int main(int argc, char **argv) { int maxfd; fd_set fds; struct vty_cmd_table t; log_init(); log_setlevel(LOGLVL_DEBUG); signal(SIGINT, shutdown); t.n = 1; t.table = &echo; vty_init(&t, atoi(argv[1])); while (1) { FD_ZERO(&fds); maxfd = vty_add_fds(&fds); select(maxfd+1, &fds, NULL, NULL, NULL); vty_process(&fds); } info("Done, exiting\n"); }
int config_parse(const char *file, struct config *c) { char *buf, real_buf[BUF_LEN], arg[BUF_LEN]; FILE *fp = fopen(file, "r"); int gotargs = 0; if (fp == NULL) return 1; // defaults c->retries = BLIP_L2_RETRIES; while (fgets(real_buf, BUF_LEN, fp) != NULL) { buf = real_buf; rm_comment(buf); upd_start(&buf); if (sscanf(buf, "addr %s\n", arg) > 0) { inet_pton6(arg, &c->router_addr); gotargs ++; } else if (sscanf(buf, "proxy %s\n", c->proxy_dev) > 0) { gotargs ++; } else if (sscanf(buf, "channel %i\n", &c->channel) > 0) { if (c->channel < 11 || c->channel > 26) { fatal("Invalid channel specified in '%s'\n", file); exit(1); } gotargs ++; } else if (sscanf(buf, "log %s\n", arg) > 0) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (strncmp(log_names[i], arg, strlen(log_names[i])) == 0) { info("Read log level: %s\n", arg); log_setlevel(i); break; } } } else if (sscanf(buf, "retry %i\n", &c->retries) > 0) { if (c->retries <= 0 || c->retries > 25) { warn("retry value set to %i: outside of the recommended range (0,25]\n", c->retries); } } else if (*buf != '\0') { // anything else indicates that there's invalid input. return 1; } } fclose(fp); if (gotargs != 3) return 1; info("Read config from '%s'\r\n", file); if (strncmp(c->proxy_dev, "lo", 3) != 0) { info("Proxying neighbor advertisements to %s\r\n", c->proxy_dev); } info("Using channel %i\r\n", c->channel); info("Retries: %i\r\n", c->retries); lastconfig = c; return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int level; int opt; int sock; while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "vhdp:l:")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'v': print_version(); return 0; case 'h': print_usage(); return 0; case 'd': g_debug_mode = !0; log_file = NULL; break; case 'p': g_rs_port = atoi(optarg); break; case 'l': level = atoi(optarg); if (level < 0 || level >= PINE_LOG_MAX) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } log_setlevel(level); break; default: /* ? */ print_usage(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } if (log_init(log_file) < 0) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (!g_debug_mode) { if (daemon(0, 0) < 0) { perror("daemon()"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } logger(PINE_LOG_INFO, "start pined"); sock = create_socket(); if (sock < 0) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); return do_pined(sock); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { char print_buf[128], dev[IF_NAMESIZE]; log_init(); log_setlevel(LOGLVL_DEBUG); if (argc != 3) { fatal("%s <device> <rate>\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } queue_init(&pan_q); queue_init(&tun_q); init_reconstruct(); if (config_parse("ieee154_interface.conf", &device_config)) { log_fatal_perror("parsing config file failed"); exit(1); } /* set up the serial interface device */ pthread_mutex_init(&pan_lock, NULL); if (setup_serial(argv[1], argv[2], &device_config)) { fatal("opening serial device failed!\n"); exit(1); } snprintf(print_buf, 128, "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x",[0],[1],[2],[3],[4],[5],[6],[7]); info("device EUI-64: %s\n", print_buf); pthread_create(&pan_writer, NULL, pan_write, NULL); pthread_create(&reconstruct_thread, NULL, age_reconstruct, NULL); /* initialize thes tun */ tun_fd = tun_open(dev); if (tun_fd < 0) { log_fatal_perror("opening tun device failed"); exit(1); } if (tun_setup(dev, device_config.eui64) < 0) { exit(1); } sleep(1); pthread_create(&tun_reader, NULL, tun_dev_read, NULL); pthread_create(&pan_reader, NULL, pan_read, NULL); pthread_join(pan_writer, NULL); }
int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { /* open global logger to stderr (by setting filename to NULL) */ log_open("example", NULL, 0); /* set log level to info, also the default level */ log_setlevel(LOG_INFO); /* debug mesage won't be seen */ log_debug("debug message"); /* but info and warn message can be seen */ log_info("info message"); log_warn("warn message"); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { log_open("statsd-proxy", NULL, 0); char *filename; const char *short_opt = "hvdf:"; struct option long_opt[] = { {"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'}, {"version", no_argument, NULL, 'v'}, {"debug", no_argument, NULL, 'd'}, {"file", required_argument, NULL, 'f'}, {NULL, 0, NULL, 0}, }; int c; while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, short_opt, long_opt, NULL)) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'h': case ':': case '?': usage(); break; case 'v': version(); break; case 'f': filename = optarg; break; case 'd': log_setlevel(LOG_DEBUG); break; default: usage(); }; } if (argc == 1 || optind < argc) usage(); struct config *config = config_new(); if (config == NULL) exit(1); if (config_init(config, filename) != CONFIG_OK) exit(1); start(config); config_free(config); log_close(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { /* open global logger to stderr (by setting filename to NULL) */ log_open("example", NULL, 0); /* set log level to info, also the default level */ log_setlevel(LOG_INFO); /* debug mesage won't be seen */ log_debug("debug message"); /* but info and warn, error message can be seen */ log_info("info message"); log_warn("warn message"); log_error("error message: %s", "someting wrong"); /* will log trace back on segmentfault automatically */ make_segmentfault(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (0 != parse_options(argc, argv)) { usage(); return 1; } if (!verbose) log_setlevel(LOGLEVEL_CRITICAL); memset(&g_srvctx, 0, sizeof(g_srvctx)); g_srvctx.loop = ev_default_loop(0); ev_set_userdata(g_srvctx.loop, &g_srvctx); if (NULL == (g_srvctx.timer_1hz = (struct ev_timer *)malloc(sizeof(struct ev_timer)))) LOG_CRITICAL("out of mem"); if (NULL == (g_srvctx.timer_10hz = (struct ev_timer *)malloc(sizeof(struct ev_timer)))) LOG_CRITICAL("out of mem"); if (NULL == (g_srvctx.idle_watcher = (struct ev_idle *)malloc(sizeof(struct ev_idle)))) LOG_CRITICAL("out of mem"); ev_timer_init(g_srvctx.timer_1hz, (void *)timeout_1hz_cb, 0, 1); ev_set_priority(g_srvctx.timer_1hz, EV_MAXPRI); ev_timer_start(g_srvctx.loop, g_srvctx.timer_1hz); ev_timer_init(g_srvctx.timer_10hz, (void *)timeout_10hz_cb, 0, 0.1); ev_set_priority(g_srvctx.timer_10hz, EV_MAXPRI); ev_timer_start(g_srvctx.loop, g_srvctx.timer_10hz); ev_idle_init(g_srvctx.idle_watcher, idle_cb); if (0 != serial_init(g_srvctx.loop, &(g_srvctx.serialctx), device_name)) { LOG_CRITICAL("Failed to open %s", device_name); } if (0 != mqtt_connect(&(g_srvctx.mqttctx), CLIENT_NAME, server, port)) { LOG_CRITICAL("failed to connect to server"); } while(1) { ev_loop(g_srvctx.loop, 0); } return 0; }
int main(void) { BUFFER * buffer; double din1, din2, dout1, dout2; int64_t lin1, lin2, lout1, lout2; char * sin1, *sin2; const char * sout1, * sout2; hessian_object_t * h_din1, * h_din2, * h_dout1, * h_dout2, * h_lin1, * h_lin2, * h_lout1, * h_lout2, * h_sin1, * h_sin2, * h_sout2, * h_sout1; din1= -0.678687687; din2= 123423.3423; lin1= 979798797798; lin2= -65422454; sin1= ""; sin2= "heelo"; printf("din1: %f\n",din1); printf("din2: %f\n",din2); h_din1= hessian_create(HESSIAN_DOUBLE, din1); h_din2= hessian_create(HESSIAN_DOUBLE, din2); printf("lin1: %ld\n",lin1); printf("lin2: %ld\n",lin2); h_lin1= hessian_create(HESSIAN_LONG, lin1); h_lin2= hessian_create(HESSIAN_LONG, lin2); printf("sin1: '%s'\n",sin1); printf("sin2: '%s'\n",sin2); h_sin1= hessian_create(HESSIAN_STRING, sin1); h_sin2= hessian_create(HESSIAN_STRING, sin2); buffer= buffer_create(1024); printf("serialize...\n"); hessian_serialize(h_din1,buffer); hessian_serialize(h_din2,buffer); hessian_serialize(h_sin1,buffer); hessian_serialize(h_sin2,buffer); hessian_serialize(h_lin1,buffer); hessian_serialize(h_lin2,buffer); printf("deserialize...\n"); h_dout1= hessian_deserialize(buffer); h_dout2= hessian_deserialize(buffer); h_sout1= hessian_deserialize(buffer); h_sout2= hessian_deserialize(buffer); h_lout1= hessian_deserialize(buffer); h_lout2= hessian_deserialize(buffer); dout1= hessian_double_getvalue(h_dout1); dout2= hessian_double_getvalue(h_dout2); lout1= hessian_long_getvalue(h_lout1); lout2= hessian_long_getvalue(h_lout2); sout1= hessian_string_getstring(h_sout1); sout2= hessian_string_getstring(h_sout2); printf("dout1: %f\n",dout1); printf("dout2: %f\n",dout2); printf("lout1: %ld\n",lout1); printf("lout2: %ld\n",lout2); printf("sout1: '%s'\n",sout1); printf("sout2: '%s'\n",sout2); printf("tests...\n"); if (din1 != dout1) { printf("din1 (%f) != dout1 (%f)\n",din1,dout1); return 1; } if (din2 != dout2) { printf("din2 (%f) != dout2 (%f)\n",din2,dout2); return 1; } if (lin1 != lout1) { printf("lin1 (%ld) != lout1 (%ld)\n",lin1,lout1); return 2; } if (lin2 != lout2) { printf("lin2 (%ld) != lout2 (%ld)\n",lin2,lout2); return 2; } if (strcmp(sin1,sout1) != 0) { printf("sin1 '%s' != sout1 '%s'\n",sin1,sout1); return 3; } if (strcmp(sin2,sout2) != 0) { printf("sin2 '%s' != sout2 '%s'\n",sin2,sout2); return 3; } /* const char * filename= "/tmp/"; FILE * file; printf("test deserialization from Java serialization. Data: %s\n", filename); file= fopen(filename,"r"); if (file==NULL) { printf("failed to open file: %s\n", filename); return 4; } buffer_reset(buffer); size_t size= buffer_fread(buffer,file); printf("%d bytes read from %s\n", (int)size, filename); log_setout(stderr); log_setlevel(LOG_LEVEL_TRACE); printf("deserialize hessian resource...\n"); hessian_object_t * h_resource= hessian_deserialize(buffer); xacml_resource_t * resource; int io_rc= xacml_resource_unmarshal(&resource, h_resource); printf("result: %d\n",io_rc); */ printf("using: %s\n",pep_version()); printf("base64 decoding and hessian deserialization test...\n"); log_setout(stderr); log_setlevel(LOG_LEVEL_TRACE); const char * b64filename= "b64input1"; FILE * b64file= fopen(b64filename,"r"); if (b64file==NULL) { printf("failed to open b64 file: %s\n", b64filename); return 5; } BUFFER * b64input= buffer_create(1024); if (b64input==NULL) { printf("failed to create b64input buffer\n"); return 5; } size_t size= buffer_fread(b64input,b64file); printf("%d bytes read from %s\n", (int)size, b64filename); BUFFER * input= buffer_create(1024); if (input==NULL) { printf("failed to create input buffer\n"); return 5; } printf("base64 decode input buffer...\n"); base64_decode(b64input,input); size= buffer_length(input); printf("%d bytes available in input buffer\n", (int)size); /* unmarshal the PEP response */ xacml_response_t * response; pep_error_t unmarshal_rc= xacml_response_unmarshalling(&response,input); if ( unmarshal_rc != PEP_OK) { printf("pep_authorize: can't unmarshal the XACML response: %s.", pep_strerror(unmarshal_rc)); buffer_delete(b64input); buffer_delete(input); return unmarshal_rc; } printf("hessian response deserialized from: %s.\n", b64filename); dump_xacml_request(stdout, xacml_response_getrequest(response)); dump_xacml_response(stdout,response); printf("buffer tests...\n"); BUFFER * buf= buffer_create(1024); buffer_delete(buf); if (buf == NULL) printf("buf is NULL\n"); else printf("buf not NULL\n"); return 0; }
int main(int argc, const char **argv) { log_printf(NORMAL, "Starting OpenMOC..."); double k_eff; Timer timer; /* Create an options class to parse command line options */ Options opts(argc, argv); /* Set the verbosity */ log_setlevel(opts.getVerbosity()); /* Initialize the parser and time the parser */ timer.start(); Parser parser(&opts); timer.stop(); timer.recordSplit("Parsing input files"); /* Initialize the geometry with surfaces, cells & materials */ timer.reset(); timer.start(); Geometry geometry(&parser); timer.stop(); timer.recordSplit("Geomery initialization"); /* Print out geometry to console if requested at runtime*/ if (opts.dumpGeometry()) geometry.printString(); /* Compress cross-sections if requested at runtime */ if (opts.compressCrossSections()) geometry.compressCrossSections(); Plotter plotter(&geometry, opts.getBitDimension(), opts.getExtension()); /* Initialize the trackgenerator */ TrackGenerator track_generator(&geometry, &plotter, opts.getNumAzim(), opts.getTrackSpacing()); /* Generate tracks */ timer.reset(); timer.start(); track_generator.generateTracks(); track_generator.makeReflective(); timer.stop(); timer.recordSplit("Generating tracks"); /* Segment tracks */ timer.reset(); timer.start(); track_generator.segmentize(); timer.stop(); timer.recordSplit("Segmenting tracks"); /* Fixed source iteration to solve for k_eff */ Solver solver(&geometry, &track_generator, &plotter, opts.plotFluxes()); timer.reset(); timer.start(); k_eff = solver.computeKeff(MAX_ITERATIONS); timer.stop(); timer.recordSplit("Fixed source iteration"); /* Compute pin powers if requested at run time */ if (opts.computePinPowers()) solver.computePinPowers(); log_printf(RESULT, "k_eff = %f", k_eff); /* Print timer splits to console */ log_printf(NORMAL, "Program complete"); timer.printSplits(); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { SDL_Init(0); SDL_Thread *thread; int opt; t_rocsmq_message message; int x_it = 0; // parse config file parseconfig(CONFIGFILE, &baseconfig, 0, 0 ,0); // open log log_message(DEBUG, "logging to file.. '%s'\n", baseconfig.logfile); openlog((char const *)baseconfig.clientname, (char const*)baseconfig.logfile); log_message(DEBUG, "loglevel = %d\n", baseconfig.loglevel); // set loglevel log_setlevel(baseconfig.loglevel); log_message(DEBUG, "clientname: %s", baseconfig.clientname); strncpy (message.sender, baseconfig.clientname, 20); memset (message.tail, 0, 1000); strncpy (, "", ROCS_IDSIZE); // get command line options while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "n:i:m:f:x")) != -1) { switch(opt) { case 'n': strcpy(baseconfig.clientname, optarg); break; case 'i': strncpy(,optarg, ROCS_IDSIZE); break; case 'm': strncpy(message.tail,optarg, 1000); break; case 'x': x_it = 1; break; case 'f': parseconfig(optarg, &baseconfig,0, 0,0); default: printf("usage:\n %s [-n name] [-i message-id] [-m message] [-x]\n", argv[0]); printf(" -n - name of the client\n"); printf(" -i - identifier of the message\n"); printf(" -m - body of the message\n"); printf(" -x - exit after sending, goes into listening mode else.\n"); } } sock = rocsmq_init(&baseconfig); if (!sock) { SDL_Quit(); printf("could not connect to Server: %s\n", rocsmq_error()); exit(1); } // start network listener thread = rocsmq_start_thread(sock); if ( != 0) { log_message( INFO, "sending message\n ->id:\t%d\n ->tail:\t'%s'\n",, message.tail); if (! rocsmq_send(sock,&message,0)) { log_message(ERROR,"could not send: %s\n",rocsmq_error()); } } if (! x_it) while (rocsmq_thread_is_running()) { while(rocsmq_has_messages()) { rocsmq_get_message(&message); log_message( INFO, "incoming message\n ->id:\t%d\n ->tail:\t'%s'\n",, message.tail); if (strcmp("quit",message.tail) == 0) { rocsmq_thread_set_running(0); log_message(INFO,"quitting..\n"); } } SDL_Delay(100); printf("."); } rocsmq_destroy_thread(thread); rocsmq_exit(sock); SDL_Quit(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, const char **argv) { Options options(argc, argv); Timer timer; log_setlevel(options.getVerbosity()); /* Get the number of neutrons, bins and batches */ int num_neutrons = options.getNumNeutrons(); int num_bins = options.getNumBins(); int num_batches = options.getNumBatches(); int num_threads = options.getNumThreads(); int num_gen; int num_alive; log_printf(NORMAL, "Beginning two region problem with %d neutrons, " "%d bins, %d batches, %d threads...", num_neutrons, num_bins, num_batches, num_threads); /* Create a handle for plotting with gnuplot */ gnuplot_ctrl* handle; /* Create a set of plotting flux bins for each batch */ BatchBinSet* total_flux = new BatchBinSet(); BatchBinSet* fuel_flux = new BatchBinSet(); BatchBinSet* moderator_flux = new BatchBinSet(); total_flux->createBinners(1E-6, 1E7, num_bins, num_batches, LOGARITHMIC, FLUX_ENERGY, (char*)"all"); fuel_flux->createBinners(1E-6, 1E7, num_bins, num_batches, LOGARITHMIC, FLUX_ENERGY, (char*)"all"); moderator_flux->createBinners(1E-6, 1E7, num_bins, num_batches, LOGARITHMIC, FLUX_ENERGY, (char*)"all"); /* Create bins to compute total fission and absorption rates */ BatchBinSet* tot_fiss_rate = new BatchBinSet(); BatchBinSet* tot_abs_rate = new BatchBinSet(); tot_fiss_rate->createBinners(1E-7, 1E7, 1, num_batches, EQUAL, FISSION_RATE_ENERGY, (char*)"all"); tot_abs_rate->createBinners(1E-7, 1E7, 1, num_batches, EQUAL, ABSORPTION_RATE_ENERGY, (char*)"all"); float nu_bar = 2.455; /* CASMO edit for average # neutrons per fission */ /* Create bins to compute two group cell-averaged cross-sections */ BatchBinSet* capture_2G = new BatchBinSet(); BatchBinSet* absorb_2G = new BatchBinSet(); BatchBinSet* fission_2G = new BatchBinSet(); BatchBinSet* elastic_2G = new BatchBinSet(); BatchBinSet* total_2G = new BatchBinSet(); BatchBinSet* two_group_flux = new BatchBinSet(); float two_group_E_ranges[3] = {0.0, 0.625, 1E7}; capture_2G->createBinners(two_group_E_ranges, 2, num_batches, CAPTURE_RATE_ENERGY, (char*)"all"); absorb_2G->createBinners(two_group_E_ranges, 2, num_batches, ABSORPTION_RATE_ENERGY, (char*)"all"); fission_2G->createBinners(two_group_E_ranges, 2, num_batches, FISSION_RATE_ENERGY, (char*)"all"); elastic_2G->createBinners(two_group_E_ranges, 2, num_batches, ELASTIC_RATE_ENERGY, (char*)"all"); total_2G->createBinners(two_group_E_ranges, 2, num_batches, COLLISION_RATE_ENERGY, (char*)"all"); two_group_flux->createBinners(two_group_E_ranges, 2, num_batches, FLUX_ENERGY, (char*)"all"); /* Create bins to compute two group isotopic cross-sections */ BatchBinSet* H1_capture_rate_2G = new BatchBinSet(); BatchBinSet* H1_elastic_rate_2G = new BatchBinSet(); BatchBinSet* O16_elastic_rate_2G = new BatchBinSet(); BatchBinSet* ZR90_elastic_rate_2G = new BatchBinSet(); BatchBinSet* U235_capture_rate_2G = new BatchBinSet(); BatchBinSet* U235_elastic_rate_2G = new BatchBinSet(); BatchBinSet* U235_fission_rate_2G = new BatchBinSet(); BatchBinSet* U238_capture_rate_2G = new BatchBinSet(); BatchBinSet* U238_elastic_rate_2G = new BatchBinSet(); BatchBinSet* U238_fission_rate_2G = new BatchBinSet(); H1_capture_rate_2G->createBinners(two_group_E_ranges, 2, num_batches, CAPTURE_RATE_ENERGY, (char*)"H1"); H1_elastic_rate_2G->createBinners(two_group_E_ranges, 2, num_batches, ELASTIC_RATE_ENERGY, (char*)"H1"); O16_elastic_rate_2G->createBinners(two_group_E_ranges, 2, num_batches, ELASTIC_RATE_ENERGY, (char*)"O16"); ZR90_elastic_rate_2G->createBinners(two_group_E_ranges, 2, num_batches, ELASTIC_RATE_ENERGY, (char*)"ZR90"); U235_capture_rate_2G->createBinners(two_group_E_ranges, 2, num_batches, CAPTURE_RATE_ENERGY, (char*)"U235"); U235_elastic_rate_2G->createBinners(two_group_E_ranges, 2, num_batches, ELASTIC_RATE_ENERGY, (char*)"U235"); U235_fission_rate_2G->createBinners(two_group_E_ranges, 2, num_batches, FISSION_RATE_ENERGY, (char*)"U235"); U238_capture_rate_2G->createBinners(two_group_E_ranges, 2, num_batches, CAPTURE_RATE_ENERGY, (char*)"U238"); U238_elastic_rate_2G->createBinners(two_group_E_ranges, 2, num_batches, ELASTIC_RATE_ENERGY, (char*)"U238"); U238_fission_rate_2G->createBinners(two_group_E_ranges, 2, num_batches, FISSION_RATE_ENERGY, (char*)"U238"); /* Create bins to compute moderator to fuel flux ratios */ int num_ratios = 13; BatchBinSet* fuel_flux_ratio = new BatchBinSet(); BatchBinSet* moderator_flux_ratio = new BatchBinSet(); float flux_ratio_E_ranges[14] = {0.0, 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 6.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0, 1000.0, 10000.0, 100000.0, 500000.0, 10000000.0}; fuel_flux_ratio->createBinners(flux_ratio_E_ranges, num_ratios, num_batches, FLUX_ENERGY, (char*)"all"); moderator_flux_ratio->createBinners(flux_ratio_E_ranges, num_ratios, num_batches, FLUX_ENERGY, (char*)"all"); /* Create bins to compute the diffusion coefficient for three methods */ BatchBinSet* coll_rate_2G = new BatchBinSet(); BatchBinSet* transport_rate_2G = new BatchBinSet(); BatchBinSet* diffusion_rate_2G = new BatchBinSet(); coll_rate_2G->createBinners(two_group_E_ranges, 2, num_batches, COLLISION_RATE_ENERGY, (char*)"all"); transport_rate_2G->createBinners(two_group_E_ranges, 2, num_batches, TRANSPORT_RATE_ENERGY, (char*)"all"); diffusion_rate_2G->createBinners(two_group_E_ranges, 2, num_batches, DIFFUSION_RATE_ENERGY, (char*)"all"); /* 2-region pin cell geometric parameters (units in cm) */ float r_fuel = 0.4096; float r_gap = 0.4178; float r_cladding = 0.4750; float pitch = 1.26; float p2 = pitch * pitch; /* 2-region homogenized densities (g/cm^3) and enrichment */ float rho_fuel = 10.2; float rho_cladding = 6.549; float rho_coolant = 0.9966; float enrichment = 0.03035; /* Isotope number densities */ float N_A = 6.023E23; /* Avogadro's number (at / mol) */ float N_U238 = rho_fuel*N_A*(1.0 - enrichment) / ((238.0 * (1.0 - enrichment)) + (235.0*enrichment) + (16.0*2.0)); float N_U235 = rho_fuel*N_A*enrichment / ((238.0 * (1.0 - enrichment)) + (235.0*enrichment) + (16.0*2.0)); float N_O16 = rho_fuel*N_A*2.0 / ((238.0 * (1.0 - enrichment)) + (235.0*enrichment) + (16.0*2.0)); float N_ZR90 = rho_cladding*N_A / 90.0; float N_H2O = rho_coolant*N_A / 18.0; float N_H1 = rho_coolant*N_A*2.0 / 18.0; /* 2-region pin cell volumes (cm^3) */ float v_fuel = M_PI*r_fuel*r_fuel; float v_gap = M_PI*(r_gap*r_gap - r_fuel*r_fuel); float v_cladding = M_PI*(r_cladding*r_cladding - r_gap*r_gap); float v_coolant = p2 - M_PI*r_cladding*r_cladding; float v_moderator = v_gap + v_cladding + v_coolant; float v_total = v_fuel + v_moderator; /* Compute homogenized moderator number densities using volume weighting */ N_H2O *= (v_coolant / v_moderator); N_H1 *= (v_coolant / v_moderator); N_ZR90 *= (v_cladding / v_moderator); /* Dancoff factor from CASMO-5 */ float dancoff = 0.277; /* Escape cross-section */ float sigma_e = 1.0 / (2.0*r_fuel); /* Carlvik's two-term rational model */ float A = (1.0 - dancoff) / dancoff; float alpha1 = ((5.0*A + 6.0) - sqrt(A*A + 36.0*A + 36.0)) / (2.0*(A+1.0)); float alpha2 = ((5.0*A + 6.0) + sqrt(A*A + 36.0*A + 36.0)) / (2.0*(A+1.0)); float beta = (((4.0*A + 6.0) / (A + 1.0)) - alpha1) / (alpha2 - alpha1); /* Print out the geometry parameters */ log_printf(NORMAL, "*******************************************************" "*************************"); log_printf(NORMAL, "\t\t\t\tGeometry Parameters (cm)"); log_printf(NORMAL, "*******************************************************" "*************************"); log_printf(NORMAL, ""); log_printf(NORMAL, "r_fuel = %f", r_fuel); log_printf(NORMAL, "r_gap = %f", r_gap); log_printf(NORMAL, "r_cladding = %f", r_cladding); log_printf(NORMAL, "pitch = %f", pitch); log_printf(NORMAL, "total cell area = %f", p2); log_printf(NORMAL, "v_fuel = %f", v_fuel); log_printf(NORMAL, "v_gap = %f", v_gap); log_printf(NORMAL, "v_cladding = %f", v_cladding); log_printf(NORMAL, "v_coolant = %f", v_coolant); log_printf(NORMAL, "v_moderator = %f", v_moderator); log_printf(NORMAL, "v_total = %f", v_total); log_printf(NORMAL, ""); /* Print to the console the number densities */ log_printf(NORMAL, "*******************************************************" "*************************"); log_printf(NORMAL, "\t\t\t\tNumber Densities (at/cm^3)"); log_printf(NORMAL, "*******************************************************" "*************************"); log_printf(NORMAL, ""); log_printf(NORMAL, "H1:\t%1.5e", N_H1); log_printf(NORMAL, "H2O:\t%1.5e", N_H2O); log_printf(NORMAL, "ZR90:\t%1.5e", N_ZR90); log_printf(NORMAL, "U235:\t%1.5e", N_U235); log_printf(NORMAL, "U238:\t%1.5e", N_U238); log_printf(NORMAL, "O16:\t%1.5e", N_O16); log_printf(NORMAL, ""); /* Print to the console the collision probability parameters */ log_printf(NORMAL, "*******************************************************" "*************************"); log_printf(NORMAL, "\t\t\tTwo Region Collision Probability Parameters"); log_printf(NORMAL, "*******************************************************" "*************************"); log_printf(NORMAL, ""); log_printf(NORMAL, "dancoff = %f", dancoff); log_printf(NORMAL, "sigma_e = %f", sigma_e); log_printf(NORMAL, "A = %f", A); log_printf(NORMAL, "alpha1 = %f", alpha1); log_printf(NORMAL, "alpha2 = %f", alpha2); log_printf(NORMAL, "beta = %f", beta); log_printf(NORMAL, ""); /* Create isotopes*/ char* delim = (char*)"\t"; Isotope* H1 = new Isotope(); H1->setA(1); H1->setIsotopeType((char*)"H1"); H1->loadXS((char*)"pendf/h-1_capture.txt", CAPTURE, delim); H1->loadXS((char*)"pendf/h-1_elastic.txt", ELASTIC, delim); H1->setElasticAngleType(ISOTROPIC_LAB); H1->initializeThermalScattering(1E-6, 15, 1000, 15); Isotope* O16 = new Isotope(); O16->setA(16); O16->setIsotopeType((char*)"O16"); O16->loadXS((char*)"pendf/o-16_elastic.txt", ELASTIC, delim); O16->setElasticAngleType(ISOTROPIC_LAB); Isotope* ZR90 = new Isotope(); ZR90->setA(90); ZR90->setIsotopeType((char*)"ZR90"); ZR90->loadXS((char*)"pendf/zr-90_elastic.txt", ELASTIC, delim); ZR90->setElasticAngleType(ISOTROPIC_LAB); Isotope* U235 = new Isotope(); U235->setA(235); U235->setIsotopeType((char*)"U235"); U235->loadXS((char*)"pendf/u-235_capture.txt", CAPTURE, delim); U235->setOneGroupElasticXS(11.4, ISOTROPIC_LAB); U235->loadXS((char*)"pendf/u-235_fission.txt", FISSION, delim); Isotope* U238 = new Isotope(); U238->setA(238); U238->setIsotopeType((char*)"U238"); U238->loadXS((char*)"pendf/u-238_capture.txt", CAPTURE, delim); U238->setOneGroupElasticXS(11.3, ISOTROPIC_LAB); U238->loadXS((char*)"pendf/u-238_fission.txt", FISSION, delim); /* Create Materials */ Material* moderator = new Material[num_threads]; Material* fuel = new Material[num_threads]; /* Create Regions for each thread */ Region1D* pellet = new Region1D[num_threads]; Region1D* coolant = new Region1D[num_threads]; /* Create Fissioners for each thread */ Fissioner* fissioners = new Fissioner[num_threads]; /* Create Region class objects for each thread */ for (int i=0; i < num_threads; i++) { /* Initialize Materials for each thread with isotope clones */ moderator[i].setMaterialName((char*)"moderator"); fuel[i].setMaterialName((char*)"fuel"); moderator[i].addIsotope(ZR90->clone(), N_ZR90); moderator[i].addIsotope(H1->clone(), N_H1); moderator[i].addIsotope(O16->clone(), N_H2O); moderator[i].rescaleCrossSections(1E-7, 1E7, 50000, LOGARITHMIC); fuel[i].addIsotope(U235->clone(), N_U235); fuel[i].addIsotope(U238->clone(), N_U238); fuel[i].addIsotope(O16->clone(), N_O16); fuel[i].rescaleCrossSections(1E-7, 1E7, 50000, LOGARITHMIC); /* Set the two region collision probability parameters */ pellet[i].setRegionName((char*)"pellet"); pellet[i].setMaterial(&fuel[i]); pellet[i].setAsFuel(); pellet[i].setOtherPinCellRegion(&coolant[i]); pellet[i].setVolume(v_fuel); pellet[i].setTwoRegionPinCellParams(sigma_e, beta, alpha1, alpha2); coolant[i].setRegionName((char*)"coolant"); coolant[i].setMaterial(&moderator[i]); coolant[i].setAsModerator(); coolant[i].setOtherPinCellRegion(&pellet[i]); coolant[i].setVolume(v_moderator); coolant[i].setTwoRegionPinCellParams(sigma_e, beta, alpha1, alpha2); /* Set the fissioner class for this thread to have 10MeV maximum and * 5000 sample bins */ fissioners[i].setEMax(10.0); fissioners[i].setNumBins(200); fissioners[i].buildCDF(); } /* Run the simulation */ log_printf(NORMAL, "*******************************************************" "*************************"); log_printf(NORMAL, "\t\t\t\tBeginning Simulation..."); log_printf(NORMAL, "*******************************************************" "*************************"); log_printf(NORMAL, ""); timer.start(); omp_set_num_threads(num_threads); #pragma omp parallel shared(total_flux, fuel_flux, moderator_flux,\ fuel_flux_ratio, moderator_flux_ratio,\ tot_fiss_rate, tot_abs_rate, U235_capture_rate_2G,\ U235_elastic_rate_2G, U235_fission_rate_2G,\ U238_capture_rate_2G, U238_elastic_rate_2G,\ U238_fission_rate_2G, H1_capture_rate_2G,\ H1_elastic_rate_2G, O16_elastic_rate_2G,\ ZR90_elastic_rate_2G, fuel, moderator, \ pellet, coolant, fissioners) { /* Loop over batches */ #pragma omp for private(num_gen, num_alive) for (int b=0; b < num_batches; b++) { int thread_num = omp_get_thread_num(); log_printf(NORMAL, "Batch: %d\tThread: %d", b, thread_num); /* Set the binns for this batch */ pellet[thread_num].clearBinners(); pellet[thread_num].addBinner(total_flux->getBinner(b)); pellet[thread_num].addBinner(fuel_flux->getBinner(b)); pellet[thread_num].addBinner(fuel_flux_ratio->getBinner(b)); pellet[thread_num].addBinner(tot_fiss_rate->getBinner(b)); pellet[thread_num].addBinner(tot_abs_rate->getBinner(b)); pellet[thread_num].addBinner(U235_capture_rate_2G->getBinner(b)); pellet[thread_num].addBinner(U235_elastic_rate_2G->getBinner(b)); pellet[thread_num].addBinner(U235_fission_rate_2G->getBinner(b)); pellet[thread_num].addBinner(U238_capture_rate_2G->getBinner(b)); pellet[thread_num].addBinner(U238_elastic_rate_2G->getBinner(b)); pellet[thread_num].addBinner(U238_fission_rate_2G->getBinner(b)); pellet[thread_num].addBinner(O16_elastic_rate_2G->getBinner(b)); pellet[thread_num].addBinner(two_group_flux->getBinner(b)); pellet[thread_num].addBinner(coll_rate_2G->getBinner(b)); pellet[thread_num].addBinner(transport_rate_2G->getBinner(b)); pellet[thread_num].addBinner(diffusion_rate_2G->getBinner(b)); pellet[thread_num].addBinner(capture_2G->getBinner(b)); pellet[thread_num].addBinner(fission_2G->getBinner(b)); pellet[thread_num].addBinner(absorb_2G->getBinner(b)); pellet[thread_num].addBinner(elastic_2G->getBinner(b)); pellet[thread_num].addBinner(total_2G->getBinner(b)); coolant[thread_num].clearBinners(); coolant[thread_num].addBinner(total_flux->getBinner(b)); coolant[thread_num].addBinner(moderator_flux->getBinner(b)); coolant[thread_num].addBinner(moderator_flux_ratio->getBinner(b)); coolant[thread_num].addBinner(tot_fiss_rate->getBinner(b)); coolant[thread_num].addBinner(tot_abs_rate->getBinner(b)); coolant[thread_num].addBinner(H1_capture_rate_2G->getBinner(b)); coolant[thread_num].addBinner(H1_elastic_rate_2G->getBinner(b)); coolant[thread_num].addBinner(O16_elastic_rate_2G->getBinner(b)); coolant[thread_num].addBinner(ZR90_elastic_rate_2G->getBinner(b)); coolant[thread_num].addBinner(two_group_flux->getBinner(b)); coolant[thread_num].addBinner(coll_rate_2G->getBinner(b)); coolant[thread_num].addBinner(transport_rate_2G->getBinner(b)); coolant[thread_num].addBinner(diffusion_rate_2G->getBinner(b)); coolant[thread_num].addBinner(capture_2G->getBinner(b)); coolant[thread_num].addBinner(fission_2G->getBinner(b)); coolant[thread_num].addBinner(absorb_2G->getBinner(b)); coolant[thread_num].addBinner(elastic_2G->getBinner(b)); coolant[thread_num].addBinner(total_2G->getBinner(b)); /* Initialize all neutrons for this batch and add them to slab 1 */ for (int n=0; n < num_neutrons; n++) { neutron* new_neutron = initializeNewNeutron(); new_neutron->_x = 0.0; new_neutron->_mu = (float(rand()) / RAND_MAX) * 2.0 - 1.0; new_neutron->_energy = fissioners[thread_num].emitNeutroneV(); pellet[thread_num].addNeutron(new_neutron); } /* Loop over all neutrons until they are all dead */ num_gen = 1; num_alive = num_neutrons; while (num_alive > 0) { log_printf(DEBUG, "batch = %d, thread = %d, gen = %d, " "num_alive = %d", b, thread_num, num_gen, num_alive); num_gen++; num_alive = 0; /* Transfer neutrons between regions based on * two region collision probabilities */ pellet[thread_num].twoRegionNeutronTransferral(); coolant[thread_num].twoRegionNeutronTransferral(); /* Update each region's vector of neutrons with those * neutrons which were just transferred */ pellet[thread_num].initializeTransferredNeutrons(); coolant[thread_num].initializeTransferredNeutrons(); /* Move neutrons within each region */ pellet[thread_num].moveNeutrons(); coolant[thread_num].moveNeutrons(); num_alive = pellet[thread_num].getNumNeutrons() + coolant[thread_num].getNumNeutrons(); } } } log_printf(NORMAL, ""); /* Stop the timer record the timing split for this simulation */ timer.stop(); timer.recordSplit("Pset 4 time (sec)"); /* Compute batch statistics for total flux and flux in fuel, moderator */ total_flux->computeScaledBatchStatistics(num_neutrons*v_total); fuel_flux->computeScaledBatchStatistics(num_neutrons*v_fuel); moderator_flux->computeScaledBatchStatistics(num_neutrons*v_moderator); /* Compute batch statistics for total fission and absorption rates */ tot_fiss_rate->computeScaledBatchStatistics(num_neutrons*v_total); tot_abs_rate->computeScaledBatchStatistics(num_neutrons*v_total); /* Compute batch statistics for cell-averaged macro cross-sections */ capture_2G->computeScaledBatchStatistics(num_neutrons*v_total); fission_2G->computeScaledBatchStatistics(num_neutrons*v_total); absorb_2G->computeScaledBatchStatistics(num_neutrons*v_total); elastic_2G->computeScaledBatchStatistics(num_neutrons*v_total); total_2G->computeScaledBatchStatistics(num_neutrons*v_total); /* Compute batch statistics for one group cross-sections */ H1_capture_rate_2G->computeScaledBatchStatistics(num_neutrons*v_total); H1_elastic_rate_2G->computeScaledBatchStatistics(num_neutrons*v_total); O16_elastic_rate_2G->computeScaledBatchStatistics(num_neutrons*v_total); ZR90_elastic_rate_2G->computeScaledBatchStatistics(num_neutrons*v_total); U235_capture_rate_2G->computeScaledBatchStatistics(num_neutrons*v_total); U235_elastic_rate_2G->computeScaledBatchStatistics(num_neutrons*v_total); U235_fission_rate_2G->computeScaledBatchStatistics(num_neutrons*v_total); U238_capture_rate_2G->computeScaledBatchStatistics(num_neutrons*v_total); U238_elastic_rate_2G->computeScaledBatchStatistics(num_neutrons*v_total); U238_fission_rate_2G->computeScaledBatchStatistics(num_neutrons*v_total); two_group_flux->computeScaledBatchStatistics(num_neutrons*v_total); coll_rate_2G->computeScaledBatchStatistics(num_neutrons*v_total); transport_rate_2G->computeScaledBatchStatistics(num_neutrons*v_total); diffusion_rate_2G->computeScaledBatchStatistics(num_neutrons*v_total); /* Compute k-infinity */ float fiss_rate_mu = tot_fiss_rate->getBatchMu()[0]; float fiss_rate_var = tot_fiss_rate->getBatchVariance()[0]; float abs_rate_mu = tot_abs_rate->getBatchMu()[0]; float abs_rate_var = tot_abs_rate->getBatchVariance()[0]; float k_inf = fiss_rate_mu * nu_bar / abs_rate_mu; float k_inf_var = (fiss_rate_mu*fiss_rate_mu)*abs_rate_var + (abs_rate_mu*abs_rate_mu)*fiss_rate_var + fiss_rate_var*abs_rate_var; float k_inf_std_dev = sqrt(k_inf_var); /* Compute moderator to fuel flux ratios */ fuel_flux_ratio->computeScaledBatchStatistics(num_neutrons*v_fuel); moderator_flux_ratio->computeScaledBatchStatistics(num_neutrons*v_moderator); fuel_flux_ratio->computeScaledBatchStatistics(num_neutrons*v_fuel); moderator_flux_ratio->computeScaledBatchStatistics(num_neutrons*v_moderator); /* Print to the console the total fission rate */ log_printf(RESULT, "*******************************************************" "*************************"); log_printf(RESULT, "\t\t\tTotal Fission Rate (Batch Statistics)"); log_printf(RESULT, "*******************************************************" "*************************"); log_printf(NORMAL, ""); log_printf(RESULT, "Tot fission rate = %1.8f\t\tVariance = %1.8f", tot_fiss_rate->getBatchMu()[0], tot_fiss_rate->getBatchVariance()[0]); log_printf(RESULT, "Tot absorption rate = %f\t\tVariance = %f", tot_abs_rate->getBatchMu()[0], tot_abs_rate->getBatchVariance()[0]); log_printf(RESULT, "k_inf = %f\t\tvariance = %1.8f \t\t 2 sigma = %1.8f", k_inf, k_inf_var, k_inf_std_dev); log_printf(RESULT, ""); /* Print to the console the moderator/fuel flux ratios */ log_printf(RESULT, "*******************************************************" "*************************"); log_printf(RESULT, "\t\t\t\tModerator/Fuel Flux Ratios"); log_printf(RESULT, "*******************************************************" "*************************"); log_printf(RESULT, ""); float ratio; for (int i=1; i < num_ratios+1; i++) { ratio = moderator_flux_ratio->getBatchMu()[i-1] / fuel_flux_ratio->getBatchMu()[i-1]; log_printf(RESULT, "[%2.e eV - %2.e eV]:\t%f", flux_ratio_E_ranges[i-1], flux_ratio_E_ranges[i], ratio); } log_printf(RESULT, ""); /* Print to the console the cell-averaged fast to thermal flux ratio */ log_printf(RESULT, "*******************************************************" "*************************"); log_printf(RESULT, "\t\t\tCell-Averaged Fast-to-Thermal Flux Ratio"); log_printf(RESULT, "*******************************************************" "*************************"); log_printf(RESULT, ""); double* two_group_flux_mu = two_group_flux->getBatchMu(); double flux1 = two_group_flux_mu[0]; double flux2 = two_group_flux_mu[1]; log_printf(RESULT, "Ratio = %f", flux2 / flux1); log_printf(RESULT, ""); /* Print to the console the two group macroscopic cross-sections */ log_printf(RESULT, "*******************************************************" "*************************"); log_printf(RESULT, "\t\tTwo Group Macroscopic Cross-Sections (cm^-1)"); log_printf(RESULT, "*******************************************************" "*************************"); log_printf(RESULT, ""); float xs1, xs2; log_printf(RESULT, "\t\t\t[%1.1f eV - %1.3f eV]\t[%1.3f eV - %1.1e eV]", two_group_flux->getBinner(0)->getBinEdges()[0], two_group_flux->getBinner(0)->getBinEdges()[1], two_group_flux->getBinner(0)->getBinEdges()[1], two_group_flux->getBinner(0)->getBinEdges()[2]); /* H1 capture */ xs1 = H1_capture_rate_2G->getBatchMu()[0] / flux1; xs2 = H1_capture_rate_2G->getBatchMu()[1] / flux2; log_printf(RESULT, "H1 Capture: \t\t%f\t\t%f", xs1, xs2); /* H1 elastic */ xs1 = H1_elastic_rate_2G->getBatchMu()[0] / flux1; xs2 = H1_elastic_rate_2G->getBatchMu()[1] / flux2; log_printf(RESULT, "H1 Elastic: \t\t%f\t\t%f", xs1, xs2); /* O16 elastic */ xs1 = O16_elastic_rate_2G->getBatchMu()[0] / flux1; xs2 = O16_elastic_rate_2G->getBatchMu()[1] / flux2; log_printf(RESULT, "O16 Elastic: \t\t%f\t\t%f", xs1, xs2); /* ZR90 elastic */ xs1 = ZR90_elastic_rate_2G->getBatchMu()[0] / flux1; xs2 = ZR90_elastic_rate_2G->getBatchMu()[1] / flux2; log_printf(RESULT, "ZR90 Elastic: \t\t%f\t\t%f", xs1, xs2); /* U235 capture */ xs1 = U235_capture_rate_2G->getBatchMu()[0] / flux1; xs2 = U235_capture_rate_2G->getBatchMu()[1] / flux2; log_printf(RESULT, "U235 Capture: \t\t%f\t\t%f", xs1, xs2); /* U235 elastic */ xs1 = U235_elastic_rate_2G->getBatchMu()[0] / flux1; xs2 = U235_elastic_rate_2G->getBatchMu()[1] / flux2; log_printf(RESULT, "U235 Elastic: \t\t%f\t\t%f", xs1, xs2); /* U235 fission */ xs1 = U235_fission_rate_2G->getBatchMu()[0] / flux1; xs2 = U235_fission_rate_2G->getBatchMu()[1] / flux2; log_printf(RESULT, "U235 Fission: \t\t%f\t\t%f", xs1, xs2); /* U238 capture */ xs1 = U238_capture_rate_2G->getBatchMu()[0] / flux1; xs2 = U238_capture_rate_2G->getBatchMu()[1] / flux2; log_printf(RESULT, "U238 Capture: \t\t%f\t\t%f", xs1, xs2); /* U238 elastic */ xs1 = U238_elastic_rate_2G->getBatchMu()[0] / flux1; xs2 = U238_elastic_rate_2G->getBatchMu()[1] / flux2; log_printf(RESULT, "U238 Elastic: \t\t%f\t\t%f", xs1, xs2); /* U238 fission */ xs1 = U238_fission_rate_2G->getBatchMu()[0] / flux1; xs2 = U238_fission_rate_2G->getBatchMu()[1] / flux2; log_printf(RESULT, "U238 Fission: \t\t%f\t\t%f", xs1, xs2); log_printf(RESULT, ""); /* Print to the console the two group macroscopic cross-sections */ log_printf(RESULT, "*******************************************************" "*************************"); log_printf(RESULT, "\tTwo Group Cell-Averaged Macroscopic " "Cross-Sections (cm^-1)"); log_printf(RESULT, "*******************************************************" "*************************"); log_printf(RESULT, ""); log_printf(RESULT, "\t\t\t[%1.1f eV - %1.3f eV]\t[%1.3f eV - %1.1e eV]", two_group_flux->getBinner(0)->getBinEdges()[0], two_group_flux->getBinner(0)->getBinEdges()[1], two_group_flux->getBinner(0)->getBinEdges()[1], two_group_flux->getBinner(0)->getBinEdges()[2]); /* Flux */ log_printf(RESULT, "Flux: \t\t\t%f\t\t%f", flux1, flux2); /* Capture */ xs1 = capture_2G->getBatchMu()[0] / flux1; xs2 = capture_2G->getBatchMu()[1] / flux2; log_printf(RESULT, "Capture: \t\t\t%f\t\t%f", xs1, xs2); /* Fission */ xs1 = fission_2G->getBatchMu()[0] / flux1; xs2 = fission_2G->getBatchMu()[1] / flux2; log_printf(RESULT, "Fission: \t\t\t%f\t\t%f", xs1, xs2); /* Absorption */ xs1 = absorb_2G->getBatchMu()[0] / flux1; xs2 = absorb_2G->getBatchMu()[1] / flux2; log_printf(RESULT, "Absorb: \t\t\t%f\t\t%f", xs1, xs2); /* Elastic */ xs1 = elastic_2G->getBatchMu()[0] / flux1; xs2 = elastic_2G->getBatchMu()[1] / flux2; log_printf(RESULT, "Elastic: \t\t\t%f\t\t%f", xs1, xs2); /* Total */ xs1 = total_2G->getBatchMu()[0] / flux1; xs2 = total_2G->getBatchMu()[1] / flux2; log_printf(RESULT, "Total: \t\t\t%f\t\t%f", xs1, xs2); log_printf(RESULT, ""); /* Print to the console the two group macroscopic cross-sections */ log_printf(RESULT, "*******************************************************" "*************************"); log_printf(RESULT, "\t\t\tTwo Group Diffusion Coefficients"); log_printf(RESULT, "*******************************************************" "*************************"); log_printf(RESULT, ""); log_printf(RESULT, "\t\t\t[%1.1f eV - %1.3f eV]\t[%1.3f eV - %1.1e eV]", two_group_flux->getBinner(0)->getBinEdges()[0], two_group_flux->getBinner(0)->getBinEdges()[1], two_group_flux->getBinner(0)->getBinEdges()[1], two_group_flux->getBinner(0)->getBinEdges()[2]); float sigma_t1, sigma_t2; float sigma_tr1, sigma_tr2; float D1, D2; sigma_t1 = coll_rate_2G->getBatchMu()[0] / flux1; sigma_t2 = coll_rate_2G->getBatchMu()[1] / flux2; D1 = 1.0 / (3.0 * sigma_t1); D2 = 1.0 / (3.0 * sigma_t2); log_printf(RESULT, "1/(3*sigma_t):\t\t%f\t\t%f", D1, D2); sigma_tr1 = transport_rate_2G->getBatchMu()[0] / flux1; sigma_tr2 = transport_rate_2G->getBatchMu()[1] / flux2; D1 = 1.0 / (3.0 * sigma_tr1); D2 = 1.0 / (3.0 * sigma_tr2); log_printf(RESULT, "1/(3*sigma_tr):\t\t%f\t\t%f", D1, D2); D1 = diffusion_rate_2G->getBatchMu()[0] / flux1; D2 = diffusion_rate_2G->getBatchMu()[1] / flux2; log_printf(RESULT, "Diff coeff:\t\t%f\t\t%f", D1, D2); log_printf(RESULT, ""); /* Plot the total neutron flux */ handle = gnuplot_init(); gnuplot_set_xlabel(handle, (char*)"Energy (eV)"); gnuplot_set_ylabel(handle, (char*)"flux"); gnuplot_set_xrange(handle, 0.005, 1E7); gnuplot_cmd(handle, (char*)"set logscale xy"); gnuplot_cmd(handle, (char*)"set title \"Normalized Flux\""); gnuplot_setstyle(handle, (char*)"lines"); gnuplot_plot_xy(handle, total_flux->getBinner(0)->getBinCenters(), total_flux->getBatchMu(), num_bins, (char*)"Total Flux"); gnuplot_plot_xy(handle, fuel_flux->getBinner(0)->getBinCenters(), fuel_flux->getBatchMu(), num_bins, (char*)"Fuel Flux"); gnuplot_saveplot(handle, (char*)"flux"); gnuplot_plot_xy(handle, moderator_flux->getBinner(0)->getBinCenters(), moderator_flux->getBatchMu(), num_bins, (char*)"Moderator Flux"); gnuplot_close(handle); /* Free all allocated memory */ delete [] pellet; delete [] coolant; delete [] fissioners; delete [] moderator; delete [] fuel; delete total_flux; delete fuel_flux; delete moderator_flux; delete tot_fiss_rate; delete tot_abs_rate; delete fuel_flux_ratio; delete moderator_flux_ratio; delete H1_capture_rate_2G; delete H1_elastic_rate_2G; delete O16_elastic_rate_2G; delete U235_capture_rate_2G; delete U235_elastic_rate_2G; delete U235_fission_rate_2G; delete U238_capture_rate_2G; delete U238_elastic_rate_2G; delete U238_fission_rate_2G; delete ZR90_elastic_rate_2G; delete two_group_flux; delete coll_rate_2G; delete transport_rate_2G; delete diffusion_rate_2G; delete H1; delete O16; delete ZR90; delete U235; delete U238; log_printf(RESULT, "*******************************************************" "*************************"); log_printf(RESULT, "\t\t\t\tTiming Results"); log_printf(RESULT, "*******************************************************" "*************************"); timer.printSplits(); }