Example #1
									InstrumentTrack * _instrumentTrack ) :
	Instrument( _instrumentTrack, &zynaddsubfx_plugin_descriptor ),
	m_hasGUI( false ),
	m_plugin( NULL ),
	m_remotePlugin( NULL ),
	m_portamentoModel( 0, 0, 127, 1, this, tr( "Portamento" ) ),
	m_filterFreqModel( 64, 0, 127, 1, this, tr( "Filter Frequency" ) ),
	m_filterQModel( 64, 0, 127, 1, this, tr( "Filter Resonance" ) ),
	m_bandwidthModel( 64, 0, 127, 1, this, tr( "Bandwidth" ) ),
	m_fmGainModel( 127, 0, 127, 1, this, tr( "FM Gain" ) ),
	m_resCenterFreqModel( 64, 0, 127, 1, this, tr( "Resonance Center Frequency" ) ),
	m_resBandwidthModel( 64, 0, 127, 1, this, tr( "Resonance Bandwidth" ) ),
	m_forwardMidiCcModel( true, this, tr( "Forward MIDI Control Change Events" ) )

	connect( &m_portamentoModel, SIGNAL( dataChanged() ), this, SLOT( updatePortamento() ) );
	connect( &m_filterFreqModel, SIGNAL( dataChanged() ), this, SLOT( updateFilterFreq() ) );
	connect( &m_filterQModel, SIGNAL( dataChanged() ), this, SLOT( updateFilterQ() ) );
	connect( &m_bandwidthModel, SIGNAL( dataChanged() ), this, SLOT( updateBandwidth() ) );
	connect( &m_fmGainModel, SIGNAL( dataChanged() ), this, SLOT( updateFmGain() ) );
	connect( &m_resCenterFreqModel, SIGNAL( dataChanged() ), this, SLOT( updateResCenterFreq() ) );
	connect( &m_resBandwidthModel, SIGNAL( dataChanged() ), this, SLOT( updateResBandwidth() ) );

	// now we need a play-handle which cares for calling play()
	InstrumentPlayHandle * iph = new InstrumentPlayHandle( this, _instrumentTrack );
	Engine::mixer()->addPlayHandle( iph );

	connect( Engine::mixer(), SIGNAL( sampleRateChanged() ),
			this, SLOT( reloadPlugin() ) );

	connect( instrumentTrack()->pitchRangeModel(), SIGNAL( dataChanged() ),
				this, SLOT( updatePitchRange() ) );
Example #2
// #### IT:
InstrumentTrack::InstrumentTrack( TrackContainer* tc ) :
	Track( Track::InstrumentTrack, tc ),
	m_midiPort( tr( "unnamed_track" ), Engine::mixer()->midiClient(),
								this, this ),
	m_sustainPedalPressed( false ),
	m_silentBuffersProcessed( false ),
	m_previewMode( false ),
	m_baseNoteModel( 0, 0, KeysPerOctave * NumOctaves - 1, this,
							tr( "Base note" ) ),
	m_volumeModel( DefaultVolume, MinVolume, MaxVolume, 0.1f, this, tr( "Volume" ) ),
	m_panningModel( DefaultPanning, PanningLeft, PanningRight, 0.1f, this, tr( "Panning" ) ),
	m_audioPort( tr( "unnamed_track" ), true, &m_volumeModel, &m_panningModel, &m_mutedModel ),
	m_pitchModel( 0, MinPitchDefault, MaxPitchDefault, 1, this, tr( "Pitch" ) ),
	m_pitchRangeModel( 1, 1, 60, this, tr( "Pitch range" ) ),
	m_effectChannelModel( 0, 0, 0, this, tr( "FX channel" ) ),
	m_useMasterPitchModel( true, this, tr( "Master Pitch") ),
	m_instrument( NULL ),
	m_soundShaping( this ),
	m_arpeggio( this ),
	m_noteStacking( this ),
	m_piano( this )
	m_pitchModel.setCenterValue( 0 );
	m_panningModel.setCenterValue( DefaultPanning );
	m_baseNoteModel.setInitValue( DefaultKey );

	m_effectChannelModel.setRange( 0, Engine::fxMixer()->numChannels()-1, 1);

	for( int i = 0; i < NumKeys; ++i )
		m_notes[i] = NULL;
		m_runningMidiNotes[i] = 0;

	setName( tr( "Default preset" ) );

	connect( &m_baseNoteModel, SIGNAL( dataChanged() ), this, SLOT( updateBaseNote() ) );
	connect( &m_pitchModel, SIGNAL( dataChanged() ), this, SLOT( updatePitch() ) );
	connect( &m_pitchRangeModel, SIGNAL( dataChanged() ), this, SLOT( updatePitchRange() ) );
	connect( &m_effectChannelModel, SIGNAL( dataChanged() ), this, SLOT( updateEffectChannel() ) );
Example #3
// #### IT:
InstrumentTrack::InstrumentTrack( trackContainer * _tc ) :
	track( track::InstrumentTrack, _tc ),
	m_audioPort( tr( "unnamed_track" ) ),
	m_midiPort( tr( "unnamed_track" ), engine::getMixer()->midiClient(),
								this, this ),
        m_volumeModel( DefaultVolume, MinVolume, MaxVolume, 0.1f, this,
							tr( "Volume" ) ),
        m_panningModel( DefaultPanning, PanningLeft, PanningRight, 0.1f,
							this, tr( "Panning" ) ),
	m_pitchModel( 0, -100, 100, 1, this, tr( "Pitch" ) ),
	m_pitchRangeModel( 1, 1, 24, this, tr( "Pitch range" ) ),
	m_effectChannelModel( 0, 0, 0, this, tr( "FX channel" ) ), // change this so it's a combo box, all the channels and then new.
	m_instrument( NULL ),
	m_soundShaping( this ),
	m_arpeggiator( this ),
	m_chordCreator( this ),
	m_piano( this )
	m_effectChannelModel.setRange( 0, engine::fxMixer()->numChannels()-1, 1);
	connect( baseNoteModel(), SIGNAL( dataChanged() ),
			this, SLOT( updateBaseNote() ) );
	connect( &m_pitchModel, SIGNAL( dataChanged() ),
			this, SLOT( updatePitch() ) );
	connect( &m_pitchRangeModel, SIGNAL( dataChanged() ),
			this, SLOT( updatePitchRange() ) );

	for( int i = 0; i < NumKeys; ++i )
		m_notes[i] = NULL;
		m_runningMidiNotes[i] = 0;

	setName( tr( "Default preset" ) );

void InstrumentTrack::loadTrackSpecificSettings( const QDomElement & thisElement )
	silenceAllNotes( true );


	m_volumeModel.loadSettings( thisElement, "vol" );
	m_panningModel.loadSettings( thisElement, "pan" );
	m_pitchRangeModel.loadSettings( thisElement, "pitchrange" );
	m_pitchModel.loadSettings( thisElement, "pitch" );
	m_effectChannelModel.setRange( 0, Engine::fxMixer()->numChannels()-1 );
	m_effectChannelModel.loadSettings( thisElement, "fxch" );
	m_baseNoteModel.loadSettings( thisElement, "basenote" );
	m_useMasterPitchModel.loadSettings( thisElement, "usemasterpitch");

	// clear effect-chain just in case we load an old preset without FX-data

	QDomNode node = thisElement.firstChild();
	while( !node.isNull() )
		if( node.isElement() )
			if( m_soundShaping.nodeName() == node.nodeName() )
				m_soundShaping.restoreState( node.toElement() );
			else if( m_noteStacking.nodeName() == node.nodeName() )
				m_noteStacking.restoreState( node.toElement() );
			else if( m_arpeggio.nodeName() == node.nodeName() )
				m_arpeggio.restoreState( node.toElement() );
			else if( m_midiPort.nodeName() == node.nodeName() )
				m_midiPort.restoreState( node.toElement() );
			else if( m_audioPort.effects()->nodeName() == node.nodeName() )
				m_audioPort.effects()->restoreState( node.toElement() );
			else if( node.nodeName() == "instrument" )
				delete m_instrument;
				m_instrument = NULL;
				m_instrument = Instrument::instantiate( node.toElement().attribute( "name" ), this );
				m_instrument->restoreState( node.firstChildElement() );

				emit instrumentChanged();
			// compat code - if node-name doesn't match any known
			// one, we assume that it is an instrument-plugin
			// which we'll try to load
			else if( AutomationPattern::classNodeName() != node.nodeName() &&
					ControllerConnection::classNodeName() != node.nodeName() &&
					!node.toElement().hasAttribute( "id" ) )
				delete m_instrument;
				m_instrument = NULL;
				m_instrument = Instrument::instantiate( node.nodeName(), this );
				if( m_instrument->nodeName() == node.nodeName() )
					m_instrument->restoreState( node.toElement() );
				emit instrumentChanged();
		node = node.nextSibling();