void DynProgProb::setInput ( size_t dimInputProb_, const double *inputProb_) // array of input states : d_inputProb_p [0...dimStateProb - 1] { if (dimInputProb_ != getDimInputProb ()) { freeInput (); initInput (dimInputProb_); } if (getDimInputProb () > 0) MemUtil::memCpy (d_inputProb_p, inputProb_, sizeof (double) * getDimInputProb ()); }
void TokenStream::setInput(std::istream* in) { freeInput(); this->in = in; owner = true; ct.type = TokenType::end; }
void TokenStream::setInput(std::istream& in) { freeInput(); this->in = ∈ owner = false; ct.type = TokenType::end; }
int main( int /* argc */, char* /* * argv */ ) { TriclopsContext triclops; TriclopsError error; TriclopsInput triclopsInput; char* szInputFile = "input.ppm"; char* szCalFile = "input.cal"; char* szDisparityBase = "disparity"; // Get the camera calibration data error = triclopsGetDefaultContextFromFile( &triclops, szCalFile ); _HANDLE_TRICLOPS_ERROR( "triclopsGetDefaultContextFromFile(): " "Can't open calibration file", error ); // Load images from file if ( !ppmReadToTriclopsInput( szInputFile, &triclopsInput ) ) { printf( "ppmReadToTriclopsInput() failed. Can't read '%s'\n", szInputFile ); return 1; } doRectifyStereoSave( triclops, &triclopsInput, szDisparityBase, "default" ); // try doing stereo with a big stereo mask triclopsSetStereoMask( triclops, 21 ); doRectifyStereoSave( triclops, &triclopsInput, szDisparityBase, "bigmask" ); // try doing stereo with a small stereo mask triclopsSetStereoMask( triclops, 5 ); doRectifyStereoSave( triclops, &triclopsInput, szDisparityBase, "smallmask" ); // set mask to a neutral value triclopsSetStereoMask( triclops, 11 ); // try doing stereo without any validation triclopsSetSurfaceValidation( triclops, 0 ); triclopsSetUniquenessValidation( triclops, 0 ); triclopsSetTextureValidation( triclops, 0 ); doRectifyStereoSave( triclops, &triclopsInput, szDisparityBase, "novalidation" ); // try doing stereo with only texture and surface triclopsSetSurfaceValidation( triclops, 1 ); triclopsSetTextureValidation( triclops, 1 ); doRectifyStereoSave( triclops, &triclopsInput, szDisparityBase, "surf-tex-val" ); // try doing stereo in 2 camera mode with back and forth validation triclopsSetCameraConfiguration( triclops, TriCfg_2CAM_HORIZONTAL ); triclopsSetBackForthValidation( triclops, 1 ); doRectifyStereoSave( triclops, &triclopsInput, szDisparityBase, "backforth" ); // try doing stereo in subpixel mode to compare the results of subpixel with // whole pixel - try running "convertimage16" example to convert this image to // one that is more easily viewed triclopsSetSubpixelInterpolation( triclops, 1 ); doRectifyStereoSave( triclops, &triclopsInput, szDisparityBase, "subpixel" ); // clean up memory allocated in context freeInput( &triclopsInput ); error = triclopsDestroyContext( triclops ); _HANDLE_TRICLOPS_ERROR( "triclopsDestroyContext()", error ); return 0; }
int main( int /* argc */, char** /* argv */ ) { TriclopsContext context; TriclopsImage depthImage; TriclopsInput inputData; TriclopsError error; // get the camera module configuration error = triclopsGetDefaultContextFromFile( &context, "config" ); _HANDLE_TRICLOPS_ERROR( "triclopsGetDefaultContextFromFile()", error ); if ( error != TriclopsErrorOk ) { printf( "Can't open calibration file 'config'\n" ); exit( 1 ); } // Load images from file TriclopsBool bErr = ppmReadToTriclopsInput( "input.ppm", &inputData ); if( !bErr ) { printf( "ppmReadToTriclopsInput() failed. Can't find input.ppm?\n" ); exit( 1 ); } // set up some stereo parameters: // set to 320x240 output images error = triclopsSetResolution( context, 240, 320 ); _HANDLE_TRICLOPS_ERROR( "triclopsSetResolution()", error ); // set disparity range error = triclopsSetDisparity( context, 5, 60 ); _HANDLE_TRICLOPS_ERROR( "triclopsSetDisparity()", error ); // set the display mapping // note: disparity mapping corrupts the disparity values so that making // distance measurements is more difficult and less accurate. // Do not use it when you intend to actually use disparity values for // purposes other than display error = triclopsSetDisparityMapping( context, 128, 255 ); _HANDLE_TRICLOPS_ERROR( "triclopsSetDisparityMapping()", error ); error = triclopsSetDisparityMappingOn( context, 1 ); _HANDLE_TRICLOPS_ERROR( "triclopsSetDisparityMappingOn()", error ); // set the validation mappings to 0 (black) error = triclopsSetUniquenessValidationMapping( context, 0 ); _HANDLE_TRICLOPS_ERROR( "triclopsSetUniquenessValidationMapping()", error ); error = triclopsSetTextureValidationMapping( context, 0 ); _HANDLE_TRICLOPS_ERROR( "triclopsSetTextureValidationMapping()", error ); // Preprocessing the images error = triclopsPreprocess( context, &inputData ); _HANDLE_TRICLOPS_ERROR( "triclopsPreprocess()", error ); // stereo processing error = triclopsStereo( context ); _HANDLE_TRICLOPS_ERROR( "triclopsStereo()", error ); // retrieve the depth image from the context error = triclopsGetImage( context, TriImg_DISPARITY, TriCam_REFERENCE, &depthImage ); _HANDLE_TRICLOPS_ERROR( "triclopsGetImage()", error ); // save the depth image error = triclopsSaveImage( &depthImage, "depth.pgm" ); _HANDLE_TRICLOPS_ERROR( "triclopsSaveImage()", error ); // clean up memory allocated in context freeInput( &inputData ); error = triclopsDestroyContext( context ); return 0; }
/** *\fn int main(int argc, char *argv[]) * Main *\param[in,out] argc argc *\param[in,out] argv argv */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { SDL_Surface *screen = NULL; int go = 1; int ret,ret1, ret2 = 0, ret3, ret4; char level_name[MAX_SIZE_FILE_NAME]; char player_name[MAX_SIZE_FILE_NAME]; int nb_lvl; /*sound*/ Sound *sound_system; sound_system = createSound(); /*keyboard config*/ SDLKey kc[NB_KEY-1]; /*input*/ Input in; SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO|SDL_INIT_TIMER|SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK); Player *current_player; current_player = (Player *)malloc(sizeof(Player)); /*screen initialization*/ screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, 32, SDL_HWSURFACE | SDL_DOUBLEBUF); initInput(&in); /*configurations loading */ loadSoundOptions("configuration/sound.conf",sound_system); SDL_WM_SetCaption("Super Martin", NULL); //window name SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_DISABLE); //delete the mouse while (go) //main loop { if(titleMenu(screen,&go,sound_system, &in)) { while( (ret3 = menuPlayers(screen, player_name, &go, sound_system, &in)) != -1 && go) { switch(ret3) { case -1: break; case 2 : ret2 = newPlayer(screen, player_name, sound_system, &go); if(ret2 == 1) { current_player->levelMax = 1; current_player->nbCoins = 0; current_player->nbLifes = 3; current_player->nbProjectile = 5; savePlayer("save/.save", player_name, current_player); loadInputOptions("default",kc,&in); saveInputOptions(player_name, kc, &in); } else break; case 1 : loadPlayer("save/.save", player_name, current_player); loadInputOptions(player_name,kc,&in); while(go && (ret1 = mainMenu(screen,&go,sound_system, player_name, &in)) != -1) { switch(ret1) { case -1: break; case 0: while( (ret4 = menuLevel(screen,level_name,sound_system, player_name, current_player, &go, &nb_lvl, &in)) != -1 && go) { while(play(screen,level_name,sound_system,&go,kc, &in, current_player, player_name, ret4+1, nb_lvl) && go); } break; case 1 : save(screen, "save/.save", player_name, current_player, &go); loadPlayer("save/.save", player_name, current_player); break; case 2 : while((ret = optionMenu(screen,&go,sound_system,kc, &in)) != -1 && go) { switch(ret) { case -1: break; case 0: soundOptions(screen,&go,sound_system, &in); break; case 1: keyBoardOptions(screen,&go,kc,&in,player_name); break; default:; } } break; case 3 : deletePlayer(screen, "save/players", player_name); go = 0; break; default: ; } } go = 1; break; default : ; } } } SDL_FillRect(screen,NULL,SDL_MapRGB(screen->format,255,255,255)); //clear screen SDL_Flip(screen); } freeSound(sound_system); free((void*)current_player); freeInput(&in); SDL_Quit(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }