Example #1
void dslashReference(sFloat *res, gFloat **gaugeFull,  gFloat **ghostGauge, sFloat *spinorField, 
		     sFloat **fwdSpinor, sFloat **backSpinor, int oddBit, int daggerBit) {
  for (int i=0; i<Vh*mySpinorSiteSize; i++) res[i] = 0.0;
  gFloat *gaugeEven[4], *gaugeOdd[4];
  gFloat *ghostGaugeEven[4], *ghostGaugeOdd[4];
  for (int dir = 0; dir < 4; dir++) {  
    gaugeEven[dir] = gaugeFull[dir];
    gaugeOdd[dir]  = gaugeFull[dir]+Vh*gaugeSiteSize;

    ghostGaugeEven[dir] = ghostGauge[dir];
    ghostGaugeOdd[dir] = ghostGauge[dir] + (faceVolume[dir]/2)*gaugeSiteSize;
  for (int i = 0; i < Vh; i++) {

    for (int dir = 0; dir < 8; dir++) {
      gFloat *gauge = gaugeLink_mg4dir(i, dir, oddBit, gaugeEven, gaugeOdd, ghostGaugeEven, ghostGaugeOdd, 1, 1);
      sFloat *spinor = spinorNeighbor_mg4dir(i, dir, oddBit, spinorField, fwdSpinor, backSpinor, 1, 1);
      sFloat projectedSpinor[mySpinorSiteSize], gaugedSpinor[mySpinorSiteSize];
      int projIdx = 2*(dir/2)+(dir+daggerBit)%2;
      multiplySpinorByDiracProjector(projectedSpinor, projIdx, spinor);
      for (int s = 0; s < 4; s++) {
	if (dir % 2 == 0) su3Mul(&gaugedSpinor[s*(3*2)], gauge, &projectedSpinor[s*(3*2)]);
	else su3Tmul(&gaugedSpinor[s*(3*2)], gauge, &projectedSpinor[s*(3*2)]);
      sum(&res[i*(4*3*2)], &res[i*(4*3*2)], gaugedSpinor, 4*3*2);

Example #2
void SmearJacobireference(sFloat *res, gFloat **gaugeFull, sFloat *spinorField, double r, int steps) {
  sFloat *tmpSpinor = (sFloat *)malloc(V*spinorSiteSize*sizeof(sFloat));
  sFloat *spinorIn, *spinorOut, *tmp;

  //Copy the contents of original spinor into tmpSpinor
  xeqy(tmpSpinor, spinorField, V*spinorSiteSize);
  spinorIn = tmpSpinor;
  spinorOut = res;

  gFloat *gaugeEven[4], *gaugeOdd[4];
  for (int dir = 0; dir < 4; dir++) {  
    gaugeEven[dir] = gaugeFull[dir];
    gaugeOdd[dir]  = gaugeFull[dir]+Vh*gaugeSiteSize;

  for(int iter = 0; iter < steps; iter++) { 

    xeqay(spinorOut, 1/(1+6*r), spinorIn, V*spinorSiteSize);

    for (int oddBit = 0; oddBit < 2; oddBit++) {
      for (int i = 0; i < Vh; i++) {
	int fullindex = oddBit*Vh + i;
	//Spatial smearing only
	for (int dir = 0; dir < 6; dir++) {
	  gFloat *gauge = gaugeLink(i, dir, oddBit, gaugeEven, gaugeOdd, 1);
	  sFloat *spinor = spinorNeighborFullLattice(fullindex, dir, spinorIn, 1);
	  sFloat gaugedSpinor[4*3*2];
	  for (int s = 0; s < 4; s++) {
	    if (dir % 2 == 0) su3Mul(&gaugedSpinor[s*(3*2)], gauge, &spinor[s*(3*2)]);
	    else su3Tmul(&gaugedSpinor[s*(3*2)], gauge, &spinor[s*(3*2)]);
	  //Accumulate result from gaugedSpinor into spinorOut
	  xpeqay(&spinorOut[fullindex*(4*3*2)], r/(1+6*r), gaugedSpinor, 4*3*2);

    //Swap the pointers
    tmp = spinorIn;
    spinorIn = spinorOut;
    spinorOut = tmp;

  //Copy the contents of spinorIn into res, unless res already points to
  if(spinorIn != res) {
    xeqy(res, spinorIn, V*spinorSiteSize);