Example #1

>	BOOL OpNudge::DoesActionListHideNodes(OpNudge * pOp)

	Author:		Simon_Knight (Xara Group Ltd) <*****@*****.**>
	Created:	27/7/00
	Inputs:		ptr to the (nudge) operation
	Outputs:	-
	Returns:	TRUE if the action list for the op does a HideNodesAction
	Purpose:	To disallow the merging of nudge operations if a HideNodesAction was added
				to this nudge op, as this wouldn't then undo correctly.
	Errors:		-
	SeeAlso:	-

BOOL OpNudge::DoesActionListHideNodes(Operation * pOp)
    ActionList * pActions = pOp->GetUndoActionList();
    ListItem* CurrentAction = pActions->GetHead();

    while (CurrentAction != NULL) // For each action in the list
        if (IS_A(CurrentAction, HideNodeAction))
            return TRUE;

        // Get next action
        CurrentAction = pActions->GetNext(CurrentAction);

    return FALSE;