Example #1
	boolean gets_hit;

	gets_hit = (((uball->ox != u.ux) || (uball->oy != u.uy)) &&
		    ((uwep == uball)? FALSE : (boolean)rn2(5)));
	if (carried(uball)) {
		pline("Startled, you drop the iron ball.");
		if (uwep == uball)
			setuwep((struct obj *)0);
		if (uswapwep == uball)
			setuswapwep((struct obj *)0);
		if (uquiver == uball)
			setuqwep((struct obj *)0);;
		if (uwep != uball)
		int dmg = rn1(7,25);
		pline_The("iron ball falls on your %s.",
		if (uarmh) {
		    if(is_metallic(uarmh)) {
			pline("Fortunately, you are wearing a hard helmet.");
			dmg = 3;
		    } else if (flags.verbose)
			Your("%s does not protect you.", xname(uarmh));
		losehp(dmg, "crunched in the head by an iron ball",
Example #2
    boolean gets_hit;

    gets_hit = (((uball->ox != u.ux) || (uball->oy != u.uy)) &&
                ((uwep == uball) ? FALSE : (boolean) rn2(5)));
    if (carried(uball)) {
        pline("Startled, you drop the iron ball.");
        if (uwep != uball)
    if (gets_hit) {
        int dmg = rn1(7, 25);

        pline("The iron ball falls on your %s.", body_part(HEAD));
        if (uarmh) {
            if (is_metallic(uarmh)) {
                pline("Fortunately, you are wearing a hard helmet.");
                dmg = 3;
            } else if (flags.verbose)
                pline("Your %s does not protect you.", xname(uarmh));
        losehp(dmg, "crunched in the head by an iron ball");
Example #3
/* fungi will eat even tainted food */
dogfood(const struct monst *mon, struct obj *obj)
    boolean carni = carnivorous(mon->data);
    boolean herbi = herbivorous(mon->data);
    const struct permonst *fptr = &mons[obj->corpsenm];
    boolean starving;

    if (is_quest_artifact(obj) || obj_resists(obj, 0, 95))
        return obj->cursed ? TABU : APPORT;

    switch (obj->oclass) {
    case FOOD_CLASS:
        if (obj->otyp == CORPSE &&
            ((touch_petrifies(&mons[obj->corpsenm]) && !resists_ston(mon))
             || is_rider(fptr)))
            return TABU;

        /* Ghouls only eat old corpses... yum! */
        if (mon->data == &mons[PM_GHOUL])
            return (obj->otyp == CORPSE &&
                    peek_at_iced_corpse_age(obj) + 50L <=
                    moves) ? DOGFOOD : TABU;

        if (!carni && !herbi)
            return obj->cursed ? UNDEF : APPORT;

        /* a starving pet will eat almost anything */
        starving = (mon->mtame && !mon->isminion &&

        switch (obj->otyp) {
        case TRIPE_RATION:
        case MEATBALL:
        case MEAT_RING:
        case MEAT_STICK:
        case HUGE_CHUNK_OF_MEAT:
            return carni ? DOGFOOD : MANFOOD;
        case EGG:
            if (touch_petrifies(&mons[obj->corpsenm]) && !resists_ston(mon))
                return POISON;
            return carni ? CADAVER : MANFOOD;
        case CORPSE:
            if ((peek_at_iced_corpse_age(obj) + 50L <= moves &&
                 obj->corpsenm != PM_LIZARD && obj->corpsenm != PM_LICHEN &&
                 mon->data->mlet != S_FUNGUS) ||
                (acidic(&mons[obj->corpsenm]) && !resists_acid(mon)) ||
                (poisonous(&mons[obj->corpsenm]) && !resists_poison(mon)))
                return POISON;
            else if (vegan(fptr))
                return herbi ? CADAVER : MANFOOD;
                return carni ? CADAVER : MANFOOD;
        case CLOVE_OF_GARLIC:
            return (is_undead(mon->data) ? TABU
                    : ((herbi || starving) ? ACCFOOD : MANFOOD));
        case TIN:
            return metallivorous(mon->data) ? ACCFOOD : MANFOOD;
        case APPLE:
        case CARROT:
            return herbi ? DOGFOOD : starving ? ACCFOOD : MANFOOD;
        case BANANA:
            return ((mon->data->mlet ==
                     S_YETI) ? DOGFOOD : ((herbi ||
                                           starving) ? ACCFOOD : MANFOOD));

        case K_RATION:
        case C_RATION:
        case CRAM_RATION:
        case LEMBAS_WAFER:
        case FOOD_RATION:
            if (is_human(mon->data) || is_elf(mon->data) || is_dwarf(mon->data)
                || is_gnome(mon->data) || is_orc(mon->data))
                return ACCFOOD;

            if (starving)
                return ACCFOOD;
            return (obj->otyp >
                    SLIME_MOLD ? (carni ? ACCFOOD : MANFOOD) :
                    (herbi ? ACCFOOD : MANFOOD));
        if (obj->otyp == AMULET_OF_STRANGULATION ||
            obj->otyp == RIN_SLOW_DIGESTION)
            return TABU;
        if (hates_silver(mon->data) && objects[obj->otyp].oc_material == SILVER)
            return TABU;
        if (mon->data == &mons[PM_GELATINOUS_CUBE] && is_organic(obj))
            return ACCFOOD;
        if (metallivorous(mon->data) && is_metallic(obj) &&
            (is_rustprone(obj) || mon->data != &mons[PM_RUST_MONSTER])) {
            /* Non-rustproofed ferrous based metals are preferred. */
            return (is_rustprone(obj) && !obj->oerodeproof) ? DOGFOOD : ACCFOOD;
        if (!obj->cursed && obj->oclass != BALL_CLASS &&
            obj->oclass != CHAIN_CLASS)
            return APPORT;
        /* fall into next case */
    case ROCK_CLASS:
        return UNDEF;
Example #4
/* Start riding, with the given monster */
mount_steed(struct monst * mtmp,        /* The animal */
            boolean force)
{   /* Quietly force this animal */
    struct obj *otmp;
    const struct permonst *ptr;

    /* Sanity checks */
    if (u.usteed) {
        pline("You are already riding %s.", mon_nam(u.usteed));
        return FALSE;

    /* Is the player in the right form? */
    if (Hallucination && !force) {
        pline("Maybe you should find a designated driver.");
        return FALSE;
    /* While riding Wounded_legs refers to the steed's, not the hero's legs.
       That opens up a potential abuse where the player can mount a steed, then
       dismount immediately to heal leg damage, because leg damage is always
       healed upon dismount (Wounded_legs context switch). By preventing a hero
       with Wounded_legs from mounting a steed, the potential for abuse is
       minimized, if not eliminated altogether. */
    if (Wounded_legs) {
        pline("Your %s are in no shape for riding.",
        if (force && wizard && yn("Heal your legs?") == 'y')
            LWounded_legs = RWounded_legs = 0;
            return FALSE;

    if (Upolyd &&
            (!humanoid(youmonst.data) || verysmall(youmonst.data) ||
             bigmonst(youmonst.data) || slithy(youmonst.data))) {
        pline("You won't fit on a saddle.");
        return FALSE;
    if (!force && (near_capacity() > SLT_ENCUMBER)) {
        pline("You can't do that while carrying so much stuff.");
        return FALSE;

    /* Can the player reach and see the monster? */
    if (!mtmp ||
            (!force &&
             ((Blind && !Blind_telepat) || mtmp->mundetected ||
              mtmp->m_ap_type == M_AP_FURNITURE ||
              mtmp->m_ap_type == M_AP_OBJECT))) {
        pline("I see nobody there.");
        return FALSE;

    struct test_move_cache cache;

    if (Engulfed || u.ustuck || u.utrap || Punished ||
            !test_move(u.ux, u.uy, mtmp->mx - u.ux, mtmp->my - u.uy, 0,
                       TEST_MOVE, &cache)) {
        if (Punished || !(Engulfed || u.ustuck || u.utrap))
            pline("You are unable to swing your %s over.", body_part(LEG));
            pline("You are stuck here for now.");
        return FALSE;

    /* Is this a valid monster? */
    otmp = which_armor(mtmp, os_saddle);
    if (!otmp) {
        pline("%s is not saddled.", Monnam(mtmp));
        return FALSE;
    ptr = mtmp->data;
    if (touch_petrifies(ptr) && !Stone_resistance) {
        pline("You touch %s.", mon_nam(mtmp));
                                msgcat("attempting to ride ", an(mtmp->data->mname))));
    if (!mtmp->mtame || mtmp->isminion) {
        pline("I think %s would mind.", mon_nam(mtmp));
        return FALSE;
    if (mtmp->mtrapped) {
        struct trap *t = t_at(level, mtmp->mx, mtmp->my);

        pline("You can't mount %s while %s's trapped in %s.", mon_nam(mtmp),
              mhe(mtmp), t ? an(trapexplain[t->ttyp - 1]) : "ice");
        return FALSE;

    if (!force && !Role_if(PM_KNIGHT) && !(--mtmp->mtame)) {
        /* no longer tame */
        newsym(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my);
        pline("%s resists%s!", Monnam(mtmp),
              mtmp->mleashed ? " and its leash comes off" : "");
        if (mtmp->mleashed)
            m_unleash(mtmp, FALSE);
        return FALSE;
    if (!force && Underwater && !is_swimmer(ptr)) {
        pline("You can't ride that creature while under water.");
        return FALSE;
    if (!can_saddle(mtmp) || !can_ride(mtmp)) {
        pline("You can't ride such a creature.");
        return 0;

    /* Is the player impaired? */
    if (!force && !is_floater(ptr) && !is_flyer(ptr) && Levitation &&
            !Lev_at_will) {
        pline("You cannot reach %s.", mon_nam(mtmp));
        return FALSE;
    if (!force && uarm && is_metallic(uarm) && greatest_erosion(uarm)) {
        pline("Your %s armor is too stiff to be able to mount %s.",
              uarm->oeroded ? "rusty" : "corroded", mon_nam(mtmp));
        return FALSE;
    if (!force &&
            (Confusion || Fumbling || Glib || Wounded_legs || otmp->cursed ||
             ((u.ulevel + mtmp->mtame < rnd(MAXULEV / 2 + 5)) &&
              (!Role_if(PM_KNIGHT))))) {
        if (Levitation) {
            pline("%s slips away from you.", Monnam(mtmp));
            return FALSE;
        pline("You slip while trying to get on %s.", mon_nam(mtmp));

        const char *buf = msgcat(
                              "slipped while mounting ",
                              /* "a saddled mumak" or "a saddled pony called Dobbin" */
                              x_monnam(mtmp, ARTICLE_A, NULL,
                                       SUPPRESS_IT | SUPPRESS_INVISIBLE |
                                       SUPPRESS_HALLUCINATION, TRUE));
        losehp(rn1(5, 10), buf);
        return FALSE;

    /* Success */
    if (!force) {
        if (Levitation && !is_floater(ptr) && !is_flyer(ptr))
            /* Must have Lev_at_will at this point */
            pline("%s magically floats up!", Monnam(mtmp));
        pline("You mount %s.", mon_nam(mtmp));
    /* setuwep handles polearms differently when you're mounted */
    if (uwep && is_pole(uwep))
        u.bashmsg = TRUE;
    u.usteed = mtmp;
    remove_monster(level, mtmp->mx, mtmp->my);
    teleds(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my, TRUE);
    return TRUE;