock_cleanup(); #endif ev_signal_stop(EV_DEFAULT, &sigint_watcher); ev_signal_stop(EV_DEFAULT, &sigterm_watcher); // cannot reach here return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i, c; int pid_flags = 0; char *user = NULL; char *local_port = NULL; char *local_addr = NULL; char *password = NULL; char *timeout = NULL; char *method = NULL; char *pid_path = NULL; char *conf_path = NULL; char *iface = NULL; int remote_num = 0; ss_addr_t remote_addr[MAX_REMOTE_NUM]; char *remote_port = NULL; ss_addr_t tunnel_addr = { .host = NULL, .port = NULL }; char *tunnel_addr_str = NULL; opterr = 0; USE_TTY(); #ifdef ANDROID while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "f:s:p:l:k:t:m:i:c:b:L:a:uUvV")) != -1) { #else while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "f:s:p:l:k:t:m:i:c:b:L:a:uUv")) != -1) { #endif switch (c) { case 's': if (remote_num < MAX_REMOTE_NUM) { remote_addr[remote_num].host = optarg; remote_addr[remote_num++].port = NULL; } break; case 'p': remote_port = optarg; break; case 'l': local_port = optarg; break; case 'k': password = optarg; break; case 'f': pid_flags = 1; pid_path = optarg; break; case 't': timeout = optarg; break; case 'm': method = optarg; break; case 'c': conf_path = optarg; break; case 'i': iface = optarg; break; case 'b': local_addr = optarg; break; case 'u': mode = TCP_AND_UDP; break; case 'U': mode = UDP_ONLY; break; case 'L': tunnel_addr_str = optarg; break; case 'a': user = optarg; break; case 'v': verbose = 1; break; #ifdef ANDROID case 'V': vpn = 1; break; #endif } } if (opterr) { usage(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (argc == 1) { if (conf_path == NULL) { conf_path = DEFAULT_CONF_PATH; } } if (conf_path != NULL) { jconf_t *conf = read_jconf(conf_path); if (remote_num == 0) { remote_num = conf->remote_num; for (i = 0; i < remote_num; i++) { remote_addr[i] = conf->remote_addr[i]; } } if (remote_port == NULL) { remote_port = conf->remote_port; } if (local_addr == NULL) { local_addr = conf->local_addr; } if (local_port == NULL) { local_port = conf->local_port; } if (password == NULL) { password = conf->password; } if (method == NULL) { method = conf->method; } if (timeout == NULL) { timeout = conf->timeout; } } if (remote_num == 0 || remote_port == NULL || tunnel_addr_str == NULL || local_port == NULL || password == NULL) { usage(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (timeout == NULL) { timeout = "60"; } if (local_addr == NULL) { local_addr = ""; } if (pid_flags) { USE_SYSLOG(argv[0]); daemonize(pid_path); } // parse tunnel addr parse_addr(tunnel_addr_str, &tunnel_addr); if (tunnel_addr.port == NULL) { FATAL("tunnel port is not defined"); } #ifdef __MINGW32__ winsock_init(); #else // ignore SIGPIPE signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGABRT, SIG_IGN); #endif // Setup keys LOGI("initialize ciphers... %s", method); int m = enc_init(password, method); // Setup proxy context struct listen_ctx listen_ctx; listen_ctx.tunnel_addr = tunnel_addr; listen_ctx.remote_num = remote_num; listen_ctx.remote_addr = malloc(sizeof(struct sockaddr *) * remote_num); for (i = 0; i < remote_num; i++) { char *host = remote_addr[i].host; char *port = remote_addr[i].port == NULL ? remote_port : remote_addr[i].port; struct sockaddr_storage *storage = malloc(sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage)); memset(storage, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage)); if (get_sockaddr(host, port, storage, 1) == -1) { FATAL("failed to resolve the provided hostname"); } listen_ctx.remote_addr[i] = (struct sockaddr *)storage; } listen_ctx.timeout = atoi(timeout); listen_ctx.iface = iface; listen_ctx.method = m; struct ev_loop *loop = EV_DEFAULT; if (mode != UDP_ONLY) { // Setup socket int listenfd; listenfd = create_and_bind(local_addr, local_port); if (listenfd < 0) { FATAL("bind() error:"); } if (listen(listenfd, SOMAXCONN) == -1) { FATAL("listen() error:"); } setnonblocking(listenfd); listen_ctx.fd = listenfd; ev_io_init(&, accept_cb, listenfd, EV_READ); ev_io_start(loop, &; } // Setup UDP if (mode != TCP_ONLY) { LOGI("UDP relay enabled"); init_udprelay(local_addr, local_port, listen_ctx.remote_addr[0], get_sockaddr_len(listen_ctx.remote_addr[0]), tunnel_addr, m, listen_ctx.timeout, iface); } if (mode == UDP_ONLY) { LOGI("TCP relay disabled"); } LOGI("listening at %s:%s", local_addr, local_port); // setuid if (user != NULL) { run_as(user); } ev_run(loop, 0); #ifdef __MINGW32__ winsock_cleanup(); #endif return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i, c; int pid_flags = 0; char *user = NULL; char *local_port = NULL; char *local_addr = NULL; char *password = NULL; char *timeout = NULL; char *method = NULL; char *pid_path = NULL; char *conf_path = NULL; char *iface = NULL; srand(time(NULL)); int remote_num = 0; ss_addr_t remote_addr[MAX_REMOTE_NUM]; char *remote_port = NULL; int option_index = 0; static struct option long_options[] = { { "fast-open", no_argument, 0, 0 }, { "acl", required_argument, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; opterr = 0; while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "f:s:p:l:k:t:m:i:c:b:a:uv", long_options, &option_index)) != -1) { switch (c) { case 0: if (option_index == 0) { fast_open = 1; } else if (option_index == 1) { LOGD("initialize acl..."); acl = !init_acl(optarg); } break; case 's': remote_addr[remote_num].host = optarg; remote_addr[remote_num++].port = NULL; break; case 'p': remote_port = optarg; break; case 'l': local_port = optarg; break; case 'k': password = optarg; break; case 'f': pid_flags = 1; pid_path = optarg; break; case 't': timeout = optarg; break; case 'm': method = optarg; break; case 'c': conf_path = optarg; break; case 'i': iface = optarg; break; case 'b': local_addr = optarg; break; case 'a': user = optarg; break; case 'u': udprelay = 1; break; case 'v': verbose = 1; break; } } if (opterr) { usage(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (conf_path != NULL) { jconf_t *conf = read_jconf(conf_path); if (remote_num == 0) { remote_num = conf->remote_num; for (i = 0; i < remote_num; i++) { remote_addr[i] = conf->remote_addr[i]; } } if (remote_port == NULL) { remote_port = conf->remote_port; } if (local_addr == NULL) { local_addr = conf->local_addr; } if (local_port == NULL) { local_port = conf->local_port; } if (password == NULL) { password = conf->password; } if (method == NULL) { method = conf->method; } if (timeout == NULL) { timeout = conf->timeout; } if (fast_open == 0) { fast_open = conf->fast_open; } #ifdef HAVE_SETRLIMIT if (nofile == 0) { nofile = conf->nofile; } /* * no need to check the return value here since we will show * the user an error message if setrlimit(2) fails */ if (nofile) { if (verbose) { LOGD("setting NOFILE to %d", nofile); } set_nofile(nofile); } #endif } if (remote_num == 0 || remote_port == NULL || local_port == NULL || password == NULL) { usage(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (timeout == NULL) { timeout = "10"; } if (local_addr == NULL) { local_addr = ""; } if (pid_flags) { USE_SYSLOG(argv[0]); daemonize(pid_path); } if (fast_open == 1) { #ifdef TCP_FASTOPEN LOGD("using tcp fast open"); #else LOGE("tcp fast open is not supported by this environment"); #endif } #ifdef __MINGW32__ winsock_init(); #else // ignore SIGPIPE signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGABRT, SIG_IGN); #endif struct ev_signal sigint_watcher; struct ev_signal sigterm_watcher; ev_signal_init(&sigint_watcher, signal_cb, SIGINT); ev_signal_init(&sigterm_watcher, signal_cb, SIGTERM); ev_signal_start(EV_DEFAULT, &sigint_watcher); ev_signal_start(EV_DEFAULT, &sigterm_watcher); // Setup keys LOGD("initialize ciphers... %s", method); int m = enc_init(password, method); // Setup socket int listenfd; listenfd = create_and_bind(local_addr, local_port); if (listenfd < 0) { FATAL("bind() error.."); } if (listen(listenfd, SOMAXCONN) == -1) { FATAL("listen() error."); } setnonblocking(listenfd); LOGD("server listening at port %s.", local_port); // Setup proxy context struct listen_ctx listen_ctx; listen_ctx.remote_num = remote_num; listen_ctx.remote_addr = malloc(sizeof(ss_addr_t) * remote_num); while (remote_num > 0) { int index = --remote_num; if (remote_addr[index].port == NULL) { remote_addr[index].port = remote_port; } listen_ctx.remote_addr[index] = remote_addr[index]; } listen_ctx.timeout = atoi(timeout); listen_ctx.fd = listenfd; listen_ctx.iface = iface; listen_ctx.method = m; struct ev_loop *loop = EV_DEFAULT; if (!loop) { FATAL("ev_loop error."); } ev_io_init(&, accept_cb, listenfd, EV_READ); ev_io_start(loop, &; // Setup UDP if (udprelay) { LOGD("udprelay enabled."); init_udprelay(local_addr, local_port, remote_addr[0].host, remote_addr[0].port, m, listen_ctx.timeout, iface); } // setuid if (user != NULL) { run_as(user); } // Init connections cork_dllist_init(&connections); // Enter the loop ev_run(loop, 0); if (verbose) { LOGD("closed nicely."); } // Clean up free_connections(loop); free_udprelay(); ev_io_stop(loop, &; free(listen_ctx.remote_addr); #ifdef __MINGW32__ winsock_cleanup(); #endif ev_signal_stop(EV_DEFAULT, &sigint_watcher); ev_signal_stop(EV_DEFAULT, &sigterm_watcher); return 0; }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { int i, c; int pid_flags = 0; char *user = NULL; char *local_port = NULL; char *local_addr = NULL; char *password = NULL; char *timeout = NULL; char *method = NULL; char *pid_path = NULL; char *conf_path = NULL; char *iface = NULL; int remote_num = 0; ss_addr_t remote_addr[MAX_REMOTE_NUM]; char *remote_port = NULL; opterr = 0; while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "f:s:p:l:k:t:m:i:c:b:a:uv")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 's': remote_addr[remote_num].host = optarg; remote_addr[remote_num++].port = NULL; break; case 'p': remote_port = optarg; break; case 'l': local_port = optarg; break; case 'k': password = optarg; break; case 'f': pid_flags = 1; pid_path = optarg; break; case 't': timeout = optarg; break; case 'm': method = optarg; break; case 'c': conf_path = optarg; break; case 'i': iface = optarg; break; case 'b': local_addr = optarg; break; case 'a': user = optarg; break; case 'u': udprelay = 1; break; case 'v': verbose = 1; break; } } if (opterr) { usage(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (conf_path != NULL) { jconf_t *conf = read_jconf(conf_path); if (remote_num == 0) { remote_num = conf->remote_num; for (i = 0; i < remote_num; i++) { remote_addr[i] = conf->remote_addr[i]; } } if (remote_port == NULL) remote_port = conf->remote_port; if (local_addr == NULL) local_addr = conf->local_addr; if (local_port == NULL) local_port = conf->local_port; if (password == NULL) password = conf->password; if (method == NULL) method = conf->method; if (timeout == NULL) timeout = conf->timeout; } if (remote_num == 0 || remote_port == NULL || local_port == NULL || password == NULL) { usage(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (timeout == NULL) timeout = "10"; if (local_addr == NULL) local_addr = ""; if (pid_flags) { USE_SYSLOG(argv[0]); demonize(pid_path); } #ifdef __MINGW32__ winsock_init(); #else // ignore SIGPIPE signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGABRT, SIG_IGN); #endif // Setup keys LOGD("initialize ciphers... %s", method); int m = enc_init(password, method); // Setup socket int listenfd; listenfd = create_and_bind(local_addr, local_port); if (listenfd < 0) { FATAL("bind() error.."); } if (listen(listenfd, SOMAXCONN) == -1) { FATAL("listen() error."); } setnonblocking(listenfd); LOGD("server listening at port %s.", local_port); // Setup proxy context struct listen_ctx listen_ctx; listen_ctx.remote_num = remote_num; listen_ctx.remote_addr = malloc(sizeof(ss_addr_t) * remote_num); while (remote_num > 0) { int index = --remote_num; if (remote_addr[index].port == NULL) remote_addr[index].port = remote_port; listen_ctx.remote_addr[index] = remote_addr[index]; } listen_ctx.timeout = atoi(timeout); listen_ctx.fd = listenfd; listen_ctx.iface = iface; listen_ctx.method = m; struct ev_loop *loop = ev_default_loop(0); if (!loop) { FATAL("ev_loop error."); } ev_io_init (&, accept_cb, listenfd, EV_READ); ev_io_start (loop, &; // Setup UDP if (udprelay) { LOGD("udprelay enabled."); udprelay_init(local_addr, local_port, remote_addr[0].host, remote_addr[0].port, m, listen_ctx.timeout, iface); } // setuid if (user != NULL) run_as(user); ev_run (loop, 0); #ifdef __MINGW32__ winsock_cleanup(); #endif return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { srand(time(NULL)); int i, c; int pid_flags = 0; int mptcp = 0; int mtu = 0; char *user = NULL; char *local_port = NULL; char *local_addr = NULL; char *password = NULL; char *timeout = NULL; char *method = NULL; char *pid_path = NULL; char *conf_path = NULL; int remote_num = 0; ss_addr_t remote_addr[MAX_REMOTE_NUM]; char *remote_port = NULL; int option_index = 0; static struct option long_options[] = { { "mtu", required_argument, 0, 0 }, { "mptcp", no_argument, 0, 0 }, { "help", no_argument, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; opterr = 0; USE_TTY(); while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "f:s:p:l:k:t:m:c:b:a:n:huUvA6", long_options, &option_index)) != -1) { switch (c) { case 0: if (option_index == 0) { mtu = atoi(optarg); LOGI("set MTU to %d", mtu); } else if (option_index == 1) { mptcp = 1; LOGI("enable multipath TCP"); } else if (option_index == 2) { usage(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } break; case 's': if (remote_num < MAX_REMOTE_NUM) { remote_addr[remote_num].host = optarg; remote_addr[remote_num++].port = NULL; } break; case 'p': remote_port = optarg; break; case 'l': local_port = optarg; break; case 'k': password = optarg; break; case 'f': pid_flags = 1; pid_path = optarg; break; case 't': timeout = optarg; break; case 'm': method = optarg; break; case 'c': conf_path = optarg; break; case 'b': local_addr = optarg; break; case 'a': user = optarg; break; #ifdef HAVE_SETRLIMIT case 'n': nofile = atoi(optarg); break; #endif case 'u': mode = TCP_AND_UDP; break; case 'U': mode = UDP_ONLY; break; case 'v': verbose = 1; break; case 'h': usage(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); case 'A': auth = 1; break; case '6': ipv6first = 1; break; case '?': // The option character is not recognized. LOGE("Unrecognized option: %s", optarg); opterr = 1; break; } } if (opterr) { usage(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (argc == 1) { if (conf_path == NULL) { conf_path = DEFAULT_CONF_PATH; } } if (conf_path != NULL) { jconf_t *conf = read_jconf(conf_path); if (remote_num == 0) { remote_num = conf->remote_num; for (i = 0; i < remote_num; i++) remote_addr[i] = conf->remote_addr[i]; } if (remote_port == NULL) { remote_port = conf->remote_port; } if (local_addr == NULL) { local_addr = conf->local_addr; } if (local_port == NULL) { local_port = conf->local_port; } if (password == NULL) { password = conf->password; } if (method == NULL) { method = conf->method; } if (timeout == NULL) { timeout = conf->timeout; } if (user == NULL) { user = conf->user; } if (auth == 0) { auth = conf->auth; } if (mtu == 0) { mtu = conf->mtu; } if (mptcp == 0) { mptcp = conf->mptcp; } #ifdef HAVE_SETRLIMIT if (nofile == 0) { nofile = conf->nofile; } #endif } if (remote_num == 0 || remote_port == NULL || local_port == NULL || password == NULL) { usage(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (method == NULL) { method = "rc4-md5"; } if (timeout == NULL) { timeout = "600"; } #ifdef HAVE_SETRLIMIT /* * no need to check the return value here since we will show * the user an error message if setrlimit(2) fails */ if (nofile > 1024) { if (verbose) { LOGI("setting NOFILE to %d", nofile); } set_nofile(nofile); } #endif if (local_addr == NULL) { local_addr = ""; } if (pid_flags) { USE_SYSLOG(argv[0]); daemonize(pid_path); } if (ipv6first) { LOGI("resolving hostname to IPv6 address first"); } if (auth) { LOGI("onetime authentication enabled"); } // ignore SIGPIPE signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGABRT, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGINT, signal_cb); signal(SIGTERM, signal_cb); // Setup keys LOGI("initializing ciphers... %s", method); int m = enc_init(password, method); // Setup proxy context listen_ctx_t listen_ctx; listen_ctx.remote_num = remote_num; listen_ctx.remote_addr = ss_malloc(sizeof(struct sockaddr *) * remote_num); for (int i = 0; i < remote_num; i++) { char *host = remote_addr[i].host; char *port = remote_addr[i].port == NULL ? remote_port : remote_addr[i].port; struct sockaddr_storage *storage = ss_malloc(sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage)); memset(storage, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage)); if (get_sockaddr(host, port, storage, 1, ipv6first) == -1) { FATAL("failed to resolve the provided hostname"); } listen_ctx.remote_addr[i] = (struct sockaddr *)storage; } listen_ctx.timeout = atoi(timeout); listen_ctx.method = m; listen_ctx.mptcp = mptcp; struct ev_loop *loop = EV_DEFAULT; if (mode != UDP_ONLY) { // Setup socket int listenfd; listenfd = create_and_bind(local_addr, local_port); if (listenfd == -1) { FATAL("bind() error"); } if (listen(listenfd, SOMAXCONN) == -1) { FATAL("listen() error"); } setnonblocking(listenfd); listen_ctx.fd = listenfd; ev_io_init(&, accept_cb, listenfd, EV_READ); ev_io_start(loop, &; } // Setup UDP if (mode != TCP_ONLY) { LOGI("UDP relay enabled"); init_udprelay(local_addr, local_port, listen_ctx.remote_addr[0], get_sockaddr_len(listen_ctx.remote_addr[0]), mtu, m, auth, listen_ctx.timeout, NULL); } if (mode == UDP_ONLY) { LOGI("TCP relay disabled"); } LOGI("listening at %s:%s", local_addr, local_port); // setuid if (user != NULL && ! run_as(user)) { FATAL("failed to switch user"); } if (geteuid() == 0){ LOGI("running from root user"); } ev_run(loop, 0); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i, c; int pid_flags = 0; char *user = NULL; char *local_port = NULL; char *local_addr = NULL; char *password = NULL; char *timeout = NULL; char *method = NULL; char *pid_path = NULL; char *conf_path = NULL; int remote_num = 0; ss_addr_t remote_addr[MAX_REMOTE_NUM]; char *remote_port = NULL; opterr = 0; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "f:s:p:l:k:t:m:c:b:a:")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 's': if (remote_num < MAX_REMOTE_NUM) { remote_addr[remote_num].host = optarg; remote_addr[remote_num++].port = NULL; } break; case 'p': remote_port = optarg; break; case 'l': local_port = optarg; break; case 'k': password = optarg; break; case 'f': pid_flags = 1; pid_path = optarg; break; case 't': timeout = optarg; break; case 'm': method = optarg; break; case 'c': conf_path = optarg; break; case 'b': local_addr = optarg; break; case 'a': user = optarg; break; } } if (opterr) { usage(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if(argc == 1) { if(conf_path == NULL) { conf_path = DEFAULT_CONF_PATH; } } if (conf_path != NULL) { jconf_t *conf = read_jconf(conf_path); if (remote_num == 0) { remote_num = conf->remote_num; for (i = 0; i < remote_num; i++) { remote_addr[i] = conf->remote_addr[i]; } } if (remote_port == NULL) { remote_port = conf->remote_port; } if (local_addr == NULL) { local_addr = conf->local_addr; } if (local_port == NULL) { local_port = conf->local_port; } if (password == NULL) { password = conf->password; } if (method == NULL) { method = conf->method; } if (timeout == NULL) { timeout = conf->timeout; } } if (remote_num == 0 || remote_port == NULL || local_port == NULL || password == NULL) { usage(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (timeout == NULL) { timeout = "10"; } if (local_addr == NULL) { local_addr = ""; } if (pid_flags) { USE_SYSLOG(argv[0]); daemonize(pid_path); } // ignore SIGPIPE signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGABRT, SIG_IGN); // Setup keys LOGI("initialize ciphers... %s", method); int m = enc_init(password, method); // Setup socket int listenfd; listenfd = create_and_bind(local_addr, local_port); if (listenfd < 0) { FATAL("bind() error"); } if (listen(listenfd, SOMAXCONN) == -1) { FATAL("listen() error"); } setnonblocking(listenfd); LOGI("listening at %s:%s", local_addr, local_port); // Setup proxy context struct listen_ctx listen_ctx; listen_ctx.remote_num = remote_num; listen_ctx.remote_addr = malloc(sizeof(struct sockaddr *) * remote_num); for (int i = 0; i < remote_num; i++) { char *host = remote_addr[i].host; char *port = remote_addr[i].port == NULL ? remote_port : remote_addr[i].port; struct sockaddr_storage *storage = malloc(sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage)); memset(storage, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage)); if (get_sockaddr(host, port, storage, 1) == -1) { FATAL("failed to resolve the provided hostname"); } listen_ctx.remote_addr[i] = (struct sockaddr *)storage; } listen_ctx.timeout = atoi(timeout); listen_ctx.fd = listenfd; listen_ctx.method = m; struct ev_loop *loop = EV_DEFAULT; ev_io_init(&, accept_cb, listenfd, EV_READ); ev_io_start(loop, &; // setuid if (user != NULL) { run_as(user); } ev_run(loop, 0); return 0; }