scriptContext* Mission::addContext( missionNode *node ) { scriptContext *context = makeContext( node ); contextStack *stack = runtime.cur_thread->exec_stack.back(); stack->contexts.push_back( context ); debug( 5, node, SCRIPT_RUN, "added context for this node" ); printRuntime(); return context; }
int main(int argc, char **argv){ t = clock(); cout << "calculating..." << endl; Params *par = new Params(); // par->put("input_type.char","diffs"); par->put("input_type.char","fulls"); par->put("",30.0); par->put("",30.0); par->put("camera_type.char","reconyx"); par->put("",60.0); par->put("",9.0); par->put("output_image.char","out.png"); par->put("input_images.char","images.txt"); par->put("output_file.char","output.txt"); par->put("",1.0); par->put("",0.0); // par->put("",1.0); par->put("",340); par->put("",280); par->put("min_coverage.float",0.007); par->put("max_coverage.float",0.80); par->put("confidence_thres.float",0.24); par->put("conf_factor.float",10); for(int i=1;i<argc;i++){ if(!strcmp(argv[i],"-p")){ par->load(argv[i+1]); }else if(!strcmp(argv[i],"-i")){ par->put("input_images.char",argv[i+1]); }else if(!strcmp(argv[i],"-o")){ par->put("output_file.char",argv[i+1]); } } vector<char *> filenames; vector<BB> bbs; loadFileNames(par->getString("input_images.char"),filenames); if(filenames.size()<1){ return 1; } printRuntime(t, clock(), "Load file names"); float conf_factor = par->getValue("conf_factor.float"); ofstream textoutput(par->getString("output_file.char")); // cout << "TEST01" << endl; // cout << par->getString("input_type.char") << endl; // cout << filenames[10] << endl; if(!strcmp(par->getString("input_type.char"),"fulls")){ //clock_t temp_t = t; for(uint i=0; i<filenames.size(); i+=3){ int sel = processSet(par, filenames, i, bbs, clock()); //temp_t = printRuntime(temp_t, clock(), "dataset"); if(bbs.size()>0){ textoutput << filenames[i] << " " << bbs[0].valid << " " << bbs[sel].sx << " " << bbs[sel].sy << " " << bbs[sel].ex-bbs[sel].sx << " " << bbs[sel].ey-bbs[sel].sy << " " << bbs[sel].confidence << " " << bbs[sel].coverage << "\n"; // textoutput << filenames[i] << " " << bbs.size() << " " << bbs[sel].ex << " " << bbs[sel].ey << " " << bbs[sel].w << " " << bbs[sel].h << " " << bbs[sel].x << " " << bbs[sel].y << "\n"; }else{ textoutput << filenames[i] << " " << 0 << " " << 0 << " " << 0 << " " << 0 << " " << 0 << " " << 0 << " " << 0 << "\n"; } //cout << i << " " << filenames[i] << " of " << filenames.size() <<" bbs.size " << bbs.size()<< endl; bbs.clear(); } }else{ // (input_type.char == "diffs") --> computeDifferences(images) int sel = processSet(par, filenames, -1, bbs, clock()); //textoutput << 0 << endl; if(bbs.size()>0){ if(bbs[0].valid){ //currently outputting this to output file textoutput << filenames[1] << " " << 1 << " " << round(conf_factor*bbs[sel].confidence) << " " << bbs[sel].sx << " " << bbs[sel].sy << " " << bbs[sel].ex-bbs[sel].sx << " " << bbs[sel].ey-bbs[sel].sy <<endl; } } } textoutput.close(); printRuntime(t, clock(), "All of main"); cout << "TESTOUT" << endl; //par->save("params.par"); delete par; return 0; }