int OGRCARTODBDataSource::Open( const char * pszFilename, int bUpdateIn) { if (!EQUALN(pszFilename, "CARTODB:", strlen("CARTODB:"))) return FALSE; bReadWrite = bUpdateIn; pszName = CPLStrdup( pszFilename ); pszAccount = CPLStrdup(pszFilename + strlen("CARTODB:")); char* pchSpace = strchr(pszAccount, ' '); if( pchSpace ) *pchSpace = '\0'; osAPIKey = CPLGetConfigOption("CARTODB_API_KEY", ""); CPLString osTables = OGRCARTODBGetOptionValue(pszFilename, "tables"); bUseHTTPS = CSLTestBoolean(CPLGetConfigOption("CARTODB_HTTPS", "YES")); if (osTables.size() != 0) { char** papszTables = CSLTokenizeString2(osTables, ",", 0); for(int i=0;papszTables && papszTables[i];i++) { papoLayers = (OGRLayer**) CPLRealloc( papoLayers, (nLayers + 1) * sizeof(OGRLayer*)); papoLayers[nLayers ++] = new OGRCARTODBTableLayer(this, papszTables[i]); } CSLDestroy(papszTables); return TRUE; } if( osAPIKey.size() == 0 ) { CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "When not specifying tables option, CARTODB_API_KEY must be defined"); return FALSE; } json_object* poObj = RunSQL("SELECT CDB_UserTables()"); if( poObj == NULL ) return FALSE; json_object* poRows = json_object_object_get(poObj, "rows"); if( poRows == NULL || json_object_get_type(poRows) != json_type_array) { json_object_put(poObj); return FALSE; } for(int i=0; i < json_object_array_length(poRows); i++) { json_object* poTableNameObj = json_object_array_get_idx(poRows, i); if( poTableNameObj != NULL && json_object_get_type(poTableNameObj) == json_type_object ) { json_object* poVal = json_object_object_get(poTableNameObj, "cdb_usertables"); if( poVal != NULL && json_object_get_type(poVal) == json_type_string ) { papoLayers = (OGRLayer**) CPLRealloc( papoLayers, (nLayers + 1) * sizeof(OGRLayer*)); papoLayers[nLayers ++] = new OGRCARTODBTableLayer( this, json_object_get_string(poVal)); } } } json_object_put(poObj); return TRUE; }
json_object* OGRCARTODBDataSource::RunSQL(const char* pszUnescapedSQL) { CPLString osSQL("POSTFIELDS=q="); /* Do post escaping */ for(int i=0;pszUnescapedSQL[i] != 0;i++) { const int ch = ((unsigned char*)pszUnescapedSQL)[i]; if (ch != '&' && ch >= 32 && ch < 128) osSQL += (char)ch; else osSQL += CPLSPrintf("%%%02X", ch); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Provide the API Key */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( osAPIKey.size() ) { osSQL += "&api_key="; osSQL += osAPIKey; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Collection the header options and execute request. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ char** papszOptions = CSLAddString(AddHTTPOptions(), osSQL); CPLHTTPResult * psResult = CPLHTTPFetch( GetAPIURL(), papszOptions); CSLDestroy(papszOptions); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Check for some error conditions and report. HTML Messages */ /* are transformed info failure. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (psResult && psResult->pszContentType && strncmp(psResult->pszContentType, "text/html", 9) == 0) { CPLDebug( "CARTODB", "RunSQL HTML Response:%s", psResult->pabyData ); CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "HTML error page returned by server"); CPLHTTPDestroyResult(psResult); return NULL; } if (psResult && psResult->pszErrBuf != NULL) { CPLDebug( "CARTODB", "RunSQL Error Message:%s", psResult->pszErrBuf ); } else if (psResult && psResult->nStatus != 0) { CPLDebug( "CARTODB", "RunSQL Error Status:%d", psResult->nStatus ); } if( psResult->pabyData == NULL ) { CPLHTTPDestroyResult(psResult); return NULL; } if( strlen((const char*)psResult->pabyData) < 1000 ) CPLDebug( "CARTODB", "RunSQL Response:%s", psResult->pabyData ); json_tokener* jstok = NULL; json_object* poObj = NULL; jstok = json_tokener_new(); poObj = json_tokener_parse_ex(jstok, (const char*) psResult->pabyData, -1); if( jstok->err != json_tokener_success) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "JSON parsing error: %s (at offset %d)", json_tokener_errors[jstok->err], jstok->char_offset); json_tokener_free(jstok); CPLHTTPDestroyResult(psResult); return NULL; } json_tokener_free(jstok); CPLHTTPDestroyResult(psResult); if( poObj != NULL ) { if( json_object_get_type(poObj) == json_type_object ) { json_object* poError = json_object_object_get(poObj, "error"); if( poError != NULL && json_object_get_type(poError) == json_type_array && json_object_array_length(poError) > 0 ) { poError = json_object_array_get_idx(poError, 0); if( poError != NULL && json_object_get_type(poError) == json_type_string ) { CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Error returned by server : %s", json_object_get_string(poError)); json_object_put(poObj); return NULL; } } } else { json_object_put(poObj); return NULL; } } return poObj; }
int HalCtlsNormalizeJsonValues(AFB_ApiT apiHandle, struct CtlHalAlsaCtlProperties *alsaCtlProperties, json_object *toConvertJ, json_object **ConvertedJ) { int err = 0, idx, count, initialValue, convertedValue; json_type toConvertType; json_object *toConvertObjectJ, *convertedValueJ, *convertedArrayJ; toConvertType = json_object_get_type(toConvertJ); switch(toConvertType) { case json_type_array: count = (int) json_object_array_length(toConvertJ); break; case json_type_null: case json_type_object: count = 0; AFB_ApiWarning(apiHandle, "Can't normalize json values :\n-- %s", json_object_get_string(toConvertJ)); *ConvertedJ = json_object_get(toConvertJ); return -1; default: count = 1; break; } convertedArrayJ = json_object_new_array(); for(idx = 0; idx < count; idx++) { if(toConvertType == json_type_array) toConvertObjectJ = json_object_array_get_idx(toConvertJ, idx); else toConvertObjectJ = toConvertJ; switch(alsaCtlProperties->type) { case SND_CTL_ELEM_TYPE_INTEGER: case SND_CTL_ELEM_TYPE_INTEGER64: if(! json_object_is_type(toConvertObjectJ, json_type_int)) { err += -10*idx; AFB_ApiWarning(apiHandle, "Try normalize an integer control but value sent in json is not an integer : '%s'", json_object_get_string(toConvertObjectJ)); convertedValueJ = toConvertObjectJ; break; } initialValue = json_object_get_int(toConvertObjectJ); convertedValue = HalCtlsConvertPercentageToValue(initialValue, alsaCtlProperties->minval, alsaCtlProperties->maxval); if(convertedValue == -INT_MAX) { AFB_ApiWarning(apiHandle, "Can't normalize %i (using min %i et max %i), value set to 0", initialValue, alsaCtlProperties->minval, alsaCtlProperties->maxval); convertedValue = 0; } if(alsaCtlProperties->step) { // Round value to the nearest step convertedValue = (int) round((double) convertedValue / (double) alsaCtlProperties->step); convertedValue *= alsaCtlProperties->step; } convertedValueJ = json_object_new_int(convertedValue); break; case SND_CTL_ELEM_TYPE_BOOLEAN: if(! (json_object_is_type(toConvertObjectJ, json_type_int) || json_object_is_type(toConvertObjectJ, json_type_boolean))) { err += -1000*idx; AFB_ApiWarning(apiHandle, "Try normalize a boolean control but value sent in json is not a boolean/integer : '%s'", json_object_get_string(toConvertObjectJ)); convertedValueJ = toConvertObjectJ; break; } initialValue = json_object_get_int(toConvertObjectJ); convertedValueJ = json_object_new_int(initialValue ? 1 : 0); break; default: AFB_ApiWarning(apiHandle, "Normalization not handle for the alsa control type %i, sending back the object as it was '%s'", (int) alsaCtlProperties->type, json_object_get_string(toConvertJ)); convertedValueJ = toConvertObjectJ; break; } json_object_array_put_idx(convertedArrayJ, idx, convertedValueJ); } *ConvertedJ = convertedArrayJ; return 0; }
void cmd_pipe_cb(int fd, short event, void *arg) { struct jsonrpc_pipe_cmd *cmd; /* struct event *ev = (struct event*)arg; */ if (read(fd, &cmd, sizeof(cmd)) != sizeof(cmd)) { LM_ERR("failed to read from command pipe: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return; } json_object *params = json_tokener_parse(cmd->params); json_object *payload = NULL; jsonrpc_request_t *req = NULL; if (cmd->notify_only) { payload = build_jsonrpc_notification(cmd->method, params); } else { req = build_jsonrpc_request(cmd->method, params, (char*)cmd, res_cb); if (req) payload = req->payload; } if (!payload) { LM_ERR("Failed to build jsonrpc_request_t (method: %s, params: %s)\n", cmd->method, cmd->params); return; } char *json = (char*)json_object_get_string(payload); char *ns; size_t bytes; bytes = netstring_encode_new(&ns, json, (size_t)strlen(json)); struct jsonrpc_server_group *g; int sent = 0; for (g = server_group; g != NULL; g = g->next_group) { struct jsonrpc_server *s, *first = NULL; for (s = g->next_server; s != first; s = s->next) { if (first == NULL) first = s; if (s->status == JSONRPC_SERVER_CONNECTED) { if (send(s->socket, ns, bytes, 0) == bytes) { sent = 1; break; } else { handle_server_failure(s); } } g->next_server = s->next; } if (sent) { break; } else { LM_WARN("Failed to send on priority group %d... proceeding to next priority group.\n", g->priority); } } if (sent && req) { int timerfd = timerfd_create(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, TFD_NONBLOCK); if (timerfd == -1) { LM_ERR("Could not create timerfd."); return; } req->timerfd = timerfd; struct itimerspec *itime = pkg_malloc(sizeof(struct itimerspec)); CHECK_MALLOC_VOID(itime); itime->it_interval.tv_sec = 0; itime->it_interval.tv_nsec = 0; itime->it_value.tv_sec = JSONRPC_TIMEOUT/1000; itime->it_value.tv_nsec = (JSONRPC_TIMEOUT % 1000) * 1000000; if (timerfd_settime(timerfd, 0, itime, NULL) == -1) { LM_ERR("Could not set timer."); return; } pkg_free(itime); struct event *timer_ev = pkg_malloc(sizeof(struct event)); CHECK_MALLOC_VOID(timer_ev); event_set(timer_ev, timerfd, EV_READ, timeout_cb, req); if(event_add(timer_ev, NULL) == -1) { LM_ERR("event_add failed while setting request timer (%s).", strerror(errno)); return; } req->timer_ev = timer_ev; } else if (!sent) { LM_ERR("Request could not be sent... no more failover groups.\n"); if (req) { json_object *error = json_object_new_string("failure"); void_jsonrpc_request(req->id); req->cbfunc(error, req->cbdata, 1); } } pkg_free(ns); json_object_put(payload); }
OSStatus ConfigIncommingJsonMessage( const char *input, mico_Context_t * const inContext ) { OSStatus err = kNoErr; json_object *new_obj; config_delegate_log_trace(); #ifdef USE_MiCOKit_EXT char oled_show_line[OLED_DISPLAY_MAX_CHAR_PER_ROW+1] = {'\0'}; char server_ip[16] = {0}; memset(oled_show_line, '\0', OLED_DISPLAY_MAX_CHAR_PER_ROW+1); snprintf(oled_show_line, OLED_DISPLAY_MAX_CHAR_PER_ROW+1, "%s", (uint8_t*)"FTC... "); OLED_ShowString(OLED_DISPLAY_COLUMN_START, OLED_DISPLAY_ROW_2, (uint8_t*)oled_show_line); memset(oled_show_line, '\0', OLED_DISPLAY_MAX_CHAR_PER_ROW+1); snprintf(oled_show_line, OLED_DISPLAY_MAX_CHAR_PER_ROW+1, "%16s", inet_ntoa(server_ip,inContext->flashContentInRam.micoSystemConfig.easylinkServerIP)); OLED_ShowString(OLED_DISPLAY_COLUMN_START, OLED_DISPLAY_ROW_3, (uint8_t*)oled_show_line); memset(oled_show_line, '\0', OLED_DISPLAY_MAX_CHAR_PER_ROW+1); snprintf(oled_show_line, OLED_DISPLAY_MAX_CHAR_PER_ROW+1, "%16s", (uint8_t*)"Config set..."); OLED_ShowString(OLED_DISPLAY_COLUMN_START, OLED_DISPLAY_ROW_4, (uint8_t*)oled_show_line); #endif new_obj = json_tokener_parse(input); require_action(new_obj, exit, err = kUnknownErr); config_delegate_log("Recv config object=%s", json_object_to_json_string(new_obj)); mico_rtos_lock_mutex(&inContext->flashContentInRam_mutex); json_object_object_foreach(new_obj, key, val) { if(!strcmp(key, "Device Name")){ strncpy(inContext->, json_object_get_string(val), maxNameLen); }else if(!strcmp(key, "RF power save")){ inContext->flashContentInRam.micoSystemConfig.rfPowerSaveEnable = json_object_get_boolean(val); }else if(!strcmp(key, "MCU power save")){ inContext->flashContentInRam.micoSystemConfig.mcuPowerSaveEnable = json_object_get_boolean(val); }else if(!strcmp(key, "Bonjour")){ inContext->flashContentInRam.micoSystemConfig.bonjourEnable = json_object_get_boolean(val); }else if(!strcmp(key, "Wi-Fi")){ strncpy(inContext->flashContentInRam.micoSystemConfig.ssid, json_object_get_string(val), maxSsidLen); inContext-> = 0; memset(inContext->flashContentInRam.micoSystemConfig.bssid, 0x0, 6); inContext-> = SECURITY_TYPE_AUTO; memcpy(inContext->flashContentInRam.micoSystemConfig.key, inContext->flashContentInRam.micoSystemConfig.user_key, maxKeyLen); inContext->flashContentInRam.micoSystemConfig.keyLength = inContext->flashContentInRam.micoSystemConfig.user_keyLength; }else if(!strcmp(key, "Password")){ inContext-> = SECURITY_TYPE_AUTO; strncpy(inContext->flashContentInRam.micoSystemConfig.key, json_object_get_string(val), maxKeyLen); strncpy(inContext->flashContentInRam.micoSystemConfig.user_key, json_object_get_string(val), maxKeyLen); inContext->flashContentInRam.micoSystemConfig.keyLength = strlen(inContext->flashContentInRam.micoSystemConfig.key); inContext->flashContentInRam.micoSystemConfig.user_keyLength = strlen(inContext->flashContentInRam.micoSystemConfig.key); }else if(!strcmp(key, "DHCP")){ inContext->flashContentInRam.micoSystemConfig.dhcpEnable = json_object_get_boolean(val); }else if(!strcmp(key, "IP address")){ strncpy(inContext->flashContentInRam.micoSystemConfig.localIp, json_object_get_string(val), maxIpLen); }else if(!strcmp(key, "Net Mask")){ strncpy(inContext->flashContentInRam.micoSystemConfig.netMask, json_object_get_string(val), maxIpLen); }else if(!strcmp(key, "Gateway")){ strncpy(inContext->flashContentInRam.micoSystemConfig.gateWay, json_object_get_string(val), maxIpLen); }else if(!strcmp(key, "DNS Server")){ strncpy(inContext->flashContentInRam.micoSystemConfig.dnsServer, json_object_get_string(val), maxIpLen); }/*else if(!strcmp(key, "Baurdrate")){ inContext->flashContentInRam.appConfig.fogcloudConfig.USART_BaudRate = json_object_get_int(val); } */else if(!strcmp(key, "loginId")){ strncpy(inContext->flashContentInRam.appConfig.fogcloudConfig.loginId, json_object_get_string(val), MAX_SIZE_LOGIN_ID); } else if(!strcmp(key, "devpasswd")){ strncpy(inContext->flashContentInRam.appConfig.fogcloudConfig.devPasswd, json_object_get_string(val), MAX_SIZE_DEV_PASSWD); } else if(!strcmp(key, "userToken")){ strncpy(inContext->flashContentInRam.appConfig.fogcloudConfig.userToken, json_object_get_string(val), MAX_SIZE_USER_TOKEN); }else{ } } json_object_put(new_obj); mico_rtos_unlock_mutex(&inContext->flashContentInRam_mutex); exit: return err; }
/** Load client entries from Couchbase client documents on startup * * This function executes the view defined in the module configuration and loops * through all returned rows. The view is called with "stale=false" to ensure the * most accurate data available when the view is called. This will force an index * rebuild on this design document in Couchbase. However, since this function is only * run once at sever startup this should not be a concern. * * @param inst The module instance. * @param tmpl Default values for new clients. * @param map The client attribute configuration section. * @return Returns 0 on success, -1 on error. */ int mod_load_client_documents(rlm_couchbase_t *inst, CONF_SECTION *tmpl, CONF_SECTION *map) { rlm_couchbase_handle_t *handle = NULL; /* connection pool handle */ char vpath[256], vid[MAX_KEY_SIZE], vkey[MAX_KEY_SIZE]; /* view path and fields */ char error[512]; /* view error return */ int idx = 0; /* row array index counter */ int retval = 0; /* return value */ lcb_error_t cb_error = LCB_SUCCESS; /* couchbase error holder */ json_object *json, *jval; /* json object holders */ json_object *jrows = NULL; /* json object to hold view rows */ CONF_SECTION *client; /* freeradius config section */ RADCLIENT *c; /* freeradius client */ /* get handle */ handle = fr_connection_get(inst->pool); /* check handle */ if (!handle) return -1; /* set couchbase instance */ lcb_t cb_inst = handle->handle; /* set cookie */ cookie_t *cookie = handle->cookie; /* build view path */ snprintf(vpath, sizeof(vpath), "%s?stale=false", inst->client_view); /* query view for document */ cb_error = couchbase_query_view(cb_inst, cookie, vpath, NULL); /* check error and object */ if (cb_error != LCB_SUCCESS || cookie->jerr != json_tokener_success || !cookie->jobj) { /* log error */ ERROR("rlm_couchbase: failed to execute view request or parse return"); /* set return */ retval = -1; /* return */ goto free_and_return; } /* debugging */ DEBUG3("rlm_couchbase: cookie->jobj == %s", json_object_to_json_string(cookie->jobj)); /* check for error in json object */ if (json_object_object_get_ex(cookie->jobj, "error", &json)) { /* build initial error buffer */ strlcpy(error, json_object_get_string(json), sizeof(error)); /* get error reason */ if (json_object_object_get_ex(cookie->jobj, "reason", &json)) { /* append divider */ strlcat(error, " - ", sizeof(error)); /* append reason */ strlcat(error, json_object_get_string(json), sizeof(error)); } /* log error */ ERROR("rlm_couchbase: view request failed with error: %s", error); /* set return */ retval = -1; /* return */ goto free_and_return; } /* check for document id in return */ if (!json_object_object_get_ex(cookie->jobj, "rows", &json)) { /* log error */ ERROR("rlm_couchbase: failed to fetch rows from view payload"); /* set return */ retval = -1; /* return */ goto free_and_return; } /* get and hold rows */ jrows = json_object_get(json); /* free cookie object */ if (cookie->jobj) { json_object_put(cookie->jobj); cookie->jobj = NULL; } /* debugging */ DEBUG3("rlm_couchbase: jrows == %s", json_object_to_json_string(jrows)); /* check for valid row value */ if (!json_object_is_type(jrows, json_type_array) || json_object_array_length(jrows) < 1) { /* log error */ ERROR("rlm_couchbase: no valid rows returned from view: %s", vpath); /* set return */ retval = -1; /* return */ goto free_and_return; } /* loop across all row elements */ for (idx = 0; idx < json_object_array_length(jrows); idx++) { /* fetch current index */ json = json_object_array_get_idx(jrows, idx); /* get view id */ if (json_object_object_get_ex(json, "id", &jval)) { /* clear view id */ memset(vid, 0, sizeof(vid)); /* copy and check length */ if (strlcpy(vid, json_object_get_string(jval), sizeof(vid)) >= sizeof(vid)) { ERROR("rlm_couchbase: id from row longer than MAX_KEY_SIZE (%d)", MAX_KEY_SIZE); continue; } } else { WARN("rlm_couchbase: failed to fetch id from row - skipping"); continue; } /* get view key */ if (json_object_object_get_ex(json, "key", &jval)) { /* clear view key */ memset(vkey, 0, sizeof(vkey)); /* copy and check length */ if (strlcpy(vkey, json_object_get_string(jval), sizeof(vkey)) >= sizeof(vkey)) { ERROR("rlm_couchbase: key from row longer than MAX_KEY_SIZE (%d)", MAX_KEY_SIZE); continue; } } else { WARN("rlm_couchbase: failed to fetch key from row - skipping"); continue; } /* fetch document */ cb_error = couchbase_get_key(cb_inst, cookie, vid); /* check error and object */ if (cb_error != LCB_SUCCESS || cookie->jerr != json_tokener_success || !cookie->jobj) { /* log error */ ERROR("rlm_couchbase: failed to execute get request or parse return"); /* set return */ retval = -1; /* return */ goto free_and_return; } /* debugging */ DEBUG3("rlm_couchbase: cookie->jobj == %s", json_object_to_json_string(cookie->jobj)); /* allocate conf section */ client = tmpl ? cf_section_dup(NULL, tmpl, "client", vkey, true) : cf_section_alloc(NULL, "client", vkey); if (client_map_section(client, map, _get_client_value, cookie->jobj) < 0) { /* free config setion */ talloc_free(client); /* set return */ retval = -1; /* return */ goto free_and_return; } /* * @todo These should be parented from something. */ c = client_afrom_cs(NULL, client, false, false); if (!c) { ERROR("rlm_couchbase: failed to allocate client"); /* free config setion */ talloc_free(client); /* set return */ retval = -1; /* return */ goto free_and_return; } /* * Client parents the CONF_SECTION which defined it. */ talloc_steal(c, client); /* attempt to add client */ if (!client_add(NULL, c)) { ERROR("rlm_couchbase: failed to add client '%s' from '%s', possible duplicate?", vkey, vid); /* free client */ client_free(c); /* set return */ retval = -1; /* return */ goto free_and_return; } /* debugging */ DEBUG("rlm_couchbase: client '%s' added", c->longname); /* free json object */ if (cookie->jobj) { json_object_put(cookie->jobj); cookie->jobj = NULL; } } free_and_return: /* free rows */ if (jrows) { json_object_put(jrows); } /* free json object */ if (cookie->jobj) { json_object_put(cookie->jobj); cookie->jobj = NULL; } /* release handle */ if (handle) { fr_connection_release(inst->pool, handle); } /* return */ return retval; }
/** Build value pairs from the passed JSON object and add to the request * * Parse the passed JSON object and create value pairs that will be injected into * the given request for authorization. * * Example JSON document structure: * @code{.json} * { * "docType": "raduser", * "userName": "******", * "config": { * "SHA-Password": { * "value": "a94a8fe5ccb19ba61c4c0873d391e987982fbbd3", * "op": ":=" * } * }, * "reply": { * "Reply-Message": { * "value": "Hidey Ho!", * "op": "=" * } * } * } * @endcode * * @param json The JSON object representation of the user documnent. * @param section The pair section ("config" or "reply"). * @param request The request to which the generated pairs should be added. */ void *mod_json_object_to_value_pairs(json_object *json, const char *section, REQUEST *request) { json_object *jobj, *jval, *jop; /* json object pointers */ TALLOC_CTX *ctx; /* talloc context for pairmake */ VALUE_PAIR *vp, **ptr; /* value pair and value pair pointer for pairmake */ /* assign ctx and vps for pairmake based on section */ if (strcmp(section, "config") == 0) { ctx = request; ptr = &(request->config_items); } else if (strcmp(section, "reply") == 0) { ctx = request->reply; ptr = &(request->reply->vps); } else { /* log error - this shouldn't happen */ RERROR("invalid section passed for pairmake"); /* return */ return NULL; } /* get config payload */ if (json_object_object_get_ex(json, section, &jobj)) { /* make sure we have the correct type */ if (!json_object_is_type(jobj, json_type_object)) { /* log error */ RERROR("invalid json type for '%s' section - sections must be json objects", section); /* reuturn */ return NULL; } /* loop through object */ json_object_object_foreach(jobj, attribute, json_vp) { /* check for appropriate type in value and op */ if (!json_object_is_type(json_vp, json_type_object)) { /* log error */ RERROR("invalid json type for '%s' attribute - attributes must be json objects", attribute); /* return */ return NULL; } /* debugging */ RDEBUG("parsing '%s' attribute: %s => %s", section, attribute, json_object_to_json_string(json_vp)); /* create pair from json object */ if (json_object_object_get_ex(json_vp, "value", &jval) && json_object_object_get_ex(json_vp, "op", &jop)) { /* make correct pairs based on json object type */ switch (json_object_get_type(jval)) { case json_type_double: case json_type_int: case json_type_string: /* debugging */ RDEBUG("adding '%s' attribute to '%s' section", attribute, section); /* add pair */ vp = pairmake(ctx, ptr, attribute, json_object_get_string(jval), fr_str2int(fr_tokens, json_object_get_string(jop), 0)); /* check pair */ if (!vp) { RERROR("could not build value pair for '%s' attribute (%s)", attribute, fr_strerror()); /* return */ return NULL; } break; case json_type_object: case json_type_array: /* log error - we want to handle these eventually */ RERROR("skipping unhandled nested json object or array value pair object"); break; default: /* log error - this shouldn't ever happen */ RERROR("skipping unhandled json type in value pair object"); break; } } else { /* log error */ RERROR("failed to get 'value' or 'op' element for '%s' attribute", attribute); } } /* return NULL */ return NULL; } /* debugging */ RDEBUG("couldn't find '%s' section in json object - not adding value pairs for this section", section); /* return NULL */ return NULL; }
void ipc_client_handle_command(struct ipc_client *client) { if (!sway_assert(client != NULL, "client != NULL")) { return; } char *buf = malloc(client->payload_length + 1); if (!buf) { sway_log_errno(L_INFO, "Out of memory"); ipc_client_disconnect(client); return; } if (client->payload_length > 0) { ssize_t received = recv(client->fd, buf, client->payload_length, 0); if (received == -1) { sway_log_errno(L_INFO, "Unable to receive payload from IPC client"); ipc_client_disconnect(client); free(buf); return; } } buf[client->payload_length] = '\0'; const char *error_denied = "{ \"success\": false, \"error\": \"Permission denied\" }"; switch (client->current_command) { case IPC_COMMAND: { if (!(config->ipc_policy & IPC_FEATURE_COMMAND)) { goto exit_denied; } struct cmd_results *results = handle_command(buf, CONTEXT_IPC); const char *json = cmd_results_to_json(results); char reply[256]; int length = snprintf(reply, sizeof(reply), "%s", json); ipc_send_reply(client, reply, (uint32_t) length); free_cmd_results(results); goto exit_cleanup; } case IPC_SUBSCRIBE: { struct json_object *request = json_tokener_parse(buf); if (request == NULL) { ipc_send_reply(client, "{\"success\": false}", 18); sway_log_errno(L_INFO, "Failed to read request"); goto exit_cleanup; } // parse requested event types for (int i = 0; i < json_object_array_length(request); i++) { const char *event_type = json_object_get_string(json_object_array_get_idx(request, i)); if (strcmp(event_type, "workspace") == 0) { client->subscribed_events |= event_mask(IPC_EVENT_WORKSPACE); } else if (strcmp(event_type, "barconfig_update") == 0) { client->subscribed_events |= event_mask(IPC_EVENT_BARCONFIG_UPDATE); } else if (strcmp(event_type, "mode") == 0) { client->subscribed_events |= event_mask(IPC_EVENT_MODE); } else if (strcmp(event_type, "window") == 0) { client->subscribed_events |= event_mask(IPC_EVENT_WINDOW); } else if (strcmp(event_type, "modifier") == 0) { client->subscribed_events |= event_mask(IPC_EVENT_MODIFIER); } else if (strcmp(event_type, "binding") == 0) { client->subscribed_events |= event_mask(IPC_EVENT_BINDING); } else { ipc_send_reply(client, "{\"success\": false}", 18); json_object_put(request); sway_log_errno(L_INFO, "Failed to parse request"); goto exit_cleanup; } } json_object_put(request); ipc_send_reply(client, "{\"success\": true}", 17); goto exit_cleanup; } case IPC_GET_WORKSPACES: { if (!(config->ipc_policy & IPC_FEATURE_GET_WORKSPACES)) { goto exit_denied; } json_object *workspaces = json_object_new_array(); container_map(&root_container, ipc_get_workspaces_callback, workspaces); const char *json_string = json_object_to_json_string(workspaces); ipc_send_reply(client, json_string, (uint32_t) strlen(json_string)); json_object_put(workspaces); // free goto exit_cleanup; } case IPC_GET_INPUTS: { if (!(config->ipc_policy & IPC_FEATURE_GET_INPUTS)) { goto exit_denied; } json_object *inputs = json_object_new_array(); if (input_devices) { for(int i=0; i<input_devices->length; i++) { struct libinput_device *device = input_devices->items[i]; char* identifier = libinput_dev_unique_id(device); json_object *device_object = json_object_new_object(); json_object_object_add(device_object, "identifier", json_object_new_string(identifier)); json_object_array_add(inputs, device_object); free(identifier); } } const char *json_string = json_object_to_json_string(inputs); ipc_send_reply(client, json_string, (uint32_t) strlen(json_string)); json_object_put(inputs); goto exit_cleanup; } case IPC_GET_OUTPUTS: { if (!(config->ipc_policy & IPC_FEATURE_GET_OUTPUTS)) { goto exit_denied; } json_object *outputs = json_object_new_array(); container_map(&root_container, ipc_get_outputs_callback, outputs); const char *json_string = json_object_to_json_string(outputs); ipc_send_reply(client, json_string, (uint32_t) strlen(json_string)); json_object_put(outputs); // free goto exit_cleanup; } case IPC_GET_TREE: { if (!(config->ipc_policy & IPC_FEATURE_GET_TREE)) { goto exit_denied; } json_object *tree = ipc_json_describe_container_recursive(&root_container); const char *json_string = json_object_to_json_string(tree); ipc_send_reply(client, json_string, (uint32_t) strlen(json_string)); json_object_put(tree); goto exit_cleanup; } case IPC_GET_VERSION: { json_object *version = ipc_json_get_version(); const char *json_string = json_object_to_json_string(version); ipc_send_reply(client, json_string, (uint32_t)strlen(json_string)); json_object_put(version); // free goto exit_cleanup; } case IPC_SWAY_GET_PIXELS: { char response_header[9]; memset(response_header, 0, sizeof(response_header)); json_object *obj = json_tokener_parse(buf); json_object *o, *x, *y, *w, *h; json_object_object_get_ex(obj, "output", &o); json_object_object_get_ex(obj, "x", &x); json_object_object_get_ex(obj, "y", &y); json_object_object_get_ex(obj, "w", &w); json_object_object_get_ex(obj, "h", &h); struct wlc_geometry g = { .origin = { .x = json_object_get_int(x), .y = json_object_get_int(y) }, .size = { .w = json_object_get_int(w), .h = json_object_get_int(h) } }; swayc_t *output = swayc_by_test(&root_container, output_by_name_test, (void *)json_object_get_string(o)); json_object_put(obj); if (!output) { sway_log(L_ERROR, "IPC GET_PIXELS request with unknown output name"); ipc_send_reply(client, response_header, sizeof(response_header)); goto exit_cleanup; } struct get_pixels_request *req = malloc(sizeof(struct get_pixels_request)); req->client = client; req->output = output->handle; req->geo = g; list_add(ipc_get_pixel_requests, req); wlc_output_schedule_render(output->handle); goto exit_cleanup; } case IPC_GET_BAR_CONFIG: { if (!(config->ipc_policy & IPC_FEATURE_GET_BAR_CONFIG)) { goto exit_denied; } if (!buf[0]) { // Send list of configured bar IDs json_object *bars = json_object_new_array(); int i; for (i = 0; i < config->bars->length; ++i) { struct bar_config *bar = config->bars->items[i]; json_object_array_add(bars, json_object_new_string(bar->id)); } const char *json_string = json_object_to_json_string(bars); ipc_send_reply(client, json_string, (uint32_t)strlen(json_string)); json_object_put(bars); // free } else { // Send particular bar's details struct bar_config *bar = NULL; int i; for (i = 0; i < config->bars->length; ++i) { bar = config->bars->items[i]; if (strcmp(buf, bar->id) == 0) { break; } bar = NULL; } if (!bar) { const char *error = "{ \"success\": false, \"error\": \"No bar with that ID\" }"; ipc_send_reply(client, error, (uint32_t)strlen(error)); goto exit_cleanup; } json_object *json = ipc_json_describe_bar_config(bar); const char *json_string = json_object_to_json_string(json); ipc_send_reply(client, json_string, (uint32_t)strlen(json_string)); json_object_put(json); // free } goto exit_cleanup; } default: sway_log(L_INFO, "Unknown IPC command type %i", client->current_command); goto exit_cleanup; }
/** * @ingroup VuoBlendMode * Decodes the JSON object @c js, expected to contain a string, to create a new @c VuoBlendMode. */ VuoBlendMode VuoBlendMode_makeFromJson(json_object *js) { const char *valueAsString = ""; if (json_object_get_type(js) == json_type_string) valueAsString = json_object_get_string(js); VuoBlendMode value = VuoBlendMode_Normal; if( !strcmp(valueAsString, "normal") ) { value = VuoBlendMode_Normal; } else if( !strcmp(valueAsString, "multiply") ) { value = VuoBlendMode_Multiply; } else if( !strcmp(valueAsString, "darker-component") ) { value = VuoBlendMode_DarkerComponent; } else if( !strcmp(valueAsString, "darker-color") ) { value = VuoBlendMode_DarkerColor; } else if( !strcmp(valueAsString, "linear-burn") ) { value = VuoBlendMode_LinearBurn; } else if( !strcmp(valueAsString, "color-burn") ) { value = VuoBlendMode_ColorBurn; } else if( !strcmp(valueAsString, "screen") ) { value = VuoBlendMode_Screen; } else if( !strcmp(valueAsString, "lighter-component") ) { value = VuoBlendMode_LighterComponent; } else if( !strcmp(valueAsString, "lighter-color") ) { value = VuoBlendMode_LighterColor; } else if( !strcmp(valueAsString, "linear-dodge") ) { value = VuoBlendMode_LinearDodge; } else if( !strcmp(valueAsString, "color-dodge") ) { value = VuoBlendMode_ColorDodge; } else if( !strcmp(valueAsString, "overlay") ) { value = VuoBlendMode_Overlay; } else if( !strcmp(valueAsString, "soft-light") ) { value = VuoBlendMode_SoftLight; } else if( !strcmp(valueAsString, "hard-light") ) { value = VuoBlendMode_HardLight; } else if( !strcmp(valueAsString, "vivid-light") ) { value = VuoBlendMode_VividLight; } else if( !strcmp(valueAsString, "linear-light") ) { value = VuoBlendMode_LinearLight; } else if( !strcmp(valueAsString, "pin-light") ) { value = VuoBlendMode_PinLight; } else if( !strcmp(valueAsString, "hard-mix") ) { value = VuoBlendMode_HardMix; } else if( !strcmp(valueAsString, "difference") ) { value = VuoBlendMode_Difference; } else if( !strcmp(valueAsString, "exclusion") ) { value = VuoBlendMode_Exclusion; } else if( !strcmp(valueAsString, "subtract") ) { value = VuoBlendMode_Subtract; } else if( !strcmp(valueAsString, "divide") ) { value = VuoBlendMode_Divide; } else if( !strcmp(valueAsString, "hue") ) { value = VuoBlendMode_Hue; } else if( !strcmp(valueAsString, "saturation") ) { value = VuoBlendMode_Saturation; } else if( !strcmp(valueAsString, "color") ) { value = VuoBlendMode_Color; } else if( !strcmp(valueAsString, "luminosity") ) { value = VuoBlendMode_Luminosity; } return value; }