Example #1
 * Creates a list of lists L1, L2, ... LN where
 *   LX = mesh faces with vertex v that come from the same original face
 *        and without any of the vertices that appear before v in vertices
 * @param facesByOriginalFace list of faces lists
 * @param vertices vector with vertices indexs that contains v
 * @param v vertex index
void BOP_Merge2::getFaces(BOP_LFaces &facesByOriginalFace, BOP_Indexs vertices, BOP_Index v)
	// Get edges with vertex v
	BOP_Indexs edgeIndexs = m_mesh->getVertex(v)->getEdges();
	const BOP_IT_Indexs edgeEnd = edgeIndexs.end();
	for(BOP_IT_Indexs edgeIndex = edgeIndexs.begin();edgeIndex != edgeEnd;edgeIndex++) {	
		// Foreach edge, add its no broken faces to the output list
		BOP_Edge* edge = m_mesh->getEdge(*edgeIndex);
		BOP_Indexs faceIndexs = edge->getFaces();
		const BOP_IT_Indexs faceEnd = faceIndexs.end();
		for(BOP_IT_Indexs faceIndex=faceIndexs.begin();faceIndex!=faceEnd;faceIndex++) {
			BOP_Face* face = m_mesh->getFace(*faceIndex);
			if (face->getTAG() != BROKEN) {
				// Search if the face contains any of the forbidden vertices
				bool found = false;
				for(BOP_IT_Indexs vertex = vertices.begin();*vertex!= v;vertex++) {
					if (face->containsVertex(*vertex)) {
						// face contains a forbidden vertex!
						found = true;
			if (!found) {
				// Search if we already have created a list with the 
				// faces that come from the same original face
			  const BOP_IT_LFaces lfEnd = facesByOriginalFace.end();
				for(BOP_IT_LFaces facesByOriginalFaceX=facesByOriginalFace.begin();
					facesByOriginalFaceX!=lfEnd; facesByOriginalFaceX++) {
					if (((*facesByOriginalFaceX)[0])->getOriginalFace() == face->getOriginalFace()) {
						// Search that the face has not been added to the list before
						for(unsigned int i = 0;i<(*facesByOriginalFaceX).size();i++) {
							if ((*facesByOriginalFaceX)[i] == face) {
								found = true;
						if (!found) {
						  // Add face to the list
						  if (face->getTAG()==OVERLAPPED) facesByOriginalFaceX->insert(facesByOriginalFaceX->begin(),face);
						  else facesByOriginalFaceX->push_back(face);
						  found = true;
				if (!found) {
					// Create a new list and add the current face
					BOP_Faces facesByOriginalFaceX;
Example #2
 * Triangulates faceB using edges of faceA that both are complanars.
 * @param mesh mesh that contains the faces, edges and vertices
 * @param facesB set of faces from object B
 * @param faceA face from object A
 * @param faceB face from object B
 * @param invert indicates if faceA has priority over faceB
void BOP_intersectCoplanarFaces(BOP_Mesh*  mesh,
								BOP_Faces* facesB, 
								BOP_Face*  faceA, 
								BOP_Face*  faceB, 
								bool       invert)
	unsigned int oldSize = facesB->size();
	unsigned int originalFaceB = faceB->getOriginalFace();    
	MT_Point3 p1 = mesh->getVertex(faceA->getVertex(0))->getPoint();
	MT_Point3 p2 = mesh->getVertex(faceA->getVertex(1))->getPoint();
	MT_Point3 p3 = mesh->getVertex(faceA->getVertex(2))->getPoint();
	MT_Vector3 normal(faceA->getPlane().x(),faceA->getPlane().y(),faceA->getPlane().z());
	MT_Vector3 p1p2 = p2-p1;
	MT_Plane3 plane1((p1p2.cross(normal).normalized()),p1);
	BOP_Segment sA;
	sA.m_cfg1 = BOP_Segment::createVertexCfg(1);
	sA.m_v1 = faceA->getVertex(0);
	sA.m_cfg2 = BOP_Segment::createVertexCfg(2);
	sA.m_v2 = faceA->getVertex(1);
	MT_Vector3 p2p3 = p3-p2;
	MT_Plane3 plane2((p2p3.cross(normal).normalized()),p2);
	sA.m_cfg1 = BOP_Segment::createVertexCfg(2);
	sA.m_v1 = faceA->getVertex(1);
	sA.m_cfg2 = BOP_Segment::createVertexCfg(3);
	sA.m_v2 = faceA->getVertex(2);
	if (faceB->getTAG() == BROKEN) {
		for(unsigned int idxFace = oldSize; idxFace < facesB->size(); idxFace++) {
			BOP_Face *face = (*facesB)[idxFace];
			if (face->getTAG() != BROKEN && originalFaceB == face->getOriginalFace())
	else {
	MT_Vector3 p3p1 = p1-p3;
	MT_Plane3 plane3((p3p1.cross(normal).safe_normalized()),p3);
	sA.m_cfg1 = BOP_Segment::createVertexCfg(3);
	sA.m_v1 = faceA->getVertex(2);
	sA.m_cfg2 = BOP_Segment::createVertexCfg(1);
	sA.m_v2 = faceA->getVertex(0);
	if (faceB->getTAG() == BROKEN) {
		for(unsigned int idxFace = oldSize; idxFace < facesB->size(); idxFace++) {
			BOP_Face *face = (*facesB)[idxFace];
			if (face->getTAG() != BROKEN && originalFaceB == face->getOriginalFace())
	else {