Example #1
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  ArRobot robot;
  ArArgumentParser parser(&argc, argv);

  ArRobotConnector robotConnector(&parser, &robot);
  ArLaserConnector laserConnector(&parser, &robot, &robotConnector);

  // Connect to the robot, get some initial data from it such as type and name,
  // and then load parameter files for this robot.
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Terse, "lasersExample: Could not connect to the robot.");
        // -help not given

  if (!Aria::parseArgs())
    return 2;
  ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "lasersExample: Connected to robot.");

  // Start the robot processing cycle running in the background.
  // True parameter means that if the connection is lost, then the 
  // run loop ends.

  // Connect to laser(s) as defined in parameter files.
  // (Some flags are available as arguments to connectLasers() to control error behavior and to control which lasers are put in the list of lasers stored by ArRobot. See docs for details.)
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Terse, "Could not connect to configured lasers. Exiting.");
    return 3;

  // Allow some time to read laser data

  ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Connected to all lasers.");

  // Print out some data from each connected laser.
	int numLasers = 0;

 	  // Get a pointer to ArRobot's list of connected lasers. We will lock the robot while using it to prevent changes by tasks in the robot's background task thread or any other threads. Each laser has an index. You can also store the laser's index or name (laser->getName()) and use that to get a reference (pointer) to the laser object using ArRobot::findLaser().
	  std::map<int, ArLaser*> *lasers = robot.getLaserMap();

	  for(std::map<int, ArLaser*>::const_iterator i = lasers->begin(); i != lasers->end(); ++i)
		int laserIndex = (*i).first;
		ArLaser* laser = (*i).second;

		// The current readings are a set of obstacle readings (with X,Y positions as well as other attributes) that are the most recent set from teh laser.
		std::list<ArPoseWithTime*> *currentReadings = laser->getCurrentBuffer(); // see ArRangeDevice interface doc

		// The raw readings are just range or other data supplied by the sensor. It may also include some device-specific extra values associated with each reading as well. (e.g. Reflectance for LMS200)
		const std::list<ArSensorReading*> *rawReadings = laser->getRawReadings();

		// There is a utility to find the closest reading wthin a range of degrees around the laser, here we use this laser's full field of view (start to end)
		// If there are no valid closest readings within the given range, dist will be greater than laser->getMaxRange().
		double angle = 0;
		double dist = laser->currentReadingPolar(laser->getStartDegrees(), laser->getEndDegrees(), &angle);

		ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Laser #%d (%s): %s.\n\tHave %d 'current' readings.\n\tHave %d 'raw' readings.\n\tClosest reading is at %3.0f degrees and is %2.4f meters away.", 
			laserIndex, laser->getName(), (laser->isConnected() ? "connected" : "NOT CONNECTED"), 
			angle, dist/1000.0);
	if(numLasers == 0)
		ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "No lasers.");
		ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "");

        // Unlock robot and sleep for 5 seconds before next loop.

  ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "lasersExample: exiting.");
  return 0;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  // Initialize Aria and Arnl global information

  // The robot object
  ArRobot robot;

  // Parse the command line arguments.
  ArArgumentParser parser(&argc, argv);

  // Set up our simpleConnector, to connect to the robot and laser
  //ArSimpleConnector simpleConnector(&parser);
  ArRobotConnector robotConnector(&parser, &robot);

  // Connect to the robot
  if (!robotConnector.connectRobot())
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Error: Could not connect to robot... exiting");

  // Set up where we'll look for files. Arnl::init() set Aria's default
  // directory to Arnl's default directory; addDirectories() appends this
  // "examples" directory.
  char fileDir[1024];
  ArUtil::addDirectories(fileDir, sizeof(fileDir), Aria::getDirectory(), 
  // To direct log messages to a file, or to change the log level, use these  calls:
  //ArLog::init(ArLog::File, ArLog::Normal, "log.txt", true, true);
  //ArLog::init(ArLog::File, ArLog::Verbose);
  // Add a section to the configuration to change ArLog parameters

  // set up a gyro (if the robot is older and its firmware does not
  // automatically incorporate gyro corrections, then this object will do it)
  ArAnalogGyro gyro(&robot);

  // Our networking server
  ArServerBase server;

  // Set up our simpleOpener, used to set up the networking server
  ArServerSimpleOpener simpleOpener(&parser);

  // the laser connector
  ArLaserConnector laserConnector(&parser, &robot, &robotConnector);

  // Tell the laser connector to always connect the first laser since
  // this program always requires a laser.
  // Load default arguments for this computer (from /etc/Aria.args, environment
  // variables, and other places)

  // Parse arguments 
  if (!Aria::parseArgs() || !parser.checkHelpAndWarnUnparsed())

  // This causes Aria::exit(9) to be called if the robot unexpectedly
  // disconnects
  ArGlobalFunctor1<int> shutdownFunctor(&Aria::exit, 9);

  // Create an ArSonarDevice object (ArRangeDevice subclass) and 
  // connect it to the robot.
  ArSonarDevice sonarDev;

  // This object will allow robot's movement parameters to be changed through
  // a Robot Configuration section in the ArConfig global configuration facility.
  ArRobotConfig robotConfig(&robot);

  // Include gyro configuration options in the robot configuration section.

  // Start the robot thread.

  // connect the laser(s) if it was requested, this adds them to the
  // robot too, and starts them running in their own threads
  if (!laserConnector.connectLasers())
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Could not connect to all lasers... exiting\n");

  // find the laser we should use for localization and/or mapping,
  // which will be the first laser
  ArLaser *firstLaser = robot.findLaser(1);
  if (firstLaser == NULL || !firstLaser->isConnected())
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Did not have laser 1 or it is not connected, cannot start localization and/or mapping... exiting");

    /* Create and set up map object */
  // Set up the map object, this will look for files in the examples
  // directory (unless the file name starts with a /, \, or .
  // You can take out the 'fileDir' argument to look in the program's current directory
  // instead.
  // When a configuration file is loaded into ArConfig later, if it specifies a
  // map file, then that file will be loaded as the map.
  ArMap map(fileDir);
  // set it up to ignore empty file names (otherwise if a configuration omits
  // the map file, the whole configuration change will fail)
  // ignore the case, so that if someone is using MobileEyes or
  // MobilePlanner from Windows and changes the case on a map name,
  // it will still work.

    /* Create localization and path planning threads */

  ArPathPlanningTask pathTask(&robot, &sonarDev, &map);

  ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Creating laser localization task");
  // Laser Monte-Carlo Localization
  ArLocalizationTask locTask(&robot, firstLaser, &map);

  // Set some options on each laser that the laser connector 
  // connected to.
  std::map<int, ArLaser *>::iterator laserIt;
  for (laserIt = robot.getLaserMap()->begin();
       laserIt != robot.getLaserMap()->end();
    int laserNum = (*laserIt).first;
    ArLaser *laser = (*laserIt).second;

    // Skip lasers that aren't connected

    // add the disconnectOnError CB to shut things down if the laser
    // connection is lost
    // set the number of cumulative readings the laser will take
    // add the lasers to the path planning task
    pathTask.addRangeDevice(laser, ArPathPlanningTask::BOTH);
    // set the cumulative clean offset (so that they don't all fire at once)
    laser->setCumulativeCleanOffset(laserNum * 100);
    // reset the cumulative clean time (to make the new offset take effect)

    // Add the packet count to the Aria info strings (It will be included in
    // MobileEyes custom details so you can monitor whether the laser data is
    // being received correctly)
    std::string laserPacketCountName;
    laserPacketCountName = laser->getName();
    laserPacketCountName += " Packet Count";
	    laserPacketCountName.c_str(), 10, 
	    new ArRetFunctorC<int, ArLaser>(laser, 

  // Used for optional multirobot features (see below) (TODO move to multirobot
  // example?)
  ArClientSwitchManager clientSwitch(&server, &parser);

    /* Start the server */

  // Open the networking server
  if (!simpleOpener.open(&server, fileDir, 240))
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Error: Could not open server.");

    /* Create various services that provide network access to clients (such as
     * MobileEyes), as well as add various additional features to ARNL */

  // ARNL can optionally get information about the positions of other robots from a
  // "central server" (see central server example program), if command
  // line options specifying the address of the central server was given.
  // If there is no central server, then the address of each other robot
  // can instead be given in the configuration, and the multirobot systems
  // will connect to each robot (or "peer") individually.

        // TODO move this to multirobot example?

  bool usingCentralServer = false;
  if(clientSwitch.getCentralServerHostName() != NULL)
    usingCentralServer = true;

  // if we're using the central server then we want to create the
  // multiRobot central classes
  if (usingCentralServer)
    // Make the handler for multi robot information (this sends the
    // information to the central server)
    //ArServerHandlerMultiRobot *handlerMultiRobot = 
    new ArServerHandlerMultiRobot(&server, &robot, 
						      &locTask, &map);
    // Normally each robot, and the central server, must all have
    // the same map name for the central server to share robot
    // information.  (i.e. they are operating in the same space).
    // This changes the map name that ArServerHandlerMutliRobot 
    // reports to the central server, in case you want this individual
    // robot to load a different map file name, but still report 
    // the common map file to the central server.

    // the range device that gets the multi robot information from
    // the central server and presents it as virtual range readings
    // to ARNL
    ArMultiRobotRangeDevice *multiRobotRangeDevice = new ArMultiRobotRangeDevice(&server);
    // Set up options for drawing multirobot information in MobileEyes.
	    new ArDrawingData("polyDots", ArColor(125, 125, 0),
			      100, 73, 1000), true);
	    new ArDrawingData("polyDots", ArColor(125, 0, 125),
			      100, 72, 1000), true);

    // This sets up the localization to use the known poses of other robots
    // for its localization in cases where numerous robots crowd out the map.
  // if we're not using a central server then create the multirobot peer classes
    // set the path planning so it uses the explicit collision range for how far its planning
    // make our thing that gathers information from the other servers
    ArServerHandlerMultiRobotPeer *multiRobotPeer = NULL;
    ArMultiRobotPeerRangeDevice *multiRobotPeerRangeDevice = NULL;
    multiRobotPeerRangeDevice = new ArMultiRobotPeerRangeDevice(&map);
    // make our thing that sends information to the other servers
    multiRobotPeer = new ArServerHandlerMultiRobotPeer(&server, &robot, 
						     &pathTask, &locTask);
    // hook the two together so they both know what priority this robot is
    // hook the two together so they both know what priority this
    // robot's fingerprint is
    // hook the two together so that the range device can call on the
    // server handler to change its fingerprint
    // then add the robot to the places it needs to be

    // Set the range device so that we can see the information its using
    // to avoid, you can comment these out in order to not see them
	    new ArDrawingData("polyDots", ArColor(125, 125, 0),
			      100, 72, 1000), true);
	    new ArDrawingData("polyDots", ArColor(125, 0, 125),
			      100, 72, 1000), true);
    // This sets up the localization to use the known poses of other robots
    // for its localization in cases where numerous robots crowd out the map.

  /* Add additional range devices to the robot and path planning task (so it
     avoids obstacles detected by these devices) */
  // Add IR range device to robot and path planning task (so it avoids obstacles
  // detected by this device)
  ArIRs irs;
  pathTask.addRangeDevice(&irs, ArPathPlanningTask::CURRENT);

  // Add bumpers range device to robot and path planning task (so it avoids obstacles
  // detected by this device)
  ArBumpers bumpers;
  pathTask.addRangeDevice(&bumpers, ArPathPlanningTask::CURRENT);

  // Add range device which uses forbidden regions given in the map to give virtual
  // range device readings to ARNL.  (so it avoids obstacles
  // detected by this device)
  ArForbiddenRangeDevice forbidden(&map);
  pathTask.addRangeDevice(&forbidden, ArPathPlanningTask::CURRENT);


  // Action to slow down robot when localization score drops but not lost.
  ArActionSlowDownWhenNotCertain actionSlowDown(&locTask);
  pathTask.getPathPlanActionGroup()->addAction(&actionSlowDown, 140);

  // Action to stop the robot when localization is "lost" (score too low)
  ArActionLost actionLostPath(&locTask, &pathTask);
  pathTask.getPathPlanActionGroup()->addAction(&actionLostPath, 150);

  // Arnl uses this object when it must replan its path because its
  // path is completely blocked.  It will use an older history of sensor
  // readings to replan this new path.  This should not be used with SONARNL
  // since sonar readings are not accurate enough and may prevent the robot
  // from planning through space that is actually clear.
  ArGlobalReplanningRangeDevice replanDev(&pathTask);

  // Service to provide drawings of data in the map display :
  ArServerInfoDrawings drawings(&server);

  /* Draw a box around the local path planning area use this 
    (You can enable this particular drawing from custom commands 
    which is set up down below in ArServerInfoPath) */
  ArDrawingData drawingDataP("polyLine", ArColor(200,200,200), 1, 75);
  ArFunctor2C<ArPathPlanningTask, ArServerClient *, ArNetPacket *> 
    drawingFunctorP(&pathTask, &ArPathPlanningTask::drawSearchRectangle);
  drawings.addDrawing(&drawingDataP, "Local Plan Area", &drawingFunctorP); 

  /* Show the sample points used by MCL */
  ArDrawingData drawingDataL("polyDots", ArColor(0,255,0), 100, 75);
  ArFunctor2C<ArLocalizationTask, ArServerClient *, ArNetPacket *> 
    drawingFunctorL(&locTask, &ArLocalizationTask::drawRangePoints);
  drawings.addDrawing(&drawingDataL, "Localization Points", &drawingFunctorL);

  // "Custom" commands. You can add your own custom commands here, they will
  // be available in MobileEyes' custom commands (enable in the toolbar or
  // access through Robot Tools)
  ArServerHandlerCommands commands(&server);

  // These provide various kinds of information to the client:
  ArServerInfoRobot serverInfoRobot(&server, &robot);
  ArServerInfoSensor serverInfoSensor(&server, &robot);
  ArServerInfoPath serverInfoPath(&server, &robot, &pathTask);

  // Provides localization info and allows the client (MobileEyes) to relocalize at a given
  // pose:
  ArServerInfoLocalization serverInfoLocalization(&server, &robot, &locTask);
  ArServerHandlerLocalization serverLocHandler(&server, &robot, &locTask);

  // If you're using MobileSim, ArServerHandlerLocalization sends it a command
  // to move the robot's true pose if you manually do a localization through 
  // MobileEyes.  To disable that behavior, use this constructor call instead:
  // ArServerHandlerLocalization serverLocHandler(&server, &robot, true, false);
  // The fifth argument determines whether to send the command to MobileSim.

  // Provide the map to the client (and related controls):
  ArServerHandlerMap serverMap(&server, &map);

  // These objects add some simple (custom) commands to 'commands' for testing and debugging:
  ArServerSimpleComUC uCCommands(&commands, &robot);                   // Send any command to the microcontroller
  ArServerSimpleComMovementLogging loggingCommands(&commands, &robot); // configure logging
  ArServerSimpleComLogRobotConfig configCommands(&commands, &robot);   // trigger logging of the robot config parameters
//  ArServerSimpleServerCommands serverCommands(&commands, &server);     // monitor networking behavior (track packets sent etc.)

  // service that allows the client to monitor the communication link status
  // between the robot and the client.
  ArServerHandlerCommMonitor handlerCommMonitor(&server);

  // service that allows client to change configuration parameters in ArConfig 
  ArServerHandlerConfig handlerConfig(&server, Aria::getConfig(),

  /* Set up the possible modes for remote control from a client such as
   * MobileEyes:

  // Mode To go to a goal or other specific point:
  ArServerModeGoto modeGoto(&server, &robot, &pathTask, &map,

  // Mode To stop and remain stopped:
  ArServerModeStop modeStop(&server, &robot);

  // Cause the sonar to turn off automatically
  // when the robot is stopped, and turn it back on when commands to move
  // are sent. (Note, if using SONARNL to localize, then don't do this
  // since localization may get lost)
  ArSonarAutoDisabler sonarAutoDisabler(&robot);

  // Teleoperation modes To drive by keyboard, joystick, etc:
  ArServerModeRatioDrive modeRatioDrive(&server, &robot);  
//  ArServerModeDrive modeDrive(&server, &robot);            // Older mode for compatability

  // Prevent normal teleoperation driving if localization is lost using
  // a high-priority action, which enables itself when the particular mode is
  // active.
  // (You have to enter unsafe drive mode to drive when lost.)
  ArActionLost actionLostRatioDrive(&locTask, &pathTask, &modeRatioDrive);
  modeRatioDrive.getActionGroup()->addAction(&actionLostRatioDrive, 110);

  // Add drive mode section to the configuration, and also some custom (simple) commands:
  modeRatioDrive.addToConfig(Aria::getConfig(), "Teleop settings");

  // Wander mode (also prevent wandering if lost):
  ArServerModeWander modeWander(&server, &robot);
  ArActionLost actionLostWander(&locTask, &pathTask, &modeWander);
  modeWander.getActionGroup()->addAction(&actionLostWander, 110);

  // This provides a small table of interesting information for the client
  // to display to the operator. You can add your own callbacks to show any
  // data you want.
  ArServerInfoStrings stringInfo(&server);
  // Provide a set of informational data (turn on in MobileEyes with
  // View->Custom Details)

	  "Motor Packet Count", 10, 
	  new ArConstRetFunctorC<int, ArRobot>(&robot, 

	  "Laser Localization Score", 8, 
	  new ArRetFunctorC<double, ArLocalizationTask>(
		  &locTask, &ArLocalizationTask::getLocalizationScore),
	  "Laser Loc Num Samples", 8, 
	  new ArRetFunctorC<int, ArLocalizationTask>(
		  &locTask, &ArLocalizationTask::getCurrentNumSamples),

  // Display gyro status if gyro is enabled and is being handled by the firmware (gyro types 2, 3, or 4).
  // (If the firmware detects an error communicating with the gyro or IMU it
  // returns a flag, and stops using it.)
  // (This gyro type parameter, and fault flag, are only in ARCOS, not Seekur firmware)
  if(robot.getOrigRobotConfig() && robot.getOrigRobotConfig()->getGyroType() > 1)
          "Gyro/IMU Status", 10,
          new ArGlobalRetFunctor1<const char*, ArRobot*>(&getGyroStatusString, &robot)

  // Setup the dock if there is a docking system on board.
  ArServerModeDock *modeDock = NULL;
  modeDock = ArServerModeDock::createDock(&server, &robot, &locTask, 
  if (modeDock != NULL)

  // Make Stop mode the default (If current mode deactivates without entering
  // a new mode, then Stop Mode will be selected)
    // TODO move up near where stop mode is created?

  /* Services that allow the client to initiate scanning with the laser to
     create maps in Mapper3 (So not possible with SONARNL): */

  ArServerHandlerMapping handlerMapping(&server, &robot, firstLaser, 
					fileDir, "", true);

  // make laser localization stop while mapping
	  new ArFunctor1C<ArLocalizationTask, bool>
	  (&locTask, &ArLocalizationTask::setIdleFlag, true));

  // and then make it start again when we're doine
	  new ArFunctor1C<ArLocalizationTask, bool>
	  (&locTask, &ArLocalizationTask::setIdleFlag, false));

  // Make it so our "lost" actions don't stop us while mapping

  // And then let them make us stop as usual when done mapping

  // don't let forbidden lines show up as obstacles while mapping
  // (they'll just interfere with driving while mapping, and localization is off anyway)

  // let forbidden lines show up as obstacles again as usual after mapping

  // If we are on a simulator, move the robot back to its starting position,
  // and reset its odometry.
  // This will allow localizeRobotAtHomeBlocking() below will (probably) work (it
  // tries current odometry (which will be 0,0,0) and all the map
  // home points.
  // (Ignored by a real robot)

  // create a pose storage class, this will let the program keep track
  // of where the robot is between runs...  after we try and restore
  // from this file it will start saving the robot's pose into the
  // file
  ArPoseStorage poseStorage(&robot);
  /// if we could restore the pose from then set the sim there (this
  /// won't do anything to the real robot)... if we couldn't restore
  /// the pose then just reset the position of the robot (which again
  /// won't do anything to the real robot)
  if (poseStorage.restorePose("robotPose"))

  /* File transfer services: */
#ifdef WIN32
  // Not implemented for Windows yet.
  ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Note, file upload/download services are not implemented for Windows; not enabling them.");
  // This block will allow you to set up where you get and put files
  // to/from, just comment them out if you don't want this to happen
  // /*
  ArServerFileLister fileLister(&server, fileDir);
  ArServerFileToClient fileToClient(&server, fileDir);
  ArServerFileFromClient fileFromClient(&server, fileDir, "/tmp");
  ArServerDeleteFileOnServer deleteFileOnServer(&server, fileDir);
  // */

    /* Video image streaming, and camera controls (Requires SAVserver or ACTS) */

  // Forward any video if either ACTS or SAV server are running.
  // You can find out more about SAV and ACTS on our website
  // http://robots.activmedia.com. ACTS is for color tracking and is
  // a seperate product. SAV just does software A/V transmitting and is
  // free to all our customers. Just run ACTS or SAV server before you
  // start this program and this class here will forward video from the
  // server to the client.
  ArHybridForwarderVideo videoForwarder(&server, "localhost", 7070);
  // make a camera to use in case we have video. the camera collection collects
  // multiple ptz cameras 
  ArPTZ *camera = NULL;
  ArServerHandlerCamera *handlerCamera = NULL;
  ArCameraCollection *cameraCollection = NULL;

  // if we have video then set up a camera 
  if (videoForwarder.isForwardingVideo())

    cameraCollection = new ArCameraCollection();
    cameraCollection->addCamera("Cam1", "PTZ", "Camera", "PTZ");


    camera = new ArVCC4(&robot); //,	invertedCamera, ArVCC4::COMM_UNKNOWN, true, true);
    // To use an RVision SEE camera instead:
    // camera = new ArRVisionPTZ(&robot);

    handlerCamera = new ArServerHandlerCamera("Cam1", 

	    new ArFunctorC<ArServerHandlerCamera>(

  // After all of the cameras / videos have been created and added to the collection,
  // then start the collection server.
  if (cameraCollection != NULL) {
    new ArServerHandlerCameraCollection(&server, cameraCollection);

    /* Load configuration values, map, and begin! */

  // When parsing the configuration file, also look at the program's command line options 
  // from the command-line argument parser as well as the configuration file.
  // (So you can use any argument on the command line, namely -map.) 
  puts("xxx");puts("aaa"); fflush(stdout);
  // Read in parameter files.
  ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Loading config file %s into ArConfig (base directory %s)...", Arnl::getTypicalParamFileName(), Aria::getConfig()->getBaseDirectory());
  if (!Aria::getConfig()->parseFile(Arnl::getTypicalParamFileName()))
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Trouble loading configuration file, exiting");

  // Warn about unknown params.
  if (!simpleOpener.checkAndLog() || !parser.checkHelpAndWarnUnparsed())

  // Warn if there is no map
  if (map.getFileName() == NULL || strlen(map.getFileName()) <= 0)
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "");
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "### No map file is set up, you can make a map with the following procedure");
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "   0) You can find this information in README.txt or docs/Mapping.txt");
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "   1) Connect to this server with MobileEyes");
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "   2) Go to Tools->Map Creation->Start Scan");
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "   3) Give the map a name and hit okay");
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "   4) Drive the robot around your space (see docs/Mapping.txt");
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "   5) Go to Tools->Map Creation->Stop Scan");
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "   6) Start up Mapper3");
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "   7) Go to File->Open on Robot");
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "   8) Select the .2d you created");
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "   9) Create a .map");
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "  10) Go to File->Save on Robot");
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "  11) In MobileEyes, go to Tools->Robot Config");
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "  12) Choose the Files section");
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "  13) Enter the path and name of your new .map file for the value of the Map parameter.");
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "  14) Press OK and your new map should become the map used");
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "");    

  // Print a log message notifying user of the directory for map files
  ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "");
	     "Directory for maps and file serving: %s", fileDir);
  ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "See the ARNL README.txt for more information");
  ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "");

  // Do an initial localization of the robot. It tries all the home points
  // in the map, as well as the robot's current odometric position, as possible
  // places the robot is likely to be at startup.   If successful, it will
  // also save the position it found to be the best localized position as the
  // "Home" position, which can be obtained from the localization task (and is
  // used by the "Go to home" network request).
  // Let the client switch manager (for multirobot) spin off into its own thread
  // TODO move to multirobot example?

  // Start the networking server's thread

  // Add a key handler so that you can exit by pressing
  // escape. Note that this key handler, however, prevents this program from
  // running in the background (e.g. as a system daemon or run from 
  // the shell with "&") -- it will lock up trying to read the keys; 
  // remove this if you wish to be able to run this program in the background.
  ArKeyHandler *keyHandler;
  if ((keyHandler = Aria::getKeyHandler()) == NULL)
    keyHandler = new ArKeyHandler;
    puts("Server running. To exit, press escape.");

   ArnlASyncTaskExample asyncTaskExample(&pathTask, &robot, &modeGoto, &parser);

  // Enable the motors and wait until the robot exits (disconnection, etc.) or this program is
  // canceled.
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  // Initialize Aria and Arnl global information

  // You can change default ArLog options in this call, but the settings in the parameter file
  // (arnl.p) which is loaded below (Aria::getConfig()->parseFile())  will override the options.
  //ArLog::init(ArLog::File, ArLog::Normal, "log.txt", true, true);

  // Used to parse the command line arguments.
  ArArgumentParser parser(&argc, argv);
  // Load default arguments for this computer (from /etc/Aria.args, environment
  // variables, and other places)

  // Tell the laser connector to always connect the first laser since
  // this program always requires a laser.


  // The robot object
  ArRobot robot;

  // handle messages from robot controller firmware and log the contents
  robot.addPacketHandler(new ArGlobalRetFunctor1<bool, ArRobotPacket*>(&handleDebugMessage));

  // This object is used to connect to the robot, which can be configured via
  // command line arguments.
  ArRobotConnector robotConnector(&parser, &robot);

  // Connect to the robot
  if (!robotConnector.connectRobot())
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Error: Could not connect to robot... exiting");

  // Set up where we'll look for files. Arnl::init() set Aria's default
  // directory to Arnl's default directory; addDirectories() appends this
  // "examples" directory.
  char fileDir[1024];
  ArUtil::addDirectories(fileDir, sizeof(fileDir), Aria::getDirectory(), 
  // To direct log messages to a file, or to change the log level, use these  calls:
  //ArLog::init(ArLog::File, ArLog::Normal, "log.txt", true, true);
  //ArLog::init(ArLog::File, ArLog::Verbose);
  // Add a section to the configuration to change ArLog parameters

  // set up a gyro (if the robot is older and its firmware does not
  // automatically incorporate gyro corrections, then this object will do it)
  ArAnalogGyro gyro(&robot);

  // Our networking server
  ArServerBase server;
  // GPS connector.
  ArGPSConnector gpsConnector(&parser);

  // Set up our simpleOpener, used to set up the networking server
  ArServerSimpleOpener simpleOpener(&parser);

  // the laser connector
  ArLaserConnector laserConnector(&parser, &robot, &robotConnector);

  // used to connect to camera PTZ control
  ArPTZConnector ptzConnector(&parser, &robot);

  // Used to connect to a "central server" which can be used as a proxy 
  // for multiple robot servers, and as a way for them to also communicate with
  // each other.  (objects implementing some of these inter-robot communication
  // features are created below).  
  // NOTE: If the central server is running on the same host as robot server(s),
  // then you must use the -serverPort argument to instruct these robot-control
  // server(s) to use different ports than the default 7272, since the central
  // server will use that port.
  ArClientSwitchManager clientSwitch(&server, &parser);
  // Load default arguments for this computer (from /etc/Aria.args, environment
  // variables, and other places)

  // Parse arguments 
  if (!Aria::parseArgs() || !parser.checkHelpAndWarnUnparsed())

  // This causes Aria::exit(9) to be called if the robot unexpectedly
  // disconnects
  ArGlobalFunctor1<int> shutdownFunctor(&Aria::exit, 9);

  // Create an ArSonarDevice object (ArRangeDevice subclass) and 
  // connect it to the robot.
  ArSonarDevice sonarDev;

  // This object will allow robot's movement parameters to be changed through
  // a Robot Configuration section in the ArConfig global configuration facility.
  ArRobotConfig robotConfig(&robot);

  // Include gyro configuration options in the robot configuration section.

  // Start the robot thread.

  // On the Seekur, power to the GPS receiver is switched on by this command.
  // (A third argument of 0 would turn it off). On other robots this command is
  // ignored. If this fails, you may need to reset the port with ARIA demo or 
  // seekurPower program (turn port off then on again).  If the port is already
  // on, it will have no effect on the GPS (it will remain powered.)
  // Do this now before connecting to lasers to give it plenty of time to power
  // on, initialize, and find a good position before GPS localization begins.
  ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Turning on GPS power... (Seekur/Seekur Jr. power port 6)");
  robot.com2Bytes(116, 6, 1);

  // connect the laser(s) if it was requested, this adds them to the
  // robot too, and starts them running in their own threads
  ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Connecting to laser(s) configured in parameters...");
  if (!laserConnector.connectLasers())
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Error: Could not connect to laser(s). Exiting.");
  ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Done connecting to laser(s).");

#if defined(ARNL_LASERLOC) || defined(ARNL_MAPPING)
  // find the laser we should use for localization and/or mapping,
  // which will be the first laser
  ArLaser *firstLaser = robot.findLaser(1);
  if (firstLaser == NULL || !firstLaser->isConnected())
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Did not have laser 1 or it is not connected, cannot start localization and/or mapping... exiting");

    /* Create and set up map object */
  // Set up the map object, this will look for files in the examples
  // directory (unless the file name starts with a /, \, or .
  // You can take out the 'fileDir' argument to look in the program's current directory
  // instead.
  // When a configuration file is loaded into ArConfig later, if it specifies a
  // map file, then that file will be loaded as the map.
  ArMap map(fileDir);
  // set it up to ignore empty file names (otherwise if a configuration omits
  // the map file, the whole configuration change will fail)
  // ignore the case, so that if someone is using MobileEyes or
  // MobilePlanner from Windows and changes the case on a map name,
  // it will still work.

    /* Create localization threads */

  ArLocalizationManager locManager(&robot, &map);
#define LOCTASK locManager

  ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Creating laser localization task");
  // Laser Monte-Carlo Localization
  ArLocalizationTask locTask(&robot, firstLaser, &map);
#define LOCTASK locTask

  ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Creating sonar localization task");
  ArSonarLocalizationTask locTask(&robot, &sonarDev, &map);
#define LOCTASK locTask

  // A callback function, which is called if localization fails
  ArGlobalFunctor1<int> locFailedCB(&locFailed);
  locTask.setFailedCallBack(&locFailedCB); //, &locTask);

  ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Connecting to GPS...");

  // Connect to GPS
  ArGPS *gps = gpsConnector.createGPS(&robot);
  if(!gps || !gps->connect())
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Terse, "Error connecting to GPS device."
      "Try -gpsType, -gpsPort, and/or -gpsBaud command-line arguments."
      "Use -help for help. Exiting.");

  // set up GPS localization task
  ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Creating GPS localization task");
  ArGPSLocalizationTask gpsLocTask(&robot, gps, &map);
#define LOCTASK gpsLocTask

  // Set some options  and callbacks on each laser that the laser connector 
  // connected to.
  std::map<int, ArLaser *>::iterator laserIt;
  for (laserIt = robot.getLaserMap()->begin();
       laserIt != robot.getLaserMap()->end();
    int laserNum = (*laserIt).first;
    ArLaser *laser = (*laserIt).second;

    // Skip lasers that aren't connected

    // add the disconnectOnError CB to shut things down if the laser
    // connection is lost
    // set the number of cumulative readings the laser will take
    // set the cumulative clean offset (so that they don't all fire at once)
    laser->setCumulativeCleanOffset(laserNum * 100);
    // reset the cumulative clean time (to make the new offset take effect)

    // Add the packet count to the Aria info strings (It will be included in
    // MobileEyes custom details so you can monitor whether the laser data is
    // being received correctly)
    std::string laserPacketCountName;
    laserPacketCountName = laser->getName();
    laserPacketCountName += " Packet Count";
	    laserPacketCountName.c_str(), 10, 
	    new ArRetFunctorC<int, ArLaser>(laser, 

    /* Start the server */

  // Open the networking server
  if (!simpleOpener.open(&server, fileDir, 240))
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Error: Could not open server.");

    /* Create various services that provide network access to clients (such as
     * MobileEyes), as well as add various additional features to ARNL */


  // Service to provide drawings of data in the map display :
  ArServerInfoDrawings drawings(&server);

  /* Show the sample points used by MCL */
  ArDrawingData drawingDataL("polyDots", ArColor(0,255,0), 100, 75);
  ArFunctor2C<ArLocalizationTask, ArServerClient *, ArNetPacket *> 
    drawingFunctorL(&locTask, &ArLocalizationTask::drawRangePoints);
  drawings.addDrawing(&drawingDataL, "Localization Points", &drawingFunctorL);

  /* Show the positions calculated by GPS localization */

  ArDrawingData drawingDataG("polyDots", ArColor(100,100,255), 130, 61);
  ArFunctor2C<ArGPSLocalizationTask, ArServerClient *, ArNetPacket *> 
    drawingFunctorG(&gpsLocTask, &ArGPSLocalizationTask::drawGPSPoints);
  drawings.addDrawing(&drawingDataG, "GPS Points", &drawingFunctorG);

  ArDrawingData drawingDataG2("polyDots", ArColor(255,100,100), 100, 62);
  ArFunctor2C<ArGPSLocalizationTask, ArServerClient *, ArNetPacket *> 
    drawingFunctorG2(&gpsLocTask, &ArGPSLocalizationTask::drawKalmanPoints);
  drawings.addDrawing(&drawingDataG2, "Kalman Points", &drawingFunctorG2);

  ArDrawingData drawingDataG3("polyDots", ArColor(100,255,100), 70, 63);
  ArFunctor2C<ArGPSLocalizationTask, ArServerClient *, ArNetPacket *> 
    drawingFunctorG3(&gpsLocTask, &ArGPSLocalizationTask::drawOdoPoints);
  drawings.addDrawing(&drawingDataG3, "Odom. Points", &drawingFunctorG3);

  ArDrawingData drawingDataG4("polyDots", ArColor(255,50,50), 100, 75);
  ArFunctor2C<ArGPSLocalizationTask, ArServerClient *, ArNetPacket *> 
    drawingFunctorG4(&gpsLocTask, &ArGPSLocalizationTask::drawKalmanRangePoints);
  drawings.addDrawing(&drawingDataG4, "KalRange Points", &drawingFunctorG4);

  ArDrawingData drawingDataG5("polySegments", ArColor(100,0,255), 1, 78);
  ArFunctor2C<ArGPSLocalizationTask, ArServerClient *, ArNetPacket *> 
    drawingFunctorG5(&gpsLocTask, &ArGPSLocalizationTask::drawKalmanVariance);
  drawings.addDrawing(&drawingDataG5, "VarGPS", &drawingFunctorG5);

  // "Custom" commands. You can add your own custom commands here, they will
  // be available in MobileEyes' custom commands (enable in the toolbar or
  // access through Robot Tools)
  ArServerHandlerCommands commands(&server);

  // These provide various kinds of information to the client:
  ArServerInfoRobot serverInfoRobot(&server, &robot);
  ArServerInfoSensor serverInfoSensor(&server, &robot);

  // Provides localization info and allows the client (MobileEyes) to relocalize at a given
  // pose:
  ArServerInfoLocalization serverInfoLocalization(&server, &robot, &LOCTASK);
  ArServerHandlerLocalization serverLocHandler(&server, &robot, &LOCTASK);

  // If you're using MobileSim, ArServerHandlerLocalization sends it a command
  // to move the robot's true pose if you manually do a localization through 
  // MobileEyes.  To disable that behavior, use this constructor call instead:
  // ArServerHandlerLocalization serverLocHandler(&server, &robot, true, false);
  // The fifth argument determines whether to send the command to MobileSim.

  // Provide the map to the client (and related controls):
  ArServerHandlerMap serverMap(&server, &map);

  // These objects add some simple (custom) commands to 'commands' for testing and debugging:
  ArServerSimpleComUC uCCommands(&commands, &robot);                   // Send any command to the microcontroller
  ArServerSimpleComMovementLogging loggingCommands(&commands, &robot); // configure logging
  ArServerSimpleComLogRobotConfig configCommands(&commands, &robot);   // trigger logging of the robot config parameters
//  ArServerSimpleServerCommands serverCommands(&commands, &server);     // monitor networking behavior (track packets sent etc.)

  // service that allows the client to monitor the communication link status
  // between the robot and the client.
  ArServerHandlerCommMonitor handlerCommMonitor(&server);

  // service that allows client to change configuration parameters in ArConfig 
  ArServerHandlerConfig handlerConfig(&server, Aria::getConfig(),

  // This service causes the client to show simple dialog boxes
  ArServerHandlerPopup popupServer(&server);

  /* Set up the possible modes for remote control from a client such as
   * MobileEyes:

  // Mode To stop and remain stopped:
  ArServerModeStop modeStop(&server, &robot);

  // Cause the sonar to turn off automatically
  // when the robot is stopped, and turn it back on when commands to move
  // are sent. (Note, if using SONARNL to localize, then don't do this
  // since localization may get lost)
  ArSonarAutoDisabler sonarAutoDisabler(&robot);

  // Teleoperation modes To drive by keyboard, joystick, etc:
  ArServerModeRatioDrive modeRatioDrive(&server, &robot);  

  // Prevent normal teleoperation driving if localization is lost using
  // a high-priority action, which enables itself when the particular mode is
  // active.
  // (You have to enter unsafe drive mode to drive when lost.)
  ArActionLost actionLostRatioDrive(&LOCTASK, NULL, &modeRatioDrive);
  modeRatioDrive.getActionGroup()->addAction(&actionLostRatioDrive, 110);

  // Add drive mode section to the configuration, and also some custom (simple) commands:
  modeRatioDrive.addToConfig(Aria::getConfig(), "Teleop settings");

  // Wander mode (also prevent wandering if lost):
  ArServerModeWander modeWander(&server, &robot);
  ArActionLost actionLostWander(&LOCTASK, NULL, &modeWander);
  modeWander.getActionGroup()->addAction(&actionLostWander, 110);

  // Tool to log data periodically to a file
  ArDataLogger dataLogger(&robot, "datalog.txt");
  dataLogger.addToConfig(Aria::getConfig()); // make it configurable through ArConfig

  // Automatically add anything from the global info group to the data logger.

  // This provides a small table of interesting information for the client
  // to display to the operator. You can add your own callbacks to show any
  // data you want.
  ArServerInfoStrings stringInfo(&server);
  // The following statements add fields to a set of informational data called
  // the InfoGroup. These are served to MobileEyes for displayi (turn on by enabling Details
  // and Custom Details in the View menu of MobileEyes.)

	  "Motor Packet Count", 10, 
	  new ArConstRetFunctorC<int, ArRobot>(&robot, 

	  "Laser Localization Score", 8, 
	  new ArRetFunctorC<double, ArLocalizationTask>(
		  &locTask, &ArLocalizationTask::getLocalizationScore),
	  "Laser Loc Num Samples", 8, 
	  new ArRetFunctorC<int, ArLocalizationTask>(
		  &locTask, &ArLocalizationTask::getCurrentNumSamples),
#elif defined(ARNL_SONARLOC)
	  "Sonar Localization Score", 8, 
	  new ArRetFunctorC<double, ArSonarLocalizationTask>(
	  "Sonar Loc Num Samples", 8, 
	  new ArRetFunctorC<int, ArSonarLocalizationTask>(
		  &locTask, &ArSonarLocalizationTask::getCurrentNumSamples),

  const char *dopfmt = "%2.4f";
  const char *posfmt = "%2.8f";
  const char *altfmt = "%3.6f m";
	    "GPS Fix Mode", 25,
	    new ArConstRetFunctorC<const char*, ArGPS>(gps, &ArGPS::getFixTypeName)
	    "GPS Num. Satellites", 4,
	    new ArConstRetFunctorC<int, ArGPS>(gps, &ArGPS::getNumSatellitesTracked)
	    "GPS HDOP", 12,
	    new ArConstRetFunctorC<double, ArGPS>(gps, &ArGPS::getHDOP),
	    "GPS VDOP", 5,
	    new ArConstRetFunctorC<double, ArGPS>(gps, &ArGPS::getVDOP),
	    "GPS PDOP", 5,
	    new ArConstRetFunctorC<double, ArGPS>(gps, &ArGPS::getPDOP),
	    "Latitude", 15,
	    new ArConstRetFunctorC<double, ArGPS>(gps, &ArGPS::getLatitude),
	    "Longitude", 15,
	    new ArConstRetFunctorC<double, ArGPS>(gps, &ArGPS::getLongitude),
	    "Altitude", 8,
	    new ArConstRetFunctorC<double, ArGPS>(gps, &ArGPS::getAltitude),

  // only some GPS receivers provide these, but you can uncomment them
  // here to enable them if yours does.
  const char *errfmt = "%2.4f m";
	    "GPS Lat. Err.", 6,
	    new ArConstRetFunctorC<double, ArGPS>(gps, &ArGPS::getLatitudeError),
	    "GPS Lon. Err.", 6,
	    new ArConstRetFunctorC<double, ArGPS>(gps, &ArGPS::getLongitudeError),
	    "GPS Alt. Err.", 6,
	    new ArConstRetFunctorC<double, ArGPS>(gps, &ArGPS::getAltitudeError),

    "MOGS Localization Score", 8,
    new ArRetFunctorC<double, ArGPSLocalizationTask>(
      &gpsLocTask, &ArGPSLocalizationTask::getLocalizationScore),


  // Display gyro status if gyro is enabled and is being handled by the firmware (gyro types 2, 3, or 4).
  // (If the firmware detects an error communicating with the gyro or IMU it
  // returns a flag, and stops using it.)
  // (This gyro type parameter, and fault flag, are only in ARCOS, not Seekur firmware)
  if(robot.getOrigRobotConfig() && robot.getOrigRobotConfig()->getGyroType() > 1)
          "Gyro/IMU Status", 10,
          new ArGlobalRetFunctor1<const char*, ArRobot*>(&getGyroStatusString, &robot)

  // Display system CPU and wireless network status
  ArSystemStatus::startPeriodicUpdate(1000); // update every 1 second
  Aria::getInfoGroup()->addStringDouble("CPU Use", 10, ArSystemStatus::getCPUPercentFunctor(), "% 4.0f%%");
  Aria::getInfoGroup()->addStringInt("Wireless Link Quality", 9, ArSystemStatus::getWirelessLinkQualityFunctor(), "%d");
  Aria::getInfoGroup()->addStringInt("Wireless Link Noise", 9, ArSystemStatus::getWirelessLinkNoiseFunctor(), "%d");
  Aria::getInfoGroup()->addStringInt("Wireless Signal", 9, ArSystemStatus::getWirelessLinkSignalFunctor(), "%d");

  // stats on how far its driven since software started
  Aria::getInfoGroup()->addStringDouble("Distance Travelled (m)", 20, new ArRetFunctorC<double, ArRobot>(&robot, &ArRobot::getOdometerDistanceMeters), "%.2f");
  Aria::getInfoGroup()->addStringDouble("Run time (min)", 20, new
ArRetFunctorC<double, ArRobot>(&robot, &ArRobot::getOdometerTimeMinutes),

  // Add some "custom commands" for setting up initial GPS offset and heading.
  // Add some commands for manually creating map objects based on GPS positions:
//  ArGPSMapTools gpsMapTools(gps, &robot, &commands, &map);

  // Add command to set simulated GPS position manually
  if(gpsConnector.getGPSType() == ArGPSConnector::Simulator)
    ArSimulatedGPS *simGPS = dynamic_cast<ArSimulatedGPS*>(gps);
//    simGPS->setDummyPosition(42.80709, -71.579047, 100);
      "Manually set a new dummy position for simulated GPS. Provide latitude (required), longitude (required) and altitude (optional)", 
      new ArFunctor1C<ArSimulatedGPS, ArArgumentBuilder*>(simGPS, &ArSimulatedGPS::setDummyPositionFromArgs)

  // Make Stop mode the default (If current mode deactivates without entering
  // a new mode, then Stop Mode will be selected)
    // TODO move up near where stop mode is created?


  /* Services that allow the client to initiate scanning with the laser to
     create maps in Mapper3 (So not possible with SONARNL): */

  ArServerHandlerMapping handlerMapping(&server, &robot, firstLaser, 
					fileDir, "", true);

  // make laser localization stop while mapping
	  new ArFunctor1C<ArLocalizationTask, bool>
	  (&locTask, &ArLocalizationTask::setIdleFlag, true));

  // and then make it start again when we're doine
	  new ArFunctor1C<ArLocalizationTask, bool>
	  (&locTask, &ArLocalizationTask::setIdleFlag, false));

  // Save GPS positions in the .2d scan log when making a map

  // add the starting latitude and longitude info to the .2d scan log
	  new ArFunctor1C<ArGPSLocalizationTask, ArServerHandlerMapping *>
	  (&gpsLocTask, &ArGPSLocalizationTask::addScanInfo, 

  // Make it so our "lost" actions don't stop us while mapping

  // And then let them make us stop as usual when done mapping

#endif // ARNL_MAPPING

  // If we are on a simulator, move the robot back to its starting position,
  // and reset its odometry.
  // This will allow localizeRobotAtHomeBlocking() below will (probably) work (it
  // tries current odometry (which will be 0,0,0) and all the map
  // home points.
  // (Ignored by a real robot)

  // create a pose storage class, this will let the program keep track
  // of where the robot is between runs...  after we try and restore
  // from this file it will start saving the robot's pose into the
  // file
  ArPoseStorage poseStorage(&robot);
  /// if we could restore the pose from then set the sim there (this
  /// won't do anything to the real robot)... if we couldn't restore
  /// the pose then just reset the position of the robot (which again
  /// won't do anything to the real robot)
  if (poseStorage.restorePose("robotPose"))
 //   robot.com(ArCommands::SIM_RESET);

  /* File transfer services: */
#pragma GPP off
#ifdef WIN32
  // Not implemented for Windows yet.
  ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Note, file upload/download services are not implemented for Windows; not enabling them.");
  // This block will allow you to set up where you get and put files
  // to/from, just comment them out if you don't want this to happen
  // /*
  ArServerFileLister fileLister(&server, fileDir);
  ArServerFileToClient fileToClient(&server, fileDir);
  ArServerFileFromClient fileFromClient(&server, fileDir, "/tmp");
  ArServerDeleteFileOnServer deleteFileOnServer(&server, fileDir);
  // */
#pragma GPP on

    /* Video image streaming, and camera controls (Requires SAVserver or ACTS) */

  // Forward one video stream if either ACTS, ArVideo videoSubServer, 
  // or SAV server are running.
  // ArHybridForwarderVideo allows this program to be separate from the ArVideo
  // library. You could replace videoForwarder and the PTZ connection code below
  // with a call to ArVideo::createVideoServers(), and link the program to the
  // ArVideo library if you want to include video capture in the same program
  // as robot control.
  ArHybridForwarderVideo videoForwarder(&server, "localhost", 7070);
  // connect to first configured camera PTZ controls (in robot parameter file and
  // command line options)
  ArCameraCollection cameraCollection;
  ArPTZ *ptz = ptzConnector.getPTZ(0);
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Connected to PTZ Camera");
    cameraCollection.addCamera("Camera1", ptz->getTypeName(), "Camera", ptz->getTypeName());


    new ArServerHandlerCamera("Camera1", 


  // Allows client to find any camera servers created above
  ArServerHandlerCameraCollection cameraCollectionServer(&server, &cameraCollection);

    /* Load configuration values, map, and begin! */

  // When parsing the configuration file, also look at the program's command line options 
  // from the command-line argument parser as well as the configuration file.
  // (So you can use any argument on the command line, namely -map.) 

  // Read in parameter files.
  ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Loading config file %s%s into ArConfig...", Aria::getDirectory(), Arnl::getTypicalParamFileName());
  if (!Aria::getConfig()->parseFile(Arnl::getTypicalParamFileName()))
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Could not load ARNL configuration file. Set ARNL environment variable to use non-default installation director.y");

  // Warn about unknown params.
  if (!simpleOpener.checkAndLog() || !parser.checkHelpAndWarnUnparsed())

  // Warn if there is no map
  if (map.getFileName() == NULL || strlen(map.getFileName()) <= 0)
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "");
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "### No map file is set up, you can make a map with the following procedure");
#ifdef ARNL
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "   0) You can find this information in README.txt or docs/Mapping.txt");
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "   1) Connect to this server with MobileEyes");
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "   2) Go to Tools->Map Creation->Start Scan");
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "   3) Give the map a name and hit okay");
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "   4) Drive the robot around your space (see docs/Mapping.txt");
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "   5) Go to Tools->Map Creation->Stop Scan");
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "   6) Start up Mapper3");
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "   7) Go to File->Open on Robot");
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "   8) Select the .2d you created");
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "   9) Create a .map");
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "  10) Go to File->Save on Robot");
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "  11) In MobileEyes, go to Tools->Robot Config");
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "  12) Choose the Files section");
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "  13) Enter the path and name of your new .map file for the value of the Map parameter.");
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "  14) Press OK and your new map should become the map used");
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "");    
#elif defined(SONARNL)
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "   0) You can find this information in README.txt or docs/SonarMapping.txt");
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "   1) Start up Mapper3Basic");
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "   2) Go to File->New");
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "   3) Draw a line map of your area (make sure it is to scale)");
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "   4) Go to File->Save on Robot");
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "   5) In MobileEyes, go to Tools->Robot Config");
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "   6) Choose the Files section");
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "   7) Enter the path and name of your new .map file for the value of the Map parameter.");
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "   8) Press OK and your new map should become the map used");
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "");    
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "\n   See docs/GPSMapping.txt for instructions on creating a map for GPS localization");

  // Print a log message notifying user of the directory for map files
  ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "");
	     "Directory for maps and file serving: %s", fileDir);
  ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "See the ARNL README.txt for more information");
  ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "");

  // Do an initial localization of the robot. ARNL and SONARNL try all the home points
  // in the map, as well as the robot's current odometric position, as possible
  // places the robot is likely to be at startup.   If successful, it will
  // also save the position it found to be the best localized position as the
  // "Home" position, which can be obtained from the localization task (and is
  // used by the "Go to home" network request).
  // MOGS instead just initializes at the current GPS position.
  // (You will stil have to drive the robot so it can determine the robot's
  // heading, however. See GPS Mapping instructions.)
  // Let the client switch manager (for multirobot) spin off into its own thread
  // TODO move to multirobot example?

  // Start the networking server's thread

  ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Server running. To exit, press CTRL-C.");

  // Enable the motors and wait until the robot exits (disconnection, etc.) or this program is
  // canceled.