void RosAriaNode::publish() { // Note, this is called via SensorInterpTask callback (myPublishCB, named "ROSPublishingTask"). ArRobot object 'robot' sholud not be locked or unlocked. pos = robot->getPose(); tf::poseTFToMsg(tf::Transform(tf::createQuaternionFromYaw(pos.getTh()*M_PI/180), tf::Vector3(pos.getX()/1000, pos.getY()/1000, 0)), position.pose.pose); //Aria returns pose in mm. position.twist.twist.linear.x = robot->getVel()/1000; //Aria returns velocity in mm/s. position.twist.twist.linear.y = robot->getLatVel()/1000.0; position.twist.twist.angular.z = robot->getRotVel()*M_PI/180; position.header.frame_id = frame_id_odom; position.child_frame_id = frame_id_base_link; position.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); pose_pub.publish(position); ROS_DEBUG("RosAria: publish: (time %f) pose x: %f, y: %f, angle: %f; linear vel x: %f, y: %f; angular vel z: %f", position.header.stamp.toSec(), (double)position.pose.pose.position.x, (double)position.pose.pose.position.y, (double)position.pose.pose.orientation.w, (double) position.twist.twist.linear.x, (double) position.twist.twist.linear.y, (double) position.twist.twist.angular.z ); // publishing transform odom->base_link odom_trans.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); odom_trans.header.frame_id = frame_id_odom; odom_trans.child_frame_id = frame_id_base_link; odom_trans.transform.translation.x = pos.getX()/1000; odom_trans.transform.translation.y = pos.getY()/1000; odom_trans.transform.translation.z = 0.0; odom_trans.transform.rotation = tf::createQuaternionMsgFromYaw(pos.getTh()*M_PI/180); odom_broadcaster.sendTransform(odom_trans); // getStallValue returns 2 bytes with stall bit and bumper bits, packed as (00 00 FrontBumpers RearBumpers) int stall = robot->getStallValue(); unsigned char front_bumpers = (unsigned char)(stall >> 8); unsigned char rear_bumpers = (unsigned char)(stall); bumpers.header.frame_id = frame_id_bumper; bumpers.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); std::stringstream bumper_info(std::stringstream::out); // Bit 0 is for stall, next bits are for bumpers (leftmost is LSB) for (unsigned int i=0; i<robot->getNumFrontBumpers(); i++) { bumpers.front_bumpers[i] = (front_bumpers & (1 << (i+1))) == 0 ? 0 : 1; bumper_info << " " << (front_bumpers & (1 << (i+1))); } ROS_DEBUG("RosAria: Front bumpers:%s", bumper_info.str().c_str()); bumper_info.str(""); // Rear bumpers have reverse order (rightmost is LSB) unsigned int numRearBumpers = robot->getNumRearBumpers(); for (unsigned int i=0; i<numRearBumpers; i++) { bumpers.rear_bumpers[i] = (rear_bumpers & (1 << (numRearBumpers-i))) == 0 ? 0 : 1; bumper_info << " " << (rear_bumpers & (1 << (numRearBumpers-i))); } ROS_DEBUG("RosAria: Rear bumpers:%s", bumper_info.str().c_str()); bumpers_pub.publish(bumpers); //Publish battery information // TODO: Decide if BatteryVoltageNow (normalized to (0,12)V) is a better option std_msgs::Float64 batteryVoltage; batteryVoltage.data = robot->getRealBatteryVoltageNow(); voltage_pub.publish(batteryVoltage); if(robot->haveStateOfCharge()) { std_msgs::Float32 soc; soc.data = robot->getStateOfCharge()/100.0; state_of_charge_pub.publish(soc); } // publish recharge state if changed char s = robot->getChargeState(); if(s != recharge_state.data) { ROS_INFO("RosAria: publishing new recharge state %d.", s); recharge_state.data = s; recharge_state_pub.publish(recharge_state); } // publish motors state if changed bool e = robot->areMotorsEnabled(); if(e != motors_state.data || !published_motors_state) { ROS_INFO("RosAria: publishing new motors state %d.", e); motors_state.data = e; motors_state_pub.publish(motors_state); published_motors_state = true; } // Publish sonar information, if enabled. if (use_sonar) { sensor_msgs::PointCloud cloud; //sonar readings. cloud.header.stamp = position.header.stamp; //copy time. // sonar sensors relative to base_link cloud.header.frame_id = frame_id_sonar; // Log debugging info std::stringstream sonar_debug_info; sonar_debug_info << "Sonar readings: "; for (int i = 0; i < robot->getNumSonar(); i++) { ArSensorReading* reading = NULL; reading = robot->getSonarReading(i); if(!reading) { ROS_WARN("RosAria: Did not receive a sonar reading."); continue; } // getRange() will return an integer between 0 and 5000 (5m) sonar_debug_info << reading->getRange() << " "; // local (x,y). Appears to be from the centre of the robot, since values may // exceed 5000. This is good, since it means we only need 1 transform. // x & y seem to be swapped though, i.e. if the robot is driving north // x is north/south and y is east/west. // //ArPose sensor = reading->getSensorPosition(); //position of sensor. // sonar_debug_info << "(" << reading->getLocalX() // << ", " << reading->getLocalY() // << ") from (" << sensor.getX() << ", " // << sensor.getY() << ") ;; " ; //add sonar readings (robot-local coordinate frame) to cloud geometry_msgs::Point32 p; p.x = reading->getLocalX() / 1000.0; p.y = reading->getLocalY() / 1000.0; p.z = 0.0; cloud.points.push_back(p); } ROS_DEBUG_STREAM(sonar_debug_info.str()); sonar_pub.publish(cloud); } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { bool done; double distToTravel = 2300; // whether to use the sim for the laser or not, if you use the sim // for hte laser, you have to use the sim for the robot too bool useSim = false; // the laser ArSick sick; // connection ArDeviceConnection *con; // Laser connection ArSerialConnection laserCon; // robot ArRobot robot; // set a default filename //std::string filename = "c:\\log\\1scans.2d"; std::string filename = "1scans.2d"; // see if we want to use a different filename //if (argc > 1) //Lfilename = argv[1]; printf("Logging to file %s\n", filename.c_str()); // start the logger with good values sick.configureShort(useSim, ArSick::BAUD38400, ArSick::DEGREES180, ArSick::INCREMENT_HALF); ArSickLogger logger(&robot, &sick, 300, 25, filename.c_str()); // mandatory init Aria::init(); // add it to the robot robot.addRangeDevice(&sick); //ArAnalogGyro gyro(&robot); // if we're not using the sim, make a serial connection and set it up if (!useSim) { ArSerialConnection *serCon; serCon = new ArSerialConnection; serCon->setPort(); //serCon->setBaud(38400); con = serCon; } // if we are using the sim, set up a tcp connection else { ArTcpConnection *tcpCon; tcpCon = new ArTcpConnection; tcpCon->setPort(); con = tcpCon; } // set the connection on the robot robot.setDeviceConnection(con); // try to connect, if we fail exit if (!robot.blockingConnect()) { printf("Could not connect to robot... exiting\n"); Aria::shutdown(); return 1; } // set up a key handler so escape exits and attach to the robot ArKeyHandler keyHandler; robot.attachKeyHandler(&keyHandler); // run the robot, true here so that the run will exit if connection lost robot.runAsync(true); // if we're not using the sim, set up the port for the laser if (!useSim) { laserCon.setPort(ArUtil::COM3); sick.setDeviceConnection(&laserCon); } // now that we're connected to the robot, connect to the laser sick.runAsync(); if (!sick.blockingConnect()) { printf("Could not connect to SICK laser... exiting\n"); robot.disconnect(); Aria::shutdown(); return 1; } #ifdef WIN32 // wait until someone pushes the motor button to go while (1) { robot.lock(); if (!robot.isRunning()) exit(0); if (robot.areMotorsEnabled()) { robot.unlock(); break; } robot.unlock(); ArUtil::sleep(100); } #endif // basically from here on down the robot just cruises around a bit robot.lock(); // enable the motors, disable amigobot sounds robot.comInt(ArCommands::ENABLE, 1); ArTime startTime; // move a couple meters robot.move(distToTravel); robot.unlock(); startTime.setToNow(); do { ArUtil::sleep(100); robot.lock(); robot.setHeading(0); done = robot.isMoveDone(60); robot.unlock(); } while (!done); /* // rotate a few times robot.lock(); robot.setVel(0); robot.setRotVel(60); robot.unlock(); ArUtil::sleep(12000); */ robot.lock(); robot.setHeading(180); robot.unlock(); do { ArUtil::sleep(100); robot.lock(); robot.setHeading(180); done = robot.isHeadingDone(); robot.unlock(); } while (!done); // move a couple meters robot.lock(); robot.move(distToTravel); robot.unlock(); startTime.setToNow(); do { ArUtil::sleep(100); robot.lock(); robot.setHeading(180); done = robot.isMoveDone(60); robot.unlock(); } while (!done); robot.lock(); robot.setHeading(0); robot.setVel(0); robot.unlock(); startTime.setToNow(); do { ArUtil::sleep(100); robot.lock(); robot.setHeading(0); done = robot.isHeadingDone(); robot.unlock(); } while (!done); sick.lockDevice(); sick.disconnect(); sick.unlockDevice(); robot.lock(); robot.disconnect(); robot.unlock(); // now exit Aria::shutdown(); return 0; }
void RosAriaNode::publish() { // Note, this is called via SensorInterpTask callback (myPublishCB, named "ROSPublishingTask"). ArRobot object 'robot' sholud not be locked or unlocked. pos = robot->getPose(); tf::poseTFToMsg(tf::Transform(tf::createQuaternionFromYaw(pos.getTh()*M_PI/180), tf::Vector3(pos.getX()/1000, pos.getY()/1000, 0)), position.pose.pose); //Aria returns pose in mm. position.twist.twist.linear.x = robot->getVel()/1000; //Aria returns velocity in mm/s. position.twist.twist.angular.z = robot->getRotVel()*M_PI/180; position.header.frame_id = frame_id_odom; position.child_frame_id = frame_id_base_link; position.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); pose_pub.publish(position); ROS_DEBUG("RosAria: publish: (time %f) pose x: %f, y: %f, angle: %f; linear vel x: %f, y: %f; angular vel z: %f", position.header.stamp.toSec(), (double)position.pose.pose.position.x, (double)position.pose.pose.position.y, (double)position.pose.pose.orientation.w, (double) position.twist.twist.linear.x, (double) position.twist.twist.linear.y, (double) position.twist.twist.angular.z ); // publishing transform odom->base_link odom_trans.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); odom_trans.header.frame_id = frame_id_odom; odom_trans.child_frame_id = frame_id_base_link; odom_trans.transform.translation.x = pos.getX()/1000; odom_trans.transform.translation.y = pos.getY()/1000; odom_trans.transform.translation.z = 0.0; odom_trans.transform.rotation = tf::createQuaternionMsgFromYaw(pos.getTh()*M_PI/180); odom_broadcaster.sendTransform(odom_trans); // getStallValue returns 2 bytes with stall bit and bumper bits, packed as (00 00 FrontBumpers RearBumpers) int stall = robot->getStallValue(); unsigned char front_bumpers = (unsigned char)(stall >> 8); unsigned char rear_bumpers = (unsigned char)(stall); bumpers.header.frame_id = frame_id_bumper; bumpers.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); std::stringstream bumper_info(std::stringstream::out); // Bit 0 is for stall, next bits are for bumpers (leftmost is LSB) for (unsigned int i=0; i<robot->getNumFrontBumpers(); i++) { bumpers.front_bumpers[i] = (front_bumpers & (1 << (i+1))) == 0 ? 0 : 1; bumper_info << " " << (front_bumpers & (1 << (i+1))); } ROS_DEBUG("RosAria: Front bumpers:%s", bumper_info.str().c_str()); bumper_info.str(""); // Rear bumpers have reverse order (rightmost is LSB) unsigned int numRearBumpers = robot->getNumRearBumpers(); for (unsigned int i=0; i<numRearBumpers; i++) { bumpers.rear_bumpers[i] = (rear_bumpers & (1 << (numRearBumpers-i))) == 0 ? 0 : 1; bumper_info << " " << (rear_bumpers & (1 << (numRearBumpers-i))); } ROS_DEBUG("RosAria: Rear bumpers:%s", bumper_info.str().c_str()); bumpers_pub.publish(bumpers); //Publish battery information // TODO: Decide if BatteryVoltageNow (normalized to (0,12)V) is a better option std_msgs::Float64 batteryVoltage; batteryVoltage.data = robot->getRealBatteryVoltageNow(); voltage_pub.publish(batteryVoltage); if(robot->haveStateOfCharge()) { std_msgs::Float32 soc; soc.data = robot->getStateOfCharge()/100.0; state_of_charge_pub.publish(soc); } // publish recharge state if changed char s = robot->getChargeState(); if(s != recharge_state.data) { ROS_INFO("RosAria: publishing new recharge state %d.", s); recharge_state.data = s; recharge_state_pub.publish(recharge_state); } // publish motors state if changed bool e = robot->areMotorsEnabled(); if(e != motors_state.data || !published_motors_state) { ROS_INFO("RosAria: publishing new motors state %d.", e); motors_state.data = e; motors_state_pub.publish(motors_state); published_motors_state = true; } if (robot->areSonarsEnabled()) { int i = 0; int j = 0; ArSensorReading* reading = NULL; if(sonars__crossed_the_streams) { i = 8; j = 8; } for(; i < 16; i++) { ranges.data[i].header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); ArSensorReading* _reading = NULL; _reading = robot->getSonarReading(i-j); ranges.data[i].range = _reading->getRange() / 1000.0f; range_pub[i].publish(ranges.data[i]); } ranges.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); combined_range_pub.publish(ranges); } }