/** * @brief Enable access to registers and initialize RTC if BKP domain * was previously reseted. * @note: Cold start time of LSE oscillator on STM32 platform * takes about 3 seconds. * * @notapi */ void rtc_lld_init(void){ /* Required because access to PRL.*/ rtc_lld_apb1_sync(); /* Writes preload register only if its value is not equal to desired value.*/ if (STM32_RTCCLK != (((uint32_t)(RTC->PRLH)) << 16) + ((uint32_t)RTC->PRLL) + 1) { rtc_lld_acquire(); RTC->PRLH = (uint16_t)((STM32_RTCCLK - 1) >> 16); RTC->PRLL = (uint16_t)((STM32_RTCCLK - 1) & 0xFFFF); rtc_lld_release(); }
/** * @brief Get current time. * * @param[in] rtcp pointer to RTC driver structure * @param[in] timespec pointer to a @p RTCTime structure * * @notapi */ void rtc_lld_get_time(RTCDriver *rtcp, RTCTime *timespec) { (void)rtcp; uint32_t time_frac; /* Required because access to CNT and DIV.*/ rtc_lld_apb1_sync(); /* Loops until two consecutive read returning the same value.*/ do { timespec->tv_sec = ((uint32_t)(RTC->CNTH) << 16) + RTC->CNTL; time_frac = (((uint32_t)RTC->DIVH) << 16) + (uint32_t)RTC->DIVL; } while ((timespec->tv_sec) != (((uint32_t)(RTC->CNTH) << 16) + RTC->CNTL)); timespec->tv_msec = (uint16_t)(((STM32_RTCCLK - 1 - time_frac) * 1000) / STM32_RTCCLK); }
/** * @brief Initialize RTC. * * @notapi */ void rtc_lld_init(void){ /* RSF bit must be cleared by software after an APB1 reset or an APB1 clock stop. Otherwise its value will not be actual. */ RTC->CRL &= ~RTC_CRL_RSF; /* Required because access to PRL.*/ rtc_lld_apb1_sync(); /* All interrupts initially disabled.*/ rtc_lld_wait_write(); RTC->CRH = 0; /* Callback initially disabled.*/ RTCD1.callback = NULL; /* IRQ vector permanently assigned to this driver.*/ nvicEnableVector(RTC_IRQn, CORTEX_PRIORITY_MASK(STM32_RTC_IRQ_PRIORITY)); }