Example #1
static std::vector<std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t>>
findX86PltEntries(uint64_t PltSectionVA, ArrayRef<uint8_t> PltContents,
                  uint64_t GotPltSectionVA) {
  // Do a lightweight parsing of PLT entries.
  std::vector<std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t>> Result;
  for (uint64_t Byte = 0, End = PltContents.size(); Byte + 6 < End; ) {
    // Recognize a jmp.
    if (PltContents[Byte] == 0xff && PltContents[Byte + 1] == 0xa3) {
      // The jmp instruction at the beginning of each PLT entry jumps to the
      // address of the base of the .got.plt section plus the immediate.
      uint32_t Imm = support::endian::read32le(PltContents.data() + Byte + 2);
          std::make_pair(PltSectionVA + Byte, GotPltSectionVA + Imm));
      Byte += 6;
    } else if (PltContents[Byte] == 0xff && PltContents[Byte + 1] == 0x25) {
      // The jmp instruction at the beginning of each PLT entry jumps to the
      // immediate.
      uint32_t Imm = support::endian::read32le(PltContents.data() + Byte + 2);
      Result.push_back(std::make_pair(PltSectionVA + Byte, Imm));
      Byte += 6;
    } else
  return Result;
Example #2
// Parses a given list of options.
opt::InputArgList ELFOptTable::parse(ArrayRef<const char *> Argv) {
  // Make InputArgList from string vectors.
  unsigned MissingIndex;
  unsigned MissingCount;
  SmallVector<const char *, 256> Vec(Argv.data(), Argv.data() + Argv.size());

  // We need to get the quoting style for response files before parsing all
  // options so we parse here before and ignore all the options but
  // --rsp-quoting.
  opt::InputArgList Args = this->ParseArgs(Vec, MissingIndex, MissingCount);

  // Expand response files (arguments in the form of @<filename>)
  // and then parse the argument again.
  cl::ExpandResponseFiles(Saver, getQuotingStyle(Args), Vec);
  Args = this->ParseArgs(Vec, MissingIndex, MissingCount);

  // Interpret -color-diagnostics early so that error messages
  // for unknown flags are colored.
  Config->ColorDiagnostics = getColorDiagnostics(Args);
  if (MissingCount)
    error(Twine(Args.getArgString(MissingIndex)) + ": missing argument");

  for (auto *Arg : Args.filtered(OPT_UNKNOWN))
    error("unknown argument: " + Arg->getSpelling());
  return Args;
Example #3
bool SymbolTable::AtomMappingInfo::isEqual(const DefinedAtom * const l,
                                           const DefinedAtom * const r) {
  if (l == r)
    return true;
  if (l == getEmptyKey())
    return false;
  if (r == getEmptyKey())
    return false;
  if (l == getTombstoneKey())
    return false;
  if (r == getTombstoneKey())
    return false;
  if (l->contentType() != r->contentType())
    return false;
  if (l->size() != r->size())
    return false;
  if (l->sectionChoice() != r->sectionChoice())
    return false;
  if (l->sectionChoice() == DefinedAtom::sectionCustomRequired) {
    if (!l->customSectionName().equals(r->customSectionName()))
      return false;
  ArrayRef<uint8_t> lc = l->rawContent();
  ArrayRef<uint8_t> rc = r->rawContent();
  return memcmp(lc.data(), rc.data(), lc.size()) == 0;
Example #4
ErrorOr<const typename MipsELFFile<ELFT>::Elf_Mips_RegInfo *>
MipsELFFile<ELFT>::findRegInfoSec() const {
  using namespace llvm::ELF;
  if (const Elf_Shdr *sec = findSectionByType(SHT_MIPS_OPTIONS)) {
    auto contents = this->getSectionContents(sec);
    if (std::error_code ec = contents.getError())
      return ec;

    ArrayRef<uint8_t> raw = contents.get();
    while (!raw.empty()) {
      if (raw.size() < sizeof(Elf_Mips_Options))
        return make_dynamic_error_code(
            StringRef("Invalid size of MIPS_OPTIONS section"));

      const auto *opt = reinterpret_cast<const Elf_Mips_Options *>(raw.data());
      if (opt->kind == ODK_REGINFO)
        return &opt->getRegInfo();
      raw = raw.slice(opt->size);
  } else if (const Elf_Shdr *sec = findSectionByType(SHT_MIPS_REGINFO)) {
    auto contents = this->getSectionContents(sec);
    if (std::error_code ec = contents.getError())
      return ec;

    ArrayRef<uint8_t> raw = contents.get();
    if (raw.size() != sizeof(Elf_Mips_RegInfo))
      return make_dynamic_error_code(
          StringRef("Invalid size of MIPS_REGINFO section"));

    return reinterpret_cast<const Elf_Mips_RegInfo *>(raw.data());
  return nullptr;
Example #5
Error MappedBlockStream::readLongestContiguousChunk(
    uint32_t Offset, ArrayRef<uint8_t> &Buffer) const {
  // Make sure we aren't trying to read beyond the end of the stream.
  if (Offset >= StreamLayout.Length)
    return make_error<MSFError>(msf_error_code::insufficient_buffer);
  uint32_t First = Offset / BlockSize;
  uint32_t Last = First;

  while (Last < NumBlocks - 1) {
    if (StreamLayout.Blocks[Last] != StreamLayout.Blocks[Last + 1] - 1)

  uint32_t OffsetInFirstBlock = Offset % BlockSize;
  uint32_t BytesFromFirstBlock = BlockSize - OffsetInFirstBlock;
  uint32_t BlockSpan = Last - First + 1;
  uint32_t ByteSpan = BytesFromFirstBlock + (BlockSpan - 1) * BlockSize;

  ArrayRef<uint8_t> BlockData;
  uint32_t MsfOffset = blockToOffset(StreamLayout.Blocks[First], BlockSize);
  if (auto EC = MsfData.readBytes(MsfOffset, BlockSize, BlockData))
    return EC;

  BlockData = BlockData.drop_front(OffsetInFirstBlock);
  Buffer = ArrayRef<uint8_t>(BlockData.data(), ByteSpan);
  return Error::success();
Example #6
MachOObjectFile::getSectionName(DataRefImpl Sec,
                                    StringRef &Result) const {
  ArrayRef<char> Raw = getSectionRawName(Sec);
  Result = parseSegmentOrSectionName(Raw.data());
  return object_error::success;
Example #7
/// Compute the address map. The address map is an array of symbol offsets
/// sorted so that it can be binary searched by address.
static std::vector<ulittle32_t> computeAddrMap(ArrayRef<CVSymbol> Records) {
  // Make a vector of pointers to the symbols so we can sort it by address.
  // Also gather the symbol offsets while we're at it.

  std::vector<PublicSym32> DeserializedPublics;
  std::vector<std::pair<const CVSymbol *, const PublicSym32 *>> PublicsByAddr;
  std::vector<uint32_t> SymOffsets;

  uint32_t SymOffset = 0;
  for (const CVSymbol &Sym : Records) {
    assert(Sym.kind() == SymbolKind::S_PUB32);
    PublicsByAddr.emplace_back(&Sym, &DeserializedPublics.back());
    SymOffset += Sym.length();
  llvm::stable_sort(PublicsByAddr, comparePubSymByAddrAndName);

  // Fill in the symbol offsets in the appropriate order.
  std::vector<ulittle32_t> AddrMap;
  for (auto &Sym : PublicsByAddr) {
    ptrdiff_t Idx = std::distance(Records.data(), Sym.first);
    assert(Idx >= 0 && size_t(Idx) < Records.size());
  return AddrMap;
Example #8
static void writeCieFde(uint8_t *Buf, ArrayRef<uint8_t> D) {
  memcpy(Buf, D.data(), D.size());

  // Fix the size field. -4 since size does not include the size field itself.
  const endianness E = ELFT::TargetEndianness;
  write32<E>(Buf, alignTo(D.size(), sizeof(typename ELFT::uint)) - 4);
Example #9
void Dumper::printData(const Context &Ctx) {
  for (const auto &Section : Ctx.COFF.sections()) {
    StringRef Name;

    if (Name != ".pdata" && !Name.startswith(".pdata$"))

    const coff_section *PData = Ctx.COFF.getCOFFSection(Section);
    ArrayRef<uint8_t> Contents;
    error(Ctx.COFF.getSectionContents(PData, Contents));
    if (Contents.empty())

    const RuntimeFunction *Entries =
      reinterpret_cast<const RuntimeFunction *>(Contents.data());
    const size_t Count = Contents.size() / sizeof(RuntimeFunction);
    ArrayRef<RuntimeFunction> RuntimeFunctions(Entries, Count);

    size_t Index = 0;
    for (const auto &RF : RuntimeFunctions) {
      printRuntimeFunction(Ctx, Ctx.COFF.getCOFFSection(Section),
                           Index * sizeof(RuntimeFunction), RF);
Example #10
	//	伸長
	std::vector<byte> uncompress(ArrayRef<byte> src, size_t uncompSize) {
		//	データを格納するバッファの確保
		std::vector<byte> data;

		//	初期化
		z_stream zs		= {};
		zs.next_in		= const_cast<byte*>(src.data());	//	データは書き換えられない
		zs.avail_in		= static_cast<uInt>(src.size());
		zs.next_out		= &data[0];
		zs.avail_out	= data.size();

		if(inflateInit2(&zs, -MAX_WBITS))
			BELL_THROW(DeflateError, "Failed to initialize uncompress stream.");

		//	伸長
		int res = inflate(&zs, Z_FINISH);

		if(res != Z_STREAM_END)
			BELL_THROW(DeflateError, "Failed to uncompress.");

		return data;
Example #11
	//	圧縮
	std::vector<byte> compress(ArrayRef<byte> src, int level) {
		//	レベルを[1, 9]にクリップ
		level = clamp(level, 1, 9);

		//	データを格納するバッファの確保
		std::vector<byte> data;

		//	初期化
		z_stream zs		= {};
		zs.next_in		= const_cast<byte*>(src.data());	//	データは書き換えられない
		zs.avail_in		= static_cast<uInt>(src.size());
		zs.next_out		= &data[0];
		zs.avail_out	= data.size();

		if(deflateInit2(&zs, level, Z_DEFLATED, -MAX_WBITS, 8, Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY))
			BELL_THROW(DeflateError, "Failed to initialize compress stream.");

		//	圧縮
		int res = ::deflate(&zs, Z_FINISH);


		//	片付け
		if(res != Z_STREAM_END)
			BELL_THROW(DeflateError, "Failed to compress.");

		return data;
Example #12
static std::error_code getSymbolAuxData(const COFFObjectFile *Obj,
                                        const coff_symbol *Symbol,
                                        const T *&Aux) {
  ArrayRef<uint8_t> AuxData = Obj->getSymbolAuxData(Symbol);
  Aux = reinterpret_cast<const T*>(AuxData.data());
  return readobj_error::success;
Example #13
void MappedBlockStream::fixCacheAfterWrite(uint32_t Offset,
                                           ArrayRef<uint8_t> Data) const {
  // If this write overlapped a read which previously came from the pool,
  // someone may still be holding a pointer to that alloc which is now invalid.
  // Compute the overlapping range and update the cache entry, so any
  // outstanding buffers are automatically updated.
  for (const auto &MapEntry : CacheMap) {
    // If the end of the written extent precedes the beginning of the cached
    // extent, ignore this map entry.
    if (Offset + Data.size() < MapEntry.first)
    for (const auto &Alloc : MapEntry.second) {
      // If the end of the cached extent precedes the beginning of the written
      // extent, ignore this alloc.
      if (MapEntry.first + Alloc.size() < Offset)

      // If we get here, they are guaranteed to overlap.
      Interval WriteInterval = std::make_pair(Offset, Offset + Data.size());
      Interval CachedInterval =
          std::make_pair(MapEntry.first, MapEntry.first + Alloc.size());
      // If they overlap, we need to write the new data into the overlapping
      // range.
      auto Intersection = intersect(WriteInterval, CachedInterval);
      assert(Intersection.first <= Intersection.second);

      uint32_t Length = Intersection.second - Intersection.first;
      uint32_t SrcOffset =
          AbsoluteDifference(WriteInterval.first, Intersection.first);
      uint32_t DestOffset =
          AbsoluteDifference(CachedInterval.first, Intersection.first);
      ::memcpy(Alloc.data() + DestOffset, Data.data() + SrcOffset, Length);
Example #14
Error MappedBlockStream::readBytes(uint32_t Offset,
                                   MutableArrayRef<uint8_t> Buffer) const {
  uint32_t BlockNum = Offset / BlockSize;
  uint32_t OffsetInBlock = Offset % BlockSize;

  // Make sure we aren't trying to read beyond the end of the stream.
  if (Buffer.size() > StreamLayout.Length)
    return make_error<MSFError>(msf_error_code::insufficient_buffer);
  if (Offset > StreamLayout.Length - Buffer.size())
    return make_error<MSFError>(msf_error_code::insufficient_buffer);

  uint32_t BytesLeft = Buffer.size();
  uint32_t BytesWritten = 0;
  uint8_t *WriteBuffer = Buffer.data();
  while (BytesLeft > 0) {
    uint32_t StreamBlockAddr = StreamLayout.Blocks[BlockNum];

    ArrayRef<uint8_t> BlockData;
    uint32_t Offset = blockToOffset(StreamBlockAddr, BlockSize);
    if (auto EC = MsfData.readBytes(Offset, BlockSize, BlockData))
      return EC;

    const uint8_t *ChunkStart = BlockData.data() + OffsetInBlock;
    uint32_t BytesInChunk = std::min(BytesLeft, BlockSize - OffsetInBlock);
    ::memcpy(WriteBuffer + BytesWritten, ChunkStart, BytesInChunk);

    BytesWritten += BytesInChunk;
    BytesLeft -= BytesInChunk;
    OffsetInBlock = 0;

  return Error::success();
Example #15
// Given the COFF object file, this function returns the relocations for .pdata
// and the pointer to "runtime function" structs.
static bool getPDataSection(const COFFObjectFile *Obj,
                            std::vector<RelocationRef> &Rels,
                            const RuntimeFunction *&RFStart, int &NumRFs) {
  for (const SectionRef &Section : Obj->sections()) {
    StringRef Name;
    if (Name != ".pdata")

    const coff_section *Pdata = Obj->getCOFFSection(Section);
    for (const RelocationRef &Reloc : Section.relocations())

    // Sort relocations by address.
    std::sort(Rels.begin(), Rels.end(), RelocAddressLess);

    ArrayRef<uint8_t> Contents;
    error(Obj->getSectionContents(Pdata, Contents));
    if (Contents.empty())

    RFStart = reinterpret_cast<const RuntimeFunction *>(Contents.data());
    NumRFs = Contents.size() / sizeof(RuntimeFunction);
    return true;
  return false;
Example #16
void ObjectFile::initializeChunks() {
  uint32_t NumSections = COFFObj->getNumberOfSections();
  SparseChunks.resize(NumSections + 1);
  for (uint32_t I = 1; I < NumSections + 1; ++I) {
    const coff_section *Sec;
    StringRef Name;
    std::error_code EC = COFFObj->getSection(I, Sec);
    error(EC, Twine("getSection failed: ") + Name);
    EC = COFFObj->getSectionName(Sec, Name);
    error(EC, Twine("getSectionName failed: ") + Name);
    if (Name == ".sxdata") {
      SXData = Sec;
    if (Name == ".drectve") {
      ArrayRef<uint8_t> Data;
      COFFObj->getSectionContents(Sec, Data);
      Directives = std::string((const char *)Data.data(), Data.size());
    // Skip non-DWARF debug info. MSVC linker converts the sections into
    // a PDB file, but we don't support that.
    if (Name == ".debug" || Name.startswith(".debug$"))
    // We want to preserve DWARF debug sections only when /debug is on.
    if (!Config->Debug && Name.startswith(".debug"))
    if (Sec->Characteristics & llvm::COFF::IMAGE_SCN_LNK_REMOVE)
    auto *C = new (Alloc) SectionChunk(this, Sec);
    SparseChunks[I] = C;
Example #17
void printSymbolVersionDefinition(const typename ELFT::Shdr &Shdr,
                                  ArrayRef<uint8_t> Contents,
                                  StringRef StrTab) {
  outs() << "Version definitions:\n";

  const uint8_t *Buf = Contents.data();
  uint32_t VerdefIndex = 1;
  // sh_info contains the number of entries in the SHT_GNU_verdef section. To
  // make the index column have consistent width, we should insert blank spaces
  // according to sh_info.
  uint16_t VerdefIndexWidth = std::to_string(Shdr.sh_info).size();
  while (Buf) {
    auto *Verdef = reinterpret_cast<const typename ELFT::Verdef *>(Buf);
    outs() << format_decimal(VerdefIndex++, VerdefIndexWidth) << " "
           << format("0x%02" PRIx16 " ", (uint16_t)Verdef->vd_flags)
           << format("0x%08" PRIx32 " ", (uint32_t)Verdef->vd_hash);

    const uint8_t *BufAux = Buf + Verdef->vd_aux;
    uint16_t VerdauxIndex = 0;
    while (BufAux) {
      auto *Verdaux = reinterpret_cast<const typename ELFT::Verdaux *>(BufAux);
      if (VerdauxIndex)
        outs() << std::string(VerdefIndexWidth + 17, ' ');
      outs() << StringRef(StrTab.drop_front(Verdaux->vda_name).data()) << '\n';
      BufAux = Verdaux->vda_next ? BufAux + Verdaux->vda_next : nullptr;
    Buf = Verdef->vd_next ? Buf + Verdef->vd_next : nullptr;
Example #18
static void handleMethodOverloadList(ArrayRef<uint8_t> Content,
                                     SmallVectorImpl<TiReference> &Refs) {
  uint32_t Offset = 0;

  while (!Content.empty()) {
    // Array of:
    //   0: Attrs
    //   2: Padding
    //   4: TypeIndex
    //   if (isIntroVirtual())
    //     8: VFTableOffset

    // At least 8 bytes are guaranteed.  4 extra bytes come iff function is an
    // intro virtual.
    uint32_t Len = 8;

    uint16_t Attrs = support::endian::read16le(Content.data());
    Refs.push_back({TiRefKind::TypeRef, Offset + 4, 1});

    if (LLVM_UNLIKELY(isIntroVirtual(Attrs)))
      Len += 4;
    Offset += Len;
    Content = Content.drop_front(Len);
Example #19
Error MappedBlockStream::readLongestContiguousChunk(
    uint32_t Offset, ArrayRef<uint8_t> &Buffer) const {
  // Make sure we aren't trying to read beyond the end of the stream.
  if (Offset >= Data->getLength())
    return make_error<RawError>(raw_error_code::insufficient_buffer);
  uint32_t First = Offset / Pdb.getBlockSize();
  uint32_t Last = First;

  auto BlockList = Data->getStreamBlocks();
  while (Last < Pdb.getBlockCount() - 1) {
    if (BlockList[Last] != BlockList[Last + 1] - 1)

  uint32_t OffsetInFirstBlock = Offset % Pdb.getBlockSize();
  uint32_t BytesFromFirstBlock = Pdb.getBlockSize() - OffsetInFirstBlock;
  uint32_t BlockSpan = Last - First + 1;
  uint32_t ByteSpan =
      BytesFromFirstBlock + (BlockSpan - 1) * Pdb.getBlockSize();
  Buffer = Pdb.getBlockData(BlockList[First], Pdb.getBlockSize());
  Buffer = Buffer.drop_front(OffsetInFirstBlock);
  Buffer = ArrayRef<uint8_t>(Buffer.data(), ByteSpan);
  return Error::success();
DelayedDiagnostic::makeAvailability(AvailabilityResult AR,
                                    ArrayRef<SourceLocation> Locs,
                                    const NamedDecl *ReferringDecl,
                                    const NamedDecl *OffendingDecl,
                                    const ObjCInterfaceDecl *UnknownObjCClass,
                                    const ObjCPropertyDecl  *ObjCProperty,
                                    StringRef Msg,
                                    bool ObjCPropertyAccess) {
  DelayedDiagnostic DD;
  DD.Kind = Availability;
  DD.Triggered = false;
  DD.Loc = Locs.front();
  DD.AvailabilityData.ReferringDecl = ReferringDecl;
  DD.AvailabilityData.OffendingDecl = OffendingDecl;
  DD.AvailabilityData.UnknownObjCClass = UnknownObjCClass;
  DD.AvailabilityData.ObjCProperty = ObjCProperty;
  char *MessageData = nullptr;
  if (!Msg.empty()) {
    MessageData = new char [Msg.size()];
    memcpy(MessageData, Msg.data(), Msg.size());
  DD.AvailabilityData.Message = MessageData;
  DD.AvailabilityData.MessageLen = Msg.size();

  DD.AvailabilityData.SelectorLocs = new SourceLocation[Locs.size()];
  memcpy(DD.AvailabilityData.SelectorLocs, Locs.data(),
         sizeof(SourceLocation) * Locs.size());
  DD.AvailabilityData.NumSelectorLocs = Locs.size();

  DD.AvailabilityData.AR = AR;
  DD.AvailabilityData.ObjCPropertyAccess = ObjCPropertyAccess;
  return DD;
Example #21
void llvm::codeview::discoverTypeIndices(ArrayRef<uint8_t> RecordData,
                                         SmallVectorImpl<TiReference> &Refs) {
  const RecordPrefix *P =
      reinterpret_cast<const RecordPrefix *>(RecordData.data());
  TypeLeafKind K = static_cast<TypeLeafKind>(uint16_t(P->RecordKind));
  ::discoverTypeIndices(RecordData.drop_front(sizeof(RecordPrefix)), K, Refs);
Example #22
// When directly dumping the .debug_loc without a compile unit, we have to guess
// at the DWARF version. This only affects DW_OP_call_ref, which is a rare
// expression that LLVM doesn't produce. Guessing the wrong version means we
// won't be able to pretty print expressions in DWARF2 binaries produced by
// non-LLVM tools.
static void dumpExpression(raw_ostream &OS, ArrayRef<char> Data,
                           bool IsLittleEndian, unsigned AddressSize,
                           const MCRegisterInfo *MRI) {
  DWARFDataExtractor Extractor(StringRef(Data.data(), Data.size()),
                               IsLittleEndian, AddressSize);
  DWARFExpression(Extractor, AddressSize, dwarf::DWARF_VERSION).print(OS, MRI);
static void writeWithCommas(raw_ostream &S, ArrayRef<char> Buffer) {

  ArrayRef<char> ThisGroup;
  int InitialDigits = ((Buffer.size() - 1) % 3) + 1;
  ThisGroup = Buffer.take_front(InitialDigits);
  S.write(ThisGroup.data(), ThisGroup.size());

  Buffer = Buffer.drop_front(InitialDigits);
  assert(Buffer.size() % 3 == 0);
  while (!Buffer.empty()) {
    S << ',';
    ThisGroup = Buffer.take_front(3);
    S.write(ThisGroup.data(), 3);
    Buffer = Buffer.drop_front(3);
Example #24
static std::error_code getSymbolAuxData(const COFFObjectFile *Obj,
                                        COFFSymbolRef Symbol,
                                        uint8_t AuxSymbolIdx, const T *&Aux) {
  ArrayRef<uint8_t> AuxData = Obj->getSymbolAuxData(Symbol);
  AuxData = AuxData.slice(AuxSymbolIdx * Obj->getSymbolTableEntrySize());
  Aux = reinterpret_cast<const T*>(AuxData.data());
  return readobj_error::success;
Example #25
BraceStmt::BraceStmt(SourceLoc lbloc, ArrayRef<ASTNode> elts,
                     SourceLoc rbloc, Optional<bool> implicit)
  : Stmt(StmtKind::Brace, getDefaultImplicitFlag(implicit, lbloc)),
    NumElements(elts.size()), LBLoc(lbloc), RBLoc(rbloc)
  memcpy(getElementsStorage(), elts.data(),
         elts.size() * sizeof(ASTNode));
Example #26
std::error_code COFFObjectFile::getSectionContents(DataRefImpl Ref,
                                                   StringRef &Result) const {
  const coff_section *Sec = toSec(Ref);
  ArrayRef<uint8_t> Res;
  std::error_code EC = getSectionContents(Sec, Res);
  Result = StringRef(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(Res.data()), Res.size());
  return EC;
Example #27
void ARMAttributeParser::Parse(ArrayRef<uint8_t> Section) {
  size_t Offset = 1;
  unsigned SectionNumber = 0;

  while (Offset < Section.size()) {
    uint32_t SectionLength =
      *reinterpret_cast<const support::ulittle32_t*>(Section.data() + Offset);

    SW.startLine() << "Section " << ++SectionNumber << " {\n";

    ParseSubsection(Section.data() + Offset, SectionLength);
    Offset = Offset + SectionLength;

    SW.startLine() << "}\n";
Example #28
File: PDB.cpp Project: Leedehai/lld
static ArrayRef<uint8_t> consumeDebugMagic(ArrayRef<uint8_t> Data,
                                           StringRef SecName) {
  // First 4 bytes are section magic.
  if (Data.size() < 4)
    fatal(SecName + " too short");
  if (support::endian::read32le(Data.data()) != COFF::DEBUG_SECTION_MAGIC)
    fatal(SecName + " has an invalid magic");
  return Data.slice(4);
Example #29
void APValue::MakeMemberPointer(const ValueDecl *Member, bool IsDerivedMember,
                                ArrayRef<const CXXRecordDecl*> Path) {
  assert(isUninit() && "Bad state change");
  MemberPointerData *MPD = new ((void*)(char*)Data.buffer) MemberPointerData;
  Kind = MemberPointer;
  memcpy(MPD->getPath(), Path.data(), Path.size()*sizeof(const CXXRecordDecl*));
Example #30
static Error writeBytes(uint32_t Offset, ArrayRef<uint8_t> Src,
                        MutableArrayRef<uint8_t> Dest) {
  if (Dest.size() < Src.size())
    return make_error<CodeViewError>(cv_error_code::insufficient_buffer);
  if (Offset > Src.size() - Dest.size())
    return make_error<CodeViewError>(cv_error_code::insufficient_buffer);

  ::memcpy(Dest.data() + Offset, Src.data(), Src.size());
  return Error::success();