FormattedOutput& FormattedOutput::print(const char* str, size_t len) { for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if (str[i] == '{') { line_ << '{'; ++offset_; endl(); } else if (str[i] == '}') { endl(); --offset_; print_offset(); line_ << '}'; endl(); } else { if (line_.str().empty() && !std::isspace(str[i])) { print_offset(); line_ << str[i]; } else if (!line_.str().empty()) line_ << str[i]; } } return *this; }
status_t ArcHmbPlayerBinder::onTransact(uint32_t code, const Parcel& data, Parcel* reply, uint32_t flags) { ALOGE("ArcHmbPlayerBinder::onTransact(%i) %i", code, flags); /* * Before executing actual method, check whether the RPC are from expected client. * Client will write interface token, to identify interface to which those methods * belong. */ if (!data.enforceInterface(ArcHmbPlayerInterface::DESCRIPTOR)) { ALOGE("failed to check Interface, you might call wrong service, this is for '%s'", String8(ArcHmbPlayerInterface::DESCRIPTOR).string()); return BAD_TYPE; } data.print(aout); endl(aout); switch(code) { case ArcHmbPlayerInterface::PRINT: { String16 msg = data.readString16(); print(String8(msg).string()); return NO_ERROR; } case ArcHmbPlayerInterface::ADD: { int32_t a = data.readInt32(); int32_t b = data.readInt32(); int32_t sum = add(a, b); ALOGE("ArcHmbPlayerBinder:onTransact add(%i, %i) = %i", a, b, sum); reply->print(aout); endl(aout); reply->writeInt32(sum); return NO_ERROR; } default: ALOGE("ArcHmbPlayerBinder, bad requesting code, no match found"); } return BBinder::onTransact(code, data, reply, flags); }
void ScribusQApp::showUsage() { QFile f;, QIODevice::WriteOnly); QTextStream ts(&f); ts << tr("Usage: scribus [option ... ] [file]") ; endl(ts); ts << tr("Options:") ; endl(ts); printArgLine(ts, ARG_FONTINFO_SHORT, ARG_FONTINFO, tr("Show information on the console when fonts are being loaded") ); printArgLine(ts, ARG_HELP_SHORT, ARG_HELP, tr("Print help (this message) and exit") ); printArgLine(ts, ARG_LANG_SHORT, ARG_LANG, tr("Uses xx as shortcut for a language, eg `en' or `de'") ); printArgLine(ts, ARG_AVAILLANG_SHORT, ARG_AVAILLANG, tr("List the currently installed interface languages") ); printArgLine(ts, ARG_NOSPLASH_SHORT, ARG_NOSPLASH, tr("Do not show the splashscreen on startup") ); printArgLine(ts, ARG_NEVERSPLASH_SHORT, ARG_NEVERSPLASH, tr("Stop the showing of the splashscreen on startup. Writes an empty file called .neversplash in ~/.scribus.") ); printArgLine(ts, ARG_PREFS_SHORT, QString(QString(ARG_PREFS) + QString(" ") + tr("filename")).toLocal8Bit().constData(), tr("Use filename as path for user given preferences") ); printArgLine(ts, ARG_PROFILEINFO_SHORT, ARG_PROFILEINFO, tr("Show location ICC profile information on console while starting") ); printArgLine(ts, ARG_SWAPDIABUTTONS_SHORT, ARG_SWAPDIABUTTONS, tr("Use right to left dialog button ordering (eg. Cancel/No/Yes instead of Yes/No/Cancel)") ); printArgLine(ts, ARG_UPGRADECHECK_SHORT, ARG_UPGRADECHECK, tr("Download a file from the Scribus website and show the latest available version.") ); printArgLine(ts, ARG_VERSION_SHORT, ARG_VERSION, tr("Output version information and exit") ); #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_CONSOLE) printArgLine(ts, ARG_CONSOLE_SHORT, ARG_CONSOLE, tr("Display a console window") ); #endif /* Delete me? std::cout << "-file|-- name Open file 'name'" ; endl(ts); std::cout << "name Open file 'name', the file name must not begin with '-'" ; endl(ts); std::cout << "QT specific options as -display ..." ; endl(ts); */ endl(ts); }
void ZDriver::writeParserUtilDecl( std::ostream &out ) { out << " void popStack( void );" << endl(); out << " ParserAct findParserAction( int &newVal, int tok );" << endl(); out << " void initTables( void );" << endl(); }
void ZDriver::emitFuncBreak( std::ostream &out ) { out << endl(); out << endl(); out << "////////////////////////////////////////" << endl(); out << endl(); out << endl(); }
void LanguageManager::printInstalledList() { QFile f;, QIODevice::WriteOnly); QTextStream ts(&f); for (int i = 0; i < langTable.size(); ++i) { ts << " " << langTable[i].m_priAbbrev.leftJustified(8) << ": " << langTable[i].m_name; endl(ts); } endl(ts); f.close(); }
void ZDriver::writeAcceptFuncDecl( std::ostream &out ) { const std::string &extraArg = getValue( "extra_argument" ).first; if ( isValueSet( "parse_accept" ) ) { if ( extraArg.empty() ) out << " void accept( void );" << endl(); else out << " void accept( " << extraArg << " );" << endl(); } }
void ScribusQApp::showAvailLangs() { QFile f;, QIODevice::WriteOnly); QTextStream ts(&f); ts << tr("Installed interface languages for Scribus are as follows:"); endl(ts); endl(ts); LanguageManager::instance()->printInstalledList(); endl(ts); ts << tr("To override the default language choice:"); endl(ts); ts << tr("scribus -l xx or scribus --lang xx, where xx is the language of choice."); endl(ts); }
void ZDriver::writeErrorRoutinesDecl( std::ostream &out ) { const std::string &extraArg = getValue( "extra_argument" ).first; out << " void syntaxError( " << getParserName() << "::Terminal tok, const Util::Any &data" << myExtraArg << " );" << endl(); if ( extraArg.empty() ) out << " void parseFailed( void );" << endl(); else out << " void parseFailed( " << extraArg << " );" << endl(); }
void ZDriver::writeStateTableDecl( std::ostream &out ) { out << endl() << endl(); out << " typedef std::pair<ParserAct,int> ActionEntry;" << endl(); out << " typedef std::map<int,ActionEntry> ActionMap;" << endl(); out << " typedef std::vector<ActionMap> StateList;" << endl(); out << " typedef std::vector<ActionEntry> StateDefaultList;" << endl(); out << endl(); out << " StateList myStates;" << endl(); out << " StateDefaultList myStateDefaultActions;" << endl(); }
void ZDriver::emitLineInfo( const std::string &srcFile, size_t line, std::ostream &out ) { out << "#line " << line << " \"" << srcFile << "\"" << endl(); }
void LogBrowserDialog::save() { QString saveFileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Save Log Output"), tr("%1/logfile.txt").arg(QDir::homePath()), tr("Text Files (*.txt);;All Files (*)")); if (saveFileName.isEmpty()) { return; } QFile file(saveFileName); if (! { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Error"), QString(tr("<nobr>File '%1'<br/>cannot be opened for writing.<br/><br/>" "The log output could <b>not</b> be saved!</nobr>")).arg(saveFileName)); return; } QTextStream stream(&file); for (int row = 0; row < _browser->rowCount(); row++) { if (_browser->item(row, 0)) { stream << tr("Warning: "); } stream << _browser->item(row, 1)->text(); endl(stream); } file.close(); }
void ZDriver::writeImplClassCtorDtor( std::ostream &out ) { emitFuncBreak( out ); out << myPimplName << "::" << myPimplName << "( void )" << endl(); out << " : myErrCount( -1 )" << endl(); out << "{" << endl(); out << " initTables();" << endl(); out << "}" << endl(); emitFuncBreak( out ); out << myPimplName << "::~" << myPimplName << "( void )" << endl(); out << "{" << endl(); out << " while ( ! myStack.empty() )" << endl(); out << " popStack();" << endl(); out << "}" << endl(); }
void drawBar() { out << "["; const unsigned stop = value * width / max; for(unsigned i = 0; i < width; ++i) { out << (i <= stop? '*' : ' '); } out << "] " << std::min<int>(100, value * 100 / max + 1) << "\n"; endl(); }
bool PythonHandler::exportData(regina::NPacket* data, const QString& fileName, QWidget* parentWidget) const { regina::NScript* script = dynamic_cast<regina::NScript*>(data); QFile f(fileName); if (! { ReginaSupport::warn(parentWidget, QObject::tr("The export failed."), QObject::tr("<qt>I could not write to the file <tt>%1</tt>.</qt>"). arg(fileName.toHtmlEscaped())); return false; } QTextStream out(&f); out.setCodec(ReginaPrefSet::importExportCodec()); // Write the name of the script. out << "### " << scriptMarker << ' '; out << QString(script->label().c_str()); endl(out); out << "###"; endl(out); // Output the value of each variable. unsigned long i; regina::NPacket* value; for (i = 0; i < script->countVariables(); i++) { value = script->variableValue(i); out << "### " << varMarker << QString(script->variableName(i).c_str()) << ": " << (value ? QString(value->label().c_str()) : ""); endl(out); } out << "###"; endl(out); out << "### " << endMetadataMarker; endl(out); out << script->text().c_str(); // All done! return true; }
int main() { { testbuf<char> sb; std::ostream os(&sb); endl(os); assert(sb.str() == "\n"); assert(sync_called == 1); assert(os.good()); } { testbuf<wchar_t> sb; std::wostream os(&sb); endl(os); assert(sb.str() == L"\n"); assert(sync_called == 2); assert(os.good()); } }
void ZDriver::writeStateTable( std::ostream &out ) { size_t i, j, nState, nAct, nTotal; nState = StateTable::get()->getNumStates(); // Count all actions nTotal = 0; for ( i = 0; i < nState; ++i ) { State *stp = StateTable::get()->getNthState(i); ActionList &ap = stp->getActions(); nAct = ap.getNumActions(); for ( j = 0; j < nAct; ++j ) { Action &act = ap.getNthAction( j ); if ( ! act.isIgnoreType() ) nTotal++; if ( act.getLookAhead() == SymbolTable::get()->getDefaultName() ) nTotal++; } } out << "static int theStateTable[" << nTotal << "][4] =" << endl(); out << "{" << endl(); for ( i = 0; i < nState; ++i ) { State *stp = StateTable::get()->getNthState(i); ActionList &ap = stp->getActions(); nAct = ap.getNumActions(); for ( j = 0; j < nAct; ++j ) { Action &act = ap.getNthAction( j ); if ( ! act.isIgnoreType() ) { out << " // State " << i << endl(); out << " { " << i << ", " << act.getLookAheadSymbol()->getIndex() << ", "; emitAction( act, out ); out << " }," << endl(); } if ( act.getLookAhead() == SymbolTable::get()->getDefaultName() ) { out << " // State " << i << " default action" << endl(); out << " { " << i << ", " << -1 << ", "; emitAction( act, out ); out << " }," << endl(); } } } out << "};" << endl(); }
void ZDriver::writeAcceptFunc( std::ostream &out ) { const std::string &extraArg = getValue( "extra_argument" ).first; if ( isValueSet( "parse_accept" ) ) { emitFuncBreak( out ); if ( extraArg.empty() ) out << "void " << myPimplName << "::accept( void )" << endl(); else out << "void " << myPimplName << "::accept( " << extraArg << " )" << endl(); out << "{" << endl(); emitValue( getValue( "parse_accept" ), out ); out << "}" << endl(); } }
void ScribusQApp::showHeader() { QFile f;, QIODevice::WriteOnly); QTextStream ts(&f); endl(ts); QString heading( tr("Scribus, Open Source Desktop Publishing") ); // Build a separator of ----s the same width as the heading QString separator = QString("").rightJustified(heading.length(),'-'); // Then output the heading, separator, and docs/www/etc info in an aligned table const int urlwidth = 23; const int descwidth = -(heading.length() - urlwidth - 1); ts << heading; endl(ts); ts << separator; endl(ts); ts << QString("%1 %2").arg( tr("Homepage")+":", descwidth).arg("" ); endl(ts); ts << QString("%1 %2").arg( tr("Documentation")+":", descwidth).arg(""); endl(ts); ts << QString("%1 %2").arg( tr("Wiki")+":", descwidth).arg(""); endl(ts); ts << QString("%1 %2").arg( tr("Issues")+":", descwidth).arg(""); endl(ts); endl(ts); }
void ZDriver::writeRuleTableDecl( std::ostream &out ) { out << endl() << endl(); out << " // first is LHS, second is number of RHS" << endl(); out << " typedef std::pair<int,int> RuleInfo;" << endl(); out << " typedef std::vector<RuleInfo> RuleList;" << endl(); out << endl(); out << " RuleList myRules;" << endl(); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // begin of new line log& log::beginLine(int col, int style) { if ( !isLineEnded ) { *this << efont; endl( *this ); } *this << font(col, style); isLineEnded = false; return *this; }
/*! \brief Format an arguments line for printing Helper procedure */ static void printArgLine(QTextStream & ts, const char * smallArg, const char* fullArg, const QString desc) { const char* lineformat = " %1, %2 %3"; const int saw = 4; // Short argument width const int aw = -18; // Argument width (negative is left aligned) QString line = QString(lineformat) .arg(smallArg, saw) .arg(fullArg, aw) .arg(desc); ts << line; endl(ts); }
void LirchChannel::persist() const { if (stream) { int num_blocks = document->blockCount(); QTextBlock block = document->begin(); for (int i = 0; i < num_blocks; ++i) { endl(*stream << block.text()); emit progress(i * 100 / num_blocks); block =; } emit progress(100); } emit persisted(); }
void ScribusQApp::showUsage() { QFile f;, QIODevice::WriteOnly); QTextStream ts(&f); ts << tr("Usage: scribus [options] [files]") ; endl(ts); endl(ts); ts << tr("Options:") ; endl(ts); printArgLine(ts, ARG_FONTINFO_SHORT, ARG_FONTINFO, tr("Show information on the console when fonts are being loaded") ); printArgLine(ts, ARG_HELP_SHORT, ARG_HELP, tr("Print help (this message) and exit") ); printArgLine(ts, ARG_LANG_SHORT, ARG_LANG, tr("Uses xx as shortcut for a language, eg `en' or `de'") ); printArgLine(ts, ARG_AVAILLANG_SHORT, ARG_AVAILLANG, tr("List the currently installed interface languages") ); printArgLine(ts, ARG_NOSPLASH_SHORT, ARG_NOSPLASH, tr("Do not show the splashscreen on startup") ); printArgLine(ts, ARG_NEVERSPLASH_SHORT, ARG_NEVERSPLASH, tr("Stop showing the splashscreen on startup. Writes an empty file called .neversplash in ~/.scribus") ); printArgLine(ts, ARG_PREFS_SHORT, qPrintable(QString("%1 <%2>").arg(ARG_PREFS).arg(tr("filename"))), tr("Use filename as path for user given preferences") ); printArgLine(ts, ARG_PROFILEINFO_SHORT, ARG_PROFILEINFO, tr("Show location of ICC profile information on console while starting") ); printArgLine(ts, ARG_UPGRADECHECK_SHORT, ARG_UPGRADECHECK, tr("Download a file from the Scribus website and show the latest available version") ); printArgLine(ts, ARG_VERSION_SHORT, ARG_VERSION, tr("Output version information and exit") ); printArgLine(ts, ARG_PYTHONSCRIPT_SHORT, qPrintable(QString("%1 <%2>").arg(ARG_PYTHONSCRIPT).arg(tr("filename"))), tr("Run filename in Python scripter") ); printArgLine(ts, ARG_SCRIPTARG_SHORT, qPrintable(QString("%1 <%2> [%3]").arg(ARG_SCRIPTARG).arg(tr("argument")).arg(tr("value"))), tr("Argument passed on to python script, with an optional value, no effect without -py") ); printArgLine(ts, ARG_NOGUI_SHORT, ARG_NOGUI, tr("Do not start GUI") ); ts << (QString(" %1").arg(CMD_OPTIONS_END,-39)) << tr("Explicit end of command line options"); endl(ts); #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_CONSOLE) printArgLine(ts, ARG_CONSOLE_SHORT, ARG_CONSOLE, tr("Display a console window") ); #endif #if WITH_TESTS printArgLine(ts, ARG_TESTS_SHORT, ARG_TESTS, tr("Run unit tests and exit") ); #endif /* Delete me? std::cout << "-file|-- name Open file 'name'" ; endl(ts); std::cout << "name Open file 'name', the file name must not begin with '-'" ; endl(ts); std::cout << "QT specific options as -display ..." ; endl(ts); */ endl(ts); f.close(); }
void ZDriver::emitValue( const Producer::ValueSetting &val, std::ostream &out ) { if ( ! val.first.empty() ) { emitLineInfo( getSourceFile(), val.second, out ); out << val.first << endl(); myCurLineNum += std::count_if( val.first.begin(), val.first.end(), std::bind2nd( std::equal_to<char>(), '\n' ) ); emitLineInfo( myFileName, getOutLine(), out ); } }
void BufferedFTPrinter::printOut(const size_t rows) { size_t row = rows; size_t column = 0; for (int lineType: _lines) { if (lineType < 0 && column > 0) FTPrinter::append(endl()); switch(lineType) { case lineHeader: FTPrinter::printHeader(); break; case lineFooter: FTPrinter::printFooter(); break; case lineTableName: FTPrinter::printTableName(); break; default: //a data line if (row == 0) break; for (size_t i = 0; i < static_cast<size_t>(lineType); ++i) { FTPrinter::append( _columnFormats[column]).append(_columns[column]); ++column; } FTPrinter::append(endl()); --row; } } }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------- ValueReader(const core::ReaderInputPort& port) { assert( port.connectedOutput()->data() ); _container = dynamic_cast<ValueContainerInterface<TValueType>* >( ); if(!_container) { Debug::error() << "ValueReader<" << types::str<ValueType>() << ">::Constructor : " << "enable to determine the Container type" << endl(); } }
int main() { std::cout << "Test\n"; // There is no operator<< in global namespace, but ADL // examines std namespace because the left argument is in // std and finds std::operator<<(std::ostream&, const char*) operator<<(std::cout, "Test\n"); // same, using function call notation // however, std::cout << std::endl; // Error: 'endl' is not declared in this namespace. // This is not a function call to endl(), so ADL does not apply endl(std::cout); // OK: this is a function call: ADL examines std namespace // because the argument of endl is in std, and finds std::endl (endl)(std::cout); // Error: 'endl' is not declared in this namespace. // The sub-expression (endl) is not a function call expression }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // удаление лога void log::destroy() { if (0 != instance) { #ifdef _DEBUG endl( get() ); // get() << "</strong>\n"; get().logFile << "</font>\n" << "</body></html>\n"; if ( get().logFile.is_open() ) { get().logFile.close(); } #endif delete instance; } }
/** Export one playlist at a time. */ void PlaylistDialog::exportSelectedPlaylist() { QString exportedPlaylistLocation; SettingsPrivate *settings = SettingsPrivate::instance(); if (settings->value("locationForExportedPlaylist").isNull()) { exportedPlaylistLocation = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::MusicLocation); } else { exportedPlaylistLocation = settings->value("locationForExportedPlaylist").toString(); } auto indexes = savedPlaylists->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes(); if (indexes.isEmpty()) { return; } QStandardItem *item = _savedPlaylistModel->itemFromIndex(indexes.first()); uint playlistId = item->data(PlaylistID).toUInt(); auto db = SqlDatabase::instance(); PlaylistDAO dao = db->selectPlaylist(playlistId); QString title = this->convertNameToValidFileName(dao.title()); // Open a file dialog and ask the user to choose a location QString newName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Export playlist"), exportedPlaylistLocation + QDir::separator() + title, tr("Playlist (*.m3u8)")); if (QFile::exists(newName)) { QFile removePreviousOne(newName); if (!removePreviousOne.remove()) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Cannot remove" << newName; } } if (newName.isEmpty()) { return; } else { QFile f(newName); if ( | QIODevice::Text)) { QTextStream stream(&f); QList<TrackDAO> tracks = db->selectPlaylistTracks(playlistId); for (TrackDAO t : tracks) { stream << t.uri(); endl(stream); } } f.close(); } }